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>germans name most of their armored vehicles after big cats
>germans also happen to be raging furfags

what did they mean by this
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the fuck is a bearcat?
cats are cool fuck you
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>forgetting the F-14 Tomcat
Because felines are the most potent predators.
The other vehicles have names fitting their roles.
Keiler/Boar = digs up the ground for mines
Biber/Beaver = Lays bridges over rivers
Wiesel/Weasel = Is an extremely nimble small predator
Marder = Was considered really agile and quiet back when it entered service
Kobra/Cobra = Raises it's radar like Cobra it's head has extremely quick reflexes in the sense that it detects projectiles quick and in great masses
Dingo = A domesticated dog that became wild again, fills all roles, man's best friend
Fennek = Small guy with big ears scouting
Dachs/Badger = Digs trenches
Büffel/Buffallo = Tows other vehicles
Mungo = Relatively small nibmle bla
Serval = same
Rabe/Raven = Small, black, observes, like Odin's ravens

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recommend me the best cheap .22lr scope, every site i look at is just an ad or sponsor
i'm currently looking at getting a "leupold vx-freedom 2-7x33mm rimfire scope", i heard they're good scopes
for the scope rings, i'd like to get the "rifleman 1" detachable see-thru", i think they'd pair real nice with the irons
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>Why is it only .22s that get this treatment?
Bull barrels are just a fat rod with a rifled hole down the middle. No one is machining them down by .017" or some shit to get the perfect harmonics. Assuming barrel harmonics are actually important (they're generally not), you're not any less likely to get good harmonics from an arbitrary sized bull barrel with an arbitrary symmetrical fluting pattern than just the arbitrary sized bull on its own. It's all just random luck.
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I just picked up a marlin century limited yesterday and was pretty excited about having another vintage 22 rifle. Got it for really cheap from the used section of a c*abelas. Heres the problem, it does not cycle. For some reason the carrier does not lower enough to catch the round coming out of the tube, making it completely unable to chamber a round. Upon disassembling it, and cleaning/lubing it I still cannot figure out what the issue is. While taken down it appears to cycle just fine, and anywhere where there is friction and contact it is lubed. There should be absolutely no reason that the carrier just decides that it cant make it down an eighth of an inch further. When researching the problem, it seems that its pretty rare as I cannot find anyone else talking about the issue. I am pretty pissed off that I was sold a paperweight. I am sure i can figure it out eventually, but still. I figure thats why I got it for less than half of what they go for at gun shows and for a third of what they go for online.
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yeah its probably that one. I dont have a good photo in sunlight but it does look very cool
Whats the run down on lever actions? Been thinking of getting a .22lr rifle for some plinking and general target shooting on a budget, and New Vegas has made me want a lever gat again. Been thinking of maybe a bolt action too.
>inb4 10/22

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It used to be popular among SOF because
>stopping power (allegedly)
>doesn't go through bodies

But out of all subsonic rounds the .45 ACP is also the loudest. In most practical cases the gun needs to be larger or you'll have less rounds. And since nowadays we have 9x19 rounds that come in all flavors, subsonic, high velocity, heavy, light, HP, standard FMJ, etc.
What is the argument for .45 ACP in 2024?
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serious question

if it's all about muh stopping power, muh big boolit, why did people who like 45ACP never drifted towards other calibers that are fatter and hardier even? like magnum guns have become progressively more shootable and even in the 70s and 80s you could get away with carrying one if you really wanted to.
What are you talking about, if a .45 chad wants a magnum semi he simply converts to the almighty .460 rowland and then the gun can eat anything from 460 to 45 super to 45 socom
25yr old .45fag here, carrying the boomer torch into the future. Will be pressing my children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews into .45fagdom
>reeee but why
Because I like it's a lot of fun to shoot and reload. Simple as
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.45kuGODS stay winning
9jitasissies stay whining
The Glock 21 and USP back in the 90’s pretty much guaranteed it staying around for the indefinite future.

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are guns really not the great equalizer? Do most people who carry just want an excuse to shoot someone?
This post is extremely low quality. Trolling outside of /b/.

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Which one is actually better at stopping a hoodie from jacking your wallet while you're pumping 87 octane at 2AM, regardless of the caliber?
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>Ego check
>The nigger is literally standing in the middle of the only walkway like a complete fucking fag

I didn't know some guns could also be used as screwdrivers.
More likely, probably, but not 'infinitely'. That would mean it's effectively impossible to end up fighting anyone but a cop.
>You are infinitely more likely to get into an altercation with cops than anyone else.
No, not even remotely. Very, very few normal citizens ever get in "altercations" with the cops, or even encounters period. At most it might be a speeding ticket, not that I've had one of those in 27 years either. And then you just act normal and pay your ticket or depending go to court and that's it.

What you're talking about is apparently shooting the cops, since that is the only way taking about IIIA pen makes any sense. Which is fucking retarded and means your life is 99.9% over if you do it. In a normal self defense situation vs a criminal shooting them (and MAYBE they have a partner) is the end of the matter, after that you call law enforcement and go through some level of rigamarole and that's it. If you shoot a cop it summons infinite other cops and then more advanced stuff and you surrender or die.

Thinking some different load means defeating the US government is gay fantasy larp for criminals.
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>The 'extreme penetrator' is a meme, right?
Why don't you ask your mother?

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Anons, with the rise of drone warfare, how do you think infantry training will evolve? Will we see a shift towards more emphasis on anti-drone tactics? Or perhaps a focus on avoidance over combating them? Will it effect the way soldiers are taught to dig trenches?
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You and what batteries nigga?
These things can hardly fly a bomb 2km , now you want to strap a very power hungry computah to it?
Ukranians have networked mics for detecting shahads
Kike scam product
>Starlink runs in whitenoise
>Protocols arent designed with noise in mind
Are you retarded?
They cant jam starlink because the constellation is thousands of sats in LEO at a high frequency, microwave amps in that range are big money not COTS noise sinks + microwave amps resold by chinks.

Dunning kruger post
Not if nobody signs up.
This idea first hit my radar in 2020 when /pol/ was discussing sending a drone equipped with speakers to hover over BLM protests yelling racial slurs. All it takes is to up the level of animosity for the target and that exact scenario is a Boston Marathon bombing conducted with no immediate risk at all to the perpetrator. It seemed obvious that kamikaze drones would be a terrorist's dream in first world countries. People would be legitimately afraid to gather in public if shit like that started happening. Suicidal zealots aren't exactly ten a penny and since the Patriot Act it's mostly lone wolves who are inherently one and done, but with drones you get the same accuracy and public visibility and you can just do it again.
If it occurred to me and you it surely must have occurred to them too. Expect to see it in the next couple of years, most likely in Europe.
>Dunning kruger post
funny that you mention that while posting a prime example of it

I just had a "negligent" discharge at home and I just feel the need to talk about it
I put negligent into quotes because it was straight weird retardness that led to the discharge, not negligence, so story time

At home after dinner, wife is tending to the kids downstairs
Realize I haven't checked on my nightstand pistol for awhile, get it, unload it properly
Point at wall, dryfire it for a bit
Look at the ammo I ejected beforehand, notice the bullet has been pushed a bit into the casing
Wonder if it will still chamber properly, but it back into magazine, insert magazine, rack the slide
And then, probably due to muscle memory due to dryfiring just moments ago, complete braindead moment, I immediately pull the trigger after racking, bang, ringing sound, hole in the wall.
Complete oh fuck moment, wife wasn't too pissed, was relieved I didn't hurt myself or shot a window. I'm usually very safe with guns, always double check them etc...I don't know how to cope with doing something so retarded that could have ended horribly. Does something similar happened to some of you ? The ego hit is horrible, it's gonna be a while before I manipulate my guns with confidence again
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I’ve always wanted to make a table out of one of those wire spools. Looks like you just gave me an even better idea
I rotate my ammo every few months but I noticed I had a stack of 6 AR mags. 3 PMAGs, 3 metal GI mags. These mags had been loaded and sitting for at least over a year, probably longer. I took them to the range and ran through all 6 with zero malfunctions. The whole "don't leave your mags loaded" thing is bullshit and retarded because I've done the same thing with glock mags before. Also you're a fag.
it's not the constant tension that's killing the springs, it's loading and emptying the mags
Exactly. Mechanical wear and tear. Not compression. That was the point I was trying to emphasize.
What is going on here?

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Is there any purpose to owning more than one AR15? Why do people buy the same rifle over and over again? It seems like autism.
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I think you forgot what board you're on

Best explanation I've heard of.
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>if you're rich, and you should put a suppressor on it too
It's only like 800 bucks to do all that (600 if you just tell people it's an SBR), that's basically just the cost of another rifle.
>Who was your buddy?
I bet he looked like pic related
Meh all you really need is one 20" AR in 5.56 with a decent LVPO an IR laser mounted to it and another 16" rifle or 14" pistol chambered in 300BO with whatever your favorite flavor of non shit red dot brand is but if you don't wanna pay or can't afford to to feed your gun 300BO then just a 9mm Glockozine fed PCC AR and accept the limitations that come with it since it's just for home defense anyway and in the scenario someone high on bath salts is trying to eat your face you'd just end up mag dumping them anyway.
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I have multiple AKs but they’re all unique and/or from different contries and eras. I don’t understand why people have the same plastic rifle over and over again.
Don't kid yourself, anon. Owning a half dozen AKs is just as gay as owning a half dozen ARs.

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>Revs up it's Volkswagen 1.9L TDI engine
>Destroys your $5 mil MBT with a Spike missile.
>Refuses to elaborate.
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Yeah, but it's not a Weisel. That's the point. I want kawaii kraut tankette, not big box thing A or B.
uoooh loli tank erotic!!!
It looks cute but that's it. The fucking nightmare it is to keep an actual armed vehicle running with your own spare time and money is insane. Even these >>61593332 are a handful for anyone but the most experienced home mechanics to work on in any real sense
And? If you've got the money to buy one in the first place you've got the money for mechanics. It's not unknown technology (blyat). At worst it's be in the same bracket as owning a supercar.

>civ market
I fucking wish.
I mean armored but whatever

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Who has the better kit?
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>Outer Colonies being allowed to side with anything other than the UNSC
All that reach concept art got used for some halo wars 2 guys, jerome as a dlc commander’s whole gimmick is a spartan team with tactical kit and spartan lasers
The Halo 3 one
>outer colonies siding with the Banished
Did the nook shortage go from using outdated warheads to them being Lostech or something? Because the entire Insurrection started when the UNSC in their infinite wisdom decided to book Far Isle (Ghosts of Onyx btw) Especially now that 343 thinks that hundreds of ships can be built in 4 years in the 3 or so human shipyards that weren’t turned to glass by the end of the war
Halo 3 designs are cartoonish. They look more like toys than anything you would ever see.
UNSC is actually pretty fucked after 5, mass AI rebellion mixed with them getting forerunner super weapons. Cortana also mass genocided the brutes in the process. And as the other guy mention somehow the didact returned and fucked them just as hard. Banished just watched this galactic level of bullshit happen and jumped in last minute to fuck the survivors. All of this because 343 had no idea what they wanted the plot to be and got mogged by creative assembly.

>Hear forever about how awesome Frederick the Great is
>Finally read some books about him
>He repeatedly gambles his army in super risky battles and maneuvers despite knowing he lacks the manpower to adequately replenish his ranks when things go sour.
>He forces his generals to do nigh-impossible tasks that he probably couldn't do himself and then dismisses them when they inevitably fail
>He's as bad a backseat general as Hitler, routinely ruining the plans of his subordinates by giving them orders that are bad not only because he fails to grasp any military situation he's not present to but because his orders occasionally contradicted themselves.
>He's surprisingly unstable. Despite his gambler's mentality, he tends to break down when his bets don't score a jackpot or at least break even. He threatens suicide at least three times and more sober heads like Voltaire or his younger brother Henry had to calm him the fuck down. After his whipping at Kunersdorf, he had a complete meltdown and Henry actually had to take over as commander-in-chief for a while.
>The crushing victories he won at Rossbach and Leuthen were greatly owed to the fact that his opponents were largely incompetent political generals who got their commands thanks to connections to powerful women they knew. Prince de Soubise barely had any significant command experience prior to Rossbach which was his first battle as an independent commander. Charles Alexander of Lorraine is just ass - straight Luigi Cadorna-tier. Whenever Frederick fought competent generals like Daun or Saltykov, those "crushing victories" didn’t happen.
>He ultimately survived only because the tsarina died and Russia sued for peace shortly after, instantly cutting Prussia's enemies in half and turning its two-front war into a single-front one. Basically, he got outrageously lucky at the last minute.

Why is this guy put in the same class as Alexander the Great, Caesar, and Napoleon? He's mid as fuck.

Plus, he's gay.
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Considering that he routinely outran his supply train and often failed to establish proper communications and logistical bases it's makes one wonder whether he cared much for logistics or not
it could be said to be skewed even in that sense going by ratios of the armies themselves. That the percentile rate of losses was high enough. if you loose 50 percent of your forces while the enemy only lost 10 percent despite inflicting far more casualties on them.
Imagine Belgium deciding to make a play to dominate Europe. It invades Germany, then France, then England, then Germany again.
It never scores more than temporary victories, never manages to hold on to conquered territory, but it is never itself invaded, and it keeps winning in pitched battles against all of its opponents, only retreating in the face of superior numbers but never caught, never destroyed.
That's basically what Pyrrhus did. His acumen on the battlefield aside, he was also no slouch in terms of logistics, considering his operations across the adriatic.
He never had the resource base to succeed, and fails at the 'American' model of war, bringing an overwhelming advantage in numbers and economic capacity to bear.
But as a heroic character classical antiquity, accomplishing deed after deed with what little he was given, he is without peer.
He was basically a Hollywood action hero. The kind of character the audience loves, yet couldn't succeed in reality. Not that it stopped him from trying and making a hell of a show out of it.
Everyone routinely outruns their supplies on the offensive, even the truck-glutted Allies. German logistics just tended to be more shit in general with their appalling rate of mechanization, exarcebated by Rommel's fixation on aggressive maneuver over destruction. (Which fucked him over as much as logistics did in the end)
That's a good explanation, thank you based effortposter

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Released. https://youtu.be/2YVcU4d0K5w
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Its a gay man
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ALERT: Homeland security working with New York State police busted a guy for making "Ghost guns." The feds are officially spying on all sorts of shit purely to find reasons on whatever jurisdictional level they can use to arrest people making their own firearms.

“We just basically track internet purchases from eBay, PayPal, Amazon, different various online companies,” Vaughn said. “We get a list every other month, backdated a month, with people purchasing components that could possibly create a ghost gun, like the rails, the 3-D printer.”

tps://arch ive.
ph/2024.05.09-011313/ht tps://www.si

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Will the 3d Aug stuff be for the preban chassis?
It's just the filipino domain. Happens to everything? most things? ph. Use one of the other TLDs.
if you are making a NylAUG, the process will convert your full auto stock into a semi auto stock.

Yeah you dun goofed by buying just the stock. Should've spend the $300 on the Malaysian surplus parts kit, that kit has everything you need.

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Poland thread
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Wow you're so original
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impale whores and castrate niggers

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There was a bretty gud thread the other day about old Propaganda pics that sent me down the old Training Manual Video rabbit hole
So post cool old propoganda/training video here I guess


I suspect a lot of this thread will be from that channel, but eh it's still interesting stuff. At least they have it publicly available even if it does have a big ass timestamp.

As pretty much all threads posted on /k/- Ukraine War end up becoming /pol/ lite, if any vatnig/ukie shills insist on intruding on an an actual /k/ thread please at least do us the honor of posting some old Soviet training videos rather than just blatantly attempting to derail with US politics or TZD posts. (I do like some TZD posting but just do it in another thread ok?)
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extreme meme potential on this one, the others as well to a lesser extent
>its all so tiresome
>As pretty much all threads posted on /k/- Ukraine War end up becoming /pol/ lite, if any vatnig/ukie shills insist on intruding on an an actual /k/ thread please at least do us the honor of posting some old Soviet training videos rather than just blatantly attempting to derail with US politics or TZD posts. (I do like some TZD posting but just do it in another thread ok?)
methinks the faggot interloper OP doth protest too much.
I always thought this one was cool

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Bayonet meta 2024

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if its “wrong” why come most modern 416s I see still got the submarine flashlight?
Is it normal for a barrel to blow up before the gas tube?
And I hope your day goes well too friend
You haven't seen the 416 vs Colt underwater video?
Fuck you. Stupid nigger cunt whore tranny FAGGOT. You have a reddit gun. I hope you feel intimidated chud
I refuse to bicker with you

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