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What's up, gamers?
I'm working on curating and annotating a dataset of gun serial numbers, with the ultimate goal of fine-tuning an OCR model on reading those serial numbers.

If you own guns and are willing to contribute, could you consider snapping a few pics of them with the serial number visible?

I see so many posts where they're blanked out, which isn't helpful. I'll delete all the images after I'm done with training.

Pic related: Two of my own guns, so you know I'm srs
Nice try rabbi
my serial number is L1C5MY8A115
It would be more helpful with a picture, so I can train the object detection model.

Thanks though!
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>make mass shooter threats online
>use the picture of OPs guns as the thumbnail.
>feds use gun trace database and noknock OP
>OP loses guns.
lords work anon. godspeed.
i wanna know why the fuck op thinks its a great idea to post SN anywhere on the net, thats practically asking to get doxxed or swatted.
I'm literally just training a machine learning model.

RIP the poor person who lives at my old, old... old (?) address. I hardly knew thee.
My serial number is:
Fuck ya
Then go the fuck to a gun store and get it there
Yeah, nobody wants to help you train an AI to read serial numbers, for painfully obvious reasons.
Funniest thread posted on /k/ in years
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Not even /k/ is that retarded, nice try
I've scraped some images from other threads; I was just hoping you guys could be helpful on purpose instead of by accident.
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Slow day, huh? Shouldn't you be tracking down a medicare scam or something this time of year?
>I've scraped some images from other threads; I was just hoping you guys could be helpful on purpose instead of by accident.
you deserve to be banned.
On the off chance you're not a federal or otherwise antagonistic agent and you're actually just an honest to God genuine fucking retard that doesn't mean harm, I want you to pause what you are doing and think long and hard about the possible implications of compiling other peoples' personal information and creating and using this model.
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fuck off
This actually happened to me once. It was back in like 2016 some German kid took a picture I posted on a niche Facebook group and posted it talking about a mass shooting at a school or something.it was a pic of my MDR at an indoor range. Some guy found the pic and then found me on Facebook asking about it. Never got any questions or calls from LE or anything.
cool word salad, what is the point? please use only words with a maximum of two syllables
teaching an AI to compile 4chan weapons? kek. you're not gonna get a single fucking one.

you need to get permanently banned.
>Feds no-knock the junior intern's office on the second floor
Based Cobro
Post social security card and a high-res photo of the pads of all ten of your fingers.
Pretend I AM an honest to God genuine fucking retard that doesn't mean harm... explain?

I'm literally just making an object detection model. Very safe; very demure. I'm using other images scraped from the internet - this thread, reddit, gun auction websites - just trying to expand the domain.

Just to identify where serial numbers are. Why ban?


Not American, and as you can probably tell from my first image, I don't have a particularly good camera. Can't make out any detail, sorry :(
You glow brighter than the nuclear boy scout. Eat a radioactive bullet, fed.
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Not a fed, lol.
I am making a glow in the dark Taylor Swift bracelet before her concert tomorrow though! though!
hey nigger you do realize that the serial numbers still carry over to your next address with your current drivers license right? its all in your paperwork. the feds are really scraping the bottom of the barrel on this one.

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