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Previously in the Mortal Realms:

>>93428687 #

Skaventide edition

>Slaughter for Hel Crown update

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


>Anvil of Apotheosis hero creator:


>Thread question:
Why are Skaven so cool?
op is a dumb.
The memory of a weapon given form by Ghyran magic, same as the Revenant's elf-bits.
>Why are Skaven so cool?
I just bought a skaven army and put together the Screaming Bell yesterday. Shit felt nostalgic and iconic. Like putting together a boxnaut or something.
I take there's another rank altogether where the reforging breaks the sotrmcasts so much they become biblically accurate
But the plastic screaming bell was new, how can it be nostalgic?
because I've been looking at it 15 years without owning one.
Imagine if Stormcast launched like this instead of what we got.
hold the fuken line!
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Post models and WIPs!
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Can I play Oops All Arachnaroks in 4th?
1.0 was a full edition without ugly black dykes
We didn’t know how good we had it
It would've been the same thing people just wouldn't call them fat
>1.0 was a full edition without ugly black dykes
Rent free.
Sure, if you want to. It's not good if that's what you mean.
Until the kit gets TOWed away from the gloomspite tome.
I'm not worried about it being good I just wasn't sure if it was even matched legal. I have some riders but I'm using the spiders for dark riders and just putting the grots as sidekicks for my bonesplitterz
They just become endless storms of unrelenting fury, exploding into lighting and thunder over and over.
Oh absolutely, you can do all kinds of dumb shit if you want with this system, for example:

Moonclan Skrap
Lore of the Clammy Dank
Malign Manifestations

Skragrott (general) 220
Gobbapalooza 150
Gobbapalooza 150
Gobbapalooza 150
Gobbapalooza 150

Fungoid Cave-Shaman - Loontouched, Leering Gitshield 100
Gobbapalooza 150
Gobbapalooza 150
Gobbapalooza 150

Fungoid Cave-Shaman 100
Gobbapalooza 150

Total Points 1940
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Added some snow and a pinch of blood to my Ulfenkarn army bases, makes them look much nicer I think, and ready for battle in the morning.
4e has no legal list requirements
No diss to you man, but why do people keep basing their minis with that shitty snow. It looks like salt more than snow, surely there are better alternatives out there. Its a fucking epidemic I see across all other wargames too for some fucking reason.
>I take there's another rank altogether where the reforging breaks the sotrmcasts so much they become biblically accurate
Stormgheists do happen but they're not part of the host anymore. The whole point of the ruination chamber is that the lord terminos has the ability to permanently kill a stormcast that wishes for final death, so they meditate and fight until they say they've had enough and they have a strangely positive, consensual execution with full honors.
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It's what I had on hand and I like how it looks, it's way nicer than how they looked earlier today imo.
>strangely positive, consensual execution with full honor
I'll assume this means gay sex for the purposes of my AoS yaoi fanfics
Looks like kinda slushy half-melted snow to me, it's fine
Ruination Chamber has nothing to do with lightning gheists, which were a rejection of reforging.
Lord Terminos sends SCE to an after life, lightning gheists are doomed.
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>Ruination Chamber has nothing to do with lightning gheists
Yeah, it's not like our first artwork about the bleak citadels has tard wranglers keeping in check a lightning gheist or anything like that
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Ok but seriously who approved the Tzeentch wings for the new prosecutors? These are a strict downgrade. Too busy and garish for my taste. Looks like the came straight out of a Blue Horror’s dreams
>Verification not required.
>Too busy and garish for my taste
Noone cares about your taste sperg they look fine
They look much better than the old ones, not a fan of the helmets though.
Kinda just want to kitbash Valkyrie heads onto them
do you not own a hobby knife?
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Of all the tzeentch daemons to compare it to you pick the one that never has wings ever
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Nogga do you know how much I’d have to friggin cut off this ugly azz medieval captain marvel lookin azz much fucka???
It would be really stupid to buy those and cut half the wing off
Been reading AoS books. Makes me want to start a Disciples of Tzeentch army cool pic
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They're not, and they seem to attract the most sickening players.
Getting string boss baby vibes this
Did someone unleash an unfinished ai into the thread was is happening
>Been reading AoS books
Any recommendations? I read the Warcry anthology awhile back and thought it was mostly pretty decent, it was cool to get a look into the lives of varying flavors of Chaos mooks.
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I just started at the beginning. You can sort by publishing date on Black Library.
To be fair, as someone who lives with snow, that's how it looks when it's sloshed and marched through.
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That is really sweet anon. Reposting my fist Kurnoth with greatbow, on wips suggestion I added some moss to his bark
What with all the Warhammer doom posting lately? like a couple "Age of Smgar" or whatever yeah sure whatever it basically name of the game but like there currently like 4 threads that doomposting about Warhammer entirely 40k, TOW & AOS
Warhammer has a huge "fan"base of people who's entire identity is hating Warhammer/GW. 4th just released, old world is rolling stuff out and 40k just dropped the news of the new codex and that abhorrent coteaz so they're just more riled up than usual
Success and superiority breed jealousy. I always get a laugh out of seeing their impotent seethe
I think most of them just made liking warhammer their entire personality so once it became something they didn't like anymore instead of moving on with their lives they just turned that love into hate and just kept on trucking
If you've read one, you've read em all.

The Fyreslayers short stories aren't bad actually - the ones from the anthology with the Sylvaneth on the cover. The reason they're slightly different is because they focus a lot on characters that aren't fucking "OI IMMA GROG LOVING DORF GRUNGNI TAKE ME OHHH SLAYER OHHH"

So it's mildly better than the others.

Besides that, the early Realmgate stuff about Ghyran and the Hollowed Knights & quest to save Allarielle. Also everything involving Thostos Bladestorm / Celestial Vindicators.

Avoid everything regarding Astral Templars generally except for Prisoner of the Black Sun.
>No solid loafs!
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>barely any model posting
does this general have more schizos than the others or what's going on
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Finished this beautiful babe. The SPEARHEAD snapped off at some point and I had to replace it with a spare SPEARHEAD and reinforce the seam with glue. Hit it with some BFTBG though and it looks like some flesh is dangling off, so looks alright. Hopefully going to be using it in my first game of 4th Sunday.
I'm sorry your sigmarines aren't popular, but you shouldn't take it out on the cool factions.
That was in Azyr where Vandus is kept, which isn't a Ruination fort. He'll be cured and become a normal Ruination chump I bet
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Been a very long day, going to take a break. One of the local stores might have a box of Praetors so I may pick that up tomorrow since they look cool.
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You could always help solve the problem by posting your stuff anon. Be the change you want to see.
I really like the minty tones you used for your skin on the ghoul
The dark steel works really nicely with the copper and red
I really like the addition of the moss to this guy
I really hope the chaos legionnaires aren’t just a side project and become more of a thing
I'm working on my stormcast but conflicted because I realized I'm doing basically the exact same scheme as my tzeentch std but one color is swapped
it might take a whole 10 minutes.
They should have moved liberators to the ruination chamber, not having a cheap infantry unit for everyone irks me.
That’s why they got rid of sancrosant they’re not going to make a liberator for every chamber so on and so forth

Source: my ass
this statement will age about as well as, no way biden is dropping out.
What’re the odds some cool cat has a link to the sob codex? I have absolutely nothing to trade for it
Pretty fucking terrible when you're in the wrong general
$210 is pretty fucking terrible for the ultimate starter box when it has zero relevant terrain for actual games. Wouldnt even try to snipe if it dropped for half its price.
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Gonna see tomorrow if the first time in 5 games he will do something

thats pretty well painted
Scar-vet on Aggradon? I mean bare minimum he'll bump up the other Aggradon's rage by one, not entirely convinced that's worth another unit of Aggradons - 30 myself, Though I was also surprised by the number of Raptadon Chargers with no Hunters run last week so what the fuck do I know.
Lol, nice try ratto. No stormcast here.
Appreciate it anon.
Nah this is just my drummer
Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy (130)
- 10 x Freeguild Fusiliers (120)
- 10 x Freeguild Steelhelms (100)
- 1 x Ironweld Great Cannon (130)

Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal (170)
- 5 x Freeguild Cavaliers (170)
- 5 x Freeguild Cavaliers (170)

My local has a 1k event coming up, and this is what I'm thinking of running. What do you anons think?
Im thinking why are people still thinking 2k is anything but a meme threshold to play under.
I've never understood wanting to play at 1k unless you're a beginner playing with your friends. It's always an unbalanced shitshow and doesn't give enough room to run a cool selection of stuff
I was the only person at the local shop who had any AoS stuff at all before this edition, so this is for all the 40k guys that are fleeing it like rats from a ship.
Building my Vanguard Gitz, going to make 6 Troggoths with some conversion sillyness
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I don't want to graytide tomorrow for Spearhead night, but holy fuck my CoS Spearhead got dicked by Seraphon and I'm itching to try HoS. Been in such a slump with painting I've only done the Shardbringer and Slaangor (who aren't based I fucking hated painting them for some reason).

Playing is fun, though. I may just be burning out after 4 months of straight painting CoS.

How's everyone doing in Spearhead lately? I roll like shit.

>fail 8 inch charge
>fail again

>next round: 12 (+10 horse attacks) attacks, 1 hit, 0 wounds
>fail 4 inch charge
>Game is called mid-way, lost by 5 points and have lost everything but Cavaliers and the 2nd batch of Steelhelms
>opponent has lost 3 Saurus
Why did they make the switch to ruination chamber?
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Trying to remove the text
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Building my Vanguard Gitz, going to make 6 Troggoths with some conversion sillyness
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All of primarus nucast are made for tastelets who hate stormcast. And the best thing? It's not like those people will buy stormcast now. The only one affected is the stormcast player who now has half his army squatted and GW wants him to rebuy the rest of his army.
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>posts the only passable fatcast that cheated by changing the proportions of pauldrons and removed the flaring elements of the breastplate
if other fatcasts looked like that you would have a point
but they don't, which is why the change needed to happen
>and removed the flaring elements of the breastplate
Anon he's leaning forward, flaring elements doing their job

I personally prefer Sacrosanct. They look cool in their robes.
Now that I think about it, Gobbapalooza really doesn't fit with this edition. Giving it power level (2) would be too strong for a normal unit that you can stick in any regiment, nerfing it to (1) is retarded, making it a hero is also stupid and giving it regimental regimental restriction wouldn't change a thing.
It is bad now but how could it ever be balanced?
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Justice for fatcast
Have you played the Slaanesh spearhead yet? Any tips?
It's super cool that they get the 3E Temptation Dice ability. Way better than the crap they have to deal with in the core game.

I just tried to prime my Slickblades and it turns out I’m out of primer. I would like to at least have primed models on a table as opposed to naked plastic.

Waited all week to do this. The suffering is exquisite.
pauldrons are still a problem
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Can someone post broken realms teclis I want to read about the battle between nagash and teclis.
I wish the arachnarok with flinger was like any other artillery unit
Crazed high on venom Grots should load more than D3 attacks and the damage should be D3+2 like the cannon to reflect the impact plus spiders bursting forth causing some extra damage
Idk maybe points drops will make things better but 1 damage is a joke and idgaf about the move characteristic debuff given the subfaction doesn't need mobility manipulation with their speed, deep strikes, teleports, etc
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they're a separate bit on the full kit
In plenty of kits they're not separate and the underpauldron would often require a great amount of work to not look bad.

The ground up redesign was necessary.
>pauldrons are still a problem (in sacrosanct)
>all their full kits have optional pauldrons
Cope? ETB versions are irrelevant
True but consider how good Thundersrike Sacrosanct units are going to look
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Look at diz git
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No wonder loonboss hides behind a mask
Primariscast look like shit, begone. Also they wouldn't have squatted sacrosanct if they were just gonna replace the models anyway.
why even sculpt that
the picture you showed to prove your point has etb models
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Why not?
You mean like they quite literally did with 1e Stormcast units?
I must have missed the part where liberators, prosecutors etc suddenly lost rules and became unplayable.
Is this a leaked Chaos Dwarf or am I retarded?
Irrelevant, every core kit has them as an option behind castigators just like the first wave
You've never touched one
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I don't think being able to leave your models unfinished is the win you think it is
Cool, I've never looked twice at a Fireslayer, retarded it is.

Are you me? I was building mine today and thought it was ridiculous too
Are pauldrons a problem or not?
I must be looking at a different picture because all I see is pure fucking kino
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>like daemons
>don't like enough of the pantheon model lines to commit to just one
>just want to run lesser and greater daemons at people long with shit like screamers and bloodcrushers.
It hurts I want Daemons of Chaos back as a faction proper. At least let belakor run a horde of many colours.
If anon thinks they are, leaving your models unfinished is not a solution to the problem.
>behind castigators
and heroes, and the ballista, and any underworlds kit, and even in the kit you're referencing sometimes the underpauldron is already sculpted under the main pauldron
Damn she got hips for days. RIP
I meant I'm retarded because I didn't recognise a 9 year old model anon, no hate on dorfs.
>fatcasts are good!
>you just need to cover them in robes!
>and not glue the pauldrons!
>and only consider half the range!
or just accept that thunderstrikes are a superior design
Many of us want that, especially as we had this possibility in 2.0 with Legion of the First Prince for a while. But I guess we will never see them. Check out maybe 40k or TOW for this.
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>it's 2034
>The Old Realms releases
>Only 1e/2e Stormcast are playable for the Stormcast Chambers faction
>these retro kits are so in demand the boxes are constantly sold out

I can see it, plastic models can only get so much more detailed so "retro" models from the late 2010's should be pretty popular and won't put people off like older less detailed models do.
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>crackhead maps are back
>silly rules are back
>CoS is back to being an island of misfit toys
>8th edition WHFB factions are available as legend codexes
>Nagash is back to being a summoning machine
>Old fatcast is back on shelves for prices higher than their 4th ed counterparts
>Lord Tremendous uses dark magic to summon his army from the ashes just to burn it again
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>Old fatcast is back on shelves for prices higher than their 4th ed counterparts
The metal/resin prices are awful but things like pic rel are actually a lot cheaper than buying 2 kits of 10 models like a year ago.
Summoning is anti-competitive
I don't think Gobbapalooza is bad, just strange. A 15 health 6+ 6+++ at worst wizard 1 that bonks slightly harder than average and can maybe buff on a 3+ at 150pts without taking a hero slot is just good, I feel like people struggle to leave its 3e scroll in the past and reexamine it in the 4e context.
crazy that this is 1400 points.
4e is a skirmish game, even ptg starts at 1k and Spearhead is like 700-1k
Stormcast Eternals

Lord-Commander Bastian Carthalos 270
- 6 x Vanguard-Palladors with Shock Handaxes 460
- 6 x Vanguard-Raptors with Longstrike Crossbows 340

Lord-Relictor 130
- 6 x Prosecutors 280
- 6 x Reclusians 300

Knight-Arcanum 120
- 10 x Vanquishers 220
- 10 x Vindictors 220


I would consider this to a normal ass list that resembles a real tabletop army. Enough infantry to look filled out, a unit of foot elites, some skirmishers, one big cav, one unit of archers, and look how far over 2k it is.

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