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I'm part of a game i really, REALLY hate thats been going on for a long time. My friend is running a game in a setting she made that she is super proud of. Issue is it's boring as hell. Nothing happens and the setting is High Guardian Spice X Power Rangers.

I tolerated this because the company was good, but it's getting harder. Friend A is also bored as fuck while friend B loves it. The GM and friend B have recently started ERPing with B's character and the GMPC. Last session was the break with A and I playing cool math games for several minutes in one discord channel while B and the GM were ERPing in another chat.

The end of last session was a sign that this is only gonna get worse. The GM went into detail about all of us getting wet dreams because of a shapeshifting succubus visiting us in our sleep (This was portrayed as a good thing) followed by a group of demons arriving arriving that the GM spent 20 MINUTES describing. I can tell this is quickly becoming a fetish game for B and the GM that A and I are being dragged along for.

I want to preserve the friendships here is possible but the GM is extremely... fragile? as a person and doesn't respond to things going wrong well. I know if I leave then A will also leave and it's just B and the GM solo, which i suspect won't last.
> High Guardian Spice
Get better friends
Have you tried just talking to the GM? Both you and A just need to sit her down and talk it out. If she can't handle a simple talk like the adult I assume she is, then she's got bigger issues.
Have you tried talking with the people involved?
I would suggest that your best bet in this case is bludgeoning your GM to death.
As a general rule you want an iron truncheon to accomplish this, but a large wooden club or even your bare hands can achieve the desired result, provided you can properly focus your rage.
>then she's got bigger issues
thats the problem. She just does not take criticism well at all. It's also an issue where she loves rules light narrativist games and railroads accordingly. She's nice generally and is good as a player, but i know her well enough to know she'll interpret me not enjoying the game as it is as an insult.
Yeah her writing is... questionable. i've known her since college and other friends in this friend group like having her around.
This thread isn't real. OP is just roleplaying as a retard.
That’s a good backup plan for later
I wish i was larping legitimately. I just don't want to dynamite my bridges with her and B. But it's looking like i just need to leave the game
The more you explain the worse it gets. What is even positives to play and be friends with such a textbook wreck of a person?
You aren't even playing RPGs.
This legitimately sounds like tranny behavior.
If that's the case it's your fault for being in the game in the first place.
So you she. Is it a She(female) or She(delusional)?

also you're like a no-games faggot. The fact people try and act superior about playing in person instead of with a VTT shows a tremendous lack of value in your life or a lack of things to feel proud of.
Let me give solid advice.

I once did pic related. ( was an email )
If diplomacy does not work, you can always do one of the 2 phollowing.

>A: Come up with something very different to do that gives you a temporary out....
like, a summer job/task that your uncle cooked up for Thursday Evenings...

>B: Lie about your ties to the game and then walk out with a great excuse
> yes,
I once lied to a GM for whom I was carrying his game, because they still had my ex in the group
and a few other social strictures were making his mid game less and less enjoyable.
I told him "man, I am getting the feel I'm not that great of a roleplayer and I need to go on a
personal quest to improve my roleplaying skills."
....so I left under the condition that i wasn't good enough to be in his group
....despite the fact I carried the scenarios he cooked up FIVE TIMES!!!

It's obvious your DM doesn't have a realistic view of her own game.
Cook up some bullshit she will believe and you will be able to use that chit of reality you made
against her once you get her to buy it.
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If you wanted your story to be believable, you shouldn't have included these lines.

>the setting is High Guardian Spice X Power Rangers.
>Last session was the break with A and I playing cool math games for several minutes in one discord channel while B and the GM were ERPing in another chat.

No one is this stupid.
I don't know what weird universe you're pretending you're from, but the moment a GM goes "Hey, I'm gonna do some ERP" is the moment everyone at the table gets a free "I'm out" card they can cash in at any time. It's that simple.

There's no need to explain anything or rationalize or pretend you're conflicted. You've either spent too much time with the other ERP guys who've never actually played a game or you've simply forgotten how real people actually interact with each other.
*So you say she.

This is the gayest fucking thing I've read all day and I would kick out any player that sent me such an utterly retarded message. It reads like a message from discord "Ooops our womblebombles done angered the queen of bandwidth!"
Why can't you just talk clearly and directly like an adult?
She (female). She's nice most of the time, just extremely sheltered and not used to not getting her way from what i know about her home life. That said she said she was asexual previously and I can only assume she's going through some kinda lesbian awakening considering how much fetish material she's been inserting into the game (long story). It's getting hard to tolerate.
I should give some context here. she's turbo autistic and generic fantasy tm is something she loves. The ERP thing is a very recent development and something that only came up in a game with people besides those two in DMs this past session. Yeah I should have just bounced, at that point you have no obligation to stay, but we both did for some reason and here we are.

She's the kinda person I just feel bad upsetting which is why i've stayed as long as I have despite everything being boring.
Honestly just lying and leaving might be my best bet if I don't want her angry at me and turning other people against me.
>I would kick out any player that sent me such an utterly retarded message.
I see it works as intended....
It's nice to see you're roleplaying in this thread. Hopefully you'll work up the courage to play an RPG with real people.

Even discord games would be a step up from roleplaying on 4chan as an idiot. Good luck.

If real roleplaying is too much for you right now, maybe you should at least step up from roleplaying as a complete idiot, and maybe actually research the topic you're roleplaying as? Even someone with only the most barebones experience with RPGs would be aware of just how easy it is for someone to perpetually flake the game if you wanted to leave and also didn't want to directly offend anyone.

If you're roleplaying as the kind of bitch who's aware of that, but just made a thread to complain about a game they have no real interest in leaving, that's actually probably a step lower.
I fucking wish the retard jannies that constantly delete posts would actually delete garbage posts like this.

You're like someone on /v/ or /pol/ that says anyone saying something positive about a thing is a hired shill. Fuck off.
Dude you can say you're jus not comfortable with the mention of sexual stuff during the game, she should understand that. Especially if she's giving your characters wet dreams. Tell her you have a fear of intimacy or have had some past sexual trauma or whatever if you want. Honestly though this sounds like the problem of a crazy person just communicate what's making you unhappy.

Why do you think saying "Hey, I'm uncomfortable with the sex stuff, I don't want to be here." will make everyone hate you?

>fetish material she's been inserting into the game (long story)
Anyway despite my words I want to hear all of this. Dance monkey boy, dance. Bring out the chained slave girls with Catan on their backs.
You're being treated with kindness.
You just roleplaying as a retard would be the best case scenario.
Imagine what kind of abuse you'd be getting if anyone actually believed you were as retarded as you were pretending to be.

Making a thread to complain about a GM, and wasting most of your time telling us about nonsense like you're baiting us to join in to complain about the most stereotypical braindead millenial, all while pretending you're asking for help when anyone who's ever actually played a game, or even just interacted with people in general, would be fully aware of countless "solutions" to your imaginary insurmountable quandary?

Consider it a compliment that you're being doubted for being that stupid.
Just tell her the campaign is cool, but you're not into ERP and want to leave.
If she says she'll stop the ERP then ig that's a win, even though it wasn't the main issue.
Alternatively just say you miss DMing and want to start your own game.
Or just say you picked up a new hobby and no longer have time for a consistent game.
Or man up and tell the truth and if she gets butthurt enough to affect your relationship then you dodged a bullet
I'm not OP, I just think you're a dumb, annoying cunt. I bet you reply saying "Dnd is your issue" to things too.
I don't think playing along with OP is going to help him in the long run.
It is a crazy person and you should get a better friends.
You gotta make it kino
I don't particularly care either way. Costs me just as much to give advice as it does for you to complain. If it perpetuates some delusion then oh well, not like I have to deal with them and I don't care about helping them
>Anyway despite my words I want to hear all of this. Dance monkey boy, dance. Bring out the chained slave girls with Catan on their backs.
Most of it was subtle before last session. just a lot of shapeshifters and occasional loli vampires. The end of last session was where shit got weird, and not just the sex demon skin walking people. Remember the demons she spent a shit ton of time describing at the end of the session? All of them were decked out in fetish gear and she spent a lot of time trying to make them sound sexy and fabulous TM. Not creepy sexy either, she was obviously horny for all of them the whole time. We're also definitely going to get railroaded into a hell arc soon because a literal god told us to hear the king of demons out, for some reason.
Please, don't tell me your dumb enough to believe in OP.
If you're just playing along, you're kind of just feeding into the kind of pitiful mentality that just wants to pretend bitching is a great way of getting attention/sympathy/etc.

That's a terrible mentality. Sure, it's fun to roleplay on 4chan, but at least roleplay as someone with more than single-digit IQ.

If you're actually dumb enough to imagine that not only does his scenario exist, but that OP isn't aware of a million "solutions" to his "problem", I don't know what to tell you. You might actually be genuinely retarded.
I don't think that's possible at this point. I should just tell her I'm not vibing with my character anymore. He keeps getting transmuted into increasingly weird things when the original concept was a wizard trying to kill the guy that turned his wife into an undead.
You're literally autistic and are unable to see social scenarios that you haven't experienced as being real things that happen.

I have literally been in a similar scenario where my autistic female friend (woman) was getting way too interested in the relationship between her character and an NPC to the point she was writing graphic sexual fanfiction about it and sharing it.

We ended up just dealing with it and letting her have her fun because it's nice to have an actual woman with a female voice in the group to break up the monotone male voices.
Not OP, or that anon, but I buy OPs story. Anecdotes be those but I've known friends with friends like this and in my tangent understanding they're the most mentally rapey people in the fucking world. As simple as "try talking to them" is, if you read carefully, looks like OP tried that and it didn't work. In my opinion, that's how these cunts work. They make you want to pamper them and make refutation and your own comforts seem harmful to them, so you can't do anything you want without hurting the precious one. It's a way more common kind of scumcunt than you'd think.
I don't know OP's friend, so I could be totally wrong, but there are behaviour patterns that map on in a similar way to OP's situation.

Here is the real issue: OP actually likes this woman (as a friend or whatever I dunno), so just making a cut and leave like some stoic shitposter isn't going to work well for OP either. What OP wants is to both not play in that game and still be friends with the person running it.
>Honestly just lying and leaving might be my best bet if I don't want her angry at me and turning other people against me.
The trouble here is, you'll find yourself making covert diversions in your own free time just to make the cover look real. Not having social media accounts doesn't make you totally immune from this either. It's hastle, is all I'm saying, and not worth it at all if you blow the cover. It's like a sitcom episode where they all have to pretend to like Monica's cooking or something.

I don't know what I'd do here, but have you thought about proposing running your own game as GM with the other members of your group as players? Suggest a cycle, where you rotate between hers and yours on a week by week basis. The idea here is to make it less frequent first.
Just say you've been wanting to run a game yourself for a while and want to give it a shot.
I have had people bulldoze games I'm in with fetish shit like 5 times. Fuck off.
>Here is the real issue: OP actually likes this woman
That's the fake issue he wanted to sell you.

At best, OP is just making the whole thing up, using small kernals of what he imagines may sound like real experiences to someone willing to extend to him the benefit of the doubt.

Lonely people like >>93447161, who offer up plenty of "no one asked" stories at the drop of a hat, are more than glad to indulge OP in his fantasy story, so OP doesn't have to try all that hard. He can just keep embellishing his story as if added details don't make his initial premise any less ridiculous.

If OP figured out how to get past the Captcha, he'd be aware of just how easy it is to quietly flake from a game without anyone getting offended, because everyone is aware just how low a priority RPG games are. You don't even need a particularly clever excuse.

Instead, he's going on and on and on about the details of a game that may have fragments of truth somewhere mixed in, but as a whole is just nonsense. So, he's either just roleplaying as an idiot, something that should be discouraged, or venting like a bitch while pretending he needs help, which is something that should be even more discouraged.
It must be nice to be so self-deluded that you think you can make these big sweeping claims based on your "feelings".
Weird way of spelling "crystal clear logic". ESL?
why the fuck are you even on this board if all you have to contribute is smugly talking down to people?

You've convinced yourself it's an imaginary scenario and yet you're still here making gay longwinded posts.
You viewing your own internal logic as "crystal clear" and not understanding why others aren't agreeing with you is another sign of autism.

You have literally no evidence or actual reasoning beyond "Mmm, I would act differently were it me, so this post must be lies."
By not being a pussy and just talking to "her". This is always the fucking answer why do you tards need to come to ask this here again and again?
Read the thread, OP did that already and it didn't work.

Stop feeding the troll. Also, read the rules, I promise you it'll help you identify this shit faster.
I know someone who worked in the RPG industry who acted almost identically to OP's woman, fictional or otherwise. Every single day I'd wake up and she'd have posted several shit madlibs character concepts built out of identities and fetishes. We're talking about someone whose characters started from a position of "black lesbian human in leather with whips" or "trans elf who wants to be handcuffed" or "maori-coded dwarf who asphyxiates themselves". If someone gave her even the slightest bit of feedback that wasn't glowing she'd have a meltdown for hours on end.

If OP is making this up it's from a position of knowing exactly what a certain kind of autistic woman acts like.
>not understanding why others aren't agreeing with you
If you want to roleplay with OP, that's all you.

Just don't keep wondering why the only people who are replying earnestly to OP happen to be idiots, while the rest of the board is giving this thread a quick glance and then correctly identifying it as one of the two possible scenarios I explained.

>You have literally no evidence or actual reasoning
My posts don't just disappear because you really want to pretend there's not sound logic behind them. Where'd you learn to argue like this, twitter?

No, don't bother answering, no one wants to hear your life story. Not sure if you've ever heard of rhetorical questions, but your general exhibited intelligence and lonely desire to mouth off seemed to necessitate an explanation.
She's not autistic, she's BPD and you're letting her manipulate you. Stop being such a bitch and just leave. If she somehow turns people against you then they're spineless faggots and you don't need them in your life.
How the fuck would it not work? Unbelievable how weak people are these days.
>How the fuck would it not work?
Because then OP wouldn't have something to complain about.
Same goes with the hundred other extremely obvious solutions everyone knows and OP is desperately baiting for people to reply with.
>i know her well enough to know she'll interpret me not enjoying the game as it is as an insult.

what if I told you the moral thing to do is to be honest and to not gaslight her by feeding into her delusion
>The fact people try and act superior about playing in person instead of with a VTT shows a tremendous lack of value in your life or a lack of things to feel proud of.
Sounds like you're mostly just curious about how he plans to wriggle around that question, rather than genuinely offering advice.
>How the fuck would it not work? Unbelievable how weak people are these days.
Key part: OP wants to remain friends.
English translation: OP wants to remain friends.

With a moderately rational person, you can just talk to them like an adult. OP's friend, in my opinion, lacks reasonable rationality. I think you yourself nailed it to be fair, she sounds BPD as hell.
>you're letting her manipulate you. Stop being such a bitch and just leave. If she somehow turns people against you then they're spineless faggots and you don't need them in your life.
It's hard to say for sure with OP's case, but I have a gut feeling you're just right.
>why the fuck are you even on this board

Do you actually think the point of this board is for losers to roleplay about roleplaying? Having discussions not just about imaginary problems, but about imaginary problems around imaginary problems?

That's sad. And kind of pathetic. And definitely not something worth defending.

Look at this guy. >>93447573

Instead of discussing RPGs, he wants to treat this board like an even worse version of /adv/, where people just vent because they're lonely, fluffing up their stories for further sympathy, and then fishing for "advice" when all they really want is "yass queen dat grrl CRAAZY" replies.

If you want to roleplay about roleplaying, at least pitch a story better than "I'm trapped in a bad game and I can't figure a way out." It's on the same level of those "My boyfriend is THE WORST; Can I fix him?!" shit that even /adv/ makes fun of.
>Instead of discussing RPGs, he wants to treat this board like an even worse version of /adv/, where people just vent because they're lonely, fluffing up their stories for further sympathy, and then fishing for "advice" when all they really want is "yass queen dat grrl CRAAZY" replies.

You didn't know that until other anons started saying it, otherwise you wouldn't have wasted all this time to get to the point. If you weren't totally guessing, you'd have a point.
Also, is the possibility of OP being legit really zero? You seem convinced it is, despite OP never asking for confirmation. OP seems pretty averse to some ideas in here already, which is not the mental-op of someone looking for likes and thumbsups.
Also, this is a ttrpg discussion, so it is on topic. The way you bring up /adv/ and the way you post instantly made me realize you're from /ic/. You need to hit up the /tg/ drawthread, that place is fucking wild.

At any rate, this thread has turned more or less into a therapy session with you. Everyone else gave one answer to OP, and about 30+ to you alone.
In the off chance you are right, though, what makes you think OP is so full of shit? If it helps me detect and avoid these threads in the future with good rationale, then I'll take it.
>If it helps me detect and avoid these threads in the future with good rationale, then I'll take it.

Whoo, nice bait.
Too bad you haven't actually read any of my posts so far, so asking me to repeat myself isn't really a great way to keep this "conversation" going.

You're pretty lonely. I understand why you'd want to paint me as a villain for ruining your roleplay here, but if your favorite kind of roleplaying is acting like an idiot and begging people to converse with you even to the point of just begging them to repeat things you've chosen to ignore, it's no wonder you're so lonely.
>Whoo, nice bait.
You're OP. Got it. Damn without the user count it's really hard to tell. Well played honestly, fucked me up.
>e said she was asexual previously and I can only assume she's going through some kinda lesbian awakening
Haha, just wait until "discovers" that she's actually straight. Every "unique" girl goes through the same arc.
How big are her tits? This is important
Say your schedule has changed and you can't be there anymore.

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