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>Chinese PLA continues to conduct exercises involving the transfer of troops and military equipment over long distances using both ferries and civilian Ro-Ro vessels.
What are the tactical advantages of using civilian vessels for transporting troops and military equipment?: https://x.com/clashreport/status/1817092813919518795?t=BpvX2ai3_VicjzVn0JKWkw&s=19
Ro-Ro-Ro your boat
Tactical advantages? It's pretty normal for expiditiary forces to have a fleet of civilian cargo vessels they can use on hand.
All logistics is warfare. All warfare is logistics.
>What are the tactical advantages of using civilian vessels for transporting troops and military equipment?
Having a seafaring traffic jam akin to Russia's logistics clusterfuck near the beginning of the 2022 part of the Russian invasion.
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>loading boats onto a ferry is now worthy of a heavily edited propaganda video
It's Chinese and weren't any fatalities though so maybe they are learning.
There is large fleet of such ships with very high capacity. Comparing to dedicated build military landing ships. You can move MUCH with civilians ships.
do artillery-launched sea mines exist? what range do they have?
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Because more troops and equipment can fit inside them, and they're self-sustaining during peace time.
USN uses ro-ro ships and container vessels to transport tons of machinery from America to the ME/Yurop/Japan.

They just guard them with a small fleet + lurking sub instead of letting them sail willynilly in the open ocean.

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