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Winter battles Edition

Previous Thread:

>Thread Question:
Have you ever played winter themed games or painted a winter themed army?

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rebrandly /HexChit
>want to try lion rampant
>realize I need to make 60 more kitbashed scandi infantrymen

Guess I'll put that in the back burner
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Managed to get paint on my WW1 Russians, quite happy with how they paint up.
3rd for ottoman cowboy westerns
Those look great anon! It's been cool seeing your progress from design to painted prints. I also like that these aren't as rigid or chunky as a lot of prints out there seem to be
holy fuck we are slow
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Probably because posting on 4chan now is a labour and requires an email verification sign in, and then you lose the message you typed.

I'm making some paper soldiers (cobbling together from juniorgeneral.org images) and reading about Rommel and British C2 failures in the desert.

Gonna test some North Africa battles with Ostfront 2nd ed, now that the eastern front units and stats are flowing pretty nicely.
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TQ: hell yes. I'm pretty proud of my Eastern Front Grenadiers:
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looks great

all my medieval minis are northern europe themed so they're early/late winter themed. It's these guys I need to make like 60 more of
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Can you guys please take your mentally ill Perry shill back from /wfg/? Thank you, we will all appreciate it.
Nah it's fine. We don't mind him bothering an inferior general. At least he's not bothering us here with his retarded opinions on game table sizes.
What is the earliest recorded use of pistols in battle by cavalry? I have seen mentions of them being used by mercenaries in the 1540ies, but could they have been used earlier?
They look good when painted, cheers anon!
Very nice, anon

>giving your email to gookmoot

t. waited 15 minutes just to taunt you
I've never left /hwg/, fag lord. I can't shit post in here because it would be the death blow to this general which is barely hanging on by a thread.
Does anyone know if this architecture could work in 1400s?
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I'm looking for a good supply of morion (this variant specifically) helmeted heads in 28mm. Does anyone know of a good place to get those?
that looks more like the industrial revolution and later to me
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Okay nevermind I knew you guys opinions would be worthless. I've definitely seen similar architecture style for English manors going back to the Tudor period, potentially sooner which is why I asked

Pic related was built in 1285 but went through various renovations during it's life, do idk when it was updated to look like this, which is very similar to the sarissa building
Stop posting photos of my house
>does this architecture work pre-1400s?
>doesn't look like it would
NTA but why did you ask if you don't want answers?
Does gaslighting come naturally to you?
NTA but it appears you've already made up your mind and just want to be reassured that your purchase is autistically accurate. Truth be told, we don't care. Does it look like it would work for the 15th century? I think it looks fine but I think pic related works better for the 15th century.
Yes it could, although it is a bit more 16th.c in style.
Does anyone know of a studio or creator who makes good 28mm heroic scale WW2 german infantry? Want to try to get into bolt action, found a ton of tanks/vehicles but not really anything good for infantry
You're 100 to 200 years off, maybe very late 15th century, but most likely 16th. That being said, nobody fucking cares unless they're seriously autistic. People use the wrong minis for their periods all the time, especially with classic minis such as knights, men at arms, phalangites, Celts, Romans, etc., so I'd say just have some fun, anon.
Its reasonable for 15th.c, its just that pretty much all 15th.c houses have been extensively renovated over the years, including in the 16th.c. Those windows are a little larger in coverage than most, but the actual style originates in the 14th.c. Brick chimneys also existed at that time. Its the gables and kind of..minimalism that make it look a bit more 16th.c. Plus a lot of medieval buildings just seem to have an arched window at least somewhere, it could be easily modified to look a bit more medieval with some ornamental crenellations and modifying a few of the windoes to be a little different.
I've got some separate helmets that I think are from Warlord if memory serves.
>good 28mm heroic scale
Why would you want that as opposed to just regular 28mm scale?
Having re-watched the movie Zulu I feel that I can nolonger keep putting off a Zulu War project. The need to stab with bayonet and assegai and to shoot with .577/450 Martini-Henry is too great.

The question is, what scale and from where do I get the minis? I've seen Perry's plastic kits in 28mm, not bad for a large skirmish game, and I've seen pendrakens 10mm minis, heaps for larger massed battles. I've not looked at anything in between. Any recommendations for 15mm? I want to consider my choices before digging in.
Perry Sudan British paint a little oddly but that might just be because of the bright colours and my own incompetence.

What system are you thinking about? I like The Sword and the Flame but I'm odd.
I've always wanted to play the sword and the flame but have never been able to find where to get a copy. The website that hosts them seems defunct. I've got some rules ideas in mind, but they're not necessarily as important to me as the hobby side though. But Smooth and Rifled, The men who would be kangs, fistful of lead horse and musket, just to name a few.
Do something smaller scale imo
I painted about 100 zulus in 20mm(Newline Designs, nice sculpts, they also do 10mm zulu stuff),spray painted them brown, but it was quite tedious
Also something like Rorkes Drift takes up a lot of space in bigger scales
Since switching over to 10mm I do plan on starting a new AZW project so I can do both big battles and skirmishes
Well, there may be a copy closer than you think.
From what I understand the current print-manager is suffering from a serious illness and financial difficulties which means the book orders have been indefinitely delayed.
Do we have a copy in our troves? I've never actually bothered to look. That does suck though about their print manager. I saw some posts on lead adventure about the original author abruptly dying when I was digging to find a copy.

I'm leaning towards 10mm as I've recently been working with them a lot, and while I enjoy it I don't necessarily find painting them to be as rewarding as painting 28s, that being said they're very rewarding to see all painted up en mass when one has finished a good bit of them. However I also kinda want a change of pace and to try another new scale. I like 10mm for what it offers, I like 28mm as well. I've never done anything in 12, 15, or 20.
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28mm, you need 1000 28mm zulus.
I'm working on a basic game engine for ancient through medieval large skirmish/small battle wargaming, but want to provide period flavour to distinguish how the game plays for ie Greco-Persian wars vs Viking invasions.

Are there any systems which you think have really good strategies for providing a distinct feel for various different periods without needing massive rules changes?
Anyone have the Age of Alexander pdf, its not with the other saga stuff.
I'm myself toying with Antiquity up through the Viking Era, using Mortal Gods as a base. MG has an Omen system which is easily reflavored (maybe even with different mechanics) for a different feel than the standard Hellenic. Omens are essentially random events that occur during the game, and naming one Odin's Frenzy rather than Ares' Might (+1 to murderization rolls or whatever) is simple enough.
How do you handle multi level buildings? Or do you prefer to just restrict interiors to a single floor?

Go small scale, you'll never get it done in 28mm unless you are very committed and disciplined.
There's additional rules to play with less minis. I'm a poorfag so I use 3-6 models instead of 6-12 per units and gives each models two "health points" instead of one.
Hey! Thanks anon, you're a kang among kangs. As far a scale I'm still chewing it all over. Nothing I'm going to move on untill after the new year and my current project is finished.
>Pic related was built in 1285
>idk when it was updated to look like this
1770s. The only thing that was kept from the original castle, which had been destroyed several times over the previous hundreds of years, was the floorplan and some of the worked stones. The original structure did not look like that, and the current building is a late baroque estate design with neo-classical and Dutch classical elements.

Insane how you come here to ask a question, get an answer you don't like, and only in a sperg-out after that then do you decide to do a modicum of research. Maybe you should just save your time and do research first? Because this shit wasn't hard to find.
I don't suppose you have some of the other sword publications?

Here's what I have for what it's worth:
Anon can't even notice half a millennia's worth of architectural style change, so maybe expecting him to have a studious mind, let alone emotional maturity, is a tall ask.
Are you part of the Jackson Gamers group?
Best system for running Sengoku era Japan with a focus on campaign play? Perhaps even rules to make your own semi-Historical clan?
little wars tv did a board game that seems totally playable with a wargaming tie in.Just do that.
Any good campaign books I can read to get ideas for making my own campaign? Bonus points if it's a campaign simulating assymetric warfare.

I want to make a Charlie Don't Surf campaign focusing around the fight for control/influence over the 13 provinces of the Mekong Delta. The idea is to add a strategic layer and context over the tactical game being played with miniatures. The idea I've got so far is a IP/CP/RP system. Each province tracks all 3 of these stats.

IP (influence points) tracks NVA success in the area, their goal isn't necessarily to control a region but maintain a strong enough presence over it that they can move supplies, exploit the local populace, collect taxes, recruit, etc.

CP (control points) tracks FWF success and is self explanatory, it represents FWF political and military presence in a province.

RP (resource points) are gained by having high IP/CP and linking regions so that they can maintain supply lines. RP is used to launch offensives, plan ambushes, "buy" additional units, artillery, air support on the table top, and various other things.

Anyways I've got all these ideas but could use some ideas on how to quantify all this stuff and integrate it all into one big campaign system. If anyone knows any campaign books or even hex and chit wargames that have similar mechanics I can research from, let me know
None, sorry.
Does SAGA have any community made content like supplements and whatnot
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Nobody makes dice with the NATO or EU logo for cold war games?
Exactly what I was looking for but it should be outside of burger territory.
Australia, mate. Unless they count as burger-by-proxy.
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>people are being deranged over their war dollies again

Honestly play whatever you want however you want.



Its ok to be enthusiastic and nice
I don't understand people like you. What else do you have going that keeps you from painting one tiny tin soldier at a time?
I wish you cancer for this Christmas.
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Jokes on you I already got that for my birthday!
I just bought all the Force and Force v2 books off some guy in Wallapop. My first idea was to play Vietnam, but looking at the Cold War Gone Hot and Iraq books I just got the idea of recreating the war of CoD4 on the tabletop, or in any case a ultramodern imagi-nation setting for wargaming. I know that people do this kind of stuff for XVIII and XIX era wargaming, but has anyone done it for modern wargaming? Specially the CoD stuff, I'm sure there are more guys like me who played the games as kids, are into wargaming and now are almost 30 (nostalgia is a big thing, just look at oldhammer and OSR).
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Yes, but how about second cancer?
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My US airborne platoon, complete aside from needing some tufts and stuff added to the bases. Tried them in a learning game of chain of command and my boys won a resounding victory. The hellcat never got to show up but the Stewart made a speedy little getaway after a stug bounced a shell off of it to everyone's surprise, then it blew up a transport. The rest of the boys took a town with minimal casualties. Gonna make some more vehicles and a few engineers, maybe a couple spotters too.
Would Great Battles of History: SPQR be a good game for someone new to h&c wargaming? I don't really care if it's very complicated as long as it's fun.
It does, everything outside EU territory gets absurd customs and shipping costs.
Unless it's fighting age male africans
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Made a Maxim machine gun team to go with my other WW1 Russians.
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Oh hey, /hwg/ is back!
Are there games with interesting activation mechanisms and fog of war, to at the platoon scale in the ultra-modern period? (By that I mean 1980 to present)
The same way Chain of Command tries to represent them for WWII, for example.
I'm wondering how the advent of the satellites and the miniaturisation of the radio communication changes the rules of the game, so to speak.
Is WW1 at 28mm scale remotely worth attempting?
What level are you planning to attempt?
Skirmish, Platoon, Company, Larger?
squad up to platoon scale
I don't see any reason 28mm would be a bad idea then. Just do some terrain.

I would recommend taking advantage of the scale to do some kitbashing if you're going to be making any trench raiders. That's one of the big advantages IMO.
any go-to rules?
Chain of command has a cold war version in the works but has waaay too many models for any reasonable table size unless you go micro scale.
7 days to the river rhine is quite decent.
Battlegroup will have a cold war version (not northag, the new one is closer to the original game) at some point in the near future.
Maybe Trench Hammer? http://jozistinman.blogspot.com/search/label/Trench%20Hammer

Not my period, looks small figure count though.
Who make good dark age celtic miniatures, preferably plastic. Frankly id even go for some good conversion ideas
I know GB make some Dark Age scots, irish, welsh and picts, but those are all unarmored, havent really seen any armored celt models
Dark age meaning what?
Got you, fren
>that one microscopic hand
seems mostly fine otherwise, still not really armored but didnt really think about these even though i have WGA stuff
Dark age meaning im intending to use them for Saga, which has the welsh scots and irish for Age of Vikings and the picts in invasions
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Damn the new victrix islamic cavalry looks great.
>Chain of command has a cold war version in the works
Did they mention if the activation system is going to get some modifications and how? That's my big interrogation point
Does anyone have the hwg meme with Tom, the teacher from Hampshire, playing his game of "Men doing fights"? I can visualise it entirely, but don't seem to have it saved, and Google is giving me nothing.
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It was in the last thread. Here ya go.
Thank you, friend.
Remember when we had Santa? Yeah. Dead thread.
>rebase everything
>want to rebase them again
No.. not this time..
Ok, dumb question but... would ultra-modern wargames even *need* fog of war and funky activation mechanism?
Presumably, the ability to have a clear overview of the battlefield (with drones and satellites), as well as communicating freely, would mean you can direct the troops like units in a wargame.
You think you know things. You don't know things. Go read up on EW in Ukraine.
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>You think you know things
Most emphatically, I don't. That's why I started with "dumb question".
The closest my life has been to war is only when the suffix "game" is attached to it and I'm grateful for that every day.
as well as a dumb cousin who's a retired artillery officer, but that's besides the point
My main interrogation is:
>In Chain of Command, before the game, you have a patrol phase where you place and move around "patrol" markers, to see where you can deploy.
>During the game, you roll each turn to find out how many and which types of units you can activate
>Can I just assume that satellites and drones and such only makes a difference in best case scenario or when one side has a major tech advantage over the other? Therefore, rules made to represent WWII work for ultra modern just as well? With perhaps stuff like drone reco being added as special powers?
>Or is the dynamic completely different and it's stuff like fog of war created by electronic warfare which should be added as special rules?
Now that the dust has settled, how is Spectre: Operations V3?
Pretty fun for a simple modern day skirmish game. Very gamey though, which is not necessarily a bad thing. I think it is too balanced though. I prefer Asymmetric Warfare
Just now realizing that the tiny ass hand doesnt even appear to be part of the kit after looking at the actual sprues for wga irish
Which honestly makes it even worse, as why have that be the thing MOST VISIBLE on the box when its NOT EVEN THERE
Footsore has some welsh
Victrix has a lot of anglo-saxons and danes.
specifically looking for celtic factions for Saga, preferably plastic.
As >>94588639 pointed out, the WGA ones look like what im gonna go for for now, but that kit doesnt have any armored irish, and also they would only really work for irish.
Appreciate the thought though anon
new pendraken AWI stuff released
Is Never Mind the Matchlocks a good set of rules for ECW?

I bought some 28mm scale stuff years ago and quickly realised I dont have room for big armies.
What do you guys think are the best rules for late colonial adventures? Things like the US vs Moros in the Philippines, or Italy in Libya. End of the 19th century to the Eve of WWI?
Hey what's the golden standard ruleset for the Trojan war?
Ideally, I'm looking for something on the larger scale (15mm or less), but where heroes still have a significant impact.
For the past 6 or 7 years now around this time of the year I always intend to buy this box but I never have. Too late now I think due to delivery times. Next year maybe, that will be the year for sure.
I don't know that there is a golden standard. Maybe try Midgard?
Yeah, the author did 6mm Trojan War for Midgard. There are several posts on the topic on his bog, worth a look: https://mogsymakes.net/2024/02/01/teeny-tiny-trojan-wars/
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new warlord infantry hq out and I have to wonder why they let the non-polish guy sculpt?

He does the odd good sculpt like the officer above but the rest are just bland and all are massive compared to the rest of the bolt action because the guy still hasnt gotten the memo that its supposed to be 28mm.

...Warlord are you even trying anymore?
those are some real heroic gorillas right there
So, what's the consensus on Bolt Action 3rd edition? Yes, I know BA has never been a realistic game, but I'm interested in whether the new edition is fun or not.
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After spending a week trying different ways to paint camo patterns on 15mm panzergrenadiers (most of them old metals), I'm amazed at how easy to paint and how nice the plastic FoW Soviets are. I've been testing for a while trying to decide if I'll go the 15mm or the 20mm route for Battlegroup and this guys might have sold me on 15mm.
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Looking good. Quality figures will help loads, that's why I like Forged in Battle infantry and gun crews, such crisp castings. BF hard plastic are pretty good too, I think the British are the best sculpts, then Soviets, US inf, then Germans.

BF plastic vehicles (and guns) are generally excellent. Some older models aren't as good (e.g. the T-34 kit), but still quite usable: the newer stuff is simply superb.
The tldr answer is no, 3e is a downgrade from 2e. For everything they tried to fix they fucked something else up. Everything feels very gutted and rushed. If you insist on playing BA, stay with 2e for now.
they look like they have crisper details than the warlord 28s, how is that possible?
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My one complaint is that they fucked up melee so now it's only ever a last resort kind of tactic.

I love the platoon system and the way they reduced the costs of tanks and shit means I can throw more stuff on the board. Some of the national rules got tidied up and it generally plays faster and a little looser. The way MGs throw fistfuls of dice actually makes them very useful now compared to how they were in V2, where an MG parked opposite a ruin could only kill one guy a turn.
I fuckin love raccoons.
Nice, that one will be cool to play in my battlegroup stalingrad games.
Yes they will be great additions: I'm hoping for a Panzer 38t kit, since PSC cannot do more than piddling print runs of their model. A Panzer 35t kit for Op Barbarossa would be nice too, and no doubt we'll get new T-26 and BT-5/7 kits for the Soviets which are sorely needed. Probably only 2026 Op Barbarossa, but still, good things are in the pipeline.
Does anyone know if the rules for Yellow Ribbon are buried anywhere in the folders? I might be too retarded to find it but I might also be the only one to give a shit about it.
Any of you beautiful anons touched Fire & Fury's Battlefront WWII?

Heard it's what FoW was supposed to be before BF backed out on it, so I'm interested to hear how it runs.
Just give me a T35
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Been working on Early/Mid war Germans lately, could definitely use a Pz I kit. I could also use some good 15mm stowage packs, but PSC's is very generic and the others coming out of Europe have ridiculous shipping charges.
Wow dead general.
What are the best quality/most complete Victrix ranges for doing 2 sides of a historical conflict, ie without having to resort to metal sculpts from other manufacturers?
psc stowage is goot but permanently out of stock
I like the loose weapons and tarps and all but I feel like I'm paying for a bunch of stuff I won't use, like the tank commanders and passengers.
so if I want to get the VBCW books that aren't in the folder am I just fucked? because Solway's website is down and there's not a single online store with them in stock
What do you want?
where the fuck do I find sources for uniforms for dutch troops of the fourth anglo dutch war
How long until they'll have to ride a cavalry charge over the fields of Kursk side by side with the North Koreans?

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