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What do you think about Anduril industries? is it just a joke or something real?
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fuck off logisticstard. where were your vaunted logistics when a few ambush tactics popped your tankers on week 1?
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Not sure what you are on about. But Sustainment is one of the key war fighting functions. You would know that if you weren't a keyboard komando.
It's ONE of them. One among many. Not the end-all be-all replacement making everything else irrelevant.
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>We need more wonderwaffles to stop the zigger orc hoarde.
>Logistics is a minor consideration.
Front company for glowies

If you're a serious defense/arms company, you'd put your name to it

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Subtle, too subtle for these mounthbreathers.
Literally the best thread on /k/ right now.
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Yes, but you’re trying to shoot and not make it cum.
maybe I am

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Who's cooler?

>Fighter pilots
>Gunship pilots/gunners
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I feel like tankers and attack helicopters are the only two things that become as equally as dangerous of a job to do as that of being an infantryman in a high intensity conflict. Which gives them all a rad coolness factor. Can't imagine having to do the helicopter equivalent of "I'm up, he sees me, I'm down" against enemy AAA and MANPAD's behind a ridge or tree line while you blow up multiple enemy IFV's, tanks and groups of infantry; all while dodging streams of AAA fire coming at you.

The only similar thing I can think of for something dangerous like that for a fighter pilot would be in an air to air fight where the BVR missile joust misses on both sides and you have multiple fighters getting within heatseeker and gun range of each other or a guy accidentally flying over a SAM site and having to dodge like ten missiles coming at him. But shit like that barely happens. And usually when it does, it's not really considered as "apart of the job" but rather as a "somebody fucked up".
That stayed the same up to the Vietnam war. Again, you're comparing two very different things. The Airforce will have you go to the academy while things like attack helicopters are a US Army or USMC thing that have entirely different training pipelines.
I read from /k/ that Apache pilots are just cope rejects who failed fighter pilot school
That sounds more like you read it on r*ddit kind of thing because that doesn't make any sense at all. You're dealing with entirely separate branches all together along with very different types of aircraft. I'm sure in the Airforce if you prove to be kind of shit, they probably wont put you in an F-22 but rather something like a C-130 or a Globemaster. They're not gonna tell you to change branches all together where the Army then happily receives all of the Airforce's rejects.
Low tier loyalty
With hundreds of gurkhas ready to bail his ass
Only flew "safe" combat missions, not the ones where he has a real chance of getting shot at much less shot down
Admirable but he was more badass when he was with a recon team where he's actually out in front

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>there were no xboxhueg bunkers on omaha beach
Why has almost every piece of media from Saving Private Ryan to Medal of Honor lied about this?
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>battle in the sandpit south of Veghel
more on this? from what I searched it was the 501st 1st battalion and not the 506th's 2nd
501st was actually in Veghel, 506th came in south of them. There were two German kampfgruppe they had to stop and, to simplify it, 501st handled the north group and 506th tackled the south group.
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but you literally can, you double niggers
Not when I was there in June.
they were probably fixing the place up after sleepy joe went there to play around
the whole week was a pain in the ass for regular history nerd tourism

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They call him the fastest gun in the west wing of the retirement home. What was granpappy carrying?

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looks like that police department is using springfield xdm elite pistols
yes. there's a reason kenya can unfuck itself and baltimore cant
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>noooo you can't just know about things your actually retarded for knowing things

ass-blasted boomer detected. When did you get here, 2016?
thanks for sharing this unreal story with me today lol
shine on you weathered gemerald
>It took him half an hour to draw that weapon.
Maybe he's just Southern

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Previous: >>62073365

Hoping to answer an anon (>>62138493) here who had a question in the gun trivia thread (>>62130249).
>If I remember correctly, they were intended to increase hit probability. Possibly during the SPIW program.
>Duplex 5.56 rounds were experimented on as well.
>Did not know about .50 duplex and its pretty cool you own one. Where did you get it?
Oddly found it in a box of random rounds that AFAIK a guy bought at auction. He had a box of loose rounds that I assume came from ammo collectors (those who collect oddball calibers or interesting loads). One week I come by and see he has some random stuff out with pretty fair prices. IIRC I didn't pay more than $5 at most and struggle to find so much as another picture of one. One or two small pics used to come up years ago but seem to have been pushed down the image results page. I have some oddball calibers I hadn't previously heard of in storage somewhere that came from the same guy. IIRC someone lucky pulled a really impressive looking shiny 408 Cheytac when I was hanging around which I suspect came from the same guy.
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I asked this before but forgot. What % should I sell my once-fired brass for compared to new brass?
What type and how much?
It doesn't matter.
they are trying (and failing) to make pistols have rifle terminal ballistics. there isn't the barrel length and powder charge necessary to get up into the velocities and energy levels.
Okay then. Sell it for 5 cents a piece.

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It's 1945. The Nazi's valiant struggle against the ancient ones is no longer tenable as the Allies have liberated the sacrifice camps. Unknown horrors and an excruciating death awaits you. What is your loadout and plan for such occasion?
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What is it that makes eldritch things during the 40s so kino?
How does one equate Orthodox icons to occult summons? Are you retarded?
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I prefer the 30s myself

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HKfags assemble. I feel the need to fall for the USP meme. It needs to be 9 mm sadly because money (I just had a fourth kid and stuff). Which 9 mil USP would you go for ? Btw I know every other modern HK is better but things are what they are, aesthetic matters.

Also HK general.
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Now put one of them to your temple
The gun is becoming aware and soon will kill
Day 1,523 of manifesting a USP 2.0 in 10mm with a proper rail. Day 1,523 of knowing it will never happen and that HK hates that I exist
Theres the MP10, superior in every way to the .45
Contact HK Customer Service for a custom piece. Inform them that price is of no issue.

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Is it normal for a nations military to use civilian applications like discord to communicate? This is a russian UAV command
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Would assume that discord is owned by NSA through PRISM. Pretty dumb to be using it for the russians.
>MIRC, that I know of.
i remember getting a chuckle from that when i learned about it 20-odd years ago. but that was back in the boomer era. they have far more competent things to use today.
i think ukraine mostly uses a custom android app as sort of a freeware BFT with chat feature. they developed it before the war for artillery spotting.
IRC is just a protocol, you can use it just fine with opsec maintained.

SLACK apps look the same
Sure it’s just that Ukraine started the war with limited resources, it isn’t a surprise for them to rely on it. Didn’t expect the 2nd military of the world to fall so low so quickly.

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Post precision rifles. Discuss optics, rifles, cartridges, shooting tips, etc.
>some basic resources
>previous thread
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The new garmin xero seems to work for me really well and is very convenient to use, I used to use a magneto speed which worked well but is a bit cumbersome. You strap it to the barrel so you shouldn’t really use it all the time, there’s jigs you can get so it’s not touching your barrel. Labrador came out with a new mini chrono also that’s supposed to be good.
You can probably get a magneto speed or the old huge Labrador chrono’s cheap because everyone’s selling them for the new pocket sized ones. Just stay away from the old ones with the rabbit ears because they are a pain in the ass to use.
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Going out tomorrow and Sunday with this thing, been a while since I shot ELR last so it'll be fun. Need to upgrade the scope sooner rather than later though.
Sure looks real fun, and good to see some budget quality glass too to get started with.
Apparently barrels with threads that don’t match up with the receiver.
>being into precision shooting but not owning a lathe

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>kel tec rfb
>tavor t7
I want a .308 bullpup and these are the only ones worth a damn apparently. 18.5 inch vs 16 inch respectively, which is the better bullpup battle rifle? Does the tavor win by virtue of using AR10 mags alone, given how rare good FAL mags are? Pic semi related
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>.308 bullpup
unironically consider the K&M M17S
I'm jelly. Might see my barrel and scope next week though.
Ive never heard of this, what mags does it take and how does it fare in durability and accuracy?
It's an old Bushmaster design where they attempted to make a bullpup AR. It shares trigger components with it and takes SR25 mags. They have some reliability issues from what I remember, not sure about accuracy. I was in the market for one but decided against it. If I wanted to finally fulfill my .308 bullpup niche I'd get it or the WLVRN. It seemed good despite the reported issues, which I don't even remember anymore but DYOR.

I'm waiting on PSA to come around to a Jakl bullpup, that would be tits but way down the road unfortunately. At least they actually deliver.
I think ill stick with the t7, still got my eye on the rfb though but if i get more money ill look into it some more. Doesnt seem like theres much production on them but you can order them directly which is cool

Fancy ones, too. There's an RFP. Here it is.
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>The agency has been unable to win funding for even some top priorities. It has never secured the $8 million or more it would need to build a White House replica on the service’s Beltsville, Md. training grounds — despite pushing for nearly a decade to avoid having their agents train on an empty field.

>“You wouldn’t ask your Super Bowl champs to go out and train in a parking lot,” said Ms. Cheatle, who tried to renew the push for a replica, in an interview in May.

>Instead, dozens of agents settled for a series of visits to movie producer Tyler Perry’s studio in Atlanta, which is a model of the White House. They even ran a training exercise there, an agency official said.
they want the mrad and so they've set up the requirements so the mrad is the rifle that does the thing they want.
> ultrasonic
well, there goes any aluminum.
theyre going to end up some 15 pound pig of a rifle.
i disagree, with the infinite budget secret service likely just got access to they should be adding in any small thing that can make a rifle perfect
Explain why an SR25 and an AR-15 for the spotter would not be sufficient. The only exception would be a .50 cal for occasions when they are worried about vehicles however they're primary plan in every situation is to remove their protectee from the situation and let local cops deal with it.

The secret service would be much better off spending money on drones with AI that can rapidly ID suspicious individuals and objects.

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Another police officer almost dies because bullets don't come out of a glock when the trigger is pulled.

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5.56 cucks? How did we lose against 9mm?
I thought we were talking about the webm sorry im retarded.
I have watched a bunch of cop shootout vids:

- police actually aim and fire while criminals tend to fire wildly
- police have body armor so they sometimes take a handgun round to the chest and live. Criminals not so mich.
- police are in pairs or more while criminals are solo

That is mostly it. Man without armor with a 556 vs muliple cops will thpically lose.
9mm bros just keep on winning
Would officers do better with a TMP?

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It's a shooter game, but mostly focused around serious roleplay. Chatting, doing actions, etc. everything is mostly written.
The lore is a little like this: there is a war between the west and Russia/China, and Russia/China win. Europe is divided into two halves - most of eastern Europe is controlled by regimes similar to Lukashenko, there are significant repressions. The game is set in eastern Europe.
It's kind of like Half-Life 2 in some ways. So what guns would work for a setting like this? The year is 2052 or something like that.
I want to keep the amount of guns small. So what do you suggest? I was thinking USP Match because it looks cool and is iconic, HK433 because it looks futuristic.
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Nato weapons are smuggled in and also used by mercs which is why there's 5.56 guns and molle equipment/90s-00s swat vests in the zone in the first place monolith uses home made as 74us.
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KS-23 obrez
Just make up your own guns, keep it practical.

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Is the katana a good zombie survival weapon?
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For me it's the kanabo, the thinking man's zombie skull smashing tool.
>hospitals were empty
I don't know why you'd think anyone would engage with you when you are so clearly completely detached from reality, or is this a directive to reject the evidence of my eyes and ears?
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remember the reefer trailer morgues during covid?
>in the vast majority of cases hospitals were empty despite cases rising to previously declared apocalyptic levels
Why lie on an anonymous imageboard
waiting for >>62149590 to explain away this happening in multiple cities

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