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Old >>62892623


Audio Instruction

Stop calling me a furry! I have no fursona, am only allowed one (1) Averi post a week and the thought of our beloved mascot getting yiffed saddens me
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>Is it reasonable in my budget
>will you use it
Thanks I was wondering if this was good to go
Still sucks
Yw burger king
Is it ok to mix ranger green and mcam tropic? I want a new placard but not a new plate carrier, and all my belt and pouches will be tropic.
No anon that would be super tacky, all the flat range larpers will laugh at you
What red dot is that and what is that thingy behind it? A foldy sight?
I might get an interview to work at KAC as a machinist, God willing
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That would be the midten red dot
Thats a QD socket for a single point sling
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to restore their QC
How would I comparatively measure suppressor pressure?
I want to compare the amount of backpressure between
1. bare muzzle
2. suppressor #1
3. suppressor #2
If you knew who I was you wouldn't get your hopes up. I will bring it crashing down
Look at that clean deflector
You could maybe extrapolate from bolt speed if you had a good enough camera, maybe one of those devices that measure weight/pressure similar to those for testing trigger pull
Have you stocked up on schmiesser mags? They're under $30 now
Bill, don't do it
To be honest anon with that barrel length full auto the brass probably hits the back of the ejection port and flies forward to 1-2 o'clock without touching the deflector
It's worse than that, I'm brown
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>Look at that clean deflector
I cant say I shoot it all that often anon. Maybe vid rel will help you figure out why
>Have you stocked up on dog turds, they are free at the local park
Gee anon I hadn't considered that
is it really that bad? I was considering buying another one but then again my only one right now shit the bed sooo
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It’s almost time bros
Your sounding rods are being delivered?
Difference in ejection pattern. Silencer syndicate on YouTube does it by seeing which setting on his adjustable gas block allows it to lock back open.
What if they both do that and both have a similar pattern
Then they have similar back pressure lol
Best ambi 5.56 rifles? Doesn't need to be AR15 though that's a bonus.
Radian, ADM, and Daniel Defense all make ambi lowers
No that sounds painful.
Can't believe they're still together after all that shit
Why the fuck isn't my radian talon as snappy as my milspec safety, it feels like shit
Pull the spring out and stretch it
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just two sexual predators in their natural habitat
You don't want it to be loud you need it quiet for ninja shit
was he trying to make fun of gt? i can't tell
Thanks, I know about LMT too but that's basically unobtanium from what I can tell.
He’s been hunting the 239 pound mormon kind
all this self promotion
Just get all multicam tropic bro.
its something in the rails, it has to be
it's not self promotion anon I'm just excited, this is a dream job.
We need him back
I just like personalities. I miss spearman, I miss shark, I miss ddanon, I miss big boss bore snake
which one? neither were good
I have an fn ambi lower too
I miss DMT and 300 blk anom too but I know he'll be back

Ddanon entertaining
DDanon is in the big leagues now he's never coming back
Ddanon a creep. I don’t condone the weirdos trying to get him fired from his job but there was something unsettling about that dude
>big leagues
I miss shoe.
hope that lil nigga didn't actually kill himself
are you one of those people that sees anime as tantamount to pedophilia?
>1300 followers and one post a month is the big leagues
Needs a solofish laser
he did get fired though
no he didn't
We're costco guys! We need to flay ourselves and put the ar-15 under our skin!
No just lolifags
Is LMT MRP worth getting?
Just the way God made me I guess. Although I gotta put I'm white (Hispanic or Latino)
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have you tried that thing in that configuration auto? Does it even run?
Pretty sure dmt posts without images now. There was an uncanny political post last thread that sounded just like him.
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Observe >>62896413
I figured since it’s Florida.
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What about the new not-a-416?
No. Do you want a piston gun? Get an LWRCI. LMT MRP piston is OK but they need some more time to get their QC sorted. Pretty sure all the stuff that's making it onto the civ market right now are rejects from their mil contracts.
Nah he was fine
Is that with the kak mini milspec buffer?
Good. That's half the reason I hate him
Yes my family was subject to America's powerful brain drain of latin america
he literally posted photos of a statue of a child
Who don't you hate, anon?
Man I wish that was true but I doubt he could handle the anonymity. People don't just avatar post for no raisin
Needs an old school mag lite attached that's twice as long as the barrel
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No thats just a standard buffer tube in that video. I dont have any vids with KAK buffer but it works fine as well.
Gun has actually been extremely reliable as a whole.
No chrome
Not my president
Why can’t HK chrome line their barrels…
>No thats just a standard buffer
Somehow I need you would both misinterpret my question and answer confidently anyway.
>in THAT configuration auto
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>paying more than $1k for a rifle with a nitride barrel
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Ugly rail tbqh
*in lingerie
Not defending him, he might know full well who those characters are. But I google "hentai girl stickers" and just buy what gets my dick hard. I am not looking into whether the clearly adult-bodied women are "written" to be children. Then again I naturally prefer womanly women
What are good drills with low round counts like an 1r1 but not shit like an 1r1
he watches the shows, he knows exactly what they are
>statue of a cartoon character
fixed that for you
This was not an adult body.
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a child cartoon character
lmao i remember those memes
His statue was a toddler
Cartoons aren't real anon
Damn he sucks then
Imao. Never forgetti that he kept posting lowers for several years because he was underage and couldn't buy one
I wouldn't know I don't know if I have seen what you are referencing. I am just saying how I operate
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i got plenty
That isn’t the statue in question.
damn, he's young and looks like he does? it's unironically over. I thought he had to be early thirties at least. generation zeethe is aging horribly
I said ew to both things
He got sloshed on Strawberry hills, poor kid
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Im listening
>Get question answered anyway
no, he's like 20 something
I don’t know what show it is but it was unmistakably a child. I normally don’t care about anime but this was too far.
I am too retarded to find public land i can shoot on that i can drive to. Can you spoonfeed me so i can go train.
>he's like 20 something
26 and under is underage to me
Where do you live?

North Idaho
southern CO/northern NM
It's in the archives
Hey fuck off I asked him the question
giga ew
he can handle both of us at the same time :)
Fuck off commie fag
Stop derailing. Let the man answer the original anon first dickhead
thar be a cartoon child, but nothing to get the authorities involved over
Yeah that's fucked
>someone posted a cartoon on a cartoon image board better call the cops about it
Who said anything about that?
idk I just got here
you soft cunts, i've seen worse on /tv/
Wasted digits on retardation.
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This is why avataring is a problem. You idiots have now blown 50 posts talking about dd's statue pic from how long ago
Doesn't make it less gross
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>50 posts closer to bump limit
Repeating flashbang smiles per miles or bangs or pulls
They suck. Known issue
starving kids in africa could have eaten those posts
You're an insufferable faggot for an illiterate
But /tv/ is such a wholesome board?
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For you
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The AR15 is a gay rifle

i am not sure why this is so controversial
What kind of mental illness do you have?
none i am completely stable and perfectly healthy
very strange that you would make projections about having mental illnesses though
Trying too hard anon. You're supposed to call avatar fags neverserveds, their rifles safe queens, etc.
Cope cry seethe etc
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why do you assume the AR15 being a queer firearm is a bad thing

the AR15 is the most commonly owned rifle in homosexual society and is the pinnacle of LGBT weapon ownership and self armament

i am proud to know that the AR15 represents the gay community
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>If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it
How's the weather in isn'treal, goldbaum?
Why don't the democrats or an lefist pundits support to own undocumented unlimited ar15's then? Checkmate atheist
What do you call a gay dude wearing a cape?
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An hero?
Super Faggot
Which Geissele rail is the best choice to tuck an RC2 on a 12.5 barrel? I will chop if needed.
12.5 inches is a fairly queer choice for barrel length
funny how that works
wonder if its just a coincidence or maybe something more to do with how homosexually coded the AR15 is
>implies fear
nigga are you stupid. nobody fears your prolapsed anus , daddy issues and shitty world view. the ak is the gay rifle because commies are gay and no amount of making an ar rainbow will change the fact that your father is disappointed in you
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How astroturfed can you be?
>the ak is the gay rifle because commies are gay
a quick check at both threads confirms this
thats a new one for me la Mao
>anime poster
opinion right in the fucking garbage
WOAH Is that anime?? ON the anime website? Holy shit. What the fuck are you doing!??
>you know liking AR15s doesn't make you gay right
Considering the state of /arg/, I'm not entirely convinced of this statement.
>showing how new you are by thinking 4chan is 2chan
nigger kill yourself
NTA but shut up bitch 4chinz is a weeb shithole whether you like it or not
4chan was made by a 12 year old who wanted to talk about anime but couldn't read Japanese. Welcome to 4chan by the way new "friend".
It's an anime website old man
>4chan was created by an underage b&
Direct hit on target
Get your rainbow shit outta /k/
>fucking up basic information that google can answer.
>>62897876 go to >>/a/ you literal faggot.
you are not old enough to post here
Yeah, I got a chuckle out of that years ago when I learned mooty was underageb& when he created the site.
Excuse me bitch I've watched several chronograph videos going over barrel length and velocity and 12.5 is the stupidest limp dick no gain littlest gain no reason to exist length there is. The end. Feel free to watch the grand cumm video on said subject. Farewell trolly
You're the one sprinkling gay shit through your posts. Idgaf about your 12inches
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Post a gun nigga
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>fucking up basic adjectives that google can answer.
go to m4carbine.net you tremendous faggot
Not him but what anime do you watch
this is a bottoms rifle
NTA but the only animes I’ve completed are Lain and Ghost In The Shell
Kill la kill
The helpful fox
Nah, all of our bottoms post pictures of steak.
Boku no pico
idk what any of those are except for kill la kill. Dan da dan is pretty good
its bottom coded
i can tell because its a AR15
the AR15 is gaycoded
PRI and MK12s are bottomcoded
Tons, everything from harem to slice of life to action and scifi etc.
Damn dawg, just bottom? Not even power bottom?
I’m watching beastars now it’s breddy good
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Ok you passed the test
it's Bible Black for me
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florida bros our first cold front of the year is imminent. we have a very comfy weekend ahead of us
Hey, I'll be there next week
It should fire up the surf fishing. I want some pompano
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do it, the wind will be shifting offshore in the mornings and should give us some great water clarity
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Last anime I watched was Uzumaki
As a tradesmen that gives me kek's.
I wish more women did trades but I'm also really glad they don't
which type of oil do you use on your railscales
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post nccer.
BLACKED Friday is almost upon us what are you gunsooming anon?
No you don't
All I really need is a lower parts kit and an ACOG. I'm guessing only one of those things will be on sale
I knew one female machinist who really knew her shit but she retired a couple years after I started. I miss her and wish we had met at the same age 40 years ago.
AXL belt and kywis
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FRT triggers A2 approved?
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not only approved, but recommended.
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What about super safeties?
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huh. airport by my house is dead.
Someone needs to post the shitpost image about the patriot gat crank trigger.
I want the FRT because it functions like a normal safety, but I'm not spending $700 for one.
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I went through a Union Apprenticeship. Was also supposed to get a Associate degree but the person at the College didn't do the work that they were telling their boss they accomplished.
Wtf I love/pfg/ now
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Ok we know that you're allowed to own machine guns but try to see it from a non-sot, regular sivilian. Would the FRT be more appealing and A2 Approbed?
Nice. You in Idiots Being Electrocuted Weekly?
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You either need a machinegun and nothing will stop you from having one. Or you dont need a machinegun. Meme triggers a waste of time and money. Your lower is m16 pocket and your $80 m16 LPK is packed in grease.

Spend the rest of the time trying to figure out why you want a full auto magfed rifle.
I want to blast trash desu
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>m16 pocket and your $80 m16 LPK is packed in grease
If I remove G$ from the list and replace the Luth-AR LPK with a surplus outlet, will this guide be A2 approved?
What LAM is best LAM in currentyear?
Request denied
Standard bit sizes
Printable jigs
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Envision tek RAIL
Rovyvon gl4
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Yes, I Block Every Walkway.
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Are the Bren 2 and XCRs g2g? I want to get a SCAR at some point but the former 2 are cheaper. The Bren and the SCAR seem like they beat out the XCR in ergos due to the ambi charge handles.
Better off with a vseven than a scar
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Arg chads. I’m the anon who bought a series 181 ruger mini.
I’m wondering if this could help accurize it
Smith probably makes a modernized chassis
lipstick on a pig desu, just appreciate it for what it is- a badass ranch rifle
I got back from shooting. I didn't torque my buffer enough cuz despite staking it, apparently was able to come lose with just hand pressure. Fixed that when I got home torqued to spec, new castle nut, staked thrice for good measure, reprimanded like a bad girl
I'll do a lot to avoid paying the FN tax but I need actual obtainable ambi options.
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All that is cope. Everything you need to make a full auto ar is legal and freely available (drill press, drill bits, m16 lpk, lower with room for activities, printable jig if you're gay and can't do it without it)

Legally Test fire in the woods to confirm function test. Stow away for rainy days and keep your braced lower on your AR pistol
If there’s a cheap way to improve the accuracy that’s something I want. I don’t need to bring it up to modern AR levels but since it’s my main if that can help then I need it.
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Should've used blue Loctite
What happened to the goose schizo, is he b& or v&?
I'd argue the radian is the best standalone ambi lower if you want to spend for it.
But ambi controls are a meme.
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machine guns are only banned if you're poor
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lmao no, worst ambi system, can't lock the bolt back without dropped the mag. into the trash it goes
They're only banned from being fun if you have a boring full auto it's okay, so just don't have fun
ah sunk cost fallacy, got it. hope you're not addicted to gambling.
nta but there is a pleasure on min maxing a gun that itself isn't made for it. Work with what ya got
Maybe you should stop basing your life around the opinions of a retarded tripfag from a literal faggot general.
Fuck off you twink faggot stay in /hg/ you don’t get to come here just because you bought a mini 14.
He is right tho, the frt and super safety are janky and unproven, might as well go full hog in Minecraft
I don’t need to be competitive with a modern AR. I want something I bought for looks to be a little more effective if possible and I want to know if an 80$ brace will help and maybe make it competitive with newer mini.
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>buys two case of ammo at bass pro
>finds out there is no curb side pickup
>calls the store about picking up via curbside
>tells me to come inside and get it myself
>goes inside, still have to wait half an hour for them to get it
WTF is wrong with these stores. If you dont have a curbside parking spot then dobt advertise it fuckers!!
Maybe a shot timer
>janky and unproven
What does that even mean? They're not replacements to try to get you a "legal" loopholed machine gun.
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reposting ancient scroll for relevance
Damn it's not in line with the top of the gun, it's a couple degrees off when correctly torqued. I cannot get it center at the right torque specs or even close, it'll be too loose. Is it okay if the bottom of the buffer isn't perfectly lined up with the top of the upper?
why the fuck are you buying ammo at bass pro like a shoebie?
It means exactly what it says, the recoil impulse is jankier and these systems haven't proven themselves reliable enough. The normal m16 system fails in predictable ways
>buying ammo at bass pro shop
I'd rather the LMT lowers but those are hard to come by. I'd like to stock some when I can though. The Bren, XCR and SCAR seem good for ambi and are something a little different which is why I was wanting to get them. No point if they suck or don't feed though.

Ah fuck I thought I'd be safe from him here.
Either way, he shouldn't be basing his life around a retarded tripfag in a faggot general.
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Is BKF g2g?
That's true, I agree.
I have a buddy who says he really likes his bren 2 but he might have 500 rds thru it.
I've met a couple guys with xcrs and they had good things to say.
Scar I've known a couple guys who liked them, but both were sold for profit and they just shoot normal ars now
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they make their own barrels? Then not worth it anon. Might as well get H&R at that point if you want that kind of build. This is the same dice roll except the with PSA you know what issues you'll have. I have bought mystery meat barrels and other parts before for pennies but if you run into an issue later it will be just another variable to explore
Hope you're trolling because lol
H&R vs PSA what's the difference?
Lmfao it's the worst but not for the reasons you might think, lots of issues with them fuckers and lots of opportunities for Murphys law to strike on their threaded shit holes where split pins should go or their overthickening coating that fools idiots into thinking wow snug fit anyways if you think they're good you just are a sucker for flashy suit high prices marketing
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I ordered a pvs14, talk me into not canceling it
>inb4 duals
My eye is busted it don matter
There is also a pleasure in loving something for what it is and enjoying a classic. Mostly it's poor people who cannot afford another gun who try to push shit into roles they're not suited to.
I can’t and I won’t unless you got something with abysmal specs or overpaid by a lot.
Thanks anon. They seem far less appealing if you don't need ambi controls. Good ambi controls are hard to come by. Getting good ambi controls and folding stocks seems great.
I don’t care what you do
Duals are a waste of money for most people
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>/hg/ twink now shitting up yet another general by asking the same questions over and over and ignoring any suggestions that go against his established ideas
>I ordered a pvs14, talk me into not canceling it
from whom?
green or white?
fom rating?
how much $?
mount included y/n?
>convince me of this blah blah blah
no, but here's a >you so you waste time reading my response
I wanted to get a new ruger but the old ruger in almost perfect shape was so much cheaper. I just want to know which brace works.
I wish we could collectively ignore that subhuman but as you already know it’s impossible
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Works on my machine
Karma hits /arg/ lol.
You already asked about the accustrut and got answers. Why are you asking again? Trying to get that little wink ass bred?
>Why are you asking again?
Because that's what he does. Over and fucking over again. He'll do it again later this week too.
going full fun at ben avery gave me a chuckle. fuck boomers
H&R is now owned by PSA, but allegedly the guy who was head of H&R retained his position and promised his products wouldn’t get PSA-shitified and have the same high quality standards as before. I have no idea how true that is but it’s what’s being alleged.
Mine work fine and I like the bolt hold open.
Folding stock is a legit need for the right guy. I've never needed ambi even shooting off hand.
BKF is fine, I think they OEM for aero. I have a 300 chimpout barrel and some various small parts that have all been fine. The upper you linked would be a fun beater but the barrel is only nitride and you would still need to provide a BCG & CH. Its not a bad deal but for $600 you could get an H&R upper which use chrome lined barrels and include the BCG & CH.
thank u anons for guiding my cock
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>barrel braces
Funniest gimmick yet, let us know how it worked out
Is a real vibe checker, innit
>focustripp stream tonight
Hoping for another shit show
>Hope you're trolling because lol
blue loctite on buffer tube threads is approved, newfag
ask larry potterfield
nothing I spent my winter bonus on trug parts already.
The real H&R went out of business and died in the late 80's. The did produce M14's and M16's for the military back in their heyday, I see a decent amount of H&R revolvers from the 70's too. H&R in name existed under a couple different guises until being absorbed by the Remington borg cube during the financial crisis.

The current PSA H&R is basically a totally different thing. Another company called Nodak Spud used to produce AR and AK receivers and did some niche parts, I think did their own forgings and stuff. They existed up until a few years ago when PSA's parent company bought them out and moved them to SC. The previous co-owner of Nodak Spud is also the CEO of nu-H&R. So nu-H&R is really just nu-Nodak Spud, they are still a part of JJE/PSA but have their own assembly line/production areas and use different barrels.
Dipshit you don't know how your rifle works, very sad many such cases. Do you want me to explain why you're an imbecile?
haha yeah i'd enjoy that let's see what anon can teach me that i already know
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>you don't know how your rifle works
You earlier:
>didn't torque my buffer enough
>lose with just hand pressure
>staked thrice
Ironic and very, very disrespectful!
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shut up libtard, no sissy liberal gonna make us come out to the curb! This is MAGA country again! Come pick up the ammo yourself!
I love nuH&R and own two of their lowers, and if I have to buy another lower ill probably get another COTS A2 lower from them again, but they are hit or miss. One is very oddly out of spec. Nothing is wonky on the inside but the forging leaves this massive shelf on the left side of the receiver that hangs out a noticeable bit from the upper while the other side is in a noticeable bit where the upper is hanging over the receiver. It hasnt effected anything reliability wise yet, and the other H&R lower ive got has the same effect, albeit a bit less bad. Idk if this is Nodak Spud autism in effect where the lower is built to better fit carry handle uppers or not tho, if that is even a thing. The one I stuck my 733 upper on is super tight and has no weird overhang/underhang to it whereas the 14.5 URGI upper ive got on the other exhibits this the worst. Very strange issue but I still like the logo and markings
Reloading is much easier but yeah it's not impossible.
still googling things? i'm waiting
Good lord that brings me back, not into yalls pissing match or whatever but when I was young, retarded, and afraid of staking:
>yea, uhhhh, super glue? that should work right?
Drys too hard, works loose in 1-2 range trips
>ok ok, how about some loctite? i got some of the blue stuff laying around
Works loose in 5-6 range trips
>fuck it, red loctite it is!
Loosening problem gone. Had to mangle and maim the buffer tube to get it off

Lesson learned: While ive got fond memories of having to tighten castle nuts down between mags because the stock started rotating on me just get yourself an okish starter punch and stake it. Its really easy with the right tool, theyll hold for whatever use you want, and wont fuck the buffer tube if you break them properly
Gonna do this next time
I think we should see gun expert anons staking job
Man i love how catty late night /arg/ gets. Yes I like to talk shit and on a moosely
You shouldn't ever need to remove it anyway but he's right that gluing it on would make a mess, especially when staking is easy, won't fail you, and can still be removed easily.
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>on a moosely
Sounds sexy
What services do I need to pay for on the d wilson website to get my FSP upper disassembled, chopped, P&W'd and reassembled. Does the upper disassembly include driving the pins out of my FSB or do I have to pay for the FSB service too?
>driving the pins
I sure hope not that that's a 60sec job max for a pro
I know it's really not shit but I'm still not completely clear about it. I guess I should just email them.
Any shop will look at all the work and just name a price
They want you to pay for the specific services up front on the website/ I've never sent anything to d wilson but I know other anons here have.
If they don't list it it's probably included. Such a minor thing, assuming you're not a rich investor with $50k in rifles and no vice, trying to remove pins using a 2x4 on the floor
>install vltor A5 buffer tube as jesus intended
>FCD CN5F nut
>loctite 242 evenly coated receiver and extension threads
>torque castle nut to 35 ft/lbs
>staked end plate in 2 places (3 optional)
>super 42 rifle length spring and vltor a5h1 buffer
Thats Ash after losing 100 pounds
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>loctite AND staking
>I sure hope not that that's a 60sec job max for a pro
my LMT's FSB pins were so fucking tight i tried everything and had to sent it to a shop only for it to come back canted
Surely d wilson sama won't send my shit back canted, right?
That sucks. I use an arbor press but that's not as common of a home tool. I got it gifted
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would not buy again
>they even raised the price
(review is not me)
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I just gigga nigga torque my castle nuts down. Sorry im not a nerd, ive never heard of a pound having feat before. Sound like a foot fetishist ploy to me you pervert freaks
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>Rolls a 1
>Lower cracks
Best of luck in the wars to come
Why the fuck would you buy an FSP barrel and then remove the FSP?
Just email them, pay for the chop and assembly, if there is a disassembly fee add that to your cart too. If there isn't and they need something extra they will email you letting you know and you will have to agree and pay it or get your shit sent back. They don't fuck around. They do good fast work. Stop asking people here for shit some idiot will tell you to just loctite your castle nut bro, email the customer service, talk to the vendors themselves man.
this is it chief
>super 42
You were so close to greatness and sweat flopped like the pay pig you are. This is a flatwire board sir.
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Because autism.
Are you stupid?
flatwire loud and stupid. Stop sucking A2's dick
You haven't seen my full power!
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I fuck with the SMR aesthetic but I can't justify it at all.
Has literally never been an issue for me
Hey the behind the scenes ash pics of the motocross webm arise
Real old head hours, that's not even the worst of the snake oil nowadays man.
I shed a tear for that suspension
Yeah I just thought I'd save a little time and see if anyone has done a FSB chop with them ITT. Gonna send an email.
the JP was the first buffer I ever used. it works and i like it
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You're just a poor-ACK!
you are a massive faggot
>retarded schizo is finally able to tell apart one anon from the other

Page 2 bake
Use 77 gr otms for deer instead of that boomer shit
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I have over 60 days of anime time clocked on my MAL
those are two different anons lmao

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