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The last Star Leaguer edition

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>Wolf's Dragoons are clashing with WoB
>form the Allied Mercenary Coalition
>a unit appears on Outreach
>comprised of former Com Guard troops that hate Victor Steiner-Davion's appointment as Precentor Martial
>symbol is basically the same as Word of Blake's

When the Dragoons hired the Legion, you think they were telling themselves "Come on, Word of Blake wouldn't be THIS obvious with a fifth column scheme"?
Zandri dust 'desert storm' -ish camo
Yellow left shoulders and knees

One lance has red right shoulders.
The second lance has blue roght shoulders.
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When you realize that like 40% of all Comstar was secret Blakists anyway, eh.
Almost as traitorous as Sasha K.
Goons are as arrogant as they are stupid, at least after the civil war.
>stay behind to defend Terra
Where do I find a giant King Crab model to paint or do I have to commission some Indian to 3D print one for me?
Great, looks like the boards being raided by soijack.party. /m/ jad this problem a few months back. Bumping the thread.
Bmp. Sweet Morrigan, the mods better move in fast.
fairly sure there should be STLs on there. just increase the size and have someone print it.
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well it's gone now, the janei domini got 'em.
Yee. Thankfully, we had an ongoing soijack raid on /m/ earlier this year. Took weeks to be cleaned up.
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Anybody got any new paints lined up for the weekend? I did an Ebon Jag this week and yesterday finished up a Mad Cat Mk II in Snow Raven Beta Galaxy colors. I might end up running the Mk II as a regular Timber Wolf more often since the Ravens only get the Mk II Enhanced and none of the other variants, and I’m not sure how I feel about hardened armor since I’ve never used it before.
MK ii enhanced is good ive ran it before. IIRC its 4/5 but has JJ's. Its very very hard to put down but has somewhat lackluster firepower. EEE RRR large pulses are a weird weapon but kind of interesting and not as cheesy as regular clan pulse.

Hardened armor was errated to where you need to take 40 damage to force a PSR so you don't need to raise piloting, and its actually pretty cheap BV wise.
Being able to laugh off a gauss rifle to the head is priceless. I used it in a ROTS force. Ebon Jag standing in as a proxy. Great anchor to a force and even rear shots aren't too scary.
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Anyone got a digital copy of this map pack?
Not this weekend. I'm just trying to finish up a bunch of nearly complete projects. I've got a bad habit of starting something new when I'm 90% done that has resulted in like 5 groups of 2-4 mechs that would look totally fine on the table yet I still have tiny details I'm not happy with. The KS is supposed to show up on Monday so I need to wrap things up before I get excited about something new.
That looks fantastic, however I am pretty sure that sculpt is for a Mad Cat MkIV/ Savage Wolf. I have one and use it as a regular Timber Wolf all the time.
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Whoops, I was confidently wrong. pics of mine as consolation.
>Anybody got any new paints lined up for the weekend?
painting up a 3rd star for Clan Coyote.
Long leave the Star League.
Well. Thats insane. I somehow got a wasp mini thats the 4w jihad era mini for cumstar. The one with 4 ermlas and two smalls.
Its alright to paint mechs that aren't attached to any units, right?
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>posting my early circa 2444 first gen 'mech from the last thread again

The Ranger RGR-1A is one of the oldest battlemech designs, predating jump jets, and inspiring later designs like the Phoenix Hawk. Boasting decent mobility and full all-around armor, the Ranger is a survivable machine. Unable to work out intersectional ammunition feeds through the complex articulated battlemech interior, designers instead simply bundled all ammunition with every weapon carried by the Ranger coaxially in an external gun pod. This approach was intended to make logistics simpler by swapping these modular weapons packages, easing development & integration of variant loadouts. Nonetheless, the Ranger merited mixed opinions: although the simple ruggedness of its general design along with its mobility earned accolades, its armaments suffered teething problems, such as the weapons' frequent ammunition feed problems and either primitive or entirely absent cooling sleeves, although their accuracy -- especially that of the autocannon -- were always lauded. (These issues appear to have been due to varying quality control in components manufactured by varied series of contractors, with some being perfect by many being slightly out of spec due to unconventional asymmetrical "soft" geopolitical & corporate war, et al.)

Being among one of the first widely fielded battlemechs, the Ranger RGR-1A's design was informed by centuries of modern but pre-battlemech combat, and therefore focused heavily on defeating helicopters, tanks, light-skinned vehicles, and, most importantly, infantry. In the wake of so many bloody insurgencies and "low-level" brush wars involving masses of cheap troops supported by dismounted heavy weapons teams, countless ambushes and insurrections, massed infantry charges and terrorism, the og RGR-1A's armed with four machine guns in a quadruple array surrounding a single autocannon/2 barrel, all surmounted by a medium laser added to the gunpod in the design's 11th hour.
That's a minority.
>Ravens only get the Mk II Enhanced and none of the other variants
All factions get all mechs.

She gave power to ComStar, though I guess it wasn't so crazy back then.

Sasha is a Russian nickname for Alexander.
He means 40% of the ones that didn't explicitly join the WoB.

Focht was insane to join an O5P agent to inelastic and forcibly secularize ComStar.
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Two centuries after the original RGR-1A Ranger's advent, the RGR-2U was proposed to the SLDF Built on a weight-saving Endo Steel chassis, the lighter machine was able to carry a heavier autocannon, and was sold on merit of being one of the first machines to mount the brand-new Ultra-Autocannon/5 (and, by certain metrics, the cheapest/best, or, more accurately, the most successfully lobbied).

"You'll only ever fight as part of a battle line standing shoulder to shoulder with other mechwarriors against enemies directly in front of you, and you'll never have to worry about getting outflanked because you'll always be screened by plenty of fast infantry and attack helicopters at all times," This was the reasoning behind shifting nearly all of the armor from the back to the front and dropping all of the machine guns, but a second medium laser was added to greatly increase combat effectiveness.

SLDF had exclusive contract for RGR-2U to fill its ranks, but you know how things go... and, then, of course, not too long after being introduced in 2641, the Amaris Coup changed all of that.
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done until my kickstarter stuff arrives on tuesday

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