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American Firearm Owners General
>A place to discuss all things relating to firearm ownership in the USA.
>want to help 2A rights?

>Last thread:>>62818157
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First for AK guy into ATF

gun sales have been banned all month in washinton
by law if the NICS cant be performed within a 10 day period dont they have to transfer the weapon?

seem slike it should be everyone buying guns not no one buying
How the fuck is this legal and why aren’t PNW fags doing anything about it?
I'm seeing some hella good post Trump victory deals out there kings. It is going to be a good Christmas.
>I'm seeing some hella good post Trump victory deals
Well don’t be a fag pull those deals out of the closet and show us.
I thought it was 3 days? anyway that's federal. I know here in NJ the law is until NICS spits back a result so in theory you could be delayed indefinitely.
10 business day waiting period so idk if it affected anyone yet
Gun stores in NJ are getting sued in by the NJ for literally not breaking the law
told to come here, please discuss my take on this matter.
>dismantle the ATF
Won’t go well with congress,let alone the senate. All he can do is just turn a blind eye on some things, but that’s about it. He still has to direct funds towards whatever shit Congress is funding the ATF for. If Brandon fails that, congress can make a law that can force an agency to do shit.
Let Matt Larosiere in instead. Im not sure the ATF could ever function again after his turn at the helm
I thought the republicans controlled Congress?
>leaf who blew in here
yeah anon, you can be sued for literally nothing if you managed to piss someone off. Anybody can be sued at any time for zero reason with zero founding behind the suit.
The control over congress is slim at at best and not all of the republicans are simple minded enough to put their eggs into one basket. The senate is the same thing. The one thing you shouldn’t fuck with is misutilizing funds from congress, which is granted to executive agencies and departments to fulfill their role.
retardo, the AG is suing 2 gun stores for selling 1,000 rounds of 5.56 and a handgun mag to undercover cops for not asking for ID and running a background check. thing is, that isn't a requirement. NJ law is you just have to show FID to buy handgun ammo, no law about buying rifle ammo
when in the position he can go out and advice this to be done, he can even submit it to the doge admin, trough this position he actually has the ability to get the idea out there, as of now its not even argued..
> weapon owners get what they want.
> soldiers and struggling ppl get cheap and effective rehabilitation tools.
>less money for big pharma.
>less money for criminals.
>less civilians labeled as criminals
>less suicide.
that homo is the swamp, he's just a failure to launch marketing shill for cerberus
yes anon, the AG is making a frivolous suit with zero founding, you can do that in the united states if you've got the authority or the money
You have no idea to how much lobby those things have. Any reforms like that would require bipartisanship between democrats and republicans, in which case, good luck with that, it’s not the 90s no more. The senate will reject him and congress will threaten to force him to do his job by sticking conditions over the funds. It’s not that simple. Even if it get passed by congress, the senate can just say “no” to that bill and send it back to congress to where it will be discarded to never be seen again. This type of checks and balances prevents presidents from making drastic changes without bipartisanship.
Sportsman’s Outdoor Superstore has several deals on guns I was eyeing, specifically the Hellcat Pro, P365XL, and Prodigy. If you have never bought from them they are a highly based dealer with top customer service.
Couldnt they argue 556 is a pistol round? Look at all the "ar pistols" out there
I don't even think the state is arguing that. they are arguing that selling 1,000 rounds of .223 or 5.56 and a handgun mag without asking for an FID is aiding a mass shooter or something retarded, even though they agree .223 and 5.56 are rifle rounds and the law doesn't say you need to ID for rifle rounds
Good morning AMGEN
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Good morning my fellow White American Patriot.
ATF was formed through a conglomeration of Acts of congress (like 5 or 6) so no a director cant just nuke it. Congress would have to repeal those acts, which isnt happening when you only have 53 Senators.

What someone could do with the ATF is redirect it towards doing classic law enforcement shit. Hunting down switches in Chicago, sweeping cargo ships for untaxed cigarettes being smuggled (costs the US $6B per year), helping booze companies protect their trademarks and IP's etc.

Same with the FBI or DOJ. You just need to strip away a lot of the bullshit that has evolved in the 9/11 era and have them return to their mission statement.
70000 felons walk into a gun store every year and try to buy something above the counter, that's an automatic ten year sentence plus whatever else you can tack on. The ATF goes after about two dozen of these career criminals annually.

If all the ATF did was go after Tyrone when he tries this bullshit they would significantly dent crime in America.
They should probably make the background check available To the public. That way it will get rid of the hassle of whether you’re eligible to use guns
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gm sar :)
Yep I'm thinking Black Friday is gonna be pretty good this year.
Real question, not flexing, is Arizona the best state for gun rights? You can have pretty much anything here, does any other state do it better?
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If we're being honest here, the /k/ameraden up in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming don't have to put up with fire restrictions or triple digit weather for weeks/months on end

I'm sure the lack of minorities is another selling point for some/many
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The heat definitely sucks, but it keeps away a lot of undesirables. But yeah fire restrictions suck.
I played hookie from work (again) to go to the range. The European mind cannot comprehend this. :DDDDD
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Have you ever met Murf?
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I imagine Matt would be more hateful to the ATF than brandork could ever be.
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lmfao there are ads for him now
fucking twitter these days
Does he know?
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I hope that retard blows himself up
Yeah I picked up a Ruger 10/22 with a threaded barrel from them a few weeks ago for like $230 and the service was spot on
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Brandon Herrera did nothing wrong
>Brandon Herrera did nothing
The amount of schizophrenic seething he brings would be worth it. Leftoids and humorless retards alike would have meltdowns and wed get amnesty period after amnesty period for machineguns and silencers now have to fully silence a gun to be on the nfa list.
Imagine what Herrera could do unburdened by what has been
could he do something positive for gun rights for once?
or is he too burdened by what will has be?
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The problem with your metric is that people like Karl Karsada end up having done more in spite nowhere near the same ambition for the 2A
Fagison's parting gift no doubt as he transitions to Governor
They're becoming a Blue state unfortunately which will inevitably start passing restrictions once Reps lose the state legislature
Here are the Top 2A states per my multipoint metrics
Kentucky is Cuba 2.0
my metric is to accomplish something other than making completely self-serving monetary products. he just hasn't done anything for 2a.
why is your metric ambition instead of capability or accomplishment? what if my ambition is greater than his? wouldn't that qualify me for your brainless shilling?
>thread whos topic and purpose as written in the OP is directly against the rules labeled in the sticky
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Your ambition isn't Congressional nor Secretarial
Fuck off European
>Congressional nor Secretarial
his failures are congressional. I can fail to be a congressman too! hell, you could to, unless you are a foreigner or underage (like his audience).
But you never tried and probably never will, Brandon's made more of an effort than you and I combined
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I prefer the American rifle, the AR, and these can be built with American manufactured parts.

The 1911 and the Mossberg 500 are also Amerian weapond that can be build from parts to support American industry.

To these weapons manufacturers, a sale is a sale. If you are buying and building these for anti-zionist and anti-government organizations and militias, they still want a sale.
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>The 1911 and the Mossberg 500 are also American weapons that can be build from parts to support American industry.

Such a pretty shotgun. Can saw it off with a pistol grip, maybe a dot or a laser.

>built* from parts

Correcting my grammar.

My point is that it is your American right to build a shotgun.
>not wanting the atf to be buttfucked into oblivion.
just say you are a faggot and be done with it.
fuck off, schlomo
Where is this steel range anon? I see your pics here and /arg/. I live around the PV area and shoot at SGC and Ben Avery but I don't recognize that steel range.
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Anon, that's Saddleback Mountain. There's also steel targets out to 500 yards at Baldy Mountain
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>American Firearm Owners
> be Merican
> buy dozens of firearms
> no FFL
> cash
> face 2 face
> zero paperwork
lol....imagine living in a Cuckstate
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stop baiting feds pls
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>stop baiting feds pls
seething non-Merican
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FREEDOMS intensifies
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driving around town with an arsenal under your seats.
you Eurofags gonna be okay?
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OK, let's go
I do direct personal 2a outreach, both in organized and informal settings. don't lump me in with do-nothing losers. i volunteer at events that invite people who are on the fence about firearms to experience different kinds of shooting and guns. don't lump me in with losers that whine online and never accomplish anything.
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>i volunteer at events
get inside your Free Speech cage
>invite people who are on the fence about firearms to experience different kinds of shooting
So does Brandon https://youtu.be/0rliFQ0qyAM?t=291
>whine "online" and never accomplish anything

just like you?

stop self projecting anon
you're fucking weird for going around advocating for glowie bullshit.
This nigga has a switch, 100%.
>federal installation
I can guarantee that those “feds” are just people looking for a quick buck rather than being a honeypot. The whole notion about Feds being behind everything collectively is stupid when there is always someone acting within their own agency when it comes to selling off shit.
>Quandale Dingle
Lmfao, if you get busted by US feds you deserve it.
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>T. Fed
You do realize that there are people corrupt enough to sell off shit within government positions? Pretty sure there were lots of cases with people from the military who sells shit that they may or may not stole from supply. Doesn’t mean they are a honeypot
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>quandale dingle
i don't think this is real
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my first build. my first gun to own.

> action is a Howa 1500 Mini chambered in 7.62x39 (made in Japan)
> stock is Bell & Carlson sporter (.. USA)
> scope is a Trijicon TR20 3-9x40 red, triangle post reticle (.. Japan)
> scope mount and rings by MDT (.. USA)
> Beartooth Products comb riser (neoprene, very quality made.. USA)
> swivel mounts by GrovTec (.. USA)
> nylon sling, US surplus and Berry compliant (.. USA)
> M16 flash hider, US surplus (..USA); to be machined/modified [barrel thread is 1/2x28, and a 7.62 will pass through the hole in the flash hider]

action was professionally 'glass bedded' to the stock. additional stock modifications by me with JB weld and filed to fit. used Flex Seal to brush onto the exposed fiberglass areas in the magazine well. cleaned EVERYTHING of factory oils and machine chips using mineral spirits and/or Ballistoil; applied Yamashield to exterior surface.
bore with Ballistoil, action surfaces and trigger assembly with Super Lube and Lucas gun oil. screws got 3-In-One.
scope was laser centered to 100 yards.

i chose 7.62x39 because i wanted a bigger bullet, but softer recoil; cheap abundant and available.

and then the other things i already had or i went and bought to compliment the rifle.

> Pro-Shot stuff; made in USA
> Asahi Tools L-head allen key set; Japan
> Sunflag, High Soft screwdrivers; Japan
> Knipex pliers; Germany
> A-Zoom 7.62x39 snap caps; USA
knife is a locally made knife by a husband and wife team. he mades the knife, she makes the leather sheath. blade is hand forged and the grip is local, naturally fallen dead wood.
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Good night, /amgen/
quantity over quality i guess
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>in theory you could be delayed indefinitely
that sounds kinda... unconstitutional

I have also shopped at Sportsman’s Outdoor Superstore and found the service at Sportsman’s Outdoor Superstore to be professional and courteous. From now on I will be shopping at Sportsman’s Outdoor Superstore.
I S2G if SCOTUS doesn't address it
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This one sounds like she has a speech impediment, perhaps a case of Asperger's
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I plan to move to Vegas for work next year.
How bad is the 2A there? On surface seems like you can do anything as long as you get a CCW. Conceal carry, open carry, shoot the shit in the desert.
Anything not so obvious that i should know about?
Based Brandon is another Mexican child savior of the huh-white race like Nick and 'Toss.
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Live forever /amgen/
>how could you expect ME to ever DO anything?!
we should judge celebrities by their fans.
Brandon may as well be an NCP react streamer. you losers are pathetic.
WTF is an NCP
freedom is important and only we have it ; in the consitution with guns
>we should judge celebrities by their fans.
yes but also on if they are Real Americans!
>gun sales have been banned all month in washinton
elon will fix it brother he was tested and is the smartest man alive
Yes I am a an American patrot henlo!

president camacho did nothing wrong! very true

electrolytes brother!
if your fans are children and third worlders, that does say something about you.
Indeed and what does that say about freediom? SHALLL!
the freedom rifle I cry whenever I see it but not now, not here brother USA USA USA
That’s a man man
I am Miguel. I still make every thing allot better. you may send a mail to say "YOU ARE THE BEST BEST BEST EVER!' to me but I only speak English for 2 years and it is fucking hard so shut up about my stupid english. I will bear arms! Like it isa said by freedomgun man on youetube

i am from Mexico and i live in california in a hat of a giant fatty you understand. i do not have a photo of me on the post because i am a secret. maybe i am one of the lards in the other photo. maybe i am the suprise in the miget pants. it is a mystery. someday when i am fat and look funny in a tiny party hat i will ad a photo of me.i write all the captions. acept he wrote "howdy. i am a fag." because he is a copy bitch and wants to hump homo butts all day. (now ernie is a husband and must hide his homosex adventures. hello gina your husband is A FAG! oh it is all ARG reading now)

i find allot of the fattys on the internet. some people send in photoposts to help. post gun fellow American!
Neat anon, enjoy it. Good rifle for target and game up to white tail deer. Good job getting a solid optic instead of some chinkshit too. Those mini actions are good fun - I have a CZ527 in 7.62x39
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Men can't get pregnant
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WTF did I just read
*70000 gun purchases get denied or redone for unknown reasons.

So much as a single digit possibly looking like they may have changed it will get a 4473 considered a failure in am audit. On top of that NICS will flag people who share the same name and county. Seen it happen.

The system errs on the denial side. It takes blantant lies on a 4473 to incriminate yourself in court. Remember it's LYING, on the form that counts, not typos or misunderstanding the instructions which is hard to dismiss a defense of on paperwork.

Also I'm hoping hunter biden gets to appeal his case and fucking joe doesn't pardon him. I want the 4473 killed in the supreme court under the 5th ammendment since it requires you to self incriminate.
Biden already stated that he won’t pardon hunter if he’s convicted. People seem to forget that Biden is someone that goes by the book, plays by the books. If the courts or congress wants something, he will not go out of his way to undermine that.
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Obvious botting is really pathetic and gay
The first comment is me, fren. I genuinely just like Sportsman’s Outdoor Superstore. I also like Arms Unlimited, Bud's (site is turrible but I got a doughnut ACOG there for a steal), and (((botach.com))). H8 Optics Planet.
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honestly based
and brandon herrera has likely inspired even more people to pick up guns because of his youtube channel, what is your point?
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The way BLM handles shooting out here in so fucking stupid.

>people trashing the desert and popular shooting spots have a high amount of lead in the backstops (shocker!)
>BLM cracks down on popular shooting spots
>they don't clean them up, they just send Rangers out there to scare people
>use public funds to open up nice public shooting spots with steel
>close these shooting spots for half the year because of fire restrictions
>take away steel at these shooting spots because of "damage"
>never replace the "damaged" steel
>collects people's brass to "fund the range" and yet nothing new has popped up for years
>"don't go shooting in the middle of nowhere! we have public spots we maintain! so what if it's shutdown for half the year, they exist!"
>people continue going into the desert and trashing it

And for fuck's sake, who makes a public shooting range in Arizona and doesn't put up shade?
Honestly I can empathize, but most of the piecea of shit here can't be trusted with anything. If they spend the money to put up a shade, dumbass mestizos/natives/white trash would destroy it in a matter of weeks. The general PUoc here can't be trusted with anything nice and it's honestly shameful.
name 10.
Part and parcel of being the 12th most populous state
any recommendations on "shooting" glasses where the arms are thin and do not interfere with the over ear muffs?
Safety squint. All eye pro will interfere with over the ear muffs. Just the nature of the game.
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>Safety squint
I got hit with a ricochet once at an indoor range, I wear glasses every time no matter where. I might just try to make my own flat arms so they do not interfere with the muff.
ty anon :)
i was thinking of a CZ527 or the Zastava LK-M85, but trying to find one new turned out as an ordeal. ended up building this instead lol
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