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They call him the fastest gun in the west wing of the retirement home. What was granpappy carrying?

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>breathing in vapor from leaded gasoline
that's not how lead from leaded gasoline was ingested.
looks like that police department is using springfield xdm elite pistols
yes. there's a reason kenya can unfuck itself and baltimore cant
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>noooo you can't just know about things your actually retarded for knowing things

ass-blasted boomer detected. When did you get here, 2016?
thanks for sharing this unreal story with me today lol
shine on you weathered gemerald

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Why aren't there any ducted fan gunships?

Why are people IRL so scared of making cool things? Are they fucking gay and retarded?
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>Less payload
sorry this is the one point I have issue with, I thought ducted fans were way more efficient than open rotors? why would that somehow mean less payload?
A 50 cm tree trunk is going to be stronger than a 5 mm sheet of carbon fiber.

Ducted fans "work", they just don't work well. At low speed or at high mach (0.7-1.0) they are more efficient than a naked prop. At all other regimes they are inferior. That means it might be effective for a helicopter, but it is likely heavier for a marginal increase in lift efficiency. And it makes rotor wash even worse.
For real? Incredible.
All things being equal, a duct around a fan will mitigate the losses from tip vortices.
But things are not equal, and a helicopter will have a more efficient rotor than the fan could be, so throwing a duct over the fan doesn't really put the system above a conventional rotor.
ah okay I get what you meant now.

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Tactical /k/ots are now viable for war
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ukraine is a fame state
the ultimate weapon to surpass Metal Gear, Christian God is with Russia
Bro when my father was little he got scratched by a cat on his hand and the wound got infected. Luckily he didn’t lose any finger but the doctors contemplated that. Stray cats are bags of illnesses too. I love animals but they can be unironically dangerous
Georgian here, can confirm that most street dogs are very well behaved and friendly amongst humans.
Damn straight.
There was this three legged dog in the park outside Avlabari station that I would feed monadsi sausage because the other dogs bullied it.
They're all pretty cool around humans though because you know what happens if they're not.

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>there were no xboxhueg bunkers on omaha beach
Why has almost every piece of media from Saving Private Ryan to Medal of Honor lied about this?
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I suspect 80 years of erosion has undermined the original dirt underneath.
Airborne was overtasked
nice cgi
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They didn't have low-grade steel and tree trunks?
>They didn't have low-grade steel
They needed it for tanks and stuff.

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Who makes a good muzzleloader anons?
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I like my Pedersoli Kodiak Express. their repros aren't really accurate when it comes to how the rifling is done, which means most of them won't shoot period correct ammunition very well.
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If you want a revolver, F.lli pietta. I have old ASM ones, and from what I have heard the new ones have surpassed uberti in quality and accuracy.
Wallace Gusler

holy fuck those poor wedges, do you have the dexterity of a walrus?

When the Indonesian FNCs were unveiled at shot show earlier this year, one of the first questions everybody thought was "what about all the registered auto sears?". To this the common reply was that those can only be installed in original, pre-ban, Belgium FNCs, citing an ATF letter asking if one could install an FNC auto sear into a SCAR. Unable to find this letter, and unwilling too take Internet folk lore at face value, I sent a letter asking for a copy and explicitly asking whether or not a sear could be installed on any other rifle, besides the aforementioned pre-bans. After many months, I just received a reply, that the ATF has ruled, "Installation of a conversion sear into an original FN FNC or a similar exact clones or replicas
thereof the FNC rifle is lawful, as long as the conversion sear was lawfully registered in the
NFRTR as a “machinegun” prior to May 19, 1986, and subsequently properly transferred."
>TLDR, full auto Indonesian FNCs are (theoretically) on the menu
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What the hell are they smoking, that's almost pre-ban prices.
>What the hell are they smoking, that's almost pre-ban prices.
That's exactly why they plan to sell the for so much. There are like what ~4,000 preban FNCs? Collectors and Heat fans will fall over themselves to grab one. Though that's only IF they manage to get ATF approval to bring them in.
well fuck, good luck to anyone not connected
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The ATF just makes shit up as it goes and it takes hundreds of millions and about 5 years to force them to be consistent on anything
What a fucking waste. Then again why sell thousands of guns with little profit and high liability. When you can sell 500 for the same money and way less chance a retard, retards with it.

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Russia has developed their own ISV. HATO pigdogs are terrified! It even has built in divine protection
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But /k/ told me sanctions don't work!
I'd like to get you all on an open field and have you fight it out Napoleonic war style
Shiguli, Samara, 2x Daewoo Lanos (likely made in ukraine), 2x shiguli
there is no fucking way this is real
Thats an adaptation of a copypasta from 2ch. Its so fantastical(half of shit mentioned doesnt exist even as a vaporware) it became a meme to mock over-zealous patriots there.
You have to be a special kind of retard to post that unironically.

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>Immune to IEDs, most small arms fire, and most missiles
>Can better than infantry in mountains and forests, better than submarines in the ocean, and better than tanks on the plains and desert
>Can wipe out entire platoons of infantry in seconds
>Conventional vehicles are so weak compared to it that tanks now fill the role that technical used to fill for third world armies too for to afford battlemechs
How the fuck is an insurgency supposed to fight one of these things?
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mechniggers when ground pressure:
Tukkayid? The battle where 80% of the phone company's army was composed of battlemechs? THAT Tukkayid?

it was the battle where focht trolled the clans into walking into his PATENTED ACME BRAND Wile E. Coyote SUPER GENIUS tier boobytraps that stretched for timezones. the mechs were only there to lead the clans into bigger, sillier and more ridiculous booby traps, including an entire mountain range rigged as IEDs to blow dropships out the sky. that they lit off to blow clan dropships out the sky and wound warships in space.
That's like using ALL of America's carrier battlegroups to lure the Chinese navy into a fucking naval mine area.
You forgot the part where they still work after centuries of neglect, there is a reason why Battletech is a setting where you shouldn't think too hard about the details.

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Looks like Japan has thankfully had no airframe input. The delta lives.

Big wing, big range, big payload.
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87 billion pounds is nothing in England when you have no industry to speak of.
Compare yourself to someone like Italy or France and see how much more they have for quite a lot less.
>said thats not happening
>proven it is
>no u
Its all so tiresome
>previous govt.
>"I am committed to that 2.5% within our fiscal rules, but that strategic review needs to come first," Starmer said as he departed for a NATO summit in Washington.
>your gdp
Im Australian.
Quit the circle jerk.
>Im Australian
Okay, your former GDP.
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Japan's budget for FY23 was 8.13 trillion yen with a 130:1 exchange rate at that time would give a $61 billion defense budget.
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>Yes they have 4 SSBNs. Making them unfuckable unlike Italy and Japan so they are worth every cent.
Not a single shot needs to be fired at the UK lol

A few years ago while scrolling through GunBroker I found a posting for a Longbranch Arsenal Rifle No.4 Mk1 with what looked like original markings from the factory. Alongside the usual longbranch marking there was also a marking "Georgia VT" Is this an import marking or did Vermont lend some of its factories to Canadian rifle production?
>this an import marking
Century Arms is located in Georgia, Vermont.
its a shame these threads don't take off.
Guess its back to a Ukraine drone thread for me!
You mean Vermont, Georgia?

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>Two of China’s H-6-series aircraft, as well as a pair of Russian Tu-95 Bear bombers, flew through a portion of the Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) around Alaska earlier today. This is the first time Chinese H-6s of any kind have operated in this part of the world and they may well have flown from bases in Russia to get there. Regardless, this is an important development when it comes to Beijing’s ability to project power and underscores its ties with Moscow that have significantly strengthed since the latter launched its all-out invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
>The U.S.-Canadian North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) “detected, tracked, and intercepted two Russian TU-95 and two PRC [People’s Republic of China] H-6 military aircraft operating in the Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) on July 24, 2024,” according to an official press release. “NORAD fighter jets from the United States and Canada conducted the intercept.”
>“The Russian and PRC aircraft remained in international airspace and did not enter American or Canadian sovereign airspace,” NORAD added in its release. “This Russian and PRC activity in the Alaska ADIZ is not seen as a threat, and NORAD will continue to monitor competitor activity near North America and meet presence with presence.”
>“Fortunately, we haven’t seen Chinese aircraft operate near our air defense identification zones yet, but I think that that’s coming as early as this year,” U.S. Air Force Gen. Gregory Guillot, currently head of NORAD and U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM), told members of the House Armed Services Committee at a hearing back in February. “That shows an overall concern I have about the growing capability of China not only with aircraft, but also with ships and even submarines being able to range further from China and closer to our shores.”
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Would make sense if it was the Bear.
The H-6 is like that uncle who you know nothin about, but somehow has a lot of money even though he never talks about what he does for a living.
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>Destroys your HVT outside of your AIM-174 engagement range
Nothing personal amerifat
>Gets intercepted
It's just a ballistic missile.
very badly, yes
there are a few clips of FONOPS on Youtube with the Chinese saying something absolutely incomprehensible while the US pilos repeats the FONOPS formula

honestly a little balls shrinking as you don't know if the Chinese are really saying something like "I not care, this rast warning amelikan pigdog, letleat or we raunch missire"

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It's 1945. The Nazi's valiant struggle against the ancient ones is no longer tenable as the Allies have liberated the sacrifice camps. Unknown horrors and an excruciating death awaits you. What is your loadout and plan for such occasion?
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Great stuff kike writerfriend.
I'm glad to have witnessed this thread.
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>be me, Kovacs
>be super autistic turbo sperg that got homeschooled by his even more autistic single mom only speaking Hebrew, having no way to communicate with other hungarians (wtf mom)
>through chaos of war end up with ragtag group of jews of different nationalities
>even though I'm with my peers everyone treats me like an alien due to my awkwardness and language barrier
>try to speak with Rachel, the beautifullest woman I ever saw, have a crush on her
>she backs off from me like I'm a hungarian mangy stray that she suspects of carrying rabies
>feels רַע man.jpg
>whatever, am just happy that I'm with a group that doesn't oust me amidst all the creepy shit going on in this dark foreign forest
>one day go to the lake with Rothblatt and Mendel
>they act kinda weird, but then again everyone acts kind of weird around me
>stand by the water overlooking the calm lake
>Rothblatt says something in Polish behind my back

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Poor Kovacs, constantly putting up with these (understandably) paranoid neurotic Jews psyching themselves out because they never spent a night in the woods before, and they won't even give him a gun
You do realize that during the cold warthe CIA sponsored ex-german army officers to write a huge amount of history on ww2?
This is From right? Kino show premise.

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lockmart made a new version of the most popular FLIR + laser targeting pod used by 4th gen fighters. the new version - Sniper Networked Targeting Pod - adds edge computing, MANET, and F35 datalink. so now 5th gen should be able to seamlessly interact with other aircraft and ground elements on one datalink. call in hypersonic airstrikes from the comfort of your foxhole. https://news.lockheedmartin.com/2024-07-23-sniper-networked-targeting-pod-to-link-f-35s-4th-generation-jets-and-missile-systems-for-unprecedented-deterrence
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Hasn't Raptor had the underlying problem of no Link 16 integration? Or did they finally make that upgrade?
How can West still be scared of China/Russia when their military is some backwater mess compared to just a single US company in the MIC?
The boomers and Gen X grew up on pic related, and when it imploded, they thought it there would be a new world order of forever-peace so China didn't matter.
Both do. The stealthies operate their own proprietary datalinks and there have been a few rounds of kludge-transcoder-middleware concepts to provide bridging.

At one point not too long ago, the middleware was literally a box carried by a U-2 that handled interactions between F-22's IFDL and F-35's MADL. At that time – and right up til the retirement announcement this year – the U-2 was the primary dev&testing platform for Open Mission Systems. It was the first craft to fly a full suite of OMS shit, and one of the arguments in favor of keeping it in service was to continue as a test platform.

The U-2 team, in turn, had The Box (hydra OSG) talk to land and sea systems via multifarious other acronyms.

What the sniper pod iteration represents is lockmart trying to consolidate the man-in-the-middle widgetry under a preexisting product line already in use by everyone who flies F-16 and F-35. Commoditizing the complement, in so many words.

(Northrop leads Link 16 development, IBCS, and a bunch of other datalink shit. Physically colocating the hell-muxer onboard lockmart aircraft marginalizes northrop while ensuring they still do most of the real work.)

I see no obvious reason why it won't work.
Can't get complacent

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>he survived because he regularly gave blood and could handle a larger blood loss.
That's not how it fucking works.
I can't fucking believe it, it's literally the meme
What if we stuck a large spring underneath them so they can leap like the hopper mines in Half Life 2?
Well an AC would take up space, and since the Soviets wanted to make there tanks as small as possible so that they could have more of them and make them easier to hide than NATO tanks, it would have been immediately cut from the design if it was even there in the first place.
They would have just told the crews to drive with the hatches open or ride on the outside of the tank until they reached combat if it was too much of an issue for them as drones like this weren't a concern in the 50's, 60's and 70's when most of these tanks were made.
stop writing like a stupid, clapping negress

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