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Place to discuss all things related to firearms in America

>first thread so no last thread.
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OP abandoned this thread last week
Who else shoots competitively? I just finished another Tactical Games match, this time in Ohio, ran it with my Mk12. I am so unbelievably sore lol but it was a good time and I highly recommend it to my fellow non-europeans
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Cachigga mah nigga
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My 80s vintage colt sporter with a aimpoint PRO
Chink rifle light while I wait for my surefire to show up

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A warrior's deadliest weapon, is his mind.
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Almost made me worry I got too drunk to remember yesterday since I have business casual and liquid courage
Each of those turn of millennium bernal prints were $30 each, I got lucky. The genus spotlights for hardiman's skunkworks can go for 300$ for the third and final issue, don't ask me about the first
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me too anon
Almost got my hands on a bunch of genus male a few years back, one day I'll go for it.
It's so much more useful than you might realize. Imagine not needing keys for your own stuff. Like your key could get lost or tossed but you don't give 1 fuck.
Yeah but I'd rather not have one of my keys floating around for a nigger to pick up. I get what you mean though.

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>no military industrial complex
>limited technology transfers from outdated Russian hardware
>most of their weapons are copies of foreigner design
>no combat experience/field testing for the weapons they have
All they have is a large budget
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is the power projection in the room with us right now
You forget that civil invest into real estate building which makes up 40% of china's gdp dropped by 80% from 22 to 23.
China's fucking fucked mate big time.
Why do you think their russia "help" is basically nonexistent.
>fractious coalition of various semi-homogenous regions
Isn't that basically the US of A.
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its the same exact cope word for word your forefathers used in the years leading up to WW1
china has alot more languages and ethnicities than the USA and they all get labed under HAN Chinese

Buy that ACU shit nobody wants and break out the Rit dye.

Previous: >>62644169
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Has anyone played with the chink aliexpress smersh special and how do they hold up compared to the sso ones?
Why bother? Just get a PLCE. But I probably have more Aliexpress shit than most Brazilian airsofters, so I can guess that the knockoff SMERSH would be decent. Expect lopsided stitching and a few loose threads, but usable quality.

Anyone have a home defense belt? I'm thinking of buying one of these to convert the knockoff GBRS belt.
And getting >>62742641 to replace it
>Just get a PLCE
NTA, but this is a based idea. I'm putting together a belt rig with suspenders right now, using American surplus for almost everything, and at first I was considering going the more ALICE inspired buttpack route, but decided that GP pouches in the back made more sense after watching videos on YouTube about the Brits' webbing kit and similar belt setups. You can actually buy surplus PLCE rigs for pretty cheap on eBay.

>Anyone have a home defense belt?
Yeah, but it's a fully pimped out Blue Alpha Battle Belt Lite with Esstac and Flatline Fiber Co stuff on it. I picked up the grippy padding kit that Blue Alpha sells, so I can use the belt with or without the inner belt.

That Lindnerhof belt actually looks like a fantastic deal. Thermoplastic composites like CURV and Tegris are super lightweight but very rigid, which makes carrying weight on them much better than typical old scuba webbing belts. I've got 2 Glock mags, 2 AR mags, a dump pouch, an IFAK, a 16oz Nalgene (not always on the belt), a G45 in a Rapid Force holster mounted to a Guardian Warrior Solutions Bang Hanger, and a second CAT on my Battle Belt Lite, and it carries the weight extremely well. Tegris/CURV belts are where it's at for battle belts these days.
I originally bought the knockoff GBRS because it's made with imported Tegris. But unfortunately they only included vertical Tegris strips, versus the real one which has a ladder design with Tegris running vertically and horizontally. Works fine with a Tegris inner belt, but not ideal. It's this one. >>62691607

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Whats the s/k/inny on these? $350 for a .357 revolver that ISNT a Taurus sounds pretty good. I know Zastava AKs are pretty well made, so i imagine these are made in kind
But surely theres a catch…
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I had picrel about 20yrs ago. It wasn't the highest QC, rough edges and machined surfaces, rubber grip had a tendency to slip off before I glued it on. But it went bang every time. Back then, they were like $250-300 new. No idea what they are actually going for these days.
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>those tabs
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Shit, forgot to check em. Picrel
See >>62747510
Side note, I don't recommend a .357 snubby in a low light or close quarter environment. Might as well have a flash bang go off at eye level.
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Don't judge me, I have a midget fetish, chkd
Grips are unique, as far as I can tell. The screw runs through a hole in the grip frame, and the locating pin is in a different spot. It's possible some Smith or Taurus grips could be adapted but definitely not drop-in.
Dan Wesson HKS speedloaders (3A) work fine as well as SL Variant K-Frame & L-Frame, which are fairly flexible and tunable, (my favorite speedloaders, though expensive). Couldn't find my HKS K- or L-frame speedloaders to test. Chamber spacing seems to be closest to Dan Wesson.

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I think this is my favorite gun of ever. That or the Beretta 38A. I would trade all my guns for either one that hasn't been broken by the ATF. Well, maybe not my PPK, can't exactly concealed carry am MG-34.
Woah! I'm an oldfag and I've never seen one of those.
It's a sten kit build
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SNJ rear seat gunnery school at NAS Jacksonville
April 1943
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I love those old spiderweb AA sights like you wouldn't believe.

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Would not lasers be ideally suited for air defense in the atmospheric conditions common to Israel?
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What about focusing gravity waves?
A radar? No. You'd need a maser.
Huh, I wonder if something like a ship could theoretically fry drone swarms if it turned up it's radars
Iran lacks the electro-optical technology, they'd have to beg China but I'm not sure if China wants to defend nuclear proliferation in Iran or anywhere for that matter (just Iran's oil and gas production, which wouldn't even be targeted by bunker busters).

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'eck in 'kraine
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Why don't you go back to /v/ then, or at least not drag its trash outside the designated containment board?
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new 'alf life
Shartendo bitch:
>shitty ports
>shitty specs
>shitty bing bong wahoo
>shitty motion controls
>shitty touchscreen
>shitty controllers that need to be replaced every month or two
>shitty user interface
This switchs success is solely due to rose-tinted glasses, and the only people I’ve seen singing its praises are browns and children. Legitimately have not seen a single non-mindbroken White Man enjoy this console. There is nothing good about it, not one good thing.
>b-but it sold a lot!
McDonald’s sells a lot.
Capeshit movies sell a lot.
Popslop sells a lot.
Sales are NOT indicative of quality, and to argue as if they are is an indication of your own intellectual shortcomings. Shartich fails in every aspect to deliver what the Steam Deck did. It also falls short of the PS4, which, like it or not, is the true successor to Japanese consoles. And, for what it’s worth, mid PCs have far better specs. There’s no excuse for Shartich being the way it is.

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>comedian does comedy
>vatniks seethe about it for years
What causes this? It's not like their beloved shimapan shirts are any manlier.
That actually makes me wonder. With how much shit there is to poke fun at, does he ever crack jokes about russia, maybe in his speeches or something?

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What's the best AR setup if you live in a AWB state?
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A normal AR-15.
Free men don't ask permission. Anyone in a gulag state is capable of manufacturing a lower receiver from an 80 or 3d print. FCGs and uppers are easily available on the secondary market.
If you're worried about getting caught with it, don't be. If you HAD a ban-compliant rifle and you needed to use it, the State *will* fuck you regardless of whether or not your shoot was a good or bad shot. So why bother twisting yourself into knots about compliance
Washingtonistan resident here. It might not be the worst in the country but it's absolutely in the bottom 3.
>just move bro
Buy my house first bro
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>listening to actual retards who write laws that arent real.
Military has authorized the ability to shoot civilian's. there are literally no 2A laws anymore, im not a lawyer this is not legal advice but yeah
Get a better gun fucks sake.

Never thought I'd see a worse ban than CA.

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finally a non thirdie and non nafo commie homo makes an interesting video on the Su57
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stop being racist in my weapons thread and stop making fun of me you fucking globohomo shills
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>stop being racist in my weapons thread and stop making fun of me you fucking globohomo shills
D-daddy! N-not my hole!
You do realise how easy it is to spot you when you cry about racism with a mass reply every thread, it's especially noticeable that it coincides every time one of your IFV or bong threads are up.
why do redditors and bugchasers always have to compare things to marvel movies and pron?? Is it low IQ or the fact that they are anal rale babies? Either way I wish they didn't exist.
Yeah alright we get it it's cool wow, but consider this, by the time this thing gets produced in large enough numbers, gets all the quirks ironed out, new proper eninges and avionics the US will be Dee into 6th gen development.

Anon's seem to form two opinions when it comes to how engagements are waged in war:
>Circle gets drawn on a map and infantry just bum rush towards it
>Everything is meticulously planned with infantry tactics mirroring a more open form of closed formation fighting from the Napoleonic era with battle drills and formations

But often times when listening to stories told by veterans who fought in wars ranging from WWII to Korea to Vietnam, it often comes down to small ad hoc groups of men seemingly making up courses of action on the spot just to fit in with either the commanders intent or whatever they think is best just to survive. As if an entire frontline comprising entire divisions on paper are actually just countless small fireteam to squad sized groups of men trying to unfuck the situation and figure out on the spot what to do next, all in the moment. No real planning or complex schemes of maneuver, just them figuring out what to do on the spot.

My questions are, how common does that actually happen where the situation gets so fucked that it really just boils down to a sort of large open formation modern day form of melee combat with guns with small ad hoc groups just going "I guess well do this and see what happens". And my second question is, from the perspectives of guys who've actually seen some shit, what individual skills and tactics are actually useful in combat and how combat actually happens from the perspective of being a fighter, not the perspective of a guy looking at a map and pushing unit markers around.
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I've always wondered how dynamic or planned missions are. Like if you're going out on a patrol, would a platoon just occasionally bump out fireteams or squads to perform short range reconnaissance patrols or just keep walking until they get hit? Or if an attack was planned, how much of the actual maneuver is sort of preplanned and how much is made up in the moment.
I hate to say it, but it depends. Sometimes it is a deliberate operation with prescribed assault positions. Even then, though, the on the ground individual movements of the Soldiers are dictated mostly by terrain.

For a lot of the regular patrols basically everything is METTTC dependent. If you have the time and resources to kick out some patrols, then do it. If your mission is to do something else, then don't. The leader on the ground (at least in the US) has the ability to make that call.
a division has 3 brigades under them
a division wouldnt even think about individual platoons for maneuver unless that platoon in particular had a 155mm gun
a specific frontline feature would likely be held by at least a company
>the side which practiced its "Napoleonic" tactics the most wins

What do you mean?
gay anal sex for protection against cavalry charges.

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>solves the ballistic missile meta
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>100% success
Russia tier
Didn't one of these launchers get damaged by shrapnel, and then another later during Kursk.
You can go to sleep now, your Bradley cope thread will still be there in the morning.
Did you even read the article? This is just another type of DIRCM. It does exactly what the name says: it jams IR-guided missiles, which is especially important now that the best IR missiles lock onto blobs of pixels in a FLIR rather than going after the greatest heat source in view, rendering flares largely ineffective. It doesn't hard-kill anything at all.
>sends target drones
>they were made of plastic with explosive taped to the outside
>flies at under 300km/h
>sends one at a time over a period of 100days
>100% success rate.
Really wanna know how the tests where conducted.

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Mili-Terry spending
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>another low quality thread
It's more complicated than that.
>It's more complicated than that.
It is for most countries, this list is dogshit btw

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Why would the MIC create easy to use fire and forget kamikaze drones for the West when janky garage tech exists?

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The drone flies itself boomer. Only thirdies and slavs manually pilots military drones.
the switchblade also felt more like it was for VIP elimination and not general combat use.
Operator still needs to detect and ID targets looking at video feed by himself. Therefore quality of the screen is important for operator.
Because janky garage peeps don't pay enough money to peeps in power so their garage stuff gets noticed.
as ever, the difficulty in obtaining useful explosives in relevant quantities.

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I like all the weird obscure stuff from this period. Like something out of a post-apocalyptic movie.
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>regular shitty movie
This one, cheap (Indian) CGI slop
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