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Boeing is actively studying whether it can turn the F-15EX Eagle II into a platform similar to an EA-18G Growler, the Navy's electronic warfare jet, according to company rep Rob Novotny. The study remains in the "nascent" stage. But Boeing is already eyeing opportunities for NATO members, with Poland evaluating the F-15EX. And Boeing considers F-15 operators in the Indo-Pacific region as another candidate for such a Wild Weasel version of the F-15EX. "The Growler line has ended. […] Modern aerial combat requires command of the electromagnetic spectrum, and this platform would lead the way into the next decade or two," Novotny said.
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>Spark Eagle
Yes please. It's been too long
Yeah, I'm sure Boeing will do great. They're known for their electronics and software packages.
At least the F-15 has relatively few doors that can randomly open in flight.
There used to be something called consumer attrition.
Reality is a few dead consumers and pilots never mattered if its significantly cheaper, and you know that it's always a balance well enough.
>lust provoking image
Some context re: EPAWSS and all that.
If it's Boeing I'm not going.
What's the point of F-35 then if they're making a growler version of the F-15EX?
You can only apply that slogan to their passenger planes, hopefully.
Maybe the military planes are still okay, but would you want to be the one to find out?
Nah. Their military planes may be safe for now, but fuck Boeing for buying McDonnell Douglass. Also, I kind of wish that Northrop Grumman still makes fighter jets. I don't want just Boeing and Lockheed Martin making them
And their space capsules
Oh god. I have a vague idea of what you're talking about considering I read it in a facebook post about astronauts being stuck in space and Boeing didn't inform the public.
>Boeing considers F-15 operators in the Indo-Pacific region as another candidate for such a Wild Weasel version of the F-15EX.

Barely any countries there use the F-15
It's actually impressive that it isn't being talked more about. They've been stuck there for almost two months linger than the return date by now.
Wait, they're still stuck there? the fuck?
Yep, some 50 days beyond their planned return date.
Indonesia apparently have orders for them. So does Thailand only because the US rejected their purchase request for F-35s because their government is close with China
Bruh what the fuck
I think spacex is just about creaming their pants waiting for the call from nasa to go "save" those astronauts.
(((Congress))) doesn't get upset about selling F-15s to muslims like they do F-35
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McD actually bought Boeing using the profits from the sale of defense assets to Boeing. McD leadership became majority sahre holders of boeing and ousted the boeing board and management.
the fuck
Yeah, McDonnel Douglas was reeling from from their commercial failures and bailout in the 80's. Boeing was comparatively weak in defense offerings in the late 80's through 90s (compared to Northrop/Locksneed/etc...) and saw an opportunity to buy up McD's successful defense enterprise and infrastructure. A deal was reached for a combination of cash and shares, leading to McDonnel Douglas executives having enough money from the defense sale to buyout Boeing with Boeing's own money essentially. Old Boeing leadership was ousted and the current crop of executives represents a lingering cancer of failed 80's outsourcing methodology and Penny pinching ideas that make even a Scotsman want to hang up his kilt.
> F-15 as EW platform
That makes a lot of sense
> 2 humans in plane
> 1 driver
> 1 working the EW suite
> F-15E is a large platform, lots of hard points for EW pods
> and HARM (and similar) missiles
> maybe a pod or two of cluster munitions
> and an AMRAAM or two
> and a pair of Sidewinders for self defense
> good range
> existing logistics train, body of knowledge to support the platform
It makes too much sense, Congress will fuck it up.
Seattle anon here.
> Multiple friends at Boeing,
> in both the commercial and defense arms.
> the internal joke at Boeing is that McD bought Boeing with Boeing's money
> post-merger, most of the senior leadership at Boeing have McD roots
Many of my engineering friends point to the merger as the beginning of the downfall of a once-great company.
It's like you're deliberately avoiding the biggest F15 player in the region

Nothing new
They're thinking of upgraded electronic attack packages for basically every combat jet
The question is whether it's worth the money, can they get some other aircraft to do it, or does every fighter need to have electronic attack capabilities
If thailand's government is friendly towards china, the US fears that thailand will allow them to give f-15 secrets to china
Growler but with the full 9 G's
Unlike the Navy the AF retains flight controls in the backseat of most jets, but if an EF-15 ever happens getting a transfer shouldn't be to hard if you hired by a guard unit. I know a couple guys that bounced back and forth between Navy and AF reserves.
>not a stealth craft
>empty second seat
>ample payload

Why wouldn't you lean on making the Eagle II a Growler, it's a no brainer outside of funding.

FFS they're quibbling over the number of 15EXs to order, never mind the upgrade
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getting desperate to generate sales I see, they might pitch something entertaining next like the global strike eagle
Replace it with a laser
So the ice cream machine department of mickey d's is now running Boeing engineering department. It all makes sense.
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Turn all the Strike Eagles into Eagrowlers

F-15C into real big boy F-15EX/2040C/S/etc

No to two seaters! We're not cucks who share a plane
Jesus. That explains everything.
fund it.
[spoiler]and fit a HARM-ified AIM-174B to it, so it can throw a jamming cloud out and then take extreme range potshots at enemy jammers and AWACs assets from 70,000 feet up[/spoiler]
The ISS has plenty of supplies and room to keep them there, even if that means until the next *scheduled* Crew Dragon mission. So, the only realistic disaster scenario is if they get in that thing and then something else breaks while they're trying to de-orbit.

Meanwhile, NASA's grumpy about the possibility that they won't get their second contractor as a backup in case Dragon gets grounded or something.
Perhaps the EA-15 can signal boost, bigger emitters bigger generation due to its engines & greater lift capacity.
that's what you do when you have neither shells nor rockets
Jesus christ shut the fuck up malayfag
it's an indog trying to falseflag
Another pack of Malay lies.

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That's nice, but the chinks have already copied that idea with the J-16D
your mum is a whore who fucks dogs and you live in a pigsty, indog
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Rafale doesn't need stealth cos its EW does the job. Have good enough EW and you don't need stealth.
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just the shitty export version of Russian ECM pods, which have already been recovered in Ukraine
not that it matters because it's dogshit anyway
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Yeah, they're just Russian ECM pods: https://x.com/jesusfroman/status/1471383679461167104?t=sxw3pgi5TdWh0m3rRVpOzg&s=19
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It doesn't even have propellers unlike the ones from the Growler
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One of best contributions of Malaysia's military efforts is to combine the best of the Soviets and the West. Malaysian equipment are well-known to be extensively upgraded with Western technology beyond the capabilities of simple 'Slavshit'. Good example of this is SU-30MKM which uses Soviet airframe & Western avionics. Malaysian SU-30MKM are the only Sukhoi SU-30 series that capable of using Sidewinder, Paveway and JDAM. Currently RMAF is able do do SEAD with Su-30MKM + Kh-31P. SU-30MKM "Growlerski" is also the first ECM/EW Sukhoi platform designed and build outside Russia.A multi-role platform with SAP-518 ECM pod and mix of SAP-14 jamming pod is considered similar to the United States ALQ-99 jamming system installed on the EA-6B Prowler and EA-18G Growler. Funny thing is the Russian are following Malaysian example that successfully integrated Russian-Western technology into their SU-30MKM.
give it up, indog
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Regal Eagle
>getting desperate to generate sales I see
Not really. It's more that Boeing are recognising that F-15EX is already more successful than F/A-18E ever was on the export market and should offer a Growler equivalent to supplement their bids like they did with Super Hornet
Growler was the capability that made the Super Hornet attractive to Australia and Germany

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