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What weapons do you use for gnats/mosquitos in summer? Just in the last 24 hours I must've killed 60 or so of them fuckers, but no matter how many corpses of their fellow retards I leave around they never stop coming, as if they're completely suicidal and WANT me to destroy them, and I can only pound the walls so many times before they start to hurt real bad. You'd think that if a mouse saw 60 mice skeletons lying around that it would get the fuck out of there, but these fucking gnats think they don't need to bother. Well, they thought wrong.

>mosquito net
I want weapons, not barriers. I want corpses, not no more bites.
For some hard-to-reach corners I've resorted to using a duckboard, but not only is aiming a real bitch with these (accuracy drop from 95% to 30%), but you also don't get the desperate twitting shortly before death against your knuckles - fucking love that shit, especially if they're still full with your blood. Bet you weren't twitching so pathetically when you stole that from me, did you?
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Step 1: Clean up your fucking dishes
Step 2: Bleach your drain and run hot water through it
Step 3: Apple cider vinegar traps
Step 4: Stop overwatering your plants
Step 5: Get lavender scented soap, light some incense, put some peppermint oil in your drain occasionally
>he doesn't know dishwasher tabs
So I've finished the concoction, but the gnats thoroughly ignore it. It's 3 to 0 for me already.
Alright, after killing another 27 gnats that have made it in after I opened my window I can safely say that the water-sugar-soap-yeast mix isn't going anything, and that they are so completely without a trace of self preservation that they are truly life unworthy of life.

Just like cops.
>the water-sugar-soap-yeast mix isn't doing anything
Try increasing the sweetness, you're mimicking nectar, their primary food source. The yeast is protein I think, mimicking blood.
FYI only pregnant females go for blood, to help grow their babies. Some are just annoying and won't actually bite.
Yeah, no, still not doing jack. I've added sugar twice, and still see plenty of gnats rather fucking the wall than drinking the death nectar.

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I'm somewhat prepared with the most important things: medicine, resources, knowledge, etc.
I think post-apocalyptic scavenging, creating groups, surviving, exploring, etc. would be /k/ino.
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train stronk
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Exploring off limits places without getting arrested for trespassing or shot would be cool. I think starving to death and getting attacked by bandits for my shoes would get old, however

Man you wouldn't believe how many people don't understand how Gamma works
The least interesting part of the apocalypse is what comes after.
The most interesting part is what comes just before everything falls apart.
This: 2 electric boogaloo
Not only do spergs and losers want societal collapse because they think they wont be losers in a new system where they dont have to conform to basic modern societal norms, in such a scenario, being an asocial loser as they are would be greatly detrimental and would guarantee their deaths by natural causes, or by groups of people working together.

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SKS Edition

Post your totally unique Chink garbage rods and discuss your unicorn surps.

Previous Thread: >>62017368
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I want to buy a SKS and a nugget. Anything in particular I should be looking for? Any deal breakers to watch out for?
I assume that if you want both of those, you're looking for a Russian SKS?
Chinese and Russian are available. The Russians are a bit more expensive and I assume there is a reason for that.
avoid mid ww2 era mosins, like 1941 to 1944. while it sounds cool to have a mosin dated to that era, the soviets ran their machines hard to shit out as many as they could as quickly as possible so they often are very grindy and sticky to operate.
millions were made that time which is why the majority of people say that mosins are shit today, but they obviously obtained one of these war date ones.
anything made in the post war or pre war or refurbished by finland are usually smooth as silk to use.
>the soviets ran their machines hard to shit out as many as they could as quickly as possible so they often are very grindy and sticky to operate.
Laughs in Finnish

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>create an amazing multirole fighter jet
>only make 2 of them per month
What did Dassault mean by this?
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you think he actually knows anything either?
he's just telling stories from the frog rumor mill himself
He actually does know shit that /k/ users don't know.
there's a lot of shit /k/ doesn't know
some of it is because he follows the news
a lot of it is frog rumor
>trapper is gigabased
Even xir name has trap in it. The best he can be is giga-baisé
So, how many here follow frog MIC news?
Not many. They are quite difficult given they don't understand modern advertising or writing articles in English.
He also goes out to conventions.

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Friday Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists

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did you clean your camera with your pussy juice? wtf, have some pride in your work.
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Got em fast as fuck boi
I put this in the camo thread but I'll delete it, I forgot there was a pat h thread

Where's this from?

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A thread for comparing, contrasting, designing, sharing and discussing camouflage patterns.

> Camopedia: A thorough, though not quite definitive wiki of camo patterns:

> .rar file with scans of 228 patterns from across the world:

> Brent0331's camouflage effectiveness tests - playlist of videos demonstrating 150+ patterns, from a great /k/ youtuber with other useful videos such as infantry / squad tactics, camo face paint, etc:

> Classic guy cramer description of camouflage methodology:

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Thanks you.
I picked an Orange Digital Camo to give it a hot-rod like color.
>Obsessed fagging
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Where this from,I could not find on google

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Behold the kebab removal device/ the Turk eater
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I remember when the livestream was posted here, Brenton did nothing wrong and he stopped a bunch of terrorist pedophiles
Malakai or Thorgrim?
Always a good time for a Thorgrim run
>cock eater
To each xir own
I remember watching that video in the middle of class lmao

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rate russia's newest field artillery
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>he dosen't know
The rear doors are fuel tanks...
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So that's why they were thicc.
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BMP has fuel tanks in its back doors. Its literally death trap
BMP fuel tanks in the doors honestly aren't a major problem, diesel isn't that flammable, they're drained first, and if you're being shot in the ass you're done for anyway.
The utter lack of armor and mine protection, and the ammo carousel cooking off are much bigger issues.
>why is everyone is so mean to me

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Just a Ukrainian FPV-drone equipped with a stick targeting ZALA propeller
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I'd think maybe finding a way of doing 3-5 barrels with .410 birdshot would work well. Can you make a babby recoilless rifle (er... Shotgun) to use .410 shells?
>down Russian UAVs with cum filled .410 shells
I've been trying to think of what the most effective shotgun shell for drone vs drone combat would be, and I'd probably think it's something simple like birdshot to shred a propeller with a higher chance to hit, but I do wonder about some of the more esoteric shells like white phosphorus to attempt to stick to them and burn it up or flechettes
I've been wondering about drone interceptors that are essentially reusable missiles that slam through enemy drones at high speed and keep flying, essentially flying arrowheads, but honestly I could see a more robust version of the stick duct taped to a drone being a fine interceptor while solving the issue of "what if the drone you slam into has explosives on it" problem and destroying your fancy interceptor.
>Make Interceptor that's basically a baby F14-style folding wing craft with a big ol 1~3 ft lance on the front
>Loiters at high altitude until it detects a target
>On targeting, folds wings into high speed mode, maneuvers behind other drone and re-enters wide wing mode for easier maneuvering at the low speeds of observation drones
>Flies up and pokes it in the propeller with its lance, if you're feeling really cheeky put a blade on the lance just to make sure it shreds the propeller completely
>Enemy drone dispatched, if it has explosives they don't harm your interceptor because they don't detonate until it crashes
>Can be used for yet another observation drone when not poking other drones in the butt, fast mode could be useful just for getting from A to B quickly as a spotter and not just for intercept
At the very least it seems like a reusable cheap counter to Sasneeds
great. now i got the munchies. thanks, dickhead.

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Let's say I've come up with a UBER WUNDERWAFFE that will utterly btfo the zigroids, (it's nothing fancy. Just a bit of design work for a drone system that seems to have some utility to me, it may even already be invented since it's hardly advanced tech), and I want to give the plans to some Ukies to help with TZD. How do I, as an English only speaker, go about this? Just go to one of the various "donate to X brigade" pages and find a Contact Us link? Surely they must have English reading liaisons for that kind of thing.
Some of the drone vids have a telegram channel in the watermark.
Watch enough and chase them down.
how about you stop shitposting and get a job, you fucking moron?
I dunno, i'd put money on Scott "If there's grass on the field im staying on the bench" Ritter moving to Russia to keep doing loli-shit
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Our bases need 4 - 6 towers with 57 mm Bofors cannons (and huge ass mags) with HE-Frag ammo to fend off human waves. Chinks and jeets are 3+ billions, a ratio of 10 enemies to 1 American.

It'll be just like Starship Troopers guys.... BUUUUGSSS!!!!!
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More like they wouldn't waste money to have some C-lister or below gweilo carried halfway around the globe and catered to for however long shooting takes when a bit of CGI and makeup can do the job just fine.
instead we have a dedicated and disciplined EWAR strategy that actually works, unlike apparently literally everyone else..
fixed bases are a stupid idea in the age of guided missiles. thats why they're all made of sandbag cubes and trailers.
1) If you're using 57mm guns then just go the extra mile and use full on self loading howitzers instead.
VALUES (Smedley_Butler_quote_1, Smedley_Butler_quote_2)
ALL your base are belong to us.

I feel an irrational urge to buy kukri but I'm still living with my parents and I don't know how would they react if I bough a scary item because of an irrational urge (we have no guns because Europe + mom is anti gun)
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Chopping knives do have their role. It's just not in combat.
At least it's better for home defence
I like mine. I live somewhere where I can actually to use it, and I highly recommend it
>does knife shit good
>does tomahawk shit good
No downsides in my opinion
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Forgot to attach pic for proof of ownership
you need to be 18+ to post here

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Though this was /k/ino, in Taiwan they recently made a mini-series following a scenario for a Chinese invasion of Taiwan:

It looks pretty hopeless for them. Especially when their streamers start shilling the CCP.
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Probably the bottom of the ocean by next week desu
>focuses on the grey zone lead up to the invasion
finally a kino
Taiwan has mandatory service for all males out of high school. My dad was issued a garand in the 70's.
sounds neat
should probably mention it's not out yet so not exactly a lot to talk about

I think he's considering the MLU of their fleet, they won't be able to afford it, it will be go mad on Taiwan or go CCCP rust mode.

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Vaski, the sweetest kitty like gunspirit edition

Previous: >>62140517
>image limit reached

>sound image instructions
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Neko arc?
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My wife
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modern seax edition

post knives, talk knives.

prev: >>62083611
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It is legit as one anon just said, a redditfag thing. Scalpels are good if you build models, do impromptu surgery or want something finer for skinning and processing organ meat. The plus is disposable blades you don't have to sharpen which is why redditfags like them so much. When you can't even strop a knife you should just open a vein.
Condor Mini Village Parang. LOVE mine.
>I don't know what's a good machete to buy. They all seem like chinese garbage
theres 2 different types of machetes thin 1-2 mm flexible ones that are pretty much stamped sheet metal and thicker ones.
the thin ones are pretty much all the same and what you are looking for is a good handle.some like harbor freight have shit handles that fall off. the difference between a 10 dollar machete and a 30 dollar one is how well the handle holds up. none of these are going to be sharp or comfortable out of the box. you finish then yourself.
then you have the thicker ones which at this point is ontarios,
It’s for skinning game
Couldn't say as I've only bought surp from Lithuania, never a wife.

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