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What is the best weapon to keep the Tarman from eating your brains?
>return of the living dead zombie
nothing, short of alien technology

shooting them in the head wont stop them
butchering them just causes individual body parts to rise up and fight you
you can literally incinerate them to ash, and the cloud of soot they make will rain back down and re-animate more dead
even a literal nuclear shell did not stop them, it just spread their zombie dust across an entire county and spread it even faster
>nothing, short of wizard spells
FIFY, undead hordes is such a retarded concept
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kitty-dragging lazor pointer leading the zombie horde on a fresh concrete slab
I turn off the TV.
RotLD zombies are smart enough to use radios to call more cops/EMTs to eat. Ain't really much to do against them, as enumerated in the 2nd post. Trioxin is like Crossed, if it happens then just eat a shotgun. IMO it's one of the less interesting zombie properties to talk about.
a deep hole and concrete
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I want TWD style zombies for plinking
iirc high voltage electricity was their weakness in the sequel.

Also, tarman stopped being much of a problem after they knocked his head off. RotLD zombies really only need to be decapitated to stop being a major threat. They can move around and shit, but they can't bite or anything
Get it a split dog to play with
Reminder that RotLD zombies still feel pain, poor pupper.
Don't worry, somewhere out there his other half is all right.
> IMO it's one of the less interesting zombie properties to talk about.
Every other zombie apocalypse besides ROTLD and a tiny number of others where the Zombies are super magical is pointless to talk about because the zombies are just effortless to deal with.
A fucking child could annihilate your average romerofag zombie horde.
They're coming to get you shamblers?
Rage runners that infect people without touching them?
I couldn't copy right this of the dead?
I mean cynically a lot of ammunition, a lot more ammunition, electricity.
Unless you watch some old school black and white zombie movies then you gotta go after the voodoo priest/priestest but I think vampire fans co-opted this because they were trying to differentiate their spawn from zombies. Personally I had a night mare a family member became a zombie and I'm pretty sure I'd be infected before I fought them off. I'm pretty sure I'd be a zombie. I can give you some tips if you donate your brains.
You clearly have no brains so I must inform you the Living Dead, and some kind of calander event of the dead were different schisms about film rights. Living dead were basically the super zombies that die with electricity otherwise if they got their skin gloved off a hand that finger skin would crawl around and try to murder people, or if they lost an arm the arm would crawl around and you set them on fire they spread the chemical and make more zombies from dead corpses. You're thinking more shambler type zombies from romero that won the of the dead and tends to hark back more to voodoo movies about zombies. Although it was distinct from other movies that had more voodoo motivated zombies that you typically had to kill the master
Terrible reading comprehension.
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9mm is not effective against "tarmen" so they say
napalm, browning .50 mounted on every vehicle, bomb all bridges out of the affected area, use flamethrowers on infected, encase all infected corpses in tungesten, seal and bury tungesten tombs.
Just mulch and burn them all. Yes, this will resurrect other corpses, but eventually there won't be any corpses left. The rain does not humans into zombies, does it? Only corpses?
PKM. I will not elaborate. Otherwise .300 Blk supersonic with 40rnd pmags with + 5 extension basepl8s.
110 or 125 gr out of a 10.5" bbl
Resin from some kind of firehose. Hardens the zombie and leaves it incapable of hurting anyone without spreading the effects of trioxin. We can then compress and compact the zombies and store them in nuclear waste containers deep underground. It's the Blob solution to the problem, which was a far more realistic fear when I was seven.
The gas in it's pure form did, who's to say if you drink some, or worse yet just a drop in your eye like 28 days later makes you infected.
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I've been watching the Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon and I love the combination of medieval/ww2/black powder/archery weapons that they use in the first couple of episodes. There are some people with ar15s and shit later on but the primitive weapons are super kino while fighting zombies in rural France.
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I wish someone would make a zombie movie that focuses on the very start and its people on the outside of it trying to figure out whats going on, like with the news reports form the Dawn of the Dead Remake where hospitals are full of injuries from 'rioters'.
Everytime they cut to 'the next day' and society has collapsed and no one is about. Even Fear the Walking dead did this, it was supposed to be about the first days but it quickly turns into everyone acting like retards and slow zombies overwhelm the public and the military, because reasons.
In the US where most everyone has guns it would be the ending to Night of the Living dead where some guys line up and sweep though easily killing all zombies.
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FTWD was pretty cozy the first few episodes. Like you said, I would have preferred that they spent more episodes showing what happened during the initial outbreak. It basically became the walking dead v2 in short order.
Sniping zombies with the .50 cal off the hood of the HMMWV would be a fun job though
walking dead was originally going to have flashbacks throughout season 2 under frank darabont as showrunner but amc got greedy and fired him so they could make cheaper episodes.
ceasing to consume retard tier "science" fiction
How much of a fag do you have to be to hate on Return of the Living Dead and how much of a retard to think it's science fiction.
Return of the Living Dead is a VERY well written movie. It combines very well horror and comedy - while is a well-known genre, to balance the tone so competently is not a joke.
Additionally, it has a disturbing motif of inevitability which makes it particularly compelling due to the subject.
It's good.
With all of the series that begin watchable and get fucked irreparably, AMC needs to implode already
NTA, but these retarded IP's don't own up to their black magic premise

Night of the Living Dead:
>muh cosmic radiation

Return of the Living Dead
>muh trioxin

The Walking Dead
>muh reptilian complex
I stopped watching both Fear and the OG walking dead pretty early on because I quickly realised how shit they were going to be. Both were just soap operas with zombies.
it really is a shame to imagine what could have been. each episode in season 1 was so high quality.
That's because there were only six episodes (not enough for the shitty source material to affect the content)
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It's not science fiction, it punk horror shlock.
nah its, because they had a high budget and good writing. they doubled the episodes and halved the budget for season 2. like i said they were going to focus on side characters and other pieces of the stories in flashbacks, there was going to be a flashback episode of the dead tank crew from episode 1 , an entire episode on the fall of atlanta ending with the zombie troop dieing in the same spot rick found him in the beginning. a whole bunch of cool shit stamped on. frnak darabont spent a decade trying to get the walking dead sold to networks and as soon as they saw they could make more money whilst spending less they gutted him.
>network decided to churn out slop soon as they knew they could get away with it
Many such cases!
>muh trioxin
Them having an obviously magical potion that no one can explain the effects of and just slapping a scary name on it is way better than pretending to be scientific.
>it permantley restores and preserves nerve functions including most of the brain and cannot be broken down

there i did it
Trioxin gas quite possibly acts with a limited "will", and can animate 200 year old corpses with memories and living strength intact. It also makes the corpses strong enough to penetrate a skull easily.
>pesticide for cannabis => reanimation with a necessary degree of regeneration
Pants on head retarded substitute for a Necronomicon
A baseball bat. That's shown in the movie, retard.
a remote control to turn off the tv
and then?
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>What is the best weapon to keep the Tarman from eating your brains?
Ash Williams
Slice the bodies into small pieces and encase in concrete.
>I've been watching the Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon and I love the combination of medieval/ww2/black powder/archery weapons that they use in the first couple of episodes. There are some people with ar15s and shit later on but the primitive weapons are super kino while fighting zombies in rural France.
Also completely plausible because black [powder guns are free sale to over 18s in France so tend to be everywhere
You can see one of them drinking from a water bottle, dehydration is the key to defeating them
u made me look grrrr
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I'd watch a movie about the rednecks hunting zombies in Night of the Living Dead.
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It could be a ufo or a flock of birds
>I'd watch a movie about the rednecks hunting zombies in Night of the Living Dead.
return to chainsaw
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>I'd watch a movie about the rednecks hunting zombies in Night of the Living Dead.
>battery powered chainsaw
This is the most offensive thing I've seen all week
>I'd watch a movie about the rednecks hunting zombies in Night of the Living Dead.
they are great actually these days, try one
>Georgia gets so hot even the fucking Zombies get thirsty
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Netgun and then use an axe or machete to dismember it and render it a non threat
No one organically dislikes ROTLD but likes Evil Dead, you're just being contrarian.
Evil Dead subverts expectations by having one of the fodder get fed up and start kicking ass with a chainsaw and SxS shotgun in spite the lack of an arm. The story went from cabin-in-the-woods to a dark fantasy epic about the indominable human spirit in the face of overwhelming odds
>you're just being contrarian
Nah, I'm just honest enough to admit 245 Trioxin is a more retarded premise than space radiation (possible ET origin of reanimation)
This is also what I want and mention the same thing in every zombie thread. Some point of view from a nurse in a hospital where things begin to get out of control would be bees knees.
A street cop's POV would be interesting. Responding to the first few weird calls where people are getting bit. Not knowing what the fuck is going on. Seeing the situation devolve. Deciding when they have to abandon their duty to protect their own family.
>Evil Dead subverts expectations by having one of the fodder get fed up
irrelevant reddit babble that does nothing for the argument

Niggerfaggot detected.

Quarantine and Rec and kinda that. News crew follows EMS and LEO, shit proceeds to happens.
>News crew follows EMS and LEO
Had a good laugh watching Quarantine because of that, but they didn't have Police Activity in 2008 to be fair
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>Actual zombies are thought to be junkies with meth powers for a week.
>Allows the contagion to spread since no one pays attention to yet another twitchy feral.
>"Real" camera footage comes from cops bodycams.
>Incidents rise more and more until there's a mass infection.
>Hell let loose as the credits roll.

Could explain it as some drug that got infected with some bullshit modified rabies if you want to go that route. Maybe just drop a line in there that the zombies avoid water in early stages of their infection but not later. But don't make the movie about the explaination.
Romerofag zombies are a non-threat to humans (read: those who live more than a day's walk from a city)
There will never be an infection movie about minutemen conducting sweep and clear operations
It would be really boring.

That action scene from the CGI Resident evil where the two military guys just effortlessly cut their way through fifty zombies without breaking a sweat is fun and realistic but the problem is it completely destroys the entire premise when you point out that one normal infantryman can easily drop thousands of the scary monster we're supposed to be worried about.
HD was a mistake
It's even worse because hordes would never even get uncontrollably big in the first place.
>CGI Resident evil where the two military guys just effortlessly cut their way through fifty zombies
sauce pls
Having to clear buildings after the power shuts off might be spoop worthy
Universal healthcare
vendetta probably, aka the one with the goofy gun-kata fight
the one you're able to shoot accurately
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Thanks, anon, but is it really that much more goofy than Central Axis Relock?
>in the sequel.
The sequels very clearly diverged a lot from the first movie about how the zombies worked.
>The rain does not humans into zombies, does it?
Considering how it burned skin, and the overall theme of the movie, I'd say it's a safe bet it does.

>if it happens then just eat a shotgun
And possibly leave your corpse around to be re-animated into horrible suffering? Make sure to balance yourself precariously in a smelting plant before firing...
They’re honestly great if you aren’t felling trees or going through a trunk. It’s lighter, quieter, shuts off and powers on immediately, and cuts 6” and less branches really well.

Different tools for different purposes anon.
>Considering how it burned skin, and the overall theme of the movie, I'd say it's a safe bet it does.
Ultimately, no one exposed to the zombies or to the rain in any quantity less than "fifty gallons of it sprayed directly into their face until they choked and fell unconscious" showed any symptoms of "changing", it really isn't an "infection" story, the two guys who opened the barrel probably died of asphyxiation right then and there, and it took hours for the obvious symptoms of reanimation to set in because they were so intact.

Them dying immediately is the only possible explanation, in my mind, for why Tarman didn't eat them, he could have broken out long enough after they died that the brain no longer had whatever vital force the zombies are interested in.
>cut their way through fifty zombies without breaking a sweat is fun and realistic but the problem is it completely destroys the entire premise
I think it destroys the premise because it shows there’s no way it gets that bad in the first place
I can believe cityoids might be so dumb they just let a rotting corpse walk up and bite them, I've seen rekt footage where that more or less happens and they just do nothing to defend themselves or even run away.

But that wouldn't make a difference, zombies without funny powers are a non issue against humans so you might as well only talk about the ones with funny powers.
It's honestly amazing how many helpless people there are out there. The undead hoards would most certainly be made up of basedboys and women
What if we just install hydrofluoric acid misters on the house
Really not that hard. Expensive as hell, but not hard.
>insert combat engineers to a large enclosed area like a mall/convention center in full MOPP gear
>set up huge speakers in all directions on roof
>Firefighting team inserted, as well.
>Clear out the building with flamethrowers, FF team stops fire from spreading to building itself.
>Use speakers to draw in all zombies and burn them likewise.
>Once all zombies are lured in and burned, send in workers to build a sarcophagus around the building, Chernobyl style
Problem solved.
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they really missed a chance for rope and Irish accents
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Sorry for being a Walking Dead sperg but in TWD World Beyond this is exactly what they do. The called them Cull Facilities. Pretty kino.
Yeah that’s fair. Truthfully unless they’re covered in blood or already rotting I’d assuming it’s a homeless crackhead and try to ignore it. If they get close to me that’s a different situation though
Based and nice digits
I would donate to a Camp of the Saints adaptation directed by Mel Gibson
Checked and keked lmfao
but they make such good food and music
>Though if the zombie was black then they might actually call the police quicker and in secret.
We saw this wasn't true(at least for cityoid women) when that antifa guy got gutted by a future astronaut and his woman tried to keep the police from finding the perp. If that had been a melanated Zombie she wouldn't have reacted different.
>Ugh, I dunno. Fuckin racist
>How should I know!?
>*cop gets frustrated and shoots nearest homeless white veteran in the head*
>"okay, we got him"
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>In the US where most everyone has guns
I understand we account for most of the civilian gun owners on the planet, but are you SURE most people in the US have guns? Are you REALLY sure?
>most people in the US have guns?
That would mean 176,107,610 armed citizens... yeah, sounds about right
Depends on how you define people.
What was their fucking problem? This stunt was a huge risk for very little reward. Couldn't they just hunt in the third world or something?
Blunderbuss, but the auto 5 you get at the end is probably better since getting ammo for it is easier
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks
>huge risk for very little reward
Low impulse control, I suppose. In the source material (comic), Marlow was executed summarily for exactly that reason
easy, just send more paramedics.
>so tend to be everywhere
out of the dozen or so gun owners I know in france only one has a blackpowder gun
It's a niche hobby or something people that are to stupid/criminal to get a gun fixate one
White flight.

That's what all zombie movies are about. That's why the characters are constantly looking for a zombie free location in the countryside rather than combating the problem of zombies existing directly.
>How would you feel if you didn't eat brains today
>misdirects officer away from violent zigger
>gets flirty with the zigger
>"oh you wanna nibble on me?....I do give good HEAD"
>Zigger tears her head off and starts eating it
Like I said before, we can't have actual good edgy comedy without it being safe edgy.
>Return of the living dead but it's in the ghetto
>le science
sorry buddy but your gay physics has no effect on magical fucking zombies
Tar Man and me go way back, I got the "don't go to school tomorrow" pass.
We talk shit about KingCobraJFS and kek heartily together.
Anon the ROTLD zombies are way smarter than your average urban achiever.
Tarman himself sets up and uses a winch at one point, he's got an IQ of at least 86.
I'm a Hero manga does this, they even show comfy 4chan shitposts during the first MONTHS of zombie apocalypse.
kek based
I am a Hero is great
>MC just happens to be a rare jap gun owner
>so Japanese that he prepares to turn himself early on after defending himself against infected
We would DEFINITELY be shitposting extra hard during zombie/infected shit, you just know there'd be anons ripping the teeth of thicc zombie women.
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No it just needs a good reason for why so many became infected.

Make it so like a virus like Covid that sits infects you but you don't start showing symptoms for like a week. Meanwhile your infecting everyone else around you until you have entire population centers unknowingly carrying the virus until mass amounts of people start turning. Make them runners too.
That's infection, not undead
If "zombie attack" isn't the primary threat of death in your zombie movie, not only should you not be making a zombie movie, you should be whipped in the public square.
So basically the "green flu"?
>What kind of survivor are you, uninfected or carrier?
You could probably get a good idea of what it would be like to try to survive ROTLD by just modding L4D to spawn nothing but agro'd witches.
In the zombie apocalypse, how would diabetics survive? I'm not diabetic but I've noticed that lately my pee is different; lighter shades with a consistency like a pilsner, and the ammonia like quality has been replaced by an almost wheat grain. It could just be that I've been drinking more beer lately but it just has me worried. I can't get the subtle sweet taste out of my mouth and it might be a warning sign.
That's the neat part.
>Chimera virus invented by some "group"
>Mild influenza like illness(ILI)
>Actually some biological weapon, airborne virus is just a vehicle carrying genetic material that infects cells to produce secondary virus that infects PNS and then CNS
>Pretty much rabies on steroids
>Initial attack involves dozens of points of contact at various transit hubs where air sanitizers or soap dispensers are replaced with doped units
>Takes weeks or months before anybody realizes, it's gone global, significant proportion of people already infected
The book series is under a graveyard sky, best zombie apocalypse set up I've seen, very kino series but also pretty cringe at times
Husky t540xpi is good but its a pro arborist saw
Then have them fall over, flatline, then a few minutes later get back up? Like almost every other zombie movie?
The point of the post is to reasonable come up with how zombie horde could reasonable be accomplished in the modern world since 1 slow zombie biting two people isn't going to eventually cause an apocalypse because they'll be dealt with easily before critical mass. A scenario where a virus that goes undetected in the body for a period of time while hoping to other people unsuspectingly before activating could easily cause a huge world ending swarm much like how Covid was able to shut down most of the world.
>1 slow zombie biting two people isn't going to eventually cause an apocalypse
That's what makes infected runners better than shambling undead, it's the challenge of hoards without the magic bullshit
>Covid was able to shut down most of the world
No, that was the Wuhan 19 response. The Swedes for example went about their business by way of herd immunity
Just watched RotLD for the first time with wife. It was good and it was very easy to see how it inspired newer movies.
But I have to ask, having never read Crossed it seems very similar which gets tons of flak around here. Why is that? They are both "you are fucked so just shoot yourself" goreporn.
that one sp00ked me so much I had to look up images from the set where the actor was being dressed up
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tarman is pretty freaky. the detached voice makes it even worse
Just like the Joker, they aren't so tough after getting raped.
Get that zombies' rags off.
Whats the difference between a joke about someone dying and a twenty paragraph description of eating someone that ends with the phrase "JUST KIDDING BLUHBLUHBLUH I HATE MY DAD AND WHITE PEOPLE! PEEPEEPOOPOO PEEPEEPOOPOO"?
american moment
Anon are you drinking piss again?
aalmost 1488 too
>Oh no the US army is EBIL!!!!
>We need to flee to mexico and the Cartel will protect us!!1

It was pretty shit.
>US army is EBIL!!!!
Yeah, giving out the execution order after learning that's how you produce even more undead is retarded as the very concept of undead itself
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Electricity fucks up RotLD zombies. Watch the 2nd movie.
The military confirms that they spontaneously recover from anything that doesn't completely destroy them.
Watch the 3nd movie.
>3 Movies
I like the first but those gotta be a roller-coaster downhill
They didn't even want to show zombies but only have their presence implied by growling sounds.
was this during the drumpf putting kids in cages nonsense?
I remember reading about the terror season 2 while it was in production and they mentioned that, so I knew it was going to be shit
>I like the first but those gotta be a roller-coaster downhill
3 is better than 2 becasue they brought in Brian Yuzna so at the very least you're going to get some good gore.
>What is the best weapon
TV remote control. Change the channel and they just disappear.
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Just nuke the gas until the gas dies.
Unlikely as this was during the Obama years
>the terror season 2
Few things aren't pos'd these days
Ah, I'm sure some kind of that sentiment was shared by the writers regardless
So far the only things I've seen this year that didn't have a Trump reference are The Penguin and Shogun, you?
All I've been watching for a while now is body cam footage and other shit on youtube
I heard transformers one was pretty good, so I'll check that out eventually, along with shogun
>Universal healthcare
Democrats have already eaten your brain. You're safe.
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>body cam footage
Very nice, Police Activity has the best BWC videos on YouTube
shootings are pretty cool, though its the investigations, DUI's, walmart thefts, and other plain wacky shit on bodycams that I find more interesting
code blue cam, along with the laundry list of smaller channels are a decent source for this stuff
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I really appreciate the police for their public service, especially for the hours of government funded entertainment they provide me that doesn't come from Hollywood or desperate content creators, the writing is as real as it gets, sometimes good, sometimes bad.
Better than most government funded media like PBS or BBC
So grateful for bodycams, one of THE best decisions probably ever
>lets turn the US and Europe into a third world radioactive hellhole
>faggot cityoid thinks the "world" is cities
We'd be fine, YOU'D be irradiated lol.
Bump Halloween threads.
I concur
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Epiphany water you witcherlets.
return of the evil living dead would be so cool
This is the best so far albeit the cleanup would be horrible and unsafe.
flamethrowers kill the zombies slower, they can still get to you when they're on fire. Zombies aren't vampires
Black hole gun
>black hole gun
Ironic because witchers are unholy degenerates.
Functionally deadites and ROTLD zombies are pretty similar, deadites just being a bit nastier all around, though they don't spread as fast.
ROTLD are really hard to destroy (before electricity shenanigans)
Deadites seem easier but seem to be able to transform anyone (and some things) sometimes just from chasing you with the camera.
Combined we're fucked.
>Deadites seem easier
Well I don't know how much easier. The skeletons, sure, but thinking back on the others they seemed to constantly be getting back up from shit after appearing dead.
The witch was shot four times with a shotgun at close range before dropping, and you know for a fact they chopped her up after that just in case.
The witch at the end took like thirty shots from the lever action (Ash rarely reloads as you probably remember)
Evil Ash came back from being shot right up the nose with a shotgun, then being chopped into ten pieces. It's been a little while with the others but I seem to remember them being pretty hard to get rid of, at least permanently. It's like they fall "unconscious" from being shot a million times then get up later ready to fight again.
Still sucks this part of him was left behind.
Idk if deadite smoke/ash/etc produce more deadites tho
Chop 'em up & burn them
maybe in england or some cucked EU nation where citizens and cops aren't armed, and the government would have the armed forces stand back because they want to kill evil whites or something
unless it names the jew for the ones who created it, i don't care

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