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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>93435274
Anons been sleeping on Aozdou and Lionheart Clans. But in truth, they are the strongest. Time to lock-in.
Anons told me the strongest were Ager, Evoco, Ford and the space clan.
Seeing Wolf (+Spirit Magic, +1R)

Recreational Vehicle

Derek Mason
Johnathan Woodrow
Brendan Hargrave
Total: -2

Superior Strength
Superior Speed
Superior Stamina
Superior Regeneration
Superior Agility
Superior Senses
Superior Resolve
Danger Sense
Silver Resistance
Iron Will
Maddening Howl
Predatory Aura
Dominant Aura
Big Dick Energy (+1R)
Spirit Magic
Blood Henna
Protective Aura
Majestic x2 -2 (+3R)
Total: -18

Leech Town (change location)
Enemy (With max power and reputation there isn't much he can do)
The sons of Odin (change location)
Eldritch Convocation (change location)
The unquiet dead (change location)
Hellmouth (change location)
Vortex +2 (change location)
Blood War +2 (change location)
Ragangeddon +8 (assuming something I'll explain later)
Total: +16

The Dark Sisters (information and also guards for Lady Dynuviel)
Lady Dynuviel (I'm going to assume that picking her either gives me special powers or means that I have powers beyond that of a werewolf because I did not take every single empowering perk that isn't either an inferior version of a different thing or an uglifier just to be told that some people are stronger than me and there's nothing I can do about it)
Total: -1

Reputation: 10+

Imma make the great beast my final bitch and chill in the new age (also do good stuff because that's what power fantasies are for)
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The strongest clan is the one you make.
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Auctorfags are boring.
Anons are full of shit and can't be trusted to understand powerlevels. Only Yggdrasils are weaklings, any other clan can be wanked high enough.
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All tohse clans have been wanked with Ford being the worst offender. They think it's an auto-win when the entire magic is that you literally have to know how to make things from scratch or try not getting shot to reconstruct an active tank. Even then making things from scratch is the hardest task since you have to sit down and do the math.
Unironically I prefered evoco wank because at least evocofag was autistically posting about stuff he'd expand on the magic or how he'd try to interact with his powers. Fordeank ends up with them just screeching that everyone else is worse and that they'd just build SUPER OBLITERATOR 5,000s to instawin.
The evoco homo arc is also funnier than anything ford made
That is the problem of having everything be so open. Anyone can headcanon that they are auto win. Magi case was just badly made.
>Anyone can headcanon that they are auto win.
Is that a problem for you?
NTA but that is pretty lame, yeah.
Entropiss puts cumeaters to shame once more by having real descriptions of its powers.
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post it if its so good
Why are you obsessed with eating cum?
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Optimal strategy with this one is to go on the mundane side of the veil, take Boosted Wishmancy and the Omnipotence ritual. Use wishes both to gather everything you need for the ritual and to prevent any opposition (easy, since they're all just mundane people).
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>Optimal strategy
>Troyx cyoa
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A cyoa as superior as entropiss does not even need to be posted. It is already living rent free in both of your minds.
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>evoco homo arc
The division between all two Evoco clan members, one is having an existential crisis and the other is accepting he's gay
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You didn't answer my question
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Anon, its Tok.
>Shilling entropist
lol, lmao even
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what's the most difficult part of creating cyoas?
The writing? image gathering? the layout?
Not being a lazy piece of shit that keeps putting everything for later. So basically, not being any of the authors we have here.
Why would you repost your build in a thread that doesn't even have the cyoa posted?
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Tok wouldn't talk about jizz that much.
Tok, you're literally calling it entropiss and refusing to post it
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Cyoag has a hero...
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Because I posted it in the earlier threat 5 minutes before this one opened.
Beside, I'm far from the first to have done that
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No one cares about your stupid build, bitch. Delete your spam NOW!
I wonder what he would like in bizarro world. Prude christian devout girl shilling the Lord in her OCs?
>He made them seethe THIS badly, THIS easily
I kneel
I was away for a whole week.

Can anyone tell me what oc I missed, if any?
>Cyrus but girl
No thanks.
>Cyrus is bizarro Tok
Raped goods...
The hard choice... 34 year old cat woman... or 24 year old cat girl...
Writing is the longest part for me.
>Evergone can headcanon they auto-win
Enter DracGOD and OstaneSIMP

But more seriously, the fault isn't because it's open. The fault lies in Italics not providing definition of what is baseline vs advanced vs master.

He just needs one spell for each thier as examples of what we are capable of. Makes it easier for spellcrafting too.
To add-on even something like World of Darkness has tiers/levels of what you can do.

People say Magi Case ripped Fate but it honestly ripped more from World of Darkness except it's not socially woke and he won't tell you his stuff is not for Nazis and you shouldn't play the CYOA if you don't align to his socio-political beliefs.
No one here actually cares. They don’t play cyoas. Go to Reddit or something.
Anyone have a better theme song for the Travelers?

>Makes it easier for spellcrafting too.
the fact that they're 'spells' is so unimportant pretty much everyone ignores them
You now remember Fate has spells too but everyone ignores them.
reddit OC
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Rolled 8, 7, 3 = 18 (3d9)

the only thing I know about fate is how rock hard some of the cast makes me
>crushing weight of the mountain
punch harder = a bit dull
>rising dragon technique
shoot fireballs = okay, ill be an oldschool fireball wizard, this will be my main thing
>unshackled beast awakening
high chance of permanently crippling me = i largely ignore it
Average Fate fan.
We have a severe lack of OC and a plethora of empty promises. Cope or deliver, faggot.
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There is hope on the horizon
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lol I would ask why you would do this but I know exactly why and I respect it. But you failed on one crucial aspect of impersonating me: I am not a filthy fucking phoneposter, and I autistically name all of my saved images manually regardless.
And my next CYOA is going to be pornographic regardless so it ain't going here.
Sorry, I don't like being a servant
husanon is our new hope and i trust him
Nice try, Tok.
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Vermillion Blood Scales, Crushing Weight of the Mountain, Lightning Flash Steps
>max output Vermillion Blood Scales
>concentrate Crushing Weight of the Mountain on fist
>Lightning Flash Steps
Fastest speed + strongest attack. I am INVINCIBLE.
and a time bomb ready to go poof
Then go fuck off to /trash/, why are you attentionwhoring here?
Why not just lie and take the artifacts?
She doesn't seem to have a way to force you to comply.
Vermillion Blood Scales, Hand of Heavens, Rising Dragon Technique.
Use VBS and RDT to improve my physical strength, so as to improve my telekinesis. Then crush my opponent with my mind
Evocosisters, how do we cope now that everyone calls us faggots for liking our auctor...
>Starter: Peak body
Most generally useful option, closely followed by Satiety.
>First Challenge: Jungle
Satiety is extremely useful, so I'll use my improved body to survive the rigors of the jungle.
>Second Challenge: Assault
With my enhanced physique and the equipment I'm given, I'm sure I'll be able to score a couple of assists here. I'll take the upgraded Satiety as my reward.
>Third Challenge: Mine
This is basically free with Satiety. It'll suck, but it's free.
>Godly Boon: Greed
I'll send myself to the Training challenge and pick up Damian's teachings. Then, I'll use the Upgraded Greed to give myself an Upgraded Machete.
>Fourth Challenge: Goblin Village
I'll use guerilla tactics. Even with a magic machete and Damian's teachings, it's just not wise to let 600 or more goblins try to kill me all at once. Invisibility could be useful.
>Fifth Challenge: Lee Ho Jae and Gabriel, Archangel
Not interested in any trades here. I just think these guys would be the most useful for this fight.
Your auctor´s a sicko. Who cares about their gender.
Sicko man = bad
Sicko woman = good
>he doesn't know
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Hand of Heavens
Rising Dragon Technique
Lightning Flash Steps

The ultimate dodge-tank with very nasty forms of attack. I'm quite curious what will happen to VBS users if I increase their already high temperature even more.
SBT is an interesting option for the concept, but those conditional 10 meters are laughable when we're talking about speed of sound.
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Doesn't Inner Depth effectively make you invincible?
No, people can still see you.
Yes, against many physical attacks this is true. There aren't only purely physical attacks.
It was BBC anon.
He still hasn't gotten over the Nords, the primary protagonist of the Elder Scrolls series, getting snubbed so hard.
>Nords, the primary protagonist of the Elder Scrolls series
Kek, I needed a good laugh.
>shitalics and entropiss mentioned
Obviously Tok. Who do you think came up with those names in the first place? Anons need to learn to just ignore him.
You're right, it's definitely Redguards, Argonians, Dark Elves, Bosmer, or Khajiit, lol.
You'd need to activate it, so surprise attacks can still hit you.
You're also a *living* portal, so anything that can kill the living (like poison gas) can kill you (or you hold your breath and potentially choke).
There's also no mention of the size of the subspace. Assuming it's the same as the manga as the pic is from, its size is the same as your body.
Last Kalpa's protags, now fun side characters
>Dark Elves,
Irrelevant side characters
Made for breeding, otherwise quarantine to their desert
>You'd need to activate it, so surprise attacks can still hit you.
Nothing indicates this is true, you're arbitrarily trying to perform it.
>You're also a *living* portal, so anything that can kill the living (like poison gas) can kill you (or you hold your breath and potentially choke).
Why wouldn't the gas just pass through your portal?
oh god, i hope the drawbacks wont be too harsh
Yes, that is my hope too. If it ends up like THAT cyoa... it would all be for nothing.
>Nothing indicates this is true
So would you constantly just absorb the ground you walk on and the air you try to breathe into the portal? There'd have to be some limitation to let you both use the power and not die.
>Why wouldn't the gas just pass
It can. The portal doesn't have the stated ability to selectively filter out poison gas from oxygen, so if you try to absorb the gas, you'd need to hold your breath until it's cleared out, and you might pass out if there's too much of it and you don't drain it in time.
I think Inner Depth can turn you into Cream from Jojo. So I'll take Teleportation (Surprise Motherfucker, Welcome Back Mr. Step), Holy Asymmetry (Inner Depth) and One Step Ahead (fusing Surprise Motherfucker and Mr. Step) to create nigh-imperceptible teleporting sentient black holes.
New name just dropped.
>cant even get the name right while its on his screen
The literacy rate of cyoag is shocking
What is wrong? Angry that failtalics is not going to deliver?
>gets derogatory name wrong that he literally just quoted
>doubles down on a completely unrelated talent
it fucking writes itself
>Failtalics fan seethes more
You love to see it.
Anon you are a genuine retard. He's berating you for getting the name you quoted wrong, not defending italics

Is this really the average intellect of italics haters?
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So we get to be a knight in service to an alien dragon? And she already killed 1995 other people trying to find a suitable candidate?

Looks good, HusAnon
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>are italics haters this stupid
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Now we got 2 failtalic's fans, both of them red and seething. It really is sad to see cyoag falling so far down.
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for what its worth I always prefered them over evoco
>Is this really the average intellect of italics haters?
Yes. They are deranged.
Depends on what you want to do. Do you want technomagic Gundams? Or do you want to seal entire sections of the world off (like the Aozdou founder)?
Snoozfest cyoas, when are we getting good stuff like last thread
Just wait for failtalic's latest slop to release.
Any requests?
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I've never seen the mystery boxes. Do they even exist?
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>Any requests?
not whatever the fuck you're currently posting
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After going through this, all I thought that "that's all"? Everything is very superficial, no specifics in any of the descriptions. I have no idea what the power level of the setting is, never mind the player, or what it even looks like. I was making a build, but I've lost any desire to finish.
>>Any requests?
>not whatever the fuck you're currently posting
Better? :)
that sums up basically every cyoa anon has posted so far
That's a aspect of the CYOA I will likely need to rebalance so don't be afraid to voice your opinions once I release the CYOA.
That's it more or less.
I'm working on the second page and will post it later.
Once I'm done with both pages that will be all until I finish everything.
Good luck!
Post something better . . . if you can. :)
Just look at that cyoa. Take a single look. That is all it takes to know what not to do. If you do not want to. Here are some examples.
>Losing your imagination
>Losing your ability to see forever
>Become evil
>Can only exist in a very specific environment
Basically, anything that would make life really suck or just kill yourself (identity death).
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Stop, I have the high res version.
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Garbage cyoa spam doesn't belong
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Then why are you posting a cyoa that JOBBED to entropist?
Interesting . . . I thought that WAS the high res version. Learn something new every day, I guess.
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nah isekai bounty hunter is based let him cook
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Bro, yours was blurry af and sub 1mb, how did you think that was high res?
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It's an older cyoa, and a lot of those have smaller file sizes?
Was this a thing? I have seen some other cyoas that are exactly just this.
I unironically like these cyoas because they let me be a summoner, which most other cyoas gloss over as an archetype
Sure, but the blur is usually not *that* bad. I download from allsync AND dig the archive to get the highest res version for every cyoa I save, so I would know.
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I wish hyena would take a crack at making a better star wars warlord cyoa, god knows I need good content after the nothingburgers we've had come out
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Don't worry I'm avoiding those kinds of drawbacks.
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Do you have high res versions of the two DLC pages (the extra schools, and the fan romance one)?
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>the extra schools
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Huh, shit, I actually forgot to post the extra schools dlc.
>Was this a thing? I have seen some other cyoas that are exactly just this.
Hero Academy was big, back in the day. Not sure it was the first "school" cyoa, but it influenced a lot of authors.
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if the thread hasn't changed when I wake up in the morning i'll post a build
God-like Skill for Dummies

I pick magic.
Why not now? You could give us the rough details (at least) before turning in.
>First Job
The Lightrunners
>Becoming Special
Lord of War

Commander 5
Negotiator 5
Babyface 5
Awareness 2
Chamelon 2
Pistolero 2
Focus 1
Style 2

Holdout Blaster x2
Cortosis Mesh Suit
>Personal Starship Base
PHSF Old Soul +1 Shield +2 Speed +1 Cargo

Wara Ingon
Surplus Corvette x2
Vulture Droids x3
Republic Commandos x2
B2 Battle Droids x5
B1 Battle Droids x12

Republic: Criminal
CIS: Allied
Hutt Space: Neutral
Mando'ade: Neutral
Independent Underworld: Neutral
Civilians: Friendly

As a soon-to-be CIS general with a history as a renowned mercenary commander, and the galaxy in complete and utter disarray, aligning myself with the CIS is the best option. Personally fond of droid troopers and how reliable they can be when actually given competent orders and properly maintained, I plan to start out with this small (albeit heavily armed) strike force and earn my way straight to the top. With Palpatine dead that means the CIS aren't intentionally setup to fail and are almost guaranteed to win. Hell, if played absolutely perfectly maybe I can talk and perform my way to my own empire. If only some of the more Sith inclined commanders I'll have to contend with such as Dooku or Grievous don't become too much of a problem...
Slight revision
Path: Teleportation
Powers: Mr. Step, Hug The World
Perks: Holy Asymmetry (Inner Realm), Fusion (Mr. Step + Hug The World = Worlds Collide; No longer need to move to summon clones and clones can use this power too since it's not technically Mr. Step).

Assuming Inner Realm lets me become a Cream-like monster by surroundng myself in a gateway to another dimension, I can portal cut people by running into them. Then I summon countless hordes of clones with this ability who themselves summon even more clones, allowing to overwhelm most opposition through sheer numbers. Even if I can't, I can still emulate Spot from Spiderman but better, because Spot can't clone himself.

Also the basic effect of perception range hostile teleports is deadly enough as it is.
Because i'm tired and posting half assed descriptions isn't worth it
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Here is a preview of page 2 with Isi's drawbacks.
>killed 1995 candidates
Bros... Our waifu hates us... We're disposable... Husanon you make such good waifus why would you do this to me...
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I find it doubtful that anyone will take drawbacks for things they will eventually get. Unless danger comes very soon.

Also, typo in the first paragraph, it should be "easy on the eyes", plural.
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>Isi's horns goes from jagged to smooth from picture to picture
Is she based on Kulve Taroth?
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Okay so lets say that you have some harmful fake memories implanted into your brain, so you ERASE ALL YOUR MEMORIES before casting this spell from Blood Magic. Did that interrupt your continuity of existence, and does it matter?
To make you suffer anon.
JK Attunements are for life if you die the artifacts die too so you are actually the one and only successful candidate. You are irreplaceable.

Thanks I'll fix it.
And yes the danger is coming sooner than you can hope to prepare for by training.
The idea is that it more or less will take you an averange of 10 years of training to gain the equivalent of one point of essence.
And you need to get shit done as soon as possible.

Depends on the artist but I do try my best to have a similarish style.

On Beeswax from ark knights
New redditslop: https://imgchest.com/p/md7oj3zwdyp
I don't like this cause it implies any companion isn't ever intended for romance.
>You are irreplaceable.
We're so back. Husanon kino... I can see it now
>why are you here?
Maybe he doesn't like/wants to correct people that impersonate him?
There was good stuff last thread, and you aren't talking about it now?
Was it not O C?
And then anon got the mixup of the century and fuckign died
Orochi is just an advanced form of Trap.
All you need to kill a normal human is a somewhat fast rock, that doesn't prove anything. Yggdrasils can't go for bullshit over the top miracles, they are weak.
Wasteland: City Ruins

Archetype: Bunker-Baby

Abilities: -42, +22CR
>Snake-like Reflexes
>Be Nimble, Be Quick
>Pickle Rick
>Fast Hands

Skills: -28
>I am a Scientist!
>Technical Knack

Weapons: -20, +20CR
Gauss Pistol

Vehicle: -20, +30vCR
>Robot Walker + Robo Arms

Equipment: -71, +16vCR, +12cr
>Souped-up Engine
>Suspension of Disbelief
>Safety Features
>Good Map
>First Aid Kit
>Computer + Desktop +Built in to Vehicle
>Hand Crank Dynamo
>Hand-Made Light Armor + Special Materials
>Personal Item (Collection of ID cards from my Bunker
>Luxury Item (Lucky Flask)

CR = 54
vCR = 45

>Mustang Sally, Hand-made Light Armor, -10, +20CR
>Bill Wester, +50CR
>Daniel, +30CR
>Lilly Mitchell, +15CR

Bumbling around the first settlement I came across I was lucky that it was Sally that picked up I was a complete fish out of water and took some pity. He showed me how things worked up here and how to go about making a name for myself as a reliable tinkerer and handyman around the settlement, eventually meeting and teaming up with Daniel. Together working to construct the Salvage Walker so that Sally and I could go out on long ranging expeditions. One in which we find and save the plucky young scavenger from a dire situation, which she quickly paid back by patching up the wounds we received in the process. Since then she's been helping Daniel and I around the shop while taking to us all as older brothers. While resting up in a bar waiting for those wounds heal a stranger with a sword kicked in the front door, screaming 'GRIIIIIIIFFIIIIIIITH!' at a man with a shock of white hair who had been sitting at the counter. After the brawl that ensued I clasped that mans hand and knew in that moment that he was my nigga. This event marking the beginnings of the occasional foray in to bounty hunting as Bill Westers backup. It was nice to finally bump in to someone that grew up watching the same shows.
>you literally have to know how to make things from scratch or try not getting shot to reconstruct an active tank
>he's still harping on about this after getting btfo 7 trillion times by material examination
Face it buddy, FordGODS cannot be defeated
>Mirror Ghostly Echoes
>Crushing Weight of the Mountain
>Lightning Flash Steps
as-is, flipping between gimmick copying and multiplied punches is a fair strategy. Once I move just a smidge more into omae wa shinderu punches, though...
>danger is coming
you should highlight the threat then.
>/cyoag/ is dying
>reddit is thriving
How the mighty has fallen
pillshit as far as the eye can see
>Vermillion blood scales
>Rising dragon technique
>Crushing weight of the mountain
Anything that tries to attack me is just going to crash against the mighty wall that i have turned myself into. My defense is peerless and turns into swift counters that swiftly destroy anyone foolish enough to try.
When Tok posts, I agree
When Tok thinks, I applaude
When Tok speaks, I listen
When Tok tells a joke, I laugh
When Tok replies to my post, I kneel
When Tok helps me, I owe Him eternal gratitude
When Tok is born, God rejoices
If Tok has 100 friends, I am one of them
If Tok has only 1 friend, that friend is me
If all the World is against Tok , then I am against the entire World
If no one in the World supports Tok , then I have left this World already
This posters name? Gil
nevermind upon further reading of the cyoa when I woke up you only get 10 picks which is dogshit
Finish Echoes you hack.
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kot > tok
Nope, they've released several quality cyoas in the last day
Yet you aren't posting them.
Where is the "quality" ?
I'm sorry about your blindness anon
I'm sorry about your low standards, anon.
this shit is trash, anon
Got more builds than your oc
>No arguments
I accept your concession
Why do I have to argue with you, shit OC is shit OC and you seething about it doesn't change your OC is shit lmao
redditors won
The redditor is currently seething his OC was rightfully called shit
>have an idea
>spend months writing, revising, and balancing
>find pictures
>almost done, literally nothing left to do but write a few more lines and slap it in a generic template
>sudden schizo moment, actually I hate this thing I spent the last 5 months working on, delete everything, empty recycle bin, burn everything
>do it all again next month
what manner of psychosis is this
This is me but replace it with cyoa builds and shorten the timeframe to a week
You see it all the time with artistic types, like when an artist suddenly nukes themselves off the face of the internet, leaving behind only thumbnails of their work on yandex image search. Pisses me off every time I see it when looking for CYOA pictures.
And yet, this experience also applies to me just like in your example, except I am too wise (lazy) to actually delete stuff, so I merely wait for the episode to end before returning back to work.
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>he succumbed to the voices of the void and deleted his precious work
faggot next time endure
The curse of self doubt...
if /cyoag/ is dead why arent you going out to funnel newfags here?
Why would you doom someone to this place?
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This is just JJK.

>Isi wants to monopolize you
It would be hilarious to make Gojo builds in all CYOAs.
>Gojo in Dark God
>Gojo in Dawn of a Demon Lord
>Gojo in Poisoned Citadel
No Satoru you are the curses.
>dawn of a demon lord
Are you Xargod because you're Lord of the Micropenis, or are you Lord of the Micropenis because you're Xargod
>Gojo builds on minion manager cyoas
Geto fucking seething rn
I don't want to be the little girl I want to head pat the little girl. Give me a good one from the allsync
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Why not both?
Curse minion cyoa when
I don't have the imagination to be a little girl
Personally, I'm Lord of the Micropenis because I fucked up my build and now I'm getting findommed by Elizabeth Bathory for 200,000 years
you will get it when you become one
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Best cyoa ever made coming through make room
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