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FN FS2000
Wish they still made runs of these every few years, theyd definitely sell if they made a few hundred and sold them for 2k a pop
I am glad I was able to buy one when I did.
I don't even really shoot it much anymore, I just bring it out of the safe to hold while watching movies every now and then
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2000s firearm design is too good for this world.
plastic cocksheath pups don't look futuristc anymore, with the proliferation of 3dpd. they look like toys or low budget tv props.
Neither are GAY R 15s or rebranded AKs with a bunch of shit attached to them.
what i'm looking at
FN needs to stuff the guts of the SCAR into a bullpup shell, slimmer than an F2000 but preferably sharing some of the design language. There's no reason why a SCAR 16 BCG couldn't fit in something like that.
beretta cougar
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When you need to protect a senior officer of the mega corporation, you'll always have one of these ready to go under your trenchcoat.
theres no reason to put a SCAR in a F2000 shell either
the F2000 is perfect the way it is
best brace for that?
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love the angled receiver idea on this one, it's basically just this one and the MAS-38 which have it
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That's why I buy most of my guns.
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you always were an asshole, gorman
cougar ergos a great, too bad the triggers suck
I used to own one of those and it sucked ass
>shit trigger
>mags didn't drop free
man i always wonder how it felt too shoot
Yes, there is no contradiction. Neither looks futuristic. Firearms tech is very old, mature shit. We just aren't getting "future" from individually issuable kinetic projectile funz no more, man.

In the end, the whole premise of small arms design is to make machines that are exactly simple enough to be useful in the current context, but no simpler. Bullpups and sidearms always dominate futurewave gun aesthetics discussion because the designers of those guns are the only ones with creative license to branch out and try all kinds of visually stimulating shit. Whereas long rifles have to actually work, with an exceptionally heavy bias toward incrementalism and backwards-compatibility over clean-sheet designs that give military smoothbrains the ick.
Is that bakelite?
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Do you shoot this one-handed?
Oh god I came
I miss when guns used to look unique. Everything is just AR platform these days.
an AR with garbage on it plus a russians' idea of a scifi stock

"i miss when guns used to look unique" unique looking gun for people who own chastity cages and save succubus memes
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Nah, you just hold it by the front, but it definitely looks kind of awkward. There was an earlier prototype which did actually have a stock and foregrip, but somehow an even more bizzare layout
Bro what are you even talking about
>pof(?) upper without a forward assist + weird profiling on the side
Where did this come from?
Based. I really wish we could get that smooth future aesthetic back again.
Never ever.
They need to make the same gun but with the trigger of an MDR, a forward assist for the ejector chute, a bolt hold open and release, and a built-in LPVO instead of a shitty 1.5 scole under the plastic shell.
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Would gladly buy such a thing if they bothered to make one
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The late 90s/2000s were a great time for firearms design and it has only gotten worse since. The mechanical design of guns had been figured out already and the accessories we have now weren't quite there yet, so there wasn't much more for companies to do other than make their designs look really cool and offer different trigger configurations of the same gun. The truly new stuff being released actually felt innovative and potentially game changing because military/police agencies across the globe hadn't yet collectively decided that anything other than a Glock or AR isn't worth the extra money or training time. Compare that to today, where most guns are ugly as shit and feel like they're built to just be good enough, because as long as buyers can attach all of the 3rd party accessories the internet has to offer, they won't realize the gun itself is a downgrade.
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grot in bullpup config
I like the stock, what is it? Not HERA ARMS prolly
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Beretta was on a style tip in the aughts, they collaborated with Italdesign Giugiaro on a few guns including the CX4 Storm

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