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File: top_gun.jpg (98 KB, 605x900)
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So I just watched Top Gun for the first time (yeah, I'm a zoomer) and I don't understand how did Iceman's jet shit cause Maverick and Goose do lose control of the plane? I understand that there are strong winds coming from the engine holes but it's hard to believe that they're able to tilt the plane so hard it loses control. If the planes are a good distance apart, the winds from the engine should taper off by the time they reach the plane and if they aren't, then the jet should just be able to cut through any strong winds with its massive speed and mass.
look up jetwash
It's not wind, it's exhaust. Jet engines, like any other combustion engine shit out smoke. That smoke has very little oxygen in it, if any, and can easily flame-out another jet engine, as they require a lot of oxygen constantly to keep working.
When one engine stops the imbalance in thrust in twin-engined planes can cause them to enter an uncontrolled flat spin, especially if at low speed/during maneuvers.
Darris get off 4chan while your brain is still on intact there’s no fucking way this is coincidental lol you told me yesterday that you just watched Top Gun.
This is not exactly correct but has the right spirit.
The smoke itself is unlikely to cause big enough issues to actually disable an engine, but the fact the exhaust is turbulent and most probably supersonic can.
Think of it like a candle - you need air to keep it burning but if you blow at it hard enough the candle can go out.
The movie logic behind Maverick's dual-engine flameout is dubious at best, I wouldn't worry about it.
That seems like the logical explanation. Thanks!
> The movie logic behind Maverick's dual-engine flameout is dubious at best, I wouldn't worry about it.
Probably, but can such a thing happen in real life?
6,000 pounds of metal isn't meant to fly you fuck tard. Planes and jets ride the wind like your fat ass tries to ride a skate board. Breaking that air wave causes a jet to lose their balance, until they can regain a good angle to let fast air pass under their wings.

If a plane goes vertical, it will crash, even if it's high in the air going 600mph.
>Probably, but can such a thing happen in real life?
At high speed? Random chance and bad luck would be as likely to cause a flameout as flying through another aircraft's jet wash.
At low speed all kinds of bad things can happen, look up Kara Hultgren's final carrier landing.
> If a plane goes vertical, it will crash
So why did Maverick in the movie in one scene say: "He's going vertical and so am I"?
> the fact the exhaust is turbulent and most probably supersonic can
Also, while it’s not relevant to small jets like the F-14, big airliners and cargo aircraft can cause issues for aircraft coming behind them. The 757 is particularly bad for it.
You do know that it's not a documentary, right? right?
how come we didnt get a tiger movie but gots lots of 80s90s videogames of the tiger?

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