The ATF is banning the Beretta 1301 Tactical for import. It’ll have to now be imported in a cucked configuration
>>62890657LET'S GO, BRANDON!
>>62890657but why?>Early life and education>Dettelbach was born in Cleveland in 1965.[3] >His parents, Marcia and Tom Dettelbach, were both prominent attorneys in Cleveland's Jewish communityoh. thats why.
>>62890657Looks like the price point argument in favor of the A300 is just going to get more persuasive>>62890842Because they're popular and the entire point of the ATF is to inconvenience law abiding firearms owners
>>62890657I’m not saying you’re wrong, but can you provide a source?Because the only thing I can find is a Reddit post by a guy who also claimed that Lake City was totally going to stop selling ammunition.
>>62890891James Reeves posted this on his Twitter account
abolish the ATF
>>62890842Oy vey, shut it down!
I may be too poor to buy a 1301, but I'm also the proud-ish owner of a Turkish 1201 clone. I am quite angered by this, my jimmies are now rustled.
>>62890842Did the troon jannies an hero that we can actually say that now?early life check is just board culture
>>62890944>ATF banning 1301 shotgunsWell, that’s certainly not fearmongering at all.
>>62890657> It's suspected to be a 922r violation.For fucking real? On a god damn shotgun? That's just tremendously petty.
It doesn't matter, this is their last cry of action before getting replaced
>>62890999>early life check is just board culture>t. /ptg/ tourist fuck offalso the board of every high-volume firearms manufacturer in the US has at least some Jewish names on it, and more than one's (Century? Cereberus? idr) read like a Tel Aviv phonebook. They're a quarrelous fractious people, to say the very least.
>>62891201>century, Cerberus >scummy companies read like a Tel Aviv
>>62891201you're right, its not board culture: its outright internet culturenow fuck off, jew boy
Based ATF, get fucking fucked /k/.
>>62891201Your post doesn’t make the point you think it does
>>62891257Die in a ditch you third columnist
>>62890930James Reeves.
>>62890657sad. just gonna keep loving my Benelli.
>>62891201>Shitty gun companies are jewishno shit.
>>62890657I thought they were made in Beretta's Tennessee factory.
>>62891201>Early life?>Reee pol troon>Also da jews jewin jews jewishly as they wield jewery like the jew of jewacleseDamn nigga
>>62890657>ATF uses petty reasoning to make economic protectionnism under the guise of lol 922r ( a protectionist law to cuck out the US citizen of cheap foreign guns)>>62890842>>62890976>>62891148>>62891447>Useful /pol idiots immediately moves the goalposts over da evuuul juiceGee whiz I wonder why these brainfarts chimps out every time anyone might conceive how the us citizen truly is a political cattle... Mystery of our lifetime I guess>>62891201Yep the eternal joooooooo is on both side of the fence when it comes to fuck the consumer bareback... And you're lucky tnot to have dealt with the pooband the chink on that matter :) ( ask the Canucks how they like it)
>>62891387Your cucked ass benelli that you have to pour twice the money into to uncuck?
>>62891257This must have been the only positive news in your sad life the last 2 weeks lmao
Should I panic buy this for $1500? I've been wanting one but i can't decide if I want the pistol grip version or the normal one. I'm scared if I wait another day they'll all be bought up.
>>62891801If you want a shotgun get a damn shotgun
>>62890657Motherfucker I just bought nods and thermal. This is an expensive week and it just got more expensive. Thank god I have savings and hardly bought shit this year
>>62891201Early life is 4chan culture, even non-/pol/ dominated boards steal that meme because it's funny.
>>62891849They're going to import the 5-shot versions and ship the tubes in separate, it says so in the image.If you're buying a current-production shotgun with ideas of turning a profit, you're a retard.
Is there literally anything stopping people from just getting the 5 round and putting a +2 on it?
>>62891943No just cost and authenticity assuming that's an issue with this one. M1014s exist but people need to assemble them with getting a separate stock and magtube. It's not hard it's just finding the shit in stock and paying bullshit prices for it or getting aftermarket and having some gay ass carbon fiber or fancy knurled end cap instead of a normal ass tube with normal ass knurling.
>>62891257Only thing getting fucked isya mudda. Fuck yamudda
>>62891731And? Say goodbye to your wop shotties
>>62891730got mine off the shelf as 7 round tube and skele stock. sorry your cope gun got cucked.
>>62891292nta, did you mean fifth columnist?
>nobody went to jail for 922r violations>the gun just gets blocked from importationcan the retard 922r compliance redditors who say doing so is a felony finally go and neck themselves?
>>62892635>nobody went to jail for 922r violations...yetFtfy
>>62891869The only people I see doing that on other boards are so clearly /pol/ tourists it's not even funny. You know, like OP.
Canoodian here, why are they banning this for you guys? Is it because it's not made of enough murrican parts or something?
>>62892751>>62892751>Scary Pistol grip means more kids and minorities will be excited by right wing extremists.Also the ATF is a bunch of Anti-gun cunts who saw something popular and reliable and decided that gun owners having any fun is just a big nono.
>>62890657Will be reversed in 3 months.not worrying about it.they can do whatever form now until January it’s not gonna matter.heads will roll
>>62892816>Anti-gun cunts who saw something popular and reliable and decided that gun owners having any fun is just a big nono.Hey that sounds like my government!
>>62892751It’s not banned. It just can’t be imported in that particular configuration.
>>62892844>it's not banned>we just can't get itOK
What's stopping Beretta from finishing them in their US plant?
>>62892856You can still get it with a 5 round tube and install one aftermarket.Or just buy one of the ones that isn’t imported since they make them in Tennessee
>>62892809You failed the Voigt kempf test botjeet
>>62892864cost, it just adds more labor hours to the price per unit
Expect more of this petty shit before these kikes lose their jobs in two months.
>>62890944>ATF banning 1301 tactical shotguns. >Almost certainly a 922r issue.What a 922r?
>>62893094That’s offensive but you can say 922a instead
>>62890657>>62890673>>62890842Why is Trump allowing this?
>>62893330Because he’s not president yet
How is its current import configuration a violation? It comes with a rifle stock and tube limiter installed, 5 rounds if the limiter is taken out. Get my tactical marine three or so years ago but still bullshit. Should buy some accessories soon.
>>62892864I think they'd have to assemble it with US made parts (or the correct number of the right types of parts).
>>62893053Based. Hope they inflict some serious damage to these rangetoys
>>62890944God damn, WTF ATF.
>>62890657Is this more of a "sporting purpose" issue than the 922r?I can't think of many states that allow capacity that large on hunting guns and we all know the ATF does not care about actual sports shooting. >can't be used to shoot bird unless plugged>called tactical>probably made to shoot copsIs the reasoning I'm imagining but getting it moved to a Destructive Device is more problematic than just outright banning it.
>>62890657It's just a fucking generic 12 gauge shotgun, why? It's Brandon approved.>>62890842oh, and there it is
>muh joosJews didn't do shit but they should do more
>>62892751The ATF doing a speedrun of shit lately that will ultimately justify their complete abolishment. 4D chess, right there.
>>62894089Perfectly fine for shooting deer with slugs.
>>62890657>2279 burger bucks for a 1301Thats like $3000 cad. Not even M4 Super 90's go for that much here. WTF is wrong with you guys
>>62895438>whats wrong with youtits the best shotgun on earth
>>62895447>its the best shotgun on earthDoesn't look like a Benelli M4. Only poorfags who don't want to spend the extra few hundred get the A300 or 1301. If a leaf can do it you have no excuse. I actually used mine to get my first deer last week.
>>62891166>It doesn't matter, this is their last cry of action before getting replacedThis, after that you won't need the atf to protect American gun makers (it's only real purpose) anymore, since the orange menace will just put 20%+ on foreign guns and ammo.
>>62895457>muh m4the 1301 weighs 2lbs less you retard. its a better gun
>>62895477>muh 2lbsJust stop being a dyel
>>62895438Kill yourself leaf
>>62895482I can carry two pounds more of ammo for the same weight faggot
>>62892580Say goodbye to trooning out kids freak, fair trade
>>62895477it's not an issue for a shotgun. is it too heavy for your noodle arms?
>>62895529are you genuinely suggesting a shotgun combat loadout for a civilian? this is how retarded you have to be to buy a 1301.
>>62895537"hurr a heavier gun is better"nobody who has a functioning brain has ever said this outside the precision rifle community
>>62895563Its okay anon, just say you're a lanklet who can't lift two pounds.
>>62892751Probably some American gun company being pissed it was probably selling well and went to the ATF like a child screeching to their mom their brother is hogging the Xbox.
>>62895641mossberg 940 selling like shit
>>62895376You're not going to do shit
>>62895641Well you should only buy American, so they're in the right
>>62895736Exactly Americans should only buy high end American made firearms like the M10x and Hi point carbine. These firearms are the pinnacle of American craftsmanship.
>>62895777Seething wop detected
1301's were always overpriced. Same money gets you the top tier turknelli M4 clones, but barring that nonsense and the weight you can get a M3 or an M2 for the same price or less.The M3 is flat out a better shotgun
>>62896105Yeah, you're poor
>>62896105>top tier>turkshitChoose one and only one
>>62890915>>62890944okay but where did he get this info from?
>>62896189Still better than muttshit
>>62892726>wondering why a popular sporting shotgun is suddenly banned from import is /pol/faggot. go down he hall and to the left
>>62895852Disprove him then by posting a reliable semi-auto American made shotgun from the last century.
>>62897298arent the mossberg 930/940 ok? not great or anything but considered acceptable
>>62891201>also the board of every high-volume firearms manufacturer in the US has at least some Jewish names on itSo they're playing both sides again? Who would've thought
>>62897298I'm the M10x poster. I wasn't really talking about shotguns just general manufacturing. Remington was a very renown firearms manufacturer but look at the extreme level of quality drop we've seen in the last 15 years. Winchester is turkshit, Stevens is chinkshit, and Browning is made in Japan now. Even Mossberg has dropped in quality, especially the Maverick 88's and i've heard bad things about their Patriot rifle. It seems like everyone is cutting corners now. Your AR's seem to be still good quality though.
>>62897419Ok wop
>>62897324940 is great, my friend has one and I'm always trying to buy it off him as he rarely shoots it and uses an AR for HD.
so what does this mean for langdon 1301's and a300's
>>62891993you can also just find the le variant and buy it, no need to assemble anything, that's how i got my m4, 7 round tube with collapsible stock
>>62890657>>62890842>broken clocksProtectionism is good. Fudds running AKs outside of cold climes only drive up the price of AR/556/308/300 BLK/6.8 SPC for the rest of the citizenry actually observing 2A obligations holistically. >>62891201>whataboutismIf the head of the Russian state can notice the over representation and ethno-religious grievance motivation of the early Bolshevik government, so can you.
>>62897298Mossberg 930, Mossberg 940, Mossberg 935, Remington 11-87, Remington 1100, Remington 11-48, Remington Versa-Max, Remington V3 and presumably others.
>>62897298940 is great
>>62890915>>62890944That's not a source.
>>62899810Yeah, it just sounds like James got drunk on college-grade beer and decided to start shitposting again.
>>62892696At the Rittenhouse trial the state literally had not even measured the barrel length to try to prevent him from using the carry restriction exceptions for long guns.You can shoot 3 people, on camera, for the entire world to see, and they will not even measure the barrel length. Now; what do you think you'll have to do for them to fully disassemble and begin comparing individual components to known domestic and foreign manufactured parts?The answer, if you haven't figured it out yet, is fucking never. Hasn't happened because it won't happen. No-one cares, zero prosecutors are even aware of 922r unless their hobby is shooting. And if their hobby is shooting, they're not going to charge for 922r, because it will cost money to do everything I described above.
>>62899995I'll tell them to watch out for 922r violations myself then just to piss you off
>>62896105M3 is a criminally overlooked gun>light>reliable>can pump if you want to use mousefart loads>no gas system to foul, can use DB if you're clinically insane and/or retarded>can be had for the same price or less than a 1301But of course it's not a SPAS, or an M4, or one of the two approved M4 cope shotguns so nobody cares
>>62902185Approved cope m4?
>>62902185Eh, the M3 is head and shoulders above the SPAS but I don't think the concept of dual action shotguns really has legs. People want a semi auto that works with pretty much whatever shells you shove into it and the inertia guns can't do that quite as well as gas guns like the 1301 or M4.Besides which people really want the SPAS 12 because it's an epic meme gun, not because it's actually good. Only thing I can think of with the M3 in popular media is Counter-Strike.>>62902580Turknelli M4 clones. They are a fraction of the cost of the real thing but never quite as good. Also a bit of a dice roll because occasionally they are completely non functional lemons that eat themselves from the inside out on the first range trip.I've owned two and both have been perfectly fine though. Even at reasonably high round counts.>>62898784A300s are made by Beretta USA. They are immune to this.
Will made in Ital 1301s without pistol grips still come in?
>>62903051Without pistol grip and without 7 round tube, so what the original gen 1 1301 tactical was imported as.
>>62890657Beretta will go the path of least resistance and make a lower capacity version like they did when the gaytf banned the 1201FP for the same reason. They're a corporate entity, they don't care about you.Also you should be buying the cheaper, just as reliable Mossberg 930 tactical which has the same capacity and isn't made by pastaniggers. American trade protectionism is good, get over it.
>>62902977Do you have a recommended turknelli? I heard panzer ones sucked
>>62903823They are all equally bad/good as far as I can tell. The design is solid because it's a 1:1 direct copy of the M4, but quality is all over the place.I had a Charles Daly 601 DPS which was reportedly a problem child early on, but mine was absolutely perfect. I currently have a MAC1014 which I noticed my front sight is slightly canted but otherwise looks and functions just fine.At this point Benelli M4s are copied by almost every Turk shotgun manufacturer. There are a series of designs out there where they reverse engineer or design something and a whole hoard of small companies make parts which are then assembled by a huge variety of manufacturers. It's impossible to really say that any given manufacturer is better than any other since all they do is assemble and stamp their name in it. The parts suppliers are even more cryptic, with guns from the same batch often having the same parts sourced from different suppliers. What's funny is if you look them up by their address a bunch of them are clustered right next to each other as well.The best I can say is that because they are cheap enough you can roll the dice and buy one, shoot the fuck out of it and if it works well enough then it can scratch the Benelli itch for a lot less money. If you get a lemon, use your warranty card and hope for the best. Usually you'll know by the end of your first range trip because the most common defect is improperly heat treated bolt carriers and gas pistons. Either one will render the gun non functional in a hurry.
There’s one at my lgs for like $2,000. Is that overpriced?
>>62893094What a Google?
>>62892726You stick out like a sore thumb.
>>62891577Even the woke lefties hate you now. Once the boomers die off you guys are fucked.
>>62890842SHUT IT DOWN >>62891201You're not helping your case, schlomo. >>62891257You're brown, chinese, jewish or a combination of the three. Kiss my ass, niggerfaggot. >>62895154Keep seething, moishe. >>62899232At risk of sounding like a redditor, Putin most likely meant that as a compliment. >>62905713This but unironically.
>>62890657in theory can't you just buy a rifle gripped sports version and put on the pistol grip stock yourself?
>>62903055Unironically I want the shorter magazine tube and I don't want the pistol grip. I just want the build quality, reliability, fit and finish of the real Italian 1301.
If any President really cared they have pretty broad power to interpret "sporting use" and almost every import ban that isn't something like the Norinco one (ie political) could be turned off like a lightswitch.
>>62895457I don't like pistol grips on shotguns and the 1301 is the most comfortable, well-balanced traditional stock gun I've ever shouldered.
>>62905756I mean, he's not wrong.If you support the working man you won't make him dance and caper for the customer to *maybe* get a tip. What proud man would want a job where part of his salary was working for tips from his economic betters? It is demeaning if you think about it for more than a second.>that being said getting a single extra penny from a Russian is like splitting an atom's nucleus: possible, but only with obscene amounts of force.
>>62905668Not for an LGS, assuming it's the tactical. PSA has them at $1800-1900
>>62905986I only support tipping because the wage laws fuck them, but I also know a pretty girl is gonna rake it in, so unless the service was great I am only giving that bitch 10%. If she is old, ugly or a dude I tip more.
>>62905986>t. Mr. Pink
>>62906041Let me tell you what "Like a Virgin" is about.
>>62905756Just kill yourself already lmao. You're going to do it eventually
>>62906538>Just kill yourself already lmao. You're going to do it eventu-ACK
>>62893330Are you a fucking retard? It's not January 2025.
>>62905986Personally I only tip if I get the impression the person serving me really needs the extra dollar or two. Otherwise I fully concur and find it pretty messed up how we as a society have just come to accept treating workers like that. Especially when those damned filthy euros have it right since they never ask for a tip because their labor laws don't make it a necessary stream of income>but it helps staffingYes, look at all the people chomping at the bit to get paid 8$/hr (at best) to maybe bring home an extra 15 bucks
poorfags in shambles.
>REEEE muh atfOkay schizos