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So far, it has been proven that the sukhoi jets are crap.
And all the tanks are also garbage.

Everything they had was just propaganda, because in fact they don't really work well.
We need some data to back up your aircraft claims.
As for tanks, all tanks have been proven crap when used in that theater.
But Ukraine has been making good use of their Migs and Sukhois

India is buying 50 more
Army Forum 2023 reportedly was dead from a sales perspective and the last one was held inside / virtual or something like that so I assume external sales are in the gutter. Does anyone have any more info on this? Just realistically what can Rostec say to make customers believe that their factories aren’t 100% dedicated to Russian orders? Not being able to see a product potentially for YEARS, if at all, is a really high risk to overcome.
They could start using BMP's and tanks in their assaults again instead of Ladas and loafs.
Ukraine has done pretty well with their slavshit (which just makes it more blatant most supposed slavshit enjoyers were just ziggers in disguise), but basically every report coming from there basically confirms they prefer western equipment.
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Does Russia even have any equipment left to sell?
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In the dying days of the Cold War, the USSR created some of the most amazing and manouverable planes of the time. The Flanker is an amazing airframe and would have given the F-15 a run for its money given equal tech and numbers.

However that's all it is these days, a pretty airframe good for airshows and tricks. They were left progressively behind the West (and now even China) in terms of missile tech, avionics, radars, and everything that matters in modern combat these days. They stuck to their hypermanouverable planes meme because it's all they have left - good airframes and engines.

They were trying to catch up in terms of radar, missiles and avionics, but yeah this war has effectively killed any chance of that. Some of these developments relied on components they can't get anymore due to sanctions, and their customer service / weapons delivery which was spotty at best in peacetime now it's gone because all their efforts are focused on the war and can't supply themselves at a rate to make up for their huge losses let alone a third party.

So yeah I think this has killed Russian arms exports at least for a very long time. IIRC "a mystery customer" made an order for Su-57 (to be completed in the next millennium lmao) but that's only if you believe Russia.
It's a really extensive list: armenia, iran and the pentagon

Bog standard classic Hornet-D vs guccied Su-30 MKM fitted with western avionics. Close in dogfights too, in case muh supermaneuverability.
Based on casual conversations with a couple Indo pilots Russia was dog shit with maintenance support and spares even before Ukraine and they where relying India to keep their stuff flying.
Vietnam just got a shipment of trucks. Algeria is on the books for Su-57...
Sanction exception should be made for Su-57 just for the lol.

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