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What's the most "lethal", hardest hitting gun I can buy for under $800? Are shoulderable cannons a thing?
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Maverick 88 with black magic slugs
An old Marlin 45-70 levergat, available in most pawn shops. Or this >>62887841
pretty much a shotgun with a heavy slug, or a full powered rifle
if you wanna get funky, you could get a black powder rifle too, those things are cool as fuck
This but magnum crush.
Shop around, you can get a fuckton of guns under $800, even down into the $600 range. Your negotiating skills can buy you a used cannon that someone else wants to get rid of, just got to look hard enough.

For a couple hundred dollars, >>62887841. Throw a 1 oz or 1 1/12 oz slug out of a 12 ga 3" or 3 1/2" magnum and there's very little that can beat it at any price under 100-120 yards or so. There are a LOT of shotgun options under $500 down into the $300 range.

Optics are a separate expense, but you can still get under $800 total package with a bit of luck.
Savage 110 in .338 win-mag
35 whelen CVA scout
a year or two ago some dude in alaska saw a grizzly bear break down his neighbors front door
the guy grabbed his 12ga, ran over to help, and right into the bear
it reared up on its two legs and he put one black magic slug up through its chin and killed it
>Savage 110 in .338 win-mag
shotgun is inexpensive, 12g slugs are less expensive than 338wm ammo. I used to get 338wm for about $1.20 in 2019 now its at least $2.50
too expensive
a $50 H&R 12 gauge with the same
>shoulderable cannons
I guess a 4 bore? Doubt you can get one for 800. Definitely not pleasant to shoot unless you're looking to dislocate and relocate your shoulder with each shot.
I was also thinking along the lines of this when OP asked... used section will have nuclear deer rifles for well under $1000 if you shop around. 7mm RM is a pretty typical find.
The meme pipebomb tier .50 that serbu sells
It will recoil shitloads more and the things aren't widely available anymore.
There is no .50BMG weapon on the planet which would safely contain a cartridge loaded 8 times the pressure of a proof load.
hi serbu, your daughter is pretty hot
PSA AR, only 400ish dollars
>Anon looking for the hardest hitting most lethal gun he can buy
>”AR’s are like 400$ heh…”
5.56 is weak. Anon is looking for a cannon.
10 gauge with fat heavy slugs.
>hardest hitting
you are going to need to very specifically define that.
if you wait for a deal you can probably get a rifle in .375H&H for 800 bucks.
that's a lot of horsepower, even compared to magnum 12ga.
hey, that's a lot of recoil for the dog fucking Instagram faggot.
If ammo price is a factor, he could buy the cheapest .22lr gun, then drop 14000 bears dead with perfect shot placement. That would be a lot of lethality for $800.
@ 20 yards m193 absolutely fucks
>if you wait for a deal you can probably get a rifle in .375H&H for 800 bucks.
It's not too hard to find a .458 Win Mag in that kind of price range, or perhaps a bit lower.
For which range? A proper 12 or 10 gauge shotgun would do great at 70 meters or less. Or up to 100 if you use slugs.
You can have any kind of Brenneke slug, be it classic or whatever fancy color it is. You can cast them yourself.
You may even take on other kinds of shotgun shells, like the Goodell Twister or Zveroboy (both are based on a pre-WWI russian bear slug).
12g shotgun loaded with explosive slugs. Yea, that's actually a thing and you can just buy them.
>Meme, wouldn't work any better than normal slugs, explode your gun etc
Watch the videos on these things they're absolutely wild. Not the most penetration though obviously, but plenty enough for typical hunting uses.
45-70 or massive shotty slugs
Under $800 is pretty limiting. 12ga is probably going to be the best you can do. Save a little more for an a300 patrol or get a maverick 88
This, 1300ftlb of energy
I don’t have a instagram and I shoot 12ga double barrel both triggers at once and that’s not even a lot of recoil for me
Lemme see what guns you have lol
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reply to me again, pussy
Don’t care my nod setup cost more than your entire arsenal before we even discuss my guns kek
Verification not required and reply to me again
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>it's already cooked
how about you post it on Instagram some more!
Slugs are retardedly ignored they're basically the same fucking things as .45X/.5X cartridges at a fraction of the price. Maverick 88, 8 rnd tube, get an optic that can handle a 21ga, and bam you got a blood bath makers.
Heh, that's a LOTT of recoil right there
>Verification not required
You don’t even own a BB gun, kid.
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>black magic slugs
Absolute rape in a box.
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yeah, I'm worried about the stock. but it's not stopping me
Nugget, turk Mauser maybe?
Mhh roasted piggies
This doesn't look much worse than stout 45-70.
Magnum Crush are harder hitting.
Here ya go OP. Over 5000 ft-lbs of energy for less than $500. That's more energy than any other cartridge that has been seriously suggested in this thread so far. More than any 12 gauge load. More than any .45-70 load I'm aware of, including Ruger only stuff. More than .338 Win Mag.

Hard to beat. .338 Lapua probably has the edge, you can likely swing a single shot for around £800, but it's hard to argue with that and you've got a great selection of bullets from .375 H&H.
>Over 5000 ft-lbs
I'd be throwing light factory loads through that at first. Looks flimy.
>That's more energy than any other cartridge that has been seriously suggested in this thread so far
No. See >>62891179
I saw it when I posted that. Show me a .458 Win Mag at that price first.
>nod setup cost more than your entire arsenal
>anon owns a 458 Lott rifle
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PSA AR-15 and $400 worth of 5.56
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... do the math, chief. if you have a No. 1, you can load 45-70 most of the way to .458WM levels, but it doesn't have enough case capacity to match 458 Lott. That load is 83 grains of Superformance. for reference Lyman 49th edition's largest powder charge for .45-70 in a Ruger no.1 is a compressed charge of 66 grains of H-335 under a 350gr soft point. Lott can fit 17 more grains of powder and 150gr more bullet.
here's the other load I'm working on: the 250gr monoflex.
Hornady loads this to 2025 FPS.
I'm getting nearly three THOUSAND. that's a nearly 50% increase in MV, and over double the muzzle energy. I wouldn't consider those similar.
granted, this one isn't done bidding, but it's under 800 right now. if you search other safari calibers you find ones going for under 1k. a couple of Ruger no. 1s in 458WM are available for 1250, and those could be reamed to .458 Lott. shooting safari calibers isn't as expensive as you think. you don't put 200 rounds down range in a sitting. you do, 10-20 and you'll be all shooting'ed out for the day.
>over double the muzzle energy
Not compared to fully loaded 45-70, no. 430 gr. LBT-LFN @ 1,925 fps = M.E.3,537 ft lbs
where is that data published?
45-70 is a perfectly adequate cartridge but it's not a magnum. I'm sure you can hot-rod 577 Snider to 6000 ft-lbs if you build a screw-breech squeeze bore miniature field gun to fire it, that doesn't count either.
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hmm, I wonder what they meant by this? why don't they just call it .45-70?
yes, even push it beyond its SAAMI specification, 45-70 is far weaker than 458WM and even less relatively powerful when compared to .458 Lott.
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>hurr durr im big recoil man post gun
>gets btfo
>akshually i have nods so neener neener

you better post a massive firearm asap or ur ghey
I'm guess a dedicated rifled slug gun with suped up fagot obliterator slugs such as>>62891995

Lot of people saying 45-70 rifle ITT but I don't think you'll get a decent one for less than $1000.
Yea a lot of second hand 338 that was used once, bruised a shoulder, put in a shed. Good one to W2B or swap.
They're perfect for cryptids.
You are not only a lying faggot, you are a fucking retard as well.

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