Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread: Don't have anything to start with. :(
I'll start us off with a dumb one in that caseMy university is CCW friendly. How dumb would it be to carry a pistol in my bag instead of on my body? I haven't bought a CCW pistol yet. I have pistols but they're slavshit stuff.
>>62845004Better to have it wherever it's easily accessible (for you)
Anyone know anything about Frommer Stop pistols? mine seems to be having trouble going into battery (see pic), though usually pulling back on the bolt a bit and letting go gets it to fully seat. I had some issues with the extractor and bent it back into shape, but I think the extractor is still causing issues.
>>62845004In my opinion very dumb. My dad and now I always swear by looking at ur gun, knowing where your gun is.Imagine someone opens ur backpack while ur talking to a woman and decides to go ape, or even report you and all the bullshit that comes with it even if 100% legal. Try and keep it on you, it's a gun not an iPad.
>>62846291>while ur talking to a womanhahah don't make me laugh thanks though
>>62844952Exchange student in the US. I have hunter license, so I can purchase firearm.How do I export it back home when I leave? I struggle to find the right export paperwork. Been told to contact Department of Commerce but I can't find their email address.Any suggestions?
>>62845004Had a friend get reported for the same thing except it was a knifeHe opened his backpack in front of a female and she saw it.Put in in a hidden compartment or similar and make sure it's not printing if you're dead-set on having it in your bag
>>62846381which country? Odds are its not gonna happen. Not even US citizens can export things willy nilly
>>62846381I sent a pair of plates to a dude in Ukraine in 2015. Just mailed it. Claimed contents was "automotive heat shielding, lightly used." Arrived well enough.
>>62846646Not that anon, but I'd expect a gun to be much harder to do that with than plates (and with a more significant criminal charges if they get caught)
Looking at a Century Arms CA-3. What’s different about it compared to the other G3 clones that have been sold?
>>62846597To Norway. I have the appropriate paperwork from the Norwegian police, giving me permission to import it.
>>62846646I want do do it legally so border control doesn't just take my gun. I'm gonna sink some coin into it, and it would suck if they stole it.I would do what you said with extra parts tho
I'm shooting a film soon that requires the use of a black powder revolver on set. The current plan is to use normal black powder compressed down with a bit of shredded cotton ball, which gets us exactly the fireball I want on video. However, that also gets you the volume. I'd prefer to reduce the sound as much as possible. Any ideas on how to get a good fireball coming out of the barrel without all the noise?
>>62846381generally you dont, if it is possible its going to be extremely expensive. its going to really depend on what country. ian did a vid with some company that specializes in exporting to europe that might help.
Most useful, shoot-able grips for Beretta 92FS, without regard to looks? I am thinking about the Hogue "cobblestone" pattern nylon grips, plus textured grip tape for the frontstrap and backstrap.
>>62846957I was hoping it was just a signed paper I could show to the border security, and I'd keep the gun in my checked luggage
>>62846885I think you can pack coffee creamer on it to make it flashier. I'd just put about 10gr by volume on top of the powder and the cotton or wad on that. mess around with the amount. i can't imagine you'll need more than 10gr of BP to make it go.
>>62847058the VZ grips are super good. I've got a set for my 92.
>>62844952my top 3 unanswered /k kuestions1)attack on USS Liberty started by taking out THE radio with heat seeking missile on hot antenna.(you telling me the antenna is the hottest part of the ship, not like the exhaust pipe? if its a LISTENING ship wouldn't they likely keep TRANSMISSION to min, just to not bleed into other bandwidth?) If it was main USN RADIO LISTENING ship, wouldn't it have about 100+ various radios of all types just for the swaps to play with and train on??? Wouldn't it be practically a museum of all sorts of old surplus radios from diff nations, most of which could transmit long range if not world wide short wave?Your average Boomer's cabin cruiser probably has 3 fucking radios. IIRC, radio goes pretty far over open water, and likely a civilian boat radio would've been able to reach various Israel AND Egypt listeners. WTF? Ok, I guess that is about 3 ques on that one item.2)Stunning blonde hottie and wife of US Ambassador to Nigeria, blackest nation on Earth, was "outed" as a CIA agent. My sources tell me besides "Prince" scams Nigerians are known for bonkers level of paparazzi. Wouldn't it be assumed the wife of a US diplomat, and due to Nigeria being run by Chevron, the most important man in Nigeria, more important that current stooge in charge, would be also part of Team America, and at fairly high level? Stunning blonde hottie is glamorous wife of top diplomat in poorest darkest Nigger-nation but leads double life as top under cover ATOMIC spy? Hollywood would shit-can that script as 'just too much'.3)If at one point Saddam had WMD including stocks of 152mm and 122mm chemical shells, how could a tiny team of clearly marked guys lead by Scott Ritter, determine "Iraq no long has WMD"??? Even if Saddam personally ordered all his guys to 86 the shit, human nature would be to stash lots of it and report you lost it in boating accident. Sounds like some blowhard College Police chief declaring to parents "no drugs on campus".
Where can I get vinyl water/weatherproof weebshit stickers to put on my gun?
>>628474371. Everything about the USS Liberty story is so completely bonkers that sometimes I find myself wondering whether it ever happened, whether the ship ever existed. It is a bottomless rabbit hole of WTF. I don't know what to tell you, man.2. It's not like the CIA is known for competence. You can't even blame DEI. How many times did those blithering dipshits try to kill Fidel Castro, again?3. Sometimes, to ask the question is to know the answer. This is one of those times. Saddam Hussein had a nuclear weapons program, too. This Israelis bombed the "breeder reactor" (a type of reactor for making plutonium) eleven years before Desert Storm, but he never gave up. Read "The Bomb in my Garden" by Mahdi Obeidi, who worked on Saddam's nuclear weapons program for years. But when ThE nArRaTiVe demanded that the public believe that Saddam didn't have any such thing, the Deep State had a stable of Boomers to call on, whose qualification to make such pronouncements was that they'd gone to Iraq and been taken on a carefully guided tour with a heavily armed goon squad from Jihaz Al-Mukhabarat (Saddam's secret police and spies--think "KGB" but with more "inshallah") to make sure no one went off script by seeing anything they weren't supposed to, even as State Department appartchiks tried, and (as always) failed, to speak their wishful thinking into existence.
>>62847437>2)Stunning blonde hottie and wife of US Ambassador to Nigeria, blackest nation on Earth, was "outed" as a CIA agent. My sources tell me besides "Prince" scams Nigerians are known for bonkers level of paparazzi. Wouldn't it be assumed the wife of a US diplomat, and due to Nigeria being run by Chevron, the most important man in Nigeria, more important that current stooge in charge, would be also part of Team America, and at fairly high level? Stunning blonde hottie is glamorous wife of top diplomat in poorest darkest Nigger-nation but leads double life as top under cover ATOMIC spy? Hollywood would shit-can that script as 'just too much'.Thirdies are actually stupid due to extensive childhood malnutrition, they see a pretty or authoritative person and instantly trust them with their life.
>>628474373)....continue....also lots of TV news of Iraqi authorities being barely and rarely even allowing inspections, and being very confrontational with inspectors, and inventing reasons to stall, which simply screams "we got something to hide".Real inspectors of any sort are very quick to say "OK, if you say so" then when safely back in office report ALL about how you refused to allow, and hint that you must be hiding exactly WTF they were to inspect, and inspection is a big fat "Not Pass" in spades.Iraq is big place and AFAIK none of the inspectors even spoke local tongue, much less be hip to Secret Signal Slang, and any translators would at least have family who were still under Saddam's police.BTW, when one SS officer at Auschwitz post-war claimed "Red Cross inspectors were lead around and fooled" what he was really doing was fooling The Jews into letting everyone know there WERE Red Cross INSPECTORS, who by then had returned to their homes in Allied nations and had been free to do WTF any inspector does when they aren't allowed to do their inspecting, so obvious thing was to ask ACTUAL inspectors WTF. :)
I bought a full size CZ75 knockoff on a palmetto sale. (mapp fs) What kind of cz style holster would fit it for OWB carry? Innawoods a lot and wanna be able to pack it around for shits and gigs.
>>62847592looks like you would need a sp01 holster or an open faced p01 holster since those are the railed cz models.though its frame might be thicker since its polymer not metal.i would not expect a perfect fit. if its leather you you could probably stretch it.
>>628475171)IIRC John McCain's admiral daddy was key in cover up. Later Sen McCain blocked program to (by then peaceful and friendly like) find out WTF about USGI MIA/KIA questions. Apple don't fall from tree. Went to school with Army brats and had family who were officers and it seems military is about 2/3 dumb "good guys" but about 1/3 back stabbing Traitors-Waiting-To-Happen and the traitors are in charge. IIRC top US Generals in WW2 got promoted because of what they did to Vets during "Bonus Army" in Depression.2)British spy biz supposedly uses fake firms like Bond's "Universal Import Export" while CIA uses legit firms as cover for actual agents, and "everyone works for the CIA" whether they know it or not. CIA will note how a non-agent of some American company is handled by his hosts as part of "big pic intel".rabbi who emigrated from Ukraine; the original family surname was "Plamevotski"EVERYTIME! :) Can't help notice they aren't all Jews but entire cabal in WashDC are also UKRAINIAN Jews, and I'm guessing its not just like "Italian from NYC" or even The Mafia but more like one crew of one of the Five Families.After graduating from college and moving to Washington, D.C., Plame worked at a clothing store while awaiting results of her application to the CIA.[7] I thought CIA was mostly Ivy League, or Military Academy...or SOMETHING like major league STEM chops, or language talent.Whole thing seems all "process crime" and a Psych Op on US public more than anything else. of noise but WTF did she ever have to do with any "yellow cake" intell in first place? Doesn't sound like she has chemical skills to bake a cake.3)I'm confused, you saying at some point Deep State wanted US public to feel Iraq was a mistake? Did some "long game" Muslim voodoo get every Iraqi to honestly 86 all WMD to make USA look dumb? Muslims do seem capable of such spooky pivots that outsiders can't detect. Iranian Rev.
>>62847812>rabbi who emigrated from Ukraine; the original family surname was "Plamevotski"This is because of the Pale of Settlement. Read about it.
>>62847533my point is ALL family of any USA political figure, especially of any military or ESPECIALLY rarified STATE DEPT would be considered by default "a CIA agent", just like wife of some high ranking cop would be "part of law enforcement" or some big corp's exec's wife is an extension of his position.I went to school with some military brats and some were more into it than others but no one would expect they WOULDN'T be functionally part of military intell gathering if anything mattered.
>>62847812The impression I got at the time was that the State Department higher-ups were desperate to avert a US ground invasion of Iraq, though less because it was even at the time obviously a horrible idea to grab that particular tar baby and more because the State Department has always been filled with "smart boys" who think they know better than the people's elected representatives and have ideas of their own about foreign policy, that are completely unconnected to the results of our elections.We can go back to before the First World War and see that the State Department's "smart boys" have always had man-crushes on whatever charismatic bandit chieftain and cannibal king they happened to meet in the course of their duties. They were head over heels in love with Lenin, Stalin, Mao T'se-Tung, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, Che Guevera, the Ayatollah Khomeni, Yasser Arafat, Nelson Mandela, Julius Nyerere, and many, many more thugs and butchers whose heartfelt love of democracy and the rule of law and admiration for America vanished like melting snow the instant they took power.When the State Department's "smart boys" failed again to speak their wishful thinking into existence and protect poor misunderstood Saddam, who rilly rilly was a secularist and modernizer who protected women's rights guise, I'm super cereal, they Department used their pull with Dubya to do everything they could to make OIF as much of a Mongolian clusterfuck as they could. "Oh, no, that mosque is the twenty-seventh holiest shrine of the Shafavid sect of Shi'a Islam! I don't care how many Americans they've shot from it, you can't bomb it! The Opinions of the Arab Street outweigh everything else!" They'd spent the past year doing the same fucking thing to US troops in Afghanistan, too. And when you step back and view the big picture, this is all of a piece with things like "accidentally" delivering armaments intended for the Nationalist Chinese ot Mao over and over during the war.
What the fuck happened here?
>>62848076Pierced primer? Maybe excessive pressure, as the edges of the primer are highly flattened and sharp. Maybe a faulty primer, maybe an excessive powder charge, maybe both?
Is polymer a viable jacket material? Could be of any thickness. (Disregard its super low density)
How viable would a stobe light as in the video be as an attachment for a rifle? In a close quarters shootout, could it actually disorient your opponent, or is it just a retarded gimmick?
>>62844952What are some good 1.5x pistol optics? I want to put one on my SW Victory.
>>62848341If it's dark enough that sudden bright lights can fuck you up, then A) your opponent will have their own light or be retreating and B) how the fuck are you going to get into arms length to blind them without using your light to see?In all foreseeable circumstances this tactic is outclassed. For civilian defence good clear lighting is preferable and for military/assault then use traditional hand held explosives (flash or frag) and night vision as appropriate.
>>62848400Thanks, I am currently developing a game and wanted to know if there even is a viable application for it. So it is pretty much a meme?I thought about running around with it turned on or turning it on the moment you peak around a corner. Also I heard that a strobe light creates a slow motion effect.Please be patient with my as I am retarded.
>>62848265polymer coated bullets have been a thing for decadesnow if your thinking imma 3d print thats stupid as fuck but powder and polymer coated for jakets is viable
>>62848454I'm not going to say it doesn't work, as we've all dazzled ourselves with a decent light once or twice. But getting it to work in a combat situation? Seems very marginal. I'd much rather be in a situation with good visibility both ways, or even better I have nvgs and they don't.
>>62848265if you make it too thick you'll have a tendency to push the jacket off of the core.
>>62848341High powered strobes are used to disorient people by cops AS AN ALTERNATIVE to shooting the person. The strobes only work if you are blasting them and keep blasting them. In a scenerio where somebody is trying to just shoot somebody else they make no fucking sense as a weapon mount because to work you already have to be pointing the gun at the person and then keep it there for a longer time than it would take to just shoot them. Also not works at arms length distances and if you are getting right in somebody's face with it. Totally pointless in a combat setting. Related: every airsofter who uses strobes is a retarded cargo culter.
>>62848076Definately a pierced primer, but like the other anon said it's hard to tell what caused it. Also, it's hard to tell from the angle of the photo but I think there's some screwy stuff going on with the extractor groove too.
>>62848364Why 1.5x? You don't get the benefits that can be achieved in a 1x optic and you don't get the benefits of reasonable magnification. If I was shopping for a 1.5x I would shop for a 1x or a 3x instead.
>>62848492I’m aware of polymer coated bullets. But as I understand, it’s just a thin film of polymer with a standard copper jacket underneath. I’m inquiring about the viability of a full on polymer jacket, one that engages with the rifling.It’s not about printing bullets, I’m just thinking of ways a light-for-caliber, long and fine bullet could be constructed. The low weight of it is the whole point. In the past, bullet makers/experimenters have used aluminum cores with copper jackets but those had only lackluster performance. Couldn’t penetrate shit. I’m thinking what if a steel core is used, but with an effectively weightless jacket.
>>62848734Is that a risk even if the jacket envelopes the bullet completely? Like under the boat-tail and everything.
>>62849463subcaliber munitions are cool but not if it has to carry the sabot all the way to the target
>>62849645Tell that to the CETME and FABRL guys. The idea is a ~50-55gr 6mm with the BC of m855. Much lower SD, much higher short-barreled efficiency, and smaller propellant volume for the same energy.
>>62849831>Tell that to the CETME and FABRL guys.What are their phone numbers? I will.
>>62849951Hah. Well those guys are all dead now.But you see what I mean. Reduce SD, but also proportionally lower form factor (improve bullet’s fineness/shape), to maintain some adequate BC. This means the cartridge will be capable of identical external ballistics as the full mass/poor bullet shape cartridge, only with a lower overbore ratio, even less propellant than would be suggested by the muzzle energy, efficiency in short barrels, and better barrel life. Smaller and lighter case, too. It’s wins all over. Not a bad idea.
>>62844952I bought a Browning auto 5 for about 300 burgerbucks today, did I get scammed?
>>62849468yes, because of the relative density and strength difference between the materials you need to actually do the math to know if the jacket is more likely to rip off or be retained.
I would like to have a spr. Because of my country's cucked law building ar15 is expensive, so I would like to get as good out of the box as possible. I was thinking about 18" ar15 like rock river arms OSH-1T Enhanced Rifle LAR-15ML/ ivi zion/stag arms/ aero precision m4e1. We don't have that many ar15 brands so it's pretty limited. I guess I could also try to get a used gun and try to put criterion barrel in the future, but would prefer not to. Poorland and 10k pln(about 2k euro) if that changes anything. And no, I don't want bolt action. I would like to have a consistent 1 moa with decent ammo (without handloads)
Do people generally only wear a plate carrier with a bunch of molle pouches, or carrier+rig for the pouches
>>62850194I know nothing about shootgunsif 12 gauge? good condition? very coolif any other gauge? not my cup of tea, so I hope you're happy with itPics?
>>62844952From the 'guns you own v. guns you want to own' thread: The Sig P232 in this pic has a thumb mag release instead of a euro style mag catch.Did Sig ever make a real version of the P232 with a thumb mag release or did someone simply shop it on in this pic for no reason?
>>62850426What is a "spr"? Good luck getting 1 MOA from factory ammo in a cheap AR15.
Does Fort Carson have a place for DIY oil changes and such for POVs?
Where to shoot in the desert / national forest near Albuquerque? The city's outdoor range is great but I have one gun that I want to shoot from the end of a 30' string and another that is illegal on a technicality; these aren't compatible with the city's outdoor range.
>>62853093I typed "fort carson auto hobby shop" into the search engine of my choice and got the answer, but I'm not going to share it with you.
>>62849463>But as I understand, it’s just a thin film of polymer with a standard copper jacket underneath.That is incorrect. It's a coating of polymer over lead. No copper is normally present, though some people do powder-coat cast lead bullets that have copper gas checks covering the base.The polymer coating is normally just thick enough, or at least it's supposed to be, to prevent the high parts of the rifling from cutting through it. It performs the same function as a copper jacket, in that it allows you to shoot bullets made mostly of lead at pressures and velocities that with unprotected bare lead would cause problems with metal fouling. Whether this makes it a jacket or a jacket substitute is a matter of semantics.And yes, as >>62848492 said, this has been around for decades. S&W, back when they were owned by a multi-tentacled megaloconglomerate called Bangor Punta, was selling ammunition under their own brand name, in brass cases that had "S&W" on the headstamp. This would have been around 1977-ish. See image. This was a polymer coated lead bullet, and S&W sold it in several revolver calibers. Then Bangor Punta got engulfed and devoured by Lear-Siegler and S&W got sold off to a British conglomerate called Tomkins PLC. Tomkins PLC decided to get out of the ammo business and sold the patents and IP for the "Nyclad" process to Federal. Federal made ammo with polymer-coated bullets in several calibers, including a couple of really good .38 Special hollowpoints and a really shitty 9mm hollowpoint. Federal brings the brand name back every few years, last having sold ammo with polymer coated bullets in 2021, but it seems like it just doesn't get as much traction as their other brands and varieties like HST and Hydra-Shok.And today if you cast your own bullets, you can get stuff on the Internet to polymer powder-coat them at home. The single biggest weakness is that many gunpowders will react with and break down the coating on the base of the bullet.
>>62849348Okay, what's a good 3x pistol optic then?>>62850194That's a great deal, assuming there's nothing wrong with it.
>>62844952Is big boss doing se/k/ret santa this year?
I have previously made made posts about wanting an AUG, but now I really want a MCX. I want just one as my last gun for the foreseeable future. They're both comparable in price if the MCX is used. I don't really need either for any particular purpose and cant choose, so I'd like anonymous internet users to help me decide.
>>62850194was it a real one, or a gas operated one?
>>62854347There are gas-operated Auto-5s?
Been eyeing a TA110 for a while now, what reticule do you ACOGfags like? I'm inclined toward the chevron because of all the CoD I used to play.>>62854338What other rifles do you have?I'll give you the same advice I give other prospective AUGtists, go handle one at a gun store first. The weight balance and ergos feel much different than a normal rifle. I personally love mine and can't really see myself getting another 5.56 gun for a long time. Also you can take the barrel out and pretend it's a nightstick. I'm sure the MCX is a perfectly good rifle, but with the above advice in mind, you'll probably get more fun out of the AUG rather than AR (piston) #23091
>>62846885Don't compress it much; I think there are tutorials on Youtube from people who do historical reenactments though
>>62844952Guys, what would be the good size and height for suppressor sights on a G45 with EPS carry ? I'd like practical cowitness and cleared suppressor. Any idea ?
>>62855729Other rifles are an 11.5" AR and an AKM. I would love to touch an AUG irl but the only bullpup I have ever seen in person is a Hellion, wasn't a fan of it. Tbh the more I think on it, the more I lean to the MCX. I only want an AUG to scratch that bullpup itch, but I hear a lot of people who shoot it often aren't all that fond of it. MCX would be more practical? I guess
I have some older baofeng UV-5Rs and I would like it if someone explained to me like a retard how to use GMRS frequencies on them without getting into some sort of trouble. Just want to be able to use them when roadtripping and not cause problems.
Henlo /k/, I need some help identifying this jacket, it's from my father he was in the hungarian national tax and customs office for a long time and this was their jacket. He told me the office got it from the east germans as surplus, but I cannot find any GDR jackets that look the same. It's a very cozy jacket I go fishing in it. If anyone knows the model it would be much appreciated.
Is there a rough equivalent to the Division of Securiry Operations IRL?Just some FBI bioterror response team? Secret Service?What kind of spook is Leon S. Kennedy?
>>62858671USAMRIID, CDC probably have some secret squirrels, lots of "normal" alphabet agencies will have cross trained personnel.
>>62846845Generally the import is more difficult than the export, unless it falls under the dumbfuck ITAR bullshit. Look for guides for hunters bringing their weapons into Canada for the places to contact, because if you bring your own gun to hunt caribou in Canada, you are technically exporting and then reimporting the gun. The re-import is always the more difficult part of the process for American citizens because our government is addicted to the arbitrary power of regulation and the courts don’t care about making the code good, just compliant with the constitution (and sometimes not even that).Its been over a decade since I looked into this, and I opted to rent a gun in Canada instead of take one of mine, so I won’t try and pretend I know the process, but that’s where I would start from a research point of view.
>>62853655Leupold makes excellent pistol scopes. Or should I say "made"? I just went to find links to send you but it seems like at least some of them might have been discontinued earlier this year.I've owned the old 2x and 4x fixed powers in the past and I currently have one of the 2.5-8x variables, and they've all been great.
>>62844952Cute, who is that girl?
>>62844952does longer barrel make gun shoot better??
>>62844952why do weebs sexualize behavior exhibited by 6 year olds?
>>62844952Suggestions for a first handgun? I don't know much about them. The guy at the store tried to sell me a S&W M&P 9mm but it felt sloppy and almost shittily made. I didn't like the grip safety nor the trigger safety. Thumb safety would be okay. I am indecisive on hammer vs striker pin. I don't want a nigger gun with an under barrel dildo attachment and rgbtq accent lighting
Why do Airmen that stand at the Stairs of Airforce one have Security Forces Badges but not Beret's?
>>62859679Because they're wearing the dress uniform which comes with a wheel cap. Not a beret.
>>62859713But Security Forces wears the Beret with their dress blues too.>T. Security Forces.
would like to personally thank the jannie that cleaned up the chang spamyour service has not gone unrecognized
>>62859742based janny
>>62859074sometimes.Most of the time a longer barrel will give higher velocity. If the gun has iron sights a longer barrel usually means a longer sight radius and that makes the gun more accurate. Shotguns with longer barrels 'point' better when shooting at moving targets like clays or birds.They also have disadvantages. A longer barrel is less stiff than a shorter one which means harmonics can affect the shot more. Longer barrel is heavier to carry and more difficult to conceal.
>>62859633Most polymer frame guns are going to feel fairly shittily made, it just comes with the territory. That said they are generally reliable guns so I'm not shitting on their functionality. But if you want something that really feels like solid quality in your hand you're going to be looking at guns a lot more expensive than an M&P or a Glock.If feel is important to you tell the guy at the store you want to look at metal frame hammer-fired pistols. Nothing with a trigger safety. Look at things like CZ75, 1911, Beretta 92, Sig P226-Mk25, etc.
>>62859633This is going to be really boring, but since you're saying "first" and not "one and only ever, that will be my do-everything, home defense, target competition, hunting, sidearm, Armageddon gun," I will suggest looking at .22s. They're fun to shoot and ammo is much less expensive than any centerfire caliber. And we live in an age in which you have lots of good choices in .22 pistols. A used Ruger Mk II or Mk III has a lot going for it. The current production version from Ruger is the Mk IV, if you insist on new. The S&W Victory Model is nice, so is the Browning Buckmark. If you are interested in used, the old Browning Challenger and Nomad were very nice. High Standard used to make a number of very solid .22 pistols, though that was long enough ago that spare parts availability might be a bit spotty, if a part breaks. The Colt Woodsman was the very first .22 semiauto pistol of all time and they started selling them back around 1910. They are long out of production and they are collectors' items. Collectors are less interested in the very similar Colt Huntsman and Colt Targetsman, which do not have "Woodsman" rollmarked on them, and they're very, very nice. But like the High Standard stuff, if something breaks you might have some difficulty getting a replacement part. AMT made a Ruger Mk II copy in stainless steel back in the 1980s. Quality was said to be pretty spotty but at least Ruger parts should mostly fit. Some people have had good luck with the Taurus TX22, but if you dislike polymer framed striker fired guns, you might not like it, and they may have gotten good reviews but mine was a lemon and Taurus wouldn't or couldn't fix it.
Does anyone here reload .44 Special? I've been reading articles from 1960s-70s gun magazines. I have an idea and I'm wondering whether it seems practical.Once upon a time, back when .44 Special was much more popular than it is today, a Texas sheriff named Skeeter Skelton, who was kind of a fan of Elmer Keith, came up with a warm .44 Special handload that is still popular in some circles. It would be a +P load if there were a spec for such a thing, but to be fair, he came up with it long before SAAMI conceived of +P anything.It was a 240 to 250 grain cast lead semiwadcutter, preferably with the widest flat nose you could get, loaded over 7.5 grains of Unique. From 4" revolvers it'd usually do an honest 950-1000 ft/sec. Skeeter never, to my knowledge, used it against men, but he killed a lot of smallish Texas whitetail deer with it and felt that it was lethal and destructive of soft tissue far out of proportion to what you'd expect from its velocity and energy. Now, Unique was reformulated in the 1990s and these days and when people load them up and test them they normally do around 900-ish out of 4" revolvers, or, for those fearless enough to shoot them through a 3" old model Charter Bulldog, usually around 825-850.And because my brain works oddly, I was reading these figures, and playing with Quickload, looking at pressure curves, and thinking about the old blackpowder .44-40 cartridge. It would get a 200gr bullet up to around 900-ish from a 5 1/2" Single Action Army, a little bit less from a 4 3/4", a little bit more from a 7 1/2". And it seems to me from looking at pressure curves in Quickload that you could get a 200gr bullet to 900+ pretty easily from a 3" revolver, with less pressure than the Skelton load. And back around 1880, the .44-40 with the 200gr flat-nose lead bullet was considered very effective. Would there be a point to trying to duplicate it in a .44 Special snubby, or are modern hollowpoints so much better as to make it a waste of time?
Is it possible to make a functional bolter from Warhammer 40K? Specifically, I'm asking for a gun and ammo that meets the following requirements:>at least 60 caliber>ammo conventionally fired with primer and smokeless powder, but the projectile is rocket-assisted> weapon is self-loading/semi-automatic and loads from a detachable box magazine>ammo variants include high explosive and armor-piercing projectiles>weapon can be operated by a single able-bodied man
>>62844952Does anyone here have a 2mm or 1mm pinfire gun? I am interested in W. Polah's PPK, 1911 and Civil War cannon. Obviously, just as a novelty and maybe to hunt lizards.Any reason, aside from ammo price, that I should not buy one.
>>62860064Does the HK CAWS count? 12 gauge select-fire bullpup with your choice of tungsten buckshot or shaped-charge HEAT rounds that were supposedly capable of damaging light armored vehicles like BTR60s. If you want it one-handed, it's gonna be really heavy and awkward for anybody who isn't built like Andre the Giant, but sure, I guess it's doable. You could make the shells rocket-assisted too, but I think that'd probably make the ammo a lot heavier and bulkier and make the gun even bigger, heavier, and more awkward, though.
This is a stupid question but i'm new to guns so bare with me.Instead of buying a DD/KAC/e.g. AR15, i wanna buy a Colt AR15 lower assembly and a 16" BCM upper reciever group and build it myself for about the same price as most okay-ish ARs, but throw in stuff that i prefer like Geiselle trigger, CTR stock/MOE grip, BCM vert grip etcHow does the registration work? Do i just transfer the FFL on a lower and as long as it's not an SBR/pistol i don't need to send any gay forms to the ATF? Do i need to file anything at all after that initial FFL transfer on the lower?I'm in Nevada.
>>62859893I am looking for something more serious. Maybe it's incorrect to view 22 as "not a gun" but maybe I've never been hungry enough to use one outside of plinking cans. As a survival weapon, sure. But I'm thinking more of a defensive weapon. >>62859825I'm not opposed to spending more. I really disliked the immediate lack of confidence I felt when every single part on every plastic gun had more play than a fucking $30 BB gun. Paying twice as much for something that doesn't feel like the grips will fall off and the mag will fall out at any second is worth it in my opinion. Thanks for model recs, I will do some research.
>>62860151I agree with the other guy, baby's first gun really should be a .22. There are so many excellent new semi-auto .22s on the market these days there's no reason to not have one.If you demand a 9mm metal gun get a 92FS or CZ75, they're available for $6-700 new if you look around and they're about the pinnacle of the mass produced all metal semi-automatic handgun category, which is why they've been in production for decades and decades.
>>62860130>bare with mebear>How does the registration work?There's no registration.>Do i just transfer the FFL on a lowerYou ship the lower to an FFL and they transfer it to you. You ship everything else to your house.>Do i need to file anything at all after that initial FFL transferNo.
>>62860197Makes sense, thank you.Also i just read the fine print and it flat out says that they mark the lower as "Carbine" so my question is redundant.
>>62860197>There's no registration.4473.
>>62853066SPR = "Special Purpose Rifle." I believe that's early-2000s US military speak for what the Big Army eventually started calling a "DMR," Designated Marksman Rifle. I can't recall offhand whether the Navy and Marines still call their version of the same concept an "SPR" or "SAM-R" or what this week. The tl;dr version is, during the War on Terra, US military decided it needed specially trained marksmen in every rifle squad using a rifle built for accuracy, with (usually) a high-magnification optic. They briefly pulled ancient M14s out and put them in plastic and aluminum chassis and bolted optics onto them, but these were quickly found to be excessively heavy, with insufficient ammo loadout due to big heavy 20rd steel mags of 7.62. So they started cobbling together scoped rifles on M16 receivers in 5.56, with commercial match barrels, usually but not always stainless--and they were built in one hell of a hurry. They were assembled largely of whatever commercial components armorers could get. Most of them had rifle length gas systems and 18-20 inch barrels, though some were built with 16" barrels or even shorter. Barrels were mostly commercial stainless match barrels with 5.56mm Wylde chambers, and any given SPR in the arms room at Camp Cobra or Camp Taqaddum twenty years ago could have had a Shilen barrel, or Noveske, or Douglas, or White Oak Armament, or even Armalite. Optic could have been damn near anything above the level of $29.99 K-Mart Chinesium special, there having been not nearly enough Leupold Mk. IVs and Unertl 10x "Sniper" scopes to go around. The Army used lots of 4x ACOGs but they were very much not the only optics in use. Many but not all had drop-in match type triggers.Building up an SPR-type rifle can get really expensive. As they say in the race car building business, speed costs money, so how fast do you want to go?
>>62860093HK CAWS had HEAT rounds? Can't find anything online.
>>62860941I am positive I read about it in dead-tree gun magazines long ago. I was able to find this: doesn't seem to be a shaped charge but it does have an HE filler
>>62860836It's not a registration, just a form stating you're allowed to actually buy the gun
>>62860881so I found this: it has a match barrel from willson arms (i found out they make blanks for white oak ornaments). Is 1 moa that difficult to achieve with factory ammo? I don't mean with 55gr cheapest ammo, but something heavier. I don't really need to beat competition, just not want to pay twice for upgrades
>>62844952I'll probably make a Thread for this later but I was wondering what the Legality is of conceal-carrying a Pellet/BB Airgun like picrel at 20yo in the State of Texas and is it legal (do I have to Register it) and worth the risk, or should I just wait until I'm 21yo?Right now I just carry a Mace just incase some Drug Addict decides to attack me, and this would ofc still be less lethal than an actual Gun but I would probably use Hornet Pellets for it.
>>62862060I advise against it in the strongest possible terms. I know nothing of law, but you'd be carrying an object resembling a firearm, that isn't actually a firearm. This can get you shot by the cops if some Karen sees it and dials 911 after you walk past. Also, in the event that you are attacked, you are holding in your hands a toy, escalating the situation without improving your odds of survival. Pellet guns can be fun training toys but do not carry one for "protection." That also goes for "pepper ball guns," blank firing starters' pistols, those potmetal "tear gas guns" they used to sell in the back pages of Soldier of Fortune magazine, brightly colored plastic toy guns with black paint on them, etc.
The more I play around with internal and external ballistics computers, the more I am convinced that the lackluster ogive accommodation and dogshit bullet shape on the 5.56 and virtually all military cartridges is a criminal act. The optimal bullet shape has already been solved - it is a truncated Sears-Haack body. My question is, why are such fine bullet shapes relegated to the smallest niche of extreme long range shooting, instead of being mass produced and used in all small arms, esp by the military. If they have billions to spend on experimentation, prototyping, inventing, procurement, etc, surely they can spend some money figuring out how to mass-produce pointy cylinders. In the 70s, Frankfort arsenal experimented with a slightly longer (5.5 cals long) and much finer .224 bullet. It weighed 37gr, but had the same BC as 55gr m193. A full 18gr lighter, but no impact on rate of deceleration. The only difference was bullet length and shape. And this is not even that impressive desu, there exist bullets with higher inverse form factor to L:D ratios.I type this from an iPad I bought for $700 years ago that contains a tiny chip with several billion transistors that is borderline enigma to make, so surely adding a fine point to a small cylinder without breaking the bank isn’t such an insurmountable endeavor.Please explain why we aren’t all using CETME-esque cartridges.
>>62859679wtf is wrong with the one on the left? are all airforce security forces underbiting malformed freaks?
>>62862060>Right now I just carry a MaceYou could do worse.
>>62862466Similar concepts were tried out about ten seconds after smokeless powder was invented. of the reasons no one ever did anything beyond making and testing a handful of toolroom prototypes was that while they retained velocity really, really well, they were not accurate enough at distance for it to grant any advantage over projectiles of conventional form.
>>62862487That's what they call a "latino".
>>62864512The recruiters know where to find them.
I know AKs are generally less accurate than ARs, but is this inherent to the platform, the round, or both? I want one if those CZs in 7.62
>>62864114> they were not accurate enough at distanceHow come? They should have less drop and wind deflection by virtue of retaining velocity better.
>>62844952Anyone use the charter arms pitbull revolvers chambered for auto calibers without moonclips? I really want the 45 but not if it's a piece of shit and the company seems hit or miss.
>>62864849My understanding is it's more that the round has a shorter range, I shoot an ar more accurately than an ak because I like the sites better, that's an issue you could solve with optics. The czs are nice guns, if I were to buy an ak type gun that's what I would go with
>>62864849Kinda sorta little bit of everything. Both rifles have perfectly usable combat accuracy in regular hands but the AR has a few upsides that hitting your target it much easier. 5.56 and longer barrel means a high velocity bullet, aperture sights are just better, gas system and in line recoil means it's much easier to stay on target for repeated shots, and imo the AR has a better milspec trigger.The big plus for modern ARs is that even poverty tier rifles come with features like freefloating barrels and long iron sight radius (16in freefloating handguard has about the same sight radius as a 20in barrel with fsb) as standard and when you really want to make it into a tack driver it's piss easy to upgrade it with stuff like better barrels, two stage triggers, pretty much any optic you want, and so on. Upgrading an AK is much harder to do which is why most tend to stay exactly as they came out of the box.iirc 5.56 match ammo also tends to be better and cheaper though it's been a while and I haven't looked at match ammo at all these last few years
>>62864849TL:DR - You're always going to get a better AR and much better ammo for the same amount of money you'd spend getting an AK until you get into the multi-thousand dollar custom gun territory. The AK you get is pretty much the AK you'll always have. It's hard to upgrade one, unless you get a custom receiver or make your own. Hope you got one of the good ones. Changing the barrel is a massive pain if it's worn out. The cheapest AKs on the market are either clapped-out surp garbage or rolling the dice on a Palmetto rifle. While 5.45 is theoretically similar to 5.56 performance-wise, most of the cheap ammo on the market is also surp, Tula steelcase, or inconsistent jank. 7.62 is more expensive and has the same consistency problems unless you're willing to spend. An AKM will also deflect less when shooting through brush and very light obstacles than 5.56, but that's not so much an accuracy thing. It also arcs more in flight than 5.56 or 5.45. Other anons already touched on the recoil/recovery and sight radius. I'd agree that the AR usually has a much nicer trigger, although I've handled a few vintage AKs that randomly just had really nice ones off the rack.
>>62846845there are export FFLs here that can do the paperwork for you.
>>62847812the mafia are crypto-jewish. the oaths they take are literal black mass rituals.
Remington versa max, yay or nay?
>>62846885Compress a lead ball on top of the powder and cotton mix.
>>62844952If a model 81 can handle 300 savage, do you think it could handle 6.5 grendel with a new barrel turned for it? Its not that much more.
Joogle keeps giving me results wholly unrelated to my question no matter what I type.Generally speaking, in modern near-peer warfare, how wide/thick is a frontline? How distant are the vanguard units from their supporting units? How far back from the hot zone is generally considered safe enough for militaries to deploy their command/logistics/etc units? If I had to make a random guess I'd say ~50ish km (outside of accurate arty/rocket arty fire) but I have no clue.
I just got an Avon M 50 today. If I want to shoot it better with a rifle, do I just take off the right filter to get a better view through the optic?
>>62844952Going shooting innamountains in a couple of weeks. What are some cheap fun stuff to shoot? I usually do pumpkins and shaving foam cans.
Where do you guys buy ammo online? I'm looking to do some early Christmas shopping, and the shit at my local store is way overpriced. My state has good gun laws if it matters.
>>62869972Google is terrible for answering questions.Instead, use google to identify what military science textbooks address the topic, get copies of them, then read them.
>>62846146Springs? It's a 100 year old pistol
>>62846885>I want an explosion without the noise of an explosion
whats a good semi-auto crossbow?
>>62845004Have you ever left your bag anywhere by accident?
>>62870427SG Ammo is my personal favorite. Free shipping over $200.
>>62870010Old water bottles and aluminum/tin cans full of dyed water is cheap and fun. Bring a large plastic bag to clean up afterwards though, don't be a pig.Pumpkins are fine to leave because they'll just rot away, but plastic and metal trash will get the shooting spot closed down eventually.>>62869972It's very hard to say because it depends a lot on the conflict. Nearest example we have is the Russo-Ukranian war that is ongoing, but the metrics there while well documented have shifted significantly throughout time and depending on the sector.>>62869728It is entirely possible. The long recoil action extracts at very low pressure so there is a ton of safety margin to work with. .300 Sav is the parent case for .308 as well so dimensions are close, although I don't know for sure how much of a leap it would be to 6.5mm or if it would have enough recoil energy to cycle without tweaking the recoil spring.>>62869189Hard pass. Overpriced dog shit.Remington successfully imitates Turkshit nonexistent QC at American prices.
What scope for m202 use? They look smaller than acog.Aren't they so old that prism sight wasn't invented yet? They do have an eyebox like an acog.Was a similar scope used on guns in same era?Has anyone disassembled those scope and photographed them or has a diagram of them?
>>62872090I do know that super bazuka had same scope
>>62871009Welcome to showbiz. Sometimes you need something retarded and contradictory. Sometimes it's lunch. There are no other times.
>>62846885A small wad of flash paper or flash cotton might make the effect you're looking for, perhaps with a tiny bit of black powder or charcoal dust added to make smoke. That is commonly used for stage effects like magicians conjuring fire. However, even just the percussion cap alone is going to be pretty loud even with a totally empty chamber.I think the far easier solution would be to handle this another way, like editing the audio.
Would it be legal to remove the trigger guard on a semi auto rifle and use a massage gun to push the trigger back and forth?Would it even work? Maybe not with an aftermarket massage gun, but I'm sure you could hack it to change the vibration speed to one that works.
>>62872462Conceptually that would be similar to taking a hand crank trigger activator device and attaching an electric motor to it, which has already been clarified as a machine gun because whatever activates the motor becomes the new trigger and the motor is an auto sear. If a vibrator achieves the same thing by going back and forth instead of rotating, it would probably be seen in the same light.
>>62844952More of a /fa/ question, but here we go. So I usually wear a t-shirt, tan cargo pants, work boots, and a hoodie. The unzipped hoodie I used to wear is getting ratty and my girlfriend is bitching about how poor I look. I need a new hoodie or coat that can conceal a full-sized pistol at 3 o'clock OWB, with material thick enough that it doesn't print easily, that isn't some super-tacticool 5.11 shit that screams I'M AN OPERATOR. Any good recommendations?
Does anyone have that video of the Russian troops firing those field guns taken off wrecked vehicles and getting a face full of propellant fumes?
Should I buy a Tavor SAR for like $1300 OTD? Been waning a bullpup,and was also condidering Aug but it'd be even more to get the classic looking optic.
If Force Recon is Special Forces why aren't they part of MARSOC?
>>62847313I'll test this out tomorrow.>>62855801In my previous tests, compression is the only way to get the fire out the end of the barrel, but that compression is also what creates the noise. The looser the powder is, the less noise it makes, but it also doesn't travel up the barrel far enough to be showy. I'm trying to minimized digital touches.>>62869450>t.>>62871009I didn't ask for an explosion. I asked for a fireball.>>62872393The audio is not the issue. It's standard practice to redo the audio- I'm actually looking forward to that part because I love doing sound design. The issue is that I'm trying to make as little noise as possible during filming. And yes, the cap itself is a good pop- but it's no gunshot. Even compressing the powder a little bit produces a big jump in volume.
Is an H2 buffer *and* adjustable gas block overkill for an 11.5 AR?
>>62873797>The issue is that I'm trying to make as little noise as possible during filmingThat's what I figured, but I was puzzled why you were still using caps since caps are fucking loud.How many shots does this scene require? If it's only one there's a real easy solution: set off the pyro electrically, that way there's no cap noise either. And you can locate the charge near the muzzle of the gun so it doesn't have to be large enough to travel down the barrel.
What are these chains hanging on the side of armored vehicles used for? Are they for tires?
>>62875686Those look like tire chains. Sometimes you also see chains or cables for recovery purposes on vehicles.
>>62871951>Remington successfully imitates Turkshit nonexistent QC at American prices.Thanks. I was only considering it because I saw one used for a lot less than retail, and I want a 3.5" capable semi with a gas system that can run 2 3/4 without adjusting anything. Any recommendations for a good 12ga that can do these things? Budget isn't really a problem, I want something nice.
>>62874254There's really not much point to the H2 buffer if you have the adjustable gas block, and the gas block is the better of the two because it allows for more adjustability. The gas block is also better if you will be using a suppressor. You get less gas back in your face if the gas never makes it into the action to begin with.
>>62875799Benelli Super Black Eagle 3 is the gold standard of 3.5" 12ga semis.Though that said, unless you hunt waterfowl you will probably never have a use for 3.5in.
>>62875155We're doing six shots, a few takes each, one of which is in a wide shot, while the actor is running.>electric ignition I've got zero experience with that and don't have the time to nail it down. I'm an indie guy doing this for the love of it.I'll do a few more tests later today, but what I settled on this morning was two 5 grain charges separated by as thin a layer of shredded cotton ball as possible, capped off with another cotton layer to keep it in place. The cotton in the middle slows down the burn and causes the second charge to ignite in the barrel, which poofs some pretty good fire out the end.While testing this I had a friend with me suggest soaking the top layer of cotton in gasoline. I told him to fuck himself, but tried it out before we left to humor him. 10 grains, cotton, then a flattened, dime sized later of cotton soaked in gas. This turned my gun into a peashooter that launched a flaming spitball 20 feet. Interesting, but useless for anything but highly specific arson.
>>62875852I do and I fucking hate inertia guns. Is there really nothing like a versa max but not shit quality?
>>62873563Why a SAR? X95 is supposed to be a complete upgrade. Few hundred dollars more ofc
>>62875926>I fucking hate inertia gunsI don't think I've ever heard anyone say that before. What's not to love about them? They're dirt fucking simple, no adjustments, no finicky shit to clean. I don't shoot 3.5in but my M2 and Cordoba both cycle weak shells flawlessly, including Fiocchi Exacta trainer loads which are the weakest 12ga I've ever come across. I understand you might have a good reason for hating them, I'm just curious what it is.Anyway, I can't think of any particularly nice 3.5" gas-operated semis, I've never shot one.
>>62876311Had a couple inertia guns and they all never cycled properly. I shoot too much extremely high recoil stuff. If you don't allow the frame of the gun to move enough, the inertial mass can't move enough in the first phase of recoil to cycle. Try pressing your inertia gun's buttstock against a tree, it won't cycle. Inertia guns are made for the majority of shooters that all handle average recoil, when you aren't in the majority, they just don't work. During my gunsmithing years I built some 50 BMG rifles for customers and never bothered to put the muzzle brakes on for test firings. 50 BMG isnt that bad until the gun weighs less than like 25lbs. At 20lbs, coworkers said the 50 BMG recoil with no brake was severe but I always liked it. I get home in like 8 hours and I can post a video of a test firing like that.
>>62871345>not being paranoid enough to have a bag within you sight
>>62876359>Had a couple inertia guns and they all never cycled properlyBenelli, or Turkshit?> If you don't allow the frame of the gun to move enough, the inertial mass can't move enough in the first phase of recoil to cycle. Yes. If the action wasn't working properly then it would be LIGHT shells that wouldn't cycle it. But, as I mentioned, in my experience they cycle light loads just fine. More powerful shells that generate harder recoil are easier to cycle for an inertia gun.
>>62876460>Yes. If the action wasn't working properly then it would be LIGHT shells that wouldn't cycle itCorrect. With me light, medium, and some magnum shells don't cycle. Benelli.
>>62875964Just prefer the OG look. The X95 is uglier than me. It won't be a serious firearm, so i can handle the older ergonomics.Considering even an RDB is coming up on 1.1k, I just want to know if this is a buy it now price. Only reason its so cheap is because its a factory left hand rifle and I'm one of those people...
Whats a good second rifle after a G3?Ar 9" 300blk shorty + 556 swapAug 16" 300blk + swapAk103/104 folderIs 762 ammo done?
>>62871345Never ever. It already has my laptop in it.
>>62844952i'm not really into guns, but my little sister said she wants a handgun for her apartment. she also wants to take it on hikes and camping (alaska so large bears are the main issue). she is very responsible, much more so than me, and doesn't drink or smoke weed.i have around a dozen guns and all my friends have two dozen each to their names. we already plan on going shooting with them or their guns to see what works for her. her birthday is coming up and i would like to buy her one. i think a 9mm semi pistol would suit that role. it isn't the best idea for a brown bear but for crackhead nates it would do the trick. also, i can buy her ammo very easily in a state where we are not allowed to buy it online. her hands are the same size as mine so i am confident that wont be an issue. no small guns here because the thought of cc'ing isn't in her mindprice range is somewhere around 500 and up to 1k.i've been eyeballing the sig rose xl comp but i know how loud compensators are and i don't want her to be scared of shooting. i want shooting to be enjoyable and natural to her but i would like to add the spice of a pretty gun to the mix. i'm at a loss when it comes to this situation.recs?
Was carrying multiple loaded cylinders and swapping them out to reload a real thing that was done when BP revolvers were a thing? Or is this mostly a movie/vidya thing?
>>62877938Very, very unlikely. You can't just swap that part out willy nilly because the cylinder needs to be aligned perfectly with the barrel otherwise boom. If you take that part in and out repeatedly it will wear out and lock up worse each time.
>>62844952Would an RDB with one of those goofy style rifle grips make for a good backpacking/camping gun? I want something that would make for a good all purpose gun and it keeps drawing my eye. Would I be better off with a shotgun instead?
>>62878438What do you expect out of your backpacking/camping gun? I can't imagine dragging around a full size rifle for anything but larping, my pistol of choice is fine for animal/human defense and a .22 like Mark IV or Buckmark is perfect for plinking.
>>62877938nope, only loading 5/6 is also modern bullshit
Any AUG niggas in here that have gotten the Underworld CQC rail? It makes dong expand
Am I am oper8r now, /k/?
>>62878486I want something that can function for hunting whitetail while also being viable for self defense against a person or a large cat all without having to carry multiple guns.
>>62879442Forgot to add: Ideally something I could just keep slung around my shoulder or strapped to my backpack for most of the time, Im not super concerned about shooting for fun while backpacking, I have other larp guns for that.
>>62877795>AlaskaGlock 20
>>62848076Looks like the firing pin turned into a shape charge
>>62844952Would it be viable to employ a bolt-action rifle to do a semi-automatic rifle's job?
>>62877795Glock 19 gen 3.Pretty much any ~15 shot 9mm from Beretta/Sig/Glock/Walther/S&W will do the same thing and be justasgood, I like glocks because the magazines are cheap, really high quality, and a bunch of PCCs take them. The Sig you mentioned would be a good pick, although compensated pistols give noticeably more noise to the shooter. Whether or not the recoil advantage is worth it is up to your sister. A light is also a really good idea, the TLR7 series from Streamlight would be my pick.Unless she's a really butch lesbian a serious 'bear gun' like 10mm loaded hot or a magnum revolver is really going to push her around. It can be done but it'll take some serious effort for someone much smaller than an average man, she's probably better off with bear spray and a bell on her backpack for that.
>>62877938They were hand fit parts and carrying a spare .45 cylinder isn't all that much easier or cheaper than carrying a second gun. Someone might have done it but it was far more common to bring another revolver.>>62878496Not inheriantly, depends on the model of revolver.>>62879442You can totally kill deer with good 5.56 provided its legal in your state. As a do-it-all the keltec is a pretty good choice given the weight and size, but I would personally go with a normal handgun I can keep on my person for defense and then a more traditional hunting gun in something like .350 or 12 gauge for the deer.
>>62879540no, assuming you're talking about combat. They're fine for hunting and arguably better for target shooting in some might be able to get by in certain circumstances but its a categorically worse choice 95% of the time. Bolt actions are good if you are shooting suppressed subsonics and want something with as little signature as possible or really need the absolute most accuracy you can get at any given price point.They also make you slow down and reset after each shot which can make your training/plinking go a lot further in terms of accuracy, but that also means that they will get thoroughly outclassed in a firefight.
Why are sig spear lowers always out of stock
>>62879442Sounds like you don't want a camping/hiking gun, you want a hunting rifle.
>>62879442Eh, personally I think this is a hard ask because the two roles are totally different. If you want to hunt you want precision. However, a rifle with a typical durr scope or fine irons like you might use for hunting is not exactly a fast-shooting self defense gun.I know it's not what you asked for, but I'd strongly suggest you carry multiple guns. I always carry a sidearm if I'm hunting even if it's on private land and I have zero worry about people. It's obnoxious to have a long gun slung while you're cleaning game, but that is also the time when a predator might surprise you. If an animal surprises you while you're cutting out bambi's asshole it's much faster to draw your pistol than it is to go get your rifle that's leaning up against a tree or slung on your back.Big cats are not any sort of special threat, the same guns/ammo you'd use for 2-legged threats work just fine on them. Carry the hunting rifle of your choice and a handgun.
>>62879660>Not inheriantly, depends on the model of revolver.i dont think you understood what i meant by 5/6not that 5 shot or 6 shot revolvers existed.the idea that people would only load 5 shots in a 6 gun and carry with the hammer down on the empty chamber.this was modern bullshit codified by cowboy action shooters in the 70s to make the sport safe.this did not happen historically. sombody carrying an 1861 in 1861 would have that shit fully loaded
The MKE collapsible stock on my C93 won't lock in the "collapsed" position. I can see the little cutout on the arm where the latch should drop in, but it doesn't. Locks up nicely in the extended position.Has anybody seen this problem before? It's like there just isn't enough range of motion to get the latch into position, should I just drill out a little material in the stock to make room for the buffer?
>>62879677I was, because I've remember some tard claim a savage axis rifle could work as a "fighting rifle" when I asked him for my first combat rifle under 500. Granted, I've a few AKMs of my own, but when I see a 30 rounder in a bolt action I can't help but question its practical application and the type of person to legitimately consider using it as a combat rifle.
Feel like a moron asking thisDo quality gas masks filter EVERYTHING? Just watched a POV firefighter video and could hear him breathing through the gas mask the entire time. Got me wondering if being in smoke and whatnot is really 100% safe breathing with the right gear.
>>62881744Depends. Filter masks come with different cartridges for different tasks. You can go a long way with those. However some of the poisonous gases in structure fire smoke (like carbon monoxide) are of such low molecular weight that you can't filter them. Hence you get firefighters with closed circuit breathing apparatus.
>>62881744It depends on the filter. The military is worried about nerve agents while civil industry might be worried about particulates and stuff. Some gases will go right through a filter anyway because they're small enough (chlorine I think is an example) and must be made chemically inert through a reaction instead.A firefighter may be breathing bottled oxygen or chemically released oxygen because no filter can create oxygen where there is none, such as the inside of a fire.
>>62881744>Do quality gas masks filter EVERYTHING?No, there are different types of filter cartridges which are effective against different types of things. The type of filter that removes dust is useless against chemical fumes. A chemical cartridge that's effective against organic solvents won't be effective against other kinds of chemical exposure, like acid fumes. Being around smoke is always dangerous, because it's not just toxic gases that might be present, it's also the lack of oxygen that's a problem, and no filter can ever solve that problem.>100% safe breathing with the right gear.Only way to get that is with some source of clean air, either a tank like scuba and firefighters use or a remote air line.
>>62881744>firefighterFirefighters wear self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). That's why they carry fuckoff big tanks on their backs. They aren't breathing filtered air from the environment, they are bringing their own air with them. So, they are 100% protected from any shit in the air. As other anons have said, masks with canisters like the military gives to averages joes are limited. The C2 filters work against 0.3 micron sized particles. These filters are kinda sucky for many things, not the least of which is the fact that in environments with high concertation of dangerous chemicals they won't work for shit, as they need at least 20% oxygen to have something to get through the filter. So, for example a building interior full of chemical agent is no bueno. Firefighters use the good stuff, as do military units actually expected to encounter chemical threats and work through them (they also get SCBA, or PAPR forced air stuff). NBC gear for average grunts is something between a placebo and something that will keep some of them alive long enough to leave the area and get decontamined. Unfortunately, since most don't understand chemical enviroments they wear their gear like shit and don't understand how to act in a chemical environment, and since there is little serious training done about it, they don't learn. When I dealt with chemical weapon incident (rare. 3 times in whole career) we always called the on-base fire department over the chemical corps, because they know how to setup a decon line and wear their gear.
why does the u.s and russia have a monopoly on jet fighters? aside form china it seems no other country has put any investment into creating and producing their own. seems like a pretty important and profitable investment
Yeah the US and Russia have the monopoly, aside from China. And France. And Korea. And Sweden. And some Yuro consortium.
>>62880758My main issue is that I'm trying to cut down on weight, I don't want to carry two types of ammo or two types of magazines. Would it be best to look into scout rifles and pair that with my EDC or should I try and look into a .44 lever action and revolver combo? I don't need something that excels at either, I just need something that functions okay at both.>>62880716Yes anon, I want a hunting rifle, that's why I was looking at a semiauto lightweight bullpup in .223 and not something silly like a bolt action .308. You sure are a smart cookie.
>>62882915How long are you going to be out, or how much gunfighting are you expecting, that you need a lot of ammo? Ten rounds of rifle ammo and a full handgun magazine ought to tide you over for a day's work. Real Life isn't like a Far Cry game.
>>62883511I spend 2-3 days on a backpacking trip usually and carry one spare magazine and have one box of ammo on my frame. I also want this to function as a bugout bag too, which is why I want it to do more than just kill big cats.
>>62883896Given the extreme variety of tasks you want to fulfil, I don't think there's a single tool that will do everything you want. Might as well just carry an AR15 or maybe AR10 with an aimpoint and magnifier, and be done with it. Nothing is going to serve as a service rifle and a hunting rifle and a sidearm all at once.
>>62882817As the other anon points out, no it's not a monopoly or even a duopoly. There are a handful of countries that do have some manufacturing and development capabilities with jet fighters.>Profitable It really isn't. Fighter jets require absolute bleeding edge capabilities to stay relevant. They are incredibly expensive to operate, but being even slightly behind the technology curve makes them incredibly vulnerable.That means packing them with the latest tech and retrofitting old airframes as much as possible, which is only possible up to a point. This is all incredibly expensive. Competing with a bigger player that can get ahead of you and sell a better plane for less money because they have economies of scale is nearly impossible. Plus if they have a dominant market position they get the Honda Civic effect where everyone else is going to develop upgrades for their common airframe, not your special snowflake one.The F35 for instance cost absolute insane-o levels of money to develop. It was a very ambitious project, but now that they got over the hump and are making the things like sausages they have market dominance that nobody else can touch.>Worthwhile Not if you have the option to buy a foreign plane that's better than anything you can make. Yes the sticker price is high, but it's much cheaper and will get you much more bang per buck than building up the infrastructure to develop and manufacture a local alternative. Even if labor is relatively cheap, usually the knowledge pool won't be there. This takes decades of defense spending that few countries could afford or would be willing to spend.Buying a fully developed plane from a country that already did the hard work for you is easier most of the time.
>>62882915>My main issue is that I'm trying to cut down on weightI get that's your motivation, but what I'm trying to explain is that you picked goals that are rather far apart so it's challenging to find one weapon that would do both things well. I don't think weight/bulk of ammo would be a problem, it's not like you need very much of either for a few days innawoods.>Would it be best to look into scout rifles and pair that with my EDC I don't think a "scout" rifle overlaps your goals very well. The scout rifle concept was specifically built around hunting large game in Africa, not your average durr. It's more gun than you need for deer hunting, and it's bigger and bulkier than most alternatives which seems like a bad idea since you're concerned about weight.>should I try and look into a .44 lever action and revolver comboThat would do the job, .44 lever action is a fine deer rifle, I've shot several with my Henry Big Boy Carbine. But I think picking a rifle that shoots the same ammo as your handgun isn't very important.
>>62884184to add to this, the infrastructure requirements are fucking massive.Here's a great example: how many countries have this kind of forging press? Does someone really expect some random 3rd world nation to suddenly develop this shit overnight? And that's just one example, repeat the same problem for the tech required to make the radar, the jet engine blades, the computers and sensors....
Does Zastava just not import bolt action rifles to America anymore? I want a controlled round feed rifle for sub $1k and they’re one of the only manufacturers that fit the bill.
>>62862145I just want to say thanks for the Advice anon, right now I'll just continue to carry a Mace and sometimes my Knife.>>62862540lol Mace as in PepperSpray but an actual Mace would probably be good aswell.
>>62884240There are lots of examples of critical infrastructure needed to build certain classes of weapons. Building big ships requires big shipyards with big cranes. Extremely long lathes are needed to make propeller shafts for big ships. Very large swing boring machines are needed to make bulkhead sections for submarines, turret rings for large gun emplacements, etc.
>>62886086Their website shows the LK M70 but importer websites often show vaporware that isn't currently available. It's probably a low priority.If you don't mind buying secondhand how about a Ruger M77? That is controlled feed. I had a Gunsite Scout to scratch my Mauser Carbine itch for a while.
I have an opportunity to buy a palmetto ar10 chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor for 600 bucks. It would be my first rifle and I'm looking to start hunting deer/elk/antelope anyway. Also nothing wrong with the gun.What do you guys think? Go for it?
>>62886533can you afford to shoot 2 dollar bills?seems like the only reason you want it is its 600. whatever money your saving buying this cause its there will vanish almost instantly.
Are sig spears at all worth the 2.5k they go for? Also what's with captcha wanting me to wait 10 minutes
This is stupid and I would never try this, but if you had say a .40sw glock and you put the barrel of it touching a block of ballistic gel and fired it with a cord tied to the trigger, instead of firing like normal and transfering all energy to the gel, would the pressure from touching the gel block probably make the slide slam open and essentially fire the brass out like a bullet from the back pressure?I like watching this guy brassfetchers videos and this video piqued my curiosity since it doesnt look like the slide even moved. I would have figured this was unsafe to do since if the pressure shot the brass out at them they would get hurt by it.
>>62887465Are you implying that some ballistic gel could stand up to ~30k psi of hot gas such that it would act like a bore obstruction?Did you even watch the video you just posted? It's only 1 minute long at 2x speed, there's really no excuse.
>>62887834~30k would be peak pressure, not muzzle pressure, but i think the point stands
>>62887465>would the pressure from touching the gel block probably make the slide slam open and essentially fire the brass out like a bullet from the back pressure?No. Why would you even think that is possible, that just sounds like nonsense. The pressure from combustion is between the inside of the cartridge case and the bullet. It is not between the bullet and the gel, or between the brass and the breechface.
How do we effectively weaponize a helicopter-mounted saw system?What helicopter do we mount it to?How can it be improved?
>>62847533>they see a pretty or authoritative personIt's not that, it's the fact that a crooked person almost always looks bad here. Not just in the 'oh that guy looks like a serial killer' or 'oh that guy looks like a druggie, might be dangerous', but they tend to be from the lower class aka darker, smaller, slimmer, less well-formed overall. The brain assuming 'good looking/tall/fair person=good' also plays a role just like the first world, but it's realistic too- the better genes are less likely to be inherently malicious (urge to kill/rape/set fire), the better looking with better lives are waaay less likely to have formed into malicious beings, the better looking are not likely at all to have some spite for the world- fuck, there could be some decent looking women who has done something terrible, I'd still have a small soft spot (not attraction) in my heart for her because I know how she, like every other woman that sees me, feels about me.
>>62893169cut power lines with it, attach it to a heavy lift aircraft like a sky crane.
>>62886558What do you suggest instead?
Is there any white/IR light combo that isn't airshit (or if it is, is actually usable on a real rifle) or several thousand dollars? just trying to pair it with a low powered NV scope on an AR.
>>62879244A lonely post deserves a lonely reply.
I want a scoped 22 LR semi-auto handgun (probably a Ruger Mark IV) for a SHTF/collapse/"these are truly the last days" scenario with the following requirements:1. Scope usable without energy.2. Iron sights usable shortly after the scope becomes unusable (e.g. soiled or destroyed).For the scope I thought about a prism scope with 1x magnification or a LPVO. But the LPVO, due to the shorter eye relief length, would mean I can't shoot with my arms extended, which seems the most natural way to do so on a combat scenario. Maybe I'm wrong about that, so please share your expertise.I did search for prism optics with 1x magnification on the optics database ( Here they are:1. Athlon Midas TSP1 Prism Scope 1x21mm Price: <$2502. Primary Arms SLx 1×20 Compact Prism Scope (DISCONTINUED) Price: <$2503. Vortex SpitFire AR Prism Scope 1×25 Price: <$2504. Burris AR-1X 1×20 Prism Sight Price: <$5005. Bushnell Tac Optics Lil P 1×11 Prism Scope Price: <$5006. SwampFox Blade 1×25 Prism Price: <$500For the iron sights requirement, I saw someone recommend on reddit to "Get a Ruger MKIV and a extra new factory take off upper / barrel", which is fairly cheap and can be "swap[ped] in under 60 seconds".Other mentioned options in that thread were "Anything with a rail then use a quick detach mount for the red dot" and "red dot and the red dot has built in rear sight replacement".I saw a cowitnessing option too, but that wouldn't solve my problem if the scope becomes opaque (e.g. dirt).I thought that maybe a rail that leaves some space above the barrel, so the ironsights are visible, but I haven't researched that.What does /k/ recommend? Please, do not recommend other calibers. That would be for a second gun, which is an entirely different question. But if you want to recommend a second gun, I would appreciate that too.
>>62895121>all this 1x bullshitWhat's the point of a scope if it's only 1x? That doesn't make any sense. Presumably if you want a scope it's because 1x magnification isn't good enough for your application.>But the LPVO, due to the shorter eye relief lengthvariable-power pistol scopes with long eye relief exist.>iron sight requirementwhat's wrong with a QD mount for your optic?
>>62895252>What's the point of a scope if it's only 1x?Why do they manufacture them?>variable-power pistol scopes with long eye relief exist.Can you name the ones with arm-length eye relief?>what's wrong with a QD mount for your optic?Nothing wrong with that, that I know of. I just wanted /k/'s opinion on the different options for the second requirement.
In the US, is it possible to get a VHS-2 without cringe "HELLION" branding? Since it's polymer, can I just sand it off? It's not quite as bad as "GRIP ZONE," but Springfield never fails to make me cringe.
>>62895395>Why do they manufacture them?I'm asking *you* why *you* want one so I can give you better advice. Explain to me YOUR thought process.>Can you name the ones with arm-length eye relief?Any "pistol" scope has that long eye relief. That's what makes it a "pistol" scope as opposed to a generic scope. Just search for pistol scopes. I would suggest the Leupold VX-3 Handgun 2.5-8x32.> just wanted /k/'s opinion on the different options for the second requirement.QD mount is by far the most practical option. It's a lot less awkward than carrying around a 2nd barrel to swap. You already ruled out cowitnessing on your own due to your mud concerns. Another option is "see-thru" scope rings, these are extra tall to let you see irons underneath them. These look pretty goofy though, especially on a pistol, maybe you might like them but IMHO they're not even worth suggesting. A full-size pistol with a scope mounted on high rings is going to be a pain in the ass to carry in your SHTF larp scenario, at least you can make it a bit more carryable by keeping the scope low.
>>62895458>I'm asking *you* why *you* want one so I can give you better advice. Explain to me YOUR thought process.Better target acquisition and aiming than with iron sights.>Any "pistol" scope has that long eye relief. That's what makes it a "pistol" scope as opposed to a generic scope. Just search for pistol scopes. I would suggest the Leupold VX-3 Handgun 2.5-8x32. Relief Length 15 inches (38.1 cm). Which is far shorter than the length of the arm. So I would need to shoot differently.>QD mount is by far the most practical option.Thank you for the detailed answer.
>>62895767>Better target acquisition and aiming than with iron sights.Better how? Iron sights or a red dot are both faster than a scope. A scope can be more precise, but only at higher magnification.> So I would need to shoot differently.Anon, it's a pistol scope. It's made for shooting pistols. Unless you're doing some bizzare snowflake shit like holding the gun with your feet it is exactly what you are asking for. Try looking through one at LGS before you confuse yourself reading too many specs.
>>62895871>Better how? Iron sights or a red dot are both faster than a scope. A scope can be more precise, but only at higher magnification.I should have explained myself better. A prism optic with 1x magnification would be like a red dot.>Anon, it's a pistol scope. Ok. It's just that I've seen vids of guys holding the gun closer to their face instead of having their arms in a "normal" ironsight position, with the arms outstretched.Jesus fucking christ. Fucking captcha
>>628959041x or 1.5x prisms are for people who have trouble with red dots (astigmatism or whatever) or who are paranoid about muh batteries. They are fine, but still slower than a red dot if you don't have problems seeing a dot. Some pistol scopes do have shorterer eye relief without being traditional. Those are meant for people who put bipods on their revolvers and turn them into pocket hunting guns to shoot from a support. I think a dot is the faster simpler solution here unless you can articulate a purpose for magnification specifically.
>>62895904>I should have explained myself better.Yes, I'm asking what your specific goal was in choosing a scope. Different sights are not "better" or "worse". They have pros and cons that work better in certain situations. It's not a case of "better", it's a case of trade-offs. I'm asking what your goals are so I can tell you what trade-offs make sense and which don't.My thought process goes like this: If you say you want a scope, that implies you want precision. Why do I say that? Because if you had wanted speed then the obvious better choices would have been a red dot or express type irons. You didn't pick those so I must conclude your goal is precision instead. And a magnified scope is really the only answer there since a 1x isn't getting you any extra precision at all. Either that or you're just picking what looks cool to you without much thought.
Why did Delta Force and DEVGRU choose different guns to replace their HK416's?
Their airforce has done jack shit in this war. They only used some fighters and not even half of them. It seem WWII level of carpet bombings could be useful and we know they are not shy on collaterals. Why haven't they engaged the planes yet.
What's the lowest mount available for a holosun AEMS?
>>62844952Any actual milfags here who had to stand at attention for hours at a time?Any hints and tips (besides wiggling toes for circulation) or foot accessory reccs?
>>62896926You, uh, suck it up. I can't recall any time I ever had to stand for hours plural at attention. Even in command ceremonies or formal inspections, it was usually parade rest or at easy pretty quickly. Even then, maybe pushing two hours a couple of times for something like a Battalion change of command. If you're in a unit with nothing better to do that constantly have everyone stand at attention, unless it's some explicitly ceremonial job, you should change MOS.
>>62897216*stand at attention
is there a single pocket carry pistol that lets you get a full grip?
>>62898093Lots actually but they're marketed as "full size" pistols or "compact" pistols. Marketers don't know that you can just put them in your pocket.
Anons, what body armor should I trust? I need to get some level 4 plates and don't know where to start. Atlantic Firearms sells Guard Dog ceramic plates for $300, is Guard Dog a trusted company?
So do SBRs *need* to be engraved, or is it just encouraged? What the hells the point of the stamp then
Okay so how do we rebuild this monstrosity, chamber it in .50BMG, and market it to civilians?
>>62844952What is the reason there aren't twin rotor helicopters like the chinook in combat roles?
>>62899249that would just be any of the several single shot 50BMG
>>62899249There are many bolt-action .50 BMGs on the market, not to mention wildcats based on the cartridge.
>>62899301A traditional helicopter with a tail rotor is much more maneuverable. It also doesn't have problems with the airflow from both rotors interfering with each other. Twin rotors kinda suck which is why they are so rarely used.
>>62902116>not to mention wildcats based on the cartridge.Speaking of which, about 20-some-odd years ago the original owner of State Arms gun co, Klaus Horstkamp, essentially re-created the old 7.92x94 for the Panzerbüchse 38 by necking down .50 BMG to .375. He called it the "Mach 5" used to own one, example of brass is the 3rd from the left.
>>62899208>So do SBRs *need* to be engravedThat's what the law says.>What the hells the point of the stamp thenIt's proof you paid your tax. Stamps are taxes.
>>62886533For deer and antelope sure, elk might be pushing it if your shot placement isn't ideal. Not sure I recommend it for a beginner.For $600 sure. It's an AR-10 for nearly AR-15 prices. Bigger question is what configuration it is since some of the heavier uppers might be a bit sub optimal for tracking.Being a PSA you might also have to test all the ammo you intend to use to be sure it cycles properly. You should be doing that with any hunting ammo as well since different loads may pattern differently.>>62887350No, they are wildly overpriced.Captcha thing is another futile anti spam effort that surely will end up doing nothing about bot and spam posts.>>62887465No way, ballistics gel wouldn't be a sufficient bore obstruction for that at just contact distance. Pushing the slide out of battery would be another matter but in that case it just wouldn't fire.>>62895406SAI is the only importer so no, you are stuck with it.>>62898093Depends on how long of a grip you need for your hand. At some point it would get pretty tough to pocket carry. I can get a somewhat tight but full grip on my Kahr CW9 with the 7rd mag and pinky base. Some people need at least a Glock 43x but at that point you are either looking at a belt holster or bigger pockets.
Sorry. I fell asleep before sending this reply.>>62895946>1x or 1.5x prisms are for people who have trouble with red dots (astigmatism or whatever) or who are paranoid about muh batteries. I want a sight that can work without any energy (collapse scenario) and I have astigmatism (corrected with glasses, but I would like to be able to shoot without them).>Some pistol scopes do have shorterer eye relief without being traditional. Those are meant for people who put bipods on their revolvers and turn them into pocket hunting guns to shoot from a support. Ah, I see. Then I should make sure I don't get one of those. Which bring me back to the Eye Relief Length thing. I will measure the length from a normal shooting position and go based on that.If anyone has a recommendation of scope that allow that with its lowest magnification, that would be great. I don't mind modifying the shooting stance with higher magnifications, since I would be resting the handgun somewhere anyway.>>62896073>I'm asking what your goals are so I can tell you what trade-offs make sense and which don't.To be able to fight humans and to hunt small animals. I want the scope to increase the effectiveness of the handgun for those scenarios.What would you recommend?
>>62903502>I want the scope to increase the effectiveness of the handgun for those scenarios.>What would you recommend?A scope will not do both of those things because the goals are radically different. Defending yourself from humans doesn't require much accuracy but speed is important. Hunting small animals requires a lot of accuracy but speed isn't relevant at all. A magnified scope would make your pistol better at hunting small animals, but worse at defending yourself. The opposite is true for other kinds of sights, like irons or a red dot. Those would be better for defense but worse for hunting. Changing sights, scopes, etc, isn't a case of "better" all-around, it is about trade-offs for specific situations. A high mag scope is great for hunting, it's miserable for defense. Express sights or a red dot are great for defense but miserable for trying to brain a squirrel at 50 yards.Is there a reason why you couldn't carry a more typical handgun for defending yourself and a scoped 22 rifle for hunting small game in your SHTF fantasy?
Does anyone have a source on transparent plastic work mat that they like? I have a play mat I'd like to use as a place to clean my guns, I just don't want to fuck it up.
>>62903560>Is there a reason why you couldn't carry a more typical handgun for defending yourself and a scoped 22 rifle for hunting small game in your SHTF fantasy?I'm just trying to prepare for the inevitable eventual collapse of society, man. I can figure out rations and other stuff, but I have little experience with guns.>a scoped 22 rifle for hunting small game in your SHTF fantasy?I will buy a Ruger 10/22 Takedown with backpacker stock. But a principle of prepping is to foresee suboptimal scenarios, so if a given item can fulfil several functions it is considered better.The third gun, if I get there, would be the typical polymer 9mm semi-auto. I assume the same advice for handgun sights would hold here.So, from what you are saying, the handgun should have a "combat" sight (on by default and optimised for speed) and a "hunting" one. These could be Quick-Detach sights and I would be good, right?The combat sight being "express sights" or a red dot. I didn't know what "express sights" were. Thank you! red dot does not fit my requirements, since they require energy to function and I can't rely on that. That's why I mentioned earlier a 1x magnification prism, which would fulfil the same role as a red dot. I don't think I can get more magnification on a prism scope and be able to use it on a handgun, with hands outstretched. But maybe I should double check. Thank you for your patience and all the information.
Does anyone have have concept art of I think was the Land Warrior Program? Specificlly a concpet for a orbital drop pod but I'll take what ever you got.
>>62898093I can get a full grip on my g42 with pinky extension mag
what's it called when you perform a touch and go landing but you're also pulling cargo out of the rear of the plane with a parachute?
>>62905029i got an answer, LAPES, low altatude parachute extraction system
>>62904517>but I have little experience with guns.That is evident, you seem fixated on a very unusual choice for your "main gun". Why are you so drawn to this 22 pistol? A much more practical scenario would be to forget the 22 pistol entirely, have a 9mm (for example) handgun to defend yourself, and some other rifle, such as the 10/22 takedown you mentioned, for your hunting gun?>so if a given item can fulfil several functions it is considered better.Yeah, I see the desire to fulfill as many roles as possible, but a .22 handgun isn't very good for either self defense or hunting.> the handgun should have a "combat" sight (on by default and optimised for speed) and a "hunting" one. These could be Quick-Detach sights and I would be good, right?That is possible. You could theoretically have irons on the gun and then mount the scope when hunting, then take the scope off when you're done hunting and put the gun back to self defense configuration. Personally I'd rather have a separate hunting and defense gun.
What do you think of this cartridge i call it the .290FC
What are some essentials I need when cleaning an old rifle? Currently I have pic related. Do I need anything else? How do I clean every crack and crevice?
>>62905907if you disassemble it, you can use soap and water and a toothbrush to really get it clean, just make sure you rinse it with something that'll evaporate quickly, (some sort of concentrated alcohol) then re apply oil to everything.
A hostage Crisis happens on a ship less than mile off the coast with numerous well armed Combatants, who's deployed, Coast Guard DOG, Navy seals, Delta Force, National Guard Special Forces, or HRT?
>>62905304I'm making it in GRT for shits and giggles. First impressions:>dumb rib above the extractor groove will probably result in case head separation>long tapered shoulder isn't efficient but should feed OK>fuckhuge case head/diameter that's bigger than a magnum (.535") but smaller than a big boy magnum (.588")>magazine capacity will suffer with a case head that big, weird that you designed it to feed really easy if you'll be out of ammo quick unless your mags are two feet long>what's the parent case>.2875 bullet diameter is weird when there's common .284 bore everywhereget GRT and play around with it I guess this 290 FC isn't great I can only get a 140 gr bullet at like 2750ft/s from an 18.5" barrel using 50 grains of Vit 550, for a case head that big this is kinda embarrassing
>>62906641>>62905304yeah it's not perfect to your drawing there but I have very few fucks to give, here's your .290 four chan
>>62905304>>62906641>>62906664slapped together load data here
I have a 67' marlin 39a. Struggling to get it apart, I've tried just about everything I can read online, half cock, full hammer down, opening the lever a little, leaving lever fully closed, penetrating oil, breaking it over the knee, tapping muzzle on carpet, hitting it on reciever with my hands, but this fucker won't take down. The take down screw threads all the way out which I find strange because everything I read and watch online says it shouldn't come all the way out, I imagine at some point someone had it apart and removed the nut inside reciever, shouldn't be a big deal or related necessarily. Anyone have any ideas to get it apart without damaging it?
>>62905135>That is evident, you seem fixated on a very unusual choice for your "main gun".22 LR is the caliber of choice for prepping due to its low weight. You can carry a lot of it.There are other considerations. In my country, you can't just directly buy a 9mm. So I'll get the .22 LR handgun and rifle that I mentioned first.>You could theoretically have irons on the gun and then mount the scope when hunting, then take the scope off when you're done hunting and put the gun back to self defense configuration.Ok. I will do that. Thank you, anon.
>>62906641>>62906673Very cool thanksI was wondering what this app was when someone posted it a bit ago, will try it out
>>62906641>Parent caseI took inspiration from 7.62x39 and 6.5x55se snap caps. I had to make an original design for my lathe class so I decided on an original cartridge prop. Thanks again for the effort in recreating it
>>62895121>I thought that maybe a rail that leaves some space above the barrel, so the ironsights are visible, but I haven't researched that.The factory Ruger mark 4 top rail has a cutout to allow use of the irons, it's what I have on mine
>>62871345No, is this a thing people do?
>>62907823Very nice! However, I guess target acquisition must take longer due to the surrounding material obscuring it. Thank you for posting. If it's not much to ask for, could you please show how does it look when you aim down the iron sights?
>>62905907>Currently I have pic related.That's oil, like it says on the can. It's not a cleaner.Stuff you need:Gun cleaning solvent, cleaning rod, brush to fit your bore, rags, old toothbrush, toothpicks for the tiny little spots.>How do I clean every crack and crevice?that's what the toothbrush and the toothpicks are for. Also, RTFM.
>>62907176>.22 LR is the caliber of choice for prepping due to its low weight.A lot of people recommend 22 for that reason. But don't take what people say online for gospel and think critically. It's a good idea to have a bunch of 22 if you expect to need to hunt. But it's not a good idea to rely on it for self defense. A 22LR pistol is better than no gun but it's a pretty bad choice for self defense. It's not very good for hunting either, to be honest. Pistols are hard to shoot accurately, and 22LR is already weak, it is especially weak out a pistol-length barrel. It would make a LOT more sense to carry a 22 for hunting and a separate pistol for defending yourself. It's not like you would expect to need that often, a single box of 9mm would probably last you multiple lifetimes.>There are other considerationsState them so we can better help you. How easy are shotguns to get? A shotgun is a much better combination defense + hunting tool if you insist on having one weapon fulfill every role?
>>62908057>A lot of people recommend 22 for that reason.Something else that's worth pointing out just in case it wasn't obvious. When preppers talk about stockpiling 22LR they don't mean ONLY 22, they mean 22 IN ADDITION to larger caliber defensive & hunting ammunition.
>>62907849Yeah, when I get home I can do that
can victoptics be mounted on an actual firearm and hold a zero?
>>62907183Answer the Question you NIGGER!
Are the post buyout Remingtons still shit? Was thinking about getting a 700 CDL 30-06 for deer hunting.
So we all agree that sootch is the best guntuber, right?
Could an aperture built into the rear flip cover of a red dot be used as BUIS when paired with a front sight post? Basically you would flip the rear cover down with the integrated aperture and be looking through your shut off/dead red dot and aiming with the front post. Not very practical or useful, but I'm more wondering has this concept ever even been though of before?
Is there any major performance differences between the Beretta 1301 gen1 and mod2? I can't decide which one to get myself for xmas.
>>62862060You type like an Autist and I believe you will End up in Jail
>>62910015Try not posting cringe next time.
>>62909029Thank you, anon!
>>62910961Could it be done? Yes. Would it work effectively? No. Aperture sights work best when they are very close to your eye. The typical red dot is too far forward for this. If the hole is small enough to aim well you have an incredibly small sight picture. If the hole is big enough for you to see the front sight it's much too large for aiming.
How does a surgeon pick out all the fragments in say, a torso wound? Can they only X-ray or is it visible through wound channels? How likely are you to survive such a procedure?
>>62912489Camera focus on the front sight
>>62913470Camera focus on the rear sight
>>62913396they use the MRI machine to suck it out
>>62913396Locate on an X-ray, do the rest by feel.People survive those operations on a daily basis. It's the initial injury which is much more likely to kill you.
>>62913470>>62913473damn dude this a SFW board we don't want to see your mom's gaping whole.
>>62912486you are a gay homosxual black nigger that takes cocks up the ass while sucking dick eating fried chicken and sticking it in little boys. because you're gay, retarded, black and gay. probably also a communist.
>>62914189Back to your containment board, /pol/tard.
>>62844952If I wanted a H back harness or H suspenders for the back of the ALICE suspenders, what's the best option?
>>62914981back to your containment cell SCP 69420.
anyone know what jacket this is?
>>62911390>Is there any major performance differences between the Beretta 1301 gen1 and mod2?Major? No. Its still mechanically the same gun and everything on a Mod 2 you can get aftermarket (unless you get an LE model that has a fixed choke).
The Magazine Spring of my Shotgun broke, but after I disassembled it and cleaned and oiled it I racked it and everything seems to be working. So my Question is what is the worse that can happen if I were to shoot it without the Magazine Spring, is it worth the risk if I had to use it to defend myself? And ofc I am going to replace the part asap.
>>62916855I would Guess that you'll need to point the Shotgun upward after every Shot in order to Make Sure that a Shell is ready at the Aft End to get picked up when you Actuate the Mechanism.
>>62916855Anon do you want to become like Kentucky because youe Shotgun will explode and you will DIE. I am not kidding.
>>62913470>>62913473Many thanks!
>>62895121>>62895458>QD mount is by far the most practical option. It's a lot less awkward than carrying around a 2nd barrel to swap. Wait a second. Wouldn't removing and attaching the optic again make me lose zero? Or will it be fine as long as I attach it back on the exact same spot of the rail (by marking the position with paint, for instance).
>>62917150>Or will it be fine as long as I attach it back on the exact same spot of the rail (by marking the position with paint, for instance).That.A QD mount will introduce some error, but if you do that it won't be much, and it's not like the effective range of a 22 pistol is very high anyway, so you'll already be limited to fairly close shots to where the error from the scope mount won't matter much.
>>62917869Great to hear that! I was already fearing I would have to go back to the plan of carrying two uppers.
all you have is impact wrench and you are attacked by two upstanding promising young soon-to-be doctors. Is it enough to protect yourself? you do have a battery but no sockets or extensions
If I bring an SBR to a gun range, can I be asked to provide a copy of my tax stamp? If I don't have it with me or refuse to show it, what happens?
I wanna shoot guns while i ride my dirt bikethis wasnt a question i just dont know where else to express that desire. i think an appalachian version of the iraq motorcycle units would be badass.
>>62918105I don't think you can be compelled to show it. If some boomer retard asks you just tell them to fuck off
What are some Camelbaks/water bladders that I can use with a type-M adapter that also will attach to a PC?
>>62918105>can I be asked to provide a copy of my tax stamp?The tax stamp is a legal document between you and the government proving you paid your good boy tax. It is nobody else's business, and they have no legal standing to ask for it.>If I don't have it with me or refuse to show it, what happens?If it's private property they could ask you to leave the premises, like they could for any other reason. They theoretically might call the cops on you if you manged to piss them off somehow. I've never heard of that happening but it's an obvious, if unlikely, possibility.
I’m going to zero my M16A2 tomorrow, but I don’t understand when exactly we’re supposed to adjust the front sight. The front sight adjusts elevation, but doesn’t the rear sight do that too ?
>>62919481You zero elevation using the front sight adjustment.The elevation knob on the rear sight is used to select what range you're shooting at.
i want to design a 20mm bullpup rifle using the rt-20 as a base. basically the same rifle, but without the blowback system and a solothurn muzzle brake. also instead of bolt action it has gas operated reloading. thoughts?
>i want to design>here's my plan for the designNobody cares about your design. Come back when you have a prototype.
>>62920298This is a questions thread. Try to bypass the lesions in your brain before typing.
>>6292059462920018 asked for opinions about his gun drawing which he confused with a "design". He got one.
Who would win: the Turret Monster or the Rock or Something?
Would mounting two scopes on a handgun (2x and 1x magnification) at 45 degrees be impractical or stupid?
>>62922312>impractical or stupid?Both.
>>62922618Yeah. Needed that reality check. Thanks.