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Looks like they're moving on the 'sovereign barrels' promise, starting with 105mm and 155mm blanks. https://gov.uk/government/news/uk-government-and-defence-industry-stepping-up-support-for-ukraine
How many more Russians need to die needlessly before the West is fully re-armed and reindustrialized for WW3
>How many more Russians need to die needlessly before the West is fully re-armed and reindustrialized for WW3
those barrels are much too large
Figured itd be environmentally friendly to send compressed garbage at russia, considering it seems to spring up wherever they go
IDK but it's set to be ready when Novyy-Ukraine gets the Kyiv-to-Vladyvostonyy metroline
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>those barrels are much too large
What a downer short sighted attitude! What if the King over his morning tea feels the need to bombard Moscow directly from the homeland and teach those Russian rascals a thing or two? Best be prepared lad.
>Tranfer boogie will move
Do they get to dance.
>trump gets elected and threatens to pull the USA out of NATO
>Europe panics and switches their economies to war mode
>rapid construction and expansions of arms plants, heavy industry, chemical industry
>massive percentage of national budgets get dumped into defense
>conscription reintroduced on a wide scale
Fast forward to 2030
>Europe has amassed a combined standing army of 15 million men
>Europe cranks out 20 million shells a year
>Europe makes 20,000 artillery systems a year
>Europe makes 10,000 armored vehicles a year
>set and primed for WWIII
>russia collapses, putin gets couped, russia sues for peace in Ukraine before WWIII even begins
>/k/ outright fucking dies from blueballs
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Too large to be 105mm or 155mm barrels, yes...
without shells useless
>Fast forward to 2030
make it 3020 and I'll believe it
By global standards Europe still has an extreme degree of high tech industry, money, and skilled experts.
If the motivation to pull off such a colossal project suddenly materialized, they could probably pull it off.
But they'd also need to tell all the lawyers and bureaucrats to go fuck themselves, and to stop Interfering with/sabotaging everything.
>Well gee, now that Russia is gone, I guess you guys don't need an army anymore.
>Uh guys, why have you started drawing lines on maps?
None of this will happen without extreme defense spending increases by the Europeans. Even three after the Ukraine war started EU defense spending has only seen marginal gains in real terms.
Unironically this is why the US pushed for full hegemon after WW2 & why any politician pushing isolationism is a short sighted retard.

The euros have been kept in the cuck cage for 80 years, it won't take much for them to start setting up 'protectorates' again
fuck off boydiç
I want to live in a future where Europe does Europe things again.
I want to see another round of Euros conquering and colonizing 3rd world shitholes (so we can cut off India's internet access) .
I want to see China get a second century of humiliation, gangbanged by the entire western world and Japan.
What’s a bogis?
cute chink and curry war brides à volonté?
where do I sign?
It's "bogie" you blind retard. A bogie is just a sled/cart that moves parts in a manufacturing operation. The sign probably referring to the mechanism that slides the metal parts in and out of the furnace.
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>t. picrel
American here, can we be colony buddies? Uplifting them was a mistake
>.t nam enlistee 2 weeks before being shipped out
>Europe panics and switches their economies to war mode
>>rapid construction and expansions of arms plants, heavy industry, chemical industry
>>massive percentage of national budgets get dumped into defense
>>conscription reintroduced on a wide scale
This is already happening on russia border sttates. If putin does not die, imho ww3 will start
Russia is destruct.
Germany immediately tries the 3rd time.
>germany rearms
I'm a Norkfag and even i am appalled that the DPRK can make this stuff and UK can't, good for them it is about damn time.
Those are the early blanks. They are compressed down to their intended width and length in the rotary forge next.
>But they'd also need to tell all the lawyers and bureaucrats to go fuck themselves, and to stop Interfering with/sabotaging everything.
Cool it with the antisemitic remarks
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Without barrels they are only IEDs at best
But...what will happen to all the people who have arrived in Europe in the past 10 or so years?
>Barrel seller, I’m going into battle and I require your largest barrels.
AR Gorillion
The spending doesn't even need to increase, the money just needs to fucking go to actually building shit instead of the nth review committee.
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My barrels are too long for you, traveller.
>Ball is in Putin's court to stop (he won't)
anon, those look too wide and short even if they're going to be rotary forged to length.
t. forgefag
>industry perfectly capable of making 2000mm mortar
Cmon guys, what is the hold up.
>Europe panics
Not gonna happen. Europe is already preparing for contingencies, "panic" is not part of it. Some moron chicken littles will run around in screaming little circles because they are too retarded to be paying attention to reality. Most of Europe is just going to get pissed the fuck off and triple down.
>How many more Russians need to die needlessly
None. All the Russians die for a greater purpose.
(said purpose being a world without Russia)
Kurwa mać, here we go again.
Do the contingencies include being ethnically cleansed out of their own countries by their own 68er dominated governments?
i say those barrels are not much too large enough
>we’re helping.jpg

Top stuff mate. Now stop being an anti gun shithole behind spamming /k/ more than Russia
I got stuck taking a german literature course on these guys to pick up a language credit. I don't think I have ever seen a single person drop that reference in casual anglophone conversation before. Goddamn
Basically you'd need Europe to switch back to its natural form of government, military dictatorship.
(That's what the Roman Empire was and that's what most European monarchies were, albeit very decentralized. Europe, like Japan, was ruled by an aristocratic military class for most of its history).
Do bongs even use 105s anymore? I know they've got the L118 but I was under the impression they were retiring it.
I think we can find a..... Solution
We turn them to smoke.
We are. The new barrel production is to support the L119/M119s donated to Ukraine by foreign countries
They work hard, they play hard.
now do the bogan
They can demine Ukraine by simply walking over the minefields.
what 105 or 155 guns are the bongs even producing atm?
I mean, I guess 155 could go for the "probably" new RCH 155s, but what 105 are they making
L118/l119 towed guns

> government owned facility
> 20 years of planning
> produced zero barrels

Now they want to double that....
I'm guess the last time they produced barrels ware around 1984. 40 years. its a long time. They will have to start from scratch and buy in all the tooling and expertise, turnkey factory from somewhere like South Korea, like a third. world country would. Sad. Bongs should be ashamed.
They do especially for trolling and shitpostng in other countries, while in Afghanistan there was a really nice hill with steep sides and the taliban used to like it for doing attacks and general shitfuckery.
The UK forces got themselves a 105 gun, a chinook, ammo and guys and dropped it on that hill one night. Proceed to shit over the surrounding countryside with 105 HE for the lulz, taliban lose their shit and end up doing all manner of crazy fuck attacks on it and the base nearby getting themselves shreked
>turnkey factory from somewhere like South Korea, like a third. world country would.

There are several third world nations that can and have done better than that, even under heavy sanctions. Watching the UK struggle to reach the industrial capacitiy of Iran or Turkey is just sad, especially when you realize they aren't trying to reach DPRK levels which is apparently beyond them.
>Germany, Poland and Finland invade the rotting corpse of Russia, racing against a Chinese invasion from the East to secure as much as possible
>Britain, France and Portugal scramble for Africa
>Spain reconquistas South America
>Italians eat big dinners
We're getting the band back together.
I always wonder who made this image, and thought the Estuary accent renders "th" as "v"? "d" would be more appropriate. Give them the 'd".
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Can we have the Vladivostok naval base,The Kuril Islands and Sakhalin? It feels wrong to have a colonial scramble without Japan being involved in some pointless Far East shitfest.
why is making large pieces of metal considered niche? should be somewhat easy imho
Because QC is a bitch and if you fucked up you have a lot of scrap to reshape.
If they are for barrels they have to manufactured to a high standard
everything is robotic now its 1 million times easier than back in the day
Sure! Just return our rightful holdings in the Americas first...
Surely they will buy from know vendors for high-quality tooling from around the corner like turkey or south Korea and not the nation known for it's lack of expertise like Germany that isnt supplying those other countries with the tooling
Make Vladivostok an international port for the EU so Germany can fuck over China in the SEA area. Germany produces high quality low volume goods in medium quantities which lends itself to rail transport
bogie basics moment
For you
Processes, know-how, quality control.
It's easy to make a metal tube. It's harder to make one which won't break apart from the blast. It's even harder to make one which don't weigh a ton. It even more hard to make one which can sustain X amount of shells being fired from it.
For example, most of soviet industrial stuff was horrible, but there were a ton of resources pumped into MIC, so it was way better than the average level. Still, despite that, soviet tank and artillery barrels always sucked ass compared to western ones. Because good quality is hard, especially when people are accustomed to work like shit.
>Watching the UK struggle to reach the industrial capacitiy of Iran or Turkey is just sad, especially when you realize they aren't trying to reach DPRK levels which is apparently beyond them.
no its hilarious

the uk is litearall a thirdie nation by every single objective industrial measure
outside of fake and literally gay gdp, the uk is indistinguishable from a random thirdie nation

literally south american nations have better, larger and more effective military industrial capabilities
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Deal, a EU run port would be a great place to extract modest tarrifs and smuggle goods, especially drugs! We even just finished fixing the Wonsan resort right over the border and you know Germans can't resist tarrif free booze, beaches and amphetimines! First three Russian whores are on the house!
But who maintains the robots?
Weakest baits imaginable. The UK weapons and ammunition industries is a 3.5bn dollar industry. The UK's steel industry is 7 million tons a year, but the most important thing about it is it's high precision, high quality manufacture. China may churn out 900 million tons a year but it's mostly garbage. I wouldn't trust the chinese or norks to manufacture a barrel for an artillery piece, not if I had to use it myself.
UK is one of the top 10 arms exporters in the world.
>I wouldn't trust the chinese or norks to manufacture a barrel for an artillery piece
It is a moot point if you can't make any at all.
>The UK's steel industry is 7 million tons a year, but the most important thing about it is it's high precision, high quality manufacture. China may churn out 900 million tons a year but it's mostly garbage

So if only 1% is high quality then that 1% is still more than the UK's entire output?
You want to wager your life on that "If", anon?
Except they clearly can and are. Someone post the picture of the russian barrel with the off centre bore from the start of the war.
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This is why there's so much seething and shilling in this thread, because the bongs are about to prove (again) that they can do a thing that Russia can't.
And Russian asses are literally detonating about it (just like their artillery barrels do lol).
He said China and the DPRK not Russia, don't compare the PRC and DPRK to that shithole.

If it means having 100X more steel production than the UK? Yes. Also the Norks are on a modernization blitz in their steel industry, apparently Russian gold allows you to avoid a aweful lot of sanctions. Yes mostly Chinese but they always go for the latest stuff like all their new CnC plants.
Keep seething and screeching, Ivan.
as a representative of the anglosaxon, could we get that air base in crimea that the ukies keep dabbing on
Bro did you miss the part where we were not even talking about Russia and when they came up shit all over them? No one is even talking about them but you.
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>Produce facts and figures
>Get a response of seethe and cope
dont worry about it

we definitely wont send them home with more western values and ideas to cause issue that we could exploit... no no no
We still have enough engineers faggots, I used to work for one that made finning machines for export. They didn't go away, only in the last 10 years did we fully commit to service economy bullshit and even then we still exist.
First off you are right the UK will be doing something Russia can't do but no one even mentioned Russia in the first place.
No one is talking about them besides your autistic ass.
Of course you do and this project will quickly restore the UK to producing world class barrels, there is no question about that. The only real point was that it should have never lapsed in the first place. No doubt they will be in the top 3 quality wise on earth, maybe even the best. You just shouldn't have stopped in the first place.
lmfao, prince of wales status?
queen elizabeth status?

uk are fucking thirdies and will produce absolutely nothing outside of boutique-production level re-manufactures of existing shit
>No one is talking about them besides your autistic ass.
Wtf are you talking about? I said here >>62144134 quoting facts and figures. Nothing in your insane rambling disputes those figures. Get a fucking grip.
>prince of wales status?
>queen elizabeth status?
Both in active service. I'm not sure what point you thought you were making here.
You cry if we do anything positive you cry if we do anything negative.
At what point do you realise you're a massive faggot with no consistency or balls.
its easy just get some car mechanics to train some people who have do nothing email jobs to watch the robot and top it up with oil occasionally and calibrate it
Dude, the post you cited talks about China then you started ranting about Russia. You are legitimatly confused, drunk or mentally ill.
>Posts compliments the UK
>Schizo ranting
Mental illness confirmed
They still outproduce most firsties per capita. What crackpipe are you smoking
>That mess of a backhanded insult post was meant to be a compliment
Fucking kek what are you linguistically illiterate or German.
English comprehensio isn't hard for native speakers my toilet challenged friend. The sentance clearly compliments the UKs technological level while offering mild chastisement that the capability was allowed to lapse in the first place, a fact that the UK itself freely acknowledges.

I apologise in advance for any big words that may require you to use google.
That is some right Toff banter.
>They still outproduce most firsties per capita. What crackpipe are you smoking
at fucking what?

lmfao what does the uk "outproduce" anyone at, besides faggotry exports?
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My barrels are fit for a SCHWERER GUSTAV let alone a howitzer
You cannot handle MY barrels.
NTA but do you know what a service economy is?
It is when a failing economy becomes a net resource instead of a net producer of anything useful. It is what happens when a culture declines and has the resources and real weath built up in a previous era extracted from it. At best it can temporarily maintain it's status by holding on to production built in the previous era while pretending it isn't just a educated source of food servers and terch support. This effort to hold on to the status gained by past useful economic activity such as industrial production and creation of enery always fails, a key tipping point is when instead of production of goods, real infrastructure and food it instead spends the majority of it's energy production on luxuries.

Service economy=Weath and labor extraction from a stalled system by a more dynamic one.
Example: India's dominance of the tech support sector is an example of a more dynamic system (China) using them as neo-colonial servants to maintain real goods produced by China. China has installed such a perfect colonial system in India that they can't even see the viceroy.
Note that infrastructure built to hasten wealth extraction, service to goods not produced by the society and luxuries does not count. Building new data bandwidth, cloud computing abilities and the energy to power them does not count as real infrastructure if all they are used for is netflix, games and naughty AI fakes of Greta Thunberg.
It might be the Serb who is genuinely off his meds at the meds at the moment. It seems to be the same person ranting and raving in every thread on the board.
Take a quick gander and view the wonderful world of having a crippling mental illness.
It is one of the non-Russian aligned Brit haters, note the UK hate combined with ranting about Russia even when they were not even mentioned.

We also might have had a dual autist emergence event, always a possibility. The board appears to be warriortard free at the moment, only mildly Armatard endangered while the harmless low danger autists (Sparksfags, Norktards) seem to be at a normal background level. It may just be a random /pol/tard.
POW just came back from a huge NATO exercise and is working up for the 2025 Asian deployment
QE just completed the prop fix and is trialling it. She will be undergoing planned refit because she's been sailing around for five years now.

>The board appears to be warriortard free at the moment, only mildly Armatard endangered
Same person
He switched personas these past couple of weeks and began hammering the helmettard persona hard. Notice the lack of daily Bradleyposting
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Why do they do that?

My fixation is relatavely harmless and if presented with facts i don't deny them, i know the DPRK are bottom feeders with a chip on their shoulder but i'm not going to say that the DPRK is somehow superior to the UK technologically because it simply isn't true. I like them as clever underdogs, i don't think they will conqure the world.

Why the fuck do people just get a grudge against some random nation like the UK and decide to spam a place like /k/ with it? If he was more polite and thought out his autistic bullshit before he posted he would be just fine. I am 99% sure Mike Sparks browses here and he would be more welcome than him.

If he was just polite and stopped being a jerk troll there would be no problem, he would be welcomed with open arms if he just stopped being a asshole.
That's just the thing, it's completely irrational raging, like the sort people go through as a grieving mechanism. If they're having an actual mental crisis, then the best thing they can do is get help.
I suppose the one brightside to this is that the poor lunatic is here and not doing this IRL where he could hurt himself or others.
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I used to lurk /trek/ on /tv/ during a phase of mine and i encountered the same issue. They had a guy who did spreadsheets about posters he disagreed with who stalked them in discord and even looked up the actress who used to play Ezri Dax on DS9 IRL.

I just don't get it, i've tried to reach out to a few of them and it just doesn't work most of the time. There are a couple i've had success with but most are so far gone that their reaction to a hand of friendship is hate. It bothers me that boards like this are the last refuge for them but they reject honest offers of comradeship. It feels like i've failed them and humanity somehow by not being able tlo help them.

/trekaiju/ forever.
You are not native, kek.
Except it does, at least in jet engine production. Sure its not besting the US, but there are a lot of countries labelled first world it beats in specific sectors of the world.
UK is also pretty much only eclipsed by the US in Biotech, the service economy thing only can't around because steel, because ore is expensive being shipped all the way from China or aussie, because people produce steel efficiently near sources of ore, cheap labor or oil, or both, and with Russian oil being cut off and Germany outcompeting the UK due to better centralisation with its buyers market, they needed to find a niche.
Arguably they have or they'd have collapsed long ago if they had only relied on parts of an economy any generic thirdie is capable of competing with.
I mean you can make the same argument for pretty much any product made in China that the USA consumes, when you find out how much Chinese steel the US consumes you're going to cry, when you shouldn't, the US is a net fuel exporter and yet it can't compete without either local convenience or subsidy, how is some random European state meant to.
You cannot help the mentally ill, it's not your job.
Sometimes the job is bullying the mentally ill out of online spaces so they go spaz out irl and get sectioned instead, not helping them.
>That is some right Toff banter.

It's latin as taught in real schools for educated people you fool, i even gave you a way to figure it out with;
>any big words that may require you to use google.

Anyone who has ever attended a real school would have caught that joke, you didn't.

I was raised as a Christian and it is always my job to help people no matter how unworthy they may seem. The more unworthy they are the more i want to help them, i feel it is my obligation as a human being. Your average /k/ troll is probably just a person who needs a ear to rant at while someone listens to them and they probably need a hug.

>You cannot help the mentally ill, it's not your job.

Yes it is, i've been doing it all my life.
So for one thing, hiding subtleties in your posts is dumb, don't pretend you're smart for bad communication, that speaks to autism speech becsuse you can't expect people to not be skimreading your posts. You're as autistic as warriortard, it's weird actually because you're seething randomly about the UK and a service economy without actually knowing what that means or what it means for the UK in regards to what industries it's focusing on.
You absolutely can provide human value extraction in regards to several sectors of an economy without ultimately making anything personally, that's how the US makes half it's money through foreign production of US design teams such as apple, yes, they have in house fabs, but ultimately most of the tech is Asia produced. Arguably the largest market in the world, and it's part of a "service economy" If you want to keep chasing the increasingly more automated steel industry (and thus cratering prices and profits) that's ultimately your business. You only want domestic steel at this point just to maintain your self reliance and local pricing for higher end steels, not for making money in an international market.

As for your last post.
Helping people is fine, you can help more people by bullying them off 4chan so they can get help.
You cannot help everybody, even if you do it for religion, there are far more worthy people that need help that could benefit from your support than some spastic retard online that's already rejected it. Do not waste your time on people that haven't responded positively for years, they cannot be helped online, and you are actively ignoring helping better people just to try and fix an absolute reject that can't be.
>Sometimes the job is bullying the mentally ill out of online spaces so they go spaz out irl and get sectioned instead, not helping them.

No, never that. If you actually think that then you are a monster and deserve to be the first victim of what you helped create. If you ever do that then you deserve to be the first person they kill.

You don't encourage people on the wrong path to go further into darkness, you try to help them to get back on the path to humanity. If you do anything else you should be their first victim.
Are you a woman.
>should be their first victim
We are already his victim and have had to deal with his autism for years. We have the right to bully this faggot off our board.
First off the USA is the primary example of a nation of a nation that uses the service economy to make other nations subserviant.

Second off i make no apologies for my private school education and am proud that i took a Latin class when i was 11, fuck you pleb.

Third while production of chips is predominantly happening in Asia all the really advanced stuff happens in the the US/Japan.

Fourth yes you can help everyone and as a person who wants to be a good person who was raised as a Christian (i'm not Christian, just raised as one) i believe everyone can be saved in some way. I will waste my time on 'people that haven't responded positively for years' and in fact i just gave one of them a acre of my land and helped them build a house.

No, i'm just a better person than you.

Stop hating everyone you disagree with. No one is a victim and everyone is. Whatever is driving you to hate people isn't worth it, just stop and go on with your life. I hate to sound like a meme but go outside, walk around and touch grass. If you don't like where you are as a person or where you live then leave and go somewhere else. meet new people, go to new places.

The fact that we are having this conversation on /k/ of all places should be a indicator that something is going very wrong.
>Service economy is fine except this service economy
OK. Thank you for conceding.
>private school
Noone cares. This is a basket weaving weapons forum not Prinston, your imagined intellectual superiority doesn't get you any points.
No, the advanced stuff also happens in Asia. Though arguably the US is arguably the lead designer of intellectual property in the space, and has some nice fabs, Europe does too.
>I just gave a random an acre of my land
Fucking kek, a cuck too.
>No, i'm just a better person than you.
Yeah sure bud. Noone cares, not least of which the man you focus your saviour complex onto, and certainly not me.
>Stop hating everyone you disagree with.
What. I get along just fine with most posters that don't spam, even if they disagree with me.
>No one is a victim and everyone is
>Random supportive psudeointellectual cope about how everyone who isn't nice online needs to go outside and touch grass.
Stopped reading. Don't give this kind of advice if you're not a trained therapist. Certainly don't say it with such certainty. You say you're smart but you constantly reducing complexities of life to dumb idioms and projecting scenarios onto the people you're arguing with because you lack the ability to imagine life outside of your own and project your own bullshit onto others. Stop.

Lastly. Noone cares about you warriortard. Go kill some random person irl already so you can be jailed for life, the world will be better off, just make the victim someone that doesn't matter like some homeless dude.
Better yet, suicide by cop.
OK, you are just a asshole.

You just conceded my arguments, insulted me for being better educated than you, giving land to a family in need and falsely accused me of being someone i am not. On top of that you have advocated murder but somehow accuse me of the things you have openly advocated yourself in this very thread.

I forgive you, i really wish i understood what hurt has made you so angry and irrational. I wish we could be friends so i could help you. I never give up on people, know that no matter how much you hate me i always will love you.
That will never happen under current European governments. They need to be burned down and rebuilt from scratch, and anyone currently working for them needs to be burned at the stake.
The factory is not the tooling. ISTR the barrel tooling is Austrian but whatever, UK will tender for a factory. A factory with an array of tooling from many countries and hopefully significant automation. There's a good chance it will be South Korean - their large corporations have recent experience in these sorts of factories due to perforce and continuous modernization of armament production and can provide end-to-end prime expertise. Also might be Turkish or German. There will be a contract for a factory though, not tools.
They upped the ante and started making 155cm instead of puny 155mm
Tata are closing the blast furnaces this year. That will be the end of UK crude steel production, at least until 2027 when new green electric steel furnaces are (planned to be) brought on line.
He wants attention and a sense of accomplishment, to compensate for the lack of both in his offline life

The facts don't matter, never have
In fact it increases his enjoyment to browbeat others using a false narrative and multiple samefag posts, it's better than winning a debate fairly and factually
Some people use deceit as a means to an end, for him it may have started out that way but now it is an end in itself

This is the only kind of warped, malicious, sadistic personality who would spam the board with lies twisted from misrepresentations
I know, i just feel bad for the guy. He must be so lonely and alienated, i wish i knew him IRL just so he could have a friend.

Barrellet spotted.
I just wish i could hug him and try to help him.
>Muh education
I insulted you for using it to brag when you're obviously weren't worth the education. That's an insult.
>Muh land
Noone cares about your charity. Least of all me. You can do what you like with your money but you aren't morally superior because you have free capital to throw away at causes you like. It's commendable if I could believe it was true but it also doesn't really prove you have any less of a saviour complex or make your arguments have any weight in an internet slapfight. I'd get that saviour complex checked out by the way before it starts personally affecting you and your family.
>Muh advocated murder
Noone cares. Noone is going to murder anyone because of 4chan. He might kill himself though, one can only hope.
>Angry and irrational
I'm neither, I'm just mocking you because you're obviously mentally unwell yourself that you take 4chan of all places so seriously.
I don't hate you either. After this conversation ends I won't think about you at all.
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>be OP
>one post ITT

What about the rest

>Tata Steel UK produced 2.99 million mt of liquid steel in the financial year ended March 31, down 1% year on year, while deliveries stood at 2.80 million mt, down 5.1%. The UK steel sector produces 5.6 million mt/year of crude steel, around 70% of the UK's annual demand of around 7.6 million mt.
Not german, but man I can't wait for Shinkansen/IntercityExpress joint high speed trans-siberian railway. I could sit at a beach looking at the sea of Japan while drinking cold Franziskaner. Absolute kino.
>cut off India's internet access
I came.
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schizo moment: this entire thing war was orchestrated by usa to get europe to remilitarize for the upcoming ww3 against the implessive powers of chinesium
Too little too late, africa tier industrial output these day. Once an Indian corporation closes England's last steel mill (look it up they're about to) what will you even make anything with? Pig iron?
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Wasn't that Trump's whole gambit? As in, he said that he would be dipping out of NATO if they did not contribute, and the Euros laughed at him. Now that Russia finally slipped the leash, now they are building up of their own volition and pretend that they never said anything to the contrary.

Truly 4D chess.
Every Russian must die for the sake of global peace.
Putin is the CIA's best agent
>something happens for reasons completely unrelated to Trump
>wow truly 4d chess!
literally the other side of the TDS coin
I work in a sector that has a decent part to play in a lot of defence and manufacturing and I work on the contracts and logistics.
The amount of money and manpower that has flooded in over the past 7 or so months is absolutely fucking insane.
IDK how they can call that crude steel production, its arc furnaces using recycled metal or imported pig iron as shown in your diagram. Recycling <> production. Downstream also <> production.
Conversion of iron to steel could be considered genuine production I guess. UK imported 25,000 tonnes of iron feedstock in 2022. So technically production (with blending) up to perhaps 100,000 tonnes in future?
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nazi nato is reactivating these bad boys
The government of the last 14 years had multiple 'strategic defence reviews' where they've cut military budgets down to the absolute minimum.
When it came out that NHS hospitals had people dying in the corridors, the government simply renamed the corridors to wards. Nothing physically changed, but nobody could say patients were dying in the corridors anymore.
there you go this and how they de-colonized are the cancer that consumed the uk
If old/pol/ was still in force, you would see it indirectly referenced on occasion.
Particularly around discussion of The Weather Underground, for example.
It is known, what similar (and worse) things were going on around the Sorbonne University...
When you find out that capacity is often an issue in private hospitals too will you stop seething.
nothing-ever-happens bros will always win
The Tories aren't exclusively to blame. Another greatly contributing factor to the UK's decline is Labour-installed nanny-statism, and impenetrable bureaucracy.
These things mean that no one can do anything, or build anything, without explicit government approval. And getting said approval is usually a long and absurdly costly process, both in terms of costs to the government, and costs to private actors.
This completely fucked UK infrastructure, the housing market, and domestic UK industry.
>austerity is LE BAD
anon, if you're poor, you need to cut your spending
>bbbbut govts aren't like individuals
yes, ultimately they are, save that exports and taxes take the place of a salary
"printing money" is literally borrowing from the bank

Labour inflicts massive costs of business to the UK with their voracious demands for welfare and their only solution is "tax ze billionaires!!" despite the rich not only paying proportionately much more already, but both capital flight AND high net worth individuals jumping ship to the USA as a direct consequence

NHS and other welfare costs is what's killing the UK, as well as other European countries
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Wait a second…
Amazing that none of you mentioned the cost of importing millions of unskilled Bomalians. Fun fact: according to the ONS the population is around 60 million and has increased by something like 5 million in a decade. Funner fact: the way we measure immigration involves standing around in an airport, itself not the most common way for immigrants to arrive, and asking people if they plan to stay. Funnest fact: analysis of food consumption and sewage production suggests the population is actually around 90 million.
Dumb retard.
No, it wasn't Putin. But it also was Putin.
Vladimir-Prime has been covertly assassinated and usurped by one of the putin clones who is the CIA agent.
i can see the british economy is doing great thanks to austerity!
>save that exports and taxes take the place of a salary
>"printing money" is literally borrowing from the bank
you must be 18 or older to post here
>i can see the british economy is doing great thanks to austerity!
nigger have you taken a gander at the fuckin NHS bill recently? what fuckin austerity, dipshit
>you must be 18 or older to post here
and you clearly are not, so begone
Yes but Nigel told me that 350 million pounds of NHS money got sent to Brussel each hour instead, and that it would be fixed? They even painted a bus??
>nothing happened in 2020 to cause additional strain on the NHS
how do you explain this with your retarded word view.
You do understand that when the goverment is investing in domestic shit it's quite literally paying itself right? goverment economy is very different to individual economy you cannot compare the two.
>how do you explain this
>Labour inflicts massive costs of business to the UK with their voracious demands for welfare and their only solution is "tax ze billionaires!!" despite the rich not only paying proportionately much more already, but both capital flight AND high net worth individuals jumping ship to the USA as a direct consequence
>NHS and other welfare costs is what's killing the UK

>when the goverment is investing in domestic shit it's quite literally paying itself
no it fucking isn't and you're a goddamn child for thinking so
are you able to work logic trains out in your head beyond like two fucking steps?!
>Govt taxes businesses
>Govt pays schools
What the fuck do you think happens next year, children transform immediately into salary-earning tax-paying adults?!
what's the payback period on govt investments in education, you tell me?
I'll wait here while you google "payback period", asshole
>it's quite literally paying itself
and there's no such thing as friction in this system amirite
congratufuckinglations, you solved government budgeting, fiscal policy is a perpetual fucking motion machine now innit, just invest in "domestic shit" and you're sure to grow the economy to infinity and fucking beyond!!
>goverment economy is very different to individual economy you cannot compare the two.
there are several important differences, a couple of which I already mentioned, but at the end of the day once you know enough about the system you can see where it is essentially the same IN PRINCIPLE, though not LITERALLY

and that's not counting the money the Govt spends on retirees and shit
tell me what the fucking return on fucking invesment on that is, twat
He was always a fraud. We should have listened to Nick Griffin instead.
>no it fucking isn't and you're a goddamn child for thinking so
in order to properly explain to you macroeconomics it would take more than i'm willing to waste. this exemple is good enough
>What the fuck do you think happens next year, children transform immediately into salary-earning tax-paying adults?!
if you don't educate childrens your state will be unable to operate properly in the long run. The point of a basic education is to produce people able to work or advance to higher education not necessarly to have a direct return.
>what's the payback period on govt investments in education, you tell me?
wHaT's THe PaYBacK PerIOD On baSiC ResEARch, yOU tElL Me??
>and there's no such thing as friction in this system amirite
congratufuckinglations, you solved government budgeting, fiscal policy is a perpetual fucking motion machine now innit, just invest in "domestic shit" and you're sure to grow the economy to infinity and fucking beyond!!
yes retard, it's not flawless there are many losses in this system and is not always true! but the principle is correct, the goverment is paying itself and creating growth.
>it is essentially the same IN PRINCIPLE, though not LITERALLY
not even close to the same thing lol. why do you think universities require different courses and skillsets to study microeconomics and macroeconomics?
>exports and taxes take the place of a salary
just because both of these activities "" generate "" money does not mean they are the same. taxes often are how you "gain back" the money you invest domestically. the exports and imports revenue is dependent on the currency used for the transaction. there is no equivalence in microeconomics.
>"printing money" is literally borrowing from the bank
inflation rate for a state is not equivalent to interest rate for an individual.

Don't get me wrong, austerity periods are not always bad but 15 years of austerity are cancerous for an economy
You know what's even funnier?
Most of the public building-mass in UK post-1950 is made from RAAC with an explicit lifetime due to corrosion. A lifetime that has been continuously ignored by everyone up to the point where schools and hospitals have to suddenly close for fear of collapse.
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>/k/fags arguing about British politics
Honestly, the NHS budget would be greatly improved if we just got rid of the vast majority of the middle managers, as almost all of these are redundant positions which don't contribute anything to the running of the hospitals and they all get paid a stupid amount of money just to hang around looking busy.
Then we could use that money to start building more hospitals and GP's instead of closing them down.
your ESL is showing, never mind "macroeconomics"
>basic education is to produce people able to work or advance to higher education not necessarly to have a direct return
shows what you know, for all your talk about supposedly being superior at muh macroeconomics you're unable to grok the simple fact that people's economic activities ARE a direct return to the state
>baSiC ResEARch
and for all your superior macroeconomics you're unable to derive simple income equations or grasp the basic drivers of taxation let alone explain simple ideas more than
>you click button and spend 500 food and your tax gets a +15% buff just like that!!
which is bullshit

>principle is correct, the goverment is paying itself and creating growth
only if you invest in all the things which DO create growth, such as BUSINESSES
your moronic
>businesses are nothing more than cash cows you milk for taxes MMKAY
>just throw money at people it all work out in the end!!
approach is exactly what's wrong with the Govt
>universities require different courses and skillsets to study microeconomics and macroeconomics
because you only realise they're similar in broad principle after spending years studying both economics AND accounting
any reasonably studious fellow with a mastery of 5th grade math can do both
>taxes often are how you "gain back" the money you invest domestically. the exports and imports revenue is dependent on the currency used for the transaction
translated from retardese, you were trying to say that "taxes are typically earned by the government from domestic economic activities (production of goods and services) which are free from foreign exchange fluctuations, unlike exports and imports which may be affected by foreign-denominated contracts, tariffs and settlement fees"
the most basic of year 1 finance and you can't even use the proper terminology, who dyou think you're trying to fool here, fuck off
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Look at that tiny guy! I bet they hired him so that the barrels all look bigger!

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