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File: forcefields.jpg (48 KB, 611x380)
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Force field, energy shield, force shield, energy bubble, energy barrier or deflector shield.

What are the possible examples of such things that could be achieved in the real world? Plasma shields? Some sort of energy converter shield? We've had theoretical ones mentioned a few years ago but nothing has come out.

Or will things just remain 'put armour on these things and hope it works' situation? Or, possibly 'just go fast and hope you're not hit' situation? I don't mean only personal shields, but shields for vehicles and stuff like that. Is anything even in the realms of possibility?
The thing is that all energy-based defensive systems that fit our understanding of physics are inherently vulnerable to high-velocity projectiles of solid matter. In theory if laser or other energy weapons become commonplace, shielding technologies might be investigated further, but so long as physical projectiles remain predominant, the solution is physical armor.
The only shields that could coexist with our current understanding of physics would be some sort of electro magnetic field controlling a plasma field. But before such things are even worth dreaming off we would need portable mini reactors or some sort of giga-battery. Even then, the maximal temperatur of plasma is 100M°C, but I don't know if that heat could be transfered into ammunition fast enough to melt it while it's passing through.
How much are you willing to pay for that information?
It probably won't be bubbles shaped
It's simple really, you simply have two chemical lasers (diode pumped alkali lasers to be exact) that each allow for an emission to be intercepted at a specific point. This specific point results in the reaction of the two beams in a release of significat energy (your lasers will be pumping mega-watt levels constantly). This creates a small point of release, think of it as an explosion. With fast enough gimbles and enough energy, say from a small onboard nuclear reactor, you could identify points around you in a roughly spherical pattern. Then you simply fire your chemical lasers at the predefined spherical pattern, and if you can do this fast enough, you can create a "bubble" of energy releases around you that would render most kinetic projectiles useless depending on speed and distance. Bigger bubble needs bigger energy input for your increased perimeter though, and practically speaking, it's much simpler to rely on this for point defense vs a constant emission cycle.
The "realistic" version of this would be active armor (as oppose to reactive armor). It's be like lining your entire vehicle with trophy APS. Incoming projectile is detected, outer layer of armor bursts to intercept the incoming projectile, the second layer is electrified to turn anything it touches into diffuse plasma, and the third layer is just a slab to catch the rest.
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Lollipop and a kiss on the cheek
Is there a way to just make a magnetic field powerful enough to deflect or slow incoming metal projectiles?
Pyramids naturally have force fields

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