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The ATF is banning the Beretta 1301 Tactical for import. It’ll have to now be imported in a cucked configuration
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That's not a source.
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Yeah, it just sounds like James got drunk on college-grade beer and decided to start shitposting again.
At the Rittenhouse trial the state literally had not even measured the barrel length to try to prevent him from using the carry restriction exceptions for long guns.

You can shoot 3 people, on camera, for the entire world to see, and they will not even measure the barrel length. Now; what do you think you'll have to do for them to fully disassemble and begin comparing individual components to known domestic and foreign manufactured parts?

The answer, if you haven't figured it out yet, is fucking never. Hasn't happened because it won't happen. No-one cares, zero prosecutors are even aware of 922r unless their hobby is shooting. And if their hobby is shooting, they're not going to charge for 922r, because it will cost money to do everything I described above.
I'll tell them to watch out for 922r violations myself then just to piss you off

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Post gear, discuss gear.
old >>62871090
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Yeah grommets for drain holes are the tried and true solution.
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you should add stone glacier to the list
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Anyone have experience with the Chase Tactical 4SAS4 plates? A backup pair for $100 each seems like a crazy good deal for contract overrun Ukrainian plates.

Already discussed it >>62864491
They are Highcom overruns on a Ukranian contract. Quality plates but they are NIJ 010.04 not .06 so they aren't drop rated. Otherwise they are a great deal if you need a level IV plate.
They're solid options but like other anon said are not 0101.06 rated. A second caveat is that their required defeat velocity against .30-06 M2AP, by virtue of being rated to the older 0101.04 and not the current 0101.06, is 2,850ft/s. The current 0101.06 Level IV requirement is 2,880ft/s +- 30ft/s. This is, for most realistic situations, academic, but it is worth keeping in mind that the 4SAS4 will likely have a lower "safety margin" against IV+ threats than quality 0101.06 models - especially M2AP reloaded into a .300 winmag. Compared to a newer plate like the Highcom 4S17M, you will need greater standoff distance to stop rounds that exceed Level IV spec. If that doesn't matter for your use case, then disregard what I just said.

TL;DR it's a good plate, but on account of being an 0101.04 model it is technically slightly weaker than a modern, quality 0101.06 design. It also does not have the drop protection foam characteristic of an 0101.06 plate, so it is not as drop resistant.
We could use a third line infographic. You seem to be well-qualified to write it, if you have the time.

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>New here? Read this:

>Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

>Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

>Want to help firearm rights?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Well we ran this thread out quickly lol.
My abs have been mia for for a few years now. I got kinda lazy well I was in the patch plus the steady diet of gas station foods.
fucking knew it. i always wondered where the tubes came from. if from the USA it's extremely illegal, i don't think russia is pumping out tubes, probably China.
our economy is so fake and gay. everything on amazon is aliexpress shit in a NA warehouse for ship times. 99% of business now is some jew flying to some chinese factory then rebranding and selling them here. zero skill and millions made. it shouldve been me.
In the case of CHS its an oriental making shady deals with slants back home and using international "students" to spam 4chan in exchange for kickbacks.

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What is the ideal dropship shape and size?
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I haven't read Starship Troopers, but I came to that realization on my own. Marines would be the elite by default and selected among the best of the army, have a "major" trade and a "minor" trade, and usually some sort of bionic or genetic mod to let them hibernate or otherwise use less life support equipment in transfer. All equipment would be built around having the maximum tooth-to-tail ratio feasible.
I think human population vs expansion is a big factor in the setting too. It seems relatively easy and routine to move large amounts of cargo or people in the Alien universe, but humanity is spread thinly across the galaxy and travel times are long, so you can't afford to devote large numbers of troops to far-flung minor situations.
>at least until the armor breaches
Yeah that's what I was talking about.
Obviously the pilot dies if you shave off the entire component. I'm just saying you don't instantly eat shit if an AC/5 round bounces off your windshield.
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Ball shaped, 6 'Mechs. The way Blake intended
I mean, you can. In Tabletop every head hit is a wound, and you have to make a check to remain conscious. I've lost pilots to LBX pellets to the cockpit, went unconscious and then got fucking deleted as a stationary target.

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How would the US military handle losing this amount of equipment?
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It would stop a self destructive and pointless war. Short term, it would bring stuff out of storage like Russia has. Long term it would ramp production back up, at any cost. Get rid of NEPA and most environmental considerations and there is nothing stopping us from bringing industry back up to speed. It won't be as fast as WWII since we have fewer production lines operational and modern military equipment is much more specialized.

casualty tolerance is proportional to how much skin we *actually* have in the game. Like there was obviously far, far less at stake for US interest in Korea, Nam and the sand wars than there was in WWII. Great power competition with China probably comes with a higher casualty tolerance than some dust up with a literal who country. Especially if China strikes first with a surprise attack like Japan did, which is the most likely way that war starts. Chinese blockade of Taiwan with a preemptive strike against US bases in Japan and Korea.

Our forces in Asia/Eastern Europe are tripwires. The understanding is those guys get killed and it becomes much harder for the US to not respond. Whether that's escalation with disproportionate force, or a tit for tat like we did with Iran is up in the air.
>JMSDF isn't enormous
I would argue it's probably the third most powerful navy in the world at this point because Russia's navy is a total joke despite its tonnage/ship count advantage. About half the tonnage of China for a country with about 1/10th of China's population.

But yeah. the central issue for China is their entire economy is based on importing food/fuel over the seas paid for with manufactured goods exported over the seas in a world where the USA has almost as much naval tonnage as the rest of the world combined, including China AFTER its 'massive' naval buildup. So the entire 40 years of progress they made is 100% because the USA allowed it and the USA is getting tired of it. They can't win an arms race in tonnage so the best they can hope to do is build tons of subs/AShBMs and hope that they can at least secure some level of area denial in the South China and Yellow Sea.
I don't know pretty well considering they didn't give a fuck about leaving a ton of it to the taliban recently thanks hope you enjoy it in good health mr taliban man the u.s. didn't need those hummers or machine guns grenades nods thermals helicopters apcs and shit anymore no big deal we needed new ones anyways right, is probably what's they'd day if they lost that list whew thanks we needed to make room for new stuff woo hoo
You left out the part where he makes both sides an offer they can't refuse... because if either does, then he cuts them off (Ukraine) or opens the floodgates (Russia). He's very unlikely to give Russia anything they don't already have, except Kursk... so the question is, what will he demand from them, if anything, beyond a cease-fire? And will peacekeepers (but probably not Americans) be involved, in order to discourage future adventurism?

Of course, the first thing he can do is open up domestic energy production and encourage speculators to crash oil prices, and to put pressure upon international CNC firms to pull software support from the machinery that makes all of Russia's airframes and missile bodies. That would set a solid precedent. We'll see what happens in a couple of months.
Who's second, British?

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So I just watched Top Gun for the first time (yeah, I'm a zoomer) and I don't understand how did Iceman's jet shit cause Maverick and Goose do lose control of the plane? I understand that there are strong winds coming from the engine holes but it's hard to believe that they're able to tilt the plane so hard it loses control. If the planes are a good distance apart, the winds from the engine should taper off by the time they reach the plane and if they aren't, then the jet should just be able to cut through any strong winds with its massive speed and mass.
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>Probably, but can such a thing happen in real life?
At high speed? Random chance and bad luck would be as likely to cause a flameout as flying through another aircraft's jet wash.
At low speed all kinds of bad things can happen, look up Kara Hultgren's final carrier landing.
> If a plane goes vertical, it will crash
So why did Maverick in the movie in one scene say: "He's going vertical and so am I"?
> the fact the exhaust is turbulent and most probably supersonic can
Also, while it’s not relevant to small jets like the F-14, big airliners and cargo aircraft can cause issues for aircraft coming behind them. The 757 is particularly bad for it.
You do know that it's not a documentary, right? right?
how come we didnt get a tiger movie but gots lots of 80s90s videogames of the tiger?

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We posting /k/ art in here (no weebs, anime is a CIA psyop)
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c'est minuscule, ce sont des soldats pour des fourmi
What blew up inside Russia today?
Man I wish I could still do minis but after my last concussion my hands shake uncontrollably when I try and do fine detail work.
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Best I can do is furry with gun
Don't do this to me man

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American Firearm Owners General
>A place to discuss all things relating to firearm ownership in the USA.
>want to help 2A rights?

>Last thread:>>62818157
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>Safety squint
I got hit with a ricochet once at an indoor range, I wear glasses every time no matter where. I might just try to make my own flat arms so they do not interfere with the muff.
ty anon :)
i was thinking of a CZ527 or the Zastava LK-M85, but trying to find one new turned out as an ordeal. ended up building this instead lol
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FN FS2000
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Would gladly buy such a thing if they bothered to make one
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The late 90s/2000s were a great time for firearms design and it has only gotten worse since. The mechanical design of guns had been figured out already and the accessories we have now weren't quite there yet, so there wasn't much more for companies to do other than make their designs look really cool and offer different trigger configurations of the same gun. The truly new stuff being released actually felt innovative and potentially game changing because military/police agencies across the globe hadn't yet collectively decided that anything other than a Glock or AR isn't worth the extra money or training time. Compare that to today, where most guns are ugly as shit and feel like they're built to just be good enough, because as long as buyers can attach all of the 3rd party accessories the internet has to offer, they won't realize the gun itself is a downgrade.
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grot in bullpup config
I like the stock, what is it? Not HERA ARMS prolly
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Beretta was on a style tip in the aughts, they collaborated with Italdesign Giugiaro on a few guns including the CX4 Storm

Know it sounds stupid, but what if you made a pulse weapon that renders nuclear weapons by causing the core to destabilize slowly to the point where it can't be used? Can that exist? If it did, it can no doubt be shrank. (Take a look at computers for example, they used to be big but are now compact and portable)
If so, could nuclear warfare be mad obsolete in the future, if someone could fire a pulse from long range to disable enemy nukes?
>fires pulse at your nuke plant
>blackouts your grid
Nothing personal and it will continue once a day until deemed unnecessary.
considering you are too stupid to even have the right vocabulary to discuss this: yes actually. for a while MIRV interceptions were planned to use neutron warheads to make the plutonium in the pits change phase and not function properly. you can't really make a neutron beam in the sense you are thinking, though, the optics aren't possible..
>could nuclear warfare be mad obsolete in the future
Projects like Brilliant Pebbles already had that kind of capability in mind towards the end of the cold war. I'm no expert on launch vehicles, but to my layman eyes they seem to have improved a ton since the 90s, and something like SpaceX's starship project would make getting all those little satellites into space far cheaper than when it got cancelled.
That's stupid. Just turn off the atoms in the nuclear missiles as they fly towards you.

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What's the modern doctrine for deployment of chemical weapons?

Are they still being used for area denial like in ww1 or has that doctrine shifted?
Would it still be accurate to call these anti personele tools, or are we seeing them deployed to deny hard targets, spraying a radar station with poison etc.
apparently the doctrine is to invite the CIA and NATO to take over your nation thus triggering their neighbor to launch a destructive war where you will then get kit with nukes and bio chem.
It seems like with drone warfare conventional explosive is still the preference, which I find surprising given the weight/ lethality ratio and the drones innate resistance to chemical agents.
But then I suppose in close combat and short range the priority is causing instant casualty, and massed targets aren't common, and the friendly fire risk is hard to mitigate at the point you're using arial dispersion.

And you probably prefer the explosive to damage targets of opportunity, fuel, munitions, heavy weapons. So I suppose I understand it but at some point there's going to be a strong driver to use chemical weapons against infantry.

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A standard RPG-7 grenade penetrates Bradley's BRAT
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>the shampoo says it's "no tears" but when I poured it into my eye I started crying?!?
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What about a VDV guy beating up a dummy?
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I got webms
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>now, the pictographic instructions say to use it like this
>however, what if instead we were to try it the wrong way?
>HATO weapons are shit
Will never not be funny

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Does praying before assaults give your weapons a +70 holy damage boost? Is this the reason for recent front line advancements?
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He's alone and already too badly wounded to get back to his comrades on his own. If the drone didn't bomb him again, he'd slowly suffer and die of his wounds over the course of many hours.
is this how CoD zombies starts?
Jesus wanted oligarchs to run nation states...?
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>I assume it's some kind of hold over of anti-capitalist feeling from Russia's commie days but it's been given a racial slant.
It was used a lot in the Soviet Union.

>which is why I assume the term now refers to the Anglo-Saxon derived elites and systems of the US and UK
U.S. and U.K. combined basically.

>Putin said once that communism and Christianity are similar
The historian Yuri Slezkine also made analogies. He grew up in the USSR. (He didn't particularly like it, Jewish, left in the 1970s I think.) Self-sacrifice was a big thing with hardships being seen as necessary for the eventual victory and transformation of the world:

Two interesting things about this: how Chinese communism differed, as they didn't have an Abrahamic background... Mao thought the Russians had a strangely metaphysical approach to communism. Which raises the question whether the Chinese approach more consistent with Karl Marx, who was not Christian. The other thing is how communism replaced the non-national Tsarist empire (non-bourgeois, not really capitalist... really pre-capitalist) where the source of overriding identity and loyalty was to something different from the nation-state. God, church, Tsar, etc.

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Those are the few people in Sejm who are not actually Kikes or their surrogates like PiSiory or POdały.
lol, lmao even

How many dudes in orange vests does it take to fuck up your day?
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or plunging fire
thats what you get from the """""""""""sport""""""""" shooters in poland.
Those are your gun owners in Poland. Getting licenses through joining with a club.
i'd roll over and return fire killing that fuck.
>only suffered 2 pierced buttocks

How many buttocks does the average Polska-bro have?

Also, that vid is example 14,355 that muzzle awareness is as important as trigger discipline.
They are both ALWAYS requirements

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