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in the future, drones will increasingly be controlled by wire. Drone jammers are getting better and better. Already the effectiveness of drones has decreased to less than 10%. Only drones whit a wire are not affected.
If wired drones becomes a military standard, than "wire untangler" will become a trade.
Wires add weight and can snag on terrain. You really only want to use wired drones at closer range.
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Fiber optic drones have been providing so much kino lately
How does it feel knowing you have to wake up every day for the rest of your miserable life, and see a dysgenic shitskin abomination staring back at you in the reflection of the mirror?
Any wire guided drone will have to increase in size or lifting capability in order to carry the additional weight of the spool and cable and the optical/IR tracker.
Yes these drones are immune to EW but have other drawbacks, the command/control cable being the Achilles heal of the system.
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why do they have that little bent wire thing on the front? is that the antenna or something?

also I assume that one asploded if it lost signal? were those russkies or ukies?
when the wires touch, the explody happens.

those were ukies getting droned (if it wasn't obvious enough from the obvious brownoid OP posting style).
>he has to post it in this thread too
thx, i don't follow the bumfight but do enjoy war vids. they should have a second drone filming so we can see the asplosion too. all these years later and ISIS videos in 4K are still peak war vid.
>How does it feel knowing you have to wake up every day for the rest of your miserable life, and see a dysgenic shitskin abomination staring back at you in the reflection of the mirror?
lol how did you type this through all the tears piss shit and vomit you were rolling in?
Stay mad faggot
Everyone always talks about lasers as weapons but I'm more expecting them to be used for laser antennas that can do this fiberoptic drone thing but skip out on the whole "cable" part. Sure clouds can act as all the EW needed, but the higher you go the less issues using lasers for comms exist on a predator drone scale, but using them for smaller drones would solve the issue of EW almost entirely, apart from literally blocking the beam via airburst smoke etc, but modern drones can simply pilot themselves back until the connection is restored, which is as simple as "fly out of the smoke".
You'd need to use a dedicated relay drone for broadcast though since there's also the issue of your strobing laser lighting up the entire area if it's nighttime or foggy so you'd want that shit as far away as your position as an operator as possible.
>miniature AWACs doubling as laser repeaters
>interceptor miniature jet drones trying to hunt said mini-AWACs down and each other

Could see it happening.
Raytheon will invent a special $300,000 antitangle device (it will be a regular spool)
I'm waiting to see someone or several people get assassinated by a DIY wire guided drone. This is what will get them to ban 3d printers.
Skill issue. Jammers and EW are a meme. Jamming a com system built with jammers in mind is impossible.
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Thank God I'm not you
wdym the drone was sniped before it could kill anyone
its exactly the same as with the wire controlled missiles but opposite?
wire is heavier than radio and takes a lot of space, costs more has lesser range...
- it might have a niche but its a gimmick ultimately
No they won’t. This is a very range restricted poorfag way to counter jamming of command links and GNSS. They will still play a role in avoiding blue on blue in specific situations, but generally we likely will see fully automated drones using TERCOM to get into position.
Wouldn't a strong light source interrupt the signal?
Those fibers aren't shielded
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>range restricted
The ones Russia uses have up to 10km of range. The only limit is the size and weight of the fiber spool, so in theory a bigger drone could travel hundreds of kms without any signal loss. Of course that wouldn't be practical for a variety of reasons, but it's possible.

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