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I don't consider myself the best GM but I try to make sure everyone has fun and have everything prepared ahead of time, but I'm not the best at dealing with problem players before its too late. I could be good in every aspect but fuck me for refusing to be daddy for a bunch of adults when an easily avoidable tantrum happens. I'm just the retard who puts the maps together I shouldn't have to be managing other people's interpersonal skills.
Anyway /tg/ you having issues with your games too?
Not this game but a previous one
Fuck your stupid nicki minaj playing bard, you shitskinned mexican retard
I think my long time gaming buddies don't like gaming anymore
>Player 1: openly says he now hates roleplaying
>Player 2: cannot identify a single thing he likes about tabletop, he's a good player and does roleplay but I am certain he just does it out of duty and it's only a social event for him
>Player 3: increasingly moody female player, used to roll with anything a long time ago but now will moan over a single bad roll and then throw her hands up and say "well I guess I'm just bad, better kick me out for dragging the group down"
Ahem, fuck adulthood
>I'm just the retard who puts the maps together I shouldn't have to be managing other people's interpersonal skills.
Then don't GM.
And I'm not being snide or mean here, but giving you a genuine advice. If handling people isn't your strongest suit and/or annoys it, you shouldn't be GMing in any other configuration than group of friends that knows and plays together for 15+ years. I'm 100% serious and sincere here.

>Anyway /tg/ you having issues with your games too?
I'm having the standard time management issues. One of my regulars became a father 4 weeks ago, so he is exempt from any scorn. But due to summer, everyone is doing random overtime to keep up with the work schedules during the holiday season and as such, organising a game in any other time than weekend (and we traditionally game eachTuesdays and every other Friday) is a fucking chore. And on weekends, that's the only time where I can sail, so the only solution is sailing AND gaming in the same time, which significantly limits the game options.
I fucking hate summer holiday slots. None of us is taking their free time then, and yet we still have to catch the slack, because others do.
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>Be Me
>Be in campaign group
>Group starts a side-game because one guy and his GF in our main game keeps having to miss sessions due to work travel
>Side game ends up being way more fun than the main game because there are fewer people and more time to roleplay.
>That guy finishes up his work shit a month later.
>Him and his GF join our side game because we're having fun with it.
>Side game is now instantly way less fun because there are too many people again.

Feels bad man. That guy and his GF didn't even do anything wrong, but fuck me I wish they'd leave.
How many players total?
What's the sweetspot?
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Three was the sweet spot when our side game began. Now that we're back up to five, it feels like a majority of the session is just waiting for my turn again, and people roleplay less because there's not enough "screentime" to go around for everyone now.

I fucking hate it. I got a taste of fast gameplay and good roleplay and I want it back SO badly.
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>but fuck me I wish they'd leave.
Then tell it to them, not us?
Alternatively - stop being incompetent and handle your group in more efficient way if the amount of players is literally the only issue
Also: if your group is having fun, but you are bitching due to extra hassle of running, that's all on you.
>Now that we're back up to five
Nigger, what?
You are telling me you can't handle industrial standard of a group size
>waiting for my turn again
Oh, so you are bitchfag player

Case dismissed, verdict: you're a dumb cunt.
Half the people I know have this weird "We're adults now, our best days are behind us." attitude where instead of doing things they are fun they just want to complain about things they hate. Out of the 10+ people I know who either used to enjoy RPGs, or would enjoy them if they tried, I could only gather 2 permanent players. One throws tantrums, and the other is depressed. We have fun, but it feels like I have to manage their emotions as well as the game. It's not insufferable, but it could be so much better, and I feel it's because I'm the only person who goes out of their way to improve their gaming sessions as well as my own.

Fucking Christ. Bunch of fucking emotional vampires. But as long as I am in a good mood we at least have a game going, have a good time, and look forward to next time. Once it gets rolling they cheer up, but sometimes I feel like I'm the only adult in the room.

Rough. Time to have a chat with them and have them tell you outright because if that's shit they say in general then they are probably humouring you and too afraid to tell you. Maybe after a break they'll come back wanting more.
I wanna try GMing but I can’t even get my game off the ground. My RL friends are normies who only like watching sports and playing Blizzard slop (they don’t really play video games they ONLY play shit blizzard puts out) so GMing for them is a nonstarter. I’ve left flyers at the LGS, tried other forums and social media, and I’ve only found 2 interested members. If I don’t find at least 2 more people soon than I’m just gonna make it an online game using roll20 or whatever
Unironically switch to board games. Covid was a godsend, because it allowed to figure out who is there for RPGs, who's there for social events and who's there for gaming, but maybe not exactly in RPG format.
And boardgames allowed the group to still stick together and have fun, while find a new group for RPG
>inb4 I can't find other people
It's 2024. If you can't find a group, it means that either you aren't searching, or are already firmly established as a legendary-tier insufferable faggot in your area and everyone avoids your "legend".

>Posts Akko
>Is actually retarded
>I wanna try GMing but I can’t even get my game off the ground
In what way?
>My RL friends are normies who only like watching sports and playing Blizzard slop
I fail to see the connection
>I’ve left flyers at the LGS
You've just wasted paper and ink
>tried other forums
Such as? At what scale are you even looking for a group?
>and I’ve only found 2 interested members
I don't believe you
> If I don’t find at least 2 more people soon than I’m just gonna make it an online game using roll20 or whatever
Word of advice: don't. If that's going to be your first time, you are better off never running anything at all.

Also: checked and witnessed
Run for the 2 of them. 2 is a good number for meeting someone and getting to know them, and if you enjoy playing together you can always get more people later. Don't be fooled into think you "need" a certain amount of players. Some of my best sessions have been with 2 people, some of my worst sessions were with 4.
>In what way?
I can’t find players

>I fail to see the connection
I can’t play with my friends because they don’t share my interest in nerd hobbies, I’ve tried to get them into it but they think it’s weird, the closest thing they get to nerdy interests is playing Overwatch and StarCraft 2

>Such as?
I won’t get too specific but basically a bunch of websites and online communities that focus on my local area, it’s a major city so it has a lot of online communities connected to it

>I don't believe you
Don’t know what to tell you, not sure what’s unrealistic about it

>Word of advice: don't. If that's going to be your first time, you are better off never running anything at all.
I’ll take the risk. live and learn. Worst case scenario it goes miserably and I’ve only wasted a 4-6 hour session
Noted, thank you. maybe I’ll just give it a go.
>I won’t get too specific but basically a bunch of websites and online communities that focus on my local area, it’s a major city so it has a lot of online communities connected to it
Describe to us how are you searching for players. Because if yo are scooping the local scene and the LGS, and can't find more than 2 people in any town with population above 10k, you are doing something seriously wrong.
>I’ll take the risk
Do you also say that you gonna try putting a fork into an electric socket, because you want to know how it is to get shocked? Because this is the sort of thing you are declaring here.
>Then don't GM
Honestly yeah I chewed on that. I like everything else about GMing, the worldbuilding, creating enemies, making NPCs, making maps and having custom rules and such that I always wanted to run with. I tried looking for random tables to join as a player and it never works out especially if it's not for 5e, but proposing to GM actually gets a game going for me.
You can try to recruit someone to be the tardwrangler while you GM. Pick the most emotionally stable and mature person and tell them you'd like for them handle the extra overhead, they'll probably be down. It also has the extra benefit of when this is discussed in a group, the people who need the most babying will get some perspective when two adults talk about how they need to split the responsibility of handling them.

Or you could have what happened to me happen: I am the tardwrangler and when I tried to offload it for an evening they all refused because it'd be way too much work. After about a minute of blank staring did they realise that they basically all self-admitted to being ungovernable adult-sized toddlers. Things improved after that.
He could have attentive/indecisive players at the table. My 5e group has five players and it can genuinely be almost an hour for turns because our wizards just cannot plan ahead/take initiative to save their lives, which is exaggerated by the fact that they both have familiars. Autism is a hell of a drug.
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So far it just sounds like the standard bitching tale of "I am playing with my friends, who aren't really into this stuff, and I did poor job looking for new groups, let's now moan and complain before I drop from the face of the hobby with less than 20 sessions behind my belt".
1) Talk with players
2) Talk with GM
3) Start working on solution after finding the cause
Instead of crying to strangers online how the game is too slow for your liking.
This is not rocket science. This is a basic social competence. And if you lack those - why the hell you're in a hobby that's about group game of pretend?
I know it's not the same problem most people have, but I've been having a frustrating time trying to find enough players. I run a fantasy wild west campaign, and I only have 3 players, been trying to go up to at least 4 for almost a year now. I'll get someone for like a month at most, and then they leave, so it's just these three guys sticking with me. I like them, but I really want a 4 man group.
>trying to find enough players. I run a fantasy wild west campaign, and I only have 3 players
>been trying to go up to at least 4 for almost a year now
Imagine having a perfect size of a group.
Imagine being too stupid to run games.
Imagine still chasing after more players.

You sir, are a retard and a faggot. You don't deserve help or sympathy. All you can get is scorn.
I love the groups I'm in, but I want to play something that's not D&D/Pathfinder. I'm the only GM who runs different games, every other GM in my groups run d20, and I consistently wish I was playing something else.
I love the group dynamics and the roleplay, I'm just sick of character building, inflating hit points, and straitjacket classes. I want to play in something other than combat-oriented superheroic fantasy.
Either tell that to your group, or, alternatively, get involved in a new group that plays different games. I know, I know, shocking, but you can be in more than one group at once.

I swear, this thread is like handling high-schoolers that just started playing this spring.
It's summer, so that's HIGHLY likely. Today's high-schoolers are pretty fucking retarded.
My group are a bunch of powergamer fags. They don't even do the really broken builds, that's their excuse. We play Trashfinder and they take Leadership to run multiple optimal damage builds at the same time. It's my own fault for allowing it but I thought that "there's a new build I wanna try but not on my main character" meant it was a gimmicky type of character. No it's just another character who can output 250 damage a round at level 12. The kineticist deals almost 1000 if we count chain blast, and the Paizo shill copers always say "jUsT uSe MuLtIpLe eNeMiEs" and this blows them the fuck out because the chain blows the entire encounter the fuck out.
I'm sick of Paizo copers pretending their rocket tag system is any good past level 5.
High-schoolers are ALWAYS retarded, regardless of generation or time period.
Roll20 is fantastic. Disregard the illiterate retards. You're allowed to filter ruthlessly off-site, so you should over-invite.
A good rule of thumb is you should expect half to tone-third of the people to flake, so you can easily start by inviting 7-8 people and that'll leave you with 4-5 players. And then you can filter people yourself once they're not on Roll20.

Shut the fuck up nogames.

I've never had to, but threatened to introduce a stopwatch mechanic. If you don't have your action declared in one minute (minus any clarifications) you skip your turn. They grumbled but accepted (because it was getting to be ridiculous, we had a player take 10 minutes to decide on their action) but I never actually had to use it because the players wised up.
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>Roll20 is fantastic. Disregard the illiterate retards
>Roll20 is fantastic
Most retarded post on the entire board right now.
The only thing your post is right about is the use of a timer. The standard is 30 seconds, but oh well.
But the rest? I remember when bait used to be believable.
>Roll20 is fantastic
I have two people in my PF2e group who use Roll20 to run stuff and they both hate it. They just use it because their players won't agree on an alternative.
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>Roll20 is fantastic.
What the other anon have said - you handled a bunch of genuine advice and suggestions, but who gives, when you open your post with Roll20 praise? Did it even occur to you that if you must start with preemptively over-recruiting, then the whole thing is flawed? Especially when you plan to then transplant those remaining people to somewhere else.
Roll20 is a special case of already bad DnD brain-rot. It's like deliberately putting your head inside the furnace and expecting any other outcome than pain and severe burns.
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Skill issue. Unlike (You), I actually get to play games. You stay on the sidelines and seethe.

>D&D brainrot
ACKS, Genesys, nWoD Princess, and L5R 4E just right now, with Shadowrun 3/4/5, V20, and Earthdawn 3/4 in the past. As well as various D&Ds.

Do not respond to me, I DO NOT care about the opinions of nogames. You can only respond if you post your character sheet/GM notes with a timestamp.
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Grab a (You), you seem desperate
I accept your concession.
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>You can only respond if you post your character sheet
Ok, what now?
Anon, you there? I'm not sure what's the next step. Hello?

Okay, cool, you play a d100 game. Congrats, you get to have an opinion. It's still a retarded opinion, but you're entitled to one.

...Also I can't help but wonder about the fact that you have 0 progression on this character sheet, but whatever I'm willing to let it slide.
NTA. Post yours.
I'm in a PF2e game on roll20 right now and the jukebox doesn't even function on my usual browser.
>inb4 what even are these stats?
I haven't played PF2e before this so it's a mix of learning the system and also trying to build around homebrew. I'm actually working on a rebuild right now.
Why are you shilling roll20? It lags on my browser. I'm a poorfag. There's nothing I can do except say that roll20 sucks.
The entire campaign was set within a single week (entire party went crazy by Saturday, but at least the ritual on Sunday didn't happen), so no mechanical progression whatsoever. We were also given a pre-determined values to apply and then spare 100 points (130 with a mania or a phobia) to add whenever.
Where's your sheet? So many hours later, you could literally print a dozen and fill them all.
I have borderline aphantasia. The last time I tried GMing I couldn't picture shit and that ruined my players' immersion as they couldn't meaningfully navigate the world. I'm starting to think maybe I'm just not meant to GM.
I love roleplaying though. I'd be content with just being a player but:
1) All anyone seems to run is 5e kitchen-sink slop, taking the GM role is my only chance of getting to experience something that isn't that
2) Way too many GMs have these autistic compulsions that I just don't gel with, I'm talking stuff like a GM killing my PC session 1 before I even got a chance to escape the cage I was in (killed by stray arrow), a GM killing my PC because of a misunderstanding and then refusing to retcon it, a GM just plain rollplaying with zero regard for say a compelling argument in a social encounter (nope, you failed your diplomacy check, it doesn't matter how reasonable your character's argument was, those are the rules), robotic shit like that just makes me want to strangle the GM

Is solo play a cope?
>I self-diagnosed myself again
Shameful display. But to answer your question
>Is solo play a cope?
Yes. Always have been
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Not self-diagnosed.
>I got diagnosed with the new meme disorder
I miss times when dyslexia was hot new thing. Slightly less when suddenly 60% of population had it (which is statistically impossible)
at what statistical probability of winning is the sweet spot for really exciting barely alive but not dying too often?
Solo play is a cope.
Playing with dnd and derivatives is fun.
People who exclusively play dnd and derivatives are sickos.
All the GMs in question need a slap to the back of the head.
You can practise your ability to visualise and explain situations, it's a skill like any other.

>This doesn't limit our creativity or intelligence
Dr Internet Test says you're fit to fight
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... what?
Like with everything, it depends on the system heavily. Some systems like D&D 5e almost CAN'T be exciting because there are only 2 situations
>You are down but you have a huge amount of time to get stabilized or healed back into the fight.
>You are down and your GM targets your character, taking you out usually before you even make a death save.
Use any system where being wounded makes it harder to fight and this will make players constantly weigh whether they should back out and retreat.
>GMing a personal horror RPG
>player does a happy-go-lucky character
>his character is backstabbed by another player's character
>complains about it until I'm fed up
>he realizes this is stressing me out, apologizes and things get stable
>past session, the consequences of this backstabbing show up again
>he complains again, but still wanna play
For fucks sake. I know people have the right the complain, but you either try to do something about it or you don't and leave the game.
Most hilarious thing is how he says he couldn't do anything about all these situations even though he could just say out of character "hey, man, don't do this, it'll ruin my fun" and everyone would accept his request without a single problem. Flash news: People aren't telepaths outside the game.
I think most exciting big fights are the ones you barely win, feeling like you are only a hair from being defeated.
I am creating a custom rules to play with my friends and I'm wondering what probability I should aim to for big end-of-session fights, so they feel really difficult and heroic, but not killing everyone too often.
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Pic related. Also, why would I print a sheet? I play entirely online. I've got 8.5k hours. If you want one of my character sheets, I suppose I could post the Excel file.

Nigga, if Roll20 is lagging, so is everything else. I don't know what to tell you. Get a job?

The problem with those systems is that it's still "the last hit point that matters." Games with wound systems are superior.
>Here is my lack of any actual proof to anything at all
How did it went? I accept your concession?
>Games with wound systems are superior.
Wound systems I know usually are just hp with thresholds, which just turns it into "the last few hit points that matter" problem. Is there something specific you can recommend?
>Also, why would I print a sheet?
... is this nigga for real, or this is just how being terminally online works?
>how did it went
I don't talk to ESLs.

Well there's also mechanical penalties for dropping a wound rank. Shadowrun has a flat -1 dice to all rolls per wound rank in both the Stun and Wound track, so you will generally be at a -6 to all rolls before you go down, meaning you can still contribute but are shit. On the d20 side of things, Mutants and Masterminds has Wounds as well, with every wound stacking giving a -1 penalty to some stuff which isn't as big of a deal. Mongoose Traveller does damage to stats directly, meaning that again, you get actively worse as wounds accumulate.

Why would I print a sheet for Roll20? What's the point?
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I'm confused why people even reply to you
>Anyway /tg/ you having issues with your games too?

Only watching the lesbian in our group groom the 15 year old daughter of someone who doesn't play with us anymore in real time.
It sound like you are just projecting
I hate DnD 5e, I tried to like it but everything looks more retarded than older editions and that I think is a feat because dnd was never good.
>oh boy it's the game I was longing to play, Dracula Dossier
>session 0 for character making and the first part of the session.
>one of the players is the most insufferable weeb stereotype possible, down to using an animu AIslop portrait (I, the classy gamer who watches manime like Mayonaka Punch tried to slop up something that matches the module's portraits),
>okay this is bad and the weeb is an autist but I really want to get my gumshoe on
>later in the session
>weeb says he's going to his trailer, makes "subtle" references in regards to the other person there
>it's his animu girlfriend, with a picture that looks like the eyepatch schoolgirl from that one anime
When the GM asked about some long term mechanic after the end of the session I told him it doesn't matter and left.
>he says he couldn't do anything about all these situations even though he could just say out of character "hey, man, don't do this, it'll ruin my fun" and everyone would accept his request without a single problem.
I'm going to back the guy here.
For some people unused to intraparty conflict (or conflict in general) some actions cross a line. He's made the assumption that - because this player was willing to consider betrayal - negotiation is useless. How could you ask someone like that to stop: he must have no morals at all!
It might be worth re-establishing that just because this happened doesn't mean the betrayer player eats babies.
If you're playing pf2e you should definitely be using foundry, it's the vtt that is most supported for the system
I had enough and just told someone to leave and he insisted staying. I emotionally crushed him, listing all the awful shit that nobody likes him for, how he behaves, how he is a stereotype and that not a single person in the room likes him. Well that made him leave. When the door closed the party started cheering. 4 saved, 1 cut. Don't let the weed grow over the garden.
Nothing pisses me off more than silence. It tells me the table isn't paying attention. That people aren't engaged. That they aren't even invested or intending to actively participate. That they are just killing time until I directly force them to answer a question or make a decision.
have not played in many games, only like a couple with this one GM who has some seemingly funny ideas. like telling us to roll characters for a given thing then like, relying on all of us having picked very specific skills. but then he never checked our sheets or told us beforehand what skills we needed (turns out it was stealth, like a lot of stealth). his style is a hands-off, okay if you want to do a retarded thing go ahead, kind of style, and it really bit him in the ass there because us players were retarded, so the things that we ended up doing very quickly ended the session. he was pissed, and we were pissed, so we got another couple sessions in and then stopped forever.

my other complaint is with myself cuz figuring out how to play TTRPGs is fucking hard when you're an autist and also lack experience, because seemingly everyone has their own idea of 'how' to play a TTRPG, some treat it like an excuse to get drunk and do whatever, some people take it REALLY seriously, some people want to be the main character, and then there's people like me without strong ambitions of any kind, so I just want to chill in the background basically and be a side character and support whoever it is who actually want to be some driving force in the narrative, a leader, but that hardly works with the general structure of an RPG, you need to stand out and use your agency to further things in the story at least a little bit, you need to be active and be like at least reasonably quick, but I'm not a fan of that, I'd rather not step on anyone else's toes and I'm pretty slow to formulate thoughts and dialogue, relative to some other people who can seemingly just summon an in-character response at-will, I wanna consider it and say the 'right' thing at the 'right' time but oops gotta keep things moving.

so I haven't bothered hunting for other games.

>you shouldn't be GMing in any other configuration than group of friends that knows and plays together for 15+ years.

Why would you want to GM for anybody else than your friends?
>For some people unused to intraparty conflict (or conflict in general) some actions cross a line
He isn't unused with this type of thing. He already played personal horror TTRPGs before and this sort of situation happened already with less sensitive people around him ready to fuck him up and a GM who didn't want to give him opportunity to react or talk about things off-game, contrary to what is done in my games. He simply didn't want his character to be fucked because he wants him to be some sort of Gary Stu who is apart from all societal evils.
>It might be worth re-establishing that just because this happened doesn't mean the betrayer player eats babies.
The funniest shit here is that the player does not want to play a game in which his character opposes the betrayer character, which is fine. However, he roleplays as this didn't happen at all and betrayer characters is blameless. Again, fine by me not wanting to pursue some PvP. But not even an ounce of dramatic roleplay is done to represent the sadness of his character.
>t. never GM

I deserve a better troll
New guy in group says he wants to gm, we all say okay and he takes over after the game I was running came to its conclusion. It's pathfinder 1e, the four of us make characters at level 3, and our first quest is to fight a level 15 druid who we manage to beat because he's completely retarded and has no spells left. Then we go up against 18 level 7 fighters and the gm is surprised when we just run away and abandon the job.

We take the hint that the only way we'll succeed at anything is if we make the cheesiest game mechanic exploiting characters we can just to survive because the gm has no sense of balance and puts only "the things he expects would be there narratively", and gets mad when we don't talk to people, even though everyone is automatically hostile to us when we do and we are on rails all the time because of that.

We're level 10 now and not leveling anymore, and our average enemies are things with 16-17 hd and level 15 spellcasters, and this whole thing has been atrocious and only doable because the dm has no experience and is incapable of tactical thought.
>I emotionally crushed him
>When the door closed the party started cheering
And the player's name? Albert Einstein
I just found out three sessions deep into an arc that the GM is not enjoying the arc that I PREPPED FOR HIM BECAUSE HE WOULD NOT GET OFF HIS ASS AND DO PREP.

It would've been one thing if he told me from the get-go that he didn't like the material I prepped after I asked him what he thought of it, but he clearly didn't read anything I wrote for him beyond a once-over glance.

Were he not my friend, I would've walked a long time ago, the position I was in where a player had to do prep for the GM was bad enough, but now I've come to find out that he didn't even like what I prepped after we were already a good way into the arc itself. In-between this and the other player being an overly emotional pussy who suffers from serious bleed over when it comes to the player-character emotional barrier, I'm like 95% certain that game is dead which is a shame because I genuinely enjoyed playing that character despite everything else.
This is a post by an obvious shut in teenager that genuinely thinks those reddit upboat posts about "just be honest and mature bro it'll work out you're adults :]" actually works.

It will work out, because if the other insists on being a sperg, you'll know you can't keep him around and you'll make it better my not keeping him :]
I feel you, anon. As someone who helps my GM to organize the game, it's sometimes an ungrateful job.
>which is a shame because I genuinely enjoyed playing that character despite everything else
If this isn't a niche system, you can always keep him in your drawer and get him later. I do that to some characters.
Yeah, Harnmaster. No HP or save mechanics at all. Simply opposed attack roll, and all damage that goes past armor causes an injury, the difference is severity. You track damage by tracking injuries, and each has different penalties to your skill
>be me
>get back in to RPG's about a year ago
>find and join a local club that plays mainly dnd
>dm a few oneshots for them, play in a handful of games
>most people are good, pleasant people - 90% fall in to this category
>the ones that are not have either terrible social skills, are severely autistic or just straight up dickheads. There's always one in every game.
>club is generally woke overall, handful of obnoxious trans people and pronoun people
>start looking for a regular group of normal people
>looking at ads for games
>lgbtq+ friendly
Bros I just want to play a game without this circus clown shit. For what it's worth, I am bi, but it is so fucking unimportant to my life and I feel no need to express it when playing a ttrpg. I literally just want to go on adventures and fight monsters, apolitically.
Just make your own game instead of GMing lol
is AI image generation acceptable to add some visual aspects for players as a GM? I couldn't draw a nice picture even if my life depended on it
Ask your players. I wouldn't mind, one of my players would.
>You track damage by tracking injuries, and each has different penalties to your skill
Doesn't that make combat slow and cumbersome?
It works fine for particular things, imo, but be kind of picky about how you use it. I had one GM use AI to generate a battle map and even though it was serviceable, it looked like melted wax and was not really any more engaging than a basic grid map would have been. This wasn't helped by the fact we're playing a Fallout game and he could have easily just no-clipped and taken a top-down screenshot of the in-game location.

Horror and dreamlike scenes are where it tends to work best, I think, since those are already supposed to be weird. I honestly wish I had AI available during the last game I ran because it included players exploring a Beksinski hell dimension and some reference art would've been pretty helpful.
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>I literally just want to go on adventures and fight monsters, apolitically.
I don't know that that's actually possible at this point, especially in large social clubs. It takes a lot more work. I am in the NYC area and even before the pandemic it was getting totally unbearable. Briefly tried going back to local stores after the pandemic and it was like a different planet.

I've sequestered myself and only play games with my friends and brothers and it works pretty well. I play with another group of guys online that I met through /tg/ and we've been playing for almost a decade and other than some bullshitting we only ever communicate about game, they seem like good guys, but I am blessed to only have the idea and know nothing else.
No. There's a chart and you just cross reference damage with hit location. It's actually very fast when you get the hang of it, a single attack can take less than 10 seconds to resolve (i.e. no slower and arguably faster than DnD)
I can't even get online people interested. And I don't want to run 5e.
What games do you want to run? I'm a GURPSfag and I can find players online.
Either way, try LFG on plebbit. You may have to weed out bad players, but you should eventually be able to find some good ones.
Lighter stuff. I don't want to get into complex systems with people I don't even know yet, so no GURPS (I don't even like it). Instead, Nu-SR or universal rules-lite systems. Or thematic one page systems - they look like a blast to play.
Death spirals are anti fun. Any other system tied to HP loss would be more interesting, but that seems to be the only thing devs can come up with.
To each their own. No one is forcing you at gunpoint to play death spiral games.
wound systems seem interesting as an idea, but I don't think I have found any that wasn't creating a failing feedback loop
3 is peak players since each person can have a clearly defined third of the party's roles which means less overlap. It also means the group is less likely to split up since that will mean someone is being left alone and thus vulnerable.
There is a reason why Magic-User, Thief and Fighter is so ubiquitous in TTRPGs and media that inspired it.
As a fellow aphantasia person the goal is to rely on your other senses and/or rely more on maps you've made. Your projector is broken so do not rely on theater of the mind.
When you GM talk about sounds, smells, scents. Using three senses locks people in more and paints a broader picture.
>player x gone for the week
>rest of the players ask me to run a game based on an anime series instead of our regular game
>player y, who has never watched it and refused to engage with it, still wants to try it out
>going through character relation
>anon, this doesn't make any sense, could you help me out?
>yeah, here are a few things to read, but you should try to watch a few episodes of the anime to get a feel for it
>no I tried watching it and I hate it
fast forward
>literally limitless system where you can choose any set of abilities
>he rips off some shitty isekai
>tell him to be a little bit more creative and again encourage him to watch one (1) episode
>throws his hands up and says don't bother I'll just watch you guys play
this guy is my friend but goddamn does he make me seethe
So let me get this straight
>Okay guys let's play an RPG based on this anime
>No, reading the book isn't enough, you need to watch the anime too. I don't care if you don't like it.
>You are being creative wrong and ripping off the wrong anime, you should be ripping off a good anime as determined by me
>You are being uncreative and the only cure is to watch the anime you hate

Your friend deserves better, and is being very gracious by being a spectator until X comes back. I assume you're a bunch of teens, because if an adult told me my character concept was bad because it was too close to an isekai they'd seen, and then told me I needed to watch more anime to be creative enough; you'd never see me again.

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