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also swords allowed too
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can anyone tell me what daggers/swords are on this belt
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Pic related is the perfect EDC knife. Warehouse wagies, knife fight LARPers, and bushcraft autists need not apply.
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IDK, I kinda like mine
Looks like a qama and/or kindjal.
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anything mcnees is definitely based
Is this stupid to buy?
>OP picrel
ooo that's a decent knife
I'd just want a straight blade instead of that slight curve, a handguard, and a contoured handle, and that'd be perfect
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i have something similar to this, minus the attachable rod on the sheath.
I have a knife.
Best value on here.>>62748069
>a handguard
What are you a pirate? Just get the Old Hickory and a wood rasp.
thats nice. how good are these knives actually?
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I'm so dumb I need to be saving my money but I ordered myself a sword lol
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A buddy of mine has one and loves it.
it was a 5-10 dollar kitchen knife and fine fot that price.
now that its discontinued theres no reason to pay collectors or limited supply prices for the old hickory brand.
if you find one at goodwill for a dollar sure buy it
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I love fixed blade knifes so much.
i want a knife that will last me a lifetime. Also i want it to look unique. Can be fixed, OTF, or folding.
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Does anyone own the Condor Messer sword? Looking for a cheap one that’s better than the cold steel junk
Go ask the nerds on MyArmoury dot com. If anybody knows they do.
>now that its discontinued
They're not though
they are okc which made old hickory got bought out and dropped the cheaper lines. whats forsale right now is oldstock
>whats forsale right now is oldstock
And worth every penny. Probably butured more beef than any other brand. These are working knives, not status symbols.
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They're discontinued now (for God knows what reason why), but I bought two of these Buck 110 knives with the micarta and S30V steel and the BOS heat treat for under $100 each and I love these little fuckers more than you would fucking believe. They've taken an absolute beating. Just wash them off with soap and water. Made in America. Forever warranty. I genuinely don't know why Buck discontinued them as they should be the most popular knives on the planet. My guess is they came out with them during the big Benchmade explosion and people wanted whatever was new, rather than a classic, traditional, American knife. It just baffles me. They're fucking awesome.
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Shit forgot pic.
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Benchmade was popular long before it came out. Indeed I regret not buying one.

I carry Endura and nothing can beat k390 for me
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why do folders seem to be so popular in us?
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just got the sog ranger for cheap on auction, krayton handles are as meh as i thought theyd be
idk why it took so long to get the skrama, i really like it, but the leather sheath is constantly fucking me up bc thse goddamn finns did the taco fold/seam in the opposite direction of literally everyone else that makes a sheath
some old some new
god I was so mad when I finally got a decent job and some disposable income and found out these were disco. Same shit with the 830(?) marksman with the neat G&G lockup, now faggot ass boomers are scalping both for $250+ on ebay
unless their heat treatment is some kinda black magic like tops or BOS, its pretty fuckin overpriced. if its dead straight and the grind is symmetrical to the eye, And the heat treat is as good as those mentioned, subjectively, it might be worth 200 at most imo
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practicality and gay laws
also marketing
laws? tell me more
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a lot of states and more cities have laws or ordinances against carrying fixed blades, it varies on length and whether or not youre open or concealed carrying. usually anything over 3 or 4 inches is b&, anything with a double edge or dagger profile is b&, some places (Texas and Tennessee(?maybe?)) outright ban carrying a "bowie knife"
the problem is more, like many gay and unconstitutional laws, that theyre "laws" that are less actual laws and more tack on charges or things for asshole cops to hit a quota with, SWIM has very obviously ignored these ordinances and laws in full view of law enforcement just grocery shopping or getting coffee in the same queue as the cops, and never gotten more than a slow double take and a nod.
Problem being, is its psychological lawfare, you hear this this that and this are all technically illegal, but as long as youre cool and not a criminal, it matters as much as doing 5 over the speed limit
Pocket knife is more comfortable to carry, still cuts. Carrying fixed in city or in office is just not the best idea.
huh I didnt even realize. Ive only ever had full tang fixeds :D
ooh thats nice. searing your filename just gets me a bunch of european sites. What can i search to buy that in NA
Condor has a puuko, but it's not that nice.
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It looks nice. is there anything wrong with condor?
that looks like barstock with an edge ground on it. not a proper knife.
well then, suggest me another that i can buy
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Ig nor, he's just being a dick flavored with self gratifying snobbery. Knife is fine, sheath is better. Condor is know for exceptional leather sheaths.
Maybe, but i do agree it looks like barstock. I do like the original image posted however
a puuko is more than just the outline, without the taper its shitty puuko.
that things a puuko as much as a coldsteel gladius machete is a gladius.
>rather than a classic, traditional, American knife. It just baffles me
I think the problem is that particular model exists in a strange space that appeals to few people. It doesn't look like a traditional wood-and-brass Buck knife so it doesn't have the classic appeal. But at the same time it's not going to be very interesting to someone who may not care about the Buck brand and just wants a "tactical" style knife.
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Finally gave in and bought a Walmart Ozark Trail Bugout clone. I got it for $9.97 (for free shipping just add something else to make it over $35 and then cancel the second item). I am VERY impressed. It feels solid, it came very sharp and only has the slightest of blade play. I'm interested to see how well the D2 holds up, but I can't imagine you can get a better folder for cheaper. I'd say it's the Mora of folders.
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I also have a fake Bugout I got for Christmas and this Ozark is MUCH nicer. It is a lot sharper and it has metal to support the plastic handle. The fake one I can squeeze the handles together.
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This fake Bugout came with a lot of packaging to look legit. The second you handle the knife though it's pretty clear that it's cheap.

Last Christmas my boss got it as a gift. He was talking about it and when he saw that I recognized the brand and I was telling him how nice of a gift it is he was like "here, you have it. It will probably just live in my drawer anyway". I was so excited until I got home and realized it was fake LOL. I never told him

This is that knife. They ship to the US.
>without the taper
what taper?
He must have heard the sword people talking and failed to realize that knives aren't just smaller.
distal taper still exists on knifes. that barstock prybar is not going to have the same handling characteristics as a real example of that knife type.
if you like barstock prybars good for you but they arent the same thing as actual knives even if they look like it.
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Oh god you were right. I wanted to believe he was ESL and meant something else.
>distal taper still exists on knifes
It doesn't on puukkos. High end ones you might find interesting geometry like rhomboid blade profiles, but I've never seen one with any real meaningful distal taper.

For starters they're not super thick barstock prybars to begin with. They're not heavy duty meme bushcraft knives. Even my huge 9" blade samekniv has no distal taper at all, because the blade is too thin to have any.
>inb4 reee that's norwegian and Sami aren't Finns
When did you order one? It's still outta stock on Walmart, and they even raised the price
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Late Fairbairn design prototype
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>they're not super thick barstock prybars to begin with.
the condor we are talking about is, you can see the full tang. which is something its not supposed to have. its a barstock slab imitating the form but not function.
Last Thursday 10/17
$10.67 with FL tax
just got me a benji :3
>the condor we are talking about is
No it's not.
>its a barstock slab
It's 3mm thick.
>ts a barstock slab imitating the form but not function.
You might want to sit down before you hear this, but the wood jewel knife has a thicker blade. That one's 3.3mm. It has no distal taper.

You have no idea what you're whining about. Just say "I don't like the way that knife looks" already instead of dragging this out making up more random excuses that also turn out to be wrong. Your issue is entirely with the form and not the function, since you are not familiar with the function of either knife.

While it is a deviation from puuko norms, that it has a full tang doesn't in and of itself tell us anything about the blade&tang thickness (which is apparently 3mm, hardly massive), and it's a very different issue from the presence or absence of distal taper. Overall it sounds like you saw someone use "bar stock" as an insult (probably when talking about a sword), and now you're just throwing it around simply because you think it sounds cool with no thought given to whether or not it's actually a valid complaint.
Moral of the story: just because there are valid criticisms of something, doesn't make every possible criticism of it valid.
if you saw that condor knife without the context of us arguing about it you wouldnt classify it as a puuko.
First I was like o rly? Then I saw the other side... BOO
NTA but I would
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I don't care about that. That's not what I'm arguing about or why I'm here. I'm only here talking to you because you were talking about "the taper" puukko's supposedly have.

To recap:
>distal taper
Is literally not a thing on puukkos in general, if they were that thick in the first place they would be chisels, not knives
>barstock prybar with poor handling
is not a factor since it's thinner than the finnish knife you were comparing to
>it looks ugly and I don't like it
you should have just said that instead of trying to make things up about puukkos and that knife.
>it's not a puukko!
The blade is typical of a puukko, which is where you started off whining. The grip definitely isn't traditional, but neither is rubber/plastic yet pic related is a puukko.
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I guess they havent got any restock on the Worst Coast here. It's $10.32 now. Also, about your fake Bugout, the real ones dont look very strong either. I've never handled bugout in person
>finn panty status
Do Finns even wear panties? Talking about trivialities.
>full tang. which is something its not supposed to have.
If it has the profile, it's a puuko.
Guys I'm new what do you guys call the strap thingy you guys tie to you knives, also what the fuck do I do with it, been holding it for like hours
It's a lanyard. Just keep holding it
Do you even know what distal taper fucking means?
Show me a knife with a distal taper that isn't a kitchen knife.
You are a special kind of special.
Can we get some 3D printed in here.
>barstock prybars good for you
>backed into the retard corner, anon falls back on reflex
>...and doubles down on tardation
I have a Martinii something Pucko and it's just ok. I may get the Condor bc Iike Condors and to piss off the angry Finn.
Nice looking Puuko. Interesting detail.
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>3 months in cuckistan customs
the seller even told me it would take 3-5 months to ship and I was like ok whatever dude
that knoife is that? seems ideal for my use (clearing brush)
Terava Skrama
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Coldsteel dropforged bowie, several kershaw folders i dont know the name of. Ontarios do it. Im not going to take a picture of everyknife but plently of knives have taper.
With that full tang the balance is wrong
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Excellent choice in knife. I have one and it’s one of my favorites for bumming in the woods.
Been there done that
That hollow handle actually looks decent. Is it a tekline safe?
babby's first knife, it's only when you have to really use the knife do you understand folders can't hack it
micropeenis owners will eternally seethe
That's just a clip point with a full flat grind, you tard.
Do you know what distal taper is?
I can already tell you barely passed geometry and failed trig the first time you saw it
If that's what you think a distal taper is, then literally every single knife has one you mong.
What's the minimum price a good knife should be? I've bought some for 200 dollars like this one ti lite folding knife, might've been ripped off idk but it was my first not trash knife. However this spika pig sticker I'm looking at is only 60? It's larger, so idk what's up. Can't find any review vids either. I guess on the bright side it's cheap enough to test.
You're entering this wrong if you're looking for a knife thinking price dictates a "good" knife
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>tell me how I should value things
unfortunately Marttiini has went downhill and fast recently. Cannot recommend anymore and its a shame. Woodjewel and others with blades from Laurin Metalli are good though
Ok chuds, fine, I'll figure it out myself without y'all incels help. But seriously my question was why might it be priced that way and how may I determine the quality of something without using the price.
Looks like a jambiya, a type of blade that is often worn on the side (Janb in Arabic) in a wide belt like this. It is a self-defense weapon worn by travelers, merchants, Sheikhs, Imams. The most prized blades have ivory handles and Damascus steel.
Dad has a set that is older than me.
There are other curved daggers that are openly carried in that way. The firearms appear to be muzzleloading pistols, but a sawed off 12 gauge is also suitable as a belt gun or sidearm. This weapon is a staple of the American outlaw and can pretty much delete any problem in your immediate range in short order, much like a self defense dagger.
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maybe if you stretch it to swedish areas, maybe.
buuut then again puukko nowdays means more than the spescific old kind of puukko.
so no, not a traditional puukko in any way.
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>My rifle is broken or out of ammo

Then draw your sidearm and keep fighting.

>My sidearm is broken or out of ammo

Then draw your knife and keep fighting.

>My knife is broken or lost

Then keep fighting with your hands.

You can punch or choke the zionist.

No surrender, embrace martyrdom.

Even a knife is sufficient for this.

Provokes a lethal response.
probably the best source for picturest of nicest puukkos ever made.
note the distinction between puukko/veitsi
pay more attention in english class and maybe youd ask more coherent questions then, zoomzoom
Brands have different levels of expected quality, this generally mean little nowadays because of corpo buyouts and chink mfg, but theres still places like Buck that explicitly state on some models that the heat treatment was done by the best, best known mass production heat treat company doin it. But all that means is BOS marked BLADES from Buck are gonna be good, you could still get something thats not quite to spec and could warrant a warranty replacement

Cost is determined by (shock) economics of the manufacturing. that means materials, heat treat, muh fit n fininsh. some shit, like the ti-lite and microtech, get the meme tax.
cold steel is pretty solid but your dumbass paid for a Ti-lite thats made out of aluminum and not Ti

thats all the drunken spoonfeeding you get
Well thanks for the spoon-feeding. Of course I could've just bought it to test cause it's so cheap but whatevs. Also I'm drinking too! What a coincidence. But fuck you homes for being weird about it, idk
Ozzie? Are you using it for hog hunting? If you can just get a Cold Steel SRK. You lose the rear quillon, blood grooves, double blade and a hair of length (what is it with .au sites not listing blade length?) but get an improvement over 440.
Buck 119 is always good. Look at the 105 as well.
There is always the Kabar 1211/1212 or 1217/1218 (latter or each group is partially serrated) and OKC SP-1
Ontario RAT6 or 7 (think they recently were bought and closed though) or ESEE 6 for a bit more.
>>My knife is broken or lost
>Then keep fighting with your hands.
>He doesnt have his etool out
nice mod survival clone
>thats bar stock!!!
Yeah I guess I could get that, I was just looking at local/irl store which is more convenient for me. The selection changes frequently though, so it all depends. I might order one. Thanks for the input.
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Some knives. All but the smaller wooden one have served in the field and the Marttiini I actually found 20 or 21 years ago at a small remote beach by a river in the countryside. Glock is genuine Austrian military issue traded by its previous owner on a peace keeping operation
The smallest two Terava knives with the plastic blade guard and wire “belt clip” is the best in pocket fixed blade setup I have found yet.
sexy. i love the birch pattern on the handles of the ones to the right. my grandpa used to say that the mettle of a finn is how well he can make a puukko himself. i intend to do that one day.
Gunna smoke me a fatty brisket
i got my bbq shoes on
>6 differt knives
>all the same knife
Are you Durga?
You chose the Aitor Oso Negro for its blade shape and affordable yet decent built cost right?
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Anyone knows in Europe knife brand making quality slipjoints but not known well as Laguiole, Boker, Otter, Mercator, Lionsteel or Douk Douk?
thanks bro. how sensitive is carbon steel to maintain?
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thoughts on this puukko
>reeeee no distal taperrrr not a puukkooooo
>not really real
>barstock with an edgey edge
>more edgy than 4 me
I don’t like traditional puukko knives as they usually lack any type of finger guard.
What are you gonna do, cut your finger? Poor lil guy needs a safety knife.
Just don't leave it wet, wipe a little oil on it from time to time.
Robert Klaas, Hartkopf, Au Sabot, Enigma Knives, Mikov
Yes. Stop being a meanie :(
Don't feel.bad, lil guy. I am much the same as you, except better. Mine's out of the pkg. But I'll tell ya, I wish I had 20 of these for trading after the Apocalypse.
>Otter, Mercator
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It's not that bad. Don't leave it wet, wipe it off after cutting, and clean the blade with water then dry it if you're using it near salt or cutting acidic things.

It can help to force a patina, you can do this by wrapping a paper towel soaked in vinegar around the blade for a few minutes. Then rinse it off with water, dry completely, and oil it.
I love birch bark, I have that same knife with a different handle. It does have a bit of a secondary bevel, which I'm not a huge fan of, but it's still nice.
>you can do this by wrapping a paper towel soaked in vinegar around the blade for a few minutes
Just use mustard like a normal person.
mustard patina sucks and I don't like it
i really like the blade shape on enigma knives. i got mine ~2 years ago and have been pretty happy but i'd like a half stop
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How do you fuc/k/ers store your knives? A couple always find their way under my bed or on the floor and I'm getting tired of not knowing where one or two of my knives are for days at a time. Small to medium folders fit in a Super Stacker #61613 3x5 but I collect a lot of hunting knives. I haven't found a good box that'll fit most hunting knives; maybe I'll have to buy a couple of the pencil cases or something. For now I've stuck them in an old M16 magazine pouch but they stick out a lot.
Was antique hunting and found this cool knife from Denmark around the mid-late 19th century. Looks like a carved bone or antler grip. Like puukko knife. Friend has it now in EU land and is shipping it to me soon thanks to gay ass Danish export laws. Has a weird detailed brass thing on the other side. Did I get ripped off or is this legit or what? Only about 100 bucks.
My Nontron is my favourite
The wood feels incredible, the steel is good, it'll take a while to rub a hole through my jeans pocket, which is also a factor

Perfect for eating, cutting cheese, and everyday knife stuff
which is better for edc
How strong is the spring?
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Not very I guess, but it's not the kind of knife you're gonna stab with
still want to close it slowly otherwise it'll flatten the edge
Same issue in Vendedouk. But regular Douk Douk is just fine with fast closing.
I want a butterfly knife for edc. The steel needs to be durable and high quality, basically it needs to be able to take a beating and not lose sharpness quickly. Any recommendations?
That's stupid. If you want to be cringe at least edc an OTF
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I have an itch. Is there any high quality knives that fit this nostalgia?
Well I just want quick deployment, recommended me an OTF then
Kershaw lucha.
It has bearings, so they flip quite fast, not really a beginner’s knife. Or also get a cheap Boker butterfly trainer along with it.
Why that one and not just the basic lucha?
Which what?
20cv blade.
It’s also lighter. I have a stainless lucha, it’s noticeable in the pocket.
So it's on "sale". Is that actually a sale or just marketing and it's not really a $500 knife. Also ty
No fucking clue mate, I’m not a flippy knife boy. Knifecenter is good to order from though.

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