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File: 20240726_180827.jpg (1.5 MB, 2739x2316)
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Found this tank buried in the middle of nowhere
Anyone know what it could be?
M1 Abrams
Where at, or at least what country?
Flananders near germany
It looks early cold war-ish
My first guess was M26 Pershing or M46 Patton, because of the bustle, but it's completely missing the commander's cupola and the front doesn't match. My second guess is M22 Locust, which fits more the bill, but the gun mantle is way off.

Could it be one of these? The Ijssel Line?
Have anything for size comparison? The whole thing looks pretty small
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Only this blurry image with my faggy hand
It had "kfr 977"written on it
Production number maybe?
Seems unlikely to be either of these
Probably a unit or fortification number
It's definitely a Staghound turret but there's some weird shit going on with the mantlet.
it is the staghound turret, also used on the deerhound.
The lifting points are the same, hatches are the same, same vent locations, the mantlet has been blocked and concreted.
That's a side turret from a Xu-544BϪ, a Hwan cybertank from the late Hyperwar.
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Found a bunker near there that says "underground staff shelters" it's probably an American tank
Are we looking at the same image? This is definitely the closest one, and is probably an early production model, but your pic has lifting points at the top and a hatch built into the side of the turret, which op's isn't even provisioned for
>he didn't unbury it
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It could be modified, I wonder why the US army would bury a ww2 tank near an airbase?
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there are obviously variants. Just Google it. I used the deerhound image to show hatch location. There are pictures of staghounds with and without the side hatches.
take a picture of the casting marks/numbers if you can find them
Anon better go back there weekly and slowly dig it up so that he could have his own armored vehicle
I'll be back tomorrow with some friends to pry open the hatch and get inside
Can I get a saddam edit?
Pre war steel is worth good cash
I might just sell the turret

(John Locke leading Boone into the Jungle, Season 1)
observation post.
Maybe a driver training version with a counterweight to replace the gun and balance the turret? The piece of angle iron coming out the front might simulate the gun barrel.

I've seen other training turrets use something like that.
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chance it might be a cold war bunker turret, if OP said which airbase. I'm guessing some German one in a British or maybe french occupation zone. Americans didn't use Staghounds.
Post coordinates
Dutch used Staghounds themselves after the war. They probably built the bunker complex themselves or repurposed in the postwar period, and used surplus staghound turrets
Remodelled mantle is probably a result of converting it to a different weapon
>there could be hobbits here, he thought
lead paint.
i figured so
might need a respirator
>M46 Patton
you are severely underestimating how big the patton is
that door is much too large.
>misspelling Abrahams
How dare you besmirch name and reputation of Crate N. Ibramammalam?
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Wait, who's this?
>I wonder why the US army would bury a ww2 tank near an airbase?
Swedish Airforce used to have old tank turret fortifications around likely airborne landing sites around their bases, and as base defense on main roads leading into the base.
Coax and even the shitties old 37mm canon is plenty enough to fuck up helicopter landings or airdropped BMD's.
are you planning to strip the paint off of it?
it is harmless if you leave it in place and aren't licking it or whatever.
spend your effort finding a solid prybar and a MAPP gas torch to heat the rusty hinges instead. some penetrating oil too.
I'm also unable to gauge overall dimensions from a photo.
i have both, if i'm gonna melt the hinges i'll need a respirator anyways since i don't know what the fuck is in that alloy
should i wear ppe? all that paint is ww2 and is probably chock full of lead and arsenic
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Pretty sure you are correct. Hatches, lift hooks, overall shape - everything fits. There's some boxy stuff welded over the hole for the gun, but that doesn't matter.

For the purpose, if it's next to an airstrip, I'm pretty sure the turret has been turned into a pillbox or an observation post as a part of airport defences. If it was in a military training area, then it could have served other purposes as well, either as a splinter-protected observation post for range staff, or for practicing throwing grenades out of a tank hatch.
Are you too fat to fit through the hatch you've already opened...?
it's the size of my hand nigger
I'm guessing this in bongland? Pretty near
regardless. Any more details?
I miss his ravings
It's just lead paint dude. Just don't lick it you'll be fine.
Limburg moment

Waar precies? Is het op private grond?
Rare good thread. Lurking for updates
nee, gwoon in het bos op oud militair terrein
Where in Flanders? I will be there next month.
really close to limburg near hasselt some random ass forest i was biking driving trhough
fuck, it's late
''really close to limburg near hasselt, some random ass forest i was driving though''
i need to take meds
anyways will be updating tomorrow around 17:00 western euro time
you won't be able to melt steel with MAPP gas. you expand the metal with heat to free it up. it's something like 1 thou per 100 degrees F or there abouts. take it to a dull red and you should be able to work the hinge loose with a prybar.
if anything melts it would be a bronze bushing on the pin if it has one. it probably doesn't though.
gib coords. i live in Flanders and want to see
You will never convince me that language isn't made up because I can understand 95% of it every single time.
geen probleem, neem je tijd het we weten hier allemaal dat het wat langer duurt met limburgers
het belang van limburg is de rest van de mensheid geduld bijbrengen
don't come to Gent I will piss in your beer
fucking tourists have bought the last box of microwave tendies to many times
leave the NEET food to us NEET's
zutendaal airfield i assume? since theres a bike path in the forest around it

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