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Latin American Firearm Owners general

A place to discuss all things relating to firearm ownership in Latin America

Mexico to ban 9mm, 22 Magnum and .357, among others

Gun sales booming in Chile due crime concerns

Argentina wants to make easier for people to register their unregistered firearms
Aren’t gun laws in Latinx nations really gay?
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Yes but some are way gayer than others.
I'm surprised private security isn't a bigger industry in Latin America.
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And hand guns...
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Uruguay has the least restrictive laws and the highest (legal) gun ownership rates. Also some of the lowest murder rates.
Mexico has lame gun laws literally because of women voters. They polled a bunch of people two elections back and something like 80% of men in Mexico wanted gun laws drastically dialed back to what they were before 1970 but a gigantic 90%+ of women in Mexico wanted more restrictions or guns outright banned. It's probably the most gender separated topic in Mexican politics, even more than abortion and sex harassment surprisingly.
In Mexico Yucatan has the lowest crime rate and a majority or near majority of the state is indigenous and I think they have the second highest rate of gun registrations after NL.
Those maps are deceiving. Yeah you MAY be able to obtain a gun with a license but good fucking luck getting a license plus your selection to choose when you do get it after months of waiting is pure garbage.

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It seems like Brazil is heavily interested in modernizing its naval defense. Is there a specific reason for this, or is it just different groups trying to expand into profitable markets?
South American elites have a vested interest in keeping their citizens poor and stupid so that they can perpetually do resource extraction.
Here is a Cuban weapon. I learned the shotgun powered grenade launcher from Che's text, the Syrian rebels still use it to great effect.

All you need is a cheap shotgun, a single shot break action is perfect. Then you saw it off and load powder blanks that launch wooden dowels, molotovs, and homemade grenades.

Similarly, I learned from the Mexican cartels the technique of covertly building normal grenades from flashbangs and training grenades.

As a redneck, I admire the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the Latin American guerrillas. I have learned a lot from the literature as well.
Meanwhile in Chile
>Chilean former chief of the police and current secretary of president officially under arrest for date rape
>President and his spokeswoman clearly tried to cover it up but got caught
>two supreme court judges removed for corruption

>Cristina Fernandez sentenced to 6 years over corruption during her term

>random guy blows himself up trying to bomb the supreme court building with makeshift explosives and fireworks

>former president Evo Morales claims to have been attacked by supporters of the current government in his car, receiving gunfire from all sides in a roadside ambush
Are there any military projects/products being worked on in South America similar to the Euro fighter?
No, why would anyone do that?
Local development so that they can then export to other countries. I'm not talking about a fighter jet specifically, I know they don't have the money to build one, but I'm surprised that companies and governments don't work together to build military vehicles so they can transfer the know-how to other products like heavy machinery.
yes but you can simply break the law and have fun
It's classic anarcho-tyranny at play, the political elites found out they benefit from maintaining a steady level of criminality instead of getting rid of it wholly(which they CAN do), because the crime keeps middle and lower classes busy, worried about the short term and incapable of having greater economic independence/mobility. This makes them enthralled to political parties giving out benefits, restrains social life and creates territorial and class fractures.

Its not like in South Africa where its so out of control even the rich need to invest in security and where the state is wholly ineffective, but there is a permitted level of disorder and victimization in every latin american country for this reason. On the other hand, unlike in South Africa, criminality beyond a certain point becomes organized and complex to the level of threatwning national sovereignty(see Cartel states enforcing their own laws and taxes), which is just slightly past the point of no return for a weakened state.
Its South America. Their only potential enemies and conflict zones are their own neighbors and borders. Working together anf sharing know how is contrary to all of their security interests, thats why they all buy from abroad and try to cooperate with countries far the fuck away from inter-American politics.

As far as South America is concerned, the rest of the world might as well not exist.
guns in general are not a central isssue in mexican politics I don't think I have ever heard of any politician putting gun legislation as part of their campaigns
They are usually rolled up with crime as a subject, thus gun control is usually named "anti crime measures" because the ownership of guns has been so thoroughly linked to crime by politicians and media.
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>Its not like in South Africa where its so out of control even the rich need to invest in security and where the state is wholly ineffective
The Cartels literally takes over entire towns and police stations at will causing local mayors to go into hiding.
They often outgun Mexican security forces who have to negotiate with the Cartels to withdraw.
Greenlandic win
How about you fuck off to pol
Brazil and Argentina are the only countries with sizeable MICs to speak of.

Argentina's MIC used to be big back in the day, it was the 5th country in the world to develop its own jet aircraft back in the 1940s, the Pulqui I and Pulqui II. They never got to mass production due to lack of funding, it's considered a national frustration the same way the Avro Arrow is in Canada.

Argentina also had a medium-range ballistic missile project called the Condor (which was cancelled in the 1990s), a COIN aircraft called the Pucara which was exported, and a couple of other interesting projects like delta wing aircraft (the Horten brothers migrated here post-war). However this MIC was neutered after the Falklands War. Last attempt to develop a serious fighter was the SAIA 90 project, which was abandoned. Since then its only major project has been to develop the Pampa trainer, which was almost picked as the USAF trainer in the 1990s Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS), but it lost to the Texan II. Now there aren't many interesting projects to speak of, mostly refined versions of the Pampa III. Lack of funding for all things military since 1989 has been a permanent thorn on its side.

Brazil these days has the largest and most relevant MIC on the continent, you've probably heard of all sorts of Brazilian military tech, from the Embraer C-390, to the Super Tucano COIN aircraft. Really the stuff Brazil manufactures these days is too much to even list. Brazil has had much more success in exporting its stuff than Argentina, Super Tucanos were even deployed by the USAF in Afghanistan. So even though they started later on, and taking more modest steps than Argentina's ambitious projects, I would say Brazil has achieved more success with its MIC. Argentina does produce some parts for Embraer so we've resigned to being Brazil's Canada, so to speak.

Maybe one day we could develop a Joint Fighter Aircraft, I personally would very much love to see that.
Mexicans are whipped
If all the third worlders from /hg/ could move here, that would be great
That's all true but its still not like the situation in South Africa. Random racially based attacks are not commonplace, petty crime and individual violence are not as common and out of control and gangs intend to supplant the power structures of the state and impose their own control rather than ravaging, burning and killing anyone on their path. Cartels tend to impose their own brand of security and enforcement to win over local populations.
To be quite frank the main problem at LATAM is gang warfare and petty crime, we didn't went through that sort of gun culture phase where all the niggers were shoot or hanged from a tree.
>That's all true but its still not like the situation in South Africa
Which is? There are no paramilitary groups in South Africa which takes over the running of state. Petty crime exists everywhere in the world.
>There are no paramilitary groups in South Africa which takes over the running of state.
That isn't a thing in most countries of Latin America. I don't know why people speak of Latin America as if it was a single country.

You've got countries with a lower murder rate than the US where nothing ever happens and failed states like Venezuela where drug gangs control a lot of territory and much of government to the point it has been called a narco-state. Night and day situations.
I already said what it is, in South Sfrica there's roving bands of pillaging nogs invading homes to rape, kill and burn anything they find, there's constant violent crime and high risk confrontations everywhere. Afrikaaners live in fortified closed off communities and move in armored convoys through the abandoned ruins of cities topped off with garbage and squalor, its not at all like cartels that run things mostly smoothly, nobody is starving because of the cartels cutting off the supply of food and running water.
>That isn't a thing in most countries of Latin America
It isn't a thing in South Africa either. But somehow South Africa is worse off than Mexico with heavily armed hotels that go toe toe with the military.
>I already said what it is, in South Africa there's roving bands of pillaging nogs invading homes to rape, kill and burn anything they find, there's constant violent crime and high risk confrontations everywhere
Who are these groups? Name them and post news articles.
Nobody's starving. Except in Venezuela and Haiti of course. And nobody's cutting off running water except in Mexico and the suburban slums of Brazil where the paramilitary drug cartels make you pay a tax to them to be able to have water access.

To "supplant power structures of the state" and "impose their own control" you necessarily need to kill and ravage anyone on your path because that "anyone" is the existing power structure and state.

If you're an American who gets his understandings of both South Africa and Latin America from 4chan posts, twitter and youtube you could have just said so.

The half-socialist half-corporate governments of Latin America wouldn't let it grow. The police themselves can barely act without running head first into some judicial bullshit mandate or rule.

In a continent where a judge can send you to prison because you shot the robber trying to kill you first before he shot you or because you shot him twice and not once, what the hell is private security supposed to do?
>allow private security operate freely
>de facto accept that your corrupt third world police is in fact, corrupt
>open the door for reform
Nuh uh, unless the military and the police are in the business it ain't happening, i do know that some energy companies and multinationals there run their own security and corporate intelligence offices with retired military but only that
>But somehow South Africa is worse off than Mexico with heavily armed hotels that go toe toe with the military.

why literally yes.

Mexico is very violent but it's also not literally falling apart from decaying infrastructure, massive brain drain and technology loss and a negative feedback loop of booming demand in services and depleting resources to keep them flowing. It also does not have latent ethnic and racial tensions about to break out into pogroms at any moment.


You have no idea how bad South Africa is. Venezuela and Haiti are self contained disasters compared to it, nothing in Latin America comes close to SA even if crime numbers are "worse", it's not a full on breakdown of civil society with actual racial massacres happening constantly like that.
There's nothing self contained about Venezuela, the refugee numbers alone attest to that. Even the illegal immigration into the US is influenced by the socialist breakdown of Venezuela. And you know mobs of armed militants storming private property and burning shit down also happens in Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia Mexico and even in Chile? Both South Africa and Latin America share the same leadership of post-Cold War marxists that started their careers in rural guerrilla movements is why.

And this part:
> decaying infrastructure, massive brain drain and technology loss and a negative feedback loop of booming demand in services and depleting resources to keep them flowing
Only isn't noticed to gringo audiences in Latin America because it's been the norm for the last 120 years and because it doesn't happen in a English-speaking place. What you just described there is basically just Argentina.
>Latin American general
>bunch of /pol/ retarded takes
>only three posts discussing actual military equipment and guns
>one of them is mine
Please don't make these threads again, they are awful.
Hard to discuss military equipment and guns in a thread about Latin America when all the equipment and guns are imported and most of the continent has spent the last 80 years trying to ban them.
Then don't make a fucking general, it's not needed.
>bendover productions
This useless faggot never mentions the anti-white indoctrination and policies in SA when it would've been very relevant in that video
Fuck this cuck, even retard Fetterman acknowledged it sort of indirectly
As if you'll ever get a normie to ever mention it, but you get enough information from the data to suss out the missing factor in why South Africa is a failed state either way, all the "lack of competency" and "drop in efficiency" to go around.
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FARA 83. Argentine AR70/FAL/Galil hybrid that gor axed due to eternal budget issues and the perception that 5.56 is not ideal for the country's geography
>never mentions the anti-white indoctrination and policies in SA
Because the people who were propping it up also began lying and adding more shit to it. The problem is that the truth wasn't good enough for them. They were taking everyday SA crime and called it white genocide. They became such a problem that even local whites in SA hate them.
Everytime I read about mexico I wonder how they can still function as a country.
1. It's a real big country. 2. on some deeper level, they actually don't.
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I'm the only Latin American on this board that owns a firearm
shithole-ness can be a stable condition i guess
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Not so fast.

Less stable and more comfortable really.
The energy crisis in South Africa ended months ago. And comparing South Africa to Mexico where 463 Americans are reported as kidnapped in a country overrun with violent Cartels is pure cope.
Mexican Cartels release gore torture videos on the internet each week.
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Narcos are mostly school drop outs with old Chink surplus Kalashnikovs who can't shoot for shit. They get curb stomped when ever they go up against the military or large law enforcement agencies. They thrive through simple fucking bribery and collusion with politicians. When they intimidate or threaten politicians it's usually backed by other corrupt police and politicians. It's funny that foreigners think they're some elite corps of operators. Mexico COULD get rid of cartels quickly but that would require removal of thousands of corrupt politicians that enable it. That's as realistic as outlawing lobbying in the USA. It's unrealistic due to the sheer amount of money invovled.
Mexico has still not retired the G3 for the similar opinion that 5.56 is not optimal in many situations. The FX05 and G3 are simultaneous production.
>List EFF as an example of militia doing home invasions

>Pogroms can happen at any moment
South Africa wouldn't have a foreign tourist industry if that was happening.
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CRUZEX ended today.
I saw that gripen planes beat f-15 in simulated combat https://www.cavok.com.br/cruzex-cacas-gripen-da-fab-vencem-os-imbativeis-f-15-em-combate-simulado
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Not really surprising, Gripens had Meteors and AWACS while the F-15's weren't the top ones.
>50 posts by this ID
Does Brazil export vehicles? Most of the military exports I've seen from your country are either weapons or aircraft and aircraft parts.
Why the heck is Mexico banning guns the cartels are still going to own them.
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The Guarani was sold to Lebanon, Philipines and Ghana so far.

I think the kost sucessful product was the Cascavel which was sold to almost everyone in the third world during the Cold War.
They're even offering modernization packages now for said users.
12 years of leftist leadership
>Chilean former chief of the police and current secretary of president officially under arrest for date rape
>>President and his spokeswoman clearly tried to cover it up but got caught
>two supreme court judges removed for corruption
ironically, this is the best situation at the moment, so frist a little context, some years back durin the covid pandemia appear this group that is basically our own nra and they have been bery bussy fightihng for guns rights in the country with various degrees of succes, the most recent victory was against a change in the law that basically erased the concept of ownership (replace owner with holder or some shit) that the goverment said it doesnt changed the definition and other gay escusses, now this is important because the current goverment wants to ban all guns from civilians and probably from cops/military too (no gun in house for cop), same goverment in green text, very left and gay, incredible gay. this is making the people lean more and more raight and right leannin are more tolerant of gun rights, the migrant crisis with the haytians and venezuelansa also made people less tolerable towards crime and wanting to own guns is part of the publick discourse now, before guns only appear in kids cod discutions on school.

>tldr: leftys shoot themself on foot and now everyone wants a gun

this anon gets it

laws dont allow for it, plus they have the cops for that

yes, but we are working on it

Porque no hablamos en español
Plenty of the more elite narcos are simply retired mexico armed forces spec-ops dudes; said units are on the same level as the united states special operators, so it's not true that *all* narcos are simply apes who happen to get their hands on some guns, but many of them are, yes.

Different groups have different characters and membership patterns. Some are basically just a bunch of buddies from special forces who got out and figured this is the best way to use their skills. Others are more about the political and social stuff and basically market themselves as a social club that can help young men socially advance in a tough system. These types are the ones who recruit the 17-year old thugs who don't know the difference between a 5.56 or 7.62

Your analysis isn't bad per se, but a little bit oversimplified
Because I don't speak Spanish.
Are you OP
If so... why make a latam thread? You just find it interesting?
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Army testing their new auto-turret on their old M113.
>Are you OP
>If so... why make a latam thread? You just find it interesting?
This started after a Brazilian tank thread was made and it reached bump limit.
Doesn't Boric have less than a 30% appproval rating or something like that?
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>leftards coping on twitter

also, srry for the typos
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Is Boric the guy that said Chile has too many Chileans and started importing Venezuelans?
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Uniforms of the Argentine Officer's School throughout history. Thought it was a cool pic.
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Are the autodefensas in Mexico still active?
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Everyone talks about Chile but Argentina also had GröẞDeutschesPreußenpüppenfärten uniforms.
>No 8x8 Guarani
>No 4x4 big cannon Guarani
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8x8 Guarani wouldn't make sense if they bought Centauro II w/ local production.
why not get 8x8 Guarani and mount the cannon on it?
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Doesn't make sense financially.
If they want a 8x8 Guarani, they should just build the SuperAV, which is what the Guarani came from.
Isn't it the opposite? The AV came from the Guarani. And yes a SuperAV with the Centauro turret would be great.
True, my bad.
But the point is the same, wouldn't make much sense when it already exists and both Guarani and SuperAV shares like 80% of parts.
Even the Centauro shares a bunch of stuff with the Guarani, which is why it was chosen in the first place.
How much is shared between the Guarani and SuperAV
yeah you can see the evolution of military relations almost, from angloboos/ameriboos to germanboos to ameriboos again
Some more cool CRUZEX pics in

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>>random guy blows himself up trying to bomb the supreme court building with makeshift explosives and fireworks
Dont forget he was dressed like a discount joker.
Engine, Transmission, Suspension and a bunch of eletronics.
Don't place lead on objects that may come in contact with food anon.
>Those cartridges
>That table
>That table cloth
why is the wider world so cucked?
something something enslaving the revolting populace something
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another one
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>is the only country with long range sam's
how do we cope rest of latam bros??
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By having SEAD capabilities.
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amerindian special forces are on the scene
Interesting, I wonder if a SuperAV with the Guarani chassis would be feasible.

It's not even legal. I have another stainless steel one with 6 inch barrel but no good pictures of it.

Special force CAUSA-6
Any more sauces?
Not point out the legality of your firearm, but those cartridges look nasty and humid, by the color of the brass.
Most of Latam is defacto libertarian, see those shantytowns? They usually have self-defense comites and too often justice is carried by the man on the street, for example during the riots after Pedro Castillo got sacked the merchants at Lima cityhall hired guys with revolvers, sticks and machetes to fend off any rioter gang with funny ideas about wealth redistribution, the only people who doesnt understand this is unironically the professional middle class which has been cucked by western liberalism, the rich be it brown or white is armed to the teeth and pay private healthcare, education and security while the popular class gang up to keep themselves alive. Latam is what you may call a region with weak states but strong societies which is the opposite of, say, China, which has an extremely strong state who can order their own citizens to abort their children but a very week society, as these citizen will obey, try to do this in LATAM and you can expect an uprising if it ever manages to get through.
Are most of Mexico's murders in that little black triangle or what?
That's a lot of words to say that some countries and regions are just lawless shitholes lmao.
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When will people will fucking learn that the murder rates maps coincide a lot with the drug route map?

Obviously Argentina/Uruguay/Chile won't have high murder rates, because that's not where the drugs go through, they go through from Central America and Northern Brazil to US/Europe.
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Peru is buying A LOT of South Korean arms.

Ships, Jets, Guns...
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>most routes don't bother to go south
You are still proving that anon right, you know. It makes no economical sense for the narcos to do a longer route overland, it just increases risk of getting caught. The shorter the route, the less risky and less expensive.
I am confident that Mexico could destroy these with a few ancient F5 given the absolutely lousy performance of Russian AA.
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That's because they're heading towards ports. Criminals sneak contraband inside packages and underneath cargo ships.
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As opposed to Europe and the US where its a lawless shithole but you get away with it if you're brown
and now they got a jewish woman as president,
yare yare daze...


seria exclusionario a los de brazil que ironicamente tienen el sector militar mas grande e productivo.
I wouldn't know, I'm not Euro. It's just that your "muh South America is secretly libertarian" cope gave me second hand embarrassment.
In other news, how do you Perubros feel about the new Peruvian Air Force candidates to replace the Mirage 2000? The decision will be made in 2025, candidates are:

>F-16 Block 70
>Dassault Rafale
>Saab JAS 39 Gripen

I think the Rafale is a bit too expensive to maintain, you need to put in the flight hours to make it worth your while. F-16s or Gripen with many flight hours of training is better than Rafale that spend half a year grounded, but that's my take.
F-16 is going to be the only economic choice when taking into account parts and continued support but if the only realistic enemy Peru has is Chile then you're facing planes with equal capabilities or better which makes planning a defense strategy more complicated. Gripens should allow for projection further out east and north thanks to less intensive runway requirements and be closer to the Mig 29 in mission profile but they are also a commitment to defense procurement deals with very limited supply.
Makes sense. Colombia was looking at the Gripen too, so there must be a lot of anxious hand-rubbing going on in Sweden.
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went shootan today, fuckers at the range put someone else with me in gallery/house/isle whatever the fuck is called(they have several) and I just ended up burning through the rest of 9mm as quickly as possible and not even using all of my .22, cant shoot comfortably with some fucking rando in there with me.
atleast my new Mormon holster and weaponlight worked fine
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Also holy shit this thing got fucking filthy
News says they might end up getting KF-21.
Interesting. I like having a variety of weapons systems in SA.
It looks like a really good choice too, Peru will be first to have 5th gen aircraft?
The only downside is that deliveries are gonna take a while, it's only now about to enter production.
KF-21 is not a 5th gen.
Depends on which variant, according to what I'm reading the Worst Koreans claim they will make a fully stealth 5th gen variant, but the plane isn't even in production. Korean deliveries start in 2026 so who knows?
I think the first production ones are 4.5gen like everyone else.
Before Chile's economy was burned in a giant woke leftist pyre the FACH was seriously talking about getting F-35s
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Oh it could always be worse. We are currently awaiting delivery of F-16s to finally enter the 4th generation. Planes of the same type we could and should have bought all the way back in 2006, when budget money was allocated, the offer was made and the FAA had made up its mind on it.

Just 20 years behind the rest of the region in procurement :)
I hate commies so goddamn much.
btw check out the excuse they put out on pic related to cancel the deal back in 2006, it's hillarious. "Patagonian pebbles could be sucked by the air intake and ruin the engine". Top kek.
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There never was money for f35's, if the americans sent a f35 to an airshow I doesn't mean that you're going to buy it lmao
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Was this reply meant for me?
I never mentioned the F-35.

I'm talking about a package for F-16s which was approved by the US Congress for Argentina all the way back in 2006, at the time there was ample money to pay for it (budget surplus of 3% of GDP at the time), there was approval, everything was in place, it was only cancelled because of irrational leftist seethe at all things military. It was never about money, they reduced military spending to a ridiculous 0.58% of GDP. They didn't buy anything for 20 years and just embezzled the money as they bankrupted the country. And left the country extremely disarmed and vulnerable to narco planes and other risks. And pilots died due to flying skyhawks that are basically rotting at this point.

So now we are basically picking up where we left off 20 years ago in terms of military procurement. Better late than never I suppose.
The F-35 is getting cheap enough thanks to the scale of production that a squadron will probably be only around 1.7 or 2 times more expensive than a squadron of F-16s while providing 5 times the capability thanks to stealth and datalink. The first country to get F-35s in south america is going to rule the skies for 50 years.
Being realistic the USG won't sell F-35s for most of the region for quite a while, mostly due to fears of sparking an arms race. However if Peru does get the stealth KF-21 then that might get them to approve sales to certain countries so as not to lose market share.

How things work in South America is that they let us play with some shiny toys but not the big boy stuff. Until one country in the region goes knocking the door to an outside provider (Sweden, Russia, Korea, you name it), then the US gets spooked and approves newer stuff.

The whole region was stuck in third gen until Peru bought MIGs, so the US begun approving fourth gen like F-16s. Now the baseline is 4.5 but if someone takes the plunge into 5th gen that gets the ball rolling.

As it stands I don't see F-35s likely for any country's near future.
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K2 Black Panther For Peru
Chilebros how do we cope?
>sparking an arms race
nah we need another one
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Upgrade to 2A7V.
Meant for >>62881642 because >phoneposting
Yeah let's buy f35's and now you have the army and the navy asking for the same money for projects and now you are either broke or you'll go broke in the future, better plan for capabilities instead of just buying shit just because
>Brazil: already equipping their 1st squadron with new gripens
>Argentina: will receive till the end of the year their 1st F-16
>Paraguay and Uruguay: bought super tucanos
>Colombia and Peru: finishing deciding wich jets they will buy
whats next for the countries that I haven't mentioned like Chile, Bolivia and Venezuela?
desu South America is quite peaceful these days, old rivalries have receded into memes and the rare nationalist larp declaration, and that's a good thing. The only regional threat is Venezuela chimping out on Guyana or devolving into chaos again. But aside from that "hotspot" I don't see any risk of war happening. Even these threads are quite comfy.

It'd be smart to keep it that way, with more military cooperation, joint exercises and the like.
The world is shitty enough as it is.
Bolivia is broke.
Venezuela is broke but doesn't care.
Chile is well-equipped though they might go on a shopping spree if Peru does upgrade its airforce, for the time being I don't think they are concerned.
No, it doesnt make much sense. Brazil's main need in the maritime space is securing its EEZ, so fishery stuff and anti-smuggling (narco) stuff.
Chile has the f16 upgrade going on and will fly falcons for decades, probably the F5 replacement will be new f16's
makes sense, I keep seeing mentions of Brazilian officials making comments about protecting the Blue Amazon, are they preparing for ocean mining technology to take effect?
That ship isn't for Brazil, but for the UAE.
They're just gonna use Brazilian missiles.
I'm aware, I initially meant that I've noticed that there has been movement both by the government and companies in Brazil for naval development/modernization. The submarine purchases, the increase in ship building, and systems development by your stronger and more well known companies like Embraer in the naval sector.
Oh vey:


I heard atrocious things about Negev but I am trying to know out if it's truth or just ragheads and lefties seething about Israeli's defense industries.
>List EFF as an example of militia doing home invasions
The EFF might be collapsing too since they underperformed in the last elections. Also basically a scam, cosplaying Gucci revolutionaries. Malema would do the "kill the Boer" chant and ignite people but he hangs out with white guys who are shady criminal entrepreneur types, and all part of a post-Apartheid structure where various "tenderpreneurs" would use political connections as a means to profit, and they began spinning out fake anti-establishment / populist parties once they were beginning to be exposed. They were also caught up in the VBS bank scandal where they looted a bank and wiped out the savings of mostly poor, black South Africans.
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Those projects are simply taking fruition now, the Submarine program as a whole started back in 2009. The nuclear one JUST now started being built when originally it was planned to be delivered by this year.
Con la reforma que metio AMLO y la judia, no es mejor comprar las armas ilegalmente?
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More likely that Chile will upgrade their Leopards with Turk turrets. It's funny because the Turks got design help for the Altay from the Koreans who made the K2 kek.
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TAM my beloved
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Lockheed has been shilling the F35 to Chile hard but they showed little interest. Maybe they'll look into it harder now that Peru is getting Korean stealth jets.
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>sending a plane to an airshow means they'll sell it to us
you are dreaming. nobody outside nato+israel has the F-35 yet. nobody outside nato+israel has bought it or even tried to buy it. the usa congress has to authorize any sale. and there's a waiting list for actual NATO members still expecting their first delivery.

maybe in the late 2030s you'll be able to see this plane flying for a south american airforce, being optimistic.

peru's korean plane (if they buy it) is not stealth either it's 4.5 gen
>nobody outside nato+israel has the F-35 yet.

Singapore, Japan, Switzerland, Australia, and Korea do. It is no longer bleeding edge ultra expensive tech for only our closest allies. Chile is stable and aligned enough for it to be done. The absolute most cutting edge tech simply won't be optioned in if the US doesn't trust that. The program has matured and unit per unit is becoming more affordable.
retard, over half of nato is awaiting delivery.
yeah im sure they are gonna prioritize a south american country over them.

>Singapore, Japan, Switzerland, Australia, and Korea do
no they don't. singapore and switzerland are awaiting delivery. japan and worst korea are halfway through their delivery. only aus is complete.

and those countries are first world, nato aligned, military allies with defense treaties with the united states. they are awaiting delivery of their planes. chile is way back at the line.
The reality is that South America suffers both the blessing and the "curse" of being such a peaceful region. That puts it way below the list of priorities in terms of military procurement, compared to Eastern Europe and even SEA and Middle Eastern shitholes with way worse economies and living standards than many SA nations. They are more likely to get F-35 before us, simply because these are conflict hotspots and South America is not.

Maybe if some country chimped out and went full Chinese colony (a big country, Venezuela is a joke) then the equation would change, it would make the US sit up and notice and begin arming the region. But do we really want that?
>F-35 in SA

It will never happen, nobody in Latin America is a "Tier-1" ally to get them, the first 5th gen operator in the continent will be either buying Chinese, European or jointly developing one with the previous two.
That thing looks like a fucking boobytrap for a fool to try out. Gun powder, glass bottle projectile, filled with flammables. Good fucking luck they'll never see a retard on fire randomly
Johnny #5, without retarded little tracks
hot latina booty
their armory looks like a harbor
some fucking direction then start going up every fucking time
>last year gun carry is allowed in my country
>gun import tax also lowered
>kewl, Im gonna get the license and a gun
>at the same time my balls start kinda hurt
>visit doc
>need ball surgery, money lost
>well once I recover I can save money to buy lat-
>gun import goes up to 300%
man fuck this gay country
Which country? Pretty sure you can get that type of surgery for free here. (Have fun waiting though)

>(Have fun waiting though)
the surgery was months ago, my balls are fine now
Fuck off. I like reading about South America. I don’t go there, and it doesn’t make the news, so this is a great jumping off point for research. What’s your fucking problem anyway? You can get laid, you know.
Panamanon here. The Senan (essentially border patrol) has Kriss Vectors and scorpion evos
They usually ride in motorbike duos called lynxs fr quick reaction
Honestly they're usually used in tandem with the police as security, except against rioters.

There's also a Huey that ocassionally flies over my house. It has such an iconic sound <3
Meant for OP. No idea why i clicked on that anon

Also, it seems that the paperwork to own a gun here in Panama s relatively easy. However, there's almost no secondhand market (if any). My only choices are either glocks or a cz75, all for at least 700$. Shit sucks
thats his problem, he can not get laid
>Are most of Mexico's murders in that little black triangle or what?
That fuckers name is Zacatecas, its the second most violent state just behind Colima (The dot on the west coast).
If you want to keep chucking old amraams and jdams better keep your 4th gen aircraft, it's useless getting f35's if the americans aren't willing to sell the good shit, they don't even sell harms to latin america
I know, Brazil was supposed to have F-4 Phantoms, but they were like "No lol, you can buy F-5's instead".
It's kinda the main reason why the Air Forced moved away from US stuff.

Paraguay bought $100M worth of Super Tucanos.
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I wonder what missiles could Peru fit on its Korean birds.
Probably AMRAAM's as well.
It's what SK operates with.
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>Mexico to ban 9mm
I was under the impression it was already banned which was why .38 super was so associated with Mexicans for a while. Did they unban it only to try to ban it again?
>UNSC Territorial Defense troops deploy to defend the Quito Space Elevator, 2552
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dumping some pics
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Dumping shit from Mexico´s narco war
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Death mexican army men
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Mexican army men with anti-vehicle weapons
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High profile arrest
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Mad Max cartel edition
Can't wait to see drone and Apache videos of narcos getting pasted en mass. Machismo fucking shits
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>Can't wait to see drone and Apache videos of narcos getting pasted en mass. Machismo fucking shits
Lmao. Is this from a porn or something
>bro is it gay that we look lovingly into each others eyes as you mating press me?
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The mexican army and national guard have been more tolerable towards faggots lately
>his country's military never got a homage in vidya

That AR is kino
Holy fuck that second video gave me chills
Happy transition, anon.
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>banned 22 mag as well

i remember a few bean boys owning these in .380. made me lol at least get a cheetah size clone.

Private security in LatAm is a multi-billion dollar industry
not cucaracho but unironically the problem its lefties, they may not be as rabid as yours but they are more cunning and devious
>coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb
>R-27 higher range than R-77
Gotta give it to Brazilians, they certainly aren't generic. They have a certain vibe and aesthetic that's uniquely them.
>Argentina is about a war they lost
>Brazil is about wars/battles/operations they won
Its the ER Variant.
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The britcucks are dismantling their forces again, pick what >you want for you're country
Albion, Bulwark and the Chinooks for the BR Navy.
>one is about going on suicide missions agaisnt warships with triple a, sam's and jet fighters with aim-9l's
>the other one is about destroying trains agaisnt an already defeated army with poor morale
There is no need to be a dick. Second video feels more badass and hits harder but that's also in part because our war was more retarded.
Wish we were smarter geopolitically like the BRs desu.
To expand on this, back at the start of WW2, Argentina was THE South American power (despite its population being 5 times smaller), and Brazil was struggling. Argentina started out closer to the Allies and Brazil closer to Axis. However as the war progressed, Brazil negotiated with the Americans and in exchange for sending an expeditionary force to Italy, they got the Americans to finance Brazil's industrialization (Volta Redonda steel complex) and modernize their armed forces, kickstarting their economic growth, while we were stubborn in maintaining neutrality and even got closer to the Axis even as it became obvious they had lost, which led to us facing international isolation post-war and missing on the 1950s worldwide economic boom. Imagine what our MIC would look like today, if we had stuck with the winning side. FMA could have been like SAAB.

And that's without even getting to 1982 where we lost in battle what we would have very likely gotten in peacetime just by waiting it out. (There had been handover negotiations in the 1970s)
I think we've learned from that. I hope at least.
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dont call me a tranny you faggot, dick n balls health is srs bsns

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