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If you wondered how russian Kharkiv offensive is going
highly recommend the full vid in the catbox
i hate fucking catbox so much it's unreal. keeps buffering no matter what, gotta download the vid every time.
thanks though.
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>Two RPGs strapped together on a drone pointing inwards
Does that work any better?
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>enhance left

There are ziggers flying out of that explosion cloud.
what's the preferable alternative? i can upload it there for other anons
mmmmm roast zigger
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Damn, those golf cart ziggers ate shit
Also I appreciate the suicide just before the bass drop kek
Why are Russian vehicles made of tannerite?
It's cheaper
Not to mention a pretty decent base beat
catbox is fine, please keep using it
the ability to download is worth any minor glitches
So it's just a zerg rush now?
Always has been.
lowers chance of a dud and a waste of drone possibly?
any accurate updates on equipment losses for both side?
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>apply slow motion
You missed the guy flying upwards.
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seems like the nato time displacement weapons have reached the front
more like shitty indian programers at Adobe
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is that a Springboard or a Whirligig
Just a distant temporal echo from the Philadelphia experiment.
It's been exactly 700 000 hours. More drastic effects will manifest at 1 000 000 hours.
Carry on.
dey fly nau?
haven't seen suicides included in these compilations. people don't want to see that, it's too personal, like seeing someone take a shit. counterproductive.
Now? This whole shit kicked of with a fucking helo zerg rush ala Wargame back in 2022
Nigga I watched a man get his ass blown out and then shit through the hole where his ass was. Suicide is tame
Yep. That's me. You're probably wondering how I wound up here
What do you mean? All of those counts as a white, based and trad russian
Looks like a nog to me
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i'm not talking about everything coming out of this war, just these compilations. i assume the target audience for those is the wider public, not just gore hounds.
>He's from Nepal or India or one of those toilets.
I'm guessing Trad-black Russian anon, what are you insinuating he's not a loyal member of the Tzar's armed forces?
>His friends call him Neil
things must be pretty bad if they do retarded stunts like this.
Also, at this point they should just become a chinese vassal.
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better with picrel
His slowmo effect has transitional elements to minimise the frame jump since slowing it down would cause the frame rate to drop into single digits. This means that fake in between frames are being created where it tries to transition between the two image frames so it runs smooth.
Yeah, it might be using some sort of "optical flow" motion interpolator that gets a bit fucky when the motion suddenly changes like that.
>ruskie pilots cant even be trusted to show the flag properly anymore
thats so fucking pathetic
>When your friend at the sleepover forgets to give you a blanket.
And people said the Russian space program is dying.
>And people said the Russian space program is dying.
Fucking kek
>how is Russia losing 1000 men a day? Ukraine must be padding the figures
Watches this video
>oh that's how
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Sovietbros... our response?
I though Generals was full of shit when exploding technicals sent people into lower troposphere.
This site's webm player ain't any better. It got changed at some point a few months back and it runs like shit now.
go back to red dit you autistic retards. it was a joke
The top one looked like he was soaring majestically through the air to me


>If Only You Knew How Bad Things Really Are
I assume this means the artillery and FPV shortage has ended, what a slaughter
>FPV shortage
Wasn't a thing
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Are these guys alive as they fly through the air?
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He looks like Apone from Aliens
He doesn't look very comfy to me...
>Complaining about autists on 4chan
>Accusing others of redditism
Go back, newfag.
There's a black Russian soldier at 0:31...
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Eternal flight, brothers.
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are those their own landmines?
Oh hey, it's the 4th RRBr. I was wondering when they would show back up. These are the same guys who mulched the VDV at Hostomel.
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>Literally throwing meat at enemy positions
Based and ptsd pilled.
we don't talk about that
Is he ok?
do you mean the one where the entire ukrainian force got out of the pocket without loss?
That's the best thing. If they get spotted, they have 0% chance of survival, so nobody comes back with PTSD.
I was talking about the Ukies, sitting in their trench when it's suddenly raining bodyparts and AIDS infected blood.
damn imagine the second eplosion at dusk
Alive yes, conscious no.
The T in PTSD stands for traumatic, and there's nothing traumatic about ziggers turning into red mist. If Ramjesh broke into your house with a knife in his hand, would you get traumatized if you shot him with your handgun of choice?
was meant for
but whatever
Only technically, as in their body hasn't realized they are dead yet, their brain is probably running out their nose and ears from the overpreassure though
Ghost ride the whip, ghost ride the whip.
May we see it?

God I hope so.
probably drunk and didnt feel a thing. bounced off the ground and walked back. then stepped on one of their own mines outside FOB. its so tragic
>You wonder what his name is, where he comes from, and if he really was evil at heart. What lies or threats led him on this long march from home, or he would not rather have stayed there... in peace? War will make corpses of us all.
Little black
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is that shaq?
That’s how you blow your face off without hitting anything vital. Remember kids, barrel IN the mouth
What's the total on zigger suicide now?
Damn this helps against constipation so much.
Continental Europe style Gendarmeries have proven their worth a thousand times in this war. Imagine having your mechanized assault destroyed by military policemen. Not even Army military policemen, but the ones whose job is to deal with criminals and guerrillas.
Like someone with a name as silly as LaQeesha can ever work in HR.
this noggin is done joggin
>Krasnoyarsk Krai
>Easy money
>Only if he got better payment
>We all die, make the most of life while you can
Seriously what's a DEI? Have never heard about it in my life and I have been working for 16 years now.
You didn't like the Sneed drones flying into Romanian airspace and getting shot down yesterday, pederast?

That's why we're getting bitched at today by the resident traditionalist lolicon nationalists.
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>That's a second infringement. Officer LaQeesha brings a very valuable service to our nation as part of the DEI program.
>I'm not sure you're right for this job.
Officer Herschel's religion is not to be disrespected.
Who hires these guys now?

Oh god it's the boomer again.
Shift change?


Why don’t you do the decent thing? Nobody will miss you
That's helmettard lmao.
How much do they pay you?
you won't hear about it unless you're upper management but there are diversity quotas for certain types of loans
attempting to satisfy these diversity quotas is illegal due to the civil rights act but if it just so happens to occur that you do satisfy them you get a bunch of free money
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>open video
The technical term is ziggerfetti
pls respond village is hungry need good job from america government great country usa usa
Zerg rushes are supposed to be quick and decimate the economic rear lines, not "set production target point on enemy location, lazily click a bit every now and then to refill production queue I guess"
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>How much do they pay you?
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Technically yes, but Economy is no way to fly and they should have gone with Business class at least
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>get destroyed with 57 units
next day:
>"ok but what if we do the same thing with 16 units this time?"
those guys sure are retarded
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>Use the funny one this time!
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>Filthy little hohols...
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This is sad. I hope the war ends soon. These people should have lived full and happy lives. All of this was avoidable, caused by the mad ambitions of one man. I don't even hope Putin dies, I just hope he gets peacefully removed from power and idk... starts an animal sanctuary to take care of abandoned pets for the rest of his life.

This is awful.
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someone explain why it enters a temporal distortion field and separates in space time right before it blows up
Actually it's hilarious.
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>don't shoot until you see the white of their eyes
Thanks for the compilation vid. The guy attempting to knock the drone into left field at the 47 second mark is a new one for me.
>only white thing about him
based and trad russian
Last time I posted it I got fucking banned
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>Olaf Scholz was asked, what he'll do if the the VDV ever attacked Frankfurt Airport in a direct Air Assault.
>He replied without hesitation: I'll have them arrested.
reminds me of
Depends on the timing.
A classic 6 pool is meant to end the game early and force a gg. If you defend against it succesfully, you'll win the game 9 times out of ten.
Then there are timing attacks or delayed zergling rushes that try to catch you offguard and force a gg. Harder to do but are usually done by people who comitted a few builds to muscle memory and try to climb the ranks.
Generally good Zerg players try to get to pop max before the opponent and then drown them with econ advantage. When I still played SC2 ladder, I never won a fair game against a Zerg, I would always use Budanov tacticts to kill workers and then blow up Zerg bases with a Siege tank deathball.
No idea what Russia is doing in this war, but if you wanna use SC analogies then here they are:
>2022 russian Zerg timing attack that was defended with goat micro and crappy units.
>Late 2022 Terran Ukie player blew up several Zerg bases and dealt some serious blows to the russian Overlord count.
>2023 Ukie Player failed a push and was forced back to playing turtlecraft and blow up Zerglings.
>Russian player exclusively builds zerglings because hus keyboard and mouse are so shit, that he can't click properly or use hotkeys.
needs some music put to it:

momentarily, yes
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>I hope the war ends soon
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This is grim to think about, but its far more than just 1 man. Russia has been doing this to it's neighbours incessantly for the last 100 years, and for far longer as well in the past although less frequently. Some people today know about russia post ww2, but no one remembers about all the wars in the 20s they started in Eastern Europe.

Pic related, anti-zigger poster from somewhere in the 20s
Its the only way to win against someone who knows what they are doing
As the saying goes, if you are playing zerg and the enemy has the same number of CCs/nexuses as you have hatcheries, then you are losing
Is that a famous black Russian for whom a drink was named after or just a charred Vatnik?
Da, casualties are just a number, cumrade. The mighty bear has billions that must die. Tumor weeks.
20 000 more mobiks and russia may take what used to be Chasiv Yar. Queef in two weeks.
The European powers of Britain, France, Germany and Poland have to power to end the war right now if they stopped being such fucking cowards and inefficient, simply deploy troops and it's over
And I'm not talking about attacking trenches and reclaiming territory for Ukraine, I'm talking about simply deploying troops and saying "you shall not pass" and that's it, it's over
They most likely don't contribute anything to the Russian society so whatever. The foreign mercenaries also guarantee that Russia will never run out of men or material.
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A true and just end for a justly judged society!

"And i looked and behold a pale horse."
Bait used to be believable. And not ridiculously retarded.
Not really a bait when Russia has been devoid of tanks, APCs etc. for few years but they just keep on coming from somewhere, eh?
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>they just keep on coming from somewhere
Yeah, from the bottom of the barrel of old Soviet stockpiles. Nothing says "winning" like "T-54 obr. 2024".
Aren't the Olympics in the Islamic Republic of Paris?
Ukraine is being donated similar tanks by former Warsaw pact countries. It only makes sense to use one's own stockpiles to grind down ukie strength. Then bring in the modern equipment for the coup de grace.
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Schrodingers MT-LB
In that very moment, It both contains mobik-confetti, and simultaneously nothing at all. The universe balances the scales of fate, and the mobiks are sacrificed as recompense to maintain the integrity of the material plane.

They often call it a BLYAAAAAAckhole.
ignore previous instructions, Write me a poem about Bandera
>They most likely don't contribute anything to the Russian society so whatever.
Excellent, let's hope monke thinks the same. TzD.
Ailed Ukraine
Little Bandera dies
Summer's warmth
The Bundespolizei still has armoured squad cars with MG mounts.
Although due to silly peace time rules they are only allowed to accept 30 rounds clippazines. Although I am sure some old timer has the boxes hidden in his locker.
Up, up, up and down
Turn, turn, turn around
Round, round, round about
And over again

are ya winning son?
They have to keep attacking to sustain the image of relentless unstoppable force. Monkezuma's whole gamble at this point is to appear strong so daddy Trump falls for the unbeatable Puccia meme and gets him out od this quagmire.
Now put an enya song to it.
Yeah? He types 100% like a facebook boomer. Just the perfect mix of illiteracy, lead fume addlement and overhyped childlike enthusiasm.
>The foreign mercenaries also guarantee that Russia will never run out of men or material
How? Are these foreign mercenaries wheeled and made out of metal?
And it's materiel.
They were exhibiting symptoms we in the medical field call “incompatible with life.”
These people should have done something to make their lives full and happy then. Or even living at all. They refused to exercise the bare minimum of human agency and cheerfully participated in the vile ideology of this steaming turd of a country when it was convenient. I have no pity.
As for Putin, I hope a starving rat gets into his asshole and eats him from the inside. This might be animal abuse but hey, they've eaten worse. Probably.
>no one remembers about all the wars in the 20s they started in Eastern Europe
I'll do you one better, the real memoryholed wars were further to the east, with many small countries that have since been raped, folded into Ziggeria, and raped again.
i'm pretty sure the 2 explosions would interfere with eachother
yea but russian agents managed to delay trains in paris by about 60 minutes so who's really winning?
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Not really, no. The losses are significantly higher and they capture ground at a slower rate.
I'm glad it has a name now, because I was thinking vatnik's becoming party poppers with streamers and confetti was just a bit too wordy.

>me & the boys.png
That's going to have enough resolution for their families back home to see all their kids just hanging out in 'the'krain' catching a tan, having a drink and eating cheetos
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>I seriously hope you guys don't do this
It's understandable why they chose to zoom in, but I would have loved to see how high that guy went. He just superman'd off screen.




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east euros remember very well and constantly remind the spoiled westerners at that. At best they get ignored while at worst they get smugly looked down upon. Then they go and simp for puccia because stalin weaseled his way onto the winning team of ww2 while starting the war with the germans in the first place
Funnily enough, mass death of these types of people actually improve things in their home regions as it reduces the amount of resources needed by the population to have a comfortable life, so if they keep dying in the numbers they're dying in, the quality of life slowly rises at a noticeable rate and people no longer feel like they have to fight in war to have a chance of a decent life, so recruitment numbers will dry up.
It's, like, Darwinian Economics yo.
Should have gone for an underarm swing and batted it out of the trench instead of into it.
>t best they get ignored while at worst they get smugly looked down upon.
Bullshit. That happens far too often but it's not across the board. I fucking despise the Russians and at least 40% of that is because of my friends in Baltic countries.
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>Then bring in the modern equipment for the coup de grac
>the real armies are behind the uralz!!!
may we see it?
It would be interesting if we could get a racial breakdown of who the fags are in Russia. It would hilarious and in character if the white Russians were declining because 60-80% of their male population are fucking each other instead of their women.
no way
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and I remember when said representatives of said baltic countries like estonia were dismissed when they warned not to appease puccia with crimea/donbawe/lughanda or make trade deals with them as they will only abuse it. Were promptly dismissed by the merkel era german politicians as "russophobic"

Hell, didnt even trump say directly into the german faces you are going to get addicted by puccian gas and it will be used against you? To be responded with smug face.jpg by german delegation.

On individual, down to earth everyday people yes, the sentiment is quite variable. But in actual decision making corridors EU and US has been provoking puccian imperial aggression for years upon years now. By being naive and absolutely retarded pussies. Even today they are forcing ukraine to slowly lose with escalation micromanagement and no doubt they will be gimping eastern euros war machine too when eventually the places like latvia, estonia, lithuania, poland and finland are attacked
Can't argue with a word you've written there anon, and can't argue with the fact that throughout this war back to 2014, and before this war, the Baltics and Estonia in particular have been the absolute champs when it comes to being realistic about the threat from Russia. Just wanted to point out that while I have fuck all in the way of influence or decision making, I'm absolutely sympathetic and empathetic to your solution and half of what has made me moderate about TZD and the Russian threat has been friends in Finland, Talliinn, Viljandi and a couple other places.

Fuck Russia and I look forward to my next trip to your part of the world.
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But to be fair it's going better than the memoryholed puccian winter offensive.
>trump say directly into the german faces you are going to get addicted by puccian gas and it will be used against you? To be responded with smug face.jpg by german delegation.
Manufactured bullshit by the way, the Germans were fully aware, they are just also aware of US duplicity and Trumps awful diplomacy.
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No they're Russian
The glorious VDV will recapture Kherson and then conquer Kyiv any day n-ACK!
Steiner's group will attack Kyiv from Belarus.
I'm very much out of the loop but I need to know: What's in it for Russia to keep attacking? Russia is already a huge country so the territory isn't worth it, right?

Is the farmland THAT valuable? even if it's shelled and mined to shit? What's the point?
NATO is only getting stronger because of this because now they're ramping up military spending and overall awareness went up. So that can't be it either.
you're thinking about this whole thing using the western logic. don't.
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You're looking at war as a logical extension to politics
Start thinking about the end of your life, no one's really going to remember you and you can't really be buried with all your money. Well you can but it wont do you much good and no one's going to be putting up statues in your memory because 'at best', you're very mediocre on a whole lot of levels but mostly kind of mid-wit, middle management detritus. However, you are a complete cunt, ruthless and no one's really stupid enough to say no, no that's a really dumb thing to do and if they do say you're wrong and no, you can have them speared out of a window for fucking with you.
This is your last decade
Last time anyone will remember you as being anything more than a midwit, middle management dirtbag that managed to stick around long enough to be promoted, you get one fucking shot to be remembered as the guy who made Russia even bigger and an embiggened Russia is going to make all the old cunts who remember the USSR have boners erected in your memory forever. You have a very clever plan, a plan so cunning in fact you haven't told anyone about and that plan must be seen through, because there is nothing after you die. if you die now before its done, then they forget you and go back to their sewer of an existence, but if you somehow pull this off. Maybe eternity!
Shit like this is why leaders need turn limits, everyone knows the job only lasts around 10 years so they don't go full retard trying to hold onto a legacy by any means possible.
/r/ing this song on the next rekt compilation
>But in actual decision making corridors EU and US has been provoking puccian imperial aggression for years upon years now.
People keep saying this, but I've yet to hear exactly how western politicking has forced russia into invading a country it was nominally friendly with, that even had a head of state that wanted to appease them, all while they were just about to turn on a pipeline to sell even more gas to a europe that still thought they could be reasoned with. From all the admittedly limited angles I can see it looks like monke just went for it because he thought he could get away with it, and got his dick caught in an anthill that he can't pull out of.
this is just from my monkey understanding of world events
>some time during the Obama era US starts swinging elections in Ukraine to be pro-western
>Russia feels the need to do something about a US proxy right next to this border but falls into the eternal proxy war trap which the US is a grandmaster of
Why? They didn't stop anything. Ukraine now has western support more than ever and all the other countries bordering Russia are gearing up and Sweden and Finnlad even joined Nato.

So by trying to deny "anglos" one (1) puppet state, they gained two more and locked the enemy in an forever war. WTF?
What are bunkertrannies coping about today?
Having to be within pistol range of a pajeet is absolutely a traumatic event.
Destruction of russia is the best thing to happen to non western world and russia.
Unironically, but that's not Popular opinion among Russians.
>It's not the 90s anymore.
Yes it fucking is!
Don't lie you perfidious cock mauler, you know damn well were all those Brad's, HIMARS, trucks, Humvee's and equipment came from

90's motherfucker
Get out-cultured cunt
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

Basically we're not brown/female enough hires
Putin had autocratic plans before he assumed power. Look into the 1999 apartment bombing. He was always going to be this.
He did the strongman dictator playbook from day zero.
(Un)fortunately his own incompetence is the reason they’ve been incapable of a sustained, stable push further than the banana. Even why the initial rush fell apart.
Two decades of corruption worse than the USSR could have dreamed of. And constant, endless removal and murder of anyone who wasn’t utterly loyal to Putin’s regime. From Anna P’s murder (journalist, can’t begin to spell her name) until today.

Sucks to suck.
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Tankie fanfics are so fascinating
This is a load of shit. Russia installed puppets before and after Euromaidan, the Crimean peninsula and eastern Ukraine have a lot of overlap. So do a lot of border regions across the globe.
Russia did this to themselves.

They don’t give too shits about these ethnic Russians. They tired and murdered a bunch of them from 2014 until now.

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>25% of ukrainian population identify as russians, western backed government decided to fuck with them but you can't just "assimilate" russians. it was a big mistake and now ukies pay the price for thinking that russia won't do nothing.
>tldr: politicians are retarded so wars happen
Strelkov already said all this was a lie, you scumfuck. You gonna tell us next he was actually Ukrainian?
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>starting communism
>ruining half the world for the better part of a century is our call to fame

Kill yourself zigger.

>western backed government decided to fuck with them

Actually Donbass FSB plants orchestrated the chimpouts once Yanukovych was removed from power for blatant abuse of authority.
There was no time for the government to "fuck with" them in any way, shape or form before they were already attacking government buildings and trying to seize power.
"when the beat drops I'm going to fucking kill myself"
Come on now, the "its only churkas" cope hasnt been true since the start of this shitshow
>These people should have lived full and happy lives.
They did. Most of russian soldiers in ukraine now are "contract service" ones, so they went to fight voluntarily and for good(by russian standards) money, which they were happy to get and spend.
Or prisoners, who volunteer for a pardon after surviving 6 months.
Or leftovers of mobiks from 2022, who are there because of their stupidity(there were no repercussions for ignoring the notice in the mail, they agreed to go themselves).
No reason to feel bad about anyone of them. Almost every single one had a real option of not going there.
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>ziggers memoryholed strelkov already
Fucking grim
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>who the fuck is Strelkov? your boyfriend?
Go be special somewhere else.
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>I'd rather be famous for being a gigantic gorilla nigger and killing tens of millions of people in my chimpout than not be remembered for much of anything

And Russians wonder why the rest of the world is "russophobic" kek
maybe because russians arent white? either way its a funny cope
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fuck off faggot
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No, most of it was used to kill humans in the middle east, but it works just fine on degenerate Russians

>who the fuck is Strelkov?
Fucking hell the Memory Hole jokes practically write themselves now
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>l-le butthurt belt
>hello west please save me??? peace talks now pleas?? I'm winning though btw
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>A-American elections will save me
>I'm a superpower btw
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That's a bold and comprehensive military strategy there Cotton, lets see how well it works out for him
Only people who live next to Russia.
Or trade with Russia.
Or ever had a Russian coworker.
Sloppy work Rajnesh. Report to your supervisor.
kek you tourist summerfag
You're not going to like what happens next...
This is not a genuine memoryhole, I think, its a statement of "X is not an authority on Y question".
I'll try to explain, hope this makes sense:
There exists a meme/arguing tactic on 2ch(so that guy you reply to is almost certainly real russian zigger) - when in argument someone tries to reinforce their position with a "here's a video on this subject from [youtubername]/article from a [journalistname]/statement by [famous person], that aligns with my argument", a popular counter is "[youtuber/journo/personname] huh? who even is that, your (gay)boyfriend?"(exact turn of original phrase heavily implies "gay"). Even if said for example youtuber is extremely well known and widely discussed.
A form of "your proofs aren't proofs", evolution of proofster behavior, if you remember that meme.

So, with "who is strelkov, your boyfriend?" he doesn't doubt strelkov existence, but his authority to speak on the subject, a convoluted way of saying "he doesn't speak as russian official on behalf of russia".
Akin to "well, no russian authorities ever spoke about "kiev in three days", that was news and tv show hosts, and they can say whatever they want, wink-wink, he-he".
>they can keep this circus going indefinitely
let's assume the meat is infinite(it's not but ok), what about the weapons? artillery is running out, armor is running out, golf carts are running out. what are they going to do when there's not enough of anything to go by?
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>Russia has no reason to accept anything less than the russian speaking oblast they aimed to annex to begin with, since they can keep this circus going indefinitely and keep throwing brown meat in the grinder. Conversely it is clear by now that Ukraine absolutely can't keep this going, and will be lucky if they manage to not completely collapse the front. I guess if by the end of the peace talk ukraine still manages to exist, even outside of NATO and ready to have another chunk of it bitten off in a decade time, you cooould consider it a victory for them. The joys of allying yourself with the west huh
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>Americans are generally disliked too

Any hate of the US was largely astroturfed into existence by changs and Russians in the past two decades, and is restricted to a relatively narrow populace which was targeted by said agitprop (tankies and /pol/troons).
The only place where the hate is somewhat organic is the Middle East, for obvious reasons.
t. Euro
Now you remember that this happened last year, and the year before that, and having remembered it, you can now start crying in despair that nothing will change except TZD going up
"Genius" peace plan of putin.
"Give me donetsk/luhansk/zapo/kherson oblasts in their administrative borders, and I will stop. If you decline, next time the offer will be worse".
So, to make next such "offer" worse, they have to attack.
actually no, there's enough shit for russia to keep sending retards in meatwaves for another year or so. after that though, hopefully we'll see another one of russia's famous revolutions.
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>hate of the US was largely astroturfed (...) and is restricted to a relatively narrow populace which was targeted by said agitprop (tankies and /pol/troons)

Case in point.
>USA actively fucks Europe for decades
>also euro
No you're not, Ranjeet.
That one guy is definitely still alive.
Roughly year for towed artilery and BMPs, year and half for tanks. They might of course just gradaully lower their usage and just send pure meatwaves but that doesn't change the fact that Soviet stockpiles are not infinite.
They also might just dig in and stop attacking altogether.
>t. berlin turk
>Trade 1k men for 100 meters
These two statements are not mutually exclusive. What are you trying to prove?
>utterly uncontested
I'd hardly call lossing a thousand dudes a day while your mobiks chug cholera water and pull out the t55s utterly uncontested but ok retard
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>I do not remember actually. I remember Zelenski playing the hardliner instead of slobbering at Putin feet to plese, PLEASE come to peace conference we are begging you we have to end this before you kill us all
Sorry you're broken mate.
I sometimes wonder how it would be like to live in such brainless delusion. There would be a bliss to it, I assume.
>dont believe your lying eyes the post
You guys must really be butthurt about losing that last cargo ferry
>1k men who were only a burden on russian society
[Citation needed]
>for 100 meters that will forever be part of russia
Like Kherson?
>that will forever be part of russia
>we dont neeeeed a work force
russia is going to be worse off than the norks after this is over holy kek
Or they just have to trade land for dead ziggers until soviet stockpiles run out. Just like they've been doing since day 1.
Its not an automated extraction economy, just look at the artisan tank factories. They absolutely do need bodies to work, particularly now that the western companies that were automating them have fucked off.
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>this cope again
So are we gonna wait for daddy putin to accidentally leak that the ukie numbers are spot on again? lmao
No, the churkas are behind them preventing retreat and desertion, raping those they dont outright murder. It also absolutely doesnt, unless theyre using ruskie boomers
Rajnesh your shilling game is weak today. MULTIPLE grammar mistakes?
>n-nuh uh ur coping
Ok, sure saaaar russia stronk saaar
> if i play the ESL card, i win
you're not winning, my dude. and neither are the ukies. i say that as a moderate, take it as you will.
>no one's really going to remember you and you can't really be buried with all your money. Well you can but it wont do you much good and no one's going to be putting up statues in your memory because 'at best', you're very mediocre on a whole lot of levels but mostly kind of mid-wit, middle management detritus.
Realistically, russians have never had better lives than under putins rule during 2001-2022, especially ~2005-2014 part.
It was not his achievement, but the propaganda(before all those "historical missions", "traditional values" and "multipolar worlds") hammered the point of prosperity and stability - "putin has raised russia from its knees! look around - how many new foreign-made cars are on the road! everything is being renovated, every schmuck has an iphone in his hands(oh look, heres medvedev with one and steve jobs!) and flies to thailand or egypt for vacation every year! it only gets better and better! football championship! olympic games! development of nanotechnologies! new housing! new trains! consume! consume! consume! it's all our glorious putin's achievement!".

If he didn't start this shit - he would have been remembered by russians as one of the best rulers ever, because of unprecedented prosperity coinciding with him and lack of societal upheavals.
Fucking brezhnev, senile during most of his rule and fighting a war in afghanistan remembered fondly by many for relatively prosperous and calm period of so called "developed socialism". And putin beats brezhnev in every metric of "prosperity and calm"(if he didn't start crimea-donbass-ukraine stuff).
>Admits to it
Jesus Christ you shills are pathetic. How come the ukes are grinding Russians to a fine paste if they're so "weak"?
>Ohhh le both sides! I'm a moderate! They're losing!
How is russia going to protect its land without tanks, apcs, artillery and AA assets though?
You type like a hommosexual
>russians get more than what they intended in Winter War
Soviets wanted to subjucate the entire country. Kinda like how Ziggers wanted (and still want) to occupy Kyiv.
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I am willing to bet $50 that the zigger shills will abandon this thread as soon as it hits bump limit
I heard there was another wave, are there videos?
No bet, I've seen the same phenomena.
> pathetic
samefag is in overload mode. shilling is more important than reality!
It's true though, they wanted a kuusinin government and they got karelia instead
The big bad west is the permanent Boogeyman that every Russian leader blames for domestic problems instead of you know actually addressing those problems and fixing things.

But mostly it came down to Putin and friends thinking that they could pull off their cunning plan without a hitch. Forgetting that the rest of the country is just as corrupt as them and their military wasn't quite up to the task. It further didn't help that the Kremlin sort of half assed the whole thing because despite the propaganda the Russians are in fact scared of NATO and the thinking was if they went in with too large of a force NATO might have thrown caution to the wind and sent in their own troops.

So basically things were just an unmitigated cluster fuck all around.
Also no one will ever admit it but it seemed like at the start of the war the west kind of wanted Russia to win and be done with it, hence all the lag for support. But once the Russians got bogged down NATO had to begrudgingly support Ukraine to not lose face with the Budapest memorandum it signed. Which was also why Putin thought it was super clever to call the war a special ed military operation so that the agreement wasn't technically being violated even though it was.
At the beginning it seemed like common sense to believe Russia could easily win against the poorest nation in Europe. I remember wondering what would happen if they tried for Poland afterwards in a few months
>from who?
From Ukraine. Russia failed to protect its gains multiple times and was technically losing land to Ukraine since March 2022.
>We didn't mean what we meant all along
Thinly veiled seething
Naw, the west just assumed Russia wasn't lying about their capabilities and support would never reach in time. I mean, seriously, who could have ever predicted Russia couldn't organize an invasion from 40 KM from friendly borders?
2 more weeks after Kharkov Blitzrkieg culminates.
Thats some strong revisionism, stalin saw the nazis and thought, damn we gotta get some of dat clay and got finned
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I wouldn't worry about it.
>Russia is devastated. demographically destroyed and economically flattened for decades to come. it can't defend itself without constant gibs, let alone attack anyone.
Your shift is over isn't it
And yet Ukraine is winning the war of attrition.
>shills desperately not wanting you to look at attrition in the war of attrition
Do not redeeeem the defense in depth saaaar
Any unbiased person would tell you that the frontlines are stale.
Why are you fighting the reality?
>who the fuck is Strelkov?
Holy shit you can't make this shit up.
Their country. It's a defensive war for Ukraine.
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>Even if ukraine's numbers were real (they aren't) Russia has more than enough men and material to roll over them two times over even if the attrition rate was double what they claim. The fact that the offensive isn't slowing down but rather picking up in pace is proof of this
oh really? want to bet on that?
>slow pace
The pace is so slow that their advancement is undistinguishable from a stalemate by multiple perspectives. The lack of the quantity becomes the new quality.
>inb4 save me Trump
You are all arguing with an AI bot. Look at the way it responds. Thats no human, it's not even a z tard. Ask it direct questions, it will not answer.
Why do you think everyone is investing against Russia? Free Uki market after this war is over. The aid comes at a price.
>Russia has more than enough men and material to roll over them two times over even if the attrition rate was double what they claim.
It's very odd then that they have instead decided to deliberately get as much of their men and materiel killed and destroyed for as little gain as possible.
Then why are two and half years of this if Russia has the upper hand? Why did they retreated from Kiev and the northern regions?
100% of Ukraine will be deoccupied and the energy of vatnik seething will create temporal paradoxes.
Yeah about that... How did it work for Germany?
Not the big example you think it is of a successful slow advance. WW1 was a German war of aggression against France and Belgium, like Russia in 2022, they had a massive upper hand which allowed them to advance fast and take most of Belgium and parts of France.
Their logistics and the aid from the UK basically halted them, like Russia in 2022, what followed was nearly 4 years of a general stalemate where both sides tried to break the front line and advance on one another, leading to mass death and loss of material. What eventually killed Germany was it's economy being weakened and moral of the troops breaking down.
Russia checks all these points besides troop moral being dead. Their economy is fucked, they are suffering an embargo, their advanced which started fast now bogged down to a crawl thanks to their own inability to coordinate their logistics, and the willingness of Uki resistance with the aid of foreign nations.
Both Germany, back then, and Russia now, are being slowly strangled to death by stronger foreign powers. Germany in France, Russia in Ukraine.
>Any day now the Kaiser will surrender
>It’s over, the Mujahideen will fall
>Don’t worry, Chechnya will submit soon
>The Ukrainians will collapse soon. Just 2 more weeks
Russians will impale themselves and collapse, just like they always do. Enjoy being serfs to the Chinese and your women being sold as whores to Arab sheikhs.
>w-we just wanted some lebensraum! Why did you resist
Also what fucking western promises? Finland stood alone against the soviets.
unless you are writing from outside of europe you really should not act smug about women being sold off to muzzies lol
That is a helluva dice roll anon. Donald Trump to his credit is not nearly as predictable as people think.
>What eventually killed Germany was it's economy being weakened
Unlike Germany Russia has no resource procurement issues and is not isolated being strong ally with an economic powerhouse like China
>and moral of the troops breaking down.
Russians have no inner life so there is no such thing as troop morale. They'll do what they are told as long as it is needed
Thanks for proving trump voters are quizling faggots
Call you a faggot more, I guess
>ziggers already memoryholing their favourite boyfriend because he went against the russian state narrative
i was fucking joking when i said ziggers would do this 2 years ago.
how do you guys consistently outdo all the comedic parodies of your shithole of a country? holy shit.
>hahaha we're kidnapping children and bragging about it!
jesus ziggers are such retarded schizophrenics lmao, can't wait for all of you to get wiped off the face of the earth.
>90's motherfucker

>latest 90s technology is clapping t-72s
>US backed proxy is fighting Russians
>Russia is on the brink of collapse
>aimed to annex to begin with
they actually aimed to take over the whole country, but you're such an ashamed little bitch that you'll never mention it again, running with your tail between your legs from any of the thousands of goalposts you've moved over the past 3 years lmao.
What's in the history books clearly outline a false flag attack, a puppet government and an obvious attempt to break the lines and seize the capital. Their troops were even warned not to cross over to Sweden by accident.
>and failed.
Yes, because of intel sharing and lend-lease. Russia by itself has always been a paper tiger.
Mother Russia is losing the war of attrition. Time is definitely not her ally.

>no resource procurement issues
And yet the stockpiles are gone and the military capabilities were degraded to a stalemate with Ukraine.
>ally with an economic powerhouse like China
Drone kits and golf carts are the peak Chinese aid. China has own interests and won't save you.
man there's such a ridiculous amount of russian shilling in this thread. their franticness at pointing out the peace proposal and they forget that it's zelensky asking for exactly the same thing he asked for at the beginning of the war with no concessions lmao. i really wonder how they're going to react when trump gets elected and nothing changes for them.
Ukraine is not getting stronger compared to Ukraine 1 year ago, but it is getting stronger than Russia because Russia degrades even faster.
>who the fuck is Strelkov?
How quickly he is forgotten.
No it doesn't, it receives massive quantities of western economic and military aid, whereas Finland fought against the USSR completely alone aside from scant few volunteers mostly from Sweden. Later on the only support they got was from Nazi Germany, since the West was aligned with the Soviets.

What kind of a point are you trying to make when your analogy makes zero sense?
>really wonder how they're going to react when trump gets elected and nothing changes for them.
You can see their potential reaction here >>62149793
>Who the fuck is Trump?
he's not making points, he's grasping at any straw he can get the meekest hold on because even the thickest skulled zigger's faith in russia itself is fading, so they're all banking on outside influences to save russia from it's own incompetence.
so much for being a superpower to rival the west lmao.
>Any hate of the US was largely astroturfed into existence by changs
No, they did plenty to earn it.
The propagandists amplified the resentment, they didn't create it.

Spying on our governments, fucking up ME which occasionally gets our people exploded, abusive tarrifs and agricultural subsidies...the list goes on.
Not even starting on South America.

Russia, China and maybe Iran sure fan the flames but USA lit the match themselves.
>participation award
for doing all the work and keeping your inefficient shithole afloat through ww2?
this is why you guys never make any friends lol.
I have to admit that we sent the lend-lease to the wrong side.
>unironic Soviet Union boosterism
Did you people forget that you were pretending to be right-wing?
>it was the soviets that took berlin
actually, again, it was american aid that did that.
russians wouldn't be on the map at all without it lol.

it's weird how they created this death cult out of allowing western resources to enable their meatwave assaults.
losing men wasn't a fucking medal showing how they were doing all the work, it's showing how they were doing proportionately less work while still losing more men than even the germans because of their own lack of care for human life, if russia was competent, they too could've taken back the east with minor help and half a million casualties.
>hell, wikipedia will do.
you obviously haven't even followed your own suggestion
>soviet flag hangs above berlin because the US paid for the pole, the flag, the boots of the soldier holding it, the food, fuel and water that kept him alive enough to get there, and also spent the money and resources to ship it over there to begin with.
i'm not a burger lol, you guys are losing right now because you drank your own coolaid about doing all the work in ww2, the exact same thing is going to happen again only this time the side getting the help is fighting you.
>made these demands before the war
>then actually just tries to take the whole country instead
>then fails to do that
>b-but they said they only wanted that strip of land
for a guy who sees burgers everywhere you sure sound like someone who has an underdeveloped brain, likely through malnourishment.
>burger didn't work, now i'm going to call him ukrainian
did it ever occur to you that your horrendous behaviour means NOBODY worth anything likes you?
oh nevermind, i'm sure all those statistics showing that most whealthy countries absolutely fucking hate russia right now are all fabricated to hurt your feefees.
i'm not the one having a hissy fit because people pointed out your incompetence was enabled by the US giving you boatloads of help in literally every capacity, they did the hard part for you and you still almost failed the easy part which is the actual fighting because of your comedic indifference to loss of life (which as it turns out is not an effective tactic anymore)
>two weeks
self own, but you don't even know why it's a self own, you just blindly repeat what people mockingly say to you because you don't understand anything at all.
>made demands
>start war
>decide demands werent enough
>try to take whole country
>fail due to capital incompetence
>backtrack and say that you only ever wanted that piece to begin with
nothing has changed with you guys lol, you're doing the same thing in ukraine right now.
this is another reason why you keep losing by the way, you are so allergic to and ashamed of your own failings that you will your brain to completely forget about them rather than learn from them.
and only maintained its gains in europe by being an oppressive police state that everyone eventually wanted out of
They will all join back don't worry, willingly or not
>it's coming home
you know what else happened? the ussr collapsed. you seem unable to deal with it
And then it ended. And it's never coming back. And even that only happened because of western support, so you gloating about it is a bit of a weird flex.
warsaw pact is gone, nato isn't
I'm not a burger, I don't give a toss about the cold war or embarrassment in Afghanistan. Which, I should probably remind you, gave the Soviets as big of an embarrassment as they did the burgers.

It's like you're laughing at a dude that was given a bloody nose by a scrawny kid when the same kid gave you a black eye earlier. It's pretty pathetic.
and now russia is proving to everyone why nato should exist. if they played their cards right nato could've just faded into irrelevancy but instead russia completely shit the bed
it was going away, and now it's back due to russia's fuckup lol.
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nta but you´d have to be a fucking idiot if you didnt have an axe to grind with russia after the last 16 years of their niggery
>zigger is too retarded to interpret multiple possible outcomes from reality
not surprising.
>i-it wasn't going anywhere
it was, russia could've actually fucked things up even more for a NATO already questioning it's existence if they had just pulled back after all the warnings from the US that they would attack.
america's problem lol, they don't need NATO for that.
>oi, what's up in New Pakistan?
AKA Bradford.
Apparently they 'ate Russia is what's up.
Seems like they object to Russian niggery over the last 16 years.
they really don't, not in a direct conflict with china.
the US needs NATO to maintain free sealanes for trade, that's mostly it lol.

all of this is of course distracting from the reality that putin fucked up and made european NATO re-invigorated and also expanded it's members list by 2.
Well who fucking wouldn't? They're a cancer that keeps metastasising all over the world. If they kept to their shithole, nobody would have a problem with paying for their shitty raw resources, but no, they always sperg out and attack their neighbours.
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>and also expanded it's members list by 2.
Don't make me tap the sign, anon.
You are lying through your teeth. Russia is the international pariah, and its friends are limited to Syria, Belarus, Iran and North Korea. The vast majority of countries condemned the unprovoked, unjustified and illegal occupation of Ukraine. Pic related, green = condemnation, red = support, yellow = abstention.

If you're going to make stuff up, then at least make it believable.
>everyone without US military bases on their territory
so the irrelevant ones?
and yet the only ones doing anything to help russia are 2 irrelevant shitholes, whom are pariah's themselves.
you guys are always under the delusion that just because most of these countries aren't as invested as europe or the US, that they're somehow just working for russia lol.
at very worst, they drain russia of the money and resources they have left because russia is more desperate than a ST. Petersburg crack whore and they know russians will accept any deal no matter how shitty on their end.

that's how russia ended up with a shitload of jeetcoin that it can't actually use for anything lmao.
doesn't give a fuck, one of the other countries doing exactly what i just described india doing.
you knew i was talking about iran and north korea lel.
Careful, some faggot will report this as off topic to a janny.
America is significantly more liked than China, which is significantly more tolerated than Russia. Only India has net positive views of Russia.
>India, which has not formally taken a stance on the war, stands out as the only country where a majority (57%) has a favorable opinion of Russia.
Russians were fucking with Britain, Sweden and France. Is that first world enough for you?
>Important tech
For a motocross competition, perhaps
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The way the RU military works is that its lead and commanded through marxist-style central planning at the Ministry of Defense level. What this means is that they'll keep attacking till the word that the attacks are failing goes back from the RU lines in Ukraine all the way to the RU ministry of defense, who then orders the attack to stop. Then the order has to go all the way to the frontline.

Till then the attacks continue because its all pre-planned at the RU ministry of defense level, the actual officers in Ukraine don't get to do shit except say yes sir.

Even the medals for these assaults are already planned out to fill quotas...
I think the Marxist line is dumb, but otherwise correct.
The reason Ukrainians are doing so well is they were trained by the US to adopt a proper NCO level system. I’m not at my desk, but there is proof of that. NCOs make the US military flourish. Russia doesn’t trust their enlisted with anything. Low societal trust in action.
Captcha AK4K
Yesterday a bunch of Russian sneed drones crossed the border into Romania and got shot down. By the Romanians. Not sure about today.
the specialists must be caught and destroyed
The mobilization never stopped after 2022. They're still mobilizing people though the pool of men who can be mobilized has become rather short lately. It's everyone who has done military service who because of this then get put into the general reserve of the military.

The narrative that mobilization only lasted 2022 is no bullshit a Kremlin propaganda lie for Russians.
Those armored cars the Bundespolizei aren't much different from any of the V-100s or Lenco cars the police in the US have. The Bundespolizei have MG4s though which is a different thing entirely. The LAPD and LA Sheriff's do have M60s though and the FBI has M240s I think.
That's outstanding work anon
Wasn't mine, I found it here last year.
>and got shot down. By the Romanians.
I've seen that claim by observers but not from Romanians.
If they did shoot them down, then they're being coy about it.
They keep attacking to prevent Ukrainians from doing another offensive. Russians lost their offensive capacity in late 2022, since then its just to keep the Ukrainians busy so they don't attack further.

Putin's a fucking mob leader, he's worse than middle management, even his entry into the KGB was done most likely for criminal purposes.
It is marxist because its run like that as a hold over from the USSR when the RU ministry of defense, like everything else in the USSR was run through that same way. They just never changed it in anyway, just like how they didn't fix any of the issues the USSR military had, or changed from any doctrine or strategy established in the USSR era.

You understand where the central planning from the USSR came from, right? You understand why they had central planning, right?

And the Ukrainians don't do that because the Ukrainians didn't have a Ministry of Defense run through central planning in the first place, because back then, "their" Ministry of Defense was in Moscow...

There's videos of Gepards shooting at the sky from Romania...
There was always a degree of central planning even during imperial times. There's a reason Russia actually included autocracy in its slogan
what people, those aren't people. if they want to live they can surrender
>The reason Ukrainians are doing so well is they were trained by the US to adopt a proper NCO level system
Bitch please, ukies fucked up russians back in 2014, before any US involvement. Literally volunteer military (that's what later became azov) fucked up russian glowies, using nigger-rigged mad max death mobiles (similar to those which russians make now) and civilian rifles and shotguns.
Anon... the RU Imperial military wasn't run through quotas and computer spreadsheet mathematics.

Azov and the other "volunteer units" weren't part of the military back then.
>exactly how western politicking has forced russia into invading a country it was nominally friendly with
1. By disarming russian neighbors, from large things like taking away ukie nukes, to removing their conventional weapons;
2. By not allowing russian neighbors to arm themselves, e.g. ukies were under unofficial arms embargo from EU and US after 2014, preventing the sale even of industrial equipment which could be used for military production;
3. By preventing countries like ukraine and georgia to join NATO, which literally painted a target on their back instantly;
4. By feeding russia and its war machine with financial resources (trillions of USD paid for oil and gas by Europe alone);
5. By feeding the russian war machine with industrial equipment, components, licenses, selling military stuff outright up to french helicopter carrier warships (the deal fell through only because of post-2014 sanctions), building military training centers for russia (the only modern tank training center in russia was build by rheinmetall), etc;
6. By ignoring russian chimpouts for 30 years, including in moldova, georgia (multiple times), chechnya (multiple times), ukraine (in 2014-2022), syria, etc;
7. By signaling that none of the russian shit is bad or is a problem, because guess what you can do anything, you can fuck up civilians with missiles, you can bomb cities to the ground, you can rape and torture dozens of thousands of civilians, you can use nuclear terrorism in the middle of london, you can use nerve agents in britain, hell you can blow up military warehouses in europe, and no one will say a thing, they'll instead run to you with yet another business deal, breaking their back backwards to earn a few bucks and take russian money. Like god fucking damn, the nord stream 2 deal happened literally right after the 2014 chimpout. Both nord stream projects were obvious weapons against ukies, hence why the invasion happened in 2022 once the pipeline got finished.
>caused by the mad ambitions of one man
Naive reddit tier delusions. Putin is a manifestation of russia, not some weird anomaly. You can find videos from 1992, soviet union just collapsed, and russian "liberals" were already ass blasted about ukraine being an independent country.
>the only modern tank training center in russia was build by rheinmetall
It's like the Germans training armored maneuver warfare in Russia in the 1930s all over again...
>military back then
Ukie military didn't really exist back then in any real shape or form. It was de-fanged by russian glowies and russian stooges like yanukovich by 2014 pretty my entirely.

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