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I bet you're getting tired of seeing this gun edition

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what is the 1911 equivalent of the "25 cent trigger polish job" for glocks?

at least it's not a px4
The logo looks like it would be on the cover of some 90s superhero comic.
Cool gun though.
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There really isn’t, what’s wrong with your trigger? What would you need to improve?

Maybe, lowering hammer spring to 17 pounds if it’s a 9mm 1911.
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buying a 1911 just like the one your dad and his dad had and the one his dad had and also the one his dad had is the equivalent of being a giant fucking mongoloid that only eats grilled cheese sandwiches.
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>saying LEEJUN BAD is as stupid as buying it
there are known issues with the finish you are paying more money for. leejun is bad, but unironically
it just feels gritty, like something somewhere needs to be deburred and polished, but i dont know enough about 1911s to know exactly what
How does this even happen? Isn't it just cerakote?
Is the new pp overpriced?
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>blow back .32 ACP costs more than my LTT'd PX4 Inox
cool it with the antisemitism anon. it's PVD
Between this and the PDP-F I think Walther has the shittiest pricing and marketing in the world. To the point where they seem like a delusional company. Imagine being a Walther engineer putting out this cool shit and you're cursed with retard execs shilling 100 year old guns in a niche caliber for $1000 or saying objectively improved ergonomics are for women only.
Does anyone pay the list price?
pp gang
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Oh shit, works on my machine. I don’t know too much about the legion models but my legion finish is flawless. I had issues with the non-legion finish parts, but not with the legion gray parts.
>constantly replying to wholly unrelated posts in a desperate attempt to stay relevant
I like the model and I’m happy they brought it back in the full size original caliber it was designed for but it feels a bit much around $900
The PDP-F situation truly baffles me. Every single person I've seen review or handle the gun states it has a superior grip to the regular PDP, but because of their terrible marketing, it simply fizzled out.
I've never been in the military and Sig's Legion stuff is so aggressively military I feel like it would be stolen valor buying one. I'm sure they're fine but they're aimed at a very embarrassing crowd I don't want to be associated with.
it's over, berettabros
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I'm gunna cum.
i want to trade my canik for a .380 PPK. i'm moving downtown and i'm gonna be surrounded by niggers. what other pistols should i look into? i hate LCP's and s&w shields. i'm not trying to be a bubba ass fudd. a nice stainless PPK is what fancies me.
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The 80x is objectively a better gun.
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Maybe it doesn’t look good but cured leather has superb retention
>I am going to be surrounded by niggers so I want to trade in my reliable double stack 9mm budget gun for an unreliable single stack .380 expensive gun and I hate the cheaper more reliable more concealable budget option and the cheaper more reliable just straight up better option
You are going to be anally raped by niggers and then they'll kill you and steal your shitty gun and your Star Wars wallet
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Can I have it, please?
They can get away with it when the benchmark blowback 32 is the Tomcrack
PP is 380 sized. Get 380 to minmax
I like my stainless .380 PPK, but for your use case I would recommend a larger calendar with higher capacity. They often move in packs, after all.
Do any of the new micro 9mms appeal to you? The Sheild Plus looks pretty good.
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take it apart and see what's going on in the channel where the trigger rides in, could just be debris or the finish in the channel is gritty. You could polish it or just lube it. Lube will eventually attract grime so it'll need to be cleaned, regardless eventually you'll need to clean it.

i just know how they operate

"heyo senpai! watchu got goin on cuh! lemme holla at u fo a dollah! let's go to an ATM! what shoes is them!" etc.

i'm not gonna get steamrolled for my lucky Rei star wars funko pop etsy created wallet.
The PP sure is more aesthetically pleasing than your gay gun
Pride is a SIN anon
>read some nra self defense stories on the website
>in the 50s - 60s lots of avg joe American business owners, house wifes, grandmas, shooing burglars with 32 automatics.

very interesting! I wonder if they were ww2 bring backs or what.
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So is Gluttony.
Yeah, that's not weird and gross at all.
What's that silver subcompact 1911 ya got there anon? That's sexy.
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Detonic's Combat Master, the first subcompact/compact 1911.
Very pretty. How does it shoot? Is it reliable? Never heard of Detonics before now.
Thanks, brah. You've got good taste, outside of me adding the stainless/metal parts I mentioned, what upgrades would you recommend? I'm not big on the rubber grips but I'm not sure what I should switch them out for. Thinking of black plastic grips with silver screws but maybe wood? Not sure.
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Bending the sear spring to tweak takeup/sear/grip safety weights. It's free and you can make a big difference. A $30 ebay trigger with an overtravel screw would be another cheap and relatively easy step

Messing with sear/hammer engagement surfaces is spooky, personally it's the one thing I will not do myself. As fun as a BRRRRT may be I don't want it happening against my will

That just looks like the sides were wetted with water or oil and it seeped only to the edges of the rail slots. Most of the rest of the pics look like abuse lol the Legion finish isn't very good but at least be realistic, dropping a gun on gravel or whatever happened in those pics would damage ANY finish put over soft aluminum

Have ye tried Tamarind?

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I might pick one up. I really enjoy my Hellcat and I see this as a big brother to it.
They were very likely Colts and stuff.
Only fired a few hundred out it, it was 100% reliable, but the lack of a grip safety, the recoil springs only lasting 300 rounds, ZERO spare parts available for the proprietary recoil spring assembly. All that made me not want to carry it.

If you grip it right it doesn't hurt at all to shoot, the lack of a beaver tail means you can choke TOO high on it and get hammer/slide bite + .45 recoil in a subcompact right into the webbing of your thumb.

I wanted to post fat anime titties, that was the point.
Hammer boosting. Cock the (unloaded) gun, push against the hammer with your thumb using medium pressure and pull the trigger. This process can be repeated until the desired result is achieved. If your gun has a good trigger already its likely this wont do much
Do it. I want one but I'm not in a spot where I need to buy any more guns.
I tried one of these fairly recently and liked it. It has the Glock grip angle. The optics system is cool. The controls are all very simple and straightforward. It seems pretty well thought out.
But this gun has no support. At all. Like it's a modular platform but Springfield hasn't even announced a compact grip. It has literally nothing. In fact them putting out the XD Mod 3 instead of doing anything with the Echelon is even more disheartening. Do they even care?
oh yea true. i always figured that was the 1900 1910s era
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I wish my PP was stainless.
Name me one feature it lacks from the 2011 design.

Icarus precision has aluminum frames for it that are pretty neat. Folks with the echelon love it.
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I’m okay with having a small PP
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Can't go wrong with an LTT trigger bar or the whole TJIAB. Wood would definitely give you some more color! If you're trying to avoid the Samurai Edge comparison though, maybe not.

To be honest, the 3 flavors I bought have been sitting on a shelf for about 6 months. I'm not a big soda drinker. Finally decided to crack them open. They're okay! Probably won't be seeking them out again anytime soon.
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Can't figure out why but no handgun design strikes me as visually perfect. Its this the gun equivalent of porn addiction desensitization?
I'd expect more support from Springfield though.
I liked the Echelon I handled but it is worrying Springfield doesn't seem to give a shit. Just something to think about.
I have poor taste in manufacturers, and I'm OK with that.
>wanting my launch edition 80x
No! It came in a very nice leather case and I’m very fond of it!
Dangerously based. Though I prefer lime myself.
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Have you been treated for your homosexuality yet?
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Forgot pic
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Same, but when I do it's Tamarind >>>> Lime > whatever else. Give one a try, it's totally unlike any other soft drink you've had!

Presented without comment.
Yeah berretta has the opposite problem with the apx. No 3rd party support, just the first party frames in different sizes and limited colours.

Sig has earned this communities ire for good reason, but they have basically written the blueprint on how to support your serialized FCU product. I just wish other manufacturers weren't too stupid to follow Sig's path.
The other side I am curious
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Here's your 2011 bro
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>Messing with sear/hammer engagement surfaces is spooky, personally it's the one thing I will not do myself.
for me it's the opposite, but that's probably because i've mostly fucked around with glocks/clones. you can't possibly polish a glock part enough to fuck it up, but when you start bending shit you better know what the fuck you are doing
The Tisas should be at least okay.
The Taurus, not so much.
Hey thanks man. Where did you put the rest of it?

The only correct stack rank of jaritos desu. Strawberry is a great mixer though.
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muh dream cc pistole:
>paddle release (non-ambi)
>glock style striker mechanism (with striker control device, cry about it)
>3 finger grip (15+1 rounds of 9mm)
>1.5 stack mag
>aluminum frame
>dust cover w/o rail (cry about it)
>non-ambi slide release
>rear slide serration only
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> I bought a 92 inox nib with no lawyer text that's gonna show up next week
If a company made this they would sell like 10 copies. I cannot imagine a more niche combination of desires. The only one that is crying is you anon, for you will never see your dream pistol.

You might as well have said your dream pistol buys you chocolate after it fucks you.
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I've yet to put rounds through the Tisas, got it recently and I'm still waiting on my fucking ammo order to show up. Been fingerfucking it and so far feels pretty good for a $500 gun.
The Taurus is...fine, I guess. I've put plenty of rounds through it over the years. At one point it had an issue with the safety sticking, but that seems to have been solved with age and better grips. It's very picky about mags.
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You're out of luck with the striker control mechanism, but the rest of your post has me wondering why Kahr has not tried to update the K9 with a doublestack version. They're one of the few companies still selling a small 9mm with a metal frame, and more options in that category are always nice.
wait, the Nightstalker is optic cut
>there are known issues with the finish you are paying more money for.
Legions haven't had the PVD finish since that first run they fucked up, they're been all cerakote now for years. I don't even think there's any point to the Legions anyway since they refreshed the Elite models with optic cuts so all you're getting now is G10s and cringe lifestyle branding but at least get that part right.
>he doesn't go to the monthly Legion luncheon at the local Sig Academy
>Kahr has not tried to update the K9 with a doublestack version.
they make shit guns that destroy themselves and everybody knows it. you put up with that when they were the only option for ccw. the second other guns of that size came out everyone dropped em.
if they made a doublestack it would be the worst one on the market.
Yesn't. The ones with a threaded barrel get an RMSc cut and suppressor height sights. Basic Nig Stalker gets standard novaks and comes uncut.
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wtf I didn’t get the luncheon invite
>cry about it
>cries about it
uh nuh he didn't
I’m convinced people who want smaller, thinner handgun grips don’t know how to actually shoot
I’m a terminal handlet and even I need the additional backstrap on my glocks/walthers, because you can’t get enough support hand purchase without it
People who like the PDP-F grip don’t shoot it, and if they do, they don’t shoot it well
Handgun friends:

I picked up a PSA Dagger not that long ago, but it's a full-size so I don't think it's really a good option for a carry gun.

I saw PSA has a Black Friday deal on a SAR9 CX, with the whole kit for $250. I want to know what you guys think of it, whether it's worth it, since the gun itself has mounting screws but isn't optics cut, and while it seems to be a Glock clone-ish, I'm not sure if it takes aftermarket Glock parts/mags?
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Pls no
They have dagger compacts and G3Cs for around the same price
>I’m convinced people who want smaller, thinner handgun grips don’t know how to actually shoot
that is correct yes
Yeah, I actually struggle some times with how thin a 1911 is. I need to put fat grips on them.
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What does one thing have to do with the other? You can be a good shooter while also trading inferior shootability for a much smaller package. Just because it's less than ideal doesn't make you "not shoot well." Maybe if you stipulated something truly tiny like an LCP, but your example is literally just a compact lol

What a loony take.
Someone get this faggot off /arg/ this is your containment zone
stiletto pro II yes/no?
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Ion posted a Walther P99 video and almost every single mechanical aspect he discusses is incorrect. I'm about to FREAK out right now.
>Kicked from 109 threads
>Definitely not his fault
Give us a burtdown
Duh, he’s just repeating Wikipedia articles and pretending he’s an expert. I would never believe anything that someone whose favorite WWII era guns are from France says.
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I can't deal
Please don't OD on opiates.
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LOL nice edit as always man. This one still makes me chuckle.
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can i play?
>they make shit guns that destroy themselves and everybody knows it.
This is actually a new one for me. QRD?
>If you're trying to avoid the Samurai Edge comparison though, maybe not.
Maybe I'll just end up with something really close to it, lmao. They got the aesthetics knocked out of the park, for sure. I like RE but not enough to get the medallion grips.
Suffer as we have

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