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>"Gerbers" are made of plywood and foreign electronics, — GUR
>These UAVs are assembled at a factory in the city of Yelabuga, but the developer is the Chinese manufacturer Skywalker Technology Co., Ltd., which also produces fuselages and organizes the delivery of kits to russia. Delivery is carried out through third-party companies.
>Foreign components for this UAV are also imported through China
>The "Gerbier" device can carry a warhead as a kamikaze and conduct radio-electronic reconnaissance, in particular, to detect air defense positions and record the hits of other strike drones. This UAV imitates the Shahed-136/Geran-2 and is widely used by russia to overload air defense.
>Due to the use of simple materials (plywood, foam), "Gerbera" is ten times cheaper than "Shakhed/Gerany"
God bless China. Russia wouldn't have been able to survive sanctions without the massive increase in Russia-China trade.
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The beijing terrorist government will pay with their lives.
yea suicide drones should be as cheap as possible. I always laughed at the kraut use of steel parts in their anti air missile, but that's kraut subhumans, known for their single digit iq. US drones are 100.000 while russian ones are no more than 10$ thanks to chink slaves.
If the US MIC made these they would cost $250000ma piece and they would produce 10 of them each year
Big if true

See StarLink 62885645
They were called JDAMs and were more like 5-40k a kit
I wonder what the "our real enemy is only communist china, not russia" faggots will cope with now
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>Skywalker Technology Co., Ltd
Must be Anakin since Ukraine officially claimed Luke
Please post your favorite ccp soijak
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>muh sanctions
If someone thinks Russia isn't the enemy by now they're never going to be convinced anyway.
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that would explain a couple things lol
That is exact goal of sanction. Force sanctioned county to buy more expensive stuff from middle man
Imagine thinking 90%+ of the Shahed's cost is the fiberglass
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And they would actually work and dominate everything else on the battlefield.
Hold on, why are exports and imports not the same? Do I have the dumb or did they phrase it poorly?
Well, what is it? Gerber or Gerbier or Gerbera? And why would the ching chongs call it Gerber if they can't pronounce that anyway?
It's phrased a little oddly, but
>[European country] goods exported to Kyrgyzstan
>Kyrgyz goods imported to [European country]
china or some random chinese company
What a clownshow
Shh, let the ziggers think their 'sanction busting' works while they're bleeding themselves dry.
kek fucking saved
The longest 2 weeks in history

>God bless China.
...the athiest communist state?
Honestly that chica theyve got running their finances is the only competent russian. She has single handedly kepy the whole thing from imploding for the last 1000 days
Gonna be hilarious when Putin repays her by having her thrown out a window as soon as she can no longer cover for his incompetence.
That day do be coming
He's probably like one of the ziggers who have Stalin, the Czar and Putin on their wall.

Mental gymnastics and several layers of doublethink are one hell of a drug.
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Jesus was a communist.
>kicked moneylenders out
>provided free heathcare
>fed people for free
So yes, god would bless a communist country
>$250000ma piece
way too cheap
They're flashing data, >>62885910 is wrong. Central Asian countries are the gateway to the Russian market during the sanctions. German auto and chemical companies are getting around the sanctions by "exporting" to Russian-owned companies in Central Asia, which then go to the Russian MIC.
It’s pointless explaining this to /k/. I used to point out that EU regulators say that they literally don’t have the resources to go after all the sanction evasions going on with Russia, but /k/ filters out news that doesn’t make them feel good.
Yes, and as the rest of /k/ has had to explain many times, the point of sanctions is to make it a sanctioned country pay more for less while capping their economy for the express purpose of degrading their ability to function. These have particular importance during war time as military economics don't follow the same rules as consumer economics.
I still think one of the big finance corps will find a way to get her out, those skills are too valuable not to poach
>Skywalker Technology Co., Ltd.
kek, what the fuck is reality even anymore
>"Gerbera" is ten times cheaper than "Shakhed/Gerany"
I usually call bullshit on chinkshit pricing. but honestly with how badly Russia gets fleeced for Shaheds I'd believe it. I'm honestly baffled that they pay so much for them with so little effect on target.
Germany doesn't want to crash its own economy just for dick waving in a war they didn't want to begin with and should have ended a year ago if not for the burger president
Anon, Germany's export market is worth $1.6 trillion, it's not going to crash it's economy by clamping down on sanctions busting.
>Germany doesn't want to crash its own economy just for dick waving in a war they didn't want to begin with and should have ended a year ago if not for the burger president
Are you an Ossi? or is it you, Dennis?
I hope they 'You Only Live Twice' her

Geraniums are built in Russia, I don't think they use so many of them that they also have to buy shasneeds from Iran
That's not what commies do though. They starve everyone they don't like and kill whoever is left.
>pay more for less
It's just 30% cut on the Kazakh side. It's nothing.
If FBI snatched several European nationals selling to Russia through Kazakhstan it would be another story, they would police themselves. But now it's toothless.
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>sanctions dont work xaxaxaxaxaaaaa
>but remove sanctions asap if you want """"peace"""" BLYAT
well zigger if the sanctions are so ineffective surely you dont mind if they stay on indefinitely
>Nobody likes moneylenders, commies aren't unique to hating moneylenders lmao
>Jesus was a fucking deity
>It takes a literal supernatural force being the means of production to "feed people for free"
Good job, you beat reality.
I think the contention is over who "our" is. Me, I'm not gay or jewish, so I don't think they're my enemy.
Isn't that Mandate of Heaven stuff practically the same thing?
Gerber affordable drone plan?
Reminder Trump’s plan to end the Ukraine war is to crank up the sanctions on China a thousand degrees until both russia and china are squealing for peace at any cost.
He also will be reapplying sanctions on nordstream while saturating the oil market with American gas.
He probably won’t be giving freebies to Ukraine any more though.
Not unless Europeans pull their weight.
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>Reminder Trump’s plan to end the Ukraine war is to crank up the sanctions on China a thousand degrees until both russia and china are squealing for peace at any cost.
nafo retard
>hinkle level delusions
It's a communist state, no company can make a large scale deal without the state knowing.
Trump's leverage over Ukraine isn't as big as people imagine. A few weeks ago, Zelensky pointed out that UA has received 10% of the $61B of aid approved by Congress in April. The Biden administration has consistently short-changed UA on promised aid throughout the war.

Secondly, the aid is conditional on UA not striking RU o&g export facilities. An oil price shock is not the scenario the US or China wants, but a US trying to push UA into an unfavorable peace agreement by using aid as leverage is not going to do well when the actual aid falls so short of promises. An oil price shock is the only reason why the US has bases in the GCC and is the only reason why the US makes alliances with islamofascist and judeofascist regimes.

This is probably one reason why Trump has grown increasingly circumspect around Zelensky.
you have confused communism with socialism

>Reminder Trump’s "plan" to end the Ukraine war is to crank up the sanctions on China a thousand degrees until both russia and china are squealing for peace at any cost.
And he's going to do it in 24 hours. BEFORE he is sworn in. What a chad!

> t. no, really, he truly does have a concept for a "plan"
> orangeman said so
This is trump’s plan.
If it was nato they’d still be escalation cucking while sipping on russian oil when no one is looking.
Trump wants to actually bomb Russian oil infrastructure so US gas can make more money.

Ukraine also wants to stop the russian gas as well, as they’ve anulled gas contracts with Hungary and others.
Trump however is even worse, as he happy with total oil death (as long as it’s Russian)
lancet is better than switchblade, so no.

the mic isn't infallible. and they need to be called out for their bs like anything else.
Based. Dont forget the 10x artillery shell markup the ukraine gets from its western allies. This war is dictated by economics
it didn't even destroy a single apartment? lol
>Trump however is even worse, as he happy with total oil death (as long as it’s Russian)
i'm pretty sure he'd be all in on total oil death if it's iranian too, since that helps israel and hurts russia and china
death to polyurethane cladding
> Why call it Gerber if chinks can't pronounce?
Because of that.Chinese bad reputation is known worldwide.
The Europeans have been pouring more total aid into Ukraine than the US:
You forgot to mention that that $100,000 US drone is also easily worth more than 10,000 chink drones on the actual battlefield, vatnigger.
And those 10 would do a better job than all the chink drones combined by far.
>lancet is better than switchblade
LMAO, not even vatniks and chinks believe this. I'm smelling poo.
and in a war of assault scooters and drones it's only a matter of time until we get little nellie
That could possibly have been true in a world where US MIC is not working purely for profit. The price does not correspond to the value it has. Same thing goes to Abrams vs T90, Artillery shells that are overpriced tenfold and so on. Sure Abrams might be better, but it's not worth 3-4 t90s
She did the only thing the could do to keep the ruble propped, keep buying it with oligarch's money and what's left of the sovereign fund, and both of them are running low so is printing and hyperinflation time in moscow.

Yes, an interest rate of 21% and rising is not a sign of a controlled inflation rate.
I don't know why the media demonized Trump so much while Dems were already drip-feeding the aid.
We have known China has been supporting Russia for a couple of years already. This is really nothing new. It's just the usual silence from the West and lack of aid and support from them that irritates me.
good idea. it's like hamas rockets but guided. bleed them dry with cheap garbage.

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