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this is just mean
just look at how happy the guy reflected in the screen is
how can you call that mean?
Anything that leads to the destruction and lamentation of zegroids is a noble act
War crime
So six more weeks?
so is invading a country and killing millions. russians are a terrorist nation and will be annihilated. simple as is.
>spawn camping

what server admin doing
what is that ziggerhole? a septic tank?
Septic, soviet, same shit tank really
Tsar Tank Obr.2024, please understand
screenshot this.
You know what else is mean? Invading a peaceful and sovereign nation in the biggest european war since Adolf Hitler.
To that ruskie I say: Get fucked.
If Hitler won, Russia would be dead.
>muh genocidal authoritarian leader is better than yours
for the the bones to become visible?
idk how fast ziggers decay.
Where's the bomb?
Fuckin kek!
An FPV drone is filming this.
The mistake here was expecting spawn protection to last that long. You know that the timer starts the moment you spawn or exit spawn so you have to be quick and take advantage of it lest the spawn camper gets you when it expires.
>Rush B Blyat would have been a good choice here
Oh no, the Foot Clan got Donatello!
Goundzig clearly did not see his shadow
What penguins are doing!
getting sick of those redd*t quips desu get better material
You would know about what they say there.
99 ziggers in holes in the ground
99 ziggers in holes
Spot one down
Blow them out
98 ziggers in holes in the ground.
We really should have nuked Moscow in 1946-47, and just pushed through and dismantled the entire USSR before the cold war ever happened. Would have spared us so much trouble.
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>Be single hinged hatch using fag
>Have limited field of view while exiting
Many such cases, wouldn't have happened with a superior door
Recent videos are more like a clown show.
Why don't you make some better ones, you sour fuck?
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war is hell
>Die instantly and unaware of what happened
Definitely not the worst way to go in this conflict.
I am seeing Ukrainian drone operators having less and less issue with interference these days. In the old days they would never land a drone to save battery, and wait in ambush like that. Now I see it reported more than once.
just like with a dick, i'd rather see it coming
It’s like something out of a dark comedy skit.
Hitler literally wasn't genocidal, although he should have been.
Not a direct hit. That guy probably lost most of his left arm and got his face full of shrapnel. He had a few minutes of pure agony not understanding what the hell happened
Ukies have gone apeshit destroying Puccian EW means, and what EW Puccia has is increasingly becoming more and more unreliable. The tipping point for Puccian EW is increasingly in sight.
Underrated post
>this is just mean
It's literally the same thing as claymores and I don't see you complaining about those.
Surprise! Butseks!
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>die instantly
Only if it was a HEAT warhead aimed just right or he got luck and a big piece of drone went though his brain.
Much more likely he had a decent amount of face removed with little more than a concussion to the brain.
Unironically yes because Hitler tolerated capitalism and religion and local (Western) culture.
agroprom underground
>war is hell yeah!
Fuck off scum
Mobik was all happy he got the unique AK variant
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Get fucking lost, stinky commie incel.
I thought the traditional insult is nigger commie jew lover.
I am beginning to think that storing ammo inside the fighting compartment is a bad idea
Dunno what you're whinging about.
Wouldn't even call the former a quip.
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Always was. Thank God, soviets were stupid enough to create these tracked bbq devices.
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I have a whole folder explicitly filled with Year 1 clips and pictures if anyone's sick enough
I don't know why, but pissing away the snow makes it even funnier.

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