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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Bearserker Edition
Previously on /slop/: >>93387303

Thread Task: Post your (or literal) interpretation of classes, spell names and so on. Puns are welcomed.

News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.


/slop/-approved styles, prompts and perspectives

Videogame art styles

Useful links
Color identifiers -- https://www.htmlcolorcodes.com/
List of art movements -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_art_movements
List of hair styles -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_hairstyles
World folk clothing -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Folk_costume
World body armors -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_armor
Names for general clothing styles (PDF) -- https://files.catbox.moe/3r0ux6.pdf
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Good one
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>Is there any ai that can make slight variations to existing art,
Kinda slow start
>the uniform for the deadliest post office route in the kingdom
We had two threads not too dissimilar to this one not too long ago.
Repostan a few.
Armoire of Agathys.
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And if I remember correctly, they had pretty good activity, with lot of TT related pics.
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Which is good, and why I'm not saying this is bad. Hopefully it will spurn more people to make more silly puns than OC post.
Not that you can't do both
I hope that people won't be discouraged to post by the fact who made this thread.
Race: Dragonborn
Class: Bard (Glamour)
Background: Archaeologist
Random Oddity: Journal. You keep a detailed log of all your endeavors.

While most dragons could enchant and mesmerize with their powerful Voices, she needed only quill and paper to captivate the hearts of the people.
I'm really liking this wp format
>Thread Task
...and with good reason!
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>"Gamma World".
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>Like the blur of some ferocious jungle cat, the wild elf charges through the dense foliage, crimson skin glistening with sweat and obsidian hair whipping wildly behind her. Her sharp teeth are bared in a primal snarl as she grips her spear with deadly precision, ready to strike at any moment.
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Very authentic looking, which program are you using?
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Thanks, it's midjourney
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Posted a version of this before but I finally got Bing to get all the species more or less right. The Pah are supposed to have wing-arms but I'm willing to just call it a day.

>Chalak: Space orcs, but smart. Oldest spacefaring race.
>Cybran: Sapient robot exiles from an advanced empire.
>Dethek: Space dwarves. NOT a hive mind.
>Edovan: Plant people big into genetic manipulation.
>Elai: Kind of humans but not really (not as tough but better senses).
>Graun: Amphibian space kobolds and an abject lesson as to why you don't take primitive species off their homeworld.
>Kyn: A cat is fine too. Oldest sapient species in known space but took forever to get space travel.
>Pah: Hedonistic bird people who basically live to party.
>Tor'qua: Psychic space elves. Oldest and most advanced space empire. Basically imagine the worst possible implementation of the Federation's ideals.
>Tuxtla: Space gnomes. Engineers and merchants, subjects of the Varjren who want independence.
>Varjren: Religious warrior reptiles. Largest space empire. Actually decent people for the most part.
>Xanai: Shapeshifters who may or may not be Greys. May or may not be pulling strings.
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What nogames dum-dum had a problem with that?
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How did you get that patchwork armor?
Is audioslop allowed? https://suno.com/song/54a95591-7630-480e-ba66-581c21d410d9
I think it should be.
But it always gets deleted.
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Damn that Edgar! This is NOT what a Scroll of Twinned Cone of Cold is supposed to conjure!
>patchwork armor
here's the full prompt if it matters
>traditional illustration, impressionism, gouache and ink, 70s anime, man with short pointy ears, an eyepatch over right eye, gloomy facial expression, patchwork armor, talking to his daughter who has black hair, with a very happy expression, cheerful pose on daughter. in a carnival
"Sorry, no refunds! How about a 'Can of Cold' instead?"
"I know I'm just learning, but am I really THAT bad?"

>yes, she really is THAT bad
How about making pic of him on the arena? You'll have Edgar Scrolls: Arena.
Or better, make him forget something for Edgar Scrolls: Oblivion.
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No way! Alright, thanks anon. Cheers
Greetings Sloppers. Have you ever tried generating battlemaps?
Yes it has been done before it takes a bit more luck for good gens but I have seen some on here. They used stuff like satellite view and top down etc it's hard to force a vertical view iirc
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Once AI becomes advanced enough to be dungeon masters, I will finally be able to insert all my fetishes in my games without shame.
oh, I haven't thought of satelite view. sounds promising. it does seem to struggle with achieving that perspective.
Which are?
Boisterous and jovial, the bearfolk are a people of extremes. They celebrate with great passion and are quick to explosive anger. Settling differences with wrestling matches that leave permanent scars is common, as is seeing two bloodied bearfolk sharing a cask of mead and a raucous song after such a scuffle.
Looks more like bearback riders.
Looks like you're okay with this pic, despite who OP probably is.
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What do you mean "too tall to enter the inn"?
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Well, I dunno about those, but...how about:
>Edgar Scrolls: Sky Rim?
Or worse...
>Edgar Scrolls presents: Dagger Fall.
Glad you're still around. Wasn't sure if anyone would get the reference
>In the Deep South, the elusive Awlbears are famed for their near-mythical woodworking abilities
Doubt anyone will get this.
Awlbear don't care!
Good ones.
How would you do Morrowind?
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I'm sure you didn't expect this one...
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And you didn't expect this one even more.
Merrow-wind would be a big fish-people tornado
>Edgar Scrolls presents...(to)Morrow Wind.
Very nice. I went in the opposite direction
And just for kicks...
>Edgar Scrolls presents: Arena
And last, but certainly not least...
>Edgar Scrolls: Oblivion
Now make him standing on arena, visibly surprised and having to fight for life against pride of lions or an Ogre Maneater.
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>record scratch
>freeze frame
"Yep. That's me, Edgar Scrolls. You're probably wondering how I got here."
"There's shrimply one way out of this predicament!"

>Edgar Scrolls casts Power Word: Krill
I will take it.
armpits, raping female orcs, pregnancy and many more!
And people here complain about those who like feet
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He don't posts those things tho, and not copious amount of it.
How about comb-a-cat?
Those aren't even that bad
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How did you get those digitigrade lizard legs?
>digitigrade legs
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Spell of a Chaotic Evil Druid
>Guess the spell name
Summon Birds
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Guess now who baked this thread.
And before anyone report pic related for not being /tg/-related: https://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/grease.htm
>Hint: Death domain
keel read in Rens voice
top tier picture

thats probably gonna awaken fetish in someone

neat like the happy tired content expression
Spell name is Death Kneel
How about cat-apult?
im to tired to do pun spells
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last spam bump time for bed
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Good night, Anon.
I occasionally complain about your stuff, but that one was pretty nice
Thanks. That's an older prompt, where I've forgotten to mention the style, so it picked up on its own.
I fucking suck at making knights, trying to do a token for VTT. Any tips?
You got any details there, or am I just supposed to wing it?
Trying to go for a big Havel the Rock type guy, big shield, full metal plate - trying to build a tank Cleric of Ilmater
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Drawing stick figures in MS Paint is still better than using AI.
He's a big guy. For you.
Seeing if I can get Ilmater's icon.
This is the only thing good in this thread.
Getting closer.
Here's the prompt. You can experiment and do the rest:

>highly-detailed dark fantasy acrylic, full color, gritty realism, detailed lines. fully-armored knight with grilled heaume helmet w/plume, full dark steel platemail, pauldrons sabatons boots, holding a massive greatsword, tower shield with icon of (two hands bound at the wrist by red thread), threatening stance and pose, standing on a rocky outcropping at sunset
this is fucking rad, thanks so much
How do you suck at it, exactly? remember to put in an artstyle, and it's a good idea to describe armor with a "simple" prefix and put a specific time period
I should have read this first lol.
>impressionist brushstrokes, gouache and ink, painterly, manga, inking, atmospheric, dim lighting, color dithering. simple 1500's german armor with holy-roman-empire motif, wearing surcoat, holding a heavy tower shield with a falcon symbol, grassy field, blue sky, dark shadows,

If it helps.
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I like these creepy elves with antlers
This popped up on a dungeonsynth soundtrack I was listening to. I love the style and I swear there is an old dungeon crawler video game or something that is that style. Anyone got any ideas? I swear I've seen that exact way with color and contrast from a non-AI
dungeon crawler box art. I dropped a couple of words because I am a moron.
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What was it?
Was it involving Rouge the Bat by any chance?
Just pick an artstyle and then describe the guy, picrel were something like:
>A stout and sturdy looking knight, wearing heavy obsidian rock armor, rough and coarse black stone armor, holding a huge tower shield made out of stone, a large mace on his other hand in the shape of a crozius, his helmet is enclosede with vertical slits, standing guard at the gates of a medieval city, with a dead dragon behind him
They came out looking more like Iron Tarkus but hey, grab this and this anon's prompt >>93417020 and change it up a bit, you should end up with something cool
How did you get that more humanlike beastfolk look?
I think Bing randomly decided that, but here's the prompt:

"an image of a woman with a knife in his hand, bugbear ranger, trending on art station, necromorph, grey tarnished robes, portrait of female, brown fur, portrait of a goblin, abs, on a canva, kodachromatic, anthro, “pig, dark forests surrounding, detailed –n 9, cleric, dog woman"
>dungeon crawler box art
What prompt to replicate this style?
luv it
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Nobody knows...the horrors I've seen...
I've seen Watership Down.
Bing kept mixing up and making Dwarves tall and elves tiny but I kinda like the idea. I'm gonna use it.
In some settings, dwarves are small giants.
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*nods* that's why stick figure drawing megathreads are such a well known and beloved institution on this website.
If we have four dedicated psychopaths like you guys spamming it endlessly we could have. Although neither thread would be "beloved". You suck. But at least it wouldn't be so bad if you could contain your shit to the thread, but you have to try and ruin other threads too with your garbage.
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How's that those retarded off topic comments of retards who hate AI pics aren't removed even when they're repoeted?
Winds of the rising sun.
Because mods are too busy removing images that might be a reference to a comic book or something.
>There was little kindness behind those gleaming pink eyes. In fact, there was no emotion behind them at all.
Because he was autistic?
Autistics show a ton of emotion.
>Autistics show a ton of emotion.
Bullshit. Autistics have one emotion: feeling fear or not feeling fear.
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>There was more of a warmth and vibrancy to the sister, although the smile on her face never quite reached her eyes.
Because half the complaints are from the faggot janny who wants these threads to be shat to as much as possible.
>The father was the worse. As you entered his throne room, dozens of eyes tracked your every move - the fear-filled, trembling eyes of his victims, petrified into crumbling stone and displayed as twisted trophies about the halls.
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>In some settings, dwarves are small giants.
Not in mine, it seems.
Not to mention that in your setting, dwarfs are also huge fags that doesn't know what hygiene is.
Based anon allowing himself to be mindbroken by the machine
Please, they insist on 'Dwarves'.
>are also huge fags that doesn't know
Anon, don't be shy. Join us and we'll wash your back.
I bet he's a failed artist
Every post online complaining about AI was probably made by him.
No I'm upset by all the fucking spam which you refuse to keep contained to your general
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>The Twins do everything together, even bathe. Countless attempts have been made on their lives by would-be assassins, hoping to take out two royals with one knife. But for sisters rumored to cut each other for fun, what is one more scar?
We're in the general right now, and yet you're yelling at us for not reason. Seems like an odd way to rail against spam in other threads.
That anon RN
Does anyone have prompt with a character having a thought bubble?
You can pretty much just say like

speech bubble "something"

I'd assume it'll understand "thought bubble" as well
Just describe it as you see it.
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>1500's german armor
>it's a 14th century style knight
Okay, thanks
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some genasi with different levels of hunkyness
>Only five pics remaining
What are you even talking about?
This fag is apparently deluded
I'd guess someone posted some AI stuff in another general, and it's our fault
Ah, what a joke, it is like complaining about wojaks, AI slop is inevitable
>No I'm upset by all the fucking spam which you refuse to keep contained to your general
And this entity which is responsible for all the AI images on 4chan, he is here in this thread with us?
I know who's to blame
Ben is a hoe
Okay, let's wrap this one up. And maybe I'll let someone else to bake a new one this time.
You can bake
You must bake
I can't. I have no idea for TT.
NVM, baked one:

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