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Combat Experiences of SOF Units during the Kursk Operation, August 3-September 6 2024. A 266-page document from Ukraine's special forces. Leaked in russian translation and now circulating online. The manual contains discussion of previously unseen weapons, like M712 Copperhead, as well as comms & ISR stacks.

en https://files.catbox.moe/ckhegk.pdf
ru https://files.catbox.moe/b74x2v.pdf
M712 discussion
Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Syrsky is preparing the withdrawal of Kyiv forces from the Kursk region, the Verkhovna Rada said
Bezuhla is not "the rada" dawg.
Thanks OP, I'll have a read tomorrrow.
>The Kursk offensive worsened the attritional ratio for Ukraine.
It's positive and disproportionate either way.
Now THIS is interesting, kinda wish it weren't MTL but this is a pretty cool look into how it all works.
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Some of these give me the same vibe as stock photo shitposts.
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Seems the decoys have been effective.
lol, I remember that one
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I think it was supposed to say tourniquet.
yes. turnstile and tourniquet are both тypнiкeт.
Well that explains why russian first aid kits are so shit, they couldn't figure out how the West fit their тypнiкeт into theirs!
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The MTL may be a bit borked, but it seems for the most part it came through clear enough.
it's worse than usual because the russian translation was already scuffed. the figures are still in ukrainian - they didn't translate those. and they didn't fuck with the QR codes, at least the sample I checked before posting.
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Do they actually point to anything?
I'd check but my phone cam is kinda fucked.
Something like this would be incredibly enlightening given how often people argue about it on here.
yes, they point to a QR-maker site called something like my-qr, which redirects to the relevant content if you click through.
i should just itemize them ITT, gimme a bit to get coffee and stuff first.
Interesting, seems the 4 on drones vs shotguns point to youtube videos, first two with explicit timestamps:
Last QR code in the document seems to point to a video with clips from the start of the operation in Kursk:
yup. all QRs by page:

072 me-qr.com/hvQ226zB -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBRtH74pZnc
145 me-qr.com/g1PO4WXQ -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmXQgT9BLAw
260 me-qr.com/MtSponWn -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIn6u3RdizY&t=3062s
260 me-qr.com/bYiQ6Eqt -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbWlkJsuwTY&t=775s
260 me-qr.com/0yRFlIN5 -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bj3ALZdNdQ
260 me-qr.com/zaR2uIzq -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3D3rZc4c_c
261 me-qr.com/uKpXEAtQ -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey03xzvWcJ8
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Looks like the "just use a shotgun" guys were on to something, wonder why they wouldn't opt for a mag fed design instead.

thx, I'll have to pull these for my archive.
just yesterday i saw the >just use shotguns approach fail at point-blank. it's a last resort.
>I'd check but my phone cam is kinda fucked.
do it with a burner, QR codes are a hot vector for viruses
>using a qr tracking site instead of just generating them yourself
GUR? or just average soldiers technical ability
>wonder why they wouldn't opt for a mag fed design instead.
There aren't all that many of them to go around, I guess.
Most of the shotguns in use currently are just civilian models.
That would make sense, they haven't really been in use with most militaries for a while, and the ones that are tend to be pretty close to civilian models for the most part.
I guess Saiga wouldn't be exporting many shotguns to Ukraine either.
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Makes me wonder how effective a belt-fed auto shotgun would be.
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Section on Sudzha is interesting, seems civilian reception is pretty positive, Ukrainians appear to have an entire group dedicated to maintianing order and providing civilians in the area with the resources they need.
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>actual info about the information war taking place at the start of the operation
>Russians gave the psyop the codename "WE WILL DEFEAT EVERYONE"
k e k
>everything is under control
the weight and/or recoil would probably be prohibitive for a hand-held version
Same place?
I've honestly been combing through the document looking for some mention of this exact event.
I still have no clue what the hell happened here.
Those are mag-fed. You can even see the mag in the picture, it's the tube thing underneath the actual barrel
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Come on Anon, you know "mag fed" generally refers to a firearm with a detachable external magazine meant to be changed out in the event that it's empty.
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True, though it might be useful in entrenched positions, point it out the main entry so any drone trying to slip in from the back gets sprayed down with birdshot.
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>t. seething and projecting
Recoil works in an inverse relation to weight, so it is definitely not an "and" at least.
>Recoil works in an inverse relation to weight
It'll still kick like a mule, so it will not be pleasant to fire or carry.
>Shotguns are low-pressure
>Low pressure means lower minimum locking strength
>Low locking strength means light bolt and gas system (if you aren't just going straight blowback)
>Light bolt and gas system to throw back means little recoil save the inherent recoil of throwing lead down range
Can't see how it'd be much worse than a regular shotgun, shot per shot. If anything, the increased weight dragging out the force over a longer period of time would probably make it easier to handle. The weight is certainly a problem though, can't see how you'd be able to handle belts of shells long enough for belts to be preferred over magazines.
lmao I remember the retarded posts about Chechens beating back the invasion
learn to speak and write first you illiterate faggot
How does that even qualify as a psyop?
skeet boomers redeemed
Probably a trench/bunker on the border. Conscript powniks mentioned similar place on several occasions.
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>everyone saw the afu drive into these towns just fireing senselessly at everything that was moving.
>And the video of them shouting in german at the russians and then. executing them.
either collapsed entries, thus leading to oxygen deprivations or a fire broke out and the mobiks couldn't escape and died to carbon monoxide poisoning/oxygen deprivation
>"the chechens are beating back the invasion"
>video comes out of a russian soldier saying that the chechens just ran away
>second video comes out of the same russian soldier now sitting infront of a chechen flag saying that the chechens are actually brave warriors
what a clown country
I love when defense "journalists" claim that they have obtained docs and then they write articles on them without publishing their source material or even proving that it exists.
I mean in their defense, it's often confidential stuff they are shown by a source. So they can look at it, take notes, but don't take any photos or mention exactly where they've got it.
On the other hand, if they are linking public or leaked sources, not linking directly is just bullshit
>On the other hand, if they are linking public or leaked sources, not linking directly is just bullshit
I see this constantly now. They tend to lie by omission and formality, providing too few details for those who aren't involved in the war to realize what they're really saying.

"ACME Corp has obtained Bigly SOF TTPs" generally means "We saw some pdf that's been floating around online and we find it interesting - no, we can't vet it."

Then again, most defense journos don't even link the sources mentioned in the text. Often because the text is copied or paraphrased from somebody else who didn't have the cite link either.
>And the video of them shouting in german at the russians and then. executing them.
that didnt happen but I wish it did.you are brown btw
what exactly is there to discuss? copperhead's operation, warhead and modes aren't exactly a secret after 40 years
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Russia is going to kill those civvies when they retake Sudzha, aren't they? To make Ukraine look bad and prevent them telling what Ukraine soldiers are actually like.
Probably gonna pull a reverse(ish) Bucha, yes.
Either that or they gulag them for not fighting the Ukies.
>just fireing senselessly at everything that was moving.
>And the video of them shouting in german at the russians and then. executing them.
Wrong century, Time-traveler kun.
You need about 80 more years back in time.
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I can't be the only one who thinking this is a nice little space to work in.
The banner up on wall would make me want to work more.
Have you ever had a corporate job anon? Look at those bare ass tiles, walls and crappy chairs and desks. I'd get sued for having intern work from a place like that.
>Have you ever had a corporate job anon?
Yeah it was nice, big improvement form warehouse and kitchens.
I the place I worked was about half the size of that room and it had the same tiles.
Unless those tiles were marble there was nothing corporate about that job Anon.
The pay was in theory.
35 per hour, 8 hour per day, 6 days per week, getting payed bi-weekly.
With the amount of unpaid over time I was working it was definitely less then 35 an hour but hey it was a okay job.
Wouldn't AI translation be better? Some oil anon needs to pony up those tokens
>claims to work a corporate job
>bi-weekly pay
Just take the L and move on anon.
I am not going any where, I like that room.
>It was a temp job for a oil company Idk
>Just take the L
Is that what you thought you were doing, arguing over marble lobby floors in a thread about tactical ops with an anon who was just saying that the temporary HQ looks comfy?

No, you were being a faggot. A pencil dick pencil pushing faggot.
Imagine being this mad and poor. I never talked about marble in the lobby, I was talking about marble work floors. Also I guess it's a comfy place for when your nation is at war. But if you step down to this shit during peace time you have the wrong priorities.Now hurry up and pack my doordash order Pajeet, I'm hungry.
They are in Kursk, you fucking imbecile.
They just let documents out to anybody in staff these days huh? Interesting stuff. Information in kursk is near silent. SOPs these days are crazy with the amount of sensors and eyes out there watching you.
Yep, especially the qt who is staying there.

Except the Ukes are very likely going to take the whole population of Sudzha with them if they have to retreat, because the last thing they would want is for the good people of Sudzha to get whacked simply for being decent and trying to speak the the soldiers in Ukrainian.
>switchblade: 0 results
>Except the Ukes are very likely going to take the whole population of Sudzha with them if they have to retreat
Why? What use would they have for Russians?
He's not saying they're useful, he's saying it becomes a humanitarian obligation because of the risk of collective punishment to the civilians once russian forces are on the scene.
Whatever autotranslation you're running that shit through, un-run it for everyone's sake
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Good post anon. Super interesting read
Sounds like you're volunteering.
She's been quite truthful so far.
She literally offered to whorepost next monday if her followers could get her to 10k on twitter. She is a grifter.
>everyone saw the afu drive into these towns just fireing senselessly at everything that was moving.
>And the video of them shouting in german at the russians and then. executing them.
top tier shizo
he didn't commit to the bit in replies, so it's bottom tier
>everyone saw the afu drive into these towns just fireing senselessly at everything that was moving.
Link? I only saw them do it when they were fleeing from Selidovo
Goteem. Should have specific box vs tube magazine. Fucking newfag
Internal discipline. When an army invades and it was your job to preempt the invasion, or at least warn of it, but instead you camp in your bunker; your FSB chain of command runs a gas generator to keep you warm and then locks the doors.
the new ones are utter ass.
It's interesting that they mention the Black Hornet nano drone alongside the DJI Avata and Mavic. It's very expensive and there's never any public footage of them using one.
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Geocaching is real training mom.
>he doesn't pack baby food
Do you even operate?

The fuck is an MRE?
>everyone saw
I didn't. Haven't even heard of such a thing until this post. Please, do post these videos that "everyone saw." I'm very interested in seeing them and adding them to my archive. Include dates and locations, I like to be thorough with my documentation.
>demanding that a poojeet handle your food
just shut the fuck up while you're only behind, anon
Why no MREs?
>translated with Google
should have used Yandex or DeepL instead
Gets the point across though no?
Go ahead
Vanya, you could at least change the way you write as to make it less obvious that you're a pidor
>Ukes are very likely going to take the whole population of Sudzha with them if they have to retreat
Won't change things, russians will bus in new people to play both dead and alive locals kek
it's OCR messing things up on small fonts, so 2000 becomes ZOOO
>Says the seething draft dodger living off EU gibs in Poland
What's the free limit for pages / filesize?
Too big
It's 3000.
The Z in Cyrillic looks like a 3.
Does it have a better translation app or something
Boy, it sure is hard to keep a slow thread on the log these days.
I know Switchblades are effective because of the unprompted seethe from weirdos like (You) lmao
Saiga's rim-lock in 12 gauge, I sold mine and got the .308 version.
They ain't got a lot of psy to op with Anon
Not enough to go around.
Generally. I'd forget that too but if someone brought up tube magazines I'd also hate myself for forgetting.
Goddamn it, I'm a complete piece of shit.
Bayer pharmaceuticals looks exactly like this in the inventory control and documentation room with a storage hall right next to it that was uglier. This is in the US in a nice facility with a clean room and shit too. Like 20% of the building was not worker drone hell and had decor.
It's literally not even part of the document, he's just spamming.
They use this as a backup for their homebrew map tool. https://alpinequest.net
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>Photo 8. Overcoming the tank ditch along the ДКУ line
Slavs are learning the forbidden knowledge of Pentagonese for "falling on a hole"
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*in, dammit
name my band
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"Who can draw? We need to write this up."
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>With the appearance of the enemy (military vehicle GAZ-66, ZU-22, 8 servicemen), the support subgroup initiated the detonation of two mines of the "CLAYMORE" type
>finished off with law
unknown elder technology
Big reliance on Starlink. Grim, given the unfolding political scenarios.
Not really. Even the russians are getting alternatives into action, and they're way behind (I follow their progress but I haven't posted about it here). Milsatcom is too important to leave to the whims of one organization.
anyone got the translated Russian manual that got posted here some time ago?
Poland makes vatnik seethe, thusly ok in my book
just use a semi auto one
Which one? Describe so I can link
(Probably this)
>Unrelated Poland seethe
Yeah, it's a mandic thread alright.
>And the video of them shouting in german at the russians and then. executing them.

What in the flying fuck are you on about? Are you ziggers completely fucking retarded at this point? Who in the hell is going to believe this?
I think he's referring to the beginning of the Kursk 3-day counter-SMO, when a fat fuck with a WWII German helmet was harassing a grandpa passing by. He didn't shoot him however (not on camera at least)
Is it better to go in this city and die (and get money) than killing myself for a free?
Just join the (US) army and become a mechanic. Then get out of the army and be a mechanic.
what happened here
Shotguns are the best thing we have until we can get some portable generator and microwave gun potent enough to fry circuits at a distance, until then, shotguns because it has some spread unlike a single bullet
Destroying an enemy fortification. It's on page 45 or so iirc.
nerve gas
wait a second
are you telling me, we still haven't miniaturized that fuckhueg LAM yet?
Mikhail and the droogs
get to it, pastas
Was he even harassing him? I vaguely remember that the old man was offended by the troll hat but that's it
That moment of hesitation after she said she's Russian. He's a good guy. Hope he survives.
cameraman automatically gets a buff
>he didn't kill a bedridden grandma
holy BASED and WHOLESOMEPILLED, guys, I wasn't expecting that
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So, the MOTOROLA-DP 4800 is their official radio? Why do they have shortage of sets?
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Yeah, who would just indiscriminately kill defenseless civilians?
>it didn't happen
>those are russians
>they deserved it anyway
For this campaign, yes. Historically it has varied.
Haven't heard about this problem for basic kit like 2-way radios for ages.
Should be a little smug pepe by the laser designator
Why's it in russian?
Because most ukrainians can't speak ukrainian. Even the jew comedian had to learn it after 2022. Can you imagine drumpf rambling about illegal immigrants while speaking spanish?
Very real and definitively not posted due to the recent announcement.
Imagine the Irish speaking English and still fighting against them, proper crazy innit
>anon made a thread 12 days ago because of something unrelated that was announced yesterday
Is this board overrun by bots or what?
Jamming would be an issue, but something like a USAS or AA-12 might be useful if you can get them cheap enough and in decent quantity.
Oh, they just do this; you'll see them in every thread when a happening occurs. Pay them no mind and they'll go away.
Alright, crackhead idea, what if, rechambered AA cannon made to fire 23×75 shrapnel shells.
Russians posted it. They halfassedly translated it for their audience.
I'm ukrainian. Fuck are you on about?
Russians tried to develop airburst 23mm recently. No interest from the army, it seems.
According to my notes I wrote about it last winter but I didn't post it here. Could still do that if anyone is curious.
agent Zyrsky would never!
the only way is forward (into a kotel)
>switchblade: 0 results
why does objective reality make you mad?
The only reason to be mad about that bait is that it was so offtopic, it didn't even go as far as the language conflict bait.

The thread has been up for two weeks now. It's obvious that there are only 3 or 4 anons who know how to read.
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Imagine the smell.
Been there, done that. No thanks.

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