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2 days ago, Croatia announced it will provide Ukraine with M-84 main battle tanks (Yugoslav model based on the Soviet T-72) and M-80 infantry fighting vehicles (also Yugoslav made, along with spare parts and ammunition
This move is part of an exchange agreement aimed at modernising Croatia’s military capabilities. The deal will see Croatia acquire discounted Leopard 2A8 tanks from Germany
>M-80 infantry fighting vehicles
They look a bit shite desu
I assume they're essentially as mobile and armored as an M113 with a bit more oomph! in firepower. Outdated against a first world army but essentially decent if you're fighting against Vatniggers, Africas or Middle Eastern Mudslims.
ahoy matey
They don't look like they'd break their users' backs like the BMP-2 at least.
28 or so were already delivered by slovenia back in 2022 or early 2023, they are pretty shit, better than a BMP-1 tho which is the most popular Ukrainian IFV even if units are relying more on APCs and MRAPs for the assault role. The M-80s were used a bit in Bakhmut and they’ve turned up again in loss data with a little over half of the total sent being lost. Basically Croatia is just sustaining the Slovenian delivered fleet. The 30 M-84s will go into replace the many T-72 losses a fleet of donated vehicles that are mostly a downgrade from the T-64BVs with some exceptions like the T-72EAs, PT-91s and I think that’s really it, most are T-72M/M1Rs which represent a downgrade. M-84s are probably a good improvement if they can fit the better ERA arrays Ukraine has put together for their T-64BVs as opposed to no array and just slapping ERA or spaced slat armor, both of which I’ve seen on Ukrainian T-72s. Ukraine is running on a pretty serious tank shortage but a very serious IFV shortage which is driving up their APC, MRAP, and IMV consumption rates.
They kind of are shite, were replacing them with Bradleys.

I talked to a friend of mine in the army who got to play around in one and he says he would easily take one Bradley for ten M80s
They are never going to get a better price for that warn out stuff. If smart they would be figuring out how to make more again. Even if it required talking to s*rbs.
>Make more
Why? They are antiquated shitboxes.

And besides, we have a homegrown patria production line
How many?
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>BVP M-80
More an APC than an IFV. Even Yugoslav Army knew the 20mm autocannon was close to being obsolete at the time of the adoption in 1979. In 1978 the technical-military council of Yugoslav People's Army decided that a larger caliber gun would be necessary to counter the increasingly heavy armor of possible enemy armored fighting vehicles and began development of a new turret to house the larger weapon. This requirement led to the development of the Zastava 30mm autocannon M86 in 1985.
This is where it gets interesting. While being obsolete on modern battlefield because no ERA, the M-84 has, contrary to the T-72A/M(1), a proper ballistic computer with lead. Also a wind sensor and better passive night IR (No Luna-2 searchlight)

But the basic armor may be its Achilles' heel.
M-84=T-72M=just a cast steel turret max 400mm.
M-84A=T-72A(M1)=quartz inserts in turret.

Visual recognition:
M-84= 5+7 smoke launchers on turret cheeks
M-84A= 6+6 smoke launchers on turret cheeks

Also, a special variant was made for export to Kuwait, called M-84AB. Because the main assembly factory was in Croatia, a lot of them were commandered during their Homeland war.
It is recognizable by the added Luna-2 IR searchilght per Kuwait request.

It's important to note that all the M-84 used by Slovenia and Croatia had their FCS extensively modernized in the late 90s by Slovenian Iskra Fotona company.

>picrel: a M-84A and M-84.
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>picrel:Croatian M-84AB made for Kuwait.
>let's give ukies old useless shit, while we give their "donors" modern good stuff
How gay and retarded
Giving Ukraine hand-me-downs is fine,t he only issue is that they're also not giving them enough modern weapons systems as well. Only 300 bradleys? Handful of Leopard 2As? How about more of those 70's and 80s systems that still kick ass? Ukraine badly needs both quality and QUANTITY and a trickle of aid isn't cutting it.

Russians are using more and more fucking ladas and Chineseium shit on the front so it's all relative.
I am yet to meet a single soldier that has anything good to say about M-80. M-84, however, is literally HATO supersekrit ayylmao wunderwaffle compared to what ziggers can field, since it has a good ballistic computer en par with modern tanks.
>Handful of Leopard 2As?
What are they gonna do with 300 of those, anon?
There are mines everywhere and the fronts are stuck.
You know tanks are also useful in defensive actions?
Two things are of note here:
First of all, how about we don't waste the potential of extremely expensive kit and just give them more modern artillery and AT weaponry that does that job better then?
Second of all, who the fuck cares about defensive actions? Are you a /k/ommando who wants to see cool war footage or a tourist from /pol/ who's here to cheer for his team?
Indirect fire and defensive actions. We saw last week some Leopards being used to great effect. You're not doing thunder runs that's for sure.

The real issue is that T-72s are made of explodium, and are a real danger. Tens of thousands of Ukrainian troops have died needlessly in BMPs and T72s.
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Leopard 2A4
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Is it possible to identify what rounds they're using
The original threads probably know better than me.



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