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Marginalia Edition

Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Do you ever include civilians or non combatants in your games?

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Yep, I have. I had one game where a US Navy shore party had to rescue and escort a bunch of missionaries to safety before they could be captured by some Chinese bandits. The US player had to make some rolls to "convince" them to leave, where in they had to stay in base contact with a sailor. If they were shot at they had to pass some rolls to not panic and run off in a random direction or freeze and refuse to move. The Navy player had to get them to a waiting motor launch and off the table, and the bandits had to capture them for ransom. The Navy player just barely managed to escape under a storm of rifle and musket fire.

I've got some Chinese civies on deck now for my Boxer project. They'll no doubt end up massacred.
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Interesting, what system & settings? The simultaneous use of motor launch and musket intrigues me.

Once in a Sharpe Practice Boshin War game. It was messy but fun. Shogunate Denshutai were holding the line in a burning village whilst Imperialists advanced. Every time a house caught alight we loosed a few civilian figures and had them run in random directions, getting caught in the crossfire and causing a general nuisance to both lines.

Boshin War is such an underrated setting IMO. Bac Ninh do some great figures and you can kitbash them easy with Perry ACW stuff. We ran a few games with extremely lopsided forces and units turning coat mid-battle (like Tsu at Toba-Fushimi). Just a lot of cool and chaotic scenarios that aren't plausible in most wars.
Anyone got the pdf of the shakos & bayonets supplement from studio tomahawk ?
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I've been messing with NWF basing options today, so far I think 3 but with less gravel is the best option but I can't quite decide. What do you anons think?
Uh, sorry anon they all really look very similar to me and all look very plausible. Why not use a variety of all of them to spice things up?

I was using several different splats from Fistful of Lead. It's become my go-to rules for the most part. I have to agree with you on the Boshin War, as well, as I also have a small project that I hope to get back to this year.
Anyone have pdf's of Age of Hannibal and/or Age of Alexander, havent been able to find either.
>Do you ever include civilians or non combatants in your games?

I have some Perry Pilgrims that I got several years ago now, never used them. When I get round to doing a crusades project, I'll make a diorama out of them to be an objective/army camp depending on the rules.
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I personally like 1, although colour in photos is not always reliable. I think NWF looks best with a really light, near ivory, dust.
Who makes the nicest range of 'Arthurian' miniatures, would you say, for both Romano-British and migration Saxons? Or are there several companies who can easily blend together?
Footsore miniatures.
Probably Wargames Atlantic for affordable armies of mix and match
Victrix if you want prettiest
I would advise scattering the small rocks a bit, more like No. 2. Do small groups of 2-4, then the odd single. I place with tweezers: a bit more work, but the scatter looks much better, more natural.

Footsore are the best for me.
plastic? easily victrix
as for victrix vs footsore its up to you but i still prefer victrix
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>Northstar have range called Kadesh
>only sell the Egyptian side plus a few Sea Peoples

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Loads of Chinamen. A mix of bandits, boxers, black flag army, and big swords. I've got some more to finish, then I might plan a boxers rebellion game with them all.
If go with Victrix for infantry and footsore for leaders, heroes, etc
hello all. I will ask a question that im aware has many many possible answers. but here it is nonetheless. What is the best Napoleonic ruleset for 28mm? I heard Black Powder is easy to learn and fast but needs lots of space and its a bit generic. So far I tried Lasalle 2 and Blucher in 15mm and they were great fun. Very elegant designs. I'm looking for something that is Brigade level. Maximum. Army level is too big i think for 28mm. Thank you in advance.
Very nice, love the Chinese halberds. Good choice of colours.

What's the guy with the yellow shoulderpads? Manchurian?
You could try Valour and Fortitude. It's free, easy to learn, and seems to be well regarded.
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He was a freebie from gringo40s. A Black Flag army officer. Some kinda late Qing general. I think he's pretty neato, albeit a little flashy for the hoard. And thank you, I tried to keep them fairly generic to fit anything from the first sino-japanese war through the second.
lasalle is brigade level bro
Anybody got a copy of Battlegroup Blitzkrieg they can share?
Has anyone played Chosen Men by Osprey? I picked it up cause I've been looking for a Napoleonic warband/skirmish game and I enjoy the GW style of game that it's based on, but I just finished reading through it and I'm kinda surprised how many errors there are in a set of rules seemingly first published like a decade ago and presumably having gone through multiple reprints. Also, there was one very glaring error where line formation confers a resilience bonus to infantry against artillery, but then the artillery section states that you can't test resilience against artillery.

I'm wondering before I take it to a friend's house to give it a go whether I've bought a dud that no one even bothered to proof read, or if it offers a fun game regardless?
Ah...I'm torn on whether to sell off or build and paint some Warlord EIR legionaries that I got in a starter set when I first started historicals a few years back and which have been sat in a box ever since. While they are incredibly tiny and Victrix offer a really good range for EIR, there's just something very characterful about these minis. They remind me in style of 00s WHFB minis. I look at Victrix and while they're objectively superior to these, there's something about them that's, dare I say, soulless to the CAD sculpts.

I guess another problem is that the Warlord auxiliaries (predictably) don't even match the scale of the legionaries they're supposed to be supporting.
I haven't tried it but I remember hearing some questionable things from a couple who did back in the day. They came to the same conclusions you did - very clearly based on GW games, rules a little messy. But they seemed to get a good few games out of it.
I would say if you've bought it already and you're new to Napleonic skirmish games you might as well take it for a spin, and you'll probably have fun with it. But if you're already played something like Sharp Practice or TMWWBK you might be disappointed.
victrix legionaries blow warlord out of the water but victrix EIR cavalry and archers arent as good (even though they were released after)
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You’re a legend, have my growing German motor pool as a thank you gift

Also anyone know how to fix my resin Marder’s ED?
Stick the gun in boiled water, take it out and straighten it, then put into cold water.

Ideally you'd do it before assembly, not sure what it'll do to your painting.
Hot-water-and-bend-straight ...is one method: I've never used it so I can't say. Otherwise, replace with a spare plastic PaK40 barrel (e.g. Battlefront if 15mm).
Should've done it right out of the print that's for sure, got too excited to paint WW2 guys again after being trapped in the warhammer sphere for years.
Thanks for the advice you two!
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What are the best rules for Bronze Age/Biblical warfare, whatever you want to call it? Something that does lots of chariots well.
This is more of a wishlist but im hoping that Saga does a bronze age book, could give people a reason to make some plastic myceneans, hittites or assyrians

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