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well, can ATACMS destroy it?
that bridge is the grand finale, it wont be destroyed until russia is out of the country completely, then it will be demolished as a symbol of how much ukraine want to cut ties with russia, forever
you know this reminds me. not a single bridge has been built in the so-called ukraine over the last 35 years. now they've sold off their land and resources to blackrock, but somehow it's doubtful that blackrock intends to build any new bridges there either
>Hell yeah, that'll show'em! It's so over for Ukraine!!!!!!!!!
I'm not sure if an ATACMS could take it out. Surely a couple Stormshadows could do the job, no? How long will it be before Britian gives the Ukies the green light for long distance strikes?
The blast is warm, the blast welcomes you.
Nope, Biden&Co only gave AFU the cluster warhead variant
>Population stays stagnant or declines during post Soviet times
>Just maintain all the bridges built during Soviet times because you don't need extra capacity

wow, it truly is over for the hohols
It's never a question of if, it's only "how many?"
no, we break it first.
lucky the Ukrainians have shown no ability to retool weapons, r-right?
>Blackrock manipulated Putin to launch a 3 day Special Military Operation against Ukraine.
You have to admit the "Putin is a CIA plant" theory is looking more and more plausible every day.
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it will never be destroyed
it will stand forever as Russias symbol of buck shattering ukraine
The ATACM is a clusterbomb so hitting a bridge with one would be like shooting a man with birdshot at 50 yards. Painful, but fixable.
>not a single bridge has been built in the so-called ukraine over the last 35 years
Why do you lie like a russian?
Pretty sure its gonna collapse from being russian made anyway
It will collapse on it's own within five to ten years. This is well known within civil engineering circles
t. civil engineer
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>Russia assigning itself the feminine role
>It also tacitly accepts and affirms the existence of the Ukrainian identity
Kek, Russia is a land of cucks.
Since the bridge hasn't been used for military supplies since last year it would actually be good for Russia if Ukraine used 100 missiles to try to destroy it.
Isn't the US GPS element of the missle that was blocking the long range strikes?
your country is owned by a handful of oligarchs while you shill from a concrete tenement, shut the fuck up idiot
weren't the russians comically lost in 2022 as they still used maps of the Ukrainian SSR that were thirty years out of date?
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This. It's the same as Germany destroying all remnants of the Nazi regime after WWII.
Most logistics traffic hasn't gone across the bridge for some time. russia has mostly been using barges to transport men and material for about the past year
It is always israel.
Name a nation where that is not true.
No. A massive truck bomb only took out one section, what the fuck is atacms gonna do
So it’ll stay up forever then (ukraine will never get crimea back)
Got it
>No. A massive truck bomb only took out one section, what the fuck is atacms gonna do
every taurus ever produced wouldnt do shit
its that big of a bridge with massive sections on land even
The nordics, which are subsequently the ones most threatened after Ukraine and Poland.
ATACMS will be used to sprinkle gold dust on the bridge. This will supposedly make enemies retreat
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How quickly they forget.
Kerch was built in order to solidify Russia’s hold on Crimea. That’s super-important to Putin because he has to keep the critical Black Sea EEZ zone controlled by the peninsula out of Ukraine’s hands. Allowing Ukraine to develop those energy reserves is seen as a death-blow or at least extremely damaging to Putin’s government. The Black Sea reserves are the most important for Ukraine’s plans to grow into an energy superstate taking over as Europe’s supplier. That is literally all this war, starting in 2014 is about. Putin built this massive and strong bridge, somehow overcoming the usual corruption not as a gift and symbol of his spirit of togetherness, but as a critical strategic asset to keep Crimea in his hands knowing full well the Ukrainians will want to blow it up ASAP.
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>it will stand forever as Russias symbol of buck shattering ukraine
>until russia is out of the country completely
i love it when ukraine sets ludicrous fantasy goals like that
it basically ensure maximum ass devastation and seethe when, inevitably, the fantasy fails to materialize
may as well go back to the 1991 border bullshit at that point
Don’t lump me in with ziggers just because I laugh at an unrealistic goal.
Oh, right.

I guess the ball is still in America's court. Maybe Stormshadow strikes will be green-lit after Russia fails to retaliate from ATACMS landing in their front lawn.
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>it wont be destroyed until russia is out of the country completely
And when will that be?
Uh, almost all of them.
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The Russians have allied with the Cybermen?!

I guess that makes sense. As the Daleks have stated, the Cybermen are truly superior when it comes to dying.
A tiny minority of ATACMs are cluster munitions.

No, US lets Ukraine use GPS guidance just fine. It's just that the missiles the US gave to Ukraine predate ATACMs adoption of GPS.
I am Bork Borksen of Surströmming Oblast, and this anon is speak untrue. Sveden is run entire by Kurdish oligarch of Middle East come with stolen Turkiye goods.
No. It just looks like a tin pot dictator convinced himself there's gold in them there hills and it'd be an easy job. Putin can't make the entire Russian military incompetent or convince all the generals and security experts to lie to him for years.
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Let's put aside the usual repartie for a moment. What are the defenses of this bridge? If it's still standing i guess russians packed the vicinity full of PDs and the radar coverage is enough to make your hair fall. Am i correct? But if that was the case, then russians would gloat nonstop about how their impenetrable shield is swatting away ukranian ordnance, which is afaik not the case. So what's the reason? Why hasn't ukraine attacked the bridge with a more consistent force? Is it because they think the front lines are priority? Then again it wouldn't justify why they hit power plants and ammo depots thousands of kms away from donetsk
None of Ukraine's weapons can take this out which is why it still exists today. Barely any of NATO's weapons can take this out. It's an extremely well designed bridge. Maybe if the US used bunker busters on every single segment that might work.
Screencaped your ass nigga
>That is literally all this war, starting in 2014 is about.
complete cope. More than anything else, this war is the result of the legacy of tsarist russia, most importantly the formulation of the ideologies of pan-slavism and official nationality, and their inability to cope with the fall of the Soviet Union. If this was not the case, then the invasion in 2022 would not have occurred as Ukraine was likely going to throw-in the towel and let Russia keep Crimea and the Donbas in order to pursue NATO and EU membership, allowing the Russians to keep their dominance in the European energy market. The fact of the matter is that this war is being waged in order to achieve ideological rather than geopolitical goals, and whatever they might accomplish in regards to the latter would have been thought of as being icing on the cake.
nobody wages ideological wars since the bronze age. it's all excuses and made up justifications for the simple minded and the schizoid to grapple onto. everything is done for a monetary gain.
>wow, it truly is over for the hohols
It is, but so for european and russian as well, due low birthrates, they simply dying out even without war.
stupid retard
Forget what? A couple precast bridge planks dislodged from their bearing? Piers and foundations untouched? Light weapons ain't taking out a mass concrete structure. Carpet bombing with 500 pounders might displace more than a couple planks, but with the foundations likely still undamaged.
I can't wait to repost this
>cut ties with russia

Sadly not possible when one shares a 3000+ km border with Russia. Ideally they'll kick Russia out and Russia start becoming a normal country again.
You can, it was called the Iron Curtain.
>Russia launched something awful at the Ukrainian city of Dnipro and left a terrifying and devastating mess on a densely populated city.

What was it k?
Yeah, globohomo is trying to build that. How's that working out?
Pretty good. The sanctions are never coming off and they will only get worse.
So, that russian gas will continue to flow underneath the slaughtered hohols above?
Trump is gonna drill the shit out Alaska and pump that oil to the Euros don't you read the news?
You are gonna get hit with a double whammy, the international oil price crashing and Euros don't buying anymore so you'll have to sell to the Chinks at a discount.


Then once that is done, they can nail shut the casket on Russia's economy for good, enjoying being a Chink vassal, bitch.
I'll take that as a "yes".

My child, you have so much to learn.
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You have to delude yourself to cope with the reality of the situation.

>Between the first quarter of 2022 and the second quarter of 2024, the value of EU imports from Russia fell by 87%.
>Russia's share in extra-EU imports of petroleum oil fell from 21% in the second quarter of 2022 to 1% in the second quarter of 2024.
Like the other anon said, enjoy Chinese vassalage.
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>I'll take that as a "yes".
>My child, you have so much to learn.
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In the same way that Kherson is Russian forever? How'd that work out?
Its made in steel segments. There are replacement segments either completed or ready for completion because the Russians expect it to get boinked.

The word destroy is problematic. Can you destroy a puddle by throwing a rock in it. If so, ATACMS (unified WH) can destroy it.
>Russian enters the thread
>"Harry Potter Star Wars Marvel Avengers DEI Woke ESG Blackrock Soros Great Reset WEF"

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