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>simulate schizophrenic audio hallucinations with the sound player plugin!
First for the elves.
i hate elves. dorfs are based.
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Kind of a reddit-coded opinion these days, to be honest.
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Step 1: embrace the drip
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NTA, but elves are only good for ork dicks.

We dislike the knife ears here
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We must secure the existence of Elvish people and a future for Elvish children
I want a GuP OVA in which Saunders conducts SpecOps inside enemy school carriers
i like warhammer fantasy dwarfs since they have guns, ironclads, industry and helicopters while elfs have gay ass magic
jewtube shorts promotes glory and grant documentary to me, so Each Dixie boy must understand that he must mind his Uncle Sam
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>jewtube shorts promotes glory and grant documentary to me
What if I arm the elves?
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As pic related says, F-word your Zodiac Signs. What's your evil greedy unethical fictional corporation and or organization in video games or fiction. Especially a lot of pic related are military related in a way.
Should we entrust elves with firearms?
What next? Accept the g'nomish immigrants?
elgi can't use guns,
i'd go with apature science since i like cave johnson
Gnomes are a hard working people that will surely enrich human society. As for elves, they are equal citizens and therefore, if humans are allowed to bear arms, then we should as well.
elfs use gay bows
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>teaching a computer science (highschool) class today
>computer has a system to watch all the students' monitors
Ah, I figured my computer science teacher was lying.
Knife ear.
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Go hug a tree or something, knife-ear
Why are you being racist to a peace loving race?
my computer science teacher back in elementary school was playing CS source with us
Because they won't let me touch their ears
Who do /ak/ artists hate dirty guns? They never have powder residue or brass marks.
My cs teacher let me play Pimp Your Gun.
I miss him.
Idk but a personal pet peeve of mine is when "people" in here respond to tripfags
Ear touching is almost as lewd as handholding, you disgusting pervert
(I want to touch Elves ear so fucking much it's unreal)
Because most of them are from noguns countries where they are only allowed airsoft and deactivated wall hangers. So the things they use as references have no way of getting natural wear and tear. Take pic related for example. The artist drew this RPG with a massive deactivation hole above the grip. That holes not supposed to be there. If you look up the RPG-2 being sold by Atlantic you can see the hole in the same spot lmao
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You and him should kiss
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I may be a tripfag but they doesn't mean I'm gay
That's exactly what it means though
You know what else is gay? Being obsessed with another man
you know who's obsessed with another man?\
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I'm sorry, anon, but your mom's gay...
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That does make you wonder if in the World of GuP is piracy ever an Issue? Giant city sized ships filled with teenage girls would be a prime target for pirates and human traffickers. They either have a good Police force aboard those ships and/or intense protection from the JMSDF, and U.S. Navy.
They are city-sized ship that participate in recreational tank-to-tank combat.
They aren't just schools, they have entire communities living on them, raiding them would mean sacking a city - a bit beyond the typical pirate's wheelhouse.
You wouldn't need to take over the entire ship.
>Jump aboard, yank cute grill, valuables, or weaponry.
You'd need a vigilant police force onboard or naval escort to prevent pirates from boarding.
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You're in the middle of the ocean, atop a big ass ship, you will see them coming, and it won't be easy for them to come aboard.
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Hot dog recipe:

1 poppy seed hot dog bun
1 freshly severed large uncut weeabo benis
1 tablespoon yellow mustard
1 tablespoon sweet green pickle relish
1 tablespoon chopped onion
2 tomato wedges
1 dill pickle spear
1 chopped jalapeno pepper
Also, they have whole units of tanks there, in case you forgot.
>no Remoulade
>no fried onion
shit recipie
Fuck your tablespoons nigga I’ll put as much of each as I need.
>not listing sauerkraut
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no you won't you fucking weeb, it's 1 tablespoon for you and you better like it
How good is your wife at prepping?
I banged your mom while prepping.
despite me being slav, i hate sauerkraut. it's too bitter
i'm incel
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musclegirls are submissive af
Out of spite I’m using one entire cup for each
Musclegirls are dorks
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How would you know?
What about Curtido?
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It appears Virginia Meido Institute will be heard from today.
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Whats ups guys ? guess what ? the AI shitter is back with more 6 finger aboms and melted guns
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thats all time for bed
i prefer coleslaw
Yup. Case in point
>time for bed
is AIfag a yuro?
wife and dork
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Why do you want to marry a crazy bitch? Why not a normal stable loving motherly wife?
What about correcting a crazy bitch by turning her into a mom by constantly impregnating her?
Don't argue with him, he is our ally and supports total hohol death. We supporters of Russo-American alliance need to stick together
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Why would I want to ally who has broken every major treating it's ever made?
only someone crazy could fall for me
Oy vey
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Do NOT let yourself be captured by dorks. These dangerous creatures roam in packs
My wife (nonexistent) is very good at prepping (myself for suicide).
Not worried, I’ll just make nice with an94, shes prime wife material anyway.
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Ado tickets going on sale tomorrow, any of yall fuckers gonna to the fw show?
>he thinks he gets to choose
You mean I’ll be forced to be with all of them?
Oh no haha that’s would be terrible haha.
Crazy? I was crazy once.
They put me in a room.
A rubber room.
A rubber room with rats.
They put me in a rubber room with rubber rats.
Rubber rats? I hate rubber rats.
They make me crazy.
Crazy? I was crazy once.
They put me in a room….
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Dam I wish that this was me!
why is it so long?
Should I get a SAK recruit or spartan for edc? Don't need scissors, already have some on my rambler
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Jesus christ not even one of the good europeans
Czechs are top tier Europeans, and they make commies seethe
Fuck off with your AI shit.
ahoj pepik
Kill yourself
da bolt
Can anyone tell what this thing is called? The thing underneath and parallel with the barrel. I've used Google lens, Googling it as a grip or counter weight. I can't sleep until I figure it out.
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>What if I arm the elves?
They would be extremely accurate.
Is that the Halo sniper?
No it's the NTW 20, south African anti material rilfe.
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>south African anti material rilfe.
So the Halo sniper
Yes, also I figured out what the at the bottom is. It's a hydraulic recoil buffer. The fact it took me so long is embarrassing.
Didn't the artist make porn of each of these girls getting raped?
>no Project Moon representation
Speaking of Czech...

Here's a manga set during the Hussite War, where firearms slowly make an impact and makes changes to once dominant use of Medieval Knights.

The main character, Sarka, suffers at the hands of Catholic Crusaders when they destory her village and almost gets raped to death. Fortunately, she meets up with the mercenary company of Jan Ziska, the legendary hero of the Hussite Wars and thus enlists as a soldier armed with a handcannon.
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The mangaka shows off his master's degree in medieval history as the characters' appearance, their weapons and armor and the politics and society of that era are historically accurate although he does adds some fictional stuff for the ruler of cool or gore.

Speaking of gore, the manga has loads of sex, rape and ryona, especially the later. The main character gets raped in the very first chapter after all.
AI faggot
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There's an ongoing storytime dump on /a/ >>>/a/273245367 if anyone's interested.
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Can you make a chili that will prevent your weeb from "overgassing"? It's not 100% feasible but here are some tips to lessen the fallout of a hearty chili crockpot:
Lightly fry the onion before adding it
Use only bell peppers
Recommended toppings are corn bread and sour cream
Switch maple syrup for molasses
Avoid powdered condiments
Why do so many of these mangas have rape scenes in the first chapter, is it to draw in the otaku?

Nip can't get it up unless someones is being raped or actively degraded
We need an anime where lolis are hunting weebs like they’re game animals
Springfield is old and slow, semi-auto is the future
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Yeah, but does Garand or any of the other semi autos make muffins?
>You'll never have a girlfriend like Yukari
Why even live
to suffer
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There is no point.
Is she supposed to be a badger?
She looks so squishable in this
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no thanks, I don't want 2D little girls to plink me with a 22Mag
Japs need to develop their own rooty tooty shooty game
Imagine if they made a “Help, my girlfriend is a gun and I’m in trouble with the yakuza” type game. You could choose a different gun/girl at the beginning and earn upgrades as you progress, or it starts like a dating sim where you give her gifts and then use her in missions later.
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We touchin’ ears?
I wanna touch these ears and hear her purr.
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this, but unironically
God, Imagine if all of them started hugging you
>Imagine being suffocated by four artificial sentience
No, I don't think I will
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No, I'm just on week three of NNN
I have two oathed and two not, you can probably guess which.
>he actually plays gachas
Shock value, it's usually a sign that the rest of the manga is complete shit, see Goblin Slayer.
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>Already making baseless assumptions.

I guess it's pointless to ask for a translation of the remaining volumes of the manga then? Divci Valka only had 8 out of 12 volumes translated.

Not just the first chapter. Either you have rape, brutal violence and torture and even both in almost every volume.
It’s free and I enjoy it, why don’t you enjoy free things anon?
>inb4 hurr china, if an American company made it I would play that but they don’t. If they did it would be gay as fuck I’m sure.
Hoo boy, where do i start with this one?
I wanna fill this dorky kitty with babies
berserk starts with sex scene and it's kino
The only correct choices
Sorry I didn’t even notice I was replying to a tripfag, you’re doing great little guy, trolling with single words and non-rebuttals, keep it up.
Half right, ak15 and an94.
Honestly berserk is pretty shit overall, the continuation after his death only got worse but its not like it could have turned out well since it was already a meandering mess by then with antagonists too powerful to oppose.
You ever see a cop and think, "yeah I could draw on him before he gets me". I'm not some edgelord cop hater either. I'm trying to be a cop. I think it's important to think that about yourself too so you don't get ambushed. Even the roughest and toughest SWAT Operator can get fucked if he lets his Guard down.
You need to come back to the real world, the grandma coming to the station to report a lost purse isn't going to suddenly draw a snubby and blow you away
Sometimes it seems like AK-15 is constantly seething at RPK-16. Is she jealous?
You need to come to the real world, Grandma isn't what I'm worried about, pulling over methed up drug mule is my concern.
A little bit
not him im the AI fag

also seethe

i remember starting reading that ages ago but i stopped dont remember why
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poor ken gets yuri NTR'd by natsumi and miyuki every night.
Šukam děti ve sklepě.
at least you respond like a real human, and not like something generated by chat gpt
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deserved, he's less of a man than Natsumi so he's never tapping Miyucunt
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God damnit why do I type out this retarded shit.
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The Internet has perverted us beyond repair
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I used to get hard-ons just talking to women in highschool. Porn turned me into a coom-brained, stone-hearted creature.
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tactical idols
Ew I bet you have cooties
It never will be if you keep posting here.
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Guys help, cute Jews are tempting me, I’m not even circumcised.
That's SADF, tourist.
You mean she’s dressed like sadf, I assume this is South Africa defense force. Pretty cool if true, I’m not familiar with them though I do know they make a galil type rifle in the r4.
The character is literally galil though.
Not a tourist either.
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Alt pic
Galil's express circumcision
I chipped a tooth doing that. stupid anine
next you should try to bend a quarter in your teeth
Wait isn't the Galil ARM the only one with a bottle opener? I thought the SAR didn't have one
both Apartheid states
They are, but conscripts constantly fucked up normal galils all the time using them as bottle openers
Theoretically, but I've seen AR and SAR kits with bipod handguard retainer
I am absolutely done with anomaly, download one mod and the other shits itself also the plot in Anomaly is fucking retarded and filled with inconsistencies, the only good moment is when Degtyarev shows up and bullies the U.N. faggots.
>The Military Captures X-18 and the Brain Scorcher in SoC.
>Strelok shuts down the Miracle Machine a wish granter during SoC.
>Major Degtyarev kills all the mutants in X-8 and empties the place of documents, he also empties the underground workshop in Zaton during CoP.
Yet somehow during Analmeme X-18 still has mutants, the Monolith still controls the brain scorcher and the wish granter is still active and X-18 still has mutants, along with X-8 still having mutants and documents. it's gay and retarded. ALSO MY FUCKING MODS KEEP CONFLICTING AND BREAKING THE GAME!
People actually played the story mode? I always just did iron man or Azazel
the moment where Degtyarev shows up is the coolest part of the game. I was Basedfacing hard, holy shit man I'M DEGTYAREV'S TOP GUY! ALEXANDER DEGTYAREV CHOSE ME TO LEAD THE SPETSNAZ SBU!
If Alexander Degtyarev tells you you're his top guy, you're his top guy you're now in a position where you have to go, "oh I'm Alexander Degtyarev's top guy! oh dude Alexander Degtyarev needs me? Ok, I'll do it I'm going to bat for you Degtyarev, I got your back Degtyarev.
well, stalker 2 is releasing today, but i guess you don't want to play it
I'll buy it later when it drops in price, I don't spend more than 30 dollars on video games.
>I don't spend more than 30 dollars on video games.
smart. can't say the same, since i pre-ordered that new HOI4 dlc
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>see a gunslinger girl thread on /a/ that hit bump limit just before it archives (very rare)
>wonder if anything new is coming out to be the cause, look inside
>it's full of champagne/college communists who unironically believe anyone not farther left than they are are crypto-rightoids

What a bizarre series to latch on to. Don't they realize their radical kind would be the ones getting hunted down by the SWA?
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Thanks for the reminder, just got my ticket.
what the fuck doess gunslinger girl have in common with communism?
As far as I could tell from that thread, they have it in their heads that Padania being right-wing is somehow absolutely essential to the story and that a notional sequel wouldn't be the same without it, even after someone points out that Aida went for the typical Jap centrist position of violence bad m'kay and that the story wouldn't change much at its core no matter the politics of the terrorists.

The "everything is political" crowd is unhinged. But what really baffles me is why they would choose Gunslinger Girl of all things.
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>fires a 33Kg HE-Frag shell at your house from 27Km
>Impregnates your commander with twins.
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t. deviant weeabo that masturbates to Katyusha
stalker 2 reviews are in
Every day i wake up and thank god that i dont respond to tripfags and ai avatarniggers and regular avatarniggers
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I am never going to fuck you dude. Even if, for some strange reason, I started swinging that way, there is still a long ass list of people I'd sooner bone which goes something like this:

MILFs>Younger women>femboys>(You)
so stop obsessing over me every thread
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>cute Jews are tempting me

Why would you even bother resisting?
Did you know in order for stalker games to be released in the United States the Supreme Court ruled they have to feature more American weapons.
Google S.TA.L.K.E.R. Rule 34 to find out more.
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>The "everything is political" crowd is unhinged.
They're just totalitarians. If everything is politics then politicians can decide and rule over everything.
Recognize your enemy.
NTA but if we're talking about having bones to pick with someone, i have a major one with you
ESL? Bone means to fuck someone
have a bone to pick with someone

to want to talk to someone about something annoying they have done
"I want to bone" = "I want to have sex with"

"I want to pick a bone with someone" = "I have an issue I wish discuss with someone"
>Knocking up the Commie girl with the Seed of Freedom!
Spanish girls
>no Electrosphere factions
Faux, they're French girls doing an Erasmus in Spain
>ywn buy a bodypillow out of Andou’s shady van
>Take a Fr*nch girl
>Make her Spanish

That's an improvement.
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Your jealousy is showing, Pedro
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I can smell your fear, Fr*nchie. It smells like a homeless man that's trying to cover up hot trash with a single rose.

Your Fr*ench girls will be SpanishED.
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Sanitize your links or die. The rules are just that simple.
>he doesn't use 4chanX
Scripts have their place, but good habits work universally.
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Where is PTMC?
In your dreams Juan, there's much more sp*niards living in France than the opposite for a reason
Btw, don't forget to bow for your French king next time you see him
what are the tactical advantages of using a baguette as a weapon?
A stale baguette maximises pain (heh) when used as a blunt weapon on soft and unprotected tissues, making it a terrifying tool for CQB
In fact, it should be considered a psychological weapon and forbidden by the Geneva suggestions
why did marie authorised the usage of such terryfing weapon? she should be sent to hauge for warcrimes
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She can warcrime me anytime, if you catch my drift
idk, but the reviews say it still has atmosphere of previous games
Do you guys like my cartridge design
I call it the .290FC
Don't think so
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A transgender Russian pornstar
if this is true all of eastern europe shall feel the wrath of Springfield Schizo! no slav slav adjascent or nation under the soviet sphere shall escape!
Colonel Alexander Alexandrovitsch Degtyarev, the coolest S.T.AL.K.E.R. Protagonist.
The creator of the DPM machine gun
Wife RPK-16!
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>four arms
>four ampits
>no afghanistan
At least try avatarnigger
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do yoga pants like this exist in real life?
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I'm hearing bad things about STALKER 2 bros....
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I just thought it was just buggy as fuck? Most people I have seen, which is like two reviews granted, but most seem to praise the atmosphere and gunplay
I am not a footfag, but
Atmosphere more like ATMOSQUEER!
Oh I didn't like Pripyat, guess that's why. I remember Strelok and Scar, I just remember the other dude as "Ukrainian military guy"
Afghanistan is not slavic nor was it part of the Soviet Union.
he's pretty hot
I propose New legislation to give all paranoid Schizophrenics Several firearms and copious amounts of ammunition.
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They let fat people like you near kids. I assume someone is watching to keep you from eating them.
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kek at IMC being on here instead of Helghast.
Helghast did nothing wrong
can someone explain why their pants weren't tucked? i thought that was a practice common for all regular soldiers by then
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I need an AK-15 GF
Many of the countries he listed are not slavic or part of the soviet union
I usually grab fast food during my lunch break, staves off the urge to eat a youngling for the rest of the work day
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>yukari in the middle of class
Isn't this Vesna?
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Anon I am not ballistically literate enough to interpret your pencil and paper autism, but i am fully in support.
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I would rape her feet with violence
>can someone explain why their pants weren't tucked?
Tucked into what? Those shoes usually didn't even go over the ankle.
puttees usually
the moment you set foot on Polish soil you'll be ripped to shreds
50% is about it being buggy and 50% is zigger screeching about "muh russophobia".
sega should continue valkyria chronicles

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