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>Want to join SF
>Join the Guard
>In reception I see a bunch of other gaurd bro's trying to go SF
>Complete basic so now I have the bare fundamentals
>I have a cheap AR build with a cheap serviceable LPVO for training
>Running or doing pushups most of the week in my free time when I'm not being a wagie
>Only issue is because I live in a city the ranges are at most 60 meters
>Ranges also only let you use ammunition purchased in store
>The ammunition prices are also retarded, $1 a round for 5.56
>Barely can afford to shoot due to the economy being fucked, and needing to pay for shit that lets me live
>Realize why most SF operators are active duty

I know I fucked up not going active infantry, but I might as well make the best of my situation.

Anyone know some 300 meter ranges in my general area, preferably that let you bring your own ammunition.
Forgot to mention I'm in Michigan, near Detroit.
Take this trash to/meg/, boot.
All fields.
You'd unironically have a much easier time finding not just places to shoot freely, but also groups of likeminded guys (mostly 3% larp types but still actually decent and motivated) in any state in the Mountain timezone.

Alternatively, start talking to your NCOs about your plans and see if you can get in touch with your state's infantry units (if you're not an infantryman or 68W or whatever) and try to talk to their scout snipers or even just their training NCOs. While it does suck to have been suckered into the Guard when that's what you really wanted, there ARE pathways to doing cool guy shit. Also start talking to your NCOs about going to schools. Drop packets. If they tell you to fuck off, keep dropping packets, and eventually they'll at least send you to airborne school or something. Is Michigan one of the states with an airborne Guard unit? I don't remember, but if so, there's obviously that.
Also this probably goes without saying, but be prepared to drive several hours across the state every month or more, if you get an opportunity to join a unit with a better training tempo
This post is so fucking retarded that I don't know where to start.

t. NG 11A
My recruiter lied, and like the retard I was. I took the fucking bait.
Did the recruiter lie, or did you just fail selection? Because nothing in your post relates to actual fucking SF.
Getting selected has nothing to do with shooting ability. Everyone I know that got selected trained like a mf for awhile before hand. Pretty sure NG actually a higher pass rate because they vet the guys before giving them contracts.
I'm still training for it. I'm going in 2 years when I'm eligible.
Did you get an 18X contract, or do they make you serve as an 11B for a few years before sending you to selection?
>idiot makes a mistake joining the military
Wow great thread never heard that one before
From my knowledge, you can either go 18x from the jump or be another MOS and try out when you have a high enough rank (E3 I've been told)

However any MOS can put a packet in for it.

I didn't go 18X because I knew I needed more time training, and I knew for a fact I would have failed selection out of basic.

Essentially if you fail as an 18x you're usually made 11B or whatever the army needs.

However you get 3 tries before you're not allowed to try out for selection.

Since I knew I would fail I figured I might as well choose my own job, and actually put in the training while I have time.
Guilty as charged.

It's not too bad. I've got plenty of time to still do what I want.

As long as this path isn't locked off completely and I can still go for it, I'm happy.
whats your 5 mile time?
I'm nowhere near the time I need to be.

But it's 49 minutes.

I recently switched up my runs to longer slower runs to train to build base endurance. These slow runs are 3 miles.

And I'll regularly do 2 fast runs every week. One day of 60-120's and another day where I run 2 miles as fast as I can.
NG doesn’t do 18X contracts. So, obvious bullshit OP is obvious.
email jake.zweig@gmail.com and ask for the army pdf.

you're nowhere near the level of fitness where you should even be thinking about sf yet. 35 minute 5 mile when jogging not going all out and fresh is where you need to be.
He's talking about the recruiters who say "yeah totally there's a pipeline for national guard guys to go SF, this basically sets you up" and then they get to their unit and find out that isn't true at all. OP is not the only one I've seen with this exact story/complaint.
>NG doesn’t do 18X contracts.

They absolutely fucking do. My guard unit literally just got a kid who washed out of selection as X-ray. Not to mention all the others I've met.
>totally there's a pipeline for national guard guys to go SF,

I mean there kinda is. It's just not what he thought it was.
>military not what nasty girls thought it was
Many such cases.
Yeah and my dad is the president of nintendo

>Civilians who want to become a Green Beret in the National Guard should sign an 18X contract, which guarantees the candidate a shot at Special Forces training after completion of Infantry Basic Training (22 weeks),
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I agree.

>t. NG 11b > Active 11A > 35A

But seriously OP, shooting has nothing to do with SFAS. Have you even looked into what you’ll have to do at the selection and during Q course? Improve your ruck and run times. You should be running sub 35 min 5 miles, and rucking sub 2:30 12 miles. Practice land nav and be able to ruck 50+ miles in a week. Also, your recruiter fucked you. I hope you’re at least 11b??
13M. I old him I wanted to be 12B and blow up shit.

He told me all those guys do is build bridges, he told me 13M REALLY blow up shit.

Bull... fucking... shit.
fucking lmao did you tell your recruiters you want to blow up ziggers?

I wanna say you have no hope mostly because you sound stupid and SF guys are far from stupid but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because it sounds like you're still in high school doing split option (it doesn't sound like you've gone to AIT yet). I would talk to a National Guard SF recruiter and try to reclass into a support role for 19th or 20th SFG. Try to reclass into a job that integrates as much with the actual SF guys as possible. That would most likely be 88m vehicle operator, 12B combat engineer, whatever 35 series intel job that takes you in the field and not looking at a map all day, UAV operator, or CBRN. Unlike the SEALs people with no experience rarely graduate selection so it's best to drill, train, and deploy with them before you try to go. Or just join an infantry unit. I really don't know what you were thinking when you picked your MOS although in next war your kill count will be way higher than any SF soldier to exist so that might be cool.
>wants to be part of group
>decides to be a pog for his initial contract
>thinks shooting skill is the penultimate factor for getting selected
What the hell is your gt score? You know sfas requires a 110+ gt score to even attempt
Jesus Christ. Lmao

You’re so cooked. What were you thinking?
>go active
>want to go SF

do NOT go active
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>The ammunition prices are also retarded, $1 a round for 5.56
Dumbass, shooting doesn’t fucking matter at all at this stage, you should literally do nothing else but run until you can do 5 miles in under 35 min.
don't help retards anon let them pay scalping LGS prices
>Ranges also only let you use ammunition purchased in store
I live in Jew Jersey and even I've never seen a range that wouldn't let you shoot your own ammo, so long as it meets their requirements (no steel jacket or tracers, etc)
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How many SOCOM units have RC components?
None afaik. SOCOM is the tier 1 units like Delta, Devgru, and 24 STS. SF and SEALs do have RCs, but they aren't all SOCOM.
I’m so fucking glad I’m retired and I never have to serve with fucking retards like yourself, you fucking retarded ass boot larper. Gosh, I can’t wait for Ukraine to be fucking over so this board becomes somewhat usable again, I have literally taken a break of guns altogether because of you mouth breathing retards.

t. Retired ranger fag, both active and national guard 11B
what is rc?
A joint combatant command
Joint Special Operations Command, a command for joint tier 1 SOF
Army SOF
>1st Special Forces Command (Airborne)
Army command that includes Special Forces, Civil Affairs, Psyops, and 160th SOAR
SOF units which have active, National Guard, and reserve components
You’re a fucking moron
Don’t listen to these retards, so these are the units that have reserve components that are specialized
>army national guard
SF, long range surveillance units. Which states have them? You can Google it
>Air Force national guard
There’s a pj and combat controller wing, I forget the state so again, Google it.
>air force reserve
A pj unit
>navy reserve
I believe there’s a navy seal detachment that is reserves
>marine corps reserve
>army reserve
Psyop, civil affairs and an aviation unit that supports top tier delta bros

That’s it. Everything is fake and gay like most of the posters here
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I didn't even know the guard had sf units. I did 8 years active and whenever I ran into part timers they were the most unprofessional retards. If I were you I'd just not show up to anything and work in the cabbage fields with the Mexicans.
What about Ess Em Yous?
I live near Detroit and you are a faggot. If you can't figure out where to shoot more than 60 yards with your own ammo then I have no idea how you thought you were going to be special forces. I'm not telling you shit, you fucking faggots keep trying to restrict public access of state land near Camp Grayling. We have to put up with you faggots and half of the east coast national guards training in Michigan. If you think your shooting is going to put you into SF you're in for a rude awakening. You're better off rucking religiously to make it through SF selection, if you can't figure out where to do that in Michigan then you can't be helped.

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