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Worlds Collide Edition

>2024 PHB Scan (Gencon copy, not DnDshorts)
>Cropped and rotated, but more artifacty

>2024 DMG

>2024 Official free rules
>2014 Official Free Rules

>2024 UA

>2014 Errata

>5etools (2024)
>5etools (2014)

The Trove Vault (seed, please!): mega(dot)nz/folder/uktzzTAI#KfV-EWdhd15FhHNn5HndHg


>Previous Thread: >>94792915

TQ: Has your table ever injected Sci-Fi elements into a game?
I'm just here for the gnomes.
Been envited to an eberron game. Dont really like 5e or eberron but gonna gove it a shot anyways. Dwarf battlemaster fighter it is.
I have a dumb question, how much jade dust do we think is 25gp? I want to have companies in my world use programmed illusion for both entertainment and advertising, which will make the price skyrocket, so I'm trying to figure out how much one cast will use.
Alternatively would it make more sense to have the amount used for a spell rise with inflation?
I would not worry about it, the 25gp cost of material components pales in comparison to the 20,000gp cost of a spellcasting service for a 6th level spell. If your world is so incredibly magical that 6th level spells are pedestrian enough to strain the jade market, then I am sure mining expeditions to the Plane of Jade are just as simple.
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I wish my players didn't lurk here so I could get feedback about my tech rules.

Can't go wrong with dwarf fighter
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What are some good ideas to fluff an Arcana Cleric that worships Mystra? There's the ambition of becoming Magistus, but which other directions could it take? How would his personality be to differentiate it from some regular ol' wizard?
Have an identity crisis.
>new campaign
>whole party went hard on the shared backgrounds and party goals
>my character, a cleric, died fairly early on
>right after we found out some prophecy set up involving me and other character
>DM advises me not to go too hard on the new character, because we'll do a quick quest to bring original character back
>ok cool
>make second character, simple paladin here for a job
>rest of the party has the shared curse and prophecy shit, but he was here just to help out
>4 months of the mission going off the rails later
>we've finally returned with my original character's soul and the other shit we need to resurrect her
>not sure if I want to even play old character now
Anyone else get too attached to their backup character, and had the opportunity to play the original again?
Well i figured that these specialized spellcasters would be sought out and hoarded by kingdoms/companies in a way that mirrored operation paperclip. It would be less of a 'pay the wizard' so much as it would be keep others from using them while you use them.
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Anons with the 2024 rule set how do I accomplish melee-focused druid? I don't really have too much interest in spells and just wanna turn into cool animals and beat people to death. Do I put a level into Barbarian or something for rage? Two into fighter for a single action surge?
>DM sets up one of the PCs to have a major plot reveal at the end.
>As a result, that character is never in danger.
Oh look, he's the main character and we're all side characters.
File deleted.
He is currently in an open world gladiatorial match (free to roam the world, the tournament is not limited to a place or ways to succeed)
to become the apprentice of the Magus Lord
who is said to gift the winner tournament
the gem of Phee,
which grants the one time ability to master the universe
for a split moment, overrulling whatever rules Alpha Omega (Ao) had created, like crossing your arms to destroy the current world and hastily reassemble the world again.

The top competitor in this tournament is the Space Muskrat accompanied by it's sidekick Elonzo.
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I made my Wizard boy a mute but he has touch-telepathy
Asked if it would affect my verbal casting but the DM tells me its okay
Very happy
Talk to them not us, tell them that its not fun to have that deal. Its fine to have a few sessions or a quest focused on a particular PC but their should still be a risk of their death or failure otherwise why play?
Forgot the opening theme.

Also ending theme
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>human (variant)
>background: folk hero (farmer)
>fighter (battle master)
How to make him interesting?
Give him an interesting motivation and don't make his personality out of cardboard. He could be a real man of the people and still be interesting. Lean into him as someone who is good with the commonfolk. Make him incredibly relatable, possibly even to a fault. What got him into heroics? How did he become a folk hero? Does he do it for the good of others or is there some flaw (or perhaps virtue taken to extremes) in his character that drives him to dangerous deeds?
The great thing about being "the every man" human male fighter is that you've carte blanche to do nearly anything with him. The only limit is your imagination. Too many players fall back on their character just being
>racial stereotype
>alignment-based drama
>class before character
Making an interesting human fighter is a litmus test for determining if you're capable of playing a real character at all. Simply asking yourself some questions about his basic motivations can spur creativity and get the ball rolling.
How can you get your party who say they love dungeons and combat to actually engage in combat? I had a guy playing a low hp mage tell me at the start how we weak he was and that he would hang back in combat, only to run in to rooms grabbing loot that was trapped and constantly be the first one to get attacked. On top of that, no one moves during combat. They just stand there and swing over and over.
We don't use maps at all, just that mind theatre, but I'm starting to consider busting out a grid map of rooms during fights to help people keep track of things, but I really don't know how to get my players involved more.
Do people really have 1x2 inch bases for their horses? I'm gonna download this as an STL because there are no good horse archer minis out there in DnD scale, everything I find that is 28mm is too small because DnD is actually more like 32mm scale given how stupid they are with size inflation over time. Don't believe me? Look at the original Mialee mini from 3.5 and how short she is. Or the Bugbear 3.5 mini. Anyway. How the hell do use a 1x2 base? Doesn't it get confusing with facing and placing it on a diagonal if it needs to be that way for some reason? Being facing-agnostic is one of the few things that makes DnD miniatures combat work. It doesn't work if the horses are constantly in a 1x2 with literal facing, it triggers my fucking autism to no end. I'm gonna put a nice 2x2 base on this boy in blender before I 3D print around 20 of them to be a mongol invasion force for my upcoming game.
>They just stand there and swing over and over
Give them fights where moving is a necessity. Place moving hazards. Have enemies hit and run. Give them an objective that is actively moving away from them so that they're forced to deal with enemies while on the move so that they don't lose their target.
By default, there is almost no incentive to moving around willy-nilly if you have ranged capabilities. If you're in melee range of an enemy, then you're going to stand there and whack them because there's no reason to proc an opportunity attack. If you have ranged weapons, then you find a comfy spot and fire from it until something forces you to move. There's little reason to move just for the sake of moving, so you need to give them reasons to be more dynamic.
If you want the players to be involved, then combats can't be static. So often do amateur DMs just throw a handful of enemies or a "boss" out and then act surprised when combat turns into a dice roll comparing gridlock.
Well, that's preferable to just dying like her avatars always do.
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how would you do this homebrew/ closest thing in game plain

I want to manke an inquisitor with thwo special abilities, one mundane, one magic/divine:
-Analysis, mundane: can spend some time/resources analyzing someone/thing to grant himself (and maybe allies) bonuses against it
-Branding, magic/divine: can put a magic brand or seal into something that essentially blesses it, but also grants the ability to see/spy through it. Maybe move it too slightly like mage hand.

together those two general abilities seem like they would get at that "information gathering", "meticulous" angle I was trying to get at.
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/5eg/, please tell me it's obvious what kind of creature this is
That's something I was having issues with too. I don't know if attacks of opportunity are a new thing, but it seems like their existence means no one SHOULD move during combat.
What's the ideal cleric to wizard ratio in a party that consists of only those two classes?
1 twilight cleric, 1 wizard with a peace cleric dip, and the rest just wizards of various armor dips
i think this reads like that one mastermind/inquisitive rogue, with the added bonus of the fighter discerning ability and whatever the fuck that brand is

dont know anon, sound like a straightforward tweak of the two subclasses, just dont overload it

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