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What was he thinking in this situation
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>i dont care if the picture is disingenuous, i don't like the demographic its making fun of so its ok to spread lies
But only retarded women are retarded.
Honestly I don't understand it. The same people seething about white birth rates have decided they don't need women, lmao.
/pol/ is two incompatible ideals mixed into one, and I wish they'd keep their Andrew Tate tier retardation back on his pay to """win""" discord clone.

Why do so many people claim Kalashnikov based his rifle on the STG44?
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Because they're retards.
Wrote this >>62854725 then went back and read this >>62853442
You know what, that's actually fair. I wasn't aware he was so open about the amount of team input there was in the design, and knowing he's not claiming it as HIS design makes the whole thing a lot more respectable.
i think its common knowledge on this board that it isnt that similar functionally although it likely was inspired by the stg44
Kalashnikov was open in interviews that he studied the Garand and StG 44 and used the features he saw as best from both in combination with his own ideas.
>Slavs cannot into precision machining, so they went with short stroke gas piston.
The AK47/M is uses a long stroke gas piston. A short stroke piston is a far better system than a long stroke so I don't know how you think that makes the Slavs retarded or worse at machining but considering you are a no guns war tourist I shouldn't be surprised that you are retarded. War tourists like you should just lurk before posting retarded shit like this.

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I remember seeing this on future weapons and it sounded great, but then the DoD said it was no good
Was it actually bad or was it just the DoD cheaping out and looking for and excuse?
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Not to be a smartass, but SOV-3000 was listed as Level IV on their site. See pic related for a 2011 archived pic.
big ceramic plates got better before they could unfuck the teething issues with it. hasn't become more viable than high quality big plates since.
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Pic related here shows the rest of SOV-3000's threat table plus the "Level V" SOV-4000.
Since this is a very interesting topic for me, personally, I'll go ahead and continue my DragonSkin chronology into the 2010s. By about 2013, Pinnacle Armor has gone bust. Neal took his personal email off the Pinnacle website around 2011, replacing it with a generic contact email, probably sensing he wasn't winning the "Big Armor is evil!" argument. By this point it was a done deal and Pinnacle was probably hemorrhaging contracts left and right.
Around 2014, Pinnacle's remains are bought out by North American Development Group. They have rights to the Dragonskin technology. At this point there are now three makers of Dragonskin. NADG, Phoenix Armor, and Evolution Armor.
1. North American Development Group tries to work the kinks out with DS, but gets no takers. They were allegedly making custom samples up until around 2018.
2. Phoenix Armor was Neal's attempt to restart Pinnacle from the ashes. No takers, bust by 2017. The man is harder to find than Jimmy Hoffa nowadays and has totally left the industry.
3. Evolution Armor as mentioned previously is Stealth Armor Systems' predecessor company, run by Bain - Neal's former associate and the actual inventor of Dragonskin. Didn't get any takers but held on longer, rebranded as SAS by around 2019-2020.
The weird thing is that DS fundamentally had a lot of hype, hence why there were three companies making it or derivatives at the same time (Bain's was called Skaalar) but no buyers.
Nowadays there are two sources of Dragonskin. The first is Stealth Armor Systems, and the second is some weird Iranian knockoff version. I wonder if former associates of Pinnacle, Phoenix, or NADG are related to that development.
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Just as a side bar, it's probably worth noting that Pinnacle was technically making armor up until about June 2014. Pic rel is their Chapter 11 bankruptcy case from 2010. The list of creditors is rather exhaustive, so I'm under the impression Pinnacle went down with very substantial debts in 2014. Not sure how they kept going that long, financial situation looked rough years prior.

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>PP19 Bizon: 1993
>Calico M950: 1985
>CS/LS 06: 2005
>North Korean AK74 helical mags: 2010

They were a little late to the party but they had the spirit
>carry with helical mag loaded
>carry spare box mags
Explain why this isnt peak, basically an extra mag at least in the pp90m1's case
That puts the weight on the weapon the 99% of the time you're just carrying it without using it, which is more tiring.
And then you still need a big weird pouch for your big weird mag after all, since it's too valuable to just discard when empty.

>Riot police(French) with batons, shields and riot armor
>The city guards(german) With medieval Chainmail+gambeson,Gothic maces,Medieval shields
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....holographic sight & standard capacity magazine (30) Are you a tourist or did i just fall for a terrible bait / shitpost?
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the comic has a few notable changes
>the world is adapted to be much more in line with the way the modern world looks now, compared to the book written in the 40s, but hyper-advanced, flying cars, holographs etc
>basically still looks like modern day france just futuristic
>the apocalypse's cause is changed to be a catastrophic solar flare
>the flare doesn't permanently disable all electricity; however, due to society's immediate, daily dependence on automation for literally everything, society almost immediately starts to break down faster than governments can regain control; most of northern france, like in the book, becomes a massive wasteland, everything burns down and the only people left alive are looters
>the slightly fascistic ideology of the book is obviously turned down, but the main character is still completely determined to prevent the return of modern technology that he blames for the suffering of the collapse. The reason why you see these people not using gunpowder or anything mechanicalin the comic book pages that anon showed is that the main character, again forces people to remain at a medieval level on pain of death, and he controls a large proportion of the remaining french population, so there's not really anyone nearby who would be able to manufacture anything beyond medieval weaponry
In fact, in this comic, the battle seen happening is due to a dude who invented a steam engine independently, and refusing to destroy it because he believes it will help farmers not have so much work - the main character therefore sends an army to siege his city, and the battle ensues. Fuck I want more exploration of this universe
also in the comics the main character ends up finding some kind of steroid life prolonging serum along the journey that enables him to live to like 150 whilst remaining physically fit enough to still be fighting his battles personally over a century after the collapse
to answer you specifically, in the book, it's just straight up magic, and in the comics, the idea is that the collapse is so utterly horrific everywhere in the world that it doesn't matter if there's millions of electricians if they all die of some combination of starvation/looters/fires and destruction and all central government disappears overnight
>Depends on the plate style and depends on the riot armor
That's why I said a lot of the time you autistic jackass

Don't mind me, just posting chang's new seaslop before the TWZfags can get to it.

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Those are empty and fully loaded displacement for the LCS. Displacement for the chinese USV is given as 420t in the graphic.
Fuck, I was looking at the Independence Class' measurements in Imperial...

So she's roughly half as long, 2/3rd the width, but only a sixth the weight unloaded?
it's over for the wans. TSMC? moar like CSMC!
i m p l e s s i v e
Look cool. You know it's good if /k/ is seething at it. It makes me laugh how thin skin these ppl are

Will it be a flop or not?
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She a good gal.
She a good hoe.
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She a wet hoe.
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Fast as fuck boiii

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We're getting close to halloween, post spooky patches.

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Previous Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I like these two.
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Terrible MS paint idea for a Big O patch. Somebody make a Big O patch
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Got a lot of mileage out of that code. Thanks for the quick turnaround, my inner consoomer is sated (for now).

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American Firearm Owners General
>A place to discuss all things relating to firearm ownership in the USA.
>want to help 2A rights?

>Last thread: >>62758145
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I'm glad people are at least saying something nice about PSA instead of all shit.
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check em
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Thx sister.
AP round sparked off the shot trap
fucking wild

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Every weapon historian sucks the Garand's dick, but why does no one suck the dick of its grandpappy, the M1903 Springfield?
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>make it magazine fed
>reduce the calibre to 7.62mm
The M14 might have been an OK rifle if that's all they did, rather than completely redesign it so that they have almost no parts in common with the Garand.
The Garand was also magazine fed.
Maaaybe. In Bruce Canfield’s new book on the M1917 he quotes a July 1st 1918 memo saying that the 82nd had 10,000 M1917 rifles AND 2,100 M1903 rifles then currently on hand, and the M1903s were to be turned over to the nearest Ordnance depot and swapped for more M1917s. So it’s possible that York handled all three rifles in just the span of a couple months.
yeah if the m14 was adopted in like, 1945 instead of 1957 it would be considered the greatest rifle ever made

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The UNSC really spent billions per Spartan to equip them with augmentations, advanced power armor, energy shields, and then handed them the same 308 guns they give to every grunt. Why didn't they give them their own assault rifles?
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>using 7.62x51mm in da future
Jerry Pournelle's Codominium series explains this perfectly, the evil spess empire wants complete hegemony over lethal force and in the books the CoDo Marines/Army use a rifle that wouldn't even turn heads in the 50's. But their material science and starship weapons were absolutely fucking terrifying.
>shipmaster you glassed half the human continent of "Africa" to stop the flood!
>I said "parasite" not flood
Their imagination, the only references are either the beastiraium which places the total at 750m but that source blatantly contradicts things written by Joseph Staten or a few billion between Sol and whatever extra Solar colonies still existed combined for Eric Nylund’s works
>Isn't ONI running constant Psyops on the Sangheili home world to perpetuate the ongoing civil war, and destabilize them?
Yes, this is why Rtas has a policy to shoot down any ONI ships his fleet sees, since it breaks no treaties since ONI will deny the ship was there.
Humans are a mad max race on a reservation and it'll never not be cannon.

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I want to try out trap shooting. What’s the cheapest shotgun I can get and not have a miserable time? Was thinking a used Remington model 11 maybe?
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Give it to me.
I recommend if you’re going to get into the Auto-5 series, you should get an actual Auto-5, like other anons have said the parts availability thing is a major factor as not even FN or Browning make spares anymore, it’s all found under one guy’s roof named Art, of Art’s gun shop, he will turn the most broken gun into a work of art but you’ll pay to do it. Still it’s like the only place to buy the right refinishing materials, and as another anon said, you have to buy special screwdrivers for these guns unless you want to mar the shit out of the many screws. I recommend you shoot for an 80’s Miroku-Browning like I found, and get a magnum so you never have set rings unless you want to use 3in for some reason.

Again, Wumbo only knows about 60% of what he’s talking about like yeah no shit you have to set the rings for the load you’re using but >You need to tune them for the target loads you plan to run
Makes no sense, unless he meant “lube” as target loads love lots of lube on the barrel extension into the receiver and under the friction rings and fore end spring.
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Model 11 is the way to go. Ive got few,hell i even bought a spare barrel and put a Remington 870 tube extention plus a browing 2 piece carrier. Generally speaking if its in decent shape you wont need much besides some new springs. Pic related my 1912 made model 11 with suicide safety and tube extension.
Long recoil best recoil and dont let anyone tell you otherwise
Or if you can snag a cheap Winchester model 12 or model 25 if you want a pump
As someone who learned trap & skeet shooting with a pump, Maverick 88. When you have more money, upgrade to a nice over/under or semi auto.
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>recoil is still lower than on a pump or break action
Correct. Physics are physics, and if the namefag knew half of what he talks about, he'd know that as well. The long recoil is unusual though, and some people don't take to it. I also would not recommend one of these antiques to OP but if he's dead set on having one (and they are great guns when in good repair, and the humpback receiver is just old school sexy), I'd recommend that he shoot one first. I personally prefer the recoil over that of gas guns. Some people can't stand it. OP won't know which camp he's in until he shoots one.

was Amerithrax really perpetrated by Bruce Edwards Ivins?
also, any other interesting bio-wep stories? been reading about Aum Shinrikyo.
For all the hubbub about nuclear weapons, it does seem that people seem to forget there is a risk that some dudes in a lab can whip up literal death in a jar.
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>which became the most transmissible pathogen in human history, kek
.... covid was a joke anon it was fucking trash
spanish flu spread like aids in a bathhouse dude
Any serious bacterial pathogen can and should be considered an antibiotic resistant strain until proven otherwise. Even in nature, certain things were resistant to most antibiotics long before humans started mass-producing them - because most antibiotics are just toxins secreted by fungi (or one particular family of bacteria) to kill off their competition in the soil.

Bioengineered lines of a pathogen can be extra nasty by having multiple layers of resistance to common antibiotics, forcing the use of abx which are not produced or stocked in higher quantities. This is useful in warfare because you can maintain large stocks of things your enemies don't, and leave the pathogen susceptible to that, so that they lack the resources to cure their men but you can cure your own.

By the way, fun fact, the antibiotics used (especially in the field) by the US military are mostly pretty different from common antibiotics in civilian hospitals. I wonder why that might be? :^)

Just don't eat the fucking brain. There's obviously risk in eating any infected carcass, but most prion diseases are only concentrated enough in the brain and other neural tissue to be likely to infect you.

It's not a matter of "for now", the fundamental nature of a prion means it cannot easily be transmitted.

To be fair, endemic strains of anthrax, even if they originated from a bioengineered source, are naturally going to evolve to less dangerous variants that better reflect the B. anthracis found in soil worldwide. If it kills too much too quickly, it cannot spread as it kills off its reservoir, and the bacteria are now ill-adapted to soil. Not that I'd want to be the poor fucker who has to deal with that shit every time a deer in the region turns up dead and bleeding.
Dirty bombs aren't actually a thing, anon. I'm not going to go into the specifics, but the short version is that Pu-239 and U-235 don't feature enough activity to be particularly harmful when spread out via a low order detonation, at least not over the short term.
Covid was a joke in the sense that it had minimal lethality. The only people who died were those on their last legs anyway. Though it seems a couple strains did evolve some annoying neurological activity.

But that's separate from transmissibility, which is the measure of how easily it TRANSMITS between people. COVID was and is the single easiest pathogen in human history to transmit from person to person. It's just so weak that it doesn't even cause symptoms in half the people it infects.

Spanish flu was a pretty bad flu, but it really only spread so quickly due to the circumstances of the time. Similar to cholera breaking out in a slum - it's not necessarily a threat, unless conditions are right.
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>the fukushima disaster was 13 fucking years ago

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Ahoy Shipmates!

Just your friendly yearly reminder to all my fellow admirals out there that tonight is the Veterans Day free dinner from 4PM till close at Golden Corral. The generous proprietors at Golden Corral want you to know they understand and appreciate your sacrifices in the past, present and future and want to use this night to serve you, both active duty and veterans. Have a great night and God bless.
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Gone but not forgotten.
Lame comeback
Lame golden corral in your town.
Blow your brains out like every other vet, faggot

When did people start to believe in the meme of soldiers being buff rather than toned or skinny fat? Did the GWOT really ruined the images of soldiers because of the constant usage of anabolics?
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how are you so dumb and backwards that you are spouting shit from 1980s woman magazines. how have you gone your entire life with zero fitness knowledge? are you one of those north korean soldiers?
the overton window on fitness knowledge has moved so far past things like this that you asking me to elaborate on this is one of the most insulting things you could possibly do. this was common knowledge 20 years ago.
Stop saying nigga. This is 4chan.
lmao Garand Thumb had more deployments in stray woman and men than in actual combat situations.

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