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File: Steyr-AUG-A3.jpg (42 KB, 563x466)
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Will be receiving a 2022 model aug at my lgs saturday, and am wondering what some telltale signs of a defective stock are. Also, are the cracking issues overblown?
Completely overblown. Never once heard of it happening in 20 years before it started getting spammed here in the last year or so.
I saw somewhere that the cracking issue had to do with different polymer formula used with stocks post covid
Ive been using AUG's for 8 years, and working with stocks that are from the 80's. They have been abused in every way that you could imagine, and I have never seen even the hint of a crack forming in one. They still get checked every time they go to be fired, but I'm still yet to see it. Maybe its something to do with new production methods or material on civilian markets in the US, in that case I wouldn't know much about it, but still, I'd wager massively overblown.
That’s right up the road. Wonder if they’d hire someone with zero qualifications, can’t pass a drug test, and has never even held an AUG
Now that there selling A3A2 I gotta ask what's the advantage of the new version?
>>62888455 never heard of them, because of this>>62888477
steyr jew'd us
see the qd point in>>62890899
that fucking hardpoint ruins everything, the m2 doesn't have it
I got the newest one and it fucking cracked after about a whole case of ammo through it. Granted I was shooting it like a crackhead at a private event but still it cracked. I think True Velocity and Black Rain uses full aluminum receivers if they'll FUCKING JUST COME OUT AND CHANGED THE BULLPUP WORLD ONTO IT'S FUCKING HEAD IT'S ABOUT TIME SOMEONE BRING THEM TO THE FUCKING MODERN TIMES
mind posting pics of your cracked stock?
whys the original scope $700 fucking dollars?
I saw one crack at a match last year when it was like 15°F.
Our Aussie made steyrs don't seem to crack, we were even encourage to hold it by the barrel when out of ammo and use the butthook to bludgeon people. It works well enough kek.
My dad told me the butthook was designed specifically for cracking skulls and I believed him until this moment. The thing's perfectly shaped to really fuck someone's day up, how could it not be an intentional design feature?
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Most of the other anons have no idea what they are talking about.

As an AUGtist, Steyr switched their polymer in their stocks around 2021-2023 which is the cause of the stocks cracking. As far as I’ve heard, 2024 stocks have been fixed and old AUG stocks are perfect still. If your stock was made in 2022, your stock has a high likelihood of cracking.
>Also, are the cracking issues overblown
what do you consider overblown? It is an issue and older AUG stocks fail pretty consistently in cold environments in that way
what color is that?
i want one of these so bad i just dont want to pay 2k for it
This anon is right. I had a 2021 Austrian version which developed a crack at one of the corners of the takedown pin, probably only 1K rounds down range. I sent it back to SteyrUSA and they sent me a new stock, I had a few aftermarket items like shell deflector, mag release and charging handle that they swapped over for me, I talked with them first about it. The new stock had rounded corners instead of square ones around the take-down pin, literally looks like someone pushed a drill press or Dremel in at each corner: almost like how you'd relief cracking in automotive glass.

Couple thousand rounds later no issues. Who knows if it'll come back but you should be able to tell if you're good by seeing the corners around the takedown pin, if they're rounded you're probably good to go, if it's square and you bot from the affect date ranges you might wanna give them a call before it happens to you.
I believe the issue was basically a hoax from day one. Just another commercially motivated shill campaign like the glocknade. Most of the evidence was pre production test models and grunts who tried to use their rifle as a club, or who had a squib.

Trying to undermine infantry confidence in the standard service rifle has been a fixture of enemy properganda since the bronze age.
>your sword will break
>your commander is a gay
>your wife is unfaithful
>There's poison in your food
>glorious leader is stealing your livestock
I mean come on.
the one im looking at has rounded corners on both sides where the takedown pin is, thoughts?
t. James Reeves, Steyr shill

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