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Flexing Edition

Previous: >>62833998


>Before you ask a question, check the FAQ
http://pastebin.com/Rx0nDuga (embed) (embed)

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (embed) (embed) (Short version)
https://pastebin.com/53tsDj90 (embed) (embed) (40 page version)

>Special Forces Fitness Guide
Stew Smith Fitness

For all Army SF info.

>Should I go Navy Enlisted Nuke?
No, you'll get cancer and a prolapsed asshole. http://i.imgur.com/FZ0Q9q4.png (embed) (embed)
tl;dr: Two year long school with suicidal furries as your co-workers

>Info on sf86

>How to get way overqualified physically for BMT/BCT when starting from nothing
https://pastebin.com/yszadpNZ (embed) (embed)

>How can I get more college credits while I'm in without signing up for classes
CLEP/DSST information:
Practice for CLEP/DSST:

Is there a modern chart of air force reserve requirements? Also what 51 conditions are being taken off the no list by the pentagon?
I have a 12 minute 2 mile run right now, a 21 minute 5k and a 44 minute 10k. What distance should I focus on reducing? I'm trying to become a 37f psyop specialist so the physical standards are much higher
I mean, the later times sag naturally. I'd work on increasing overall distance
Would it be worth regularly running 10 miles?
Regularly? Probably one per week. Being about to do it without falling out is probably a good fucking idea for anything with over infantry physical reqs
Alright, sounds good. I have like 6 months before I ship out and my recruiter isn't very helpful when it comes to stuff besides "yeah just don't fall out of shape"
>BA degree
I know, I know should've gone STEM but I enjoyed my time in college.
The question is should I talk with all the branches seeking a commission? Yes, even coast guard. I'm also prior enlisted one contract 4 years; which branch is more than likely to accept someone prior enlisted trying to become acommissioned officer?
Also would I be required to retake the ASVAB? Getting mixed answers online going to rawdog it if so. Mainly, looking for a kush officer commission job. To my understanding everyone wants to be a aviator so it's highly competitive. Plus I don't have any flight hours or a degree dealing with aviation. What are some non-competitive officer commision jobs/rates/MOS, that are still somewhat fun? Also when does Q1 start for recruitment quotas? So I know when is the best time to talk to the recruiter. I was thinking doing Public Affairs or some other office job, unless one of you cool cats have any suggestions.
I'm mainly trying to get some more job experience but as an Officer to make connections, and possibly a kushy fed job if I decide to get out or fail to promote. Thanks much love.
any other general advice on saving money when in the military?
I've heard staying in the barracks and eating at the messhalls was one
anything on investments?
Be responsible with money. Avoid alcohol and car lots
>dat pic
These are unrelated and completely opposite directions.
Take a deep breath. What kind of things do you want to do, in general?
>USS Harvey Milk
>Rear Admiral Tyrone Marinez
>Navy Undersecretary Brianna Moreno-Jesus
>Russian sailors tore down a pride flag
>Senior Chief DeShawn Cuquehold
This is why I support the red, white and blue.
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Learn to love dfac food, its free and you don't make a whole lot to begin with unless you're stellar and get a CNA packet or you're retarded and marry a stripper
stonewank's comics are unbelieveably lazy
It appears to be roon, sit, push, and some bodyfat measurements
It would be fun to lead others in achieving their goals. Saving lives sounds like something I would enjoy. If not that gathering INTEL keeping a competitive edge over adversaries. Those are things I would want to do if I was a lifer. Otherwise , I can tolerate 4 years of some admin office job.
You're in pretty good shape already, running wise. Keep it up. You will have to do some unknown distance runs at selection so maybe do a long run once a week or so.
Have you been rucking? You don't necessarily need to before you join but you could try going once or twice just to see where you're at.
Where are you at strength-wise?
Take advantage of the DFACs/mess halls. Go kinda far from your duty station when buying a car since auto dealers near military bases can be predatory. Don't buy the absolute cheapest shitbox that still runs either, you might have unexpected maintenance costs.
If you get the opportunity to deploy, whether to combat or just to some random europe or korea rotation, increase your TSP percentages a lot to take advantage of any extra pays you'll get while overseas. Set a fairly strict budget while you're deployed so that you can actually stack some savings instead of blowing money in the ville or in nuremburg every weekend.
Generally avoid excessive partying every weekend regardless of location. Having a good time is one thing but if you find yourself crushing a 30 rack and a handle every Friday you're spending way too much on alcohol. If you're underage just don't drink period since it generally just gets you in trouble, and getting in trouble means your pay gets taken.
All this said, don't go too far in the other direction and feel like you need to save every last dime, even if you have a goal in mind with your saving. I've known people who lived way too frugally, to the point that they didn't own civilian clothes and had no hobbies and never socialized. Their accounts were stacked, but it almost didn't matter since they were afraid of spending any of it.
did you pay attention to the date of that article?
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>leave ends today
I'm a diagnosed autist and have been thrice previously DQ'd because of it. I'm now talking to a recruiter who says it's not a problem and that I don't even need a waiver "because nothing showed up on the medical" (which I didn't think was possible). Is he bullshitting me?
Recruiters would send a guy in the wheelchair if they could to make numbers
If you've already been DQ'd at MEPS then it will always show up once medical pulls up your records. I have no idea why you keep trying to join the service after being DQ'd three times for autism.
Not that Anon but if I have autism then I'm fucked basically?
Talking to all the branches to commission is nearly impossible without pissing someone off as you can only sign your MEPs information to one branch at a time and anytime you sign your MEPs information away someone will probably figure it out as it is connected to your SSN (unless it’s the CG or vice versa since CG is under DHS). Secondly, what’s your degree and what branch are you most interested in (these two questions will really par down to what exactly you want to do). “Q1” recruitment quotas is kind of a bad way of saying it—each branch, to my knowledge, recruits through fiscal years (not quarters) and recruits for the next year’s quota (if you got into an officer board today you’d be recruited used FY25 numbers, not FY24) with the cut off being around October/September for current FY recruiting (unless you’re the CG in which case you recruit for officers a year in advance).
yes, autism is an automatic DQ and requires a psychologist, or whatever kind of mental doctors this requires, to say you no longer have autism, or were a misdiagnosis.
It's fucking over for you. It'd take an act of God for you to get into the military.
Have you taken a look at Sealift command, they are basically the navy but you're not enlisted, just a civilian contractor who gets paid 70k to scrape paint.
Wouldn't he get punished for knowingly enlisting an ineligible recruit?

Never made it to meps. Just had several past recruiters tell me not to bother since I'd almost certainly be DQd

>no idea why you keep trying to join the service after being DQ'd three times
I'm a loser stuck in seasonal jobs with no other options in life. Even USPS rejected me

>It's fucking over for you
My current recruiter doesn't seem to think so and apparently wants me to lie at meps. Should I just go along with it, or will I get myself burned?
Is there any forum dedicated to infantrymen and their tradecraft? I haven’t seen any that aren’t just discussing special contact training programs, recruitment, or complaining about big army.
>inb4 r/army
You need to be at least 18 years old to post here.

Also judging by the OP pic, this thread is made by the discharged subhuman.
Would you happen to know whether you have a medical diagnosis stating you have autism.
Yes I do, since I was 4. And I got reevaluated 2 years ago the last time I tried to enlist. But he says he ran me through Genesis and nothing showed up
go back to plebbit
Well if nothing shows up then you’re good to go. Worst that happens is that you’re DQ’d at MEPs and you lost a single day—no harm no foul.
Should I lie if they ask me about any medical conditions?
Fuck you talking about? This is r/Weapons
What branch for a 36 year old virgin?
god I wish DADT was back
I'm so sick of all the fags
Yes. I hope to god you’re high functioning.
High functioning enough to operate front loaders and forklifts.
I do have a slight speech disorder. Some people notice it, others don't
>My current recruiter doesn't seem to think so and apparently wants me to lie at meps. Should I just go along with it, or will I get myself burned?
First off your recruiter is a lazy shitbag who probably has the ability to sell things like a used car salesman. His goal is to get anyone and everyone to listen to his sales pitch.
He would tell someone in a wheelchair that they have a shot.
My advice is to go along with it but detach yourself emotionally, and if you get in you get in.
Have a backup plan so you dont end up like my brother who was about to get on the bus to basic, basically passed everything and quit his job only for them to find something and he was promptly sent home and spent a year being a NEET. I heavily suspect he's on the autism spectrum so probably like you.
I asked my brother about it and he said that he felt like the recruiter never actually did any legwork and just lied about submitting shit, especially because my brother didnt get a "Disqualified from military service" letter.
Civil air patrol
You’ll be fine. Good luck anon.
>lied about submitting shit
Yeah. He had me fill out a 30 page application form, but he's not sending it anywhere because it's just for his "personal file". Whatever that means
>unless it’s the CG or vice versa since CG is under DHS
My Man! This is exactly what I did. I did the work and put a packet in for CG OCS, then contacted the Navy for the same thing. Navy told me "get through MEPs and I'll get your papers sent over". Now I have 2 branches processing me.
This is what I am waiting for. Both branches said February is when they say yes or no. I hate being in limbo, but hey, all the interviews and paperwork are done.
Did I fuck up by going straight to college after HS instead of enlisting first?
No, people who enlisted out of high school ask themselves the reverse of this question all the time.
It probably wouldn’t be fun to have student debt to pay on a junior enlisted check, but I know guys with full degrees who still make it work.
Reminder that all freemasons who were serving in US armed forces/law enforcement and died on duty were worthless faggots and society is better off without them.
Sorry you washed out, champ. Wanna talk about it?
Are these combat deaths in the room with us now?
lads how do i not drop spaghetti during my panel interview
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What gets me the most Brotherhood?
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Which allies did you have the most fun with? What OCONUS bases are the most fun?

Threadly reminder to join the Navy as it’s the only branch worth a damn
DO NOT listen to this ^^^ post. He just wants you as his concubine(male)
The Navy and Coast Guard are the best branches and actually are relevant. The Army and Marines are worthless in peacetime. Why aren't they on the borders? The Air Force really needs to be absorbed by the Navy. The Space Force is the future
Navy best branch for working 12-16 hours a day and aging 20 years every 6 you spend in service (they'll only let you sign up for six year contracts because they have no bodies and need to keep you as long as possible)

Army best for serving 3 years and getting out with 100% and experiences you'll tell for the rest of your life
Nothing against haveserveds who aren't checkered-floor-stepping-apron-wearing chomos.
I haven't been formally rucking but I'm gonna start soon, this weekend i did a 12 mile hike with a shit ton of stuff in my back so i counted that as my introduction to rucking.

For strength I weigh around 150 and my one rep max on bench is 185
Which streamers and influencers do junior servicemen watch?
What are your other lifts looking like? Do you do any Olympic lifts?
If your gym has the equipment for it, you can try out the events from the ACFT to see where you currently stand. Being fast and being able to run/ruck far distances is good, but you'll definitely want a decent level of strength going into any kind of selection.
They mostly just watch skibidi toilet
i dont have a gym i just have a bench and free weights at my house but i do pullups too and can do 13-17 with just my body weight
i cannot understand the type of person that does a job like intelligence in the navy. you can do intelligence in literally every branch but you chose to pick the branch that has you stuck on a boat in the middle of the ocean for no reason
Waiting for meps and take my asvab for the coast guard. I want to go AMT but I know there's a 14 month wait list for aviation A school. Anyone know what I would likely be doing between bootcamp and going to A school?
Most intel gigs in the navy don’t have you on sea duty and those that do are very limited in scope.
AFAIK you’ll be a non rate until you reach A school.
Will being in the military help build discipline and make me into a real man?
>help build discipline
Sure, if by "build discipline" you mean "change your behavior through operant conditioning in order to get you to obey orders, do mildly physically uncomfortable things, and exercise initiative the way the army wants you to."
>make me into a real man
That's all you, bro. Wearing a uniform or having a fancy beret or getting a certain badge won't change who you are. Your experiences during your time in the military might catalyze your self-development and provide fuel to bring about the change you want, but they also might not.
I'm just lazy and wimpy, I'm looking to fix that.
My recruiter had me fill out an big application form which among other personal info has my studentaid.gov ID and password. However, he says that he doesn't actually send this form to anyone at usarec because they already checked my background, etc. So why did he have me fill this out, and is it actually necessary for me to return it to him? It feels sketchy
Try jerking off eleven times a day and take up smoking. It builds testosterone
does opting out of HIE's and insurance keep genesis from seeing my shit? currently on adderall and i was hoping to enlist in like 6 months
Anyone has experience with FFL? Have a criminal record(not a problem for FFL), no branch would let me join so FFL's my last chance
oh shit, forgot to change my name, sorry guys
The easiest way to save money is to not spend money honestly, as reductive as that sounds. Don't buy shit or endebt yourself for stuff that is not necessary or gives you an immediate quality of life boost. Your basic needs are already taken care of, regardless of whether you're a barracks rat or have been blessed with BAH/BAS, in the latter case just don't exceed your allowances. Any purchases beyond simple necessities should be treated as a nicety.

Also personally I would treat any kind of special pay as a completely separate, bonus cash flow, which is locked up in savings by default. You shouldn't be living outside your base compensation anyways.

You're also forced into the blended retirement system, so you really need to start contributing bare minimum 10% to a Roth TSP, and make sure your stuff is in a high-yield fund. Personal investment stuff is fine too, if you know what you're doing you can make some excellent short term gains. Just don't listen to /biz/. Minimize your M1/Liquid cash to only like 3 months of living expenses and keep the rest in some kind of high-yield savings or a proper investment fund.
And finally, if you ever do get to move off base, try to buy a property without exceeding your BAH. If buying isn't an option, get a roommate. Actually, get a roommate in either scenario.
Don't worry, FFL has a lot of blacks. You'll fit right in
possibly. Is it a Space Force recruiter?
No, Army.
Just seems like a sketchy guy in general, see >>62882693
yeah army recruiters are shitty like that
but unironically the Space Force might be able to make an exception. My estimate is that 60% of "guardians" are on the spectrum.
I'm white tho
I'm way too shit at math for the space force, and my previous enlistment attempts were already with the AF
>DO buy a Corolla (or some sort of Subaru if you're in a snowy area)
>DON'T buy a Mustang, Challenger, Camaro, etc. (also don't buy a Tesla if you live in the barracks/dorms)*
>DO get wasted at the strip club with the homies EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE
>DON'T get wasted at the strip club with the homies every weekend
>DON'T!!!! get wasted at the strip club by yourself every weekend
>DO make great use of the commissary (Costco is also fine) and DFAC
>DON'T eat Chipotle three times a day
>DO follow the /meg/ educational guide**
>DON'T piss away your enlistment with no college education to show for it
>DO get your medical issues documented
>DO come up with elaborate schemes to invest, or at least save, your money (alternatively just set a high percentage of your pay to the TSP)
>CONSIDER marrying your homie to move off base
>DON'T pay half your rent out of pocket because you got a fancy apartment to impress people who aren't even going to come over in the first place

*I know one dude who bought a sports car©, pimped it out, and used it to advertise that he does detailing and shit on the side. So if you can make money off of it, feel free.

**Anon's /meg/ education guide:
>Knock out your gen eds with CLEPs/DSSTs/Sophia
>(If eligible, wrap these into a CCAF degree for better credit transfer to university)
>Sign up for reputable (does not have to be prestigious) online school
>Sign up for Pell Grant
>Use TA (sorry Navy LMAO) to pay the tuition
>Use Pell Grant to "pay the remaining tuition ($0)"
>Pocket the Pell Grant
>You are now being paid to do school without even touching your GI Bill
Granted TA's annual maximum is only enough for a bit over a semester at most schools, so the second semester per fiscal year will have to be paid with the Pell Grant and/or out of pocket.
they changed the no adhd meds waiting period from 3 years to 1 year. just stop taking the shit.
I would add, don't rent, period. Live on base as long as you can, save your money, and buy a house ASAP.
Would I have to get lasik surgery to make SF as someone with 20/40 eyesight in one of my eyes?(the other one is better)
I miss the .99 cent soju from the shoppette in korea
but very good points about the education bit. All anons itt should heed this. Is CCAF available to other branches though?
I am waiting to ship for the Space Force, myself and all the contacts I put on my SF-86 got interviewed a few weeks ago. Today I was offered a very nice contracting job and the recruiter wants to know if I have a security clearance or not.
The DCSA investigator said to text my recruiter. I did, but he has not responded.
For the record, I still intend to ship to the Space Force. I would like to have this job saved via USERRA for when I get out.
I swore in about 8 months ago.
Is it draft dodging to join the air force 2 days before WW3 breaks out???
Am I fucked if I double dip on DEP losses? Will other branches even entertain me after that?
Haven't done it yet, just wondering.
Is being a 19k worth it? Especially as a career? I heard they have the highest anhero rate in the army
Are you sure I heard joining the air force was a tactical choice by people that didnt want to get infantry'd by the draft and so on some level this is combat avoidance??
Yes obviously joining the air force is a way of avoiding the infantry, goofball, but that doesn't mean you're draft dodging. Words mean things.
What's the point of your posts? Do you think WW3 is gonna break out soon?
nah man if you get drafted your ass is going to the front lines you arent doing some crafty little skill that you happen to have

big fucking difference, prison, being a POG, or a hippie, this is all draft dodging as the DRAFT RESULTS IN ONE PRIMARY ROLE FOR NEARLY EVERYONE.

I will say it differently for you

>I levy my skills towards the war effort
>These skills are not wearing green and getting shot
>This is a dodge

The reason poor and stupid people don't do it is because they're poor and stupid
cool story bro
The draft is going to include women. They get preference for support roles. Doesn't matter if you join the Air Force now, the DoD owns your ass. You'll be reassigned infantry to open up the support roles for women.
Thinking about trying to get back in. Joined the Army 3 years ago but was medically separated after basic, during black phase of osut. Bilateral lower leg compartment syndrom that meps apparently missed. 30 now, working in a dispensary thinking about trying to join the space force. Given my age and technical prior service status, I know it's gonna be an up hill battle to even get a sit down with a recruiter. But, I think it'd be pretty fucking cool to work with satellites and rockets, so worth a shot.
How we feeling about this move boys? Smart play or should I just join the operators union?
What was your reentry code?
Is that like the honorable and whatnot?
I went back in the other day. The recruiter tried not to laugh when he handed me the medical questionnaire.
It should be on your DD-214. The code you got will tell recruiters whether it's fairly easy, moderately difficult, or impossible to get you back in.
Not the same guy but I think they showed me mine today I think it was like 1a they were like that's honorable
You'll want to know what your RE code is for sure before trying to get back in.
>Is CCAF available to other branches though?
Yes, though it's such a rare occurrence it's worthy of a news article:
Also I have never seen an explanation as to how a non-Air/Space Force person should go about doing it.
i don't want to wait a whole year. i've stopped filling scripts. as far as i understand it, opting out of all this shit should mean that i'm basically a ghost when they pull my shit on genesis.
I'm looking at doing some sort of intel job. 35N sounds pretty good from what I've read. Air force also has cool stuff but I'm concerned about how I don't get to pick my job.
The air force has better quality of life, right? The whole reason I want to do this is to ultimately get college paid for and maybe do spook shit at some 3 letter agency. Is "improved quality of life" with the air force worth an extra year of time? Compared to doing 35N (or something else, I'm interested in opinions) for 3 years?
I'm 24 and not really doing anything with my life.

Also is the "buddy program" thing real? Like if a friend and I enlist together we could go to basic and shit at the same time?
The Army probably has the best tuition assistance policies of any branch, but the Air Force has its own community college (CCAF) that makes it fairly easy to get an Associate's during your contract. Research both things before making a choice. Another key branch difference is that the Army can guarantee both an MOS and a first duty station in writing through an option 19 contract, while the AF (afaik) will only let you make a dream sheet without guaranteeing your job. That choice goes a long way, since it can make the difference between not really doing your job and working directly at an NSA site.
35N is probably the best overall Army MI choice, though if you're good with computers and stuff, do some research on 17C, as the education you get through JCAC is worth its weight in gold.
Re: quality of life, it really depends on your living standards and how soon you want to move off post. Afaik, the AF will kick people out of the dorms at E-4, while in the Army it's usually at E-6. Most Army barracks are livable these days (as in they aren't gay open bays with wall lockers) but they sure aren't 5-star hotels either.
The buddy program is still a thing as far as I know.
>Is "improved quality of life" with the air force worth an extra year of time?
Yes, but it's not worth getting the wrong job for. I generally recommend
>Call Air Force recruiter
>They don't answer
>Show up to office in person
>Jump through a few hoops
>Ask if they can guarantee you 1N4 (or 1N2 or whatever) in your contract
>They'll probably say no
>Oh well, worth a try
>Go to Army recruiter
>Peruse the variety of options you can add on to a 35N contract
Interesting I didn't know about that. Can you somewhat insure what unit you'd end up in by picking the right station? The concept of being airborne and maybe being attached to an SF unit is cool in theory but it looks like people overwhelmingly say you'll have a better time going with INSCOM. Plus, I figure the experience would transfer over better considering my plan is to do stuff in that field when I'm done anyway.

I'll look more into the buddy stuff. I've got a friend who is in a similar boat to me and we've been talking somewhat seriously about pulling the trigger on this.
How do I get past being "medically unfit" to join the military? I want to join the RAF as an avionics engineer.
I'd imagine they were already attached to a joint unit or working on an AF base and have the immediate resources to enroll.

unless AF recruiting changed in the past 9 years, you can basically lock in a specific AFSC if you insist on a particular job and have the ASVAB scores to back it up. You may be in the DEP for like a year but Ive known people who've done it.
Worst case you can apply to cross train after a couple of years, and if you want to do this long term then the QOL in the Air Force would absolutely make it worth it.
Already went and got my shit sorted a month or two after I got back back. Kinda just got sidetracked since then
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So how do you get into the 82nd Airborne Division? Do you really just have to get an Airborne contract?
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>How do I get past being "medically unfit" to join the military? I want to join the RAF as an avionics engineer.
be black. it works in burgerland and definitely works in bongland.
Yes, it's that simple. If you want a guarantee (since you could end up in Italy or Alaska as airborne though the chances of this are much smaller) sign an option 19 for Bragg instead.
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Sick, can't wait to jump out of planes for Uncle Sam once I'm out of high school jej
You will be a non rate until you go to A-school. Basically you will do a bunch of grunt work like cleaning and fixing things. If your interested, talk to your recruiter about the vested crew member program. Its a program that gets you a guaranteed A-school after basic. When they launched the program a year ago, it only applied to a few jobs (BM,GM,DC,ET) but it might include more jobs now.

You can still get sent to 11th Airborne or 173rd though.
alrighty passed my interview
Can you be rejected on medical grounds for allergies? Pollen allergy specifically. Only really a problem for three months out of the year and pretty easily manageable with medication
Not a burger btw, just want to know how militaries treat this shit generally
You deal with it by not saying shit. Unless you need an epipen or will turn inside out and die like Pac-Man if you are next to pollen, you will not bring up any allergy.
How do you know?
Is it stupid that I'd rather test my luck at MEPS with the Navy instead of getting the exact job I want with the Army? I just want the shorter less intense boot camp and to not go to the field once I'm in.
That’s a terrible idea and you should consider not enlisting at all if you want it easy.
I'd rather be in the field for two to three weeks than be stuck on a ship for 3 months, but you do you.

t. Army
Any former or current combat engineers? what the fuck do you guys even do?
"Rear Admiral Tyrone Jackson Martinez"......The most "Modern American" name of all time. LOL! Literal "Idiocracy" tier.
I’m prior service usmc and I’m currently in the guard but I sighned a one year contract. In September I submitted my conditional release to go on active duty I found out that the my papers are sighned by majors and colonels and have made it’s way to the national guard general does anybody think that he’s going to deny it because I have like 5 months left on contract?
when that recruiter finds out you called him a shitbag, and then hangs himself over it you're going to the brig dude
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>"Rear Admiral Tyrone Jackson Martinez"......The most "Modern American" name of all time. LOL! Literal "Idiocracy" tier.
Lieutenant Commander Jorryn Burger-Rodriquez III, Norfolk Naval Base, Virginia State checking in. In today's American "Navy" it's literally over for us!

Our brand-new Arleigh Burke Flight IIIHIV+ ship USS SAMUEL O. BRINTON (DDG 147) and its Raytheon fire control radar and missile system's are all already an over-budget, pajeet-under-engineered, rusted scrap heap incapable of meeting the mission given to us by The Admiral Of The Navy (ADM Rachel Levine).

We can never compete with Russia's and China's level of high-tech such as hypersonics and plasma stealth. Even the crew of a Carnival Cruise liner filled to the brim with blacks pointed and laughed at us when we were on sea trials. It's over for us. Because we'll be curb stomped in the Great Power Competition, I'm resigining my commission from the Naval Service to make 5x higher than my O-4 salary by working as a shift manager at Buc-ee's.
You can't stop a motivated guy from buying a mustang.
It is an honor to get that call to a strip club. It happened once with a tight group that included some of the staff.
It's too easy to get an online college education free without too much effort. Girls are usually good at it, and it's a great way to get a sexy girl to really help your ass out. Find hot chick who does online college. Ask her for help. There you are simping, and getting a college education.
35N or 35L
hard to find good descriptions of what these are like
the "350F here" guy used to post on here about those all the time until he was likely told to hush up or else.
those MOS are life on easy mode for a high-functioning 4channer.
Current 35N here. High-level overview of what each one does:
Counterintelligence. Most likely you'll be assigned to a field office and work as a special agent. You'll run investigations and shit and try to bust vatniks, chinks, norks, iranians, and other undesirables as they try to do evil shit, and also work on insider threat investigations.
Signals intelligence. You'll either work with an Army unit to support its mission through tactical means or work at a strategic site supporting national-level objectives. Very interesting career opportunities if you're motivated, also very easy to coast until ETS.
350Fanon retired, and he was getting sick of posting here anyway.
I wouldn't say either MOS is "easy mode" since some duty stations can be very demanding and if you suck at communicating you're going to drown if you go to those. They're definitely a better pick for your typical autistic 4chan weirdo than combat arms (though on the flip side doing that kind of stuff for a bit can help certain populations of autistic weirdos straighten out a little).
Am I retarded or did I just find out I have a route to commission
>Have 45 credits in business classes from the pandemic
>can get a Bachelor's of Applied Science in Business for just 15 more credit hours
>2 years of school total
Everything I read says you can apply to OCS with a BAS. Is that true? If so I'll just finish this bitch online real quick and commission
i mean people commission with BA degrees all the time. I would talk to an actual recruiter though, not necessarily because they wont take your degree but because commissioning isn't as simple as giving a contract to anyone with a degree.
It's the kind of thing I can't really hide. One, they would most likely have access to my medical records (as I said, not burger), two, it's pretty obvious if untreated
So, again, would it be a disqualifier?
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>It's the kind of thing I can't really hide. One, they would most likely have access to my medical records (as I said, not burger), two, it's pretty obvious if untreated
>So, again, would it be a disqualifier?
just apply to your local military and find out.
best case scenario your military will accept the risk and after you break out like elephant man you will be medically retired at 100% disability (in USA it's $3,800 per month nontaxable, probably much lower in your pittance country) for life from 6 months of service only, and a ticker-tape parade will be held for you upon your return to your hometown.
Failed to get the EDPT score I needed by two measly fucking points. Are there any good practice tests?
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Calm down barracks lawyer. You'd be lucky to even get a 10% rating for allergies. If you're unlucky they'd just call it EPTS.
What country, I’ll do some research.
first how is this a discovery to you? and second dont you need 90 credits to commission?
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I was talking to an officer recruiter but now with recent events I'm scared my officer recruiter called me left a voice mail but I haven't answered back, I just wanted to do a 4 year contract for job experience and to get out and get a nice corporate job. The only thing that would make me press forward with my commission is do JO's drown in Black queen poon? I love Black woman and really my main reason for wanting to commission is to find a nice Black Queen to marry who is also in the military. Also what officer job is least likely to see combat?
>and second dont you need 90 credits to commission?

In my experience at National Guard OCS, you can start and complete OCS with 90 credits, but they won't actually let you pin until you finish your degree. However I've also read that you can commission with 90 credits, but you just aren't promotable either to 1LT.

Idk though, and your experience may vary. I'd just get the whole degree instead of trying to find a shortcut because only doing 90 credits is shortsighted, and you'd be better off doing OCS without having to worry about school because being an officer is actually quite a lot of work despite what some enlisted might think.
>how is this a discovery
I'm a poorfag from a rural village 7 hours from the city. I don't know shit about college
what's the likelihood of ending up strategic vs tactical? i'd much rather sit at a desk. try and get an option 19 for fort meade?

what's your experience been like? why'd you go for 35N?
If you want a certain duty station, sign an option 19. Meade is good (but kind of a high pressure environment depending on the shop), Hawaii is good (but expensive), Texas and Georgia are probably both good but I've never been to either. I think around 2/3 of fresh AIT grads go strategic but it's entirely dependent on what Big Army needs at the time.
In my experience, every position you fill will be its own job, so to speak - every time you change shops, duty stations, or billets, you'll have to learn a new skillset and workflow. This can be good, because over time you'll get a chance to work on a wide variety of things and develop a broad skillset (and your chances of escaping a shitty position are better), but it also means some people have shallow experience levels in what they're doing and continuity is difficult.
I chose the job for a couple different reasons: because I wanted to personally ensure the chinese and russians got cucked out of their plans for a multi polar world, because I believed SIGINT would be the main driver of operations in 21st century warfare, and because I figured that if the glownigger world truly was pozzed and ran by the deep state it would be better for good people to join up and change it from the inside than to just doompost about it forever (and to my pleasant surprise most rumors about it have been off the mark so far).

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