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Range Stories, Self-defense Stories. Military Stories, Humor Thread
>greentexts to chase away the void
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What a Chad.
ar9 barrels just have dogshit chamber support
Well, did you bang her? (The 40 year old RSO)
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>go to outdoor range
>bring M24/47
>shoot at 25 and 100, pretty nice
>approaching last bit of ammo
>2 strangers approach, boomer and very large young man
>younger guy asks "is that a mosin?"
>tell him no, but it's basically a K98
>he starts talking about how cool it is that I have an old bolt action rifle
>get idea, ask if he wants to shoot it
>guy is ecstatic, acts gingerly but very safe when handling it
>he enjoys shooting it and I let his dad shoot too
>they both enjoy it and compliment it more
>leave range happy that I helped other people enjoy my old guns
>gain: happiness, loss: only 10 surplus rounds
It feels good to have fun shooting with others anons
Always a good time if somebody takes interest in your funs.

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What happens to NODs users if suppressors are banned before their SHTF fantasies begin? Is night vision use viable without a can?
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ok so you just roll up in the dark and start popping with your iron sights? I mean, you said no NODS during a firefight. Does a red laser count? Those are scary and will have a psychological stun effect on the enemy. I like those
read my post again you smooth brained goober.
I didn't say anything about not using your NODs in a firefight. I said 99% of the time you're using your nods is not going to involve your weapon. The 1% time you are, you're likely to take the enemy by such surprise that they are more than likely to rout, rather than effectively return fire.

ergo, having a can to limit the visual report of the weapon is far from critical.
I think blinding nods with white light is a viable tactic tho
I mean atleast google your shit before you post something so hilariously wrong
It's not any more effective than just blasting white light at someone without NODs

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I'm curious, let's do this
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I absolutely love it. I used to not really care about .45 ACP, but my USP completely changed my mind on it. It's built like a tank, it fits my hands perfectly, it shoots .45 Supers and has been fine, and it's quite accurate. The trigger isn't the best, but it's not horrible and doesn't interrupt accuracy. I also really like the paddle mag release. Can't easily hit it with my thumb, but it's ambi so I can hit it with my point finger and have found that I prefer that to a regular pistol mag release.
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I may be a basic bitch, and stuck very far in the past
>also battlefield 1 was my favorite fps
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This seems fun. I've bought every gun I would ever want to own at this point, but a new double action top break revolver would change that. For the rifle, I don't really care anymore to pay what it and ammo costs, but the FS2000 was the only "modern sporting rifle" I've ever cared about and it would still be fun to have one.
Why would you be allowed to own pistols but not rifles?

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What was the gun scene like in the 1990s?
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>Jesus had two wives, Mary and Sarah

Ethiopian Orthodox no he didnt, the Church is the only Bride of Christ, I have no idea where youre getting this nonsense, no 2nd century Church taught this or believes it for 2000 years. Stick to your cheap materialism westoid, saying this would get your nose clipped off in my village
I liked Oasis.
They put scopes unto AR Carry Handles it was fucking disgustng
giving the internet to niggers was a mistake

now without banter:
One of the reasons europe and the us got rich and nice to live in was, that religios bullshit was kept to a minimum, i.e. one hour at sundays. and we had a pragmatic approach on some things like interhuman relations.
keep snipping noses off for the honor of that unshaved jew and forbid brothels while rape, child marriage and violence in general is common in your african hellhole. do all the things civilized people dont for the honour of your tribe, god, ghost dad, holy goat whatever.
you are just legging yourself by burning already scarse time and resources for farey tales.
Could people not buy AR15s in the 90s?

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How do China have zero creativity even the Russians manage to make their own designs
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>Forward-opening canopy
>Without the aircraft even having provisions for the lift fan that made the F-35's canopy design necessary
There's simply no logical reason outside of cargo cultism.
utterly mind broken, Jews live in this mans walls
/k/ has unironically fallen for the wunderwaffen meme, thinking that artisanal production and quality will make up for the vast quantity disparity. ironically exactly the same mindset imperial japan had with the US where they believed superior japanese quality would make up for the US shitting out hulls and air frames like it was nothing.
In reality Japanese industry was significantly less advanced than America’s and so American quality was superior across the board. Japan was the best of Asia but still not a serious competitor with the US.
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>Is it because Jewish American brainpower a genuine cheatcode?
It must be

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no thanks buddy, I think I'll stick with my m14 :)
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Mattel's check cleared
yeah we kind of went back to the SR-25 with the 110A3. But don't mention that because its poking a hole in my shitty argument
That or the Left 4 Dead/28 days later rabies "zombies" because minus the special infected, it technically could happen. I highly doubt Romero zombies or TWD zombies could legit overpower the world.
Mattel never made any of the parts of the m16
The FAL would have failed for the same reasons the M14 did. It's a heavy ass battle rifle and that was dogshit for Vietnam.

AK General /akg/
Trick Or Treat Edition
>Thread #2045

Old thread here >>62736370
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Building is the way to go.

> muh RPD homebrew
those tapco grips are collectors items, wish I still had mine
yeah but wheres my 0.19 CPR 7.62x39
ukraine wont be needing it once they surrender kek
It wouldn't be sold off retard. it would just be destroyed or given to Russia as reparashunz

How would a mid-2000s U.S. military fare against these big ass fag aliens?
>Sorry about your ukraine thread i just dont give a shit though :D
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>shooting sabots at something like that is like shooting needles at you
More like 22lr and it's going to put holes in it's organs and cause internal bleeding and/or leakage of other bodily fluids.
Night of the Living Dead remake.
>that's the one with the actually-good-guys mercenary orc warband, wasn't it?
They're humans and not especially good, they start out as explicitly on the side of evil working for a sadistic immortal psychotic sorceress called Soulcatcher.
The world doesn't really have much "good" until a few examples in later books and even then they're fairly isolated cases.

I liked the series and read every book and novella in it.

>And he inserts some modernisms into the prose which don't fit with narrative being written by a character within a Renaissance era setting
This is very true and bothered me too.
It's a bit like how Whedon characters all sound like Whedon.
It didn't kill the series for me though.
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>easy cheap b horror movie with a millennial cult following
It's been done, not that this ever stopped Hollywood so have at it.

>>movie where rednecks are good guys
>never will happen
Wasn't the entire thing with Romero that the rural areas were initially okay due to low population density and firearms, only to get fucked later on when the urban areas collapsed and took infrastructure with them?

AGM on Piranha 10x10 just won the Swiss army's tender for the M109 replacement, winning against the RCH155 (same gun system but on Boxer) and against the Archer

source: https://www.admin.ch/gov/en/start/documentation/media-releases.msg-id-103026.html
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Did Sven fuck your wife or did you just hate beeing a conscript in the Swedish artillery or something?
It looks like a Battletech ground vehicle. I like it.
It's just 155mm SP artillery. The chance using system X over system Y makes any difference in anything but cost is basically 0.
not to fuel this autistic dickmeasuring, but the Gripen is relying heavily on foreign, particularly American, parts. The German parts of joint European aircraft are more relevant than that.
There's one archer-hater here who always mentions coastal artillery and calls it a steaming pile of shit. He's been saying it for years.

Was the zappers routine training mission an attempt to bomb the aryan base of "the order"?? To remove evidence of operation broken spear?? We armed them in 1989

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At what point does it become better to use a PCC?
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She was taught multiple times, by myself and ROs>>. It was halfway intentional as far as I can tell, she knew exactly what was going to happen and did it anyway.
Maybe I got lucky? It was a 180gr lead hollow point in a blue box marked colt. Also the only one of the two expanded after hitting the wall. How many times did you fire?
Probably me. There were warning signs she wasn't responsible enough and she was blackout drunk pretty much 100% of the time. Happened during covid when we were in the house all the time.
Also I think the second one was because she had a shitty grip on the gun and then squeezed again after the recoil from the first shot, it had a pretty fast break
Like sub 4 or 5 inches, but probably never.

If you’re already using a rifle (mag outside the grip), you are always better served with something like a 300 blackout. Even the subs, they’re like pistol cartridges with higher SD and superior shape. The longer expanding bullets can expand to like 2+ times the diameter as pistol caliber hollow points.
Don't make me post it.

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An article in Wired on Operation Gideon reports that the CIA has a weapon capable of "covertly (and nonviolently)" disabling ships, including very large ones. What is it? https://archive.md/MiP7c
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Some form of an EMP device most likely.
With a USB stick inside that loads an ICS worm?
>the CIA's interests are largely aligned with the interests of the American state
No they fucking aren't, and they haven't been for a long time.

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best anti skeleton weapons?
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Please delet this it's too spooky.
Mace of Disruption +1
I, for one, have embraced my inner skeleton.
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I love these dinosaurs

Can we invent a drone that is equipped with a facial recognition camera and turns you blind by shooting IR laser straight to your eyeballs?
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No, you may not. >:-|
Because much like this board they celebrate giving their enemies a brutal suffering death.
Modern drone warfare has upped the cruelty of man to another level.
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Oh hohoho, I'vs been waiting for this
some people love to call everything a war crime.
>>wearing welding googles everywhere you go is practical

Autodark wraparound eyepro is practical. Arc welding is done with helmet-style protection and integrating laser defense with other useful helmet features like CBRN protection will eventually be necessary.

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Post /k/ino, bonus for old militia guys or partisans not wearing uniforms but just guys from villages
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Mid back.
post more serbs
Baron Franz Nopcsa, Hungarian noble, homosexual archaeologist and spy for the Austro-Hungarian empire during World War 1, one of the founders of Paleobiology, specialist on Albanian studies and the first man to hijack a plane.
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