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File: zigger baseball.webm (785 KB, 720x900)
785 KB
yet another stick vs drone episode
>standing up, fully exposed, not moving
>in the vain hope that you can knock it away without triggering the detonator
Darwin was right
>He really...swung the bat.
Did he strike out or did he get a home run?
He returned to home plate under his own power
stick is a stick
>source cropped out
>zigger in the filename
smells like falseflag
desu I don't care if it's a zigger on this one, anyone retarded enough to do this deserves it
Except it isn't. I saw that clip in an compilation from a few days ago. It was published by the humans.Found it: >>62142768
>hear buzzing of death
>see drone
>nowhere to run
I'd pick up the stick too. Much more satisfying to go out swinging than cowering in a hole.
Swing away Merrell, swing away!
File: game over.webm (243 KB, 640x480)
243 KB
I never expected this song to have been about WW3.

Y'see ... we've reached an age where it is very reasonable to assume that your own death is being recorded on video. Therefore, people will (more and more) try to make an attempt at the end so they don't become a laughingstock Internets meme. Better to go out epic.
if you have enough time to pick up a stick and are able to fight or flight effectively why not shoot the drone?

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