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Resistance Surp Edition

Post what you want as long as its Halal.

>What's a milsurp.
Military Surplus is a catch all term for all ex-military equipment that is retired from service and sold to civilians. Most of the milsurp discussed here are pre-select fire infantry arms, but feel free to try to talk about whatever.

>What's a good cheap surplus rifle to buy.
Spanish, South American, Yugo Mausers

>How much should I pay for X?
Extremely common question that may get ignored so instead go on Gunbroker and search for completed auctions to get a good general price range.

>Large repository of gun books

Previous thread: >>62830082
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food for the thread
Not really.
Humiliation insults are free labor and come from a place of vulnerability.
What's really based is not even knowing or caring who or what Palestine or Israel as the whatever footnote nations they are.
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don't talk to me or my son ever again
>US M1903s are so overpri-
WW2 rebuild on a 1919 receiver, $557.57 out the door.
i like them better than m1917 even though the m1917 is better in every way
Im like this with NO4 Enfield sights.

I love my No1 MK3 in every way over the No4. But the No4 sights are so much better. but idc, Love me some smelly
I like either one more than its substitute/successor because they have more martial history.
10-42 Springfield barrel with a pre-A3 Remington-made replacement stock.
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What is the going price for a SS Gew conversion bolt mismatch? Got one offered for $2k.
Actual rifles made for the SS did not have those stamps, they are fake
You're retarded. There are plenty of SS rifles with deathshead stamps. Not all are fake. They're usually on GEW98 to K98k conversions of various quality. Sometimes on rifles made by the SS depots.

All real ones should be commercially prooved though.
that looks super easy to fake
Legitimate Gew to K98k conversions are uncommon rifles, if the wood and metal are untouched since the conversion, it would be fair at $2k. Does the stock have a DH marking behind the triggerguard and matching serial to the receiver?
It is very commonly faked and then gets sold for way more than it's worth because "SS rifle lmao super duper rare"
did the bad guys REALLY stamp skull and crossbones on their rifles? good grief
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If I’m shooting an old, long, non reworked mannlicher do I need to buy these round tips?

This same site also carries “spitzer” 8x50r with the pointed tips.

God this ammo is expensive. Gonna shoot it a few times a year only.

I’m coping by reading online how it’s easy to use 7.62x54r brass to reload mannlicher.
Royal tiger imports carcano,

Good deal? Bad idea?
you get what you get and you cant have a fit
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I wouldn't give those assholes any money.

If you want an uggo TS I'll sell you one for what they sell their Carcanos for. The armorer decided to "fix" the knot in this stock by shoving a ton of wood dowels into it lol.
Royal Tiger is either a steal or a scam with no in-between
I'd recommend staying away from them unless its something that's being sold as a one-off, and even then its still a risk.
How do I properly take apart my old mauser for cleaning and how often do I need to oil and clean it? Do I need to take a copper brush to the bore and all?
Unless you buried it in your yard to keep them going just run bore cleaner through your barrel, let it sit, take your pick of brush, scrub all the way front and back a dozen times, run patches through until clean. Run an oil patch through the barrel after clean. You can drop the mag out and oil the spring and shit but I don’t think it needs that with much frequency.

Take apart the bolt and clean and lightly oil it every few cleanings. Tough at first but easy once you get it down. Then just oil the path the bolt travels but not too much or you’re going to discolor the wood behind the bolt from soaking it while cycling.

I’ve run a few hundred corrosive rounds through a m24/47 and had no issues with just basic maintenance. I haven’t had any need to take apart the wood furniture or trigger group yet/
i never use brushes just patches because brushes can make the gun less accurate
get a one piece cleaning rod
always clean the bore from the breach and not the muzzle or else you can damage the crown and wreck the accuracy
Most people I've seen just trim 54r and fire form it so no need to buy bubba's pissin expensive hand loads.
Thanks anons. I appreciate it.
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Yep. I got a Turkish Mauser a month or so ago. Gave it a good clean and it was ready to shoot…

Well, actually I had a public range issue. I was shooting paper at 100 yards and couldn’t look at the target until a cease fire. I didn’t think to move the adjustable front sight blade before shooting. I need to go somewhere else to nail down where I need it centered. I was probably hitting the guys target next lane over. The shots that did miraculously hit my paper didn’t key hole, so I’m excited to set up the sights properly.

Not sure what I’m going to do once I dial in the front blade. I’m thinking penciling marks so I know where to put it for 100 yards. If that constantly shifts maybe I’ll use light glue.
>was probably hitting the guys target next lane over
lol nice rifle anon. Looks pretty clean. Mines a Spanish mauser.
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>couldn’t look at the target until a cease fire
Next time take binoculars or get a spotting scope. Put large sheets of blank paper (rolls of contractor paper are cheap) behind your target so you can see just how far off your point-of-impact is from your point-of-aim.
>Not sure what I’m going to do once I dial in the front blade. I’m thinking penciling marks so I know where to put it for 100 yards
Is your front sight blade moving in its dovetail? If it is then once you have the windage properly aligned you stake the blade in place in its dovetail. Glue probably won't stand the heat.
>Is your front sight blade moving in its dovetail? If it is then once you have the windage properly aligned you stake the blade in place in its dovetail.

Yeah it’s pretty easy to move with a finger. I imagine it’s gonna shift from firing.

My other Mauser has a fixed front blade, so I’ve never messed with one that adjusts before. I should be able to lock it?
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>My other Mauser has a fixed front blade, so I’ve never messed with one that adjusts before. I should be able to lock it?
They all adjust for windage, it's just supposed to take more than hand force to overcome the friction fit between the sight blade and its base. The blade sits on a dovetail which fit in a corresponding groove in the front sight base. Normally they are held in place by friction from the tight fit between dovetail and groove, but if they do loosen up then what's done is to use a pointed punch to dent the metal of the rear sight base near the groove in such a way as to force the base metal against the dovetail of the sight blade to increase the friction and thus prevent the front sight from moving. This is "staking".

I couldn't find one of my rifles that had a front sight blade staked, but here is my Israeli Mauser's front sight which WAS staked in place when I got it. I removed and replaced the original blade because it was very rounded off and the tip was ill-defined. To remove the blade I drifted the dovetail of the blade out of the base using a punch and hammer. Note the little divot from the old stake that had previously helped to keep the original sight blade in place. Now it has a large, square Swedish front sight blade on it, but since this fits tightly and requires mechanical leverage to shift right/left I'm not going to stake the new sight blade in place.
Thanks for pointing that out.

The bore looks beautiful there’s no doubt this will be a good shooter, I just gotta dial it in, make a mark, and probably set it with a punch if it turns out to move too much
Seller claims it does, however, it was so faded that I couldn't see it. You can see all the pics here: https://www.k98kforum.com/threads/two-ss-gew98-verification.65018/
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Page 9 bumpin
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>long bayonet is long
It may be meant for a Gew98, but it still fits a Kar98
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Lange bayonets?
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Even if they are GSG, can these count, to be in here?
I love these things, even if they are only .22
What are some essentials I need when cleaning an old rifle? Currently I have pic related. Do I need anything else? How do I clean every crack and crevice?
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forgot pic
the .22 StG 44 looks very nice tho
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i put a repro zf4 on mine
Damn that is nice. I really wish mine came with the stock and grip like that, it displayed it like that in the ad, but I got the cheaper looking darker stock instead.
Found a Remington Variant of the M1917 that IMO is in pretty decent condition that’s one of the last ~35k of them made and also is one of the ones that only had two rifling grooves
What do you guys think? Its $1k but I don’t know much about them
Depends. I do buy from them, particularly to fix things up. There will be times that they do have neat stuff like Polish Beryl parts (if AoA doesn't have anything available) or like this anon said. >>62893660.
well i would make sure the serials match between the bolt, receiver, and rear sight
if everything else looks good it might be a buy
a more thorough inspection would involve making sure every part is R marked and ordnance stamped with the eagle head so that P14 parts didnt get in the mix
My fault. This fella right here has the advice. >>62893670
Hoppes patches until good enuff. clp on moving parts. Thats about it. generous amounts and effort after shooting corrosive ammo. +/- other things work fine too but baseline is typical gun/bore/metal parts care.
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fuck fuck fuck i didn't actually expect to win what do I do with 2 of these now?
take the best parts of both of them and put them into one rifle, then you sell off the extra rifle
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How much can i sell one of them for?
Is LSB schizophrenic when they say its worth $1500?
idk they are pretty uncommon though so maybe
shoot both, at the same time.
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2-groove barrels are WW2 replacements, and $1K is $300 too much IMO for a WW2 refurb M1917.

Pay for them.

>Is LSB schizophrenic when they say its worth $1500?
That's a completed listing, so someone really did pay $1501 for one. I personally wouldn't.
>$1K is $300 too much IMO for a WW2 refurb M1917.
I agree. Assuming we're doing the "hey everyone post like it's ~2018" thing in this thread.
>Assuming we're doing the "hey everyone post like it's ~2018" thing in this thread.

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