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Weekend /arg/

OLD: >>62147047
Gross, OP you faggot.
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how disgusting
someone make a new one, this one was fucked from the start
You're just mad she isn't some 2d animay
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OP is no doubt an elcan't user
>permanent scribbles
>no rear sight
>fake gaudy jewelry
Into the trash it goes.
$180 for a mag release button, grip, and a couple panel covers???
>Ugly tattoos
>bags of weed
>tacky chains
No, I'm mad that she's disgusting.
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Don't forget the visible fucking pubic hair
$20 for a mag release?
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$125 for a fucking bubble level
That part is hot though.
Buncha virgins itt kek
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Pubes are hot but chaste women are hotter.
me? I prefer fur
Neat Belgian oper8tor training
How do we cope with an AR losing against 9mm siggers?
The only way I know how. Buying more expensive parts.
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what you bitches zero a 11.5 and under at?
>Guy with the AR even shot first
>One of the cops was even out of action due to his piece of shit sig jamming
It's over, we'll never recover from this.
you forget to account that the cops still have the mandate of heaven in most instances
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rifle for this feel?
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whatever one you can fit in your mouth
Kill yourself faggot
Kid was lucky, plus men can't even get raped anyway. He got to experience all the positives without the baggage of her having fucked like 100 dudes prior.
>AI garbage
That's a crime.

Still would.
better than many "artists" desu
Is buying a M4 SOCOM so I can turn in into a Block II clone a dumb idea? Are there better options on the market?
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so my 8 week old is not only army crawling and vocalizing in response to us, she's giving eskimo kisses.
>fake guns
>untrimmed bush
Nigger, what are you doing.
I'm too bitter to care. Fuck you.
knock it off with the negative waves man
Nice. I'll never know that feel
Congrats bro. Can't wait to find a wife and have kids of my own. Enjoy every day.
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why do people still carry sig's? it blows my mind.
100 for the dot, 50 for the stack.
>why do people still carry sig's? it blows my mind.
gay and retardpilled
woh what happened to riley reid
imagine spending this much money on a rifle with such little capability lol
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Yes, unless you are specifically getting it for the lower. You would still need to get the RIS2, remove the FSB, and get a low profile gas block. Brownells DD RIS II 14.5 is probably the cheapest way to do it, but it's not really "clone correct". Really just depends on how autistic you want to be about it.
Brownells dd socom upper unless you must have the fsp
Thats not an excuse. AI is all garbage and anyone who posts AI needs to die.
Dope. Give her a little plushy rifle to arm the crawling
Suppressed, night vision passive optic, magnification, what's it missing buddy? Post your rifle show the man how it's done
>he doesn’t know
Kek. It’s a shitbr
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its well under submoa.
AI is how we will gain technological parity with the Nordics that have been controlling the planet since we had to leave Mars. DUMB builds are useful for spiteful suicide missions but we need AI to break free as a civilization
What the fuck is that OP kill yourself immediately.
I think it's a w*man. Vile stuff
wtf she's all 3D and stuff?
You're about to get 3 D's stuffed inside your candy little dick lips if you know what I mean
ANyone wanna argue about barrel length?
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XX.X" is the best and fuck you for thinking otherwise!
20" niggers are largely fat chuds with micropenises who had a cousin that was a marine once. The problem though is that everyone knows this to be true and will thus agree with it readily.
Can you believe they think they can compete with 2d?
Why? It's all pointless anyway, what I have > what you have.
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We just did last thread. How about something actually important? Which way is correct? Hint: It's bottom.
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top is correct. but vfgs are retarded.
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Bottom looks cooler so that means it's correct.
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That's why you chop it.
So what's the cheapest way to get a Block II clone?
Brownells upper, anderson lower.
Why would you want one of the ugliest piece of shit guns ever conceived? Because zogbots used it to aid the kikes?
we unironically LOVE jewish people here
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doesn't address the problem of vfgs.
with microbest, a2 birdcage, and random ch.
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will you guys make fun of me if I get the SI Siopto red dot? it looks very cool
no, but now you're asking for it
You sound like a retarded person so I will probably buy a 20 inch now. They aren’t wrong. 20 inch does perform better and is more lethal.
Looks like it wants to be a T2, which means you should get a T2 instead.
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14.5 is the only way
I won't say anything but I will for sure be thinking it.
how did you lose a screw on your handguard?
Eatman pls.
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if you just absolutely will not save up for a t2 just get an aems.
came that way and it hasnt bothered me enough to get another
>BCM® Gunfighter™ Mod 0
Much better stock than the CuckTR
dd website, brownells dosnt sell the p&w barrel
Uh...what the fuck? Just ask them for a bag of screws dumbass, they'll probably just send it over for free. Why not even try you fucking faggot?
you right it cant hurt to try ill see if they can send me one
offtopic, retard.
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something is missing here

10.5 is the funniest length, I can tell you guys that much
how is it funny?
>Hur muh 20 inch do more killing
>Ur the one that sounds retarded
Uhm? Look in the mirror lately? Anyway you didn't have to announce that you have a micropenis to me. A bit gay.
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false alarm its just behind the ladder. im not sure what the other hole is for but theres something coming through from the inside
it makes me giggle when I shoot it. She is always there for me
i bet she smells really bad
twink hands
There they are, the income bragging lowballer that took my bait ad under my new account. They're grabbing a spot in the corner of the mall parking garage just as arranged. I park in front of them and immediately they know something is wrong. They want to escape like they're in a Fast and Furious movie but they don't want to ding up their new car. Before they can completely process what is going on they see my door open and I'm blinding them with my M640DFT's laser beam hotspot from my 10" PSA Jakl, except I'm not, because I left my 100 Concepts® Lightcap™ on. I flick it off in a moment of comic relief, chuckling to myself and giving them a smirk of impending death, then reshoulder and send thirty 75gr Gold Dots through their windshield, and into their worthless faggot skull. Their head slumps, bangs the steering wheel, and their horn rings nonstop, echoing throughout the whole concrete maze. I leave the scene professionally, park on the top floor, and then make my way to the food court for some churros and a diet coke.
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read the post you replied to again, and more carefully this time
its not a real clone unless it has an upper with a nt4
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This is an OG Navy Mk18 Mod 0 from Crane, not a CQBR they didn't have NT4's, but did have the NT4 flash hider for whatever reason.
>did have the NT4 flash hider
what an absolute mystery, I'm sure it wasn't for the nt4
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Yes they weren't issued NT4's. CQBR's were
sounds like a lot of cope for someone without a clone correct rifle
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hey my eyesight isn't very good can you tell me if this pic has a nt4 in it?
No wonder orkas are attacking boats en masse now, they all have lead poisoning
Oh ok, I wasn't sure if that other part was supposed to have a screw.
What the fuck did Riley do to her face
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Which stock looks best bros?
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I will venmo you $20 to delete this now
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from what i gathered its for grenade launchers. when you take the bottom of the rail off theres a mounting point on both sides there.
this one
>this post
people like you make me happy i’m not mentally disabled
I’m leaning towards the B5 sopmod too anon, the CTR looks pretty cool though
This one but desperately needs a new optic.
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Why is so common for people to never “lock” the stock?
Thanks anons!
Any good recommendations, keep in mind poorfag here:(
That optic is just fine, I ran one on my AK for a long time with no issues. You could buy a used Eotech if you sold your other stocks and the holosun
I'm mostly just busting your balls over aesthetics. If you're a poorfag then don't make a lateral move to another poorfag optic, save up and get something good. I'm sure you know what the usual recommendations are around here.
Don't listen to those bitter sunk cost fags.
>Sharks back
welcome dude
I’ve had the holosun for a bit now, I like it and holds zero. Even got it out to 250yards on that rifle. My only real gripe is open emitter.
>This response
Yeah confirmed autistic much?
uh where?
Buy an Eotech if you've had sex. Buy a T2 if you've considered having gay sex.
i had sex once or twice and decided on mpvo
i had sex so much my dick fell off and when it grew back it was longer, thicker, and had sideburns. I use irons
I'm still a virgin at 28. I use a 1-6 lpvo.
checks out
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My dick burns but not just on the sides.
How do we feel about the BCM SOPMOD Mod 2?
Is this a valid list? I'm trying to build a SHTF AR. Is is also better to build the rifle using the same company or buy an entire rifle to ensure reliability or is this bullshit?

Also regarding full ambi controls, say I'm in a situation in which the controls break or something, would it be easy to replace the controls parts with non ambi parts?
not having a good deyyv
fukin with i had an =upper
>gay sex
How did you know?
girl had fire pussy now it burns when i pee
Build it out if you want.
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swap geissele and dogshit defense and it's an alright list. You can buy a fully assembled rifle but it'll just show up and sit there in your closet since shtf is always 2 weeks away and you're a consumer target market for people who never shoot. You'll miss out on the fun, knowledge, and sometimes savings of building shit out part by part
This but also put Sig into fag tier. Don't buy a knights unless you are retard that would pay $4500 for gucci shit that $1000 does equally well.
I shoot pretty often and I'm okay with building, but I wasnt sure it having parts from several different companies would affect reliability. Is it safe to say that good brands would only build shit in mil spec and as long as that is the case then reliability wouldnt be an issue?
can you pin a gas block if you have to drill all the holes yourself? that would be an advantage of a complete upper directly from the manufacturer
>contract for 11.5” and 14.5” cold hammer-forged barrels for the Upper Receiver Group – Improved
show us on the doll where DD hurt you
okay no, I can't do that
If you want the best chance of being complimented for taste get a Noveske or Lwrc.
If you are a swallower of memes, a trust fund baby, and enjoy making poorfag range officers ejaculate fuddcum get Knights.
If you want to pay money similar to Knights with even less understanding why get HK.
If you want to support a price gouging boomer that also begrudingly makes the most accurate shit ever but still won't use cold forged barrels buy a Larue
If you want an apocalypse rifle that 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of knights/Larue and can still shoot sub moa at hundreds of yards get Geissele URGI (or better yet Superduty,) Daniel Defense, or LMT
If you are a gamer get a Radian
>will several different companies affect reliability
Ar is a platform and so long as you're working in the correct compatible calibers of uppers and lowers you can (usually) frankenstien together any buttfuck thing you want. Which is addictive btw. You end up with spare parts and build a whole new rifle just to use them.
Now if you get a 5.56 superduty upper and an ar15 Areo lower you might or might not get some wobble play due to differing manufacturing tolerances than if you got just a superduty lower. But even that's chance. Another reason people end up with multiple lowers. Some frankenstiens will just feel right and some will annoy you. But at least when they annoy you it's at least usually a one part swap and the ill fitting part might fit like a glove with something else.
Totally different feels. I prefer CTR on my SBR but for a different upper like an m4 clone or an spr I can see myself rocking the sopmod.
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I remember when I had that retarded minimalist stock.
*sigh* was I ever that young.
sopmod is always the best choice.
too many things in s-tier.
keep it simple. kac is superior. haters gonna hate. but if you shoot your barrel out in shtf you aren't going to find replacement parts.
DD is your next best bet. all solid parts that are made in-house, barrels are really good (not as good as kac) and reliable. it would be very hard to beat an m4a1 or mk18 upper with a socom profile barrel, lmt e-bolt, surefire non-turbo scout, rc2 or better suppressor, and solid optics (t2, acog, atacr).
I'm about to build a mk18 just to beat the shit out of during practice. just like I'm looking for an 06 crv to eat miles so my tacoma doesn't prematurely age.
I've got a mars-l and ambi controls are 99% a meme. sure, its nice to lock back the bolt with your dominant hand but that's about it
>taste get a Noveske or Lwrc
we're training him wrong as a joke.
I find sopmod style stocks work better with bulkier plate carriers. CTR is just a better stock overall in my opinion.
>sure, its nice to lock back the bolt with your dominant hand but that's about it
Why the fuck doesn't someone make a receiver with just an ambi bolt catch? I'd buy that in a heartbeat.
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no clue. I don't even like the ambi bolt release. it over-works my trigger finger.
>dumped 4k on a kac and must eternally seethe and justify while it breaks like anything and you have 3 more rifles
>Has a Kac and talks about how you can't find parts
kekked so hard i blew out my oring thanks anon
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its never malfunctioned. its noticeably more accurate than my old 14.5 bcm and my m4a1. it shoots as softly as my old 14.5 bcm elw. it puts no gas in my face when shooting with an rc2. all that having been said, I don't want to deal with kac customer service to get it rebarreled until I absolutely have to because no thanks.
its all a give and take.
do...do you need help finding a job?
>copey cope cope
I could drop on a home outright in the foresty bourgeois california neighborhood of your choice and be fine for years after. Thing is I don't want that because much like buying a kac I'm not into paying assfuck prices to join a community of delusional retards that believe money defeats fire
Synagogue savers get uppity once they can afford something that doesn't get them bullied.
lotta DD shills are up early today. Usually worms vanish with the sun
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you say that, but you have the impotent rage of someone who buy milsurp.
DD has been meta for years.
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good morning lads i hope this post finds you well.
So tired of looking at this ugly piece of shit
Judging delusional retards as delusional retards isn't rage anon, it's just stating a fact. And now we're gonna calmly add projection to mask a failed argument to your thread report card.
This is why 2d is superior.
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who shit in your cereal this morning?
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no one did. that's why he's so upset.
Marty Daniel, if I'm reading this thread right.
got a chuckle
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Thanks, you too
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Why haven't you gone shooting this week?
My back yard is riddled with gunfire.
I wanted to go yesterday but I've got shitty work around the house to do and I may as well wait until my can shows up
>I remember when I had that retarded minimalist stock.
minimalist stocks are only useful if you are using a LAW folder on a stubby 300 black or just have some weird hollow AR stock adapter on something like an AK sidefolder
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>me after 15 beers
During yesterday's Griffin Q&A they said there is no torque spec for the hub mount into the can and they don't recommend Loctite or Rocksett. I request both an apology and a blow job from Dan
this list sucks, hodge was proven to be a meme awhile ago
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taking the baby to the jiu jitsu mats today. gonna be super cute.
I tried to help him find employment but he rebuffed me.
busy. dryfiring has been regular, though.
genuinely cannot tell the difference between your stupid rifles because they are both setup and painted the same dumb way
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I'm just glad he finally got on meta.
he was posting last thread
what's ugly about it?
not my optic setup of choice but that's preference.
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idk i have a turdcutter in mine.
You, with you spamming that disgusting shit every single thread
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I have a genuine question for everyone in /arg/.

Which AR-15/AR-308 manufacturing company makes you so mad, you just want to travel to their location, pull out your belt, and whip everyone working there? To be specific, this has to be a company that you're so mad at their retarded decisions, that you should be running their business.
BCA, so i can beat foreigners.
Really? BCA has outsourced labor? Da fuq? I didn't expect it from a company that's owned by PSA.
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Thoughts on GBRS trying to take legal action against a YouTuber covering their recent fuckup?
"Be a Pro"
>Thoughts on GBRS...
What are you, gay?
Building an AR from parts is a big reason I shoot ARs. Another reason is no company offered a rifle to my specs. The only preassembled part of my rifle is the ambi controls on my mars l lower.
>LMT assembled lower $1050
Carbine receiver extension shittier trigger
>ADM assembled lower $900
Shittier trigger.
>KAC assembled lower $950
Shittier trigger, inferior ambi controls (subjective) MOE furniture(ha!) carbine receiver extension.
>mine BCM A5 BCM SOPMOD BCM grip MARS L lower G SSAE $670

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