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Made by Russians. They say it's a fallout shelter.
...it's a fucking cargo container.
I don't think it's even meant to be buried in the ground. It's just a cargo container they drop on the parking lot and say it will protect you from nuclear war.

"KUB-M" holds 54 people. Literal meat cube.

Jesus chirst even those single-occupant coin-operated fallout booths from Fallout 3 made more sense.
"holds 54 people"
"mobile shelters from a nuclear explosion"
Is it supposed to be above ground? Or is this just for showcasing?
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"Mobile shelters" so they just leave it above he ground.
Does look like there is some sort of shielding slotted into those support struts, but they didn't apparently bother to finish...
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Todd is a visionary
>Is it supposed to be above ground?
Yes for speed and simplicity of installation. It's also supposed to be covered with concrete plates all around for radiation protection. You can see some of these plates in photoshoot, but Russians cheaped out and didn't covered shelterer fully with them
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>can't even assemble a showpiece properly
imagine the state of the two actual shelters they'll make after they embezzle all the funds
At least some oligarch has made nice tidy profit.
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Oh yeah, there are those white concrete "boxes" around the outer edges.

For the purpose of radiation shieding, those should be full, solid blocks. You really think russians will use solid blocks?
You think the cargo container would support the weight of such blocks if covered fully in them?
>just dropped
this is from start of the year already
>buried in the ground
This is not a great idea with cargo containers. Recent meme "advices" have created a myth where containers can be buried to create "instant" underground rooms. Don't do it without serious research. They need to be re-enforced substantially ti withstand any load-bearing from dirt & such on top (especially) and from the sides. There are ways to do it successfully, but dropping a container into the ground and covering it will be a disaster in short order.
"New". Ziggers really are fucking retarded. They'll claim they invented the spoon they use to shovel shit in their mouths.
there isn't enough material for shielding, it's just a meat cooker for scamming people.
>oh, the government issued XXX,XXX,XXX,XXX rubles for making a shelter? these things cost 1/10th of that, I can pocket the rest!
So which oligarch siphoned off 90% of the funding for this "fallout shelter" project?
Is brilliant plan, foolish westoid, you simply do not see it. Worthless and untrustworthy peasant is given "shelter" to use so he does not question his safety and remains loyal to state. If shelter is needed, worthless peasant dies and is replaced. Shifty peasant cannot become raider or thief after bomb drops if he is dead. No peasant, no problem. Whores will make more anyway.
Maybe it's made of lead.
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Tovarisch commissar, why is bomb shelter door of locking from outside?
Jesus they really are just storage for peasants. They'll only let the loyal ones out once they're in. The rest will just suffocate like the dead vatnik storage in Kursk.
>Congratulations men, you have been selected for being of new recruits for special military operation
>*slaps bunker*
>you can fit so many depressed slaves in here
What's with the guy waving flags?
>locking from outside
Holy shit, kek
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same vibe
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>Cube M
>Meat Cube
>Locking from outside
>siren sounds
>100 people pack like sardines into the container meant for 54
>after the first two days people start eating each other alive because nobody can move except for biting the person in front of them
>two weeks later the doors open
>Welcome to Ukraine comrade conscriptovitch, here's a stick and Kiev is that way>>62889035
Are we sure there isnt a trash compactor on the far side?
Also, why does only the right container have chimneys?
They don't appear to allow passage between the two internally...
One is to suffocate them, another is to incinerate them.
Nothing would survive a nuke dropped on top of it, short of a 100m deep bunker. These are meant to be FALLOUT shelters. A shelter from nuclear fallout, not the actual nuke on your head.
>that part of Metro 2033 where you open boxs packed full of hundreds of mummified bodies
only half the box is shielded lmao
You dumb cunt, they won't protect from shit since they are literally just shipping containers with doors that lock from the outside bolted on.

How long do you expect people to be able to survive in them.
That's not a fallout shelter, that's an eritrean torture chamber/mobik storage unit.
just stay outside lord above
Fallout shelters are supposed to be able to hold you for a while, two weeks at least. 54 people in a shipping container would die in three days.
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>just container
with a wall thickness of 300mm
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All right, who here believes that Russians would have actually made the walls 300mm thick?

...And who believes it's just two thin sheets of metal with a gap in between? And someone still charges the government for the full 300mm of metal and pockets the difference into their dacha account?
You can joke about it, but I would like to buy myself such a container, but unfortunately my financial situation dictates that I be incinerated by flash
>go hide in metal box with 300mm off the best chinese styrofoam
>survive the blast by some wonder
>don't even get killed by the radiation because chinese styrofoam is 90% heavy metals
>have to stay inside for a week for things to cool down
>with 54 guys in a glorified shipping container without supplies or sanitation
might as well just walk into the blast desu
putin is copying jfk poorly? i wonder if he'll take any limousine rides
CUBE-M = cube-mobile
It is more likely that there is ordinary concrete, I will shit my pants if there may be some kind of lead plates in these walls to protect against radiation, but because this is more likely to be ordinary tax theft, there will be concrete inside
As in the meat kub(e)?
more like cube-meat
That's a real design flaw. They should make the cargo container shelters for the important people, like the mistresses of the local oligarch, exactly as they have. Then build a much larger container around it and let in the peasants after the VIPs are safely locked in the inner sanctum. The bodies of the peasants will block the gamma radiation much like the bodies of conscripts are used to block drones and missiles on armored vehicles.
They didn't bother putting concrete even inside their cope pyramids.

Those walls are empty.
>literally called "cube"
>made to pack people tightly into a container
I can't believe such a war was ever possible, this is beyond /k/ino, this is some reality-warping bullshit.
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The Cube-em missile crisis?
You know those are hollow right?
Lol, stupid Russians. Anyway, what does the US public fallout shelter program look like?
Why worry when russian nukes cant leave their tubes without exploding
>the "KUB-M" shelter could offer protection for 48 hours

More like 48 minutes.
Threat existed 40 years ago, unmaintained nukes with rusted silo doors arent scary, neither are subs tracked 24/7, or an airforce that can be heard from the other side of the continent. Seethe zigger, lmao
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Time is a flat circle
That would weigh +60 tons if it was solid
The russian nuke shills have been working double-time on /k/, multiple threads now filled with their blatant doomposting to try and make people fear opposing russia.

Why the fuck do they bother, this isn't even the likes of twitter which has a massive revolving community of people who don't know anything about warfare.
Instead we're a small community of korean pottery-making enthusiasts casually jerking off over weapons and warfare, they possess neither the bullshitting talent to convince us and even if they did it wouldn't achieve a fucking thing in the wider world.
Its funny because almost immediately after the last red line, putin immediately cucked out of noooooking after an atacms rekt another ammo dump within russia
Is that knockoff Zumwalt-class really just named "A"?

I can't tell if that's a power move or a sign of clinical retardation.
That's not the worst idea, having a station where people can stay until the fallout clears for the public in a form factor like that isn't impossible.
The problem comes up when you try to cram 54 people in there.
That's not going to work, not for a week.
You'll be long out of food and water by then, assuming you have adequate ventilation for fresh air and suitable filtration for that air.
And that's all assuming the people in there don't lose their fucking minds.
On top of all that, where the fuck are you gonna store the shit from 54 people over a fucking week?
>On top of all that, where the fuck are you gonna store the shit from 54 people over a fucking week?
In the corner, naturally
1 transported empty
2 pouring concrete after installation
3 ?????
Yeah, this is pretty bad. Honestly, I could design a better pre-fabbed fallout shelter in my spare time with MS Paint.

See, the thing is the fallout is actually a pretty minor issue unless you're being hit by a few hundred bombs. Even if you're caught up in it all you need is a shower and a change of clothes. Just get the uranium dust off and you'll stop taking radiation damage. What you really need to be worried about is the heat and blast wave and that just means a good bunker. Of course, if you're right under the fireball you're fucked no matter what you do so don't worry too much about it.
Assuming these things dont get obliterated by the pressure wave, wouldnt they just turn into giant ovens? Moreover wouldnt neutrons cling to the metal and turn it into a fucking microwave?

Move over Meat Cube, we got Meat Loaf.
>Hello, I want the most uninspired name for a megayacht you have
>No, that's too uninspired.
Imagine the smell.
This is not a request.
>Roman Abramovich
>Yuri Shelfer
>Eugene Shvidler
>Mikhail Prokhorov
>Alisher Usmanov (through marriage)
Guess what they all have in common?
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It is really "Motor Yacht A"
He also had Sailing Yacht A, pic related.
They're Russians, but russians will blame the jews as usual. The classic trick, dating as far back as Imperial Russia and Ochrana's writing of Protocols of Elders of Zion.
Same as "good tsar, bad boyars".
Russians are incapable of rational thought.
this is like some /b/ fluffy abuse story but for people, what the fuck
orc nukes don't work
Three of those men have Israeli citizenship.
Sure schizo russia somehow can do all that while being in the fucking dark ages lmao
Yes, rich russians en masse paid to get fake jewish ancestry papers and abused the law of return in the 90s. It's a big problem.
>paid to take advantage of the system
Sounds like jewish greed is the issue then
Came here to say this yeah.

>President Putin, we ran out of mobiks!
>Use the Norks then!
>They all surrendered and asked for South Korean asylum
>Deploy.. the mobik container..
>yes sir.
>Cargo container with crudely drawn bomb shelter sign on it
>wait 2 days
>Mobik with airhorn in the morning
>once full lock it ftom the outside
>*slaps side*
>okay guys load it onto the flatbed and let them out at the front.
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Oh it falls out flat real good I suppose.
These niggas claim otherwise:

>Remember, I'm skipping the fact that they're about 86 percent complete on modernizing their treaty-accountable systems. We remain at zero. We're getting there, right? Maybe by the end of the decade.

>Beyond Russia’s traditional strategic triad, it is expanding and modernizing its nuclear options. These include nuclear-capable hypersonic systems such as the Tsirkon land attack cruise missile and the Kinzhal air-launched ballistic missile, the last of which Russia has employed frequently against Ukraine in a conventional role.
>These hypersonic systems add diversity and flexibility to Russia’s nuclear arsenal and complement its stockpile of approximately 2,000 theater nuclear weapons that do not fall under New START limits.

https://www.stratcom.mil/Portals/8/Documents/2024%20USSTRATCOM%20Congressional%20Posture%20Statement.pdf (page 6)
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I mean this is a country so fucked up and retarded that they made buckbreaking real
>54 people
How much food and water to they have inside?Are there any toilets?Do they have beds for everyone inside?Or even enough places to sit?

meat cube is a meat cube
The memes write themselves.
>We need more monies for nuke MIC plox
>Russia very scary
Not buying it.
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>orc nukes don't work

Their conventional weapons don't either, you should go to Ukraine and see for yourself

>Sure schizo russia somehow can do all that while being in the fucking dark ages lmao

>Guess what they all have in common?
tiny hats?
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>wall thickness of 300mm
>please moar funding
>the attack'ems at home
I actually think puccia is desperate enough to shanghai people like this. Getting in one of these things will put you on a train straight to donbabwe

trench babushkas with mosins when
As in the United States
Whatever helps you sleep at night
They did it to hindustanis last year, they thought they were signing up to shill farm and ended up in meatwaves, modi had to beg putin to get them back
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Putins incessant cucking is more then enough to show they cant do shit lol
I almost audibly chuckled Carlos, for that you must die.
>2 pouring concrete after installation
>3 ?????
If you skip the pouring concrete, you make more profit))))))))))))))))))))
>assuming you have adequate ventilation for fresh air and suitable filtration for that air.
did you see the two smoke stacks on top of the one container?
adequate ventilation?
suitable filtration?
Nyet! Those are Western capitalist luxuries!
>fluffy abuse

Wew that takes me back
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>Even if you're caught up in it all you need is a shower and a change of clothes. Just get the uranium dust off and you'll stop taking radiation damage.

1. They're not underground. Whatever hits it, especially overpressure and the shockwave, will probably kill it.

2. They will all die from radiation. You need 1.3 ft of lead (or 1.44 ft of tungsten) to have 100% shielding from gamma rays (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32897986/). Even if they made those 300 mm (11.8") of pure lead, they would still receive radiation.

3. They look like basic containers. You can't go out for days after a bomb (or most likely more bombs) detonated. They don't have bathrooms nor long-term (weeks) facilities.


1. These are bomb shelters because they're shitting bricks since Ukies can now bomb Russian soil (ATACMS for starters).

2. These are actually nuke shelters. In this case they're all fucked.
You forgot to mention 54 russians going cold turkey on booze and tobacco. The Kursk crew faced better chances of survival than that.
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>It actually is called KUB-M
I don't think America needs any excuse to give more taxpayer's money to the MIC, especially now that their greatest ally is in trouble
>modi had to beg putin
Nice headcanon.
USSTRATCOM's got to come up with something if it wants to keep its slice of the pie. Otherwise, that money is all being spent on F-35s.
sounds like the nazis got some of their ideas from the russians
I believe it's "Drawings from the Gulag", which should be a mandatory read for all on Communism like Solzhenitsyn's Archipelago
it used to be on archive.org but it looks like it was removed

but its still on libgen
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Totalitarian regimes are all birds of a feather.
Contemplate the homosex that would go on in there
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>how the sausage is made
What are you fucking weirdoes spazing out over? Obviously they need to be able to shut the doors from the outside when they’re not in use. I don’t see what is particularly wrong with these things, they just seem like cheap fallout shelters. What kind of fallout shelters do your butthurt belt countries provide?
Reminds me of https://vocaroo.com/nUt57wURU0C
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Ones that don't turn people into glue.
>"A cube is a cube!"
They used to be scary when they worked.
These are obviously blast/overpressure shelters that reduce the effective range of nukes. Larger nukes have an overpressure kill radius that is larger than the radiation kill radius. Furthermore, for maximum air blast diameter, they are detonated at such height above ground that they produce little ground based fallout, and that which comes from the bomb is sucked up in the stratosphere by the super hot air rising afterwards.
I doubt these will even be bolted to the ground, people are going to die from these pieces of shit tumbling around.
But I guess they're excellent as hysteria fuel, which is probably their true intended use.
They're probably planning on selling access to those too.
Or forcing everyone into them.
>butthurt belt
You really can't help but reveal yourself by constantly falling back on cliches only you dumb vats use.
Most (practically all) shelters aren't meant to withstand direct, or even near, hits
>Please Hammer Don't Cube 'Em
doesnt matter, they all live in tel aviv or switzerland.
>sounds like the nazis got some of their ideas from the russians

They literally did. The gas chamber trucks ware soviet inventions, nazis just copied them.

Before the invasion of 1941, they ware BBF's and exchange of technology & methods flourished.
Anon, do you know why we use a russian word "pogrom" for this specific act?
>walls 300mm thick
>happens to be the size and shape of a standard intermodal container
>weighs enough to demolish any unsuspecting crane/loader/trailer
Yeah I totally believe you that they're actually filled and not just Potemkin pretend shit.
Between the 1939 invasions on Poland and Operation Barbarossa Gestapo and NKVD cooperated a lot, sharing both prisoners and torture techniques.
You're saying you've never worked a job that you know is pointless, your boss probably knows is pointless, but whoever writes the paychecks doesn't know is pointless?
Obviously you are wrong about everything

Patent of this shelter BTW
>The infrastructure of the former USSR in Russia lacks nuclear shelters
>This is theater to scare the west
The answer is
>Larger nukes have an overpressure kill radius that is larger than the radiation kill radius. Furthermore, for maximum air blast diameter, they are detonated at such height above ground that they produce little ground based fallout, and that which comes from the bomb is sucked up in the stratosphere by the super hot air rising afterwards.
>These are obviously blast/overpressure shelters that reduce the effective range of nukes.
They're incredibly shitty at that too. The support struts are too exposed and provide too much aerodynamic drag.There's a good chance of the whole thing being torn from the ground and knocked over. The concrete blocks might help but they'll probably just get shoved right through the thin corrugated steel walls. Those things are designed for vertical compression, not penetration resistance.

The irony is that all they have to do is to bolt some steel panels to the outside of the struts to give a nice sloped surface to divert the blast. The extra space could even be used for water storage, providing some heat resistance as well as vital resources after a bombing.
Waste of interior space. It would be better to install armor plates on the outside after the shelter is in place.
topkek, you'd have better survavibility and radiation shielding just diving into the nearest public pool or river.
I'm not sure my body can handle such doses of heavy metals.
god i love Dumbledore-posting.
Dumbledore said calmly.
>hear the warning siren
>run in to shelter with bag of cheetos the state gave you for having your son die in the war
>hear boom in the distance
>is it a rocket or a nuke who knows?
>exit shelter
>can't tell if your town was nuked or if just average Russian town
Does M stand for meat? If so, it's incredibly funny. If not, then i suppose KUBs A through L failed, which is also funny.
>Nuke sirens sound
>Get to nearest fallout shelter
>Door is locked by order of The State.
>Die in blastwave.
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Pathetic. Honestly better of in a WW2 Bong Underground Station.
>cargo container support blocks
Won't need to if they use the side blocks to hold up the top but this is russia so I'm expecting a catastrophe in one way or another.
You'd die anyways when the blastwave hits the container. Fallout shelter, not bomb shelter.

nahhh there are nuclear capable tanks with thinner armor.

you don't know shit. Get outta here kid
Soviets have been lying and cheating and jewing since the year 800
>15 beds
>54 "people" farting it up

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