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>I hate the Antichrist Edition

>Guide: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
>Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

>Last thread: >>62891673
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/hg/ - Homosexual Gayretards
NOT a general for me
See you guys when you turn back straight, if ever
OK, that was always allowed!
I have nothing to contribute other than I ordered a p30sk and I can't wait to get it. :)
You have the right idea. i'm gonna chill in other gens as well.
That's a pretty good contribution, anon. Congratulations!
We need to psyop LTT Japanese women feet anon into getting a battle rifle
/brg/ has been molasses slow
What's the battle rifle equivalent to LTT?
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Walmart stocks hopes and Remington oils. I buy one almost every visit and now have a ton of little Remington as my travel oils
Why don’t you use instead of 3 in 1. They have tefflon for anti friction
Retard feet
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Those are all OEMs. Who makes a mid ass battle rifle and grifts people to make it shootable?
Why does it look like an M1 crossed with a ruger mini?
I hear the 510 is pretty sexo. Who is pimping the out?
It's called the SIG SPEAR
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Luv me antichrist simple as
So who is the aftermarket jew for the Spear?
SIG themselves
Beretta BM59
/hg/, what's the best handgun defend all you senpai inda clerb?

buy an ad
>spamming a hag
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Honest opinions, not rich
8.5/10 (+.5 for green frame) Well done, Anon.
What are the upgrades?
Really means a lot, thank you. Invested lots of time. The backstrap is weighted brass.
A handguard that doesn't bend for one
Probably the first aftermarket thing they sold
Im in the market for a beretta 96, but are there any steel frame ones or are they all aluminum? And stainless of coursw
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So my father is getting interested in CZs but he wants a "real one" and not the polymer ones like the P-09s. If someone was going to carry one, are there any stand outs?
No, they’re all aluminum

The 96A1 is the best since it has a recoil buffer in the frame to prevent the frame from cracking at high round counts. Those only come in black though.
3 in 1 just works really good on the moving parts
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Talk me out of giving this to my until recently anti gun dad. It seems very well rounded.
>he hasn't sent it in to Langdoon Tacticool Technoologies to get a handjob in a bag, tritium night sights, goatsee magwell, optic circumcision, and a Trijewcon gween dot
This stupid doesn’t even know what models LTT will work on LOL.
I don’t like the ergonomics and making it tacticool is likely to put him off given that he now evolved to fud. I’ll just tell him it’s an Italian police surplus compact pistol (it’s not all that compact really).
I wish my BB had a decocker as it’s otherwise reasonably well rounded for someone who has adequate strength
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Finished another contract, gonna be traveling through the country on another road trip. If any anons know of a good range around Indianapolis I'll probably take a windshield break there. Anyone know of any ranges around Atlanta, Louisville, or Indianapolis that have the 365 AXG legion availabile to rent? So many people in these threads ask about them and it would be nice to have first hand expirence to share.

Glad you had a good range trip anon! A large part of why I keep my tx22 around is because it's so easy for women and beginners. 22lr is a great entry for folks that may be scared of recoil. As for the hellcat, some guns are naturally more resistant to limp wristing than others. Generally heavier frames will be better at handling limp wristing but certain designs and grip angles (glock) will always be just a bit more apt to malfunction when you don't do your part. There's a really cool video I saw of a guy purposfully limp wristing all kinds of guns to see what works best in the worst grip condition you can put a autoloader through.
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The P-01 or CZ 75 compact are both pretty good for the price. Not amazing in that shooting them shrinks your groups like the CZ shadow 2, but pretty good. A cajunization kit could be a cool christmas gift for him as well to make them much better if he goes that route.

Left group CZ compact, center is fast fire as quick as I could get on target, right group 509c as control.
Thanks. Everything goods always out of print I just want a compact tactical. Might settle for a full size. But then I'd be tempted by the m23. ahhhhh
Excluding regulations, is there any worthy advantage of a revolver versus a semi auto pistol? For context, say I wanted to buy my first handgun and have it be reliable and rugged but also quick
not as many bangs
they're fucking cool
to me, the pros outweigh the cons.
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Easier reloading. No sensitivity to ammo power. You could severely underload which would cause failure to cycle in a semi auto.
It’s also simpler.
38sp is cheap too
> reloading
By this I mean recovering brass vs spending forever searching for your 351 spent brass because each is over a dollar
Video for added context.
Great pistol set up but if your light was a bit proud of the muzzle of your pistol it wont throw a barrel shadow and can be used as a stand off device. A more common light pattern can also help you find a holster for that thing.

I really like that anon, he adds some great flavor to these threads.

Sorry to see you go anon. I hope you find other generals more to your taste and have a good time there. I'll be posting in ARG once I get my LMT this week so I'll see you and your SCAR there I'm sure.
>I wish my gun wasn't the gun I bough
lol retard
They are all aluminum, even the Inox ones. If you want a .40 S&W get a USP, or better yet a P229. The Beretta and Glock and other guns of the time were just 9mm rechambered in .40 and for various reasons they weren't well suited for it. The USP was specifically designed around. 40 S&W and the P229 was designed for .357 SIG and .40 S&W.
and that's going to triple the price?
Thinking of getting a Memex4 Storm.
Do I get an old one for $600 or the new GSD or $800? It doesn't even come optics cut. Is the bull barrel worth $200? I don't care about the decocker conversion.
Alternatively I could just get the $1000 Langdon one but I think the gun would look stupider with an optic.
>Helpful blue gun
Thanks blue gun
I thought you traded that for the PPK
>goatsee magwell
kek, reading that made me snort and blow water out my nose
>I wish my gun wasn't the gun I bough
this is literally 40% of the firearms industry
Happy to help, I hope he loves whatever he ends up with.
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Pick up one used my man.

I really can’t tell between GSD and standard last time I checked, I also think you wouldn’t be able to see the difference without an optic. It’s already a low muzzle flip gun, you need to be good or use a dot to get advantage of that low muzzle flip.

The advantage of the GSD is that it comes with 2 17 rounders and a 20 rounder, carry G style decocker lever, and blacked out rear sight w/ orange front.
What is your grail gun? Could you marathon an entire box of ammo through it?

Buy an ad for what? Why would I do such a thing?

>1 post with a pretty woman being silly is spamming

Gosh, 4channeler incel rage is real.
Is that really all they changed? Is the finish at least better?
Are 33 round OEM Glock stendos a meme? Is there any use case for these? Home defense? Should ever Glock owner own at least 1 or 3 of these?
A well maintained revolver is generally more reliable than a well maintained auto pistols, but when a revolver jams it usually requires tools and a work bench, but it alsovway less likely. They also eventually wear out in ways that are a pain in the ass to repair.
On the plus side, they are just neat, can have INSANELY good triggers, especially in single action and they've can shoot extremely powerful rounds or weak ass cowboy action loads. IDK if one would make a good first gun because ammo is typically a bit more expensive, but if a Ruger SP101 is more interesting than a Glock 19 and if that means you want to shoot more, than it's hard to recommend the Glock.
What revolvers did you have in mind? That Grizzly is a phenomenal gun. You should get two.
RIP Beretta and Glock
>What is your grail gun?
SIG P210-4
>Could you marathon an entire box of ammo through it?
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Yea I'm back to thinking these blue bullets are wonko. Usually they work but there were about 7 today that jammed out of battery where the rifling bound on the weirdly oversized ogive of these blue bonkos. Could not slam the slide home, and the rim was not bound on the extractor. These assholes would not even feed once in my Walther P88, they did this every round.
I mean, for competition shooting the 33rd is a must, beyond that theyre reliable mags and a good option for home defense if you need to stuff more rounds into gun. Nogs have been doing these intentional collision car jackings in my area lately so my car always has at least one
Is kind is that. I've seen the red ones, but not blue.
I'm sorry, Burt. I know how much you love the color blue.

They aren't competition legal though. They are way too long. Are you trying to rustle jimmies?
>They aren't competition legal though
They are, PCC doesnt have mag length rules....
Anon, this is the handgun general.

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It's Precision One ammo but the bullets themselves are some competition oriented brand, Blue Bullet https://thebluebullets.com/
The shape of the bullet is the problem best I can tell.

Not since Pepsi Nitro have I been let down so bad by blue >:|
Pretty common to see these at matches, but if you have a tight chamber they dont really work well, and it doesnt help that the powder coating isnt exactly the most even/consistent so if you get a batch with thick coating you either have to send it back or throw it in the tumbler for a bit. Really shit to run on open guns as theyre pretty smokey compared to a TMJ. The cost savings is pretty sweet but compared to something like RMR bullets theyre not nearly as nice and you're a bit more limited on bullet type
>Is there any use case for these?
>any use case
Ah makes sense, Walthers have particularly tight chambers no wonder the 88 was absolutely intolerant
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I won't lie, I've definitely been eyeballing the Shadow 2 Compact myself. Though you do bring up something I've been curious about for awhile now. Is the Cajun Gun Works really worth it? I keep hearing about them, but wasn't sure how big a difference the customization makes
What's a good change of pace from the usual dutygun sloppery? I've run the gamut from pretty much every major manufacturer at this point, but I want to try something novel (even if a bit stupid) that doesn't require investing 2 grand. Any ideas?
Powder coating works great as a cost saver, not so great when youre trying to feed stuff thats really tight or picky on ammo. The truncated rounds are usually the best option overall IMO, the flats are good too but the rounds are sometimes a must in 1911s or guns with wonky feed ramps. It really comes down to cost vs performance, savings good but if it dont work then its not worth it.
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I don't have a specific one in mind, i'm not at home currently so I haven't had the time to do my total adhd methhead exhaustive internet scraping research method (TM). Call me a faggot but I like the way snub nose revolvers look. And no, this has nothing to do with my dick shape either. It's both quite long and thick, in fact. I just like small objects in general. Purely on aesthetic's sake, I would've leaned towards a P365 for a pistol.
Probably the Manurhin, Mark 23, or a Golden Desert Eagle
And yes buying ammo wouldn't be a big deal except for the Deagle
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Here are the ways in which a revolver is better than a semiauto. Note this is not an all-inclusive list:

>doesn't leave behind shell casings for the AntiChrist to find
This can come in handy if you hate the AntiChrist

>doesn't require a clear operation if a round doesn't fire
In a semiauto, you can shoot reliably until the first clear. In a revolver, you can just skip past the dud round, and maybe even try hitting it again on the second revolution.

>costs less to shoot
You'll probably end up shooting less rounds through the revolver, which both makes it cost less to own, and wear out slower.

>more reliable
For many reasons, revolvers are more reliable than semiautos. Steel revolvers can also handle ridiculously hot rounds with no problem.

>doesn't require a magazine
Although speedloaders/moonclips exist for revolvers, you can't shoot a semiauto with no mag, except by putting one round in the chamber. Revolvers don't have this problem.

>can handle more than one calibre
For example, a revolver chambered in .454 Casull can shoot 454 Casulls, 45 Long Colt, .45 Schofield, .44 Magnum, and .44 special
Some of it is, not mentioned by Burt is the piece that cost something like $8 and allows you to dry fire it a near infinite times unlike the origional parts that have been known to break in sub 1k rounds of dry firing. I think it's similar to LTT trigger handjob in a bag where the trigger bar is 80% of the improvement and the rest is chasing that final 20%. That's not to say it's NOT worth it, only that there are diminishing returns and only your budget and trigger snobbery determines what is "worth" the pricetag.
kek, what is this from?
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You got rid of that meme hammer?

Hey now cool it with the Pepsi slander. Reminder of this KINO existing, if not for a brief period.
A revolver of some kind, maybe something big bore?
>Reminder of this KINO existing, if not for a brief period.
Check your local asian markets anon, that flavor was a HUGE hit overseas and I've found a bunch that look even more aethetic with the kanji or chinese characters.
>For example, a revolver chambered in .454 Casull can shoot 454 Casulls, 45 Long Colt, .45 Schofield, .44 Magnum, and .44 special
>rent guns
>find one you really like
>buy it
I'm old enough to remember Crystal Bepis
Awe, fuess you could say you were fellin kinda... blue.

Real life. Caught on a hot mic.
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It's just not cost effective these days and I've even had to cut back on more mundane soda because prices are through the fucking roof for some chemical water. The asian markets do have some nice drinks. They've had peach coke for a long ass time. I don't get why these companies don't sell peach drinks in our market. It's fucking retarded. Same with the leafs hording all the good chip flavors. I genuinely don't understand how the fuck this country doesn't have spicy salt and vinegar, all dressed, loaded potato or ketchup chips. It's a crime against humanity (white people).

Yeah I wish they regularly brought these things back/made them seasonal. Peach and mango even if for the summer would let me stock up. But they really need to just make the peach flavor year round.

I'm far less pressed to see this slop return to mcd, but I'll buy one just to remind myself how sloppy mcslop can be.
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>I don't get why these companies don't sell peach drinks in our market.
Peace tea sells like hot cakes, and yet these companies can't put two and two together.

>no all dressed chips
It's the only thing the canadians have over us. The aldi version isn't the same as the ruffles. I used to load up on em when I was living in Detroit and could dip across the border for those and somersby ciders. Smuggling pro tip: put a GIANT bag of rice in plain view of whatever you aren't allowed to bring across the border. Keep the reciept. American customs will FREAK out about pest and ask if you bought it in America, produce your recipt and they will forget about the 90+ cans of alcohol you put right next to the rice and wave you through. The rice doubles as a nice sandbag for sighting new optics in on range trips as well.

Having stendos future proofs you against mag bans and are just fun for range trips. I don't use mine often but it's fun to break out every once in awhile and folks get a kick out of mag dumping em.
My bad, I forgot. The 44Mag and 44SPL rounds won't fit in a 454 Casull. I'm drunk, ym apoloigies.

Try drinking a bo0ttle of wine in the warm shower. It feels AMAIZNSG
What is the absolute cheapest I can expect to buy a 357 Deagle for? Assume I'm in New England
If you are extremely lucky, maybe $1500 Probably closer to $1800
Bam, $1,500 new
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Gonna have my first road trip to bavaria next monday. I hope the weather isnt that bad so im able to take images. Lets hope Im not to autistic there, maybe some Pee gonna help
Drink more water
Do you like Hefeweizen, herr lube? I love me some Bavarian wheat ale.
Just shoot yourself in the head with it, that'll be the only use it'll ever get.
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May I present to you: The Boomer Confooser

I wopped to an EGW kit yeah. It was not worth it at all lol the SA FCG had a better break (after I tweaked the springs). The EGW has 2-3x the creep. I shoulda stuck with SA parts till they broke, but I did not want to fit the new safety to the SA sear that I knew I'd eventually replace, so I just replaced it all together

Damn it I missed this enormous opportunity and I'm so mad
Hawkins cheesies and Mars bars are amazing too. Definitely give those a shot if you're ever back. Basically we have the beverage market and they have the chip market.

The EGW kit or the Atlas one? Did you tune pretravel and overtravel?
Try this guys:
>work out until exhaustion
>take a warm shower
>drinmk wine in the sh0owert
Does Ben Stoeger do this? I won't do it if he doesn't do this.
>What is your grail gun?
Snake's custom 1911 from MGS3, or a Manurhin.
>Could you marathon an entire box of ammo through it?
Try gallow family sweet berry wine if you want something that basically alcoholic soda. It's fantastic.

Why do I only respond to PPanon when it's food? This is getting rediculous.
I don’t like wine, can I substitute whiskey?
Newfag here. Is $360 for a used Glock G17 5th Gen a good deal?
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Im working on my green card so I stay with Coca Cola
In germany we say humans drink beer and water is for the animals, furries know what to do now
>Just shoot yourself in the head with it, that'll be the only use it'll ever get
You are a really pathetic loser.
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Bought a Model 19-4 the other day. I love this gun.
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EGW FCG kit and hammer spur, not the "hand select" Atlas kit, they did not have blued ones in stock and as you know looks are MUCH more important than shooting. There's no pre or overtravel to tune, it doesn't include the trigger. For that I'm waiting on Red Dirt's configurator!
>sweet berry wine
For a more... mature pallet, I would recommend Louis Jadot pinot noir.
>Bought a Model 19-4 the other day. I love this gun.
That bad ass, anon. I hop you grow a rocking mustache to go with it.
It doesn't even look bad silver though.

I forgot about the red dirt situation. Hoping it's better with that, I suspect it will be. If you're just raw dogging a new ignition kit I bet they have slightly different pre and over travel tuning. It should also help you get a lower pull weight that isn't going to follow on you. My Atlas kit wasn't worse than my Staccato internals.
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She's a looker eh
Sorry your feelings got hurt lmao
Burt what parts would you change out of an OEM Prodigy first things first? Also you asked why I would put that Underworld Comp on it in the last thread and my answer to that is that I think they look super fucking cool, especially the single slot pic-rail version. I've never been a fan of guns with several slots and the full length dustcover reminds me of old STIs from back in the day.
do you guys ever run the heater at night just so you get really dry boogers you can have fun picking the following day?
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Single piece guiderod or toolless, trigger, ignition, grip.
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>I hate the Antichrist Edition

Lars von Trier isn't everyone's cup of tea.

Depends on how used, but generally yeah.

Sick wheelgat, anon.

Still jealous I don't have a RAMI.
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He bought?
>The LTT NP3 kit?
based image, but I meant this AntiChrist
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Already done
nta but I've only just a regular 1911, I need a tool for the Prodigy guiderod????
The prodigy has a shitty 2 piece guide rod, the absolute worst possible guide rod to get in a 1911. It requires a tool to take down. There are single piece guide rods that require a paper clip, that's what I have. They're cheap and work great. There are toolless guide rods with a part inside that can tilt out to stop the plug from shooting off the guide rod.
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prodigy uses a two piece guide rod which you must unthread it from the base to disassemble. It's a bit of a pain in the ass. The toolless are superior as they make the spring captive when disassembling, you rack the slide back and then depress the lever in the guide rod to hold the spring and it's plug captive.
these only work with reverse plug guns
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if i want a 2011 but dont want to spend too much because i know i'll never realistically shoot it, what is my best option? prodigy?
>would you change out of an OEM Prodigy first things first?
>Brand new $1,300 hand gun
>Needs new parts
Yall some crazy ass white folks, I tell ya what.
>This is brilliant, but I like this
Is there an all steel 2011?
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I worked my legs to exhaustion and it hurts to exercise. Now I can only do sit-ups
It’s not all bad since I can lift stuff better now
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Tisa does a 2011, it's around 600 bucks sometimes less, it's an alumnium framed gun but it's still a 2011.
MAC (Tisas's other brand), does a steel 2011 that is much more like an actual 2011 feature wise for 900-1000.
Live Free Die Apollo does a steel 2011 that's very rough and the styling is ugly as fuck but it's US made and near 1000.

But realistically, the Prodigy is a good bet.

What you should get is a Nighthawk Custom Sandhawk

Including the grip frame? it's available aftermarket but not many production guns come with a steel grip. Custom makers will do it, probably alot more. Fitting polymer or aluminum is easier than fitting steel.
Who makes the single best G19 IWB holster or are they all basically the same?
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A tool-less guide rod is an objective quality of life improvement, especially the ones that don't require a pin such as Atlas and Dawson. Other than that I'd say nothing, just spring tweaking to lower the trigger pull. I would not suggest replacing anything else, it's serious diminishing returns if even an upgrade at all

Shoot it till something breaks! Get more mags

2 piece isn't the worst design, the worst design is the original 1911 stubby guide rod with plug and bushing because that FUCKING spring kinks like a bastard if you try to put the gun together normally (as you would any other gun) forcing you to do it by rotating the bushing like a timewasting FOOL. At least a 2 piece keeps the spring in check when reassembling and is faster

Anyway yeah you need an allen wrench (it's included). It's annoying, the tool-less ones you just push a button or stick a paperclip in the rod and leave it compressed until you put the gun back together. No messing with springs.

Prodigy or if REALLY cheap, Tisas
He uses g9 screw ammo that probably sponsors him
>Fitting polymer or aluminum is easier than fitting steel.
The middle section is aluminum?!?!
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Would you buy an RIA double stack 1911?
It could steel or aluminum, most are steel.
I wouldnt, para mag pattern, proprietary parts, there's stuff that can be done to them but not to the same degree as even a Tisas, if you were gonna buy an RIA, get a 1911. You could probably make the double stack OK, but at least with a Tisas/Prodigy you can actually make them good
I backed out of the sale (actually the buyer did) so I still have it.
Somebody would have to be crazy to trade that for a ww2 ppk
Those middling guns like Apollo, MAC and Platypus seem like they're kind of crapshoots. At least with Tisas you have the excuse of it being much cheaper

I would not. Not after they done me dirty with my 5.0 warranty repair. I have a sour impression of their gun quality even besides that, but I have no evidence to back it up
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Handguns need more wood
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I believe a few custom shops will let you choose steel. Otherwise you can just slap one on yourself like I've done 3 times.

LFA is alright, a bit looser than my Prodigy. If you're just after the 2011 trigger that's a good stopping point. I've heard most of the cheapo 2011s work but lots of minor issues that can happen especially with fit coming out of the factory. Even Springfield is still having issues with the Prodigy.

They aren't fitting the grips past the $1000 mark, they will justwerk. Ask me how I know that price mark.

The paperclip ones aren't technically toolless. I don't think I've seen a 2011 with the stubby plug, keeping the two piece as the worst.
That tree gonna get some wood.
>Somebody would have to be crazy to trade that for a ww2 ppk
Well, yeah, but most trades involve a little cash, too.
>Otherwise you can just slap one on yourself
For the money, I shouldn't have to, though. I can just buy one of a half dozen all stainless guys with better barrel locking mechanisms.
I mean, they are cool and everything, but I just don't understand the money and yes Inhave shot a rental Stacaca and it IS pretty sweet, but notn$3,500 sweet.
People make claims about polymer vs aluminum, personally I just like steel. You can get steel but usually it's an option you can get at custom shops due to the cost. They're taking a chunk of quality stainless and milling it to specific tolerances which is obviously way more expensive than a polymer mold. I don't even really know of many stainless steel frame guns or at least any that are common. The CZs are all carbon steel.

Many 2011s are very expensive and whether it's actually worth it is up to the person buying. They are a cheat code for skill issues and that is very apparent at competitions from what I hear. It's at least a useful tool rather than wasting that money on designer clothes.
Where is a reliable place to look for used? Pawn Shop, online, local gun shop, etc...?
There are more to guns then barrel lock up. All steel Beretta 92s and P226s do not shoot as good as a 2011
Gunbroker, guns.com, cabela’s used guns, local deals are probably the best
Holsters are like handguns, there is no single best one you get what fits you and your use case the best. Commonly reccomended brands are Safariland, t rex arms, and ANR. If you want some whacky patterns or have a strange WML on your glock 19 and can't find a holster that fits it insane kydex creations fills that niche. Getting a wing attachment on whatever you get is generally reccomended as it helps pull the grip of your pistol towards your waist reducing printing.
I play with loaded guns in my house
Well, a good trigger covers up a lot of sins, I'll give you that.

I'm a guitar guy IRL, but grew up shooting with my dad and would like to get back into it a bit. Are "used" designs like pump 12g, 1911, or 22lr generally considered reliable? Seems like they would be hard to "test"/"play" in the store. I suppose dry firing is about all that can be done on sight.

>have .40 P229 that's been 100% reliable
>put 9mm conversion barrel in it
>reliable for 1000 rounds except for a single fte, takes all kind of fmjs and federal hsts mostly without complaint
>go several range sessions without cleaning
>take it out today and put some dirty blazer brass through it
>shoot a box of 124gr speer gold dots at the end
>ftf every round
Siggerbros, I got too cocky...
Admittedly it was seeming to only happen with one specific magazine and it's kind of retarded to expect perfect reliability from a conversion barrel but I'm still a bit shaken now.
Cancelled my Walther order, can’t get approval from agency
Are you the guy who has been waiting a month for it to ship?
Don't buy a 1911 as a first gun. .45 ACP is not cheap and 1911s are jam-o-matics if they aren't set up just right. As long as it isn't rusted or too beat up a used gun should work fine, just buy from a reputable dealer. I suggest getting something in .22LR, either a Ruger 10/22 rifle or a Wrangler, Mark IV, or Taurus TX22 pistol. .22LR tends to dirty guns up quicker than centerfire so you might need to clean more often but it's not a big deal, especially considering how much cheaper .22LR is than something like 9mm.
Just carry it with .40 and do some practice and shoot 9mm at the range. I live my P229 in .40.
Did you get 9mm mags too?
>can’t get approval from agency
That sucks, anon. Did they at least give you a reason?
1911s are also annoying to disassemble and reassemble
I could deal with that if they ran well and weren't generally so expensive.
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Me too brother. I got a nickel plated from 1966
>Did you get 9mm mags too?
9mm mags and spring too, it was happening with a relatively new OEM 15 rounder. A mec-gar 17-rounder was still feeding them fine so it just must be a bad mag. Still, I was thinking of keeping it as a 9mm for carry and now I probably won't be doing that.
Based, however I hate nickel guns. I had a 19 snub that was nickel and I sold it a couple years ago. Part of me wishes J kept it, but the other part wishes it would've been a blued one or a 66 snub.
A revolver can't go out-of-battery, so they're more reliable in contact-range scuffles.
>They aren't competition legal though
There are disciplines where they are legal but maybe my Euro opinion doesn't count despite having used a stendo in competition
what if I just took my USP45ct to a gun shop tomorrow and saw what they'd give me for it/ if they'd sell it in GunBroker for commission or something
i want a 509c mrd. if they don't jew me I could get that and an optic for the usp
> Alright which one of you Bozo's left your gun in the back of a customer's car you detailed today
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They can go out of timing though
Model 19s are pretty cool, I wouldn't mind getting the 66 or one in Nickel
Just save up and buy the 509C
>I was thinking of keeping it as a 9mm for carry and now I probably won't be doing that.
It's annoying to run multiple calibers for sure. The reason I have a. 40 S&W is because I like .357 SIG but that shit is out of this world expensive to shoot now. You could maybe replace the mag spring and or get a new mag and run a buch of ammo through it and see if you can get confidence in it again, but .40 is a pretty decent round all in all.
>took my USP45ct to a gun shop
>if they don't jew
I know everybody has to eat, but I have seen some of the worst jewing in my life at gun stores. Like a guy brought in a 2 tone 1911 mad and walked out with $10. Just the other day at a different place I say I guy who really need money see 2 pretty new looking Glocks for $150 each. Now I'm not saying your LGS will gig you that bad, but once they take their cut and gunbroker gets theirs, you won't get nearly what the gun is worth. This is a pretty big reason I don't sell any of my guns anymore. That and I always regret doing it.
That picture is overpressure. Out of time will damage the forcing cone or in extreme cases throw the barrel out of the frame.
You, specifically, shouldn't be allowed to phone phonepost.
I'm back in school and only working 20 hours a week which barely covers bills, so if they give me the 509c and the 507k for the usp I'll take that deal desu. i don't shoot the USP and 9mm is cheaper anyways
Prodigy, you're getting a lot of features for not a lot of money (relatively)
Nta but I can't get over what a stupid name Prodigy is.
I hate Springfield's naming sense.
Forget Weapons did a P99 video.
Why did PSA go with the S&W hinge trigger no one likes for the Dagger?
how many of you guys actually carry?
I only carry on range day, seems prudent to. Don't feel a need to otherwise.
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Probably the same reason FN went with it for the 500 series. It's technically more reliable as it allows added leverage in your pull to overcome things like ice or mud or pocket lint or other debris in the gun/trigger guard. Is the trade off of trigger feel worth it? The market doesn't seem to think so. That being said the stock glock trigger is smushy and terrible so without having felt it I imagine the dagger is just a different flavor of bad.

I like the 500 series hinge trigger, more so than the cz p10c trigger everyone else likes, but I also like a lot of shit nobody else seems to.
Remoil is shit and dries tacky within minutes fucking opposite of what oil should do, breakfree safariland clp master race. Shit stays slick wet moist for months when you store your shit. Wipes off easy actually helps clean
To carry? Just the shadow 2 compact, the p07 and 09 are great help educate your dad man. Bring him up to the times.
I was at a gun store and a guy took $80 for his mint looking 365. I would have paid him $200 for it, and he could have gotten at least $350 on gunbroker.
Does it make sense to own multiple of the same gun? I have a Glock 19 I bought years back that I’ve shot the hell out of including letting others use it for a first time gun to shoot at the range. Would it make sense to buy another Glock 19 that’s strictly for myself for general range use and carry? Or am I being ‘tarded and should save the money and keep using the G19 I already have? There’s nothing wrong with it mechanically or accuracy wise.
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I have multiple of multiple guns. If you found something that works, there's nothing wrong with having a backup.
If you see one silly cheap pick it up. If you want to configure one differently than your current setup but still like your current setup get another one. I've been tempted to get another 509t with an optics cut and threaded barrel given the sales on em recently. That being said there doesn't need to be logic behind every purchase if you have the money. There are anons here with like 5 px4s and shit, so go with what sings to your heart.
Anyone have experience with Viridian RFX-45? Thinking of getting one (for a 1301)
They’d give you like 20% what it’s worth buying the gun from you at most since they’re talking a major risk trying to sell the gun for profit. If you put it up for cosignment they can sell the gun for you and take a percentage of the price, like 15% like my gun store does. I’ve sold several guns that way
1. Keep it stock or the configuration you carry it in
2. Practice gun to try other aftermarket parts or configurations without messing up your carry gun
3. Irons vs optic cut gun, I like to have a spare slide or gun that remains with irons when I optic cut a gun. So I can swap between the two depending on what I want to shoot at the range or if I need better concealment
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Dreamt last night that I bought a Beretta 92
Might get an Ortgies .32 to flex on ppanon and show him the true power of what is essentially a .32 magnum.
>letting a literal shitposting homo influence what you buy
I have a manurhin PP. It's breddy gud.
they wouldn't take it for 1k so I'll list it on GunBroker, they said they can help me with the shipping. I figure I'll do buyer pays shipping and call it 100 bucks to account for 2day FedEx and FFL fees on my end?
I'm sorry that happened to you anon.
Who can make me custom HI Power grips with my own pictures?
>call it 100 bucks
That is insanely high and I would not go for it personally.
You could select buyers pay shipping and then calculate it after they won, my last gun I ate like a 300 dollar shipping fee since it was an very expensive gun shipped insured
so would I sell it then as soon as it's done go to my FFL, have them set up the shipping and such then charge the buyer that? or do I buy the label myself and bring it all boxed to the FFL? I've never actually sold on gun broker before
I haven’t either, most FFLs offer some sort of firearm shipping service
Burt says this place is good.
Oh no, if you let a gun virgin shoot it for their first time then it's no longer going to function well for you. Better buy another that's just for your hands.
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>if you let a gun virgin shoot it for their first time then it's no longer going to function well for you.
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okay so if I do that, I select out the FFL that I'm shipping it to, print the label, then I take it to my FFL to actually ship it?
Talk to your FFL

ship my gun uses a loophole where Buds Gunshop is the FFL that is sending the gun but you just drop it off at any post office without it actually shipping from Bud’s gunshop, IIRC
This is my understanding. You are legally shipping the gun on behalf of an FFL. Whatever the case this buisness is basically a way to let us ship guns legally. Just print the label and drop it off.
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My Donald Kamala Glock is looking pretty good. Sorry Burtarino, but I just can't resist the pull of a doody gun.
How do you measure range when you go out shooting in Crackhead Forest? Do you measure with paces? Phone GPS? Do you just ballpark it?
You get high and lose your guns
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>tfw your favorite shooting spot has been turned into an industrial park
RIP Crackhead Forest, chopped down far too soon.
There is actually a doohickey called a rangefinder that tells you the range.

Dude, it was a UFO. Weed has nothing to do with it. You act like you wouldn't freak if you saw a UFO
Greentext, pls!!
Oh shit they have em at Wal Mart and Bass Pro Shops!
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I'll tell the story then
>be me
>go out to Crackhead Forest where I had a stash of weed, guns, and ammo
>only smoked one small joint several hours prior that day
>sun has set, now it's dark
>weather is clear with a few small clouds
>season is warm, I think late spring
>I only have 1 joint left
>get to the stash spot
>stash spot is surrounded by thornbushes, thick trees, and other plants that obscure it very well
>very thick underbrush in that spot
>pull out my joint and lighter
>light the joint and take a few puffs
>looking down at my joint as I light it
>eyes are on the ground
>suddenly, there is a flash of blue lightning in the sky
>at least I think it's lightning
>remember, my eyes are still on the ground, in the smoking position
>but the entire ground and foliage is glowing a flickering blue, as if in a thunderstorm
>i don't look up because I know what lightning is, and I'm busy with the joint
>a few seconds go by
>the blue light is still flashing somewhere in the sky above me
>i hear no thunder, and it's a clear day
>also lightning doesn't flash for 10 seconds straight (not in this part of the world)
>look up
>it's right there...
>looks like a black missile
>the afterburner glows blue
>that was the glow i mistook for lightning
>i observe it for a few seconds, stunned
>it looks pretty close (less than 1km), but flies silently despite what appears to be rocket propulsion
>it's flying west to east
>after about 5 seconds, it makes an impossible instant 90 degree turn and flies towards the south
>I'm so shocked that I trip over a root, fall in some bushes, and lose my gun on the way home
>then i posted about it here
The gun might still be there somewhere
Stopped reading there.
What kind of gun did you lose?
someone who shouldn't own guns the post.
Beretta 92 LTT
t. Jealous

It was a loaded Ruger SP101 snubbie 2.25" barrel DAO. I liked that gun, but my Kimber K6 is way nicer
This poster is jealous that the ayy lmaos showed themselves to me
nah its
>having to hide guns and ammo in the woods
>he thinks people are jealous if a brain dead bozo who looses his fucking guns while high in niggerweed

Delet your 4channel account.
okay so I looked into it and I need to drop it off at the desk of a UPS customer center, and I see a few about 50 miles from me, but that don't actually have business hours so I'm not sure if I'm actually able to drop the gun off there
I would never let a noguns shoot anything other than a .22. I want them to actually enjoy the experience and want to do it again.
Imagine being the asshole who sets them up with 44mag or greater and being the cause of an orbital fracture or worse. Instant antigun forever.
>having to hide guns and ammo in the woods
*choosing to

>metric system
Objectively superior. You even use it in this thread right now. For example, 9mm is metric. The Imperial System is straight AIDS onG frfr no cap.

God created it for my happiness. It is a plant that grows as naturally as a tree. Only the AntiChrist hates trees, are you the AntiChrist? Have you ever even meditated in the woods? Weed is awesome!
Always call first. A lot of these shipping places will shit their britches if you walk in with a gun. Many don't have a fucking clue what to do. Many have policies against shipping guns. Only certain locations can and will ship a firearm from an individual.
Smoking weed innawoods is ancient tradition. It's an excuse for me to get some fresh air. You disrespect my culture.
I want [blank].
Fill in the blank anons
Yeah choose to hide because the other option is choosing to get kicked out of mommy's house
I want all junkies to die.
Not quite. Like many thugs, I'm actually an orphan from the streets of Gotham. My 'parents' wouldn't care if I had a bunch of weapons, because they're conservative. Imagine having parents who would kick you out if they found your firearm. Couldn't be me. Nevertheless, I've lived alone for many years before I got my first gun.
>replying to weednigger
Nobody cares about your poor sob story about your lack of ethics and parents
I want nothing, for desire is the root of all suffering.

Potheads don't count as junkies. There are many, many functional stoners. If you think weed is a drug, you don't know real drugs.
Just saying, he's violating federal laws.
More like you’re an illegal immigrant
>remember, my eyes are still on the ground, in the smoking position
LoL, what?
>Beretta 92 LTT
It's anudda shoa!!! You need to by three more to make up for this tragedy!
>loaded Ruger SP101 snubbie 2.25" barrel
That's actually pretty cool.
Wait, I'm getting my /hg/ lore mixed up. Is the weedgineer the guy who saw the UFO and lost his gun? I thought he only had the Bulldog. Also, is that the same guy that drowned a cat that got mauled by a shitbull?
I was making the point that i never had to worry about being kicked out for owning guns.

>sob story
No, I just have a cool tragic backstory

That's it, I challenge you to a gentleman 1v1 duel. Meet me on the top of Mt. Washington this Saturday, we'll settle this once and for all
Talk to your FFL.

Most shipping places will outright refuse a gun despite saying it’s okay in company policy
Weednigger is notoriously unreliable, he was whining for months about guns being a cope for self defense and said losing his gun made him tougher.
You're that close? Man I need to go out in the woods more often and make pot shots at areas full of weed odor
>t. AntiChrist

You are too, unless you're Native

Because when I smoke a joint, I'm looking down. I'm shielding it from the wind and stuff
>I'm shielding it from the wind and stuff
what else would you be shielding it from stupid? aliens lol
>whining about guns
I think most posters here have the wrong idea about guns. You get emotionally attached to weapons and stuff.
Weeds not legal in New Hampshire and no ones gonna cry over yet another dead drug addict when we have a fentanyl crisis.
Ok ok I'm sorry for derailing, back to handguns
You will not leave the Granite State if you're gonna start problems weedhead.
I'm in NYC, and weed is about to become legal in NH. You'll be able to buy it the same way you buy liquor, at a government store. Or from your local dealer, who won't charge taxes.
Yeah please drive with guns and weed in your car
I've been in NYC for years due to work. I've lived all over the East Coast. The only hasgunz states left are NH, VT, and to some extent ME. And commiechusetts is leaking into NH. NH voted for Kamala this cycle. Say goodbye to America's freest state.
"Possession with intent to distribute, may the defense rise"
That's the trick, you separate them. Either have guns on you, or weed. Don't have both at once. Also, a skilled engineer can create a hidden stash in a car that's nearly impossible to find.
You already admitted you had both on you.
Dude, I know this lawyer who got my friend off for a 10 drink DUI. She got it down to a misdemeanor.
So debt is your solution? Cant afford weed when you have legal fees.
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Imagine being such a straightedge. Are you gonna turn in your guns when the government tells you to? You have no backbone.
>the same way you buy liquor, at a government store.
To think, our own countrymen live like this.
You can't get addicted to marijuana, retard

>legal fees
She works cheap

>can't afford weed
When this next harvest comes in, I'll have enough weed to last years.
You're just like any other drug addict.
So you have an illegal handgun in nyc?
You already admitted you were fiending for weed before and it made you angry. Just remember there's no bail for federal crimes.
If you take it to your FFL to ship it your FFL will charge you another fee to handle it. Once you print a label with ShipMyGun you can send it out directly, it does not NEED to go through an FFL since ShipMyGun IS an FFL and you are shipping it on "their" account.

It's quite annoying to satisfy UPS's policy on shipping firearms post-2022 so I no longer try, but if you wish to, then you would have to either
A: Submit the (SMG-labeled) package to a UPS Customer Center NOT a UPS Store or any other outlet, it must be a Customer Center
2: Drop it off at an FFL, who will charge you a fee (but not shipping, since you already paid that via SMG, or alternatively you can skip SMG let your FFL use USPS). If you do this don't seal the package as the FFL will need to log your gun into their book, then log it out to where it's going

Nowadays I choose Σ: do whatever the hell I want. It's not a legal requirement to go through retarded hoops with courier services, it is only to comply with courier policies.
NH is the freest state, but the government chose to monopolize liquor for some reason. The liquor is cheap at the store though, and the price is consistent across the state. Hopefully they'll do the same thing with weed, where they make it cheaper than MA.

NH is the best state for guns, except maybe VT
>You can't get addicted to marijuana, retard
>he fell for (((their)) propaganda
lol lmfao
t. Agent Gonzalez
I support confiscation of guns for self described drug users. People who make weed their personslity don't deserve guns.
I dare you to walk around Bronx at night with no handgun. I dare you.
>I can't wait for Democrats to take everyone's guns.
god I'd love to see them try.
>i support confiscation of guns
Yes, we know. The funny thing is how I get called nogunz, when there are actual gun grabbers ITT. Everyone should be legally allowed to buy a gun, whether it's a child, an addict, a crazy person, a retard, or a convicted felon.
Clearly not as you lose guns.
They don't have the backbone. If they won't come get a schizo stoner, what chance do they have against a serious combatant? What about an organized militia?
>pot shots

If you trained your dog to sniff out gunpowder and weed btw, you could go around forests and find people's stashes. Seriously, dogs have found my stashes before. I've lost a lot of weed that way.
>If they won't come get a schizo stoner, what chance do they have against a serious combatant? What about an organized militia?
I am none of those things and I don't think the government is coming for me. It's not that gun owners are tough or anything its just that there's so fucking many of them and it's such a divisive topic and actively argued to a standstill.

could you imagine all the new pro 2a support that would come from dems disarming some poor old lady and her getting summarily robbed/killed in the aftermath once the worst of her area code started acting on all these unarmed civilians? it'd be a great way to let the dems sacrifice people for their opponent's cause.
A OK you're good to go, honorable American Joe, bless this Divine Water. Not a problem here, no sir. Everything is fine.

Wow hes just like any other pothead online
chill out.
The best pro 2A argument is to walk around a nogunz city at night. Doesn't even have to be NYC, walk around Worcester, Lawrence, Lowell, Boston, Seattle, etc. Just go for a 2am jog through downtown, you'll see what I'm talking about.
which is why I am confident the second amendment isn't going anywhere and kamila isn't going door to door taking away your sbrs and moviestar pistols.
Ya i gotta get back to work

At least i don't want the gubbment to kick in your door, take your guns, shoot your dog, and beat up your grandma
Arent you the guy that wants to shut down this general because people laughed at you too much?
But you end up with the same problem as the UK. Eventually, society devolves enough that if you gave them guns, legit all they would do is shoot each other. These are crackheads we are talking about. Leftist shitholes have hordes of subhumans who would wage gang wars 24/7 if they had guns.
>Leftist shitholes have hordes of subhumans who would wage gang wars 24/7 if they had guns.
yeah hahaha
Crackheads like for example people who do drugs in the woods and lose weapons?
Shutting this gen down is impossible. Also, this place genuinely helps people. I just wanna have some fun. Isn't that half the purpose of owning guns? 50% is defense, 50% is fun!
For the last time, I'm not a crackhead, I barely even drink. The hardest drug i ever did was Adderall for an exam. Weed is barely a drug. If weed is a drug, so is tobacco and alcohol. Also, I'd like to see you not lose your weapon if you saw a UFO. Your excuse for 'never losing a weapon' is probably because you never go outside.
>Your excuse for 'never losing a weapon' is probably because you never go outside.
same energy as the 'NDs are a normal part of gun ownership' pasta.
brilliant post.
Druggie MAD lol
Did you expect a guy addicted to weed to be logical?
t. Alkie
Look in the mirror Mr. Lahey

At least I'm not the anon whose own dad shot him, kek
Of course she's not, she didn't come close to winning. Surprisingly firearms were barely a footnote this election cycle, pretty apparent why since in voters' estimation the economy, immigration, security/war, and crime were all doing poorly under the incumbent administration.
The 2A is in a fairly strong position and if advocacy groups are able get legislation through efficiently we may see the end of suppressors being NFA regulated items.
We'll certainly see the ATF be far less petty and litigious towards grey areas of the law.
You can't get addicted to weed kek
That sounds like a feature rather than a bug.
Not everyone is an addict you loser
okay go 3 months without it. Protip: you can't.
>inb4 I N E E D it to relax
I actually do. I often go an entire month or more without smoking. I try to go to work sober too. I feel fine when I'm sober, although i still kinda crave weed when relaxing. The thing is, without weed, I don't really wanna go for a long forest hike. To me, weed is connected to the tradition of meditation in the woods. It's like, a shaman thing. When I have no weed, I enjoy the outdoors less.
Everyone was talking about abortion this election cycle
Weedgineer seems like a pretty decent guy. The lot of you are just gay I think.
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aw man don't take the cans of the NFA ! being the suppressor guy at my range is basically my whole identity!
>everyone was
That registered at #7 as far as voters of the winning party. Yes, progressives pretended it was a huge deal, but they lost and it wasn't close.
I only post the Bulldog, but I have probably 20 guns at this point. I am unironically out of space to store them, so I just bury some of them in the mountains, swamps, and forests. If someone finds them, good for them, they get a free gift.
He is unironically gay and is constantly posting his twink tummy and talking about his boyfriend and has even posted pictures of them together here.
That's another anon retard, I like tied up gagged bitches.
I don't fucking care what you like outside of handguns but hey good on you for thinking that's relevant.
>you're gay
>no I'm straight and kinky
If you didn't care about me outside of my Bulldog, you wouldn't care about my weed habit or my backstory. That being said, I will soon post my groups at 25 metres with my Bulldog.
i don't.
save it for your fucking blog.
okay based so basically just do smg, and then don't tell anyone it's a gun and just put it in a UPS drop box?
jfc you /hg/ retards are tiresome.
It's because there is only so much to discuss when it comes to handguns. Everything has already been discussed. Every rabbit hole has been thoroughly explored. There isn't much left but consumerism, cosmetics, and training.
right; shitter's full.
That's what I do. The only pitfall is if a Melanin Enriched American at UPS figures out it's a gun and discovers the box goes """"missing"""" you will have no recourse with UPS (or FedEx). But you wouldn't if it wasn't fully insured anyway.
so if I fully insure it, then put it in a drop box they don't have to pay out of it goes missing?
640 pro or 642 pro? I already have an LCR in .38, the 640 seems like it has actually usable sights but it might be a hair heavy for pocket carry
Oh, you. Yeah, you're by far the worst poster in this general. The fact that you're also a retard pothead who looses handguns at your junkie stash makes you even worse. Kindly trip on a bullet next time you retarded cumbrained faggot.
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and for this section, the transferee is the person who is actually buying it right? sorry I'm retarded
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Dangerously based
up for a STALKER team up against the antichrist, catkiller-kun?
This is why despite other people getting mad, talking about old guns and fixing them or trying to mod them to improve performance (spring upgrades or nagant trigger mods) is adding new content.
I haven't had to deal with this since no courier has ever ""lost"" a gun I've shipped, but that's my understanding. They'll try their hardest not to pay out in either case so any excuse they can leverage in order to not pay out insurance, they will. Not shipping a gun "properly" is a great excuse for them.

Bingo. It's a little confusing on the next page of checkout as well since there is a "Shipping Address" section which you would think is the receiving FFL but it is not lol just leave it blank

The SMG website has preset box sizes based on UPS's free box sizes. Just pick the one that most closely resembles the box you're using, it doesn't have to be a UPS box. But do get the weight right; round up to the nearest pound
Oh yeah and also it's worth mentioning that ShipMyGun has to authorize and error check each shipment manually. It usually takes Karen over there about a day to get to it and send you the label so don't worry when you don't get it immediately
great thanks for the help. I will either yolo it into a drop box or schedule a pickup from home, which some Indian guy on the support line said was okay if I have a label from an FFL ( I didn't give my name or anything when I called)
Sheitt I never even thought to have them pick it up directly that's smart. Please let me know if they charge for that!
Stalker is a cool game. I love it. I just wish it had revolvers, but it doesn't. Still a GOAT shooter. Way better than Fallout.
You act like you're our Lord Jesus Christ.
What the fuck
Anomaly mod gives you several 357 and 44 revolvers along with other weapons (hence the Tokarev,PPK and ruger mini from the screenshot). It’s free and easy to install but you need CoP.
Stalker 2 good vidya, the Series S(hitbox) can handle it somehow.
The dead Jew on a stick isn't half as based as me.
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hey i got one of them there hand guns
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My project gun came in today. Just need a steel trigger and guide rod and barsto barrel and I'm set.
that's fucking cool. police trade in?
Looking at it now, is it legal to get some gunsmith to scrub that fucking warning off the frame?
Lawyers come into your house and shoot themselves with and then sue you for all you’re worth
Nope! Brand new gun. Got it for about $700 so I'm gonna be breaking it in and fiddling with it fresh.
Anomaly mod is really cool. We can play this weekend, assuming I survive my duel
He's not dead because he can resurrect, and Christ's ethnicity is unknown.
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The Abomination 2 runs Remington golden bullets
I’m also liking the 1 moa dot on this rmr hd https://files.catbox.moe/kdlz31.mov
¡Dios mio!
Not if I shoot them and then myself first
No it is not fully auto before some janny gets mad
>I am greater than Christ
Exactly what the AntiChrist would say
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Cool Brig. Wipe that shit down, though. Goddamn. And you'll need a little more than what you listed if you're attempting to do what I think you're doing.

Yes, that's fine. It's expensive though, and not a perfect solution. Just letting you know.
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My ruger mini hasn’t been shipped yet
I had to polish the safety recess in my repaired old grip since it’s still warped and was getting in the way of the safety
Idk if to use classic or modern

I really want my mini
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It just took a 5 month wait to get approved by the new law of my country and a 100% tax, now waiting approval for a Beretta apx A1
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>And you'll need a little more than what you listed if you're attempting to do what I think you're doing.
Samurai Edge? I knew someone would think that. Nah, I just like the black on stainless contrast. My collection is....super fucking black already so I want SOME color on it.
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Do you guys have YOUR Langdon Tactical HK yet?
Get a tenicor, bitches love tenicor. Sidecar is gay. my tenicor certum feels comfy wherever I wear it. Their return/exchange policy is great.
Why not just get a PX4 at that point? It's the same gun with a better trigger and a spinboi.
I keep that thang on me. New walther and the thholsters spectre iii are a match made in heaven. Its just so comfy bros. I get some t-t-tight groups with it too :D
I’m trying to find a gun in 9mm that I like as much as the USP in .45.
>semi-custom richfag wanker gun
>poorfag commie watch
What the absolute fuck
You don’t have a Langdon Tactical HK?
He’s too butthurt to get one
>I really want my mini
What ammo are you gonna try in it?
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Damn, you got the PPK/S with the factory walnut grips. Noice, very jealous. I have the regular grips version, but if I had waited like a few months, I would have had the option to get the walnut grips.
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Based weather chad
A bunch of bronze 223 I bought on the cheap.
I figure since rifle shots are so devastating it would be fine in defense too
Fuck the anti gun spellcheck
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Yeah I was asking about getting one in the thread a few weeks back. Guy with the edelweiss pin convinced me. I've been wearing it daily lately, feels really classy.
Right back at you babe
Has anyone here ever sold gun stuff on tacswap? I'm thinking of consolidating my bloated collection. Selling pistols will be a big enough chore, but selling holsters and other gear too? Yesh...
>kisses your sweet tummy
What trigger shoe is that?
>I've been wearing it daily lately, feels really classy.
I’m sure it does, but buddy there are better options for carry.
Burt can I ask what safety that is?
Atlas white man’s burden shielded
I have a 43x that I carry when I need something more practical, but I really prefer DA/SA. Wanted a .380 for the collection as well. Thinking of picking up a cz75 variant next, should be able to tick a couple more practicality boxes as far as caliber, capacity, etc. and I won't have to baby it as much as my p226 elite which I'm afraid to scratch up.
Based, thank you
Nice 2011 european anon. Love the dogs.
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>but I really prefer DA/SA. Wanted a .380 for the collection as well
Ah okay. You could have gotten an 80x cheetah for about $200 less. The 80x is a nicer .380. It comes with almost all of Berettas best upgrades. Definitely a lot better than the PPK/S in almost all regards. The PPK/S is all steel and has a better reset, but not by much.
That’s a S&W Shield EZ
Oh, sorry grandpa.
Why are some barrels beveled out like this?
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What are some quality 1911 mag pouches besides Esstac? Specifically putting together a range belt with 4+ mags on it, but something with good retention.
Is it worth giving my spare 85 bb cheetah to my dad? You think it’s beginner friendly enough for someone with decent strength?
>honest fatwife puts out a list of the best handguns of 2024
>#1, sig p365 AXG legion
kneel, anti-siggers
get a real belt
Oh, my bad. Still, nice pistol.

That's so it clears the slide when cycling, as far as I know. The Security 9 has it too.
>caring what that shill thinks
sig made the best handgun of 2024... the mocking must now cease. you WILL apologize and acknowledge sig as a quality company
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kek based
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>It's technically more reliable as it allows added leverage in your pull to overcome things like ice or mud or pocket lint or other debris in the gun/trigger guard.
this is gigacope, the 509 trigger is dogshit even compared to a glock
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Cohen-sama... I kneel....
What slide is that on the FDE? That looks cool.
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I have several but the cloth is the least printy and the PPK is light enough to be stable with it.
I cured my soft leather holster in heated linseed and gum and it’s hard now and gives much better retention so it’ll be fine.
Cheetah is bigger than a PPK so that’s why it handles 380 better. Only larger blowbacks do 380 well.
PPK is great with 32 though. They ruined the tomcat by not making it steel.
Sheeeeeiiit, don't tell you're into poetry Burt.
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Zaffiri Precision ZPS-P. don't buy their shit it's incredibly overpriced for what it is.
Sig puts out so many variants with retarded names like XMAN that I don't even know what an AXG is. All I know is "Legion" means gay.
Show holster
Don't worry about it, goy. It's for you own good.
I have a P938 legion. Only reason I bought was because of the ambi safety and it comes with 3 mags. saying LEEJUN BAD is as stupid as buying it because you bought into the marketing. Use your brain and make decisions like an adult.

Also, AXG means metal frame.
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>Sig puts out so many variants with retarded names like XMAN that I don't even know what an AXG is. All I know is "Legion" means gay.
I completely agree with every word that man just typed.
I don't even hate Sig and it sounds like you're assmad coping because you know the Legion shit sounds stupid.
The only thing I don't like about the Legion guns is the color. Otherwise, they are feature rich guns. I wish they would just make the normal guns like that and make them black.
You're a twat.
You totally missed my point, I’m saying you come off as a normie who buy into that marketing. Legion is stupid in name. Like it’s trying to coast off of the 300 hype.
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The color looks green in photos, but the color is gray, or at least mine is. I don’t mind the cerokote or w/e this is. It doesn’t rust and is pretty durable. The non-pvd parts so rust a bit but not the legion gray parts.
Masterpiece Arms ackchyoually but I did initially buy an Atlas shielded. The clicks didn't feel very good though so I returned it and bought the MPA. I like the Atlas's position better.
Shut the fuuuuuuuuuck up
seethe, kek
Yeah that gun looks fockin gey mate no wonder its cheaper lmao. If I was going to get a 'retta I wouod get a full size one that shoots bigger boolet. Walther mogs that shit
>retarded take
fake and gay
Killer innovations velocity shoe

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