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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Afro-Samurai edition

Last Thread: >>93431357

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The illest samurai.
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Might mighty doomy dooms army.

Two companies and a death star.
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Death star

Night star
King crab
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Knight lance

Archer c2
Black knight
Archer c
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Mad lads lance

Archer (wolf)
Rifleman c3
And to cap off the 1st company

Bunny Foo Foo lance

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Widdle bunny foo foo hopping through the forests kicking up all the light mechs and punchingmthem.in the head.
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So we have the first company. A really have jumping lance and two heavy lances of fire
2nd company's golden boys(and girls)

Dragon star

Grand Dragon
Yeah, of course she is crazy. Malvina is a literal cartoon villian with 0 redeeming qualities. The type of nutty that ONLY exists in fiction in order to drive the plot forward.
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Not to be outdone by the first, 2nd co. Also has a jumpy boy section

Harrasser star

Blackjack C
Phoenix Hawk
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And certainly NOT the last
2nd company has some crazies who think guns are for pussies.

Punch On, Cunts lance

Hunchback C
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Around what year in the Battletech timeline did you start to see a shift away from medieval style governance and warfare and towards a more centralized Napoleonic style governance and warfare?
'you just need to kite around ac20 3/5/0 mechs' is it that simple? or easier said than done? especially during in introtech?
Sort of. Ac20's tend to come on slower mechs in introtech era. So dictating range can be a thing. But the small maps (by necessity) put a damper on that because you can't keep distance forever.

The ac20 carriers have to be tough enough to to pin you in a map corner.
Then it is all over but the crying.
Ac20 though is very swingy. You get exactly ONE fucking shot. And with 4/5's you better make it count.
Can you guys tell me about your 6000bv introtech lance? Because I'm testing against the princess for now, but finding Creating Random Army having its limits. So kind of want to try against what real people have made.
6000 BV is pretty high for an introtech lance, you'll be running heavies and assaults, possibly with veteran pilots. I prefer 4500 for a lance.
That's super oversimplified, but the shift you're talking about happens over the course of the Renaissance through to the Invasion.
Not if you are paying bv for Unretarded pilots.
3/4 is a x1.33 multiplier on the mech bv of a standard 4/5.
33% extra bv aint nothing. Its a while extra third.
Battletech was never 'medieval' even if it's jokingly referred to as space feudalism.
I mean, battlemechs basically fulfill the role of armored infantry, the only difference is their level of rarity on the battlefield.
As others have said, nothing in Battletech is truly medieval or feudalistic. It has space monarchy, but all of the states are fairly centralized throughout the time line, nothing is comparable to a feudal mode of production.
Um Ackshually, it's 1.28x multiplier.
Typo... I've lost
So even after the succession wars they were still Napoleonic style states?
No, historical analogies are faulty for the kind of organization that exists in Battletech. Each state has its own political and military structures (just like 'Napoleonic' and 'Medieval' are terms so broad that they should only conjure aesthetic connections), and they never degenerated into warlordism or personal fealty structures. That kind of thing exists in the Chaos March/Hinterlands and the (Deep) Periphery.
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Anybody else likes to to construct (relatively) cheap, low-ish tech vehicles that could be constructed nearly anywhere there is enough industrial base, perfect for planetary militias?
Most of the states have a feudal or semi-feudal structures that exist in parallel to the more centralized government. The forces levied by local nobility tend to be more defensive and less well equipped and so get less screen time.
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Womp womp
Nu Lament looks terrible
model qualitywise, alpha strike atlas or hansen's roughriders atlas?
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the PINNACLE of comedy
Didn't particularly like the original model either, so for me it's a wash.
well it is shimmering sword
Eh, seems about the same as it always looked except the cockpit is fucked to shit.
Which is par for the course for Bald Tony
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rate my c3 Drac lance.
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It's a shame, I dig the warhammer-with-a-sunroof look on the original.
what era?
Legs too big

6k is not high for introtech

All stock models

4/5 for all is 5150, adjust skills to fit 6k
It's not a mech I care about but these two pieces of art both look fine.
civil war/jihad.
Thank you for conceding that it is not a design which actually existed prior to the Ilclan guide, and is thus a new design which has been retconned in at this later date. Art means jack shit you retards.
>Um Ackshually, it's 1.28x multiplier.
Could have sworn it was 1.32. Might as well ask, does anyone know where the most up to date pilot bv modifier rable is?
So if you run into angel ecm what's the plan? Lose?
megamek/master unit list
The Techmanual errata on the official website
do you just pack up whenever the opponent runs ecm?
Shadowhawk 2H
Wolverine 6M
Ostroc 2C or Thunderbolt 5S
Your flavour of bug to round it out
Thanks lads. Honestly, it's all a hassle, I prefer rolling on RATs or playing in campaigns with/as a gm, but one has to follow the trends to play I guess.
The thing is in Jihad era ecm and c3 is really common. If you are spending 30 or 40% of your BV on C3 and your opponent has lots of ecm its very hard to win. I suggest taking your own angel ECM, and when i run C3 I generally link units in twos (with c3i), you can also consider booster c3 and emergency c3 masters. And if you use C3 use mrms, they are really effective with c3
Ok tourist
any wobbies here? which subsect do you guys lean to, and why?
It was not a playable mech. It had no lore. It did not exist, and now it does. To pretend otherwise because of some artwork that never got used is assanine.
yeah i'm pretty aware it's been the same as it always was
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My local meta which I joined a year or so ago massively centres around jumpy pulse boats. I do not find them fun to play against, nor do I want to enter the jumpy pulse boats arms race as I don't find them fun to play with particularly. Yet they consider basically any type of new technology with high suspicion of cheese, without realising they themselves are playing with cheese. Clan tech, vehicles, battle armour, protomechs etc were all treated very warily.
It's not so much about losing a bunch, if I played wargames to win I would have quit a long time ago.

What do? They're a decent bunch of lads to play against mostly, but I can't stand their style of play.
What's asinine is arguing over two threads about when a mech was introduced to the game.
This is /btg/ lad, deep Blakeist territory. My current unit is a near complete L3 of militia, though I want to get some Celestials for a Manei Domini unit once I'm done with these.
Please excuse the poor paintwork, the non-nuclear capable ones were rushed for an event.

Artillery, minefields, and rounder missiles, are your friends. Infernos too.
Indeed, because it was indisputably retconned into the setting in the latest book.
Yes. The subsects aren't really important imo as most of them aren't legitimate choices and they end up becoming irrelevant fast, either wiped out or just pointless once the master takes over and its unity front or die.

Berith is my favorite Wobbie, I like that he's just a very competent soldier, not super political and arguably cares more about Terra than the word. Devon Cortland is cool too.

Celestials are dope and WOB have a lot of cool mech designs
Ok, but why do you care so much?
artillery and minefields are not good against jumpers, and are cheesy and stuff nobody especially these people will want to play against.

Where are they getting these jumping pulse boats from if they are suspicious of new technology? For them to really be effective they need pulse lasers, targeting comps and IJJS.

I don't think there's anything that really counters jumping pulse boats particularly, they are sort of expensive though. Precision AC ammo might help, as well as maps with less terrain and poking them from longer range.
should you go ROM or ComGuard if you want to do pre-4th Succ War C*?
Because people are wrong on the internet.
Including yourself
>artillery and minefields are not good against jumpers,
You aim the artillery at obvious points they might want to jump into, the same for thunder missiles. Lay minefields in every bit of woods you do not intend to use, on every hex you do not intend to cross. Use the mines to corral the jumpers into killzones and then stonk them with artillery.
>and are cheesy
Less so than jumping pulse boats. As someone whom used a Wraith against friends in a campaign, a lot less so.
>and stuff nobody especially these people will want to play against.
Boo hoo, they brought the Stilton, they don't get to complain about your Bree. Alternatively, spam infantry and cheap light vehicles. It's unfin and boring but hey ho.
Or bring Krakens. One or two 3's or 6's with decent pilots and, in the latter's case, precision ammo. Make them hurt.
If you play with objectives you often need to get close eventually.
I am quite correct actually.
Yes, in that everyone on the internet is wrong
ROM, they can more plausibly turn up in more places to fight more different factions and with more options of mechs if you choose. And if you have some painted up from a different faction you can use them together and fluff them as undercover ROM

They are not better against jumpers than they are against non jumpers
>They are not better against jumpers than they are against non jumpers
Yes, but they are still better than nothing. And they might make anons opfor reconsider abandoned agree to a middle ground.
anon just said they are suspicious and refuse to play against this stuff
If they get wrecked by artillery they won't suddenly decide to use the pulse boats they will just decide it is OP and ban it.
Well, it's a game for multiple people. If one sets "artillery" on the ban list, the other can equally set "jump-capable machines with pulse lasers" on it, with the exact same reasoning and justification.

OP just needs to stop being a pussy.
Ok but how does that not apply to everything that could be suggested as a solution? Its just retarded to start with because pulse boats are already very high on the curve.
I will refer you too >>93441583. If they refuse to face artillery and mines then anon can refuse to face jumping pulse boats spam, likewise if they choose to ban artillery and mines, anon can choose to ban jumping pulse boats.
But it's established that everyone in this meta spams pulse jumpers and is fine with that, so I don't think he really has the power to ban something everyone likes. Maybe he could ask his opponent to limit themselves to 1 or 2 jumpers and pulse lasers though and he do the same
He could also spam Warhawk C's with good pilots. Nothing like a 3 or 2 gunnery pilot with a tarcomp and CLPL's to hurt jumpy spam.
Of course he has the power. It's the power of saying "No fun, no game."
then they will just play with each other and he won't have someone to play against

>Yet they consider basically any type of new technology with high suspicion of cheese, without realising they themselves are playing with cheese. Clan tech, vehicles, battle armour, protomechs etc were all treated very warily.

Also just in general using something OP to beat someone using something less OP is not a good tactic and is the type of thing literal autists do, you see the same thing at magic the gathering. It feels good to imagine but doesn't really solve the issue, I suggest just talking about how you dont like playing against pulse boats and how they are pretty powerful and can we agree on some kind of limit next week
>consider clantech suspicious and new
>use jumping pulse boats
Aight, which chassis? Because the only one that I can think of that is earlyish enough is the Wraith, most jumpy pulsars are late era and/or Clan.
Is that some kind of middle-earth cheese?
It COULD be that they are fine with later era jumpers as long as they use IS weapons? There's also the nightsky and star league mechs like the PXH-1Kk
Yeah, I think adjusting expectations is probably the best route. My group has sort of a soft ban on taking more than 1 mech in that category, anything that jumps 7+ is really hard to deal with without using pulse+TC yourself.

Like, this is an easy conversation like “maybe we shouldn’t bring the most broken lists possible, but also let’s open our tech up a little more”

MUL and such say 1.33 ?

28% and 33% have a 5% difference which is significant.
pretty sure its not linear, going from 1/1 to 0/0 costs more than 4/5 to 3/4
Its exponential. But 4/5 -> 3/4 is 1.33 multiplier. A 33% increase. IF it is only 1.28, a 28% increase... well thats a nice 5% off the bv fattening.
Reflective armor and autocannon with precision ammo.
> Yet they consider basically any type of new technology with high suspicion of cheese
Don't accept their paradigm if you don't want to play under it. Start a campaign or try to get a few of them to play in time periods and areas that aren't rife with cLPLs.
That is unfortunate, and most people have already outlined some options, but the way I see it you can do one of the following:

>enter the jumpy pulse-boat arms race anyway
>slowly introduce new tech under the guise of just wanting to play a specific thing - e.g. “I just got a White Raven miniature painted up and I want to play it soon, but it uses Ferro-Lam armor - but you guys are cool with that, right?” and repeat until the available tech has expanded enough that you can formulate counters
>just flat-out ask if they could limit their jumpy pulse-boat units to 1 per game, or just skip it for once, because you don’t like it - just a gentleman’s agreement so everybody has a decent time, and a little variety won’t kill them
>start a campaign and try to restrict the era and tech availability to introduce them to other options, in the hopes they pick up other mechs that don’t slot into that playstyle
>quit the group if none of these options are viable and you can’t/won’t live with how the meta just is and how inflexible the group is being

It does suck playing games with people who entrench themselves into one single strategy so hard that they never change it, even if it’s not the most optimal strat. But I’d be infuriated to play against hypocrites that spam cheese to no end but regard any possible counter to that as cheese itself. That approaches dangerously close to WAACfaggotry if it isn’t already knee-deep in it.
I finally got the email today. Now i just need to figure out how i'm going to paint all the tanks i'm getting.
You're not actually. There are tons of units that "aren't playable" but indisputably exist anyway because they're mentioned or used in one way or another. Some are from the 80s and still have yet to receive a record sheet. The Viper is one of them, which is ironic since it was on every record sheet for years.
See their broken and counter it with more broken. Every time they bring out the clan lpl spam fuckery, you bring out the wobbies with arrow iv.
Dont bother shooting at their mechs.
Send your message
>Dear, All
Courtesy of davy crockett M warheads.
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Heresy. /btg/ honours the dragon, justly.
Return to 3025.
Artillery is the king of the battlefield..clearly you arent using a big enough amount of boom.
Davy crockett M is your answer to fucking waac fags.
I will admit, as obnoxious as I find you to be, that dragon actually looks good.
I did MUL and got 1.3197 comparing 4/5 to 3/4, 1.1937 for 3/5
That Centurion actually doesn't look like shit
this is probably bait so i won't be replying again but using an op strategy to beat an op strategy does not "beat" waac players
sadly it's still a centurion though.
Yes it does. They want to use waac to assfuck their opposition as a power jerkoff.

So bu using nukes. You exterminate them and their dudes and they dont gwt to do what they wanted. Jerkoff while killingnyour shit with broken crap.
You deny them what they wanted.
And you just keep fucking nuking them.until they learn. Every time the bullshitncomes out. You just table thenfuckers with nukes.
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>Reflective Armor
>Precision Ammo

Let me guess, those faggots are still stuck in 3055?
So 1.32. Neat.
One of my few instances of success did involve liberal use of infernos. Will pursue further. I've got a Capellan armoured force with a bunch of Arrow IV and Fa Shih which I've not played with yet. Time to break it out I guess.

More, technology they don't play with than new technology. Wraiths, WVR-7K, CRB-27sl are usual suspects. Clans and combined arms were an unknown until I turned up, as far as I can tell.

To be fair to them, they are happy to play against the new stuff I introduce, I think I overstated that point. They just give it big metaphorical side-eye.

I was tempted to go hard into the arms race. Nova Cat F, Supernova 4, ENF-6NAIS style hard. But I think that that'll just open their eyes to further possibilities along those lines.
A campaign would be cool. One of the guys has run some campaigns before for the others

Cheers anons for suggestions. I think I just need to take a dose of man-up pills and experiment with more counters.
it could be a lot worse, jumping mechs with pulse lasers are strong but they aren't unbeatable or broken if they aren't using clan lasers
Can't be. All they have for jumpy pulse boats are the Wraith, a variant if the Pixie, the Nightsky, and arguably the Charger 9K. Off the top of my head anyway. Unless they do actually branch into clan tech.

You cannot honour anything with unfinished and unbased minis.
Tell them that Glazed armor is form 1994 (Tactical Handbook) and Precision Ammo is from the 2000 (FM:FS).

Those guys are not proper grogs, but munchkins...
The Chameleon is cool. When can we get that?
odds are past december that the merc boxes will start showing up in retail
nah it makes sense, grogs are retarded and often get rules or basic facts about the setting completely wrong
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Blakists, you say?
My suggestion is to play with objectives, especially ones with time limits. It forces them to have to commit in a reasonable time frame and up close, their TMM and pulse lasers matter a lot less against a brick. Fa Shih are better against slower targets than jumping pulse boats sadly. But depending on what vehicles you have, they can work well. Also, the CCAF has easy access to vibrabomb mines starting in the 3040s, which are mines that can actually hit jumping mechs effectively. They will make short work of jumpers, especially if your opponent is bringing lighter jumpy mechs.
Cappellans are also the first to Un-LosTech FASCAM.
Which also means arrow iv warheads come In FASCAM.

Thunder warhead lrm spam
Thunder warhead arrow iv spam.
Ahahahaha. Stealth Armour. Lots and lots of Stealth Armour. Your the capcon, its your thing. That and mines and artillery.
stealth armor is dogshit against IS pulse laser boats are you retarded?
It's not, it's very good. Doubling range modifiers puts medium range shots at +3 (+2 for range, doubled for Stealth to 4, +3 for jumping, -2 for pulse) it forces them in close, within 3 hexes. Which, again, allows anon to dictate the engagement.
I need the edgiest mech you can find. Money is no object. I can take it.
Is pulse lasers have 0 range, do you think these guys are jumping 10 hexes away? They would be jumping behind and shooting in the back

Blood reaper by name
at the cost of 10 heat a turn and a big hike in BV and they probably want to close anyway
True, but it curbs their ability to engage at range and dance away from nasty things. They cannot skirmish now, they have to close, and once they do, you turn it off.
>Is pulse lasers have 0 range, do you think these guys are jumping 10 hexes away? They would be jumping behind and shooting in the back
The Fenrir BA is the solution to that.
You are just a hater and your 'opinions' (shitposting faggotry) doesnt count.
>cannot ignore the bait
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Blue Eyes White Dragon Lance

Hue hue hue. Geddit?

>blue eyes dragon
>white dragon
>dragon lance

Herp derp.
NTA, but this is something that continually annoys me, especially with mechs with Stealth and TSM. I see way too many people refusing to turn off Stealth when it's no longer useful and complain that their mechs feel undergunned and too hot. You are supposed to turn it off up close and let loose or purposefully overheat the turn before and tear into them with TSM.
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Dragon dragon dragon
With dragons i will play
Dragon dragon dragon
Dragon everyday

Try different stealth mechs and playstyles. Look into the Sha Yu 6B, Eyeleuka, Griffin 5L, or Snake 2Br. They play like mobile ambushers instead of stationary snipers and stealth armor works wonderfully for them. You can chip at the pulse boats from range, stealth armor heavily limits the pulse boats accuracy, and you have comparable maneuverability. If they try to close to get better to hit numbers, you can drop the stealth armor and at that point, you heavily outgun them.
Wait...how can pulse lasers be more accurate than any other laser? You point, click, and bam. You hit the target since...ya know. Its going the speed of light
Regular laser allegedly dump their damage as a countinuous ray that lasts for five to ten seconds while pulse lasers basically high-power strobe@you for two seconds.
Normal ones, yes. With pulses your targetting computer can correct it over the course of the firing sequence.
Shorter burn time so you don’t have to keep the beam on the target for quite as long to get the full damage.
But how is that more accurate? I don't get it.
*in MWO
>One of my few instances of success did involve liberal use of infernos.
Could you get by with Light SRM Carriers?
Loading those up with Infernos might force them to consider cooler running builds.

>their TMM and pulse lasers matter a lot less against a brick
Especially if you have them covering your Bricks.
You don't have to hold on target for as long. Some regular laser "misses" might just swipe across the target without being able to hold long enough to do real damage. Each individual pulse on a pulse laser does a little bit of damage and it adds up fast.
It's just one big laser vomit in a really short amount of time. On a regular laser, your target might be able to juke out from under the beam before it can dig in. On a pulse, it hits with its entire energy almost right away.
In the books, a regular laser, pulling the TIC its linked to turns the laser on. And you have to keep driving the beam onto the target with the aid of the CCIP in your HUD.

with pulse lasers, in between each pulse the laser itself is also recalculatingnits aimpoint onto the CCIP so it is easy to keep the beam drivingnonto the target
The regular laser gimballs once and you pull the trigger. Then it is set.
The pulse laser is constantly gimballing and refocusing.
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You can be a grog and get the rules right.

But it is true that there is people that get the rules wrong, and keep playing it wrong for years.
If you've been doing it one way for 10 years and suddenly someone tells you it's wrong, well, it's the way things are done here!
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Ah, memories. I wish Manic was as entertaining as VV was.

In fluff, pulse lasers fire and cycle far faster than standard lasers, like how in the games standard lasers have a long consistent beam. In fluff, this stutter is also used by the 'mechs own targeting systems to move the laser to keep on target inbetween pulses.
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What do you think of my proposal for a light-medium 'mech designed to cheaply carry the (at the time brand new) UAC/5 into battle as cheaply (and survivably) as possible? Features include:
>ultra autocannon/5
>an entire ten bursts of ammunition
>case in the adjoining torso to prevent loss of units to ammo explosions
>no fancy delicate xl engine just basic fusion engine with completely empty sides
>no need for expensive double heat sinks when single heat sinks are more than enough
>moves pretty fast
>no need to jump
>*two* (2) medium lasers
>20 damage alpha strikes capable of forcing enemy piloting skill rolls
>plenty of forward armor pretty much max
>cheap infantry are expected to screen these while they hold the line or advance
>no fear of noobs overheating and shutting down due to panicked repetitive alpha strikes
>no fear of noobs causing problems with bad jumping
>no fear of noobs losing their 'mechs and their expensively trained lives due to ammo explosions because of case

Question: is this true? My understanding of the rules is that when an ammo explosion in the right arm destroys the right arm and moves into the right torso, if that right torso has case, then it applies whatever damage is left to the rear armor of that right torso first, then the remaining damage to the right torso internal structure, until there is no more internal structure to destroy, and then it stops there, because the right torso CASE prevents the ammo explosion which started in the right arm but moved into the right torso from migrating into the center torso.

Is this correct?

(If not, this design might just get half a ton lighter.)
I thought you were wrong so I looked it up last night to call you a retard, but according to TW if an ammo explosion enters a CASE protected location from another location, CASE does its thing.
Ammo explosions carry over inwards according to the chart and CASE prevents internal explosions from carrying over. It does not care where that explosion originated from and does not stop explosions from entering the location it is in, only exit.
You're not going reliably force PSRs, you need every weapon to hit and then because of how UAC works, you have a 60% chance of only rolling 1 on the cluster table. I suggest you drop a ton of armor for another ML.
You're thinking of some weird hybrid of CASE and CASE II.
CASE makes it so an ammo explosion destroys all the structure in the CASE location (which also destroys that location) and then whatever is left over just goes away instead of continuing on to the CT. CASE II blows out the (rear) armor and just one point of structure instead.
So its a slightly fat, Royal Clint?
You're getting a little confused. Only CASE II vents excess damage out the rear torso and it generally works completely differently than CASE I.

Ammo explosions move along the internal structure, they do not effect armor at all. All CASE I does is prevent said ammo explosion from traveling any further into a mech.

If a mech with CASE I in the side torso suffers an ammo explosion in the same-side arm, the ammo explosion travels up internal structure of the arm, with the remainder going into the side torso internal structure. If there is more explosion damage left (which there most likely will be) than the side torso has structure the remaining damage is lost as the CASE in that body section vents the rest of the damage outwards. The Arm and side torso are both destroyed, but CASE prevented the entire mech from exploding.

With CASE II which can be mounted in arms and legs, an Ammo explosion is results in a single additional point of internal damage while the rest of the damage in dealt to the rear armor of the location, excess damage is lost. For limbs it's either all the armor that's left, or half the location's total armor, whichever is less. Furthermore, that one point of internal damage does not crit on a SEPERATE 8+ roll before you roll to confirm the crit normally.
Speaking of CASE, how do XL engine repairs work? The destroyed section rules say that anything in a destroyed section is also destroyed and can't be repaired unless you roll high on a diagnosis check, but then engines can take up to three hits and still be repaired according to the chart.
Does the diagnosis roll just determine which of the XL's side torso crits got hit when the location was destroyed and then you repair it according to the repair table for that many crits, or does a diagnosis result of "destroyed" just fuck your engine beyond repair? I feel like it should be the former, but I'm not sure.
What's a good bodyguard for an Archer? Currently got a Steiner lance lined up for a 3025 game with an ARC-2S at the center with a Phoenix Hawk to spot for his LRMs. I'd think something like the Wolverine, but I don't really like autocannons.
An Archer doesn't really need a bodyguard, but if you want to give it a buddy, a Valkyrie, Trebuchet, or Whitworth could be good. Some extra LRMs and medium lasers to amplify its effect on the battlefield.
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>Is this correct?
Kinda. As others said, right now an ammo explosion will hit the arm first, transition to armor on the torso, then structure, where the CASE will prevent more damage going to the CT.
Issue here however, is that with only 20 rounds at 5 damage each- 100 total- that's 21 to blow off the right arm, then 31 to blow off the right torso, at which point CASE kicks in to vent the final 48 out the back. This is from a TAC on a fully packed arm with a gun you're firing all the time, which would require two rolls that are a 2% probability of occurring Depending on what ruleset you use (2 for TAC and two 6s for the crit location), before even discussing the probability of hitting the right arm.

>What do you think
It's poor- you're looking at bad 3025 'mechs thinking they were made to be shit, not as "Poor machines that are made to teach you a specific playstyle with good fluff backing them". This can be seen with the Banshee- it's not simply a bad assault mech, its a 'melee bruiser meant to cover it's advance towards opponents, which is why it's also oversinked and has all it's guns in the torso.

If you wanna make a good "failed" mech, you need to consider a powerful in-game ability, and then build around that for utility alongside established canon. Offhand, you could make a quad medium to use hull-down rules, and fluff wise could make it a Scorpion replacement that went all LRMs, the designers getting cold feet over the scorp's heat issues.

Finally, having all your guns in one arm is a terrible move.
Its a Clint thats praying its RA isnt shot, and praying nothing gets behind it. Whilst I do admire the drive to making grogtech style designs, these are some issues. A fast/mobile Light like a Locust or Wasp is going to have a field day with it, and a LAM will be creaming itself.
Ugh, forgot the name.
Anyway, looking at it, and your other designs, you have a tendency to frontload armour at the expense of the rear which is, in my experience, suicide. Your also praying that your RA and RT are not, simply, shot off.
Also, your too fast for infantry to reliably screen, and as >>93443587 said, your not reliably forcig PSR's with a UAC5 (not that it matters IMO, oldschool designs didnt care about that). Your also less than a million C-Bills shy of a Wolverine 6R, which is 10 tons heavier, better at close range, and has jumpjets, making it far more mobile in dense terrain. And it has rear armour that wont be penetrated by a Small Laser hit. Though I can see your Ranger as a Star League mech, purchased through nepotism/bribes.
There was a... "Discussion" in the local BT group on how the Leopard is not a good choice for a mercenary lance for their own transport and some suggestions such as that a half-empty union and a mule would be better, alongside a couple of other hot takes, and I said I'd write the backstory to a mercenary company using only a Leopard for their own transport. So here it is.

Sorry about the essay.
Do we even have a clint/centurion/enforcer

Medium trooper that carries a fat autocannon and doesnt sort of suck?

I'm thinking a CN-O with cuac10?
Doesn't the Archer 2S come with it's own medium lasers and SRMs? What else do you need against 3025 lights?

Also interested in hearing about this for Accountech.
Also, super autocannon with range of 10 class and damage of 20 class when?

An ac30 if you will? Since we got hag 20 blah blah blah why not ac30, uac30, lbx30 ? More damage than ac 10, more range than ac 20?

Boy you had best repent that blasphemy quickly
nah, that's pussy talk
AC 40 with a max range of one hex
They probably got it from here.
Key points against using a Leopard
Cramped like living in an RV with 8 other people except you can't go outside on most days.
Three cargo bays with a razor thin allotment of general cargo. You're not carrying spare parts and ammo and any amount of salvage unless you strip out the aerospace bays.
No internal cargo doors, transferring parts from one bay to another has to happen on the outside of the ship.
Aerodyne so you need a runway to land and takeoff.

In its favor
Basically a big ASF
Has enough external doors to rapidly release its compliment of ASF and mechs in combat conditions, which not all dropships can do.
We play 5k here. 6 would work though. Get a better pilot or upgrade a mech or 2.

My go to is a
Catapult (K2)

The extra points would let me move around some variants.
But the Centurion is alright and the Enforcer is outright based. What are you on about?

Yeah, sure, valid points, except you can just agree to a C-bill share of all salvage instead of getting the salvage as-is (as per campaign ops) and landing/takeoff are rarely an issue.

Basically it was just baffling to me how the "most common lance-sized transport used by militaries across the inner sphere" is apparently bad at the exact job it was written to do.
Nah, it's good as a military lance transport. Your shit, and the shit of the rest of the battalion, comes in on a cargo dropper, you're not going to live in the Leopard for longer than it takes you to go from the jump point to the planet, and when you take off you load the salvage onto another cargo dropper. The Leopard is a combat transport, it does exactly that job, and that's what makes it horrific as an option for mercenaries that don't have the logistics of a regular military behind them.
That would just be a pile bunker.
is the hatchetman a trash even as a bodyguard that smacks light mechs coming for your ranged fire mech's ass?
Yes. It's one of the worst 'mechs in the game, but you shouldn't let it stop you. Half the fun is seeing trash perform far above its station.
I think this would apply to most other dropships too, seeing as the maintenance/upkeep cost of having a, say, Union and a Mule would be bankrupcy-inducing as opposed to that of a Leopard.
One half-filled Union or Mule would do the job fine with a lot of space to spare, but we're closing on trying to make the economy and space travel logistics make sense, and that's just not done.
The Hatchetman is for clearing out the air space during orbital drops.
Yeah, this. Look at the OP image. Like, why would you make a samurai black? That's just obvious DEI pandering. These recent choices to wokeify the game are unacceptable.
>apparently bad at the exact job it was written to do.
The job it's written to do is blitz insertions of raiding mech paratroopers (who do not live in it outside of the brief transit during an operation) in the opening wave of an invasion. It's fine for that.
But what it's actually used as is the permanent base of people who have to live in it for years and try to keep their operations going with less free space than an average cargo truck. Even something as basic as doing maintenance on your units is a fucking nightmare unless you've stripped the aerospace bays to make more space. Without that you've got 34 tons of free space. That's 34 tons for all your ammo, all your replacement armor panels, all your random utility vehicles, anything you pick up during a job, etc. If it's your only dropship, you better be real careful about where you drop for raids or whatever, because you're going to need something approximating a runway to pick up your mechs and get out of there. It's got a lot of problems for long term sole-dropship usage. If it's your second dropship, then it gets a lot better, and if it's your first twelve dropships on a forty dropship invasion, then it's great.
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The original, venerable Ranger RGR-1A (pictured here) was first fielded in 2444 as an early general-purpose battlemech. The design is so old, it predates jump jets. Plenty of armor all around and decent mobility render the Ranger a survivable platform to bring & keep a well-considered arsenal of weapons in the fight. Quadruple machine guns and a medium laser are mounted coaxially with the longest-range autocannon available at the time inside of a hot-swappable external weapons pod (which looks like a giant hand-held rifle), an early innovation in modularity to simplify logistics.

Two centuries later, in 2641, the innovative design was further innovated with the production of the Ranger RGR-2U, which was built on an Endo Steel chassis; the saved weight was reinvested into a second laser and upgrading the old Autocannon/2 to the brand-new Ultra Autocannon/5 (despite notorious teething issues). To some consternation from dyed in the wool soldiers, the machine guns were dropped entirely in the newer model (but return in an anti-infantry variant).

Both the original and UAC/5 versions were sold under contract to the SLDF, especially the RGR-2U, which was exclusively contracted only to the SLDF & [REDACTED] until the Amaris Coup.
My mercs utilize 4 Dropships, 3 Union Class Dropships and heavily modified Fortress gutting the majority of the Heavy Vehicle transports for Troops, living quarters and storage.

Fortress is the Main HQ.
>Fly to your area of operations zone
>Unload if it's a longer operation
>Blitz and fuck back off if not
>Hang out at Galatea to do repairs and relax
Is this not how an average merc company would operate?
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I sure do miss bottom-anon, I wonder how they're doing today. :3c
Shut up foo'
No. No you dont. Imagine having to share a 2x4 cell with four other people in shifts. Imagine not being able to shit in the shitter too often or at certain times. Imagine not being able to shower.
Imagine having to live on rat packs and mre's forever. No real kitchen. Imagine not exercise or entertainment. Imagine no MASH If you get sick. Imagine basic maintenance becoming so nonsense you need confined space ticket just to change a lightbulb. Let alone mech upkeep.
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>That's just obvious DEI pandering.
It's only DEI if white people objectively are better Samurai than the POCs.
Sounds like what it was like back in army training.

Also, just did the math like the autist I am, with fuel costs, a Mule is about 600k c-bills a month more expensive to operate, and without fuel costs a mere 150k C-bills a month more.
>e did you start to see a shift away from medieval style governance and warfare and towards a more centralized Napoleonic style governance and warfare?
>paint all mechs to a reasonably good tabletop standard
>completely shit them all up with heinously bad handwritten labels

Why would you do this?
This is a vulcan.
Because I suck at painting etc.
No dude, your painting is decent. Just don’t free hand letters on your shit. If you didn’t scribble on their bases they would all look better by like a whole order of magnitude. Brush over that shit with pure black and see for yourself. If you still want labels on their front facing hex side use some water slide stickers. What you’ve got now is a damn tragedy. But you can salvage it.
You can add extra facilities for personnel, iirc in the construction rules it's basically just adding more crew space without adding anything that would require more crew. Exactly what you'd get per ton is more of a question to ask your GM, but the rules do have an abstract provision for it.
But even with the aero bays removed, space is tight on a Leopard and you can't add too much while also being able to haul all your parts and ammo and salvagem
John wiped at the thick load of white sticky coolant that ran down his face. His old reliable Gladiator-1R 55 ton Inner Sphere Battletech purring at her finest, dozens of alarms blinking on the Mech's dashboard, many of which had been on since the day he had won her.

He had won the venerable 'Mech in a (completely heterosexual) game of "Samurai swords", the favoured pastimes of the Kuritan officers within his unit. He didn't understand why they'd always insist on challenging him, since without Canopian surgeries they didn't stand a chance at winning. But John didn't ask questions like that. John asked questions like this instead:

"I hope you like getting... " he squeezed the trigger.

"Thunderstoked." he grunted manly-y into the communications system as he gripped his joystick tightly, tugging on the buttons with his rough calloused digits. His bulky hands wrapped tight around the petite Kuritan machine's most sensitive of controls.

He said this as he unloaded a gushing jet of short ranged inferno missiles from his Thunderstoke SRM 6, exploiting the hole that his Lord's Light P1 Particle Projector Cannon had opened. The gaping steaming hole in the Timberwolf's rear getting pounded by missile after missile. The hot burning jets of pyroclastic materials mixing with the latent heat of such a primal machine. The climax of fire and passion causing the endosteel frame to groan out in euphoric bliss.

The cowardly Clanner mashed the eject sequence, his 75 ton Omnimech completely spent.

"Curse you John Mechwarrior!" Aiden Pryde cursed as he was catapulted into the sky.

John yanked at his joystick again, aligning his large weapon with the tiny target that dangled under the parachute.

John saluted and grumbled aloud to no one in particular "Seyla to that, mother fucker."

The blast of man made lightning arcing through the sky, leaving naught but smoke and dust where Aiden Pryde had been floating.
>calls someone else a tourist
>uses tourist arguments
Gotta love when they out themselves.
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>checked & clintpilled
Yes, and you're not the first to notice.

All good & agreeable thoughts, of course, I decided to go for the "everything in one arm" meme out of artistic taste (and stuffing every last crit in order to reduce ammo hit liklihood).

Yes, you are also correct, and this is why these would operate together in teams of three forming lances with a fourth "specialist" battlemech (like a Marauder or Archer), each covering its teammates so that anybody who gets behind one of them is in the line of fire from three of the Ranger's buddies.

Yes, and this is because I'm roleplaying a military industrial magnate using autism & cronyism to provide the most beancount-friendly 'mech to the SLDF under nepotistic contract, built around obviously bad meta like near zero back plates and everything in one hand so you can punch & carry with the other as if an incarnation of Pierre Sprey was a vocal contributor to the steering & design committee.

Thank you for appreciating the RGR-series of battlemechs.

I'd also like to thank all of the CASEposters.
Where's the undo button?
So they're basically Napoleonic style governments and militaries.
Nah. They are infinitely closer to pre-revolutionary armies, with large chuncks being foreign fighters, irregulars and privately commissioned forces.
When you guys see something on Sarna that's obviously wrong, do you bother correcting it?
How much charging damage could a 60 tonner that moves 7/11/0 do?
there's some chucklefuck who goes around occasionally changing the range values of different weapons into meters instead of hexes so i try to fix that whenever i catch it
1 damage per 10 tons X hexes moved, the final hex not counting.
so potentially 60 damage at most

I wasn't into to it until it was revealed to be Aidan Pryde. Also some one saying "Curse you!" and the dialogue tag being 'cursed' is amateur or intentional but really funny either way.
Is it in 5pt clusters? I put together a 60 ton 7/11/0 "Chargelet" with max armor and I have 5.5 tons to play with for weapons.
No, Sarna is useless anyway, so being useless and wrong doesn't change anything.
>No, Sarna is useless anyway
They're useful as an index for where in which book specific rules appear.
I don't have or want an account and making changes without one is pointless on any wiki.
It's more like Vulcan's big brother, no jump jets, but more armor and a bunch more machine guns.

This is totally a twenty-fifth century Battlemech, back when a plain old Medium Laser was more expensive than the engine.
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Yeah, charge damage is 5 pt clusters.
Great. 300 posts of the same fucking mech incoming. Good job.
Sorry boss, but I call them like I sees them.
He could also use a 0.5mm permanent marker instead of a brush but tards gonna tard
Hello, I have a lore question. Why are the ghost bears or at least their khans on team wolf now? I thought the bears and wolves hated each other with the bears constantly attacking them before the wolves left their occupation zone. Why would a clan ghost bear that has fully integrated with rasalhague want to join with the people they hate to the point it starts a civil war? Also why the fuck do I have to prove I'm human then wait 60 fucking seconds before I can get a shitty captcha.
The writers wanted to fuck the bears over cause they were tired of the memes about the bears being the only sane clan or whatever, so they made them have a civil war because plot reasons.
>? I thought the bears and wolves hated each other

Not really. Bears and Wolves have never had strong feelings about each other.

> Why would a clan ghost bear that has fully integrated with rasalhague want to join with the people they hate to the point it starts a civil war?

Reestablishing the Star League and shit. The Bears have incorporated Rasalhague, but it's still firmly a Clan society.
>as entertaining as VV was.
I'm trying to be entertaining, but it usually just comes across as obnoxious!

>everything in one hand so you can punch & carry with the other
Why not just put the weapons in the Torsos then?
Tetsuhara is a bitch. When I ask you who's the master, you say "Tai-sa Sho'Nuff"
Because the weapons are to be carried like infantry carry rifles. Isn't it easier to point your fingers than your tits at something? Exactly! Plus, for fluff, these 'mechs carry all their weapons & ammunition in a gun-shaped weapons pod, so that it's faster & easier to rearm them -- just hot-swap a whole new gunpod (which weighs about as much as an entire ten ton 'mech).
This implies that an AC/25 with ranges of 2/4/6 exists, as does an AC/30 with ranges of 1/2/3, and an AC/35 with ranges of 1/2.
how luxurious was the Argo then, with all the shittalks about the Leopard?
>at least in MW5 it looked quite spacious, with a magic 4th dimension cargo bay
Ok tourist
I want to give a C3 lance a try, how would you guys recommend building one?
The argo's whole thing is being a star league boondoggle to make the most comfortable possible dropship. It has a swimming pool for god's sake.
As the anon who originally complained about the companies bad habit of retconning mechs into existence why are you trying to resurrect an arguement I won hours ago?
The Argo was meant to be a mobile space station for long term exploration missions, drop it and a couple regular dropships with some shuttles and let them loose on uncharted systems. When the cabin fever sets in or they start running out of canned beans, they can go dock at the Argo for some R&R.
It is also bad for what it was used for, being large, fragile, unarmed, and a real collar hog.
Although it combined with a Leopard does alleviate a lot of their problems. Makes a new problem in that combined they take up three slots on a jumpship, which is a big ask when most commercial ones only have two or three to begin with and there are other dropships booked up.
Actually they only take up 2 collars. The leopard is attached to collars on the other side of the argo.
Be aware C3 is expensive BV-wise. Bring your own ECM to counter enemy ECM or your fucked.
The Argo itself is so fat that it takes up two collars all by itself and then the actual rules for the MDCS state that the collective bunch of dropships take up the same number of collars as they would individually. So three.
Re-engineered lasers...Good or bad?
Not dead. Had to actually work at my job the last few days and couldn't bring my laptop, which kept me from working on Instant Action. I'm hoping I can get the remainder of scenarios done tonight along with Gambits and Conditions, so we'll have a playable draft of V4 real soon.
the sourcebook with the argo clarified that a dropship attached to a dropship still "uses up" a collar on the jumpship, otherwise you could infinitely chain dropships together because it's all at zero gravity.
It would have been too good if it actually worked like that. Just being able to daisy chain them at all already makes some people apoplectic, if it actually had an advantage that strong they'd lose their shit and it would raise a lot of questions, such as "why the fuck would this revolutionary technology not be used for anything else?" It being a boondoggle that doesn't really help anything makes more sense.
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Starting on the Aerotech Rebuild now and fixed MGs again as a side bonus. Should AC2s also have inert ammo so no ammo bombs on a plinky weapon? I wish all this was this easy since I don't really understand code and compiling. Any other suggestions while I'm monkeying with the code?
Do you have any suggestions for someone trying to port your work over to Alpha Strike? Before someone says something yes I play classic. I prefer it. But the local scene is alpha strike heavy. I figure scenario play might be a way to start improving things.
Maybe also non explosive SRM2 ammo?
Should I post more John Mechwarrior?
I don't play Alpha Strike myself so I'm not really sure. Aside from adapting hex based objective placement too description based, no idea what'd be needed.
Don't know what that is but yes.
Fair. Well I'll just do the best I can then. If I posted it when I'm done could I get your imput?
SRM-2 has the same number of missiles per ton as the 4, and they both actually have ten more missiles per ton than the 6 for mysterious construction rule reasons.
I just use sarna for that.

The Mega is all you need.
Sure, just post it sometime when you see me namefagging.

Scenarios still to rework

>High Risk Extraction(might get renamed Operational Security)
>Scan Or Recover
>Hot Potato
>Under No Circumstances
>Get The Goods
Would this list work?

Gunslinger GUN-2ERD
Grasshopper GHR-6K
Warhammer WHM-8K
Crusader CRD-6T

My thought is that the Grasshopper and Crusader close to brawl and give the C3 bonus to the Warhammer and Gunslinger while they hang back to snipe.
I've definitely seen worse. Big problem is your fastest mech is a 4/6/4, so you won't get as much benefit from C3 as lances with a true C3 spotter do.
Ackshually, the CRD-6T is 5/8/5. I'm somewhat limited when it comes to light and medium mechs, sadly, but if you have a favorite C3 spotter, I'd love to hear about it.
Nta, but the mongoose is my go to. My drac budy uses the spider knockoff whose stupid jap name I can't remember. His are strictly apeaking better at the job.
Not 3025 tech, so therefore bad. Everything that comes after 3025 is shit, and weapons are no exception.
What about stuff that comes before 3025
Missing out on some cool mechs.
One of the CSO artists posted this on Discord
This is smooth as balls. Also, an Argus? Nice.
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The Jenner is a decent C3 spotter, but I've actually gotten a lot of utility from using the Grand Dragon. No one thinks of it as a spotter, but it moves 6/9, and it's tough enough it takes a lot more fire to down than most other spotter options. Plus it brings glory to the Dragon. The No-Dachi 2KO is even better at the role, since it's a 5/8 with TSM that has the weapon loadout to be in the enemy's face, but it's only available after 3060
My expanding roster of mechs fills me with joy. Four more shall join the ranks this weekend. Soon I shall have a company. Eventually a battalion.
Glorious. Which do you have so far and which are you getting this weekend?
Gimme a moment I'll stage a picture.
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These are all the finished and mostly finished mechs. This weekend I'm finishing the shad, mongoose, hachetman, blackjack and Valkyrie and then starting on a wolfhound, hollander, wolverine and a fireball. Also got a hunchi, griffin, flashman and Trebuchet that need painting, but they are lower on my priority list so they'll probably be next week. Hopefully I did this right and the image won't flip.
Holy shit what happened to this general?
I swear every time a kickstarter delivers it goes to shit for 2 months.
New to the setting/game. I live fast high-DPS low-HP characters, what kind of bots and factions fit that roguish vibe?
Clan Lights.
All factions have access to all mechs, via either buying them on the open market or capturing damaged ones. That said, the vibe you're looking for is covered by Clan light mechs. They're very fast and punch way above their weight class due to advanced technology found in Clan mechs, but they're still super fragile.

Clan Ice Helion likes this strategy more than anyone else. If you don't want to play the Clans, Pirates and Periphery factions get a cheaper and worse version of the same effect because they run lots of light mechs.
So do the Clans have a banking system? Like, I keep hearing about the Jade Falcons having the best bankers, but I thought that the Clans mostly had a barter/looting economy. But now the Falcon Bankers made their own faction post-Ilkhan?
>I thought the bears and wolves hated each other
Bears have a grudge against Wolves, but that is far from hatred. They hate the Vipers. Wolf doesn't care much about Bears beyond the usual crusader/warden divide. They hate Falcons.
Each usually fight each other with some degree of honor and respect. Ward himself said :
> "Falcons? We send our pups against them when we want to have them learn the feeling of blood on their fangs. If we want to test them against real warriors, we send them against Bears or Jaguars."
The Lyran commonwealth is capitalist, and you can't really have capitalism without banking so they should have a banking system.
The Falcons did in fact canonically have some pretty hard core banks and bankers. Clans still used money, presumably for trade between each other, which did happen. It wasn't all duels and gift giving. The Falcon Bankers isn't a new thing, but it is admittedly a thing that is getting a lot more spotlight now than it ever has before.
Yeah, their money is a macro scale currency meant to represent very large amounts of actual value to be used by the merchant caste as part of their trades. Since a bank is mostly focused on lending, it makes sense that they would have bank institutions as well. "Here's a big pile of Kerenskybux put up by this or that or those clans, who has a venture that needs resources and has a reasonably predictable rate of return?" Ask that question more than once and you're a bank.

Weird, but I guess since DS were the "merchant clan", you don't really get as much info on who the 2nd and 3rd place and such merchant clans would be (IIRC Jade Falcon and Nova Cat, right?)

But actual day to day life for the Clans is socialist right, in that you get credit and use it as permitted? So the bankers would just be serving the military then?

Like, I presumed banks require a public that is putting money in and taking loans.

So I guess Jade Falcon has the best bankers simply by the fact that they're the craziest?

The Jade Falcons were supposed to let their civilians have a fair bit of independence as long as they didn't get any ideas like the Shark Merchants or 'Yote Scientists.

The combination of freedom and oppression is why the Falcon Scientists were the ones who did the Society.
>mysterious construction reasons

"FASA didn't like the number 16.666" isn't mysterious.
Okay if we're talking about Jade Falcons

I wanna talk about Jade, the color

Because I'm very confused. I know Jade the mineral is like a pale green. But lots of battletech units have Jade as a color. But going to camospecs, I'm seeing everything from bright green, to pale green, to turquoise, sometime in the same unit.

Can anyone direct me to a paint that is actually jade? Or define what Jade actually looks like as a colour?

But they also didn't use the number 16.0. They specifically snubbed it and went to 15.
They're basically a counter to a fairly rare set of technologies.

In exchange for twice the tonnage, you get to do slightly more damage and to bypass Hardened, Reflective, and F-L armor. The only time this isn't pants-on-head retarded is when you have an assault Mech that's already packed too full of energy weapons.
They wanted a number divisible by 5.

Now, why didn't they apply this same logic to LRMs? Who knows.

Should they have just had 120 SRMs to the ton like LRMs? Probably.

Why do AC/5s have a minimum range? Why does MG ammo approach nuclear levels of energy density? Why do Clanners fuck their children? We may never know.
It's whatever color you want it to be, however I would use the color in their actual insignia as the 'canon' jade falcon green.
We know that at least one of those is because it was an author's fetishI'm talking about the explosions
Their bankers may be the best by having the deepest pool of money to lend, the sharpest interest practices, or the best eye for what is actually a good investment.
Or the best enforcement if their warriors actually care about nerd shit and can win the trials to back it up.
Plus I bet other clans don't even bank in good faith a lot of the time. It's easy to imagine Smoke Jaguars lending out money for a project, then trialing to gain control of the project, then trialing again to resume interest repayments even though the project was taken by force and the borrower has nothing to show for it.
It seems unlikely to me anything that resembles even ancient or medieval financial systems could survive contact with the trials system.

If the writers were more clever they could have made a big deal about how corrosive the whole system is to long term investments of any kind.
>High Risk Extraction
>Recon vs Destroy
>[Lore blurb]
>The Recon player must rescue a team of hidden spies before the Destroy player can kill them.
>The Destroy player sets up the battlefield, then secretly writes down six hexes which contain agents. Each agent must be at least four hexes from each other and from any map edge, may not be in water, and may only be in hexes between height 0 and 3. After the Destroy player has chosen the Spies’ locations, the Recon player chooses any map edge to be their starting edge - the Destroy player takes the opposite.
>Recon units begin set up in any hex within 3 hexes of their map edge. Destroy units will move onto the map during the first turn.
>The Recon player locates Agents in the exact same manner as finding a unit with the hidden unit rules. The Destroy player is responsible for tracking their locations and revealing them to the Recon player when appropriate. To represent the agents having encrypted emergency beacons, any Recon unit which doesn’t have an active probe receives an active probe with a 3 hex range. Once a Recon unit has located an agent, it is treated as an objective. The Destroy player, who knows where the agents are, has the goal of killing them. If a Destroy unit begins its turn in the same hex as an agent and does not move, the agent is killed. Infantry, Battle Armor, and Protomech units kill an agent simply by beginning their turn in the same hex - their smaller size makes them better able to hunt down and kill a hiding person.
>The game ends in a Recon victory when the Recon player has removed three agents from the map, or a Destroy victory when the Destroy player has killed four agents, whichever comes first.

Only four more scenarios to go.
Where did this "Clanners have sex with kids" meme come from? Can you cite any example in the lore?

I ask because I remember from the Aidan Pryde novels there is a reference to Falconers having sex with cadets, but those cadets were months away from graduating as warriors, so they would have been adults (late teens, at least). In America, the average age for losing one's virginity is about 17 years, so that seems culturally normal compared to a modern first world country.
Trainers in their late 20s to 30s ordering cadets in their late teens at best to fuck qualifies as "clanners have sex with kids"
It depends on how much buy-in there is to the "we're all very civilized about this" aspect. It might be that winning a trial makes it so you also inherit the debts related to whatever you just won and now it's between you and the lender, or the warriors don't give a crap, but the merchants all sit down afterwards and figure out how to shift their funny money around in a way that resembles fair equity given that the government has just mandated an immediate change of hands. In real life, you end up with special appointees who try to carve things up in the most fair way they can for whoever has an interest in whatever is being shifted around. It's never perfect, but there is a system for it.
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On today's episode of playing with knives and superglue, I have created Star Colonel Samantha Kotare's Ebon Jaguar variant. She and Brone Kotare weren't in the same unit, but they were both stationed with Epsilon Galaxy, so imma paint them both up with those colors cause why the fuck not.

Urbanmech MRM30 wound up being the perfect tool for installing her triple LRM 10 launcher in the torso, too.
Only if you define adults as kids, which seems disingenuous.
>Dire Wolf X
>carries 3 types of lasers of different sizes, one pulse, one heavy, a pair of ER micros
>carries 2 unique ballistic weapons
>carries 4 fucking different missiles
>every fucking weapon has different range brackets
>over half the guns require ammo to keep track of

There HAS to be some sort of story here, either in-universe or out. It's like this piece of shit wanted to include every possible weapon with a special rule that it could possibly mount, like it was designed to be some sort of fucking quiz for new players to see if they actually read the whole rulebook. It seriously gives me a headache just looking at it, like this is the sort of thing a disgruntled DM would hand you as a 'reward' for having pissed him off enough over the course of a campaign - congrats, you now have a giant pain in the ass that slows the game to a crawl every time your shooting phase comes around.
Could also be follow-up trials after the details shake out. Just won that trial against clan Wolf for that asteroid mine? Well here comes Jade Falcon looking for their 30% ownership stake. The question is, are you gonna trial the falcons to make their stake disappear, or are you gonna trial the wolves to make them pay out instead of you?,
17 year olds are minors anon. Children.
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I can only assume it's some sort of inside meme joke with the game devs, cause it truly makes no sense yeah. Was a fun little nonsense build a while back, tho.
inb4 a sixty post argument about how it's okay to fuck fifteen year olds actually.
Well we do have at least one tranny and several liberals in this thread, so one of them will probably try to make the arguement.
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Rent free my dude.

Anyway, post mechs. I think this Goliath model is really doofy.
Is there a citation saying they were 17? And again, even if so, that's about average for a modern American becoming sexually active.

Are 50%+ of Americans victims of pedophilia?

More to my original question -- are the Aidan Pryde novels the basis for the meme about Clanners having sex with kids? Because it's the closest thing I've seen so far (about a quarter of the way through re-reading the novels right now), and it seems like a pretty shaky basis for the accusation considering that, again, the people involved are old enough to serve as full warriors in the Clan, which seems like a fair bar for adulthood.
Speaking of inside jokes from the game devs, what is the deal with the Victor 9K/9D. I can't think of any other times when having different brands for the parts leads to a different designation.
Can the culture warriors please kindly fuck off for like, 5 minutes please?
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Almost done with the first lance of my New Samarkand Dracs.
I'd like to have a lance of tanks, and then a final one of....something, once my kickstarter shit arrives.
The kids are presumably sexually active with others around their own age as you damn well know, which is a whole other issue, but if all of them are getting their cherries popped by twenty somethings then yeah that would be a fucking problem and yes those twenty somethings diddling minors would be pedophiles.
First it was 17, now it's 15. By the time you're done straw-manning, it'll be 8, but still no one will be making the argument you're claiming they're making.
It's because they're built by different factories. The 9D in Davion territory and the 9K in Kurita territory.
What word would you use to describe the awkward goofy look of battlemechs?
Most of them don't look awkward or goofy. The ones that do I call shitboxes and refuse to use.
I think your definition of "pedophile" is significantly more expansive than either the law's or any modern culture's, if you're arguing that two sexually mature people old enough to serve in the military having sex is pedophilia.

I just flipped through Way of the Clans, and I'm not seeing either dates on the chapters like a lot of the BattleTech novels have (which would let me calculate Aidan's age from his birth date) or an actual statement about how old he was at the end of his training. So I'm not sure there is any textual evidence indicating he was a minor at all.
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>Most of them don't look awkward or goofy
I mean...they do tho? Like, if I go to Sarna and just pick a mech at random, 4 times out of 5 it's gonna be some goofy ass shit. Pic related as a case in point.
Lots of mechs are built in different factories but retain the same designation. A Stinger 3R is a Stinger 3R whether it was build on Coventry or New Vandenburg, because what makes a Stinger 3R is it's weapon and armor configuration. If the mechs are functionally identical there is no purpose to giving it a different designation.
That isn't goofy. Art could be better, but it isn't goofy.
That’s cool though
Aside from looking like something out of a 50's B-movie
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
It's a meme. Some anons are obviously uncomfortable with the sexual elements of the books. I don't think it's "okay"; it's wrong to use your position in order to gain sexual favors from a subordinate, but I would not call it pedophilia. I would also agree with them "not being kids" though. The sibkos are fucking each other when they hit puberty, you know, like teenagers do now. But clearly by the time they reach warrior training they live by adult rules and morality.

There's some other weird stuff in other later books, supposedly Malivna Hazen was raped by her sibko, but I have not read the dark age books and cannot comment as to the validity/specifics. But, based on the content of the other novels I have read, that does not seem to be endemic cultural practice. Clanners seem to at least understand the idea of consent between peers, there's numerous examples illustrating that. When there's a differential in power it's treated as a lawful order which while alien to our cultural practice makes some kind of sense within their cultural context and no one seemed to be too burned up about it.

Okay so a brighter kinda turquoise. That's nice.
You have overdosed on moral relativism, and your head has disappeared up your own asshole.
It's sad to see mechs go basically ignored. No comments on the kitbashes. No comment on the cross-posted pic of that star league assault lance. No comments on the anon who posted a pic of his minis. Sad, very sad.
It was created as a mech to use for the attack example in TW. It has everything because they wanted to be able to show everything there with one mech. Then they decided to canonize it.
>X for eXample

It’s like poetry
It's fiction lol.

I don't see anyone in here getting mad about the obvious misogynistic practices in the Draconis Combine.
Huh. I honestly expected something dumber. Good shit.

I'm not one to call paid actors, but their sheer monomania over extended periods does make me wonder.
What's the left arm? Bushwacker?
Why would paid shills waste their time here of all places?
It's fatigue from that one guy posting the same pictures of his models over and over again. Also, for engagement purposes it's one thing to say "here are my mechs" and another to go "here are my mechs, what should I improve on." "here are my mechs, can we discuss this aspect of them." The later is much more likely to garner a reply. If you had posted mechs with this comment, I probably would've said something about them too.
Partly the front end of a Hunchback IIC shoulder gun, partly the back end of a Battleaxe arm, partly the rotator joint from a Sentinel cause I needed some more clearance width over the hips.
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Well to dovetail off of your post, how can I improve for this, and my other, mechs? I think I asked once before. The advice I recall was paint the actuators metalic as well, but I'll be honest I can't actually tell what the actuators would be on this so I'm not sure what anon meant by that at the time. I'm open to suggestions for improvement though. I know I'm not terrible and I'mdecently happy with my results, but I'm also not as good as I'd like to be either and I'm sure there's room for improvement and would be greatful for anyone who can point me in the right direction.
Yeah, I posted the dracs without a real goal in mind. Honestly was waiting for some slur.

Shit, ok. That seems like a bit of work.
>was waiting for some slur
Base is good. Maybe some water transfers to breakup all the flat surfaces?
Y'all can be mean sometimes.
I do actually have some logo transfers I've been meaning to put on them. It's just finding transfers in the right size and then finding part of the mech flat enough to get it on is driving me nuts. Probably gonna have to stick things on the front of the mechs thighs or something at this rate
Your basing is solid, I love that, since some fuckers here are too lazy to do it. As far as the mech itself I'm curious as to what techniques you're using. Base, wash, drybrush?

You've got some evident pooling from washes in areas where the lighting wouldn't make it make sense. Some of the silver/metal areas could use some more contrast aswell. But other than that it's competently executed. If this is your 'table top standard' it's extremely solid, I'd enjoy playing against it very much.
It's 4chan.
I would try to increase the contrast somehow. Maybe with bright edge highlights. Something to break up the dark similar colors a little bit.
I'm mad about the Dracs extreme misogyny because it's another thing in a long list of things that should hurt their ability to compete with the peer powers that don't do it but magically doesn't.
Tis my tabletop standard yeah. Posted most of my current collection above.

There any good ways to prevent pooling for the washes? I've thinned the hell out of it, and I gloss varnished the model before applying it cause I heard that helps it slide into cracks, but yeah it does pool a bit and I'm not sure how to deal with that if I'm honest. I've also got no idea how to highlight metalics.

As for the technique I use its a lot of airbrushing mixed with drybrushing. The very first models I tried were just airbrushed with a zenethol highlight and anons pointed out they were flat as hell, ao then for my more recent rounds I've been dry brushing them as part of the undercoat before doing the green layer to make the panels pop a bit and get the edges brighter.
I can't prevent it all the time. I just go over everything with the base color again, leaving the dark recesses alone. Then highlight after that.
I can do some test minis with an even brighter highlight drybrush. See how that looks. I kinda like the more subtle variations in color, but I know it would probably look better on the table if the contrast was more striking.
Which is a legitimate gripe which could be explored or addressed.

My point was that clan kid-diddling is the /tg/ equivalent to Steiner Scout Lance or Taurian good-guy as discussed in the previous thread. Has some tiny basis in reality, but is ultimately, an overblown meme.

You must retvrn to tradition and paint with a brush. Just layer over the washes with the base color leaving it in the recesses. It's time consuming but will give you results closer to dracanon. >>93448166
I think that the position that military age people having sex is inherently morally wrong is an extreme minority position.
With the way I'm currently doing things I don't have a way to go over in the base color. Might have to try a completely different recipe on a test mini where I could.
What evidence is there that putting women in military or economic leadership positions leads to better results?

There's more MechWarrior candidates than there are Mechs for them to fill. Cutting out half of the potential base is bad but not horrible.

>My point was that clan kid-diddling is the /tg/ equivalent to Steiner Scout Lance or Taurian good-guy as discussed in the previous thread. Has some tiny basis in reality, but is ultimately, an overblown meme.

Multiple sources have Clanners abusing sibkids, and Jade Phoenix has kid-diddling with no apparent comments made. It might not be ubiquitous, but it seems common enough.
It dramatically increases the percentage of your workforce that can be mobilized for war.

I'm not engaging in a further discussion of the morality of women's suffrage.

We already covered this. Point out the explicit kid diddling.

It comes up as little as the Misandry of the Magistracy and seems to have been played down over time.

Like most states you see pretty much 50/50 of men and women in the military, its such a non-issue. The Dracs, at most, skew to 75/25 or so in mechwarriors. And I guess the Magistracy maybe skews the other way, at least for mechs (I'm betting the Magistracy still sends men to be slaughtered in their regular infantry waves). But it just hasn't been a huge deal for either faction since like 3015.
Worried about overspray? Could you mask off the bits you don't want sprayed? Or just break out a brush? Thinned down properly, I don't think you'd see a difference.

Also, I'm jealous of people who can use an airbrush. I need a laser pointer or something for mine, I can't ever seem to perform well with mine. Missing areas/too far away/generally shite with it.
And if you want a specific faction, the Ice Hellions!

Of the IS Clans, probably the Wolves right lightest and fastest.
Forgive me anon. While I am an advocate for tradition in many aspects of life and hobbycraft, I don't know that I can go back to basecoating with a brush. I was always shit at it. My minis look nicer now that they don't have either streaky uneven coverage or caked on layers of paint. But perhaps I shall try.
Being ordered to have sex with a superior officer is rape whether or not you are technically of age or if they are legally allowed to do that.
it's well over Q3 CGL

Not necessarily those positions, but keeping women badly educated and out of higher levels of the workforce like the Dracs tend to do does lead to a worse economy. A lot of the most misogynist Islamic nations in Africa, for example, have massively kneecapped their growth potential.

It would be amusing if /btg/ has just like, gaslit itself into imaging pedo scenes where there were none. Is this like what happens from too much anime or something?

There's a lot of overlap between Ice Hellion and Wolf mechs since the two clans clashed and stole ideas a lot. At least back when Wolf was Warden. Ice Ferret.
If you look at the Wolf Clan sourcebook and see its Mech-by-Mech unit descriptions, the Wolves see a lot of Adders, Ice Ferrets, Timber Wolves, and Gargoyles. Slower assaults like Warhawks and Dire Wolves are quite unusual, as are 5/8 and 6/9 mediums. In fact, I'm not sure that there's a single Dire Wolf aside from Natasha Kerensky's. And the Fourth Wolf Guard that are probably the heaviest formation in the touman are almost entirely Gargoyles!
I want a Wraith, the OG one. Maybe a Dart too.
The amount of people you can mobilize for war is sharply limited by your ability to transport them, which in this case is sharply bottlenecked by jumpships. There's a very low ceiling on the number of troops you can actually send anywhere, far lower than any demographic you might mobilize.
is mothballing and hiding a dropship and/or a jumpship possible?
An accountant that never leaves the capital city is still part of the war mobilization if the numbers they are looking at have to do with the war effort. Same goes for scientists, doctors and engineers.
Space is big, so generally, yes.

Jumpship is a trickier proposition solely because they're so rare there's a higher likelyhood some one would come looking for them.

Refer back to a previous post in the chain, I meant mobilize for war in the sense of total war, all sections society support the war effort. Marginalized groups return less than their potential value. There's plenty of real world evidence of this.
Dropship would be fairly easy, but a jumpship would be hard. They don't move fast in realspace and they're easy to track. People could notice one jumping in and never jumping back out, and if it tried to lumber into an asteroid field or whatever, it would take forever.
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There's an example of this in Heir to the Dragon. The 11th legion of Vega had an old Orion class dropship called the "Artic Fox" hidden on an old airbase back in the 4th succession war they used to exfil Theodore Kurita during a Steiner invasion of Marfik.

For the rest of the thread, what's your favorite post 3060 mech?
>Cameron St. Jamais
is that st stands for 'saint?'
Post 3060 mech is hard. I was about to say Night Gyr but that's a 3052 mech.

There's some cool totemic designs (Alpha Wolf and Jade Phoenix both come to mind), but I'm not super-familiar with the later IS stuff. Might have to troll through the newer Rec-Guides to actually find a favorite.
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The Ares. Love the concept of a big fuckin mech ship that needs an extra leg and a crew of three. Love its stupid non optimized loadouts. Sad my local group doesn't want me playing with it.
That is typical for when people put St. in their surname, yes.

That said, as of MMXXIV there is no "Saint Jamais" (frankly it's a weird name; "jamais" is the French word for "never"); my personal theory is that the name was originally St James (an uncommon but known surname in English and in equivalent forms in other languages like the Spanish Santiago), but a writer wanted something that sounded cooler.

Of course, there's a Catholic Church still operating in 30XX in BattleTech and there's every reason to think they'd keep declaring saints; why not a St. Jamais? Also ComStar declared a couple saints, and we known that sometimes people take new names when they join the Blessed Order.
>For the rest of the thread, what's your favorite post 3060 mech?

I love the Sagittaire because it seems good on paper but sucks so hard in the field because of 3/5 + ISPLs.
>there's a Catholic Church still operating in 30XX in BattleTech
There's at least two! The Roman Catholic Church on Earth and the New Avalon Catholic Church are separate entities
Probably the Jackalope. It's not great, but it is fun.
I miss the chargers lil pistol. Imo all the small lasers should be concentrated there for optimum salvo.
If you didn't know at all what battletech was and you just thought "I want a futuristic military robot that can destroy anything with all the coolest weapons available" the X would be it
If you sail it into a tree-covered cove, yes

Wasn't the Dire Wolf more a Smoke Jaguar thing? For the "all in on weapons?" thing they loved?
It was a Clan Wolf mech, Smoke Jaguars trialed for it, won, had it exclusively for a little bit until Wolf won productions rights.
I still kinda want a Pandarus model. I suspect that it's a real shitbox with three ELRM-10s and just one ermlas as backup. That extra long minimum range and half-cluster rule, plus being unable to use any special ammo at all is just brutal.
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It's like this dumb meme idea that's occasionally crossed my mind for MWO: get a 100 tonner and make a pointless, intentionally bad build by fitting as many different weapons on it as possible, knowing full well that most weapons don't synergize for shit with each other
so only by 3040 we barely start to see 'standard' mechs advanced from the introtech, and even by 3049 there are only handful of those with better tech?
Yup. If you look at the old scenarios for the original releases of the Clan Invasion, it'd be introtech mechs facing off against clan mechs, with only the occasional bit of Star League tech and such.
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I could post pictures of my butt if that'd help spice things up?

Very chewable mech, anon. Good job. I'd maybe add in a little edge highlighting and like you mentioned- paint random bits gunmetal. That's the MWO sculpt so you could look in game if you wanted a guide/interpretation on what to paint.

I used an EXE with one of every energy weapon and got 1k in ye olde QP. Fun mech.

Blog post: I was getting my front teeth fixed at the dentist and asked if he could throw in free fangs so... Picrel.
It's a slow process that pretty much happens one mech at a time. Brand new high tech mechs get traded for old shitboxes from the elites, then the shitboxes are refurbished with new tech and traded in for shitboxes with the less elite but still highly regarded units, then their shitboxes are refurbished into new models and it continues to trickle down from there. The genuinely new chassis are going straight to the best boys, and everyone else is getting 1:1 trade-ins bit by bit as the queue opens up.

It really bothers me the pistol isn't a different weapon to the others. It's screaming to be differentiated. Like its a medium laser and you have to knock off a couple of the smalls or something. I don't know, anything different.
who asked you to blog post in /btg/ and also post your gross mouth
Sort of. The war of 3039 is the first major conflict that involves any amount of level 2 technology at all, but it's quire rare and experimental.

Over the 3040s a bunch of star league stuff goes back into production but there's no incentive to crash upgrade everything until the clan invasion happens.

This is overall more sensible than the initial cannon, which is that nothing got done until after the clans were already invading, meaning they fucked around and did nothing with the helm core for twenty years then figured it all out in like two years while under existential threat.
Your mouth is gross. :c
Do Support Weapons on infantry get fired separately or something, or do they just boost the damage per trooper cluster table that you roll on? Because unless I'm doing something wrong in MML, adding Heavy Support Lasers to a rifle infantry platoon seems to have no effect at all on their damage, which seems wrong.
yeah, maybe, and do you see me posting it in /btg/?
My mouth is more important than yours.
your mouth is more important as the gold medal winner of the ugliest mouth competition
you ugly mouthed bitch
In 3049 IIRC the only lostech-upgraded Mech actually being produced and not just being upgraded piecemeal by expensive and rare refit kits was the MAD-5D. And that was is small numbers.
Long standing foulup
No, there's a bunch of variants with endo steel that pretty much have to be new builds, plus stuff like the hatamoto, caesar and axman that are new period.
can you guys think of a theme for the pre-3026 lyran lance? be it centered around a specific mech, shared weapons, etc. I kind of think of fluffing the mechwarriors to be a young noble who's like a baby in the woods, of rich family but very naive and the nible family's henchmen who were told by the young noble's father, worried as fuck, to look after him/her. but can't decide on the overall theme for the lance's mechs
Finally! Someone else sees the awesomeness of nasa spaceman gold helmets cockpit/faces!
Give the noble a Zeus, very common lyran mech, pretty well armored and mostly long range weapons. As bodyguards he can have a warhammer, Crusader and maybe an archer/grasshopper/rifleman to round things out
What >>93447674

Kit fox(uller)

Stormcrow. A medium which is pretty damn near fucking perfect.
Clan lights are actually kinda slow thoughbeit
Internal structure can be changed as a class F refit, while a generic refurbishment to increase part quality is class E. Both of them require a true factory. It's not fast, but a lot of militaries were trading out their old mechs for new ones, so there was a lot of refitting going on in the factories.
* at least a lot of the invasion ones
Camospecs is NOT canon.
Because MOST of the time they take a VAGUE description in a book and then do their own interpretation.. THEN they turn around and declare THEIR fanfiction the ACSHULLY correct version.

They claim to be canon but they fucking aren't.
I can't think of a single example of a mech EVER being refitted rather than redesigned to have endo steel, though some had endosteel taken out in downgrades
Jade falcons have never been depicted as jade in colour, their logo has always been a neon greenish yellow, their camos vary but jade hasn't been seen really
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PGI made up a really flashy scheme for them.
Having rape. Rape is wrong.
Clanners are rapists and paedophiles.
There is nothing in clan society about a 30 year old solahma sent back to train cadre NOT being allowed to order his 14 y.o girl students to bend over every night.

Wrong. Everywhere female service has been implemented its backfired. Theyre a net negative. Anyone HONEST who jas served that i have watched, read, spoken to has been forced to admit vaginas in war are a massive help... TO THE ENEMY.
There are a few, although the only ones I can think of off the top of my head are the Trebuchet 9K, which is a refit of the 7M with Endo-steel and MRMs and that Jihad era "field refit" of the Rifleman that changes out a ton of stuff that really can't be swapped in the field.
Taking out the endo-steel is just as hard. Every single downgraded Hermes I has a full internal structure rework since there was zero production in the succession wars and the base model has endo.
I'm not saying no one bought an endosteel skeleton and took the rest of the parts from their family mech for sentimental or economic reasons, but if you look at something like the new phoenix hawks, they don't have any weapons or engines in common with the succession wars variants. It would be silly to have factory lines for all the new tech and focus exclusively on "parts kits" that are actually full rebuilds.
yeah but its fiction, i can't handwave it and being a mechwarrior is not super physically demanding compared to being infantry.

The lore is usually pretty good with women getting btfo in hand to hand combat, see Alex Hazen who always beat malvina in H2H once he hit puberty and grew larger.
Still fast for BT. And they have massive firepower for their tonnages
You misunderstand, it's not the factory making kits and sending them out, it's the factory sending out a new mech and taking in an old one to refurbish and refit. There are pilots who specifically refused upgrades because it would require them to turn in their family mech in exchange and they'd rather keep the family history.
The St. Florian exists because the Highlander factory had a ton of old SHS equipped engines they stripped out while refitting a bunch of Highlanders to DHS variants.
was there that many highlanders around to begin with?
Your theory is that they were building new Xl engines, Endosteel skeletons, ER Large lasers and Medium pulse lasers but they were so hard up for actuators and myomer they just had to scavenge from old family mechs, making it not actually new production?
5/8 is slow for a light mech even in 3025
It's not a theory, we know they were taking in old mechs and refitting them to new variants with components that are a pain in the ass to refit. It's still faster than actually building a brand new one by orders of magnitude. It's like a one month job to swap over to endo-steel while new mechs are being made at less than 12 per year per factory.
Once you get out of the lostech slump, you'd want to send the old gimpy fucked up mechs held together with duct tape and dreams back to the factory to refurbish them anyway.
This. It's a lot easier to build 60% of a new mech but keep the 40% that's still good.
Depends. Pre or post retcons?
that makes me dread to ask. how much got retconned?
You need those in the field, it's easier to build something right the first time than refit existing equipment you have to ship both ways
That's why it's done as trade ins. A dropship arrives with four new (Or "new") mechs, and command orders you to swap them for your shittiest equivalent-ish mechs. This is being done at the strategic level of an entire nation, not the level of individual units. It's not up to the regimental commander to hoard all the mechs that head their way. Command wants those old clunkers replaced and that's what will happen, eventually.
They wouldn't even bother having refurbishment rules if it wasn't a thing that happens.
suppose you scored a luck headshot and downed a clan mech relatively intact during the (early) clan invasion. will you be able to fix and pilot it though?
No, none of your technicians have the first clue about how anything on that unit works and mixtech isn't a thing yet either. Better to just leverage it with one of the great houses, they'll pay a premium or maybe even give you a decent usable mech for it, especially in that good a condition.
It happens but how common is it? You don't see any tanks in russia or ukraine right now being pulled out of combat to be refitted, stuff that's getting refitted is what you already have in caches and is done while its being reactivated and taken out of mothballs or new production. Same in WW2, there were like 100s of different variants if you want to get technical of a lot of tanks, but the old tanks were not brought in to be changed, it was just gradual minor improvements and simplifications in new production. For example with the tiger tank

>In 1942 alone, at least six revisions were made, starting with the removal of the Vorpanzer (frontal armour shield) from the pre-production models in April. In May, mudguards bolted onto the side of the pre-production run were added, while removable mudguards saw full incorporation in September. Smoke discharge canisters, three on each side of the turret, were added in August 1942. In later years, similar changes and updates were added, such as the addition of Zimmerit (a non-magnetic anti-mine coating), in late 1943.[56][57][58] Due to slow production rates at the factories, incorporation of the new modifications could take several months.
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using the upcomming emperor as the striker stand-in. aff or neg?
Yes depending how damaged it is. You can just replace the armor (depending what its made of) as long as the internal weapons and structure aren't damaged.
There are rules for what happens when a mech punches a submarine in this game, how often does that happen in the lore?
proxies are always fine, as long as you make them clear and TRY and make them make sense, like a flea for a locust or catapult for a heavier mech with a lot of missiles
Yes but I like to make them support vehicles without bar 10 for extra challenge
I just handwaved that my OC planetary government has an unlicensed Bulldog factory
They don't have mechs in mothballs, they were using every last one they had until suddenly all the wars stopped and they got a bunch of new upgrade options. Even the Russians upgraded the tanks they were actually using as new revisions came out rather than just letting them fall behind and only upgrading them after letting them marinate in a swamp for six decades.
A lot of weapon systems end up with piecemeal upgrades from later revisions as quartermasters try to keep up. Some of the rarest military small arms out there were accidentally overlooked during upgrade programs that were carried out while the guns were actively being used by the military, with the rarity coming from the fact that the older revisions just don't exist in significant numbers after all the rest got upgraded.
You'd have to replace the whole head including all the electronics and sensors.
>They don't have mechs in mothballs
they do albeit, comstar did, capellans did, everyone post stone's arms reductions did
if the entire head is destroyed, the pilot can be killed without the entire head being destroyed on a cockpit hit or just pilot hits.
We're talking about post-helm pre-clans. Comstar has their stuff in secret and everyone else is using shit like Clints and Chargers because they need every mech they can get.
Clan tech is protected by a magic spell that prevents any smelly spheroids and especially any non state spheroids from understanding how it works or fixing it. Please ignore how various protagonists start piloting clan omnimechs as early as january 3051.
you can also just have clanners who were captured or surrendered, they are generally honor bound to cooperate and tell you how it functions if they know
Protagonists also kill mechs with a single man portable SRM and slaughter entire galaxies of clan mechs using a Hatchetman. You are not a protagonist.
those were given by wolf's dragoons thoughbeit
WTH-1S or TBT-5S?
Thunderbolt is much better, bv not included

whitworth is cheap and has a lot of close range firepower but its also slow and lightly armored
Shipping both ways isn't that big of a deal. There's no way they're going to be relying on random tramp dropships for an operation as important as disseminating helm upgrades, those are going to be dedicated military or corporate dropships that are only running this one mission. They can carry mechs back after delivering the upgraded ones. They're gonna be heading straight back to the factory without doing any side hustles along the way anyway.
Where are the rules for hot dropping units besides mechs?
I am painting some of my pile of shame. Mechs i dont like very much are finally getting painted.

Under with wraithbone
Base with zandri dust
Flashes/trim yriel yellow
Cockpits in GOOOOLD
Weapons in iron warriors and then my blue, green red for large medium small energy weapons
usually things hot dropping have jjs, which tanks don't have
Two lances of militia.

Stalker for the OiC

Grasshopper for 2iC

Looks like a DAVION MAN bumfuckistan desert militia, no?
I'm on my phone so forgive me for being brief.
Post Unseen debacle the lineups for the IS where suddenly lacking key units. You see, the unseen mechs where the most common mechs around, lore wise, at the time. Crusaders, Wasps, and Shads where quite literally the most common mechs in their weight classes, and the other Unseens where not far behind them. So, suddenly you have these great, massive, holes on the lineup and FASA needs something to replace them, fast.
Enter the retcons, old Star League mechs, formerly extinct or super rare chassis that where usually only really available to the Comguard and which mounted lostech where given downgrades, completely violating the lore in some cases (Guillotines engine was originally impossible to change out, and the Thug was being produced with a massive stockpile of Donegal PPC's originally marked for Warhammer production in an era where Marauders where having their PPCs stripped to make up shortfalls in PPC supply for Warhammer production).
This sudden proliferation of once extinct/vanishingly rare mechs had a big impact on the setting, most notably Operation Rosebud, and the war of 3039, making the Fedcoms reaction to seeing the Kuritans new mechs seem nonsensical, because those mechs, that pre retcon where so rare most would not recognise them on sight, where now commonplace.
So, pre or post? Because pre the Highlander is so rare Davis McCall shocked the Sky Guards by having one, but post it's relatively common.
Looks solid, though that Stalker would be the final boss of the planet.
Make it the 75 ton Stalker!
Unless you are trying to stay below a really restrictive BV or something one of those stingers should be an enforcer or centurion.
Its juat pile of shame painting. Those two lances make 'sense' as a bumfuckistanian militia outift.

I am planning on doing a level ii of CUMSTAIN too.
well, unser that condition, i doubt the st. florian wouldn't even be able to exist at all if it's pre retcon, since there wouldn't be any leftover highlander parts to begin with
>Thug was being produced with a massive stockpile of Donegal PPC's originally marked for Warhammer production in an era where Marauders where having their PPCs stripped to make up shortfalls in PPC supply for Warhammer production).
IIRC there's a Warhammer production line mentioned in the original FWL housebook (set at around 3018 IIRC) that never gets mentioned again, so it could be inferred that when FWL started producing Thugs again using Warhammer PPC components to replace the original out of production ones that particular line was decommissioned.
Also, doesn't the OG Guillotine and the downgrade both use standard engine? IIRC the only difference is the use of endo-steel and CASE. Guillotine could also be justified as one of the lines mentioned in passing in the FWL housebook as being currently offline but able to be reactivated if additional funding is found, as the downgraded version was described as being produced by Irian in small batches in an on again off again fashion.

Most of the 3039 retcons do cause a bunch of lore issues, but I think the examples you picked happen to be some of the few that can be worked into existing canon without major contradictions.

jesus redditors are retarded
The number of Thugs produced is said to be 12 a year, I feel like they could probably source 24 PPCs from the open market on a pretty reliable basis.

In any case I simply don't believe a large fraction of the people who complain about the retcons were playing when they happened.
*doctors and engineers
My bad, it was the structure that they couldnt change on it, originally, which saw it go extinct fairly early on when the ability to produce new components for it vanished. It pretty much died out in the IS and wouldnt be seen again until the 3050's when new lines finally opened up.
>Donegal PPC's
>The number of Thugs produced is said to be 12 a year, I feel like they could probably source 24 PPCs from the open market on a pretty reliable basis.
No. It is stated in the Warhammers original fluff that the single biggest bottleneck to producing more Warhammers is the lack of PPC's (which IIRC where close to becoming lostech themselves at one point, dont quote me on that though) which is why you have the FWL ripping the PPC's off of their Marauders and replacing them with Large Lasers, in order to make more Warhammers.
And then the retcons come along and suddenly there is this great big stockpile of Warhammer PPC's just lying around in a warehouse in the FWL. The same FWL that is so desperate for PPC's they are ripping them off of their Marauders and rationing them out to their Awesomes in an attempt to get at least a few Warhammers produced. And its this stockpile thats being used to make Thugs, and is apparently so plentiful that even after centuries of production its still not depleted.
See the issue?

Theres other examples too, such as the Lancelot, which was there to fill the Riflemans niche (Thug was meant to replace the Warhammer and Guillotine the Thunderbolt or IIRC, a bit hazy on the latter) and is suddenly back in production, Crabs, which came in to replace some of the lost 55 tonners, Highlanders, and a bunch of others. The Exterminator was reintroduced as a Wolverine replacement IIRC.
The problem with all this is pretty obvious. 1/?
Suddenly, all these previously rare and unknown mechs are all over the place. The lore and established writing up until this point no longer makes sense, theres no reason for Fedcom forces to be panicking at the sudden appearance of Crockets and Crabs during the War of 3039, the shock and awe of the Comguard unveiling their forces during the Invasion looses a lot of its impact as theres no reason to be impressed by the appearance of chassis believed to be extinct when said chassis are present and operational in the Inner Sphere.
Its like the Helmtech retcons. Helmtech was meant to slowly disseminate throughout the Inner Sphere and take time to develop and bring into production so that by the time the Clans invade the first few Helm upgrades are only just hitting the front line, and most people have no idea what a Pulse Laser is, let alone a Gauss or an Ultra Autocannon. Hell, you have Victor piloting a bog standard Victor 9B as the more advanced variants where not available right up until the Invasion.
And then all this gets retconned back and suddenly a lot of the established canon makes no sense.
And yes, I am too young to remember the retcon happening. But the old lore was certainly better, and the post-retcon stuff makes a lot less sense.

Shadowhawk, Wolverine
another retcon is in the dark age jade falcon totem wings were purely cosmetic and for intimidation purposes, now they are partial wings, which i prefer
I'm not seeing anything in my old TRO 3025 that says the Warhammer suffers from a lack of PPCs. All it does is name the Donal PPC as being the particular model carried by 6R's. Was there any fluff written earlier than that?
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>IIRC there's a Warhammer production line mentioned in the original FWL housebook (set at around 3018 IIRC) that never gets mentioned again,

Regulans are making Warhammers from then until forever and their factory is basically crippled by missing parts like the PPC's specifically. They're literally making 5 a year in 3025. That's Quentin Atlas numbers it's so bad. Then they start cranking stuff out in bulk after Helm by the 3050's. Also, I kinda feel like you don't know how low production numbers were for a lot of plants. 12 a year is like ALL the Vulcans the FWL makes. Kurita only gets 5 new Atlases a year. So on. The Hog Star League Mega Panther Factory, LAW, DI, Kalidassa, are rare. Every country only has a couple places like that. Everything else is a trickle back then.

The real issue with the retcons is that it ruins a bunch of the 3rd War flavor. It should feel like fighting for toilet paper during Covid.
>I'm not seeing anything in my old TRO 3025 that says the Warhammer suffers from a lack of PPCs. All it does is name the Donal PPC as being the particular model carried by 6R's. Was there any fluff written earlier than that?

It's in the OG FWL Housebook IIRC.
So, not the original fluff then.
Literally both publish in 1987. The Housebooks are the original fluff.
The Warhammer fluff isn't in FM FWL
>Field Manual: FWL
victor you lazy fuck you should have pressed the mech designers harder to make better version of your namesake mech. i bet you were so happy after getting the snowflake daishi you forgot about the victor entirely
So what you are saying is that you are obsessed with zeroth edition "we're going to stop being able to make mechs any day now" stuff even though that was changed almost immediately because it cuts down on the number of robot fights you can have.
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If you do the math on this, it's 1Cbill for 12 words to send an HPG message. Woooweee.
My bad.
HB Marik is 1988. And still doesn't say anything about lack of PPCs for Warhammers. It actually says that the Warhammer is one of their commonly manufactured.
so the unseen lawsuit ruined everything, in and out of the setting?
I'm saying that taking a unique era and taking that uniqueness away to make it look like later eras that already exist is retarded. You see a Yugo at the grocery store and you should go "I bet that's got a cool story behind it."
wonder how fast and widespread telecommunication within the planet/system that doesn't need hpg because the distance isn't that far
its called a radio

Ronin makes 5
Tematagi makes 17

The trade they make to get the PPC's is
Ronin 13 Mad M's
Gibson 8 Mad M's

The FWL doesn't even make standard Mad's in 3025.
Page 114 says they've cemented a deal for 500 PPCs from Liao. On the same page there's SAFE speculation that the Magna Metals PPC factory on Lopez may have been reactivated by the Anduriens and PPCs are being stocked by them in secret. There's also page 132 says that the Capellan planets of Zurich and Capella are "...more than willing to supply these weapons in exchange for sophisticated targeting and instrumentation systems..."

You seem to forget that trading is also a thing that far back.
It was made "like later eras" before those eras existed. "retcons" to increase the number of mechs started immediately. The 4th succession war atlas came out in 1988.
New thread: >>93450284

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I forgot nothing. You're purposefully leaving out WHY they're doing that. You know, the part where they're having to convert mechs to LL (A Mad reference) and LRM (an Awesome reference) because they are so chronically short. The stuff you're talking about is just MAYBE happening IN 3025 itself, while the Thug was sitting on a giant stockpile of Warhammer PPC's, ones that they're literally leaving PPC's out of Mad's to mount for HUNDREDS OF YEARS.

Just come on now.
The 4th War isn't the 3rd War and never was. It was the beginning of everything moving back up. That was the whole point of the storyline of 1985-1988. Getting back to big war.

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