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What army was in such a bad shape that you're amazed the soldiers kept on fighting?
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So you are a nog. Stopped reading there, shitskin. You better hope Trump wins or you are all priority targets.
>Never receive surrender in BFE
I consider it a testament to man's ability to survive.
Yeah. He could have had a regular life, but he is a literal history lesson.
>I consider it a testament to man's ability to survive.
You can literally survive by just walking out and being like so uh...I'm old as fuck now should we just call it?

>but he is a literal history lesson.
In being fucking retarded.
You will never, ever be remembered.
Good, I'm not some freak like you that needs to stream everything I do hoping to god someone notices me.

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AK General /akg/
a Krink and a Drink edition.
>Thread #2040

Old thread: >>62412257
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let us know what happens please
They should have allocated one for you during the layaway process, this is supposed to be how it works. But in the event they retardly oversold then AoA will give you a store credit.
If they did, I don't really want store credit in that case. It's their fuck up so I want my money back.
make sure you tell them that and don't take no for an answer and then invoke "I have retained a lawyer" even if you haven't yet. That shit spooks them into action
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>put cheap rifle on layaway
>finally paid it off
>I have r-retained a l-l-lawyer
>please respond

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Churka bros?
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Israeli glowies probably replaced the windshield with a bomb.
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Amen brother. Although having gone without AC during the tail end of last summer due to some coolant system troubles, I can tell you that's one modern creature comfort I absolutely refuse to give up.

I've had other newer cars before this and I'm sick to the back teeth with computer-related bullshit constantly breaking or not working properly. I see modern cars which are essentially just computers with wheels where the driver may as well not be there and I can't help but wonder how fucked those cars will be 5 years from now. Just look at an old laptop or phone, nothing works properly after a while and it's nearly impossible to fix without forking over $$$$ to a stealership. Makes you wonder what the used car market will look like in a decade, poor people are gonna be totally up shit creek.

The side awnings have been replaced with plastic explosives.
>make false claim that elon musk gifted you a cybertruck, creating a headache for him as he now has to disavow that lie
>be surprised when he also bricks the truck you claimed was a gift from him
I wish my car did this. Maybe the ECU will flash itself thinking its a faster machine. Or at least forget about the trouble codes.
Why the fuck is this shitpost off topic shit still here? Clean it up, janitor.

Allegedly newer management is really trying to sort shit out. Word is new production R92s and R95s reflect that, still some lemons of course but by most accounts if you give the gun a good once over and break it in they tend to work pretty good. Supposedly the action is smoother than on a marlin. The r95 specifically is externally rather similar to a Marlin 1895 but the bolt has an M16 style extractor and a different crossbolt safety that doesn't require a two-piece firing pin. Almost sounds like Marlin is constrained by tradition but Rossi could actually do some innovation. I just ordered the 20" 45-70, we'll see how long I can last before I go buy upgrades from Ranger Point Precision
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You should take her to the range and let her shoot a mares leg and have her decide for herself.
I split the difference between .357 and 45-70 with 30-30. I have a Marlin because poor fag who bought a used one with JM stamp on the barrel
I was only the deciding factor because I typically buy guns on holiday sales, that I should do that.
Same experience I got mine right before covid and it's been solid I killed several deer and it gets shot a ton.
They do I use it for hunting it's great

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>double barrel SU16 in.32 acp that takes P90 magazines & has a built in flashlight
can they get even MORE based???
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no, i don't care for 5.7, personally
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Flim flammed
Alive and well
If anyone loves .32 enough to do some shit like this it'll be George Kellgren who I believe fights everyday with a chain and the sharp remains of broken chairs against his shop foremans in order to keep a line those in production.
>also why is it always a PCC in .32acp with you types?
It just works. See: Škorpion
I don't suppose any has a graphic or something that lists all known (real world) P90-style funs? Might be a handy infographic to /k/ompile. What should go into one if there isn't a decent updated one already?
This is Keltec that we're talking about. If it has that coked up fever dream feel to it they'll definitely consider it.
>Gas assisted blow forward drum fed .22 Hornet pistol

You do have armor don't you /k/?
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europeans sure have good anti riot armor, western armor even more on latin countries looks fucking ugly.
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Those face shields are IIIA, btw. That's the funny thing with R6S, they have all headshots from any weapon instakill because 'realism' when most operators are wearing some sort of helmet that can stop handgun rounds and some will even have stuff that can stop rifle rounds.
armor is fucking stupid, I'm not wasting time putting on a helmet and plate carrier while some chicken washer is in my house trying to culturally enrich my stereo
these niggas look like theyre AI generated
it makes sense for swat situationally

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You are traveling a long distance on a motorcycle and you won't always be sleeping under a roof. Your journey will take you across many borders, and because firearms laws can differ so much, it's best for you that any gun you have can be concealed, either in your pack or on your person. What gun or guns do you carry for survival and self defense?
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Revolvers are simple and kino. They inspire images of adventurers, cowboys, WWI soldiers, the type of men who set off on grand adventures that changed the world. If you're going on a journey, but not necessarily into an active warzone where you might need 21 round magazines for your pistol, then a revolver just feels like a thematically appropriate choice
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I think revolvers are just easier to travel with because I don't have to worry about magazines. When you have the limited equipment storage of a motorrad, it's easier to have loose cartridges than magazines.
based tractor enjoyer
I haven't heard of it until now but I'll definitely check it out. Not much of a manga reader but if it has an anime I'll look into watching it

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Post em' anons
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Autist eyes
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Ain't that the pot calling the kettle black
Every retard I've had the displeasure of meeting has had wideset monkey eyes like yours
You straight up have fetal alcohol syndrome
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>Flight suit innawoods
You planning on sucking a lot of dick or something? I have never once needed kneepads innawoods.

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When it comes to war logistics and trying to disrupt it, why aren't railroad tracks hit more often? Ukraine and Russia relying on railroads for resupply got me wondering about that as well as historical wars prior to this one.
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Why not drop an AT mine on the tracks designed to blow up the next passing locomotive?
Really easy to repair + difficult targets to hit.
Maybe just make a flying single use jack. The wing surrounds a large telescoping jack mechanism. The drone lands on the rails, maybe through some sort of visual processing based guidance since rails are so distinctive. The jack falls out from the wings between the rails. Expansive chemical mix activates, telescoping the jack. The jack then rachets out several feet as the chemical cures over an hour or so. If you can land several successive drones close together, you can separate several dozen meters of train track. Same principle as ice cracking reinforced concrete really.

Can a train designed for 5 foot gauge span a 50 ft undulating track expanded to roughly double that gauge?
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No wonder they got rid of the trolley system...
I think you're underestimating the amount of force you'd need to displace those rails. It'd be much simpler to just place some sort of efp mine on or near the tracks and go for total locomotive death

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Dog Whistle edition

Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

Previous: >>62536792
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>prioritize carriability
By adding cocking ears to a gun people demand be under an inch thicc? HK literally has no idea what it's doing lol. What about the upper part of the grip is it you think affects carryability? That part of the frame is virtually always covered by a holster. And it's not like that thing has aggressive texture on it anyway--look at it, it has the VP9 maggots, the CHEAP version of the P30's actually good texture

The pastebin in OP works, what were you looking at?

Anyway don't think about it too hard. You don't know what you like yet. You can go to a gun store and feel up a bunch of stuff to make an slightly informed decision, but you won't know what your soul gun is until you shoot stuff. Just buy any gun you have heard of and enjoy it for awhile, you almost can't go wrong. Learn what you like and don't like about it.
All 5 people who always wanted a Kodiak with a big dumb bear paw on the barrel would've thrown a shitfit.
Dude who needs that when you can just evade kek
They are very active in reporting. Bringing r*ddit moderation wherever they go. At least one of them is a janny.
shouldve read the op, i just ctrl+f'd handgun general. i was looking at the stickied thread for the board. thanks for the heads up.

Switchblade 600 is a weapon. We finally have a cross-section view of it's inside.
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After the earthquake in Central Italy, the court of Rieti discovered that not all the buildings of those cities were constructed or renovated under the antiseismic law of 1974 in which it explained all the construction techniques of an earthquake resistant building. In fact, a family was killed that night by the rubble of a church that was not renovated under that law.[59] Similarly, the Romolo Capranica elementary school in Amatrice partially collapsed, even if in 2013 the town spent 160,000 euros in a seismic retrofit operation that improved the building's seismic resistance, but wasn't enough to comply with 2012 earthquake standards in Italy.[60] The investigation is ongoing to discover the causes that allowed buildings to become reduced to rubble instead of sustaining damage attributed to buildings following anti-seismic regulations, especially Amatrice.

in the west its a catastrophe in third world countries in tuesday
>EFP with no frag
I don't get it, what is this thing for?
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>Third world countries
They use hollow bricks stacked on their side (they're designed to be stacked end to end) without reinforcement so yeah. It is just another Tuesday for them.
There are hollow bricks intended to be stacked with the holes upward and hollow bricks intended to be stacked with the holes sideways.

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The 42 doesn't really waste more ammo. Their effective rpm is both at 150 rounds per minute according to german sources at the time, which checks out with my own transferable mg42 and what I can do from the bipod while keeping a tight beaten zone. I think the 42 did actually consume more ammo according to the veteran's experiences, but the nature of the fighting changed and by the time the 42 was issued, the Germans were outnumbered and on the defensive and able to shoot more.

From what I have seen, there was some debate, but the merits with the mg42 were that it was more reliable, had better belt pull, and was the more potent of the two on the lafette tripod. There were also some that said the 42 was able to get more kills within the first 2 seconds of engagement before the enemy has a chance to get in cover.
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With the 42/59 style heavy bolt, yeah for sure. I need to get a shot timer to be sure, but my original ww2 8mm booster used with 308 seems to be at 800-900 rpm at the most. It seems very sluggish.
I don't think the recent uptick of OPs pretending to be Wehraboos to bait hatred, anti-HK and anti-German threads in general is due to a bong.
Some are by some obsessed polak and some by some mystery mix mutt who constantly forgets he's not on /pol/.
British seethe about Germany kinda died down with Warriortards activity since he used to rile them up daily by telling them they should've bought German just to troll them.
Have you tried coom lube on it? It seems like the morally correct thing to do.
I haven't, I've only used LSA. I end up using almost a whole oz from a complete clean to a complete lube, so it'd be pretty pricey to use for that. I wouldn't hesitate to use it, though. I've done a formal test of it on a suppressed ar15 on my YouTube channel, and it was the best performer of them all.
>I've done a formal test of it on a suppressed ar15 on my YouTube channel, and it was the best performer of them all.
Based and compilled.

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I bet when the drones arrive, they’ll just be chink EVs with wings fused on
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As a grammar Nazi this irks me.
Oh no, Russia better protect their intellectual property rights. Their greatest master better be paying royalties or at least bartering something in exchange.
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Save on a plane ticket

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Shotgun virgin here.

Want to dip into shotguns and I'm thinking about an auto like a Mossberg 940 or Beretta 1301. They're more expensive than a pump, but other than cost is there any reason to get a pump instead of an auto?
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>Looking at the bead is why I miss
I get what he's saying here. When I'm on a hot streak of 8+ clays busted with the first shot of an O/U. "In the zone" or whatever, the bead(s) don't seem to matter. The main thing is focusing on the clay and how it's moving as to where to point and when to pull the trigger.
When using the m4 I generally have the clay launcher set to just lob the clay slow and steep. With the optic, the sight picture while properly lined up has the clay halfway between the green circle and the frame of the optic
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This, I have two 870P’s and I still want one.

Intertia system says hold my beer.

Then you find out a used police SBS with stamp is about the same price.

When I was an LEfag, the meanest females could shoot “tactical” low power buck from a 14” with no problem.
You didn't refute him. Arguably he is a retard like you but if you take the time to insult someone at least provide evidence you are more knowledgeable.
Half baked but pump for a shottie newb is good because you can actually watch the carrier/lifter work. Plus cheaper and learning to CONSTANTLY RELOAD and limitations and benefits of the platform are there.
I do not own a semi, only pump (500). What is slug change-over like on a 930 or Benelli? Does 930 still need roll and extra loss?

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I like Tetsubos but can't think of why I'd choose this over a baseball bat for my melee slot.
Do they have redeeming qualities?
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Blackthorn is a traditional club wood too
1 on 1 mace gets mogged by reach, but it is a little more versatile
>why I'd choose this over a baseball bat for my melee slot.
Jury optics and giving your lawyer something to work with. A bat is by definition not a weapon so the prosecutor will have a tougher time making it look like you were out looking for trouble.
Making a kanabo is actually pretty easy. Mine lasted a few years smashing shit before I had to retire her.
>Do they have redeeming qualities?
The heavier that blunt weapon is, the more momentum when you swing. Real Tetsubos were longer and heavier than a bat is.

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