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How big of an army would you realistically need to take a planet, let alone police a galactic polity?
You'd need many more well on the way.
It ultimately would depend on the planet in question. Depends on the population, the geological features, size, and a ton of other factors. As a ball park, a minimum of 100 million combat troops, excluding any support personal, would be needed for conquest of a planet of a few billion people is my guess.
As for policing, any form of centralized apparatus would be horribly ineffecient at best, or doomed to fail.
About 350
Thread theme
Most planets wouldn't have that many people on them and most of the population would be located in a small area. Home worlds would be the only exception to that.
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gonna assume this question entails a planet of earthlike pop. density/distribution and the objective is to secure the planet and not destroy it. best way to go about this is to subjugate the planet's military to the point that the central polity surrenders; if we're going for direct ground engagements it would likely require tens of millions of troops. However, if you are in the position to secure a planet, then it is likely you have some orbital fleet; if you can gain space superiority and hit key targets from orbit with impunity this makes your job a lot easier-- how big your fleet needs to be here depends on what your opponent is bringing. you'll probably still need those millions of troops for the following occupation though, which will doubtlessly be messy and whose success depends greatly on the occupier's socio-political decisions. Also important to note that in a space-faring galaxy it is likely that the average population density of inhabited worlds is going to be much lower than that of earth, with few 'key' planets; most planets would likely require proportionally less manpower. Finally security of the planet from external threats would be most contingent on one's security of the nearby space/system of the planet
With a fleet in orbit and a force of heavily armed dropships like the LAAT, probably not all that many soldiers. When you can deliver a squad with attached air support anywhere on the planet at any time, defense becomes all but impossible, since there is no longer a front line that the enemy can focus their troops on. Either the defending forces will have to spread themselves so thin that they could be wiped out piecemeal via concentrated local strikes, or they'll have to leave most of their supply lines unprotected, dooming them to a logistical defeat.
Nice thing about planets is that if planet A is the enemy capital the 5 million troops on planet B are irrelevant if you blow up the spaceports, it can be bypassed like a WW2 Japanese island. Spaceborne soldiers will have to be highly trained and highly mobile, no point wasting 200kg+ of mass on a regular grunt.
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>How big of an army would you realistically need to take a planet, let alone police a galactic polity?
The worst case scenario on the planet front would be a World War 1 and 2 situation where each side eats 5-10 million dead. However I think the people who envisioned the Clone Army were thinking in terms closer to the Gulf War. In the 10 year long Iran-Iraq war both sides took about half a million losses each but by the end the Iraqi's army had ballooned to a 4 million man army, bigger, more experienced and better equipped than ever. They were crushed in weeks by the Coalition forces who were mostly green but had better training and technology. Geonosis was depicted as this kind of fight and I think this is the power dynamic they wanted between the Clone army and the Droids.
Problem is just sheer scale. A few million clones is not enough to fight over thousands of worlds, garrison and defend planets and get bogged down into high casualty slug fests all of which they show them doing during the war. Hell, they have thousands of them on Cruisers pushing buttons. They had two good options to depict the war, either make the Clone Army bigger, like 50-100 million strong so they can handle the bulk of the fighting and other roles or depict the few million they had as Jedi led special forces for a much, much larger but low quality Republic Army of hundreds of millions or billions, they chose neither option. The idea of the Clones being the US Army to the Droids Iraq is a good one but the Galactic scale issue has always been hanging over the Clone Wars and was never satisfyingly addressed.
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Whoops, meant to post this pic. The Coruscant pic was originally to show how many clones are wasted on Cruisers.
>Grand Army of the Republic Suite (Theme)
is my head fucking me or wasn't this originally the Trade Federation theme in Phantom Menace?

1 soldier for every 1000 civilians
What PS2 game is this?
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It's worth remembering that the clone army was, in ACTUAL lore, not the disney slop, primarily a shock army used for the purposes of fighting in pitched battles and capturing key planets. Local military and security forces actually outnumbered the clones by a fuck loads and accounted for easily 60% of the actual battles that happened during the war. The clones were just used to fight in the far more important theatres and battles were defeat was both more scathing and detrimental to the war effort, that being what palpatine needed to help consolidate power. It was also in his benefit to have the clones BE that shock troop that were the face and centre of the republic military so that the jedi being used as officers would be far closer to them when order 66 came down

TLDR: Rham kota was an absolute G and was 100% right about the clones
>clones are wasted on Cruisers.
main reason for that is that the props department couldn't afford the other aliens that are supposed to crew the GAR ships
>main reason for that is that the props department couldn't afford the other aliens
so lucas short changed his own fucking movie??
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Uploader posted this from another Republic theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ3iZNA-NwY
Droid theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kw8_gecNA-g
I was more speaking to the animated series but I guess that is the same issue, animated a bunch of unique characters for every Cruiser scene instead of having stock clone model walking around is probably expensive.
>It's worth remembering that the clone army was, in ACTUAL lore, not the disney slop, primarily a shock army used for the purposes of fighting in pitched battles and capturing key planets. Local military and security forces actually outnumbered the clones by a fuck loads and accounted for easily 60% of the actual battles that happened during the war.
That is the way it should be but most peoples perception of the war is from the cartoon and "local forces" are always like a few dozen guys with rifles while all the giant battles are masses of Clones / Droids. They really needed to depict actual local armies and navies to sell this better. What happened is some book / lore writer realized that the numbers were fucking dumb, wrote in a solution and was mostly ignored by the big money productions.
yes, movie budgets are very finite

do you know why Aayla Secura is fighting in the Geonosis arena? as George himself tells it, it's because he wanted an alien Jedi, but he didn't have the budget for any more props, so it had to be an existing alien species, and a Twilek costume was on hand, so it was a Twilek Jedi. oh and he remembered offhand that the EU writers had been writing stories about Aayla Secura, so he said "make her the Jedi" and that was that.

The reasons all of the clone troopers in the original film were CGI were that they were

1. Trying to save money on making a bunch of sets of armor.

2. Trying to make the clone troopers stand out as more elite from their Stormtrooper counterparts from the original trilogy. This meant having them march in perfectly matching formation, something that couldn't be done with actors wearing physical costumes owing to the natural differences in strut and gait in all humans. With CGI, they only needed one actor to do the marching and then could simply copy his model as many times as they needed.

3. As pointed out above, the Stormtroopers in the original trilogy were noticeably clumsy in their armor.

4. Lucas wanted to experiment with using CGI to create entire set piece battles. Remember, this was a time when using CGI on a grand scale was something that was still relatively novel (the first film to do it on a scale comparable to Star Wars was Titanic) and didn't carry the kind of stigma that it does now.
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Show up in orbit, declare yourself in control. Establish a blockade. Start slow-rolling a planetary bombardment or population centers until they surrender, then establish a puppet government of local bureaucrats and soldiers who get special privileges for collaboration and imperial officers and political leadership

Space superiority is an auto-win
>some book / lore writer realized that the numbers were fucking dumb, wrote in a solution and was mostly ignored by the big money productions.
Karen Traviss
who did most of the work on the Clone Army and the first The Clone Wars movie, before fucking Filoni stole everything.

to be fair, her "three million" figure is also well short of the mark, because in her mind, clones were Royal Marine levels of elite and they were just the tip of the spear while the other constituent planets of the Republic hastily raised armies of their own
and yes her idea of the Clone Wars was more like Basra and Fallujah
possibly she was also inspired by the British Empire military in WW2, which in the Far East had brigades made up of one British battalion and two Indian, the Indian battalions usually having British officers but all Indian enlisted

she's actually quite based. conservative, pro-Armed Forces, pro-guns, pro-family, respects religion despite being personally atheist, anti-woke.
>With CGI, they only needed one actor to do the marching and then could simply copy his model as many times as they needed.
technology pioneered by Return Of The King for the Rohirrim
it would depend on the planets population or strategic importance, but if you have something like an earth with a human population you will need at least a 30 million troops and probably more if the population is actively hostile or its a strategic frontier world, on a galatic scale that number would skyrocket to the point you would need to be saying numbers you didn't know exist until now
>yes, movie budgets are very finite

This seems to be a simple fact that modern studios seem to forget (or simply ignore) these days. The last three major Disney films, Lightyear, Turning Red, and The Little Mermaid remake all had budgets in excess of $200 million. Assuming that they didn't go over budget (all of them did), theaters usually keep around half of the revenue from films for themselves, meaning that at minimum, these movies would need to make at least $400 million just to break even and over half-a-billion to turn an actual profit.

Of these, Turning Red was a complete disaster and didn't even make $50 million. Lightyear managed to barely recoup its budget in gross revenue, but with half of the profits going to theaters, this meant that it was effectively a financial failure. The Little Memaid actually managed to make it past the $500 million mark, but was STILL considered a massive financial disappointment because of cost overruns and overly optimistic projections that said it was going to make over a billion.

tl;dr movie budgets are way too big these days and this can be chalked up to either incredibly shitty and short-sighted decision-making by producers (likely) or they're being used as vehicles for graft and embezzlement on a massive scale (also likely).
>technology pioneered by Return Of The King for the Rohirrim

Lord of the Rings and the Star Wars prequels had co-current productions (i.e. they were being made around roughly the same time) so it's unfair to say that one pioneered/stole from the other. It was more a bunch of studios independently toying with the same novel idea.
they're chasing the gold at the end of the DEI rainbow and actively hiring shitty scriptwriters, or demanding DEI plot points that require the plot to go in ways that the audience can sense is incoherent or downright vile even if most can't explain why

Critical Drinker on Youtube has some good insights on the dysfunctionality of this
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>she's actually quite based. conservative, pro-Armed Forces, pro-guns, pro-family, respects religion despite being personally atheist, anti-woke.

Meanwhile Fagloni is the literal embodiment of a stereotypical manchild Democrat-voting Redditor who seethes at Trump every waking hour of the day.


Personally I find Critical Drinker to be borderline unwatchable most of the time because he comes off as a grifter of the highest order, but I suppose even a broken clock is right twice a day. He seems to generally have the right idea about the problem
>he comes off as a grifter of the highest order
nobody puts out videos constantly without being a grifter at some level, for whichever side

but whatever his motive, I seriously have to take my hat off to him for these 3 videos:
this describes very concisely and with examples what's wrong with Hollywood today, why they suck despite having massive budgets and flashy CGI and acting talent etc. because woke plots are fundamentally dysfunctional.

most of this other videos is just him playing his usual pattern of first hyping up upcoming movies ("THIS TIME WILL IT BE DIFFERENT?!?!") and then criticising them ("spoiler alert: NO!!")
and nostalgia bait
but man's gotta eat lol
It's not really that budgets are too big, it's that there is nothing in between the 100 million and the shoestring budgets. Midrange film is dead, which was where promising people used to cut their teeth before getting the shot at a blockbuster. It's why you have so many literal who's being put in charge (beyond the usual Hollywood reasons), there simply isn't a place for people to prove they know what to do with actual resources.
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One (1)

It depends on how advanced the army was compared to the rest of the planet.
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>nobody puts out videos constantly without being a grifter at some level, for whichever side

Fair enough. I suppose it's a necessary evil for keeping the audience engaged.

>not only are these guys evil, but they're evil AND inept

Ironic how close to reality that actually is.

Agreed, and the effects are pretty obvious. Star Wars would have turned out very differently if Lucas hadn't made THX 1138 and American Graffiti first.
>it's a necessary evil for keeping the audience engaged.
what I mean is that CD is clearly building an audience to promote his videos and books
>Ironic how close to reality that actually is.
the Russians are "ept" enough to not be complete pushovers unfortunately

but see this is an example which illustrates CD's point: in this "movie", the Russians aren't threatening enough to be a proper villain to Americans. to Ukrainians, yes. so the Ukrainian "audience" is far more engaged in this movie than Americans
>Meanwhile Fagloni is the literal embodiment of a stereotypical manchild Democrat-voting Redditor who seethes at Trump every waking hour of the day.

His stuff is atleast more on brand to Star Wars fans than what Traviss is doing. He's not being called pro fascist but that could be just retarted leftists pissing themselves wich the Star Wars and also Halo community have no shortage of.

Her not being really knowledgeable on any given franchise she's working on also seem to be a running theme and kind of a problem when you change lore without even knowing it.

She should be writing 40k novels though I think that would really suit her.
>His stuff is atleast more on brand to Star Wars fans than what Traviss is doing
Her republic commando books are FAR more interesting than any part of the clone wars series barring maybe the umbara arc, filoni is also known as one of the BIGGEST pushers for 'diversity' in star wars. You know, star wars, the series with aliens out the wazoo and infinite possibilities to explore the concept of alien culture and how the development of a people with any potential for way of life. Maybe murder to them is a form of rightful ending of life, maybe they are a warrior culture that only cares about peace in an odd turn of events, maybe anything. Instead he talks about putting more gay people in star wars and diversifying the series based entirely on real world cultural movements and 'fads'

TLDR: filoni is actually a lefty retard, traviss is closer to what the original EU vision for star wars was than he ever will be/
Her GOW books are amazing and definite /k/lit
Yeah she's said that she hates working as part of a massive franchise so theres that

Yoda Dark Rendezvous
Revenge Of The Sith the novel
Considering most planets are uninhabited a couple of guys should be enough.
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A full Trinary.
I bid a porch.
then you may sit on it in silent contemplation as we claim your world, surat. Your world is now isorla of the Jade Falcon Clan.
I bid your clan against yourself
I counterbid with only myself, and ask you simply send down a large female redhead elemental to crush my head between her thighs
Those gunship missions were the best. It was like being in a disco ball of death.
>she’s actually quite based
No, she completely fucked Halo’s lore to an irrecoverable degree then had the gall to say fans who found her constant attempts to demonize Halsey and make ONI the good guys fucking retarded weren’t real fans. She got axed from writing pretty soon after that.
Depends a lot on what weapons you have and if you want an occupying force in every town or just want to threaten nukes from orbit is anyone fucks around.
If you want the full occupation you need ~1 man for every 50 civilians, if you just want to threaten doom a sinlge ship in orbit would work.
NTA but she didn’t do it single handily (she still deserves all the blame and more tho) the Forerunner trilogy for example retconned everything about the Forerunners and Flood and also heavily implied that Master Chief is the reincarnation of a Troon which I didn’t even know about till I watched Broken circle’s latest video
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her Halo books weren't good anyway
Republic Commando is alright

Going Grey is quite good
>fantasy /k/ommando self inserts encounter a teenage lab experiment
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>Karen Traviss
Sometimes I do like her stuff but she can be both retarded and petty (a unfortunate combination) as seen during the Legacy of The Force spat, I do like how she expanded on Mandalorian culture but she just couldn’t stop herself from wanking them into “Le perfect warrior race” and using them as a cudgel against the “beta child stealing cult that is the Jedi” which got annoying very fast.
I still think the Verpine Shatter Rifle is based though (even if the mock up looks a bit fucked)
>How big of an army would you realistically need to take a planet
4 battlemechs, apparently.

Depends on the year though.
>I issue a batchall for your genetic material.
Why are you naked?
>She should be writing 40k novels though I think that would really suit her.
Fuck no, even we don't want her.
>a planet
Just the population centers
her Mandalorians are some of the most interesting species anyone's ever written in Star Wars, and rooted in common supersoldier stories most /k/ should know
the only real downside is that they didn't make her do more Death Watch stuff which would have been a potent counterpoint
the Jedi thing was an unreliable narrator thing that got way out of control, because fans can't read nuance and she can't read fans

in general Traviss has been mismanaged, she has to be either kept on a leash or told to establish an empty universe from ground up, like Gears Of War

she doesn't do well in big universes, we've established that
and 40k now is too woke for her
Canonically, to run the 'mech hotter.
The thing with Star Wars is that most planets are sparsely populated and only really developed in one or two main shipping hubs/ports, especially in places like the Outer Rim. Earth as it is now ironically would be *one of* the most developed planets in the entire galaxy space travel aside, far from Coruscant still but might as well be that compared to the average.
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>It's worth remembering that the clone army was, in ACTUAL lore, not the disney slop, primarily a shock army used for the purposes of fighting in pitched battles and capturing key planets. Local military and security forces actually outnumbered the clones
This. All constituent parts of the Galactic Republic had their own security forces. The size and quality of these forces varied a lot, but even a highly pacifist world like Naboo had its starfighters and palace guard (and native gungans).

The clone army was designed as an elite expeditionary force that was used to either invade seperatist homeworlds (like Geonosis), defend republic loyalist worlds from enemy invasions (like Coruscant) or help liberate occupied republic worlds (like Utapau). We see all of this in the movies.

That beeing said they still should habe added a few zeros to the number of clones.
Its kind of insane hearing praise for Karen Traviss novels when I only know her for the Halo books people hate.
>I only know her for the Halo books people hate.
that's why you need to read at least the first two books of Republic Commando, and the Gears Of War series
Gears is a mixed bag. There’s some good but it’s mostly ehhh.
I'm kind of busy with the Foundation series and I'm going through the old Star Wars EU post ROTJ. I don't really care much about the clone wars era EU.
>That beeing said they still should habe added a few zeros to the number of clones.
according to r/theydidthemath (yeah yeah), the Star Wars galactic population should be 600 trillion
that implies you need at least 600 billion soldiers, pilots, sailors, militia and policemen
say the Republic is a third of that, the remainder are Separatists and neutrals (Corellia, Huttspace) that's 200 billion
say just 1% of those are clones
they'd still need 2 billion

maybe they should dub AOTC so the Kaminoan says "200 million are ready, with 1 billion more well on the way"
Why would you want an army for policing?
Nothingburger question since there's no information on what kind of planet this is. it's like asking 'what kind of army do I need to invade a nation'.
what is woke, exactly?
Woke is an umbrella term for anything the rightoid using it doesn't like at that particular moment.

An ideology that views everything in terms of power dynamics and that those power dynamics must be analyzed through race, sex, gender, and other demographic categorization. Though analysis is generous. In practice "woke" manifests as a reflexive dislike of anything perceived as normal, and a drive to exalt anything abnormal. In media or entertainment this results in characters serving as mouthpieces for their traits; or dialogue and actions taking place that do not proceed logically from character or setting, but instead based on which character should be exalted under the woke framework.

An example would be in the Ancilliary series by Anne Leckie; the character of Seivarden was a noble, but was lost in stasis for 1000 years. Everything they knew crumbling to dust lead them to become a suicidal drug addict in a backwater. In the third book the main character tells them "Everyone in your life has tried to make you comfortable" as a rebuke for their being involved in an interpersonal conflict.

The fact that the entire time that the main character knew Seivarden, he was either an active addict and derelict, or a subordinate recovering from addiction described as very much on the edge is irrelevant. The woke analysis says noble = privilege = bad, so you have an entirely discordant scene that only makes sense when you view it from a woke lens.
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>what is woke, exactly?
Bad writing but with a woman, gay or non-white person. Good writing with any of those groups is ignored by the anti woke crowd and bad writing with white people is just normal bad writing. The reality is that Hollywood has a shit writer problem for a while and if they were forced at gunpoint to write about white men they would still fuck it up because they can't write a coherent story but still seem to keep their jobs.
It's no wonder that every adaptation made after a popular book that sticks close to the original story does well, it's because they are written by successful writers. My go to is Game of Thrones that went to utter shit the moment they ran out of books and had to rely on their own creativity. That show was full of "woke stuff" IE strong females, gays and diversity... no one cares if it is well written.
Cogently put, anon. I'm saving this for future use, since I lack your coherent grasp of the subject.
>what is woke, exactly?
fourth wave feminism, diversity,

can do nothing wrong
can do nothing right
>cisgender or even LGBT
>you are the sex organs you have
>equality of opportunity
>drug control
>two parent nuclear family
>single mum
good (fuck off men)
>free sex
>far east religion
>universal basic income
hurt my fee fees

that should cover most of it
I'm not joking at all
ask me about any specific topic and I'll cover it in detail
sauce: day 1,182 since I had to work with far left women, they still think I'm one of them

you just don't have the brains to list the issues, you just kneejerk reflexively against "rightoids" like the trained chimp you are

>The reality is that Hollywood has a shit writer problem for a while and if they were forced at gunpoint to write about white men they would still fuck it up because they can't write a coherent story
not true
they're hamstrung by the woke rules whatever the skin colour of the MC
look at D&D for example
>free sex
>universal basic income
and they're correct (about these)
You've been watching too much Battletech.
I seem to recall Battletech home planets being quite empty of people
>by the end
having a bodycount in the dozens is not healthy

the browns don't even share their values, but they don't care; they're literally raping themselves but it doesn't matter so long as their anti-white-male chimpout can continue

UBI only works for as long as someone else is footing the bill, and if you assume that people make perfect spending decisions - not rational, PERFECT
>having a bodycount in the dozens is not healthy
how so? Don't say STDs
Star wars is an old space travel series. Why would planetary populations be small and isolated? I could understand if it was a series where only a couple species had space travel and have only been at it for a couple hundred years. But Star Wars has had space travel for thousands of years to the point multiple space faring civilizations have risen and fallen.
>Why is washing an open wound in mud bad?
And don't say infections
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>An ideology that views everything in terms of power dynamics and that those power dynamics must be analyzed through race, sex, gender, and other demographic categorization
>In practice "woke" manifests as a reflexive dislike of anything perceived as normal, and a drive to exalt anything abnormal. In media or entertainment this results in characters serving as mouthpieces for their traits; or dialogue and actions taking place that do not proceed logically from character or setting, but instead based on which character should be exalted under the woke framework
this is quite a good summary of the woke writing mindset

one excellent example in practice would be the Aladdin remake
>original Aladdin
Jasmine is a sheltered princess with no clue of the outside world; Aladdin is a deceitful streetrat who doesn't care who he hurts so long as he gets what he's after
>character growth
Jasmine learns that there's poverty and injustice in her nation; Aladdin tells the truth and frees the Genie, sacrificing his wants for the moral principle and for others' needs

>remake Aladdin
Jasmine is a Strong And Powerful Princess who knows everything and helps run the country but still complains that she is oppressed and ignored despite all evidence to the contrary; Aladdin is a deceitful streetrat who doesn't care who he hurts so long as he gets what he's after
>character growth
none, women are perfect, they only need recognition, so Jasmine becomes Queen; Aladdin is a deceitful streetrat who reneges on his promise to free the Genie

Disney remakes are especially useful in revealing post-2010s plot principles because the stories are purportedly identical, so every changed detail prompts the question "why?"
>why the Jasmine change?
because women can never have any flaw and must be Queen
>why the Aladdin change?
because every excuse must be taken to elevate the flaws of men
>bonus: why add Dalia the handmaiden?
DEI is a jobs program for women, browns and troons
>don't say STDs
This is an unfair handicap, but personally I don't even think that's the worst one so I'll roll with it.

Simply put, humans are specially designed to be monogamous. Sex, used correctly, is not merely an exercise in procreation or pleasure, but an act of bonding with your partner. Most people recognize this, even if they don't acknowledge it. It is where concepts such as make-up sex or hate sex come from. It is inextricably tied up in our emotional processes, and it was wired for finding a single partner and sticking to them. This is why breakups between cohabitating (and thus sexually engaged) couples frequently are so ugly: the brain has subconsciously paired you with the other person, and it cannot readily accept the loss. It is really no less emotionally unpleasant than to have a spouse divorce you or die.
With that foundation, consider then what happens when you share what is, at a biological level, intended to be a special experience with dozens of people, some of whom you likely no nothing about. It cheapens the experience, and ultimately makes it difficult to form connections. This can become especially detrimental should someone with a high body count marry, as they will find it difficult to remain faithful, or even committed, to the relationship. Having knocked out one of the crucial pillars to preserve the marriage, it becomes much harder to preserve it.
If you are looking for an actual romantic partner, and not just a one night stand, a high body count can be indicative of somebody who has not been able or willing to have a stable relationship in the past. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior, anon.
>Aladdin is a deceitful streetrat who reneges on his promise to free the Genie
Are you kidding? I never bothered to watch the remake, mostly for the principle, but this is galling if true.
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leaving STDs aside, psych
even women will admit that sex involves a deep emotional bonding. creating that bond with too many people cheapens the relationship
and before anyone screams "chauvinism" and "locks and keys", ditto for men as well, IMHO

the fourth wave feminist excuse for this, and I have LITERALLY heard this, from a women with an admitted bodycount in the high 20s, is that "it doesn't matter because I didn't mean it with them"

which begs the question, why do women put up with this behaviour? even when they admit "I wouldn't do that, myself"? because see again: women can do no wrong, so you can't "slut shame" (look it up)

illustrates my point
>Simply put, humans are specially designed to be monogamous.
Based Andrew Tate told me the opposite and who are you to disagree with the Top G? are you a liberal?
your picture describes two independent values.
Say I have two rocks: one is my favourite and the other was just picked up off the ground. They are not identical, but are similar. If I give the favourite rock to someone, doing so has meaning to me internally; giving away the other rock does not. To external observers, the value of the rocks is the same. My internal evaluation of the rock is separate from external valuation.
>sex doesn't mean anything anyway
>i didn't mean anything by having sex with [person]
can both be true, or both be false, or any other permutation
>My internal evaluation of the rock is separate from external valuation.
I understood the premise
that is the bottom sentence of the pic
however, the picture depicts an inductive reasoning arising from this internal evaluation:
>because I don't value this rock, therefore all rocks are valueless
furthermore, the context of this relationship is that it was meant to answer the question:
>why are rocks valueless
with an attempt at deduction:
>rocks are valueless because my internal evaluation of the rock is that they are valueless
at best, this is actually anecdotal
at worst, it is recursive

or in 4chanspeak:
>rocks are valueless BECAUSE IT IS OKAY
I probably qualify as reactionary, desu.
>thread about sci-fi planet invasions
>cringe politics and seething over 343s fanfic
Why is it always like this
>don't go offtopic mmkay
>doesn't contribute to the topic
Why is it always like this
I reckon i could take earth with 50 million men
How does one best keep an eye out for wrist propelled rockets?
You need like 6 stealth bombers and a few xcom
watch them
depends entirely on how intact you want the planet and how populated it is and how high the tech level of the defenders is.
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It's probably worth pointing out that the droids that the clones faced off against most of the time were

1. Mobik-tier useless on an individual level thanks to their flimsy design and shoddy programming. Relying entirely on sheer numbers for any measure of battlefield success. Good enough as glorified strikebreakers, but completely ineffective against any opponent capable of fighting back.

2. Centrally controlled due to the aforementioned shoddy programming and Nute Gunray's own paranoia about having them turned against him. Meaning that the Republic usually didn't need to shoot its way through an entire garrison to capture a planet. Just locate the central control hub, shoot the droids guarding it, and then turn the rest off.


There is only one Clone Wars and Filoni had nothing to do with it as far as I'm concerned.
Not that much. Just arrive, use your superweapons to destroy Washington, Beijing, Moscow and London. Find governments who will cooperate and basically use them to police themselves, just like the combine did in HL2. From there just take care of the nations who rebel. Ultimately, as long as you have majority of nations cooperating you can simply destroy population centers of the ones that dont and leave it as no mans land. It's not sustainable to station ground troops in rebellious territories, nor to garrison entire planet yourself
>There is one Clone Wars, and Tartakovsky pbuh is His Prophet.
For a brick. He flew pretty good.
- sum nigga in da marines
Paris, Berlin, Rome and Brussels would be more relevant than fucking Moscow
for most planets a gendarme brigade or two to pacify the settlements after they've honorably surrendered under the guns/missiles of your fleet which can glass the entire planet unopposed if they refuse.
Very densely populated planets are going to need a lot more soldiers, but the mission profile would be the same
Poor euro seethe post. Maybe mention Budapest and Vienna as well lmao
>til aliens spawn and instantly go for world supply of croissants, beer; baguettes and ugly women
Yeah, I dont think so
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movie bullshit
there's no space in those epaulets for a revolving rocket mechanism like that, it's just cgi horse shit for a few frames before the audience is wowed again with something else half-brained
if a nigga came at you with wrist rockets, they'd be noticeable, or at least the mechanism for back blast onto the wearer's arm would be, because we don't live in a hollyjew retard's world

i swear i can't watch movies anymore
>perfectly matching formation, something that couldn't be done with actors wearing physical costumes owing to the natural differences in strut and gait in all humans.
But armies that do parades do it pretty well. Just look at North Korea.
an army is defined by it's training. you are not going to get that type of result out of a bunch of extras even if you train them for a week - which would be fucking expensive for a bunch of extras.
Acclamator cruisers were pretty okay though, most of those clones were probably with the legion housed on the ship. They only needed like 700 crew but they could house 1 legion and all of their heavy equipment. It's one of the better Star Wars ships imo but that's a very low bar.
Because I am a brainlet when it comes to planetary invasions
While you'd always need boots on the ground to some extent, having a warship in orbit would significantly reduce the need to swamp the planet with soldiers, both in the taking and holding process. With the threat/asset of orbital bombardment, you could realistically hold an earth-like planet with just a million or so troops located in strategically relevant areas.
Phase 1 clones are so cool, shame on Georgie boy for cucking out and making Phase 2 clones that are just Stormtrooper reskins
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>But armies that do parades do it pretty well. Just look at North Korea.

They also aren't wearing plastic buckets and often require years of drilling to get it right.
begone vatnik
Moscow is only relevant for krokodil and cheap hookers
>you are not going to get that type of result out of a bunch of extras even if you train them for a week
you can
but it costs money to find and train a hundred dudes to drill for forty hours

more importantly, it would be even more difficult to find a hundred dudes of roughly the same height and build, cause they're all clones
Star Wars armies make no sense

>millions of troops on each side not using tactics and are just shooting (missing) in open fields
>despite being a pacifist warrior monk order, suddenly Jedis are now generals and commanders despite not being a militaristic order
>large starships only fire tiny pew pew lasers, the Death Star was the first (and only one) to shoot large one-hit kill death lasers
>only one side uses drones, eventually no one uses drones
>the locals on each planet can only muster a few forces and are mostly ineffective, even a medium sized country on Earth can muster hundreds of thousands even millions if they were in an actual war
>boarding enemy ships is still a thing
>large starships only fire tiny pew pew lasers, the Death Star was the first (and only one) to shoot large one-hit kill death lasers
>boarding enemy ships is still a thing

Assuming you're referring to the opening scene of Episode IV, the Empire wanted to find out where the Death Star plans were and had been (in case case duplicates had been made and the like), so this required live prisoners. So the Tantive IV was disabled with ion cannons (which essentially short out electronics) and pulled aboard Vader's ship for a thorough search.
>the Tantive IV was disabled with ion cannons
They killed the generator with a turbolaser
it entirely operates on samurai, WW2 and adventure movie logic and whatever else George Lucas thought was cool as well as budget limitations of 70's sci-fi movies
>it entirely operates on samurai, WW2 and adventure movie logic and whatever else George Lucas thought was cool as well as budget limitations of 70's sci-fi movies
based, innit

it only got cringe beginning with Filoni Wars when they deviated from this paradigm.
That's the neat part: you don't.
>2. Centrally controlled due to the aforementioned shoddy programming and Nute Gunray's own paranoia about having them turned against him. Meaning that the Republic usually didn't need to shoot its way through an entire garrison to capture a planet. Just locate the central control hub, shoot the droids guarding it, and then turn the rest off.
Canonically not true. The original B1s were centrally controlled, but in the aftermath of the fiasco over Naboo it became obvious that any military force reliant on droids was going to need to jettison the central control bullshit. From Geonosis onward, most B1s seen in combat were independent, and all other types of Seperatist combat droid were as well.
Star wars makes a lot more sense when you accept that the planets are only a few miles wide and not all that far apart, like islands in a huge chain.

That's the case for outer rim worlds, but earth would be far from *most* developed considering how many non-coruscant ecumenpoli there are. The average core world has a population in the 10-11 figure range. It'd be on the upper end in the mid rim or expansion region, to be sure.
Cozy thread
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Since we're discussing Star Wars here, I've always liked as a what-if scenario, Anakin goes into hiding with Padme and the twins (maybe Palpatine gets busted a little earlier and has to initiate Order 66 before he's secured Anakin's change of allegiance, maybe Anakin has a change of heart when he's faced with the prospect of literally murdering kids, maybe Obi-Wan doesn't get on Padme's ship and she manages to get through to him) and being forced to live as a normie shopkeeper on some distant planet. Basically Anakin goes from Jedi to everyman and has to balance being a father and keeping his past hidden like a Jew hiding from the Nazis (or a Nazi hiding in South America).
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It'd be nice to think of a happy end for Anakin, but IMO his life put him on a crash course for the dark side no matter what. Born a slave boy to a single mother, then taken from that mother and turned into a child soldier by a group of emotionally distant (though still well-intentioned) monks and with his entire adolescent and young adult life meddled in by one of the most powerful Sith the galaxy had ever known. He was emotionally damaged from the start, and the jedi were unable to empthasize with him on a fundamental level; their advice to him when his mother was captured and tortured amounted to "just be at peace" and even in episode III when Anakin visits Yoda with extreme inner turmoil all Yoda can tell him amounts to letting go and ignoring it, giving him an 'everybody dies' speech. You can actually see the point where Anakin stops paying attention and zones out in the middle of Yoda talking.
Anakin was never taught proper coping skills for his trauma because the Jedi were simply incapable of doing so; nobody had gone through his same experiences as they had been brought to the Jedi as toddlers, and couldn't empthasize with him on problems of family, love and childhood abuse. Even Obi Wan, essentially his adopted father figure, struggled to connect with him with the best of intentions as he just couldn't relate to Anakin's problems.
Even without Sheev's interference I think Anakin was always going to be a ticking time bomb that just flat out could not adapt to the Jedi philosophy. Not once until the moment where Luke got through to him and he chucked Palpatine off the balcony was Anakin in control of his own life; in a best case scenario where he simply takes Padme and ducks out halfway through episdode III I think he'd still fall to the dark side, even if he may not end up as Vader. The mental damage was already done.
TL;DR: The game was rigged from the start and Kreia was right.
If he came clean that he had kids with Senator Amidala the worst thing that will happen to him is being exiled from the Jedi Order.

He'll still be able to live as Padme's bodyguard.
>It'd be nice to think of a happy end for Anakin

Eh, I wouldn't exactly call it a happy ending. One way or another, he still royally fucked up and saw his very way of life destroyed (Padme's as well) through either negligence or extraordinary moral failure and now the best he can do is just pick up the pieces.

>Anakin was never taught proper coping skills for his trauma because the Jedi were simply incapable of doing so; nobody had gone through his same experiences as they had been brought to the Jedi as toddlers, and couldn't empthasize with him on problems of family, love and childhood abuse.

Honestly agree, the only Jedi (at least the only one adhering to the Code) who could've emphasized with him was Ki Adi-Mundi since he was granted special permission to wed and have children. But Anakin never trained under him so he never got to enjoy the benefit of father-son bonding (or at least something comparable).

>in a best case scenario where he simply takes Padme and ducks out halfway through episdode III I think he'd still fall to the dark side, even if he may not end up as Vader. The mental damage was already done.

That's the idea, but he just doesn't fall as far which in of itself is both a blessing and a curse. He's fallen a long way from The Hero with No Fear, but can't completely live the lie of Vader (which you could argue, was essentially a form of escapism, being labeled "more machine than man", a soulless monster rather than a crippled and aging man who had made all the wrong choices in life) either because he still has a wife and children to look after, he's stuck somewhere in between.

Same thing with Padme, she still sees her entire life's work torn down before her eyes, but she isn't granted the mercy of a bowing out (dying in childbirth, or as I prefer to put it, being freed from the consequences of her actions ) either. She has to live in this shit world she unintentionally helped to create.
>Karen Traviss
Her Mandolorian wank just got way too out of hand.
Hows about 128 people per square mile.

That would put troop population on earth at 25,203,200,000. So yeah. Seems sufficient.

The logistics to move the people, and maintain the kind of empire, would have to be in a galaxy far far
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Just one guy
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Reminder that the very first scene of the first star wars movie is stormtroopers taking on the wrong end of a fatal funnel and winning. A dozen rebel guns with cover all pointed at a single doorway only one man can pass through at a time, at the end of a hall, and they not only win they take less casualties doing so just two troopers downed vs 6 or so rebels while the rest flee deeper into the ship and surrender a minute later.
The Rebels were demoralised ship's crew and the stormtroopers' armour probably helped a lot
/k/ - fairytales and kid's toys
Not demoralized till after that initial engagement nor would that have any effect on your ability to shoot down an empty hallway. The "ship's crew" were also wearing official rebel soldier uniforms as we see later on the Yavin base and you'd think the guys assigned to guard one of the most important VIPs in the alliance would be among the most elite.
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Absolutely agree. The mature and correct thing for Anakin to do would have been to sit down, weigh his options. Either sever his relationship with Padme or with the Jedi Order in order to be with her. There was no dishonor in either decision. At worst, he would have had to turn his lightsaber in and content himself with a life of luxury and raising a family with a beautiful woman who adored him.

Instead he tried to have his cake and eat it too, and got burned for it.

What intrigues me though is what if he didn't lose EVERYTHING, just almost everything? Like he either falls under Palpatine's spell and only realizes that he's been played for a fool far too late, or he otherwise falters at a critical moment and is unable to stop Palpatine from ordering the massacre of his entire order and plunging the entire galaxy into darkness. And now, all he has to his name is his wife, his newborn twins, and a lightsaber.
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Reminder that scene had said rebels missing shots at rock throwing distance and says nothing about the supposed superiority of stormtroopers, only the total retardation of all star wars soldiers.
How many police are there on Earth? Because it's probably gonna be more than that.
>Show up in orbit, declare yourself in control. Establish a blockade. Start slow-rolling a planetary bombardment or population centers until they surrender, then establish a puppet government of local bureaucrats and soldiers who get special privileges for collaboration and imperial officers and political leadership
>Space superiority is an auto-win

Are you okay with being genocidal maniacs?
If you nuke population centers as a default tactic, you`re not going to have a lot of friends in the galactic community.
>It depends on how advanced the army was compared to the rest of the planet.

Lets assume this is a near peer conflict:
If you know what the population of the planet is, and you have a rough idea what size of their military forces are, then you could build an army based on a 3 to 1 ratio.
3 to 1 or 3 to 2 is typically the ratio you need to defeat a defending force and capture an area.

If the planet has 10 billion people, the largest possible army you would need to put together would be 15-30 billion. If you are on a campaign between multiple planets in a series of star systems, you would need a larger army to provide for reserve and garrison forces.

However, the army could be much smaller for a number of factors.
1. Not every man, woman, or child would fight. So maybe only 5% of that 10 billion.
2. The planet may be divided by national, religious, and geographical boundaries. Take a page out of Cortez`s book and turn some of the population against their neighbors. Otherwise, divide and conquer the smaller nations before taking on the largest force.
3. If this is NOT a near peer adversary. Then you can scale your forces accordingly, lower technology adversaries can be out-ranged, outgunned, and out supplied. Though by how much and what level would have to be determined in practice/compared with historical data.
>rebels missing shots at rock throwing distance
Eh, if it was like 30 plus yards and their blasters have the accuracy of RL pistols, I can see it happening

>you'd think the guys assigned to guard one of the most important VIPs in the alliance would be among the most elite.
These guys just watched the actual most elite get slaughtered on Scarif along with most of the Rebel fleet
>it was at that time I noticed Chancellor Palpatine was actually a giant crustacean from the Paleolithic era
If he killed Sheev and followed Dindu's orders they would have allowed him to go free but he'll no longer be a Jedi.

Highly doubt they'll give him the same concessions as conehead master, his species are femoids mostly.
>Hows about 128 people per square mile.
That's going to change wildly with population density. You'd probably want an equation that takes into account the number of people in a square mile and maybe the number of people in each adjacent square mile.
And once you get to large bodies of water things chance completely depending on tech level.

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