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Book on the Su-75.

Light tactical aircraft T-75

Work on the creation of a light tactical aircraft (LTS T-75, "The Checkmate") began at the Sukhoi Design Bureau on its own initiative in 2015. Based on the results of scientific and practical work on the rational composition of the aviation group, an aircraft concept was proposed. The main aspects of which were the creation of a modern aircraft designed primarily for strike missions, but at the same time possessing high survivability rates, as well as providing a significant reduction in operating costs. In fact, an aircraft with the functionality of a fighter-bomber (similar to the Su-17 and MiG-27) was needed, but with a modern level of characteristics and new properties.

From 2015 to 2019, more than 20 alternative layout options were developed, taking into account various options for the composition of onboard equipment and weapons. The main areas of research were:

- determining the impact on the appearance of low visibility, the number of engines, the composition of the complex -
equipment and aviation weapons;
- research of alternative aerodynamic configurations.

At the first stage, institutes of the Russian Ministry of Defense were involved in joint research, based on the results of joint work with them, the main requirements for the aircraft were formed. The most rational options were recognized as those using individual properties of the 5th generation and ensuring a significant reduction in life cycle costs, which confirmed the correctness of the initially chosen development directions.
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Based on the research results, it was determined that single-engine options with close design parameters to twin-engine options have 1.5 times lower operating costs, provide the best characteristics of low radar visibility, including in the infrared range, while not inferior in other tactical and technical characteristics. In view of this, further developments were carried out on single-engine options with low visibility. Within the framework of this direction, various aerodynamic configurations (normal, tailless), options for the location of engine air intakes and weapons compartments were studied in 2016-2017.

As part of the work in 2017-2019, options were studied that provide short takeoff and landing, as well as vertical takeoff and landing aircraft. A large set of exploratory calculation studies was carried out in the interests of using specialized energy mechanization for aircraft balancing during landing at ultra-low speeds.

In 2019, an internal marketing analysis was conducted, a preliminary market for the export version of this aircraft was identified, and in July 2019, within the framework of the Conference on Promising Directions for the Development of Operational Tactical Aviation, the Russian Ministry of Defense supported the idea of creating a light single-engine aircraft.
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In early 2020, the Industrial Director of the aviation cluster of PJSC Rostec A.E. Serdyukov set the task for the Director of the Sukhoi Design Bureau M.Yu. Strelets to conduct preliminary development of export aircraft in two areas - a light tactical aircraft and a light attack aircraft. On March 27, 2020, at a meeting with A.E. Serdyukov, the results of the development of a light export tactical aircraft were reported and a decision was made to fully develop an Engineering Note in this area. One of the main components of the concept of a light export-oriented aircraft was the ability to widely change the optional configurations of the aircraft within a single platform, thereby ensuring market coverage in accordance with the capabilities and needs of the customer.

From the beginning of the design, the task was set to design the aircraft to meet the cost requirements formed by the market niche for this aircraft. The possibility of technical and technological implementation of a single-seat, two-seat and unmanned aircraft on a single platform was immediately included, including in a ship version with
an optional set of on-board equipment. For this purpose, it was envisaged to install various fuselage head sections and equipment in it at the manufacturer.

The need to create a two-seat version was dictated by the experience of working with customers and
a direct requirement of JSC Rosoboronexport. The unmanned version, when used autonomously, will be able to combine the entire range of strike capabilities of operational-tactical aviation aircraft, such as the Su-24, with the implementation of new properties of the 5th generation, minimal operating costs and the absence of a threat to the flight crew. Additionally, the T-75-based UAV will expand the capabilities of the manned T-75 and other tactical aircraft in service with the customer.
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At this stage, the aircraft received the working title "Light Attack Aircraft - LuS". From this point on, the development of the aircraft began with the involvement of all divisions of the Sukhoi Design Bureau. M.Yu. Strelets was appointed project manager - chief designer, M.V. Nikitushkin was appointed deputy project manager - program director, A.S. Bulatov was appointed deputy project manager - deputy chief designer. In August 2020, the "LUS Engineering Note" was approved at the Scientific and Technical Council of the Sukhoi Design Bureau.

Following a series of meetings with JSC Rosoboronexport, individual ideological additions were made and the project was supported. In order to ensure the correct market perception of the aircraft's purpose and capabilities, the aircraft's name was changed to LTS (light tactical aircraft). At the same time, the Sukhoi Design Bureau decided to assign the internal index T-75 (based on the results of the Su-75 development).

In parallel with the LUS Engineering Note, the Sukhoi Design Bureau conducted a detailed marketing
analysis taking into account the individual assessment of each of the customer countries. As part of this work, the military-political threats of the countries, their purchasing power were assessed, and the LUS was compared with competitors. Based on the work, three required scenarios of military action were identified, and the aircraft's configuration was adapted to these scenarios. Such work was carried out in the rajas of military aviation for the first time and allowed, starting from the early stages, to lay down rational technical solutions.
During this period, as part of the work on the LTS aircraft, in order to reduce risks and development costs,
the task was set to ensure maximum use of developments on existing aviation systems. To meet these requirements, it was necessary to completely redesign the aircraft layout, while using individual units and systems of existing aircraft. Basically, it was necessary to compromise between technical characteristics, risks and costs of project implementation, which is many times more difficult than designing an aircraft from scratch.

At each turn of this process, new opportunities opened up, more ambitious tasks were set. For example, the maximum load capacity of the aircraft (from 4,000 kg to 7,400 kg) and the maximum range (from 2,000 km to 3,000 km) were significantly increased. The range of air-based weapons was expanded, now the aircraft could carry short- and medium-range air-to-air missiles, guided and free-fall bombs. The total number of loads in the main and side weapon bays has been increased to 5. In addition, the side bay is designed to accommodate an intra-fuselage gun mount.

The use of the scientific and technical groundwork for the wing consoles and vertical tail from the Su-57
reduced the number of possible aerodynamic configurations - under these conditions, only a tailless V-tail configuration was possible, which, given the above-mentioned limitations, had shortcomings in terms of balance characteristics during takeoff and landing, as well as when descending from high angles of attack. In order to eliminate these shortcomings, a new in the tail boom — the rotating part of the tail boom with equipment placed inside it.
Blow-off tests at TsAGI showed its high efficiency in longitudinal balancing of the aircraft.
Special attention was paid to the safety of operation of the single-engine power plant,
for this purpose a set of measures was adopted to exclude the ingress of foreign objects, reserve units on the engine, implement a backup energy circuit, allowing controllability and the ability to glide in the event of a complete engine failure.

In September 2020, a series of discussions were held with the management of PJSC Sukhoi Company and PJSC
UAC on the LTS project, including its marketing component. Based on the results of these meetings, Yu. B. Slyusar supported the proposals of M. Yu. Strelets to exhibit a full-size ground-based demonstrator of the LTS at the MAKS-2021 Air Salon. The main condition for the creation of the demonstrator was complete identity with the flight model. In this regard, it was necessary to complete all design work on the aircraft by the end of 2020 and transfer a set of design documentation for the demonstrator to the KnAAZ plant named after Yu. A. Gagarin by March 2021 for the manufacture of large-sized
units with final assembly and painting at the Flight and Design Bureau of the Sukhoi Design Bureau in Zhukovsky. The demonstration of the LTS itself was planned to be atypical for domestic aviation projects - in a show format. It was during preparation for the demonstration that the aircraft was named "The Checkmate" and its symbol in the form of a chess knight.

As part of the presentation, the T-75 "The Checkmate" with a working cockpit and weapons compartments was located in a separate pavilion at MAKS-2021. A laser show was held around the aircraft, and interactive videos on its use and unique [...] were shown on the side mirrored walls.

the qualities of the aircraft. On July 20, 2021, the first demonstration of the aircraft to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin took place in this format, Yu.B. Slyusar and M.Yu. Strelets reported. Based on the results of this report, a decision was made to begin experimental design work on the LTS T-75 aircraft. The first public presentation of the aircraft took place on this day.

Since August 2021, the development and release of design documentation for 4 T-75 prototypes has begun for their construction at the KnAAZ named after Yu.A. Gagarin. As part of additional computational studies and wind tunnel tests at TsAGI in terms of stability and controllability, it was revealed that the previously linked aerodynamic configuration can be improved in the interests of increasing the maneuverability of the aircraft. In the period from August to October 2021, a set of calculations was carried out on a supercomputer to determine the rational configuration of the aircraft, 54 variants of the schemes were studied and confirmed by testing the models in the TsAGI wind tunnel. On December 30, 2021, M.Yu. Strelets approved all layout schemes for the aircraft configuration with increased maneuverability, which are still relevant at present.
In parallel with this work, in the interests of contracting for the implementation of R&D on the T-75 aircraft (ROD "Shmel") by order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the development and approval of the Tactical and Technical Assignment has begun. As part of the work on the project and the approval of the TTZ, the General Designer of PJSC "UAC" for aircraft complexes S.S. Korotkov conducted an additional check of technical solutions, within which he paid increased attention to the concept of the aircraft and the reliability of the power plant. Based on the results, in early 2022, the Sukhoi Design Bureau revised the main engine used on the T-75 to meet the mean time between failures requirements for single-engine power plants.

Given the current foreign policy situation, the ability to take into account the requirements of foreign customers and ensure the time frame for entering the market, starting in 2022, the T-75 Program is divided into phased implementation, where the first stage is conducting research and experimental work with the construction of an experimental model (R&D "Zhalo"). This will allow an accelerated transition to the verification and certification of solutions for the airframe and systems with the possibility of subsequent implementation of an onboard equipment complex at the customer's request.
To date, a set of design documentation has been released and preparations for the production of the first experimental samples have begun. In order to ensure Russia's leading position in the military equipment market, as well as to form a reserve for the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade is concluding a State Contract with PJSC UAC to conduct research and development work with the construction of an experimental sample. Due to the fact that the aircraft is initially included as an option, the implementation of individual requirements is possible at the request of customers. Also, in the future, at the request of customers, it is planned to implement a two-seater and unmanned version of the T-75 based on a single platform.
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It's too bad Russians don't have an engine that will make it anywhere as good as the F-35, tho

proofs: they don't have one for civilian planes, either

the femboy will be slow and with limited range, or it will have limited payload in order to cope with the lesser engine

simple as
>Book on the Su-75.
An engine.
Or electronics.
Or stealth coating.
Or competent pilots.
Or competent mechanics.
>An engine.
They want to fly 4 different prototypes next year to decide on a final design and they want to use the AL-51 engine if it's ready. If the AL-51 isn't ready they'll use the AL-41.
>Or electronics.
It uses the same electronics as the Su-57.
>Or stealth coating.
They patented a stealth coating for it.
>They want to
They also wanted to regime-change Ukraine in a 3-day SMO. How's that been going?
>When even your propagandists admit that your wunderwaffe may not have an engine that will make it work in theory on schedule
Sounds ominous. Maybe they should buy Pratt&Whitney?
no thanks
>When even your propagandists admit that your wunderwaffe may not have an engine that will make it work in theory on schedule
I didn’t know that Boom Supersonic was a Russian company.
They finally realised that the you can't facelift your way to a 5th gen fighter, took them long enough. Imagine if the US unveiled an F-18 with slightly flowier curves and claimed it was a stealth fighter, we'd laugh at it! Atleast this design looks good, obviously "inspired" by the X-32 but doesn't look as obese, probably because they don't need to squeeze in the VTOL engines. Could also prove interesting as an export plane, imagine african dictatorships getting 5th gen fighters before some eurocountries.
It's from an 85th anniversary coffee table book for employees and friends of Sukhoi. OP probably only has these pages.
They didn't show the AL-51 in Zhuhai. I don't think they want to sell their best engine design to other countries so soon. But they did show the 177S engine which is a good improvement from the AL-31.
>The Checkmate
I missed it earlier, but it looks a lot more like the AL-41F1S from the Su35S than the AL-41F1 currently on the Su57. Is it maybe going to power a new Flanker variant? :)
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It mostly resembles an early LM JSF design
We copied from Americans.

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