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What is your favourite star wars gun and why is it the DLT-19?
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so good 2 of the best bounty hunters use it
pure sex
the t21 is also great too
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based 4lom, love him and zuckuss
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I actually have quite the collection of tastes for Star Wars blasters and firearms,
The DLT-19 is certainly up there among my favorites, though I had personal experience with the BlasTech Medium Repeater in Star Wars D6, and it did not disappoint me at all, though of course neither holds a candle to the Baragwin Heavy Repeater, but then again few things do in terms of raw firepower.
But I think my personal favorite has to be either C-10 Dragoneye Reaper, and the WESTAR-35 pistols
The former's little more than a sawed off blaster rifle with a pistol stock to it, a brute handcannon that outstrips even the DL-44 in terms of sheer damage it can inflict onto a single target,, basically a .50 caliber pistol to its .44 Magnum,. Meanwhile the Westar-35's brutalist aesthetic, combined with its keen accuracy, makes it an excellent choice as well, even if its not as powerful as the former.
Do you have any books you recommend for blasters? I started getting into the EU books last week with the thrawn trilogy and loved it I ordered 10 more different EU books
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Close but no. The DLR-20A is the peak Star Wars rifle. Featured in the original movies, best games, and LEGO figures. Looks badass and based off the Stg-44.
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IG88 used one
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Also used by the coolest clone trooper design. Scout troops for life.
The Star Wars FFG RPG books are pretty good with blasters and gadgets, its where the C-10 came from and the WESTAR-35's stats were from.
Also this. And IG is such a badass
for me

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>favourite star wars gun
>not the Galaxy Gun
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I love the EU so much
Girl is cute, but what the hell is that ship outside the window? It's like someone stuck Y-wing engines where a TIE fighter's wings are supposed to go.
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For me, it's the SE-14C.

Two scopes, for double the accuracy!
T-21B is pretty cool.
Thats not some girl, thats Leonia Tavira! put some respect on her name!. Seems like a Ywing with a TIE pilot

love the t21, wish I had a small ship with an armoury I could have a few in there, theyre only 2000 credits

The DH-17 is underrated as an in-game weapon and an in-universe PDW.
doesn't count
that's exactly what it is, the TYE-Wing
it's just as much of a POS as you think
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>The DH-17 is underrated as an in-game weapon and an in-universe PDW.
Very nice, I would like a couple on my small ship
The Westar M5 is my favorite, at least for rifles. Only shows up a few times in the EU, mostly in the hands of ARC troopers.
For pistols it's either the DL18 or the DE-10.
looks fearsome, would destroy a lot of enemies
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If you're not choosing the crossbow laser grenade launcher, you're doing shit wrong.
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Peasants and Philistines, all of you.
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>twf when no big tiddy Moff gf.
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And its long gun cousin.
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There's only one Star Wars gal for me.
Imagine being a bazillionaire crime lord with a tittymonster assassin droid.
Are you implying you wouldn't do the same? Because I sure as shit would. Xizor was pure class.
No, no, no. By "imagine" I meant "wouldn't it fucking rule"

I would have two with opposite color schemes
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I think the Amban Phase-Pulse Blaster looks fucking stupid, but Christ is its effect cool. If your rifle doesn't commit at least five war crimes a day, is it even worth loading?
lol if I remember SotE right, Guri alone damn near bankrupted Xizor.
>Star Wars thread
>actual conversation and it didn’t just immediately devolve into DURRR SOIWARS REDDIT MUH GLUP SHITTO MANBABIES STOP HAVING FUN REEEEE
Nature is healing

Based. I fucking love the DH-17 it’s literally the setting equivalent of an Uzi or MP7 or something
I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I am excited for Skeleton Crew coming out next month, Jude Law will be kino
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I like the more primitive rifles
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Based. I love ridiculously long rifles that can be used as a staff, club, spear, boat oar, pry bar, pole vault, and occasionally a rifle with an effective range of 3 zip codes. Honestly I didn’t mind the sand people episodes of Book of Boba.
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>Say hello to my friends Mr. Smith and Mr. Ootini
I liked the krayt dragon from the show

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>giant fuck off scopes
>everyone just shoots one handed and no one bothers to try to aim anyway
gosh I heckin love sci-fi.
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I need shin hati gf
Growing up I always liked the Empire, now I am starting to like the Rebel Alliance
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based hati bros
>they use the force duh
>”the dark side of the force is a path to abilities some would consider… unnatural.”
>Anytime Luke is filled with rage he uses two hands on his weapon to great effect

Kino, pottery, etc
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The FWG-5 Flechette Smart Pistol, fire’s proximity detonated pellets filled with millimetre long darts that are able to shred most standard armour.

>Oouuuhhhh, bratty warlord in need of correction!
desu I always preferred twileks
Don't post this ugly faggot shit.
E11 is the GOAT, forever
Hope Carano absolutely rapes Disney in her wrongful termination suit.
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She has been coming along quite nicely
cope, Shin hati is love
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DC-15 for me. It's the blaster with an option for every situation, like a Star Wars version of a Phaser.
yeah it is a good one desu
Shin is sex. I love crazy quiet girls.
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All original trilogy weapons were navmeshed real weapons. What was the EE-3?
This with the first phase of Clone armor. Dropship me onto Geonosis, I am ready
Webley signal pistol turned into a riot gun.
Just the one.
you mean nifskoped? navmesh is short for navigation mesh
Are zoomers retarded? Don't they know words?
You people are in a sci-fi gun thread and have never modded New Vegas? Sad.
I don't use nifskope'd mods because I'm not a 12 year old who wants to use a kitbashed ugly-ass make-believe gun, you unbelievable fucking faggot.
I accept your concession, young infantile male.
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The DC-17m might be my favorite for carbine length blasters. That is ignoring the ability to turn it into a sniper rifle or anti-tank weapon in seconds, shit is ridiculous.
The base design is just very pleasing.

Truly a sad reality we live in.
Man I'm way too down bad for imperial chicks in positions of power.
This is fucking mint
yeah that one is pretty hard to beat. Enough real gun to make it feel realistic and grounded but stripped of the mags and enough stuff added to make it feel foreign and new. Aside from the Mandalorian no one in star was has really managed this since the prequels.
It doesn't seem like accuracy is as important as suppressive fire in star wars since ammo capacity is so large. They're probably more uplinks to the HUD of helmets

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>>giant fuck off scopes
It was built around a flare pistol
Forgot pic
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I've sometimes debated the ethics of mutilating a genuine C96 and turning it into a functioning DL-44
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Why did they make it a sandworm?
Now it's possible with a replica, but crazy to think that they mangled real ones in the OT.
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dont know, only show that was good was andor
The high ammo count is offset by having less accuracy than a musket.

>inb4 some fag tries to conflate rounds per kill with suppressing fire to Star Wars people missing at twenty feet standing out in the open
Is it ever explained why laser weapons need magazines? I'm asking legitimately.
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Star Wars "Blaster" Weapons aren't lasers despite being called that by some characters. They're super heated plasma bolts. Some weapons like the spider droid gun and the death star's superlaser are actual lasers, those have a core that must recharge after use.
They're batteries, and blasters work by exciting a special gas with a laser which is then what comes out of the barrel in a plasma state. The gas also needs to be refilled, though depending on the blaster model the gas and power pack are combined into a single cartridge.
Most military-grade blasters will have between 200-500 shots which is typically enough to last a single firefight without having to reload, with fancier ones like the DC-15 having variable power settings which lets you chose how much oomph you want your shots to have at the cost of using up more gas/power.
So are lasers stronger than blasters in Star Wars?
Yeah much stronger, they're used to take out deflector shields and heavily armored targets. They take a huge amount of power and run dry quick though.
Well not like most were overly rare back then.
Afaik the main reason why they used surplus guns for the movie was as a cost saving measure.
These days using a DL-44 replica is the cheaper option, or maybe souping up an airsoft replica.

SW is kinda inconsistent with that, blasters, blaster cannons, laser cannons and turbolasers use the same principle of heating gas, with the lore difference being that blasters use an electric charge while the stronger lasers weapons use a laser to heat the gas.
Continuous beam weapons like on the LAAT/I, OG-9 and SPHA-T are probably not true lasers either, the latter explicitly uses a turbolaser while the others are supposed to have continuous beam laser cannons.
In old EU lore even the death star super laser, which visually looks like the other continuous beam weapons, was composed of "exotic matter beams", whatever that is supposed to mean, and then we have all the proton beam weapons which are something completely different.
SW, especially with all the lore changes, is never really reliable with these things though.

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